#laura bailey said it's all about the blood of you mixed into the blood of me whether i like it or not and what does that mean
pocketgalaxies · 1 month
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bitesizedscion · 4 years
Never-Ending Survey (Saki Edition)
Full Name: Rahelle, of the Nameless Clan
Alias: Saki Sakurai (most know her by this name)
Nicknames: “Saks” (only if one wishes to die)
Age: 20 (ShB, 17 in ARR)
Birthday: 4th Sun of the Third Astral Moon (4th of May)
Ethnic Group: Mixed Seeker/Keeper
Nationality: Sharlayan (technically)
Language/s: Common, “Bastard Sharlayan” (essentially pirate pig Latin)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Relationship Status: In a committed relationship /w Alphinaud (but not Eternally Bonded in canon... yet)
Home Town / Area: The Isle of Intense, in the Bloodbrine Sea
Current Home: Split between the Rising Stones and the Crystarium/Pendants
Profession: Scion of the Seventh Dawn, Inventor
Hair: Black, straight and fluffy. Mid-chest length. (This changes greatly depending on where in canon we’re talking about, or which AU, with most of them being impossible to portray in game. *laughs*)
Eyes: Large, upturned and green (like peridot)
Face: Typical chubby round Miqo’te face with age/clan marks (Face 4)
Lips: Chapped (but “pliable”)
Complexion: Not exceptionally pale but also not very dark, “medium” pasty
Blemishes: None
Scars: Too many to count, magic doesn’t heal everything. Somehow she’s avoided getting any on her neck and face, but her body (esp. her knuckles) are a battleground.
Tattoos: None
Height: 4 Fulms, 11 Ilms (4′11″, short even for F!Miqo’te)
Weight: She doesn’t track this, but she’s got a BMI on the higher end of healthy
Build: Short and curvy, with large breasts and wide hips
Features: Soft and rounded
Allergies: None
Usual Hairstyle: Worn down /w bangs
Usual Face Look: No makeup, messy eyebrows
Usual Clothing: Shorts and thighboots, jackets /w rolled up sleeves
Voice Claim: Laura Bailey as Lucina in Fire Emblem: Awakening (2013)
Fear/s: Being worthless/insignificant (Enneagram), Losing her sense of self
Aspiration/s: To get the Scions back to the Source, to stay sober, to protect Alphinaud and Alisaie
Positive Traits: Observant, Tolerant, Creative, Honest, Loyal
Negative Traits: Overly-sensitive, Rough/Crass, Cynical, Aggressive/Violent, Distrustful
Temperament: Melancholic/Phlegmatic
Soul Type/s: Artisan/Warrior
Animals: Black Panther
Vice Habit/s: Avoiding eye contact, laying her ears back, exaggerated tail movement/whipping, crossing her arms and turning her back
Faith: Walks a weird line between Theism/Atheism, lmao. (Basically, “I know Gods (plural) exist, but I fucking hate them.”)
Ghosts?: Undecided. In the case of “hauntings” or ghosts that do not have a physical form, she believes them to be more like “shadows created by the minds of the living” instead of being actual spirits/souls.
Afterlife?: The in-game scientific explanation — that one’s soul is reincarnated without it’s memories after a time, but one’s aether dissipates and one’s body rots and returns to the earth. Generally believes, even so, that those we lose cease to exist as we know them when they die.
Reincarnation?: See above
Aliens?: I don’t... know? *stares at Hraesvelgr* (OOC)
Political Alignment: Mostly apathetic/semi-resentful about politics, but values individualism as a personal philosophy
Education Level: Severely basic formal education, years upon years of self-study and hard-earned experience
Father: An as-of-yet unnamed Nunh, who challenged and overtook the previous Nunh because he fell in love with the man’s counterpart, the head female (who had already sired multiple children with the previous Nunh) and wanted to stand beside her as her equal.
Mother: An as-of-yet unnamed head female of the Nameless clan, who had seen several Nunhs come and go and had already given birth to many children. Despite being on the tail end of her mating years, she was impressed by a Tia who defeated her Nunh in order to win her heart and become her equal, and fell in love with him. Saki and her sister were this pair’s only children with one another, born only shortly before their mother went into menopause (personal HC about Miqo’te biology).
Siblings: Multiple half-siblings, all much older than her. Her only true-blooded sibling is Rehane, her twin sister, with whom she (quite literally) shared half her soul.
Extended Family: The Nameless clan itself, though they have been estranged for nearly a decade.
Name Meaning/s: No particular meaning, but her clan’s naming conventions are a mix of Seeker and Elezen due to cultural influence.
Historical Connection?: None
Book: Until recently, she struggled with reading due to severe untreated Dyslexia, but the situation has improved as to where she can read some things. She doesn’t have a specific favourite, but she enjoys books about engineering and will read anything Alphinaud recommends (even if only to debate about it).
Deity: None, hates all Gods.
Holiday: Valentione’s Day, as not only is it close to the Twins’ birthday (headcanon), but she has fond memories of spending this holiday with her lover.
Month: Second Astral/Umbral Moons, because for those two short months, Alphinaud, Alisaie and her are the same age.
Season: Spring and Fall
Place: Ishgard, forever and always. Also very fond of Mor Dhona and Limsa Lominsa, all because of past history/memories.
Weather: Less particular weather, more about temperature. She likes things slightly chilly, but not too cold.
Sound/s: The click of a successfully-loaded firearm, the crackle of a hearth, the rustle of paper being turned, Alisaie’s laugh.
Scent/s: Cooking seafood or meat, warm freshly-buttered bread, vanilla, fogweed, leather, lavender shampoo, the natural scent of a very specific person.
Taste/s: Rich things (like cream-based soup), seafood, garlic bread, coffee (but only secondhand *wink*)
Feel/s: Silky hair, wood grain, textured paper, the feel of nails/teeth being dragged across her skin.
Animal/s: Completely and THOROUGHLY a dog person. No contest.
Number: Two.
Colours: Midnight Blue, Cactuar Green, Pure White.
Talents: Fixing things esp. mechanical things (magitek appliances, clocks, jewelry clasps, etc.) or taking them apart and somehow putting them back together so they work better than before. Cooks pretty well. Unexpectedly amazing at taking care of her loved ones when they’re injured/sick. Can look at ideas/situations from multiple angles besides her own, making her viewpoint valuable at times.
Bad At: Guessing other’s emotions/view points without conversation, verbal apologies, dancing, turning the other cheek, conveying a point without being misunderstood or obtuse.
Turn Ons: Delicate beauty, long hair, slender necks, but most of all, intellect and passion. Height difference (bigger OR smaller), being towered over/looked up at, and flat-out excessive and obvious attention and affection from her lover.
Turn Offs: Crass, stereotypical “macho” attitudes, being hit on instead of courted properly, people who fetishize Miqo’te, any sort of unasked for non-consensual touching, being patronized or looked down upon, being “coddled” or “handled with oven mitts” because she’s small and/or looks soft/weak.
Hobbies: Inventing (of all types), telling stories, cooking, learning new things in general.
Tropes: Little Miss Badass/Broken Bird, The Gunslinger, Sugar-and-Ice Personality, No Social Skills, Deadpan Snarker, Pragmatic Hero/Chaotic Good, Jerk with a Heart of Gold/Took a Level in Kindness, Two Siblings in One/Merger of Souls, etc.
Quote/s: “Quite honestly? I can’t be arsed to give a single swiving fuck about this good/evil, light/dark shite. We’re all painted in shades of grey, and if someone endeavours to understand me, then I’ll attempt to do the same — I guess. Whether or not they are friends or foes needs not apply.”
Mun Questions
Question 1: If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?
Answer: Oh, Gods. Knowing her issues it’d probably be something depressing like Eternal Sunshine in a Spotless Mind or Requiem for a Dream. *pained laugh*
Question 2: What would their soundtrack/score sound like?
Answer: Early 2000s rock anthems. Green Day (esp. the songs from American Idiot), 30 Seconds to Mars, The Killers, Three Days Grace, The Fray. My Saki muse also really likes Kenshi Yonezu for some reason? (Uma to Shika, anyone?)
Question 3: Why did you start writing this character?
Answer: She evolved from an Raen Au Ra Samurai WoL from Othard, who had trust issues because her father had allowed a Garlean soldier to slit her throat (severing her vocal chords and making her permanently mute) instead of giving away the names of resistance operatives. Truth be told, they don’t have much in common anymore — the themes of trust stayed, but everything else is very different.
To tell the truth, I don’t passively create characters. I purposefully flesh them out and write backstory and indulge in their personal journey/story in order to enjoy the game, which is probably why the last game I actually finished was Mass Effect 3 the year it was released. ಠ_ಠ
Question 4: What first attracted you to this character?
Answer: Mostly the potential to explore darker themes and relational trauma of my own. She’s a very personal character (to me). That said, she also embodies some of my ideals, and we’re nowhere near the same (nor is she a self-insert).
Question 5: Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
Answer: The subtext. THE SUBTEXT. Saki is NOT a character who says what she means, often forcing the people around her to read between the lines and that’s so, so hard for me as an Aspie.
Question 6: What do you have in common with your muse?
Answer: Feeling disconnected and alienated from others, and having a lot of built up trauma surrounding connecting and interacting with them. Not going into much more detail than that.
Question 7: How does your muse feel about you?
Answer: She... doesn’t really... know I exist. I don’t really attempt to converse with any of my characters like that.
Question 8: What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?
Answer: Alphinaud, obviously. Their relationship is strongly influenced by the “enemies to lovers” and “belligerent sexual tension” tropes, I think, since they don’t like each other at all at first but come to love one another through intellectual compatibility and conscious effort to understand each other. The rest came later.
Her and Alisaie have a strong sisterly relationship, one that eventually extends to include Ryne when they meet her.
In my Amaryllis AU she works alongside other WoLs, namely my sister’s character Syhrsyng Agatwyn and my friend Csilla’s character Csilla Beleth.
Question 9: What gives you inspiration to write your muse?
Answer: Everything under the sun. I’m always imagining her in situations I experience or see on the internet, only a quarter of which actually get written down.
Question 10: How long did this take you to complete?
Answer: ಠ_ಠ
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