#like eilan doesnt die in one
serbarris · 4 years
i have so many aus for my ocs it’s ridiculous
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serbarris · 5 years
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Faralen Sabrae, Ambassador
Nickname: Rae
Reason for name: Faralen means “hunting star” she has loads of tiny freckles so they’re like stars
Birthday: 8th Bloomingtide
Race: Dalish Elf
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Place of birth: near Gwaren
Places lived since: Brecilian forest, Sundermount, Amaranthine, Emerald Graves
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: Faralen’s father, Eladd was the healer under Keeper Mahariel and Marethari, but unfortunately passed in 9:27 Dragon. Her mother, Varliss, is an apothecary for the Sabrae clan.
Number of siblings: Eilan is her adopted brother, they consider Tamlen an honourary member of their family
Relationship with family : Very good relationship with her father
Happiest memory: Faralen used to hurt herself a lot as a child and her dad was Second under keeper Mahariel, he used to always heal her using his magic, telling her to be more careful next time, to which she always replied “i dont have to be careful you’ll always be here to heal me” and he would make it snow a little bit in the room and she loved it so much
Childhood trauma: The death of her father when she was 15 was very traumatic, but also when she was around 18 Tamlen and Eilan went to the ancient ruins and found the tainted Eluvian, she knew of her friend’s excursion and she went to find them.
Children of her own?: Yes 4
If so, relationship with their father?:  Faralen and Vaimah started on a very tense relationship, they were both very solitary. They knew of each other through mutual friend Eilan Mahariel, though after he and Tamlen died in the ancient ruins, Vaimah and Faralen looked out for each other. They slowly but surely relied on each other more than they could realise, grew very close, and fell in love (even if Faralen didn’t realise at the time). They have a very good relationship now, and Vaimah is a constant reminder for Faralen to voice her feelings and they tend to balance each other out nicely.
Age she became a mother: 31 when Caeren was born, 34 when Amoran was born and 38 when the twins; Linneth and Oronth were born
Positive Personality Traits: She loves her Clan dearly, protective, loyal, honest, selfless
Negative Personality Traits:  Very reckless, short-sighted, ruthless, short-tempered
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Interests: Berries, dalish history,
Mood Character is Most in: wistful
How does your character deal with being afraid?: not very well tbh, she mostly lashes out
Any reoccurring nightmares?: Mainly nightmares thinking about what happened to Tamlen and Eilan, later on, dreams about what happened to Vaimah while he was missing  
When are they most in their element?: in the middle of a fight
What do they have a soft spot for?: Literally Vaimah, also children
What events have had the most impact on her life?: Tamlen and Eilan dying and the Blight which prompted her obsession with becoming a good warrior/hunter, leading to her becoming Warleader of the clan.
Enraged When?: 90% of the time
Greatest Strength?: Pride
Greatest Weakness?:  Her pride
Biggest regret: she didnt outright stop Tamlen an Eilan from going to the Ruins, as well as not realising the depth of her feelings for Vaimah, and voicing them before the Conclave and his memory loss.
Height: 5′2
Weight: idk
Build: lean
Nationality: Ferelden
Disabilities: none
Complexion : olive, freckly af
Face shape: heart
Distinguishing facial features: freckles, and scars around her temple and on her nose and lips are very prominent
Hair colour: Auburn
Usual hair style:  cut short, side part,
Eye colour: Green
Glasses? Contacts?: nope
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): casual easy to move around in clothes, she doesnt like to be restricted in her movements, she wears tough leathers when in battle
Typical style of shoes: lightweight resilient boots
Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?):  healthy
Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck her eyebrows?): Faralen does prefer to be clean, but when living in nature you can be lucky to find a very clean stream, she does wear eye makeup as it makes her eyes stand out more
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: .Andruil’s Vallaslin (variation)
Accent?: tiny welsh valley lady
Unique mannerisms/physical habits (bites nails, talks with hands, taps feet when restless): she definitely has resting bitch face, also talks with her hands a lot
Athletic?:  very
Level of education: relatively poor, she is illiterate
Level of self esteem: Quite high after becoming the de facto leader of the clan, it definitely allowed her to get more confidence
Gifts/talents: skinning an animal in like 12 seconds
Shortcomings: She makes some very questionable moral decisions
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.):  clear and blunt
“Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?:  right
Artistic?:  if stick figures count
Mathematical?:  Nope
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: emotions but she thinks its logic
Religious stance: Believes in the Dalish Pantheon
Cautious or daring?: Daring
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: Vulnerable to attacks on her culture, and no matter how pissed she was at Vaimah while he had amnesia she would often threaten any attacks on his abilities due to his health
Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist
Extrovert or introvert?:  Introvert
Current marital/relationship status:  Officially bonded with Vaimah in 9:43 Dragon
Sexual orientation: Bi
Past relationships: none before Vaimah
Primary reason for relationship ending: n/a
Level of sexual experience: n/a
Story of first kiss: Vaimah’s memories had slowly started to return after going into the Fade and being reunited with Faralen. After her very angry confession during an argument the air had cleared between them. They then started to get back into their old flow and they were in the Herald’s Rest one night and they get tipsy and say fuck it.
Story of loss of virginity: Her and Vaimah wait a while, they go at it before the final attack on Corypheus in case the worst was to happen, but Faralen was so nervous and Vaimah had to reassure her it was just him there was nothing to worry about
A social person? : can be when in the mood
Most comfortable around (person): Vaimah
Oldest friend:  Tamlen and Eilan, until they y’know died
Profession: Dalish Ambassador to the Inquisition, Leader of the Sabrae Clan
Past occupations: Leader of Sabrae clan forces, hunter
Passions:  cleaning and sharpening her weapons get the glow on
Attitude towards current job:  helping to save the world with the man you love who barely remembers you is a bit stressful
Phobias: moths
Life Goals: Don’t die
Dreams:  To just live a simple life, settle down, get out of the action.
Greatest fears: Putting the clan in danger, she really fears that they (still) don’t accept her as a slightly unconventional leader due to her not being a mage
Most ashamed of:  The fact she loves those tiny little Orlaisian finger food things that Vaimah hates
Compulsions:  double triple quadrupole checking everything and anything
Obsessions:  berries also vol-au-vents
Secret Hobbies: making daisy chains and little crafts from twigs and leaves etc
Secret skills:  being able to skin most animals in around 30 seconds
Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): not yet
Light or heavy sleeper?: very heavy
Lefty or righty?: neither, she is illiterate and learned to use weapons with both hands so she has no preference
Favorite colour: Green
Cusser?: Yep
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: not for the most part, socially drinks
Faralen full biography | Vaimah’s Character Profile
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