#like honestly just clicking away making the edits is so zen
blazing-dynamo · 3 months
So you know how we’re all reading the EDAs on that crappy pdf torrent / archive that’s been going around for over a decade (that’s when I first got mine)?
I, simply, cannot read poorly formatted books. I absolutely cannot.
So I’ve been creating new ePubs of the books for use in eReaders. I’m having a blast doing it.
If anyone wants them, or really any of the out of print DW books from that torrent, let me know, and I’ll put that book at the front of my queue. I’d love to help the fandom out with my ADHD super power to enjoy tedious monotony, as long as it relates to my hyperfocus.
See also my Listening Order post lol.
EDIT: linked it here since the post with the link isn’t being reblogged as much. EDIT 2: If you'd like to help, or just hang out, I made a Discord for the project. DW eBook Preservation Society
EDIT 3+:
EDAs updated: 30/74
VNAs updated: 1/84?
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annebrontesrequiem · 7 years
Hmn this might be werid but I'm in the mood for angst, rfa + minor trio(MY baes) somehow injurying mc really badly maybe even leaving a permanent scar or something, if they were in an argument or etc, happy or bad ending u'r choice abd it's okay if u don't do this if it makes u uncomfortable
• He knew he wasn’t supposed to do it
• He knew it was bad for him, that it could very well kill him
• He was going good so far, he hadn’t smoked in two months, and hadn’t gotten too drunk in about six weeks
• You were happy about that, and honestly, he was pretty proud of himself
• But one day it happened
• He slipped, and all descended into Hell
• He had lost a role he’d been preparing for weeks to a man who he hated
• And his friends managed to convince him to go out and get a drink
• Well one turned into five
• And a cigarette
• Or two
• It was a miracle he managed to drag himself home, but when he did he sort of lost it
• And not in a good way
• You were waiting for him, after a crap ton of missed calls, and the pictures on the messenger
• You were ready to give him some Advil, put him to bed, and the next day to spend around eight hour lecturing him on the dangers of smoking
• But it didn’t exactly go that way
• When you saw the state he was in you kinda snapped• A shouting match ensued
• “You’re going to kill yourself!!”
• “You’re just being over protective and stuck up, besides, what if I don’t care?”
• “You take that back right now!”
• “Why should I?!”
• Eventually he picked up a plate on the counter and chucked it
• He wasn’t aiming anywhere in particular, and it wouldn’t’ve mattered he was so drunk
• But the pieces of porcelain, along with what smashed on the grounds when he wildly grabbed it, were stuck in you
• In your shoulder, your ankles
• You bit your lip, fighting back the screams of pain as your body burned with the shrapnel-like pain of something being thrown at you at a fast rate, before lodging itself in you, still glistening with cleaning solution
• You ran out, leaving Zen with his thoughts
• In his drunken state he didn’t notice, he just slinked off to bed, falling into a coma-like sleep the minute his head hit the pillow
• When he woke up at first he didn’t remember
• Rolling over to hug you he noticed the bed was empty
• At first his thoughts were confused through the headache and haze of his hangover
• Hangover…
• Shit!
• He ran into the kitchen to see the remains of what happened last night
• Immediately he freaked out, calling Jumin, Seven, Jaehee, before finally clicking on your number. The phone rang about five times, and he was in panic, when finally, finally, you answere
• “Hello?”
• He almost sobbed with relief
• “Jagi! I’m so sorry for what I did, oh my goodness are you hurt, where is it? Please I’m so sorry!
”• The line goes silent for a few seconds and Zen thinks you’re going to hang up
• “Zen, I’m happy that you’re okay. I am currently in the hospital. The porcelain is out, they were worried about infection due to the cleaning solution, but they can now say that is not going to happen. If you just wanted to know my vitals then I’ll be going.”
• Your voice sounds like a flat instrument, the ends dipping down into something, and something unpleasant.
• “Jagi, please, I know, I made a mistake, and I get it, you can leave if you want. Just please, please don’t hate me forever. That would break me.
• You listen on the phone. “Fine Zen, I’ll talk later, I have to talk more to the nurse. See you, bye.” The line dies
• When you’re released from hospital a few days later Zen notices the scars that trace your arm and ankle’s, the one on your arm slightly yellow, scabbed at odd places, the holes from vaccines and IUDs vivid against the dull purple
• He acts so fragile around you
• And though you don’t like to admit it, that breaks you a bit inside
• So you agree to stay
• As long as he gets help
• He nods
• He did something wrong, and you will always have the scars to prove it
• Not him, because sometimes we don’t hurt ourselves, instead we pin our crimes on others
• And he knows that now
• The day you move back into the apartment, over a year later, he is waiting patiently, the pieces of glass still in a box, buried deep in his closet that acted as his own reminder
• Okay, this one was an accident
• Yoosung had been holed up at the library for over twelve hours, agonizing over finals
• He looked more dead than alive tbh
• So when he dragged his way home he wasn’t exactly thinking straight
• You were cooking beef soup on the stove, waiting patiently for him to come home
• “MC…..”
• He stumbled in, bag falling immediately to the floor
• You smiled softly, then went back to your work
• “Yoosung, hwo about you go take a bath, dinner will be ready in a bit!”
• “Ahh, but MC! I’m too tired, let’s cuddle!”
• He went to hug you, but you carefully pried him away
• “After dinner Yoosung, it’s important for you to eat.”
• “But MC!! Dinner isn’t that important!”
• He lunged towards you, going to hug you, but somehow knocked you back
• The broth feel on your elbow, which in turned rammed into the fire, touching the gas distributor
• Your survival skills kicked in, and you managed to get the fire off yourself, but not without screaming in massive pain, feeling like your flesh was dying, eaten away quickly like in those old movies
• Yoosung immediately sprung into action
• Turning the stove off he ran towards his phone and called an ambulance
• When they got there and he explained it the medics just shook their head
• He felt ashamed
• He waited outside the room as they operated on your arm, managing to put some sort of fake skin on it, that would attach to the cells and act like actual skin
• It was the latest technology, but Yoosung couldn’t help but worry
• When you were finally allowed visitors he rushed in and held onto your good hand tightly
• “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
• The tears streamed from his face onto your palm
• You just smiled softly
• “It’s okay, I’ll be fine, there’ll always be a bit of a dark patch, some burn scars, but after some rehab my right arm should be completely functional again.”
• You tried to keep your tone light and airy, but Yoosung could still hear the pain behind the words, the heavy breathing tearing at his heart
• Even when you were released he still babied you
• You were put to bed, and he was getting everything ready
• In the process he pulled up your sleeve somehow
• He immediately began to cry
• The scar was massive!
• Wrapping around your arm, and patchwork of hues, ones that would never fade
• “Yoosung.”
• Your voice snapped him out of himself and he realized he was crying again
• “I don’t care about how it looks. I’m happy that we’re both safe and there was no true long term damage. So please don’t cry, when you do it makes me so unhappy.”
• He put on a brave face for you, but when you were asleep he kissed the bruise lightly, whispered I’m sorry, and fell asleep to the tears in his eyes
• You guys had planned this date weeks ahead
• You two were so excited
• Until Jaehee bought a ticket for herself to go see one of Zen’s plays
• The same day
• Not even two, no, one
• You were obviously upset
• You two had been talking excitedly about it for weeks, it was going to be special
• It was your anniversary after all
• So why did she do that?
• You ended up confronting her about it
• And a screaming match ensued
• “Do you not enjoy my company or something?!”
• “Maybe I’m just getting tired-”
• “Of who, me?!”
• It was going back and forth
• Until a coffee withdrawal-ed Jaehee threw a vase at you
• The glass shattered against your face and lodged itself into your eyelid, barely missing the iris
• But you still knew there was trouble
• You resisted the urge to touch it, but not the urge to screaming bloody murder as you grabbed your phone and ran
• When Jaehee could see past what had just happened she immediately panicked
• Dribing to the hospital, she called Jumin, Seven, and Yoosung by the time she reached there
• When Zen was there she didn’t so much as acknowledge his existence
• Finally, after agonizing hours they were done
• Your vision couldn’t be saved
• The RFA let you two have a moment alone once they were done surrounding you
• Jaehee kneeled next to your bed and began crying
• She apologized again and again
• You just sat there listening, your eye now slightly white with film, a scar weaving its way around the gap
• When she was done you began
• “It’s good that you learned your lesson…”
•He head picked up in surprise
• “…That was you won’t make the same mistake with your next loved one.”
• She began crying again, and you just tapped the assist button and rolled over
• The day that you were released she came over with some flowers
• But you were already gone
• It had been years since she had seen you
• Seven refused to tell her your location
• All she knew was that you were in France
• She waited for you every night
• And one day you came back (edit cause I can’t believe my closeted ass pulled a bury your gays)
• You two were so excited to work on this small cottage
• And you of course insisted that you two work on at least part of it together
• It was a sunny, hot day, and Jumin was working on the tiling, while you worked on some of the piping
• “I’m so excited!” You squealed cheerfully
• He smiled gently at you
• “Yes, it’s going to be the best vacation home anyone has ever seen.”
• You smiled brightly
• That smile lit up his world, you were his torch in the darkness, a spirit leading him out of what once had been darkness
• He still couldn’t believe the ring you wore on your finger, the fact that you had said yes
• “Hey Jumin, could you pass me the wrench.”
• Absentmindedly he picked up the metal object
•And chucked it at you
• It hit your forehead with a thud as you knocked on the ground
• Blood was trickling down your head, and your vision was fuzzy
• A concussion was almost certain
• Jumin’s head whipped up when he heard you fall, and he immediately drove you to the hospital
• It was indeed a concussion, and the scar was unrepairable
• He was beside himself in guilt
• Watching intently as they patched you up
• It took them about three hours before he could see you
• Your neck was in a brace, and the scar was red, the skin sunk in slightly, no wider than a paint brush
• He kissed it softly before apologizing profusely
• You laughed slightly, despite the pain
• “It’s okay, but, um, what the heck were we doing.”
• You had forgot the 24 hours up to when it happened
• He carefully explained everything to you, and you listened
• He felt bad about it every time he saw your scar
• But you assured him that it didn’t matter, what a concussion and a small scar in the grand scheme of things
• Eventually he got over his guilt
• And when you two had children of your own one of his favorite stories to tell them is about how their mother defeated a giant metal dragon
• It was torture trying to push you away for him
• And for you too
• But you kept pushing, and pushing
• You just couldn’t give up
• He would hear your sobs through the thin walls, and agonize over the pain he was giving you
• But it was for the best
• Wasn’t it?
• One day was especially bad
• “Don’t get near me.” He kept insisting
• But you kept pushing it
• Eventually he stopped thinking
• Shutting down he shoved you into a wall, hard
• The room echoed with a crack, amplified to the sound of a gunshot
• His façade immediately disappeared when he saw your curling up around your limp arm, your face scratched, the blood sticking in your hair
• He scooped you up, running towards his car, asking over and over if you were okay
• You were crying into his chest, the pain running through your blood, your ears ringing and your vision half fizzed out
• He rushed you to the hospital, and stayed there the whole time
• When he was allowed to see you he rushed in
• Your arm is in a cast, the bruise climbing up around your joint
• Apparently your arm also popped out of its socket
• He apologized over and over
• And you just said
• “I’m happy you don’t hate me.”
• After a few weeks in hospital, you had an infection and it took a bit longer that expected
• He helps you get into your house, where you immediately go to your room
• After a while he knocks on your door and joins you
• You’re snuggling under a bunch of covers and it takes a few minutes top pop your head out
• You smile at him
• “I’m so happy you don’t hate me.”• “No MC, I could never hate you.”• He kissed you lightly on the forehead• “I love you….”
V• You two were usually really happy together• You leaned on each other and were complete together• But one thing hurt that• The surgery• Whenever if came up you two ended up bickering and pouting for about an hour• And one day Rika inevitably came in• “Just tell me you love her and I’ll be gone!”• “Don’t give me an ultimatum!”• “What, should I just stay here to watch you agonize over another woman!”• That was the last straw• He picked up the first thing he could feel and chucked it at you• It, was his tripod• There was an ear shattering crack• The tripod had broke, and part of it was lodged in your thigh• You grabbed the phone and called an ambulance• V sat there, telling you breathe, trying to comfort you, crying• The ambulance arrived and took you away leaving him• Seven eventually got him over to the hospital• Where you were crying• The bit of tripod cut through nerves, and put a hole in bone• You would never walk again• When he heard that V couldn’t look you in the eye• And if he did you wouldn’t let himFive years later• You had left a long time ago• He saw you sometimes, being wheeled around by Seven or some other member of the RFA• He had gotten the surgery after, to be able to look at the pictures of you scattered around his house• But you never looked at him• He knew it was hist fault, he hurt you so much, he deserved it• So why did it hurt so much?
• He was doing much better• All the drugs had been flushed out of his body• There was one problem left• The PTSD• His attacks, although lessening, were horrible, he couldn’t recognize anyone, he’d scream, throw things, and • You tried to pul lhim out of that darkness, but it took a long time• One day it must’ve been especially bad• You reached out to touch him• And he swiftly took you arm and snapped it• The pain was disconnecting, what was going on, you felt like you were on fire• Who was screaming?• Was it me?• While you were grabbing for your phone to call an ambulance Saeyoung ra in• Pushing past Saeran he scooped you up and took you to the hospital• Saeran just stood there• It took about half and hour for him to process everything• And when he finally woke up it was Hell• He ran to the hospital• When he got there, the whole RFA was there• Saeyoung walked up to him• “She’s in surgery right now, they thought it’d be prudent to take care of it right away.”• Those words chucked Saeran out to sea• He couldn’t process anything, it was like the ground underneath him was made of glass, and he’d just shattered it• It took a few hours, but finally you were allowed visitors• And when he stepped in he knew he was lost again• Your arm was in a metal brace, stitches spiraled down you arm, neat and carefully done, holes pocketed your skin where pieces of bone and vaccines were• The RFA surrounded you, asking if you were in pain, did you need water, smothering you• Saeran stayed in the corner, looking at the people outside passing by, leaning against the wall• “You need to talk to her.”• Saeyoung had snuck up behind him and put his hand on his brother’s shoulder• “She won’t want to see me.” He said flatly• “How do you know what she’s thinking right now? Have you asked her? You matter to her, no matter what she thinks of you, she’ll still want to talk.”• Saeran looked at his brother. “And if she hates me?”• “Well then you know, besides, I don’t think she hates you, she’s too proccupied.” Saeran nodded and, as the RFA began trickling out, walked up to you• “I’m sorry, this is all my fault.” • You looked at him, curiosity written all over your face
“Why is it your fault that you have PTSD?”
Saeran looked up at you, disbelief written all over his face, but you were dead serious
“It’s not the fault of the people who have cancer that they have it, why should it be any different for people with mental issues. Sure I’m really mad, I’m frustrated, I hate this scar, but that doesn’t mean it’s your fault you have PTSD.”
You two talked a long time
And came to a decision
Saeran would go see a professional psychiatrist regularly, and take medication as long as possible
The attacks stopped
He recovered, and what it took was hurting the one he loved the most
Never again
Kids, this is why you don’t run with sharp things
It was a week before April Fools Day, and Saeyoung was having the time of his life
Constant pranks on Vanderwood
It was driving them crazy, and one day it got to much
Achievement unlocked: You’ve officially broken Vanderwood!
The next time Seven tried it again Vanderwood has scissors
They were goofing off, running around, chasing each other
When you had the misfortune to walk in
The room was chaos
But that wasn’t the problem
The problem was that Vanderwood had run into you
As had their scissors
Right into your shoulder
You screamed, and at first they weren’t sure why
Then they saw the scissors lodged in you
Panic mode officially on
The drove you to the hospital, insisting that you mustn’t pull it out, it could cause nerve damage
It’s good they did, because the doctors later said that themselves
The procedure wasn’t horrible
Stitches, salve, then in bed
Unfortunately, it would leave a bunch of scars all over your back
You hated those scars, they were ugly, and they were there for such a stupid reason
Every time you saw them poking out behind your sleeves
Vanderwood felt horrible
You didn’t let it show that they were a bother in front of them
But they knew
Eventually they confronted you
“Do you hate me?”
“Why would I?”
“Because of your back.”
You flinched, and Vanderwood thought they were a goner
“I understand if you never want to see me again.”
Those words echoed throughout them, and their face furrowed in confusion
“I may hate them, and sometimes I may not want to see you, but that doesn’t mean that I want to never see you ever again. That’d be ridiculous.”
You hugged them tightly
“It may have been your fault, but that doesn’t mean I should hate you forever.”
Vanderwood was never more grateful in their life
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