#lightly suggestive but nothin too spicy
thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
This work is a collab between me and @moonamite!
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borgatabent · 7 years
Heist Plan Log
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:19 AM Sits in the kitchen making spaghetti and meatsauce. Lots of it. For reasons. Definitely legitimate reasons.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:21 AM Drawn by the smell of Spaghetti, he takes himself a seat. A scrutinous peer at the pot. "Smells good."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:22 AM Turns around, wearing a "Kiss my Heart" apron that has a butt on it. "S'almost done. New recipe I'm tryin out."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:25 AM Lights up a cigarette and pulls the "newspaper" from beneath his arm, opening it up to take a gander. "What's in it?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:27 AM "Prospitian." You grin wide.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:27 AM "Ohhh." A shiver and a smirk. "All white meat. The good stuff."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:29 AM "Nothin but the best." Dip your spoon in and taste it. Yep, thats prospitian alright. Tastes like sausage, a little spicy but not as hearty as beef. "Wanna taste?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:30 AM "I'll let you finish. Never let a work in progress spoil the surprise of the finished product."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:30 AM You shrug, turning back to stir the pot. "Fair nuff. Anythin interesting in the paper today? Been kinda quiet on the far side a the river since... well, yknow."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:32 AM You pretend you aren't perusing your GRAY LADIES periodical for SOPHISTICATED GENTLEMEN and turn down the corner to get a look at the newspaper. "Nope. 'Still no leads on the arson case, and bombing case.' And the Mayor's aide gots themself a new puppy. Cute little bastard."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:35 AM Droog is a classy guy, but youre no fool. You just dont get why he has to read his smut in public. "Huh. Figures. At least theyre writing about important stuff." You snort, stirring the noodles.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:36 AM "Yeah, well." Tap the ashes. "Ain't like they've got anything more interesting to talk about. The green fucks have been all busy drying each other's tears or some shit, sucking each other off, who knows. Been quiet. But we have too."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:36 AM arrives 15 minutes late with coffee "hey" siiiiiiiiiiiiiip
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:37 AM "Hey, Deuce."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:38 AM "What is going on?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:39 AM "Boxcars's making dinner. Spaghetti." Another drag of his cigarette. "LAM enting how quiet shit's been."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:40 AM "Too quiet."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:40 AM "Oh that was the delicious smell, nice nice." another sip "i like the silence, it helps me sleep at night" "Unless you mean the silence on the streets"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:40 AM Laughs. "That too."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 3:42 AM "Personally," says Slick, his voice coming from down the hall. He doesn't continue until he has arrived in the kitchen. He's grinning, papers rolled up under his arms. "I think the silence is fuckin awful."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:42 AM A timer goes off and you take the giant pot of noodles off the stove. "Hey boss." You smile, turning back to drain the noodles. "I'm with ya, aint like this city ta stay quiet fer too long."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:43 AM Droog sighs deeply, folds his paper up. He taps it on the counter in front of him, moving his cigarette to the corner of his mouth. "Remember when we were just starting out? A heist every night, it seemed like, making all kinds of noise."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 3:45 AM "I remember," says Slick. He seats himself at Droog's side, taking the pill from his lips to steal a drag. He puts it back and rolls one of the papers out. A map of the city. "Hmn. Look different now than it used to," he comments. It's a newer map. In much better condition than the original map they had way back when. All the pen and knife marks on it.
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:46 AM Back in the before times™. "Needed it back then." You comment idly, fixing plates up for each person at the table. Though you stop to take a look at the map. In the back of your mind you hear 'heist, heist, heist heist'.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:49 AM "This city needs a needs some radical remodelation "
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:49 AM "You just wanna blow stuff up." You laugh, putting a plate in front of him.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 3:52 AM "Yes but i thouth i didn't need to point that out. I can blow stuff up while still teaching the felt who owns this city, it's a win win situation" wink
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 3:53 AM "Now thats a lesson I can get behind."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 3:55 AM Droog smirks and lays a hand on the small of Slick's back, giving it a rub as he looks over the map. "Bigger now. More places to hit."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 4:04 AM "So any place that makes your mouth water ,boss?"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 4:20 AM Slick cackles to himself, peering over the map. A few key points are circled in red. Many others in green. Those are for later. "These circles, here," he explains, "Are neutral territory. I tried to strike a deal here--" He points to a large casino in the middle of town, "And they turned me down. I told them I'd make 'em regret it."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:21 AM Three more plates down on the table, piled with spaghetti, well away from the map. Just in case. "Sounds like a promise we should make good on."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 4:22 AM A nod of thanks towards Hearts, and he says, "Never been one to break a promise."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 4:33 AM Slick is buzzing with excitement. He looks to his men with pride. "So I take it you're all with me?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:35 AM You grin, lifting a fist in excitement. "Hell yes, boss. Till the end."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 4:35 AM Droog smirks again and he says, "No place else I'd rather be."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 4:42 AM nods "of course boss!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 4:47 AM He grins, content. And he enjoys the fuck out of his spagetti, unraveling the papers beneath the map. Blueprints, already bought off one of the original designers of the building. An ex-runman for the Crew. Retired. But still willing to offer Spades a hand, all things considered. He says to his men, "Their security ain't a joke but they ain't loyal, neither. Bought half those boys behind the cameras are Crew loyalists and the other half can be bought off."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:49 AM Take the apron off and sit at the table, eating quietly as you listen. "S'cAM eras all they got?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 4:53 AM "Imagine they gotta have bodies manning the floor. Maybe something meatier behind the curtains, so to speak."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:54 AM You snicker and crack your knuckles.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 4:56 AM "Nothing would be a problem depending on how the boss wants to do this, silent and deadly or just ...you know. " Deuce imitates a 3 gunshot noises and a register cash one.
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 4:57 AM You choke on your spaghetti trying to hold back a laugh. Well said, Deuce.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:01 AM Droog snorts, taking up his fork and spearing the spaghetti. "Why not both?"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:02 AM Slick sneers, leaning over his plans. "Yeah, boys, this ain't an undercover job. This is a fuck-you job. This is a, We are the Midnight Crew and this is Our Town, job. We take out their best turncoats, we steal their best Crewmen, make off with the dough, and then we level the joint to remind everyone who they're messin' with. The neutral joints make me sick."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:06 AM "We'll need a bit of finesse to get inside. Nothing undercover, but not goin' in, guns a-blazin."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:11 AM "Your expertise," says Slick, smiling at Droog matter of factly. He takes a bite out of his spaghetti, eating it like a goddAM n savage. No slurping noodles for this guy. Just biting in. Fuckin delicious.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:12 AM Droog tosses Slick a wink, chewing thoughtfully. Ahh. Such tender Prospitian. "My compliments to the chef," he says lightly to Boxcars, his eyes still locked on the blueprints and plans. Searching...
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:12 AM Nod in agreement. They need to pick a side. The right side. Or...is it the left. Whatever. "Thanks, doll." Its your new favorite. "So we're workin from the inside out? How're we gettin in?"
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:15 AM "we could make it moon landing style?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:16 AM You tilt your head. "Whats that mean, Cassy?" Arent you already on the moon?
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:19 AM "Who wouldn't be around such gorgeous man" wink wink "i mean like " again with the noises this time of a car accelerating and then crashing drAM atically " and then we get our entrance spot"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:21 AM You laugh again.
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:22 AM Slick wags a finger at Deuce. Although he doesn't seem upset by the idea, it's clear it ain't gonna fly. "We make connections. Get get our men in there and get information out. Then we strike. Gotta be smooth."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:25 AM he shrugs "ok then, just a suggestion. I will run with whatever plan you have boss"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:27 AM You clear your throat. Right. Smooth. "Maybe we can try out a new face?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:28 AM "New face could work. Fix ourselves up, look like someone we ain't. Get in that way. We can..." Droog imitates the noises Deuce made. "...our way out, once we've finished bleeding them dry.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:29 AM deuce claps delighted by droog's will to mimic his silly noises "i like the new face idea but wouldn't that take a bit of our glory?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:30 AM "We take the new faces off once we're past the security problems, see? Go in with new faces, leave with the old ones."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:34 AM "Ooooooooooooooooooooh"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:38 AM You nod. "Suit up, get in, take out the muscle." Time to break out those new iron knuckles.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:40 AM "Oh we are doing it now?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:41 AM "Well, no. We've got this delicious fuckin' spaghetti to finish, at least."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:42 AM he nods while finishing his pasta and checking his phone, talking with his mouth half full "i was going to tell Clover to hang out with me but i guess it will be some other night"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:43 AM You frown a bit, choosing to ignore the mention of Clover. "Wonder what face I should choose. Havent had ta switch it up in ages."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:44 AM "Doesn't have to be drastically different. Just noticeably different."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:45 AM "I want to be a woman for tonight!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:45 AM Slick nods, seating himself back down. He'd stood up in his excitement. "You fellas make me proud, you know that? God, I can already feel the adrenaline comin on."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:45 AM Suddenly struck by either genius or idiocy, you cover your face in a poof of purple smoke and come out with Droog's face. Tattoo and all. "How do I look?"
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:46 AM "Handsome!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:46 AM "...Buff Droog."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:46 AM Droog blinks once before saying, "Handsome. Proportion's off, but I guess you can't beat the original."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:46 AM "I would take both"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:47 AM Slick turns to Droog with a cheeky grin. "I've always wanted you to impale me. "
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:48 AM You make a kissy face at them.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:48 AM Droog barks a laugh, brandishing his fork at Slick. "You can get impaled all night long, after we bust the place wide open. Capiche?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:49 AM You laugh as well, face returning to normal. It felt weird, you're glad you didnt have a mirror. An arm goes around Deuce's shoulder. "Lets do each others faces, huh? It'll be fun."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:51 AM "ahaha yes!" do it wonderwoman style and make circles before poofing into a miniature boxcars "MY DICK IS THE SIZE OF THE RADIO TOWER OUTSIDE" "ahahahah!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:51 AM "Capiche." "Holy fuck."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:51 AM "Frog alive."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:51 AM "Fuck" You crack up again, smacking a hand on the table. "Alright, if thats how ya want it." You stand up in a controlled explosion and come out as a giant deuce. "I'm human married ta a crate of tnt."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:54 AM Droog snorts a laugh, waving his hand in the air. "Botha ya, too fuckin' much."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:55 AM You cast a sheepish grin at Droog, laughing quietly. "Guess it wouldnt exactly be a disguise if we were each other, just different sizes."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:55 AM "I want to human marry a crate of tnt!"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:55 AM "I knew it!"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:56 AM "No, it wouldn't. A good exercise though." Droog points at Deuce. "I don't think that's a thing."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 5:57 AM Slick turns to Droog, now wearing his face, plus a darker complexion and an eyepatch. "Am I beautiful."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:57 AM "You've always been"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 5:57 AM You fall back into your chair, cackling loudly.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:58 AM Droog looks to Slick. He deadpans for a long second. "More beautiful than ever before."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 5:59 AM "Why i can't human marry a tnt crate? you guys destroy my dreams" disguise changed to a mini slick "i mean the boss can marry his knifes but i can't marry my bombs?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 5:59 AM Droog's face shifts into Slick's, albeit paler, several of those thick locs now shocked white. "I ain't marryin' no fuckin' knives, Deuce."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:00 AM "An impostor!"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:00 AM You laugh still, sweating just a bit as you poof back to your normal skin. Its been a little longer than you thought since you used this much magic.(edited) "I wish I had a camera."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:01 AM "Once we're done with this heist, Boxcars, you can afford any and all the cAM eras you want." Droog observes the light sheen of sweat on Boxcar's forehead and checks his watch. Only a couple of minutes hold, huh...
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:02 AM Are you saying he's too quick, Droog. Rude. "Fair enough."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:03 AM "This is getting insane."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:03 AM "i think i can do one more. i think i can do a felt"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:03 AM "A whole Felt, huh?" Droog's face shifts into Deuce's, the Boxcar's. "Let's see it."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:04 AM finger snap and a little clover with the wrong shade of green appears tap dance
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:04 AM You watch, smiling wide the whole time. "Holy shit, Deucey, thats real good. Looks just like the lil fucker."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:05 AM "I still can't quite do his skintone, it's a strange green. and the freckles are a pain, but i think it looks pretty convincing!" ok back to normal and to melt on the chai because holy shit this is tiring
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:06 AM Droog nods his Boxcars-y head, not feeling the least bit tired. He says, "Pretty impressive. A bit of make-up work on top of it would seal the deal, I think."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:06 AM "I need to practice the disguises though...i can't seem to hold them for too long and it's a shame"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:06 AM You nod, glad to not be the only one.
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:07 AM Slick would do Crowbar but he realizes it would be inappropriate. He tries his hand at Snowman instead. It's a perfect recreation save the bright stars. He lounges across the table. "Hello boys."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:07 AM "OH FROG NO "
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:08 AM Droog's lip curls in disgust, hissing between his teeth. Which, now, belong in the mouth of Death himself. "Froggin' hell bitch."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:08 AM You sit up in a bit of shock, half smlie on your face. "Shit, boss." So impressive. Star eyes, motherfucker.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:09 AM "Slick this isn't even funny , you will stink the place with BITCH" disgusted noises
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:09 AM His breasts are practically bursting out of his shirt, too small to contain them. "Mmm, tell me more. I clearly get off to being called out for begin the bitch I am~"
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:10 AM "ew ew ew ew ew ew. your boobs are so nice this is not fair!!
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:10 AM "Hah!"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:10 AM He kicks a leg in the air. "Make me a three course dinner and bring me my crown while you're at it."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:11 AM "oh hell naw"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:11 AM "Jesus jumpin' toadstools, Slick, I know you spent an eternity in the void with her, but you gotta stop makin' it look so real. Givin' me the jeebies."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:12 AM You cover your mouth, trying not to laugh, despite the weirdly accurate portrayal.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:12 AM "I think i am not hungry anymore"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:15 AM "Aw dont be like that, Cassy. S'just fer fun."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:16 AM Droog rubs his face subconsciously, remembering briefly the... Incident from a few months prior.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:17 AM "....I don't like her anymore ok?. she's mean...It's not even fun anymore like it used to be"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:18 AM Tilt your head confusedly from him to Droog. Yep, theres definitely something youre missing. "Uh...well, maybe we should try out new looks instead, then?" You offer, a half smile still lingering on your face.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:19 AM Droog continues to rub his face for a moment before looking between Slick and Deuce. "I think these two are onto something. What if we go in as dames?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:20 AM "Ooh, Now yer talkin."
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:22 AM Slick groans. No fun allowed. He turns over and appears as a dAM e. Sleek, short hair. Freckled skin. Luscious lips. Well, he always has luscious lips. Typical flapper look. He grins.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:22 AM Droog points at Slick and he says, "Yeah, just like that."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:26 AM deuce picks a tiny double horned alternian "ive always wanted to do this" "does it look too strange?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:26 AM "Nah, looks good. Real classy."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:27 AM "Like the double-horned look. Reminds me of your boy."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:27 AM "i know! i like this whole 2 theme!"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:27 AM You sit up, taking a quiet breath and shifting into a very lorge lady. Bushy hair shortening out of its bun, square jaw smoothing into soft chubby cheeks. Also the first button of your shirt pops open. "Hows this?"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:28 AM Droog whistles low and gives his hands a clap. "Gorgeous, the three of you."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:29 AM "can i dive into your boobs?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:29 AM You laugh. "Pretty sure yer horns would stab me, Cassy. But sure, why the fuck not."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:32 AM "they are not that pointy, i like the round variety like that kitty girl"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:32 AM Slick pushes his boobs together. "Mmn. Soft."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:33 AM Droog taps his chin, humming softly. "Wonder if my normal dAM e disguise would do it, or if I should try on somethin' new..."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:34 AM "Just for the fun i would say try something different" disguise off, her face is too different from yours it's tiring
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:35 AM "Y'do use yer dame disguise a bit more'n any of us." You point out.
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:36 AM "True. Though most still don't know to connect 'em. Maybe I'll try Alternian..."
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:37 AM "Be my alternian big sis"
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:37 AM "Ha. Let's see..." It takes a bit of concentration, but he assumes the form of an Alternian woman with long hair (a bit still shocked white), wearing ram-esque horns on his head.
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 6:39 AM Slick purrs.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:40 AM "Hello there gorgeous, are you single?"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:41 AM "Damn, nice one."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 6:41 AM Droog curtsies, or pretends to, anyway, while he's seated and not in a skirt.
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:51 AM You smile, though its forced, and abruptly poof out of your female form.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:53 AM "Ah you guys are so gorgeous"
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:53 AM "Same ta you, cutie. Come here often?"
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:54 AM "I'm new in town maybe you can show me around" wiggle eyebrows
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 6:54 AM "Sure thing. I know this great casino. Bout ta come under new management." Snicker.
Clubs Deuce - Yesterday at 6:57 AM "Oh really? i hope the new owners are gorgeous as you are~" pfff "AHAAHHA"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 7:06 AM Slick laughs as well. Resting his cheek on his knuckles. "Alright. We got the looks. Just need to figure out the next steps."
Diamonds Droog - Yesterday at 7:19 AM "That's steps 1-6 then. I suppose the question is, are we favoring bleeding them dry first, or going straight for shooting the place up?"
Spades Slick - Yesterday at 7:29 AM "Bleed dry. I want everything."
Hearts Boxcars - Yesterday at 7:30 AM "Think they got a vault?" You glance down at duece. Best way to get into one of those is exploding things as far as youre concerned.
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