#let me know if you want anything changed
phantasmalnightmare · 7 months
Starter for @despairs-memorial
Junko stared down at the board member listlessly. "Heyyyy. Don't give up already. I just took one eye. Don't you wanna like live or something? Pretty L to just give up like this if you ask me." She huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms across her chest. The man had stopped struggling and crying after she'd taken his eye. She grabbed a spoonful of curry and placed his eyeball on top, bringing it to his face, but the spark of hope that had been in his eyes earlier was long gone. "Say Ah~" She trilled, and forced the spoon into his mouth, but the man had no strength to chew, or even to spit, as the curry mix fell out of his mouth, and dribbled onto the front of his shirt. "Ick."
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"BORING. Hey sis!" She called out, knowing that Mukuro was somewhere else in the small house. "Get your fat, smelly, ugly ass in here! I need someone to take out this garbage." The Fashionista kicked the man with her heel for emphasis. She wore very sharp and sturdy stilettos, and the heel sank into the man's leg with a satisfying squelch.
The man was still alive and managed a small whimper, but he was already in the realms of despair. "Where is that ugly cow!? Do I have to do everything myself? I don't wanna kill someone who's already broken. It's like totally no fun." She pouted.
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dragonhcrt · 4 months
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There's nothing in his power to stop the moss from spreading and from affecting others. He's been investigating, seeking out information on what is going on, but as far as he can tell, there's been nothing yet.
He hopes Byleth is doing alright.
"Seiros, I think that's the last of them." Now that the area has been cleared of civilians in this part of the district, he's looking around for anyone else hiding.
"How are you feeling?"
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anghexescu · 10 months
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The Isle is a great place for when you want to train without any restrictions. While Klaus didn't have to worry about it anymore, there are those who still do. He's grateful actually that Gabriel had agreed to a couple of sparring rounds with him at the Sky-strewn Isle. Currently, the two angels are taking a short break.
"Mm, truth be told, I'm still learning all the things I can do. I guess you can say in a sense I've been sheltered." Not by his father of course. Should his father had been alive long enough, he probably would have shown him all the things he could do. Morriss could only show so much.
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sashaofravenlock · 2 years
Closed Starter for @apaqualme
Dark circles had formed under her eyes by the time that she was brought to Valinor and before Lord Manwe, the fey hardly protesting her capture or being brought to judgement for a treaty she was only partially responsible for breaking. With her betrothed’s location being unknown to her even after hundreds of years, her judgement was far less severe than she would’ve thought. Being ordered to remain in Valinor and study beneath one of the Valar, themselves was more of a reward than a punishment, though she understood the logic behind assigning her to assist Namo in Mandos compared to any of the other Valar.
It was only when she was brought before the Vala himself that nervousness took over, the fey looking up to him with worried eyes before bowing to him. “Lord Namo, I hope I will be of good service to you.” 
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scaravd · 7 months
There shouldn't be many plants left still in the forest this late in autumn. Then again, he hardly knows the biomes of this (unsanctioned!) universe, having had no time to research before he was so unceremoniously yanked into it. Maybe there is still some barberry or rose hips there to forage, so he ventures in, sifting through the fallen leaves with a (normal, wooden, recently purchased) cane for anything still growing.
And it's quiet here. He has no issues with crowds, or noises (even if he is not too fond of mortals that make them), but it's nice to have a moment of silence to himself sometimes.
(Glob knows he won't have that when he returns back to the Time Room.)
Of course, a little solitude is too much to ask for, isn't it. His ears pick up a sound of someone approaching and more on instinct than thought Scarab grabs the branch of nearest tree and pulls himself up to sit on it, leaning against the trunk. Lack of foliage does leave him more exposed, but if he stays still an untrained eye won't spot him regardless. And with a trained one, more leaves would likely not save him.
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heclingmuzik · 7 months
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"Break! Step back two steps!" Ismael warns before she lets loose three arrows toward the portal. Everything is such a mess right now. How did this even happen? WHAT exactly was happening!? One moment she had been at Sal's world and then the next she saw---well, everything that was familiar from her world. It was like water to a book, bleeding in and blending together in such an ugly way.
She's glad she's found Break and it looks like Break is trying to get rid of these portals to stop everything from merging into one another and such.
"Break, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" She approaches him quickly.
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witchgaunt · 1 year
@familyname ♥'d for a starter
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Irascibel first suspected something was afoot when she awoke on the shore of the Black Lake around mid-afternoon in, by the looks of it, Spring. Ordinarily, that on its own would have been fine, except it had been late Autumn the last time she checked, not that she remembered falling asleep in the first place. How odd.
Deciding against wasting any more time down by the lake, she hauled her satchel over her shoulder and started trudging towards the covered wooden bridge. It was a practiced route Irascibel took for foraging, day in, day out. Still, there was a distinct feeling that something had changed. The dark trees swaying in the wind appeared older and taller, the path was more worn down, the ferns were growing in different places, and the row boats on the shore had all but vanished, leaving only driftwood and rocks.
Just as she got to the top of the hill where the bridge began, her gaze fell upon a stranger, a student with white blonde hair walking towards her. The young man was clearly a Slytherin, around her age, but she did not recognize him. A new student, perhaps? That did not explain the different uniform though.
"Good afternoon. I don't believe I've seen you around before," Irascibel greets in her polite Scottish accent. "Are you new?"
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lilacxrosesx · 20 days
the moment his phone lit up with a message he raised an eyebrow with curiosity. it was quite late, but still there was an air of mystery about who it could be without having messaged anyone else first or awaiting a reply. when he saw april's name he was convinced it was something witty, but when he noticed there was a picture attached the moment the message was opened there was no going back now. he was in complete awe of what he had seen, his mouth falling open with surprise. as much as they didn't see eye to eye, he was not at all blind to the fact she was heaven sent in her appearance. but this was something else.
text to april: well.. that was something i wasn't expecting.
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introversions · 6 months
a starter for @copingmchnsm based on x.
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"'e's got a mug uglier than mine!" liam exclaims over the thumping music, gesturing to wherever their date had run off to. "you're looking real pathetic about now." he scoffs, folding his leather jacket-clad arms. "you could really do better at pissing me off."
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lykosog · 6 months
@malka-lisitsa liked for a small starter
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Ever since king Robert's arrival, both of his parents seemed to be as occupied as they had imagined they would be so Robb decided to take upon himself to help with the last preparations ❝ we will need more candles there... ❞ he began, pointing to the place in question ❝ and more food just in case ❞ the fire haired added. Gaining himself a confused look from the servant beside him before he nodded and left to fulfill his orders.
It was then, as he scanned the room in order to find anything else that could possibly be missing, that he noticed her with her brown hair and eyes. Seemingly searching for something without much success. ❛ She looks like she needs some help ❜ the Stark thought, and thus took a few steps towars the girl ❝ forgive me, but you appear to be lost ❞ he said now standing just some meters away from her ❝ is there anything I can help you with? ❞
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lostrnkets · 7 months
closed holiday starter for @vvhimsicals feat. vanessa
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"listen I wouldn't ask this unless I was completely desperate," it was already hard enough to be breathing the same air as her ex but now she had to ask a favor that could potentially blow up in her face. "I need you to come home with me for christmas and pretend that we are still together. I can't look my mom in the eyes and tell her the truth - not right now." all her mom ever wanted was for vanessa to get married and start a family, she couldn't dare crush her dreams of that around the holidays.
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dreamingblacktabby · 1 year
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May I request Trans Fem Enby Poppy?
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voltageoustitched · 8 months
@arcencielreve jolted the ♡ and sparked a new interaction for Clawdeen!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀" The Halloween ball is soon and I have no idea what to wear this year! Clawdeen, you're one of the most fashionable monsters I know! Could you help a ghoul out? "
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀All seemed hopeless as Frankie pleaded with her best fiend to come to her first-aid. It was vital that she show up looking fab. All the normies and monsters would be decked out and looking fierce. The new creation would die if she didn't honor such a spook-tacular and meaningful howl-iday. The strained stitches of the stressed out girl were seconds away from popping from how much they had been picked at. To a high school girl, it was important to maintain a reputation. Of course, no one would fault the well-liked and kindhearted simulacrum for wearing a repeat outfit, yet her mind was racing, thinking about what kind of lecture Cleo would give her.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Looking at the time on her iCoffin was making matters worse. " I'm not even technically alive, but I'll totally PERISH if I don't figure this out! " A bit dramatic, yet one had to admire her enthusiasm for everything un-life had to offer.
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bxsiliisk · 11 months
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"Try not to get on their bad side, yeah? They have a bad habit of turning people they don't like into...things." He's had that happen to him before. "They turned me into a frog at one point." The pixies don't seem to dislike him anymore though! They're messing with his hair and greeting him.
He must have given them a piece offering of some sort.
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empire-at-war · 2 years
kink of the day: Leather
additional kinks/warnings: exhibitionism, dirty dancing
characters: Shavi and Annila @kaosstar
A/N: Even though Shavi likes to compare the two activities, I think dancing is much harder to write than fucking, but perhaps it's just that I have more practice with the latter. Also: @sullustangin's Eva and the ladies of her crew make make a guest appearance in this one, woohoo!
*** Shavi loved dancing. There was no real art to it, he just followed his instincts, let his body move to the beat of the music. It came as naturally to him as breathing. Or fucking, if you wanted to use that comparison. Shavi grinned at the thought as he rolled his hips in a particularly suggestive dance move. And iIf dancing was like fucking, then dancing on a stage like this was a lot like... well, like fucking in front of a crowd. He was no poet, admittedly, but he was a damn good dancer. The credit chips that landed at his feet were proof of that, but he only needed to look around to find further evidence of his talent. All eyes were on him, and he loved that feeling too. The crowd had been growing all evening, and they were all admiring him, undressing him with their eyes. Not that he was wearing much he could take off at this point. All he had left on him were his tight leather pants, hugging his ass and legs in a way that left very little to the imagination. Shavi ran a hand down his chest, then further down to rub suggestively against his groin, grinning at the whistling sound coming from one of the tables. Wait, was that...? His grin widened as he recognized Eva and her crew in the background. The ladies were having a party, it seemed. The grumpy Zabrak didn't appear to have a lot of fun, but from what he remembered that was kind of typical for her. He waved at the group of women, throwing a kiss in their direction, never stopping his hips as he turned around and slapped his butt a few times. Shavi liked to think he made at least one of them blush, though he was fairly sure it wasn't Eva. That one sure didn't blush easily.
When he took a little break and downed one of the drinks his adoring fans had paid for, the music switched to a slower, more sensual piece. Shavi was delighted to spot another familiar face in the crowd, but he was also a bit confused. What was Annila doing here? Another undercover mission, or a stakeout perhaps? He saw her flushed face and the way she looked at him and suddenly he could almost imagine she was here just to watch him dance. She'd known about his appearance on stage after all. And even someone who hated fun as much as Annila did couldn't resist his charms forever... Before he could think things through Shavi had already jumped off the stage to stand in front of her, tapping his foot to the music. He leaned close to whisper into her ear. “Hey there, gorgeous. I had no idea you'd be here tonight. You here for business or pleasure?”
He loved the way her breath hitched at that. “You're drawing attention,” she gasped, but that kind of confirmed she was undercover after all. Shavi was honestly a bit disappointed that she wasn't here to watch him, but this could still be fun, couldn't it?
To the cheers of the crowd his hips took up their sensual movements again, rolling back and forth to the rhythm of the music. Annila gaped at him in shock, her eyes wide and her shoulders tense. She was looking directly at his crotch to be more precise, as it was only inches from her face. Her mouth was open but no words were coming out. “Act natural,” he smirked and grabbed her hands, placing them on his stomach, then moved them down to his crotch area.
She didn't resist, but he could tell she wanted the ground to open and swallow her whole. He could also tell how much she wanted HIM in that moment. And while part of him felt kind of bad about embarrassing her, another (much louder) part of him wanted her to keep looking at him like that.
He spun around and bent over, giving her a good look at his ass. He barely felt the tentative touch of her hands through the leather, but he still felt triumphant. That even famously stoic Annila couldn't resist him was quite the ego boost. There was nothing more to it, of course. He pushed back into her touch, hearing several gasps and jealous comments from the other people watching, but he no longer cared about them. Suddenly all he could think of was how much he wanted to be alone with Annila. How much he wanted to dance for her in private. Have her run her fingers down his ass without anyone looking.
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sayonaradumbass · 1 year
"Yesterday's Enemy, After All Is Said And Done, Is Still The Enemy"
It’s another long day at the office, and you know, you have to sometimes appreciate the little things. Being able to both work remotely and on the go? Some people would kill to travel and work from home when the time calls for it.
Of course being on call 24/7 has its drawbacks. Many, many of those. Thankfully it’s daylight right now, and there’s air conditioning. But the situation isn’t the greatest.
Doctor Mrs. The Monarch is flipping through folders, pictures and profiles of young hopefuls, and her blue eyes are drawn to the young one before you.
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“I just don’t see it, kid. No offense, but you haven’t got that look in your eyes, that hunger. What made you come all the way out here to hench for someone?”
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