#like. she’s sanctimonious personified.
snickerdoodlles · 10 months
in fandom’s quest for a Cute Coffeeshop Lesbian RomanceTM, people are ignoring the fact that Maggie is not written to be a likable character.
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keyofjetwolf · 6 years
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It’s funny how, looking back now with the idea firmly in mind about Chidi, it seems so very obvious. This entire scene, I took it more at its surface, as a vehicle to learn more about Eleanor. It was abundantly clear that she was in the wrong place, SHE HERSELF IS BLATANTLY AWARE OF IT, and so even knowing the truth of it, I was happily going on along just wanting to see more about her.
I think casting Kristen Bell is also a brilliant stroke here. She plays an asshole to perfection, while also being superhumanly charismatic and funny. So Chidi setting her up for the funny stories and asshole moments seems perfectly legit. What’s there to question about it? He devoted his whole life to ethics and morality, OF COURSE he’d be having trouble right now.
“Tell me one good thing you did so I can feel better about helping you.”
What the shit kind of thing is that to even say? Justify yourself to me TO EASE MY CONSCIENCE. It’s not about Eleanor at all, which as we learn later was par for the course with Chidi, whose paramount concern is at all times his own moral purity; Chidi is fucking Tumblr personified, I swear.
And don’t get me wrong, I fucking love Chidi. I’m giving him a hard time because I think of all the characters, he’s probably the most morally dubious and the embodiment of everything that’s Wrong About All This. But I love that and how difficult and complicated that makes it and him, and what it says about the themes and message of the show that he’s pretty much the central hero. (Not protagonist, but hero.)
Back to this moment, though. Chidi clearly doesn’t think Eleanor belongs in The Bad Place, else there’d be no moral quandary here. He just isn’t sure she belongs in The Good Place, and that’s such a fucking self-righteous judgement call, and I adore it. Chidi’s putting himself in the place of The System, in place of whatever spiritual balance machine makes these kind of calls. How sanctimonious do you even have to be to pull that one off? And on top of that, he’s not doing it for Eleanor’s spirit, or for divine justice, or for the integrity of his neighbors and this afterlife froyo community. He’s doing it so his tummy won’t hurt.
AND IT’S ALL RIGHT THERE. Eleanor herself even brings it up: she was a jerk, but it’s not like she killed anyone. This scene, this conversation, it spreads the whole crux of the show in front of us like these platters of hors d'oeurvres, and yet it’s so easy completely overlook, even when you know there’s something to see.
Such a clever choice, making this a comedy. Such good writing on this show.
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stormscngs · 5 years
captnbard replied to your post “a villain has never made me more unspeakably angry as konstantin...”
Y E P. I ranted at length to @caradocdearborn about my indescribable loathing for him the whole time. Like... wow kudos to the author because I've never hated a character you're meant to hate so effectively.
he’s SO well written literally i’ve never hated a villain more in my life?? tbh he’s so effective because he’s driven by misogyny and lust and greed and his sanctimonious self-righteousness like ,,, this is the kind of man women are basically taught to fear y’know he’s not just a fantasy villain with fantasy motivations. she essentially personifies misogyny as the villain and its GENIUS and terrifying 
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fukette · 7 years
#SheAintGotNoWorries: Trust Me, Tomi Lahren Is Going To Be Fine.
Earlier last week, multiple news outlets announced that following her appearance on The View, Miss Stormfront 2016 Tomi Lahren had been suspended from her show due to her voicing her support for a woman's right to abortion, or as it's known by street hooligans and other social deviants who can't afford health care or their own HBO GO password (looking at you, Greg), Pro-Choice.
Or as most conservatives know it: Snowflake Liberal Immigrant Baby Murder
Like most seemingly innocuous news stories has the potential to bring out the random bursts of "Got ya bitch!" at their laptop screen while in the middle of their neighborhood soy-only conflict free coffee bean cafe, a lot of people have voiced their opinion. On the right, it's pretty much boilerplate indignation and pseudo-sanctimony usually reserved for when politicians surprisingly put party over religion or when your daughter brings her new boyfriend, Carlos, to Christmas dinner. (you know Mee Maw has a heart condition, Stacy!!). On the left, we have...well, remember when they announced the OJ verdict, and you had to reconcile your moral convictions on how murder is bad but you also finally go to see white people take the long dick of a justice system specifically designed for them to prosper within? Yeah, most people support what should be the inalienable right of a woman's choice but, karmically, fuck that lady. It's my professional opinion that her life be filled only with Starbucks lattes made with soy instead of almond milk out of spite and prominent speaking engagements at conservative functions but with the caveat of having an out of shape, male conservative pundit judge whether or not she's pretty enough to go on stage and speak her mind.
"I would expound upon my thoughts further, but Glenn Beck just informed me that my lady parts attract wild bears and, well, I'm afraid I must cut this short."
Not unlike choosing between enjoying an all you can eat crab leg buffet at the seafood spot and responding to your mom's urgent texts about meeting at the hospital because your idiot brother is dying and you're the only one with the same blood type as him, it's a complicated position to be in. She's the ideological concepts of privilege, class warfare, and the right amount of foundation to put on your face before you look like a Hayao Miyazaki anime character personified. Her entire schtick boils down to saying heinous things in support of heinous people and causes that evoke such horrendous emotional reactions from the general public that only serves to raise her profile even further. In light of this veritable Chuck E Cheese of diagnosable personality disorders and generic brand shittery, most people are kind of stoked she finally got reprimanded by the semen and chicken grease-stained hand that feeds her. All this despite the fact that the words that instigated all of this just happens to be the one ephemeral lint of empathy on her cardigan of fuckshit that has inherent empathy. All this being said, you and both know......
She's going to be okay.
Only someone who hasn't had their extensions snatched out by someone who recognized them in a Publix parking lot makes those hand gestures. life has been kind to her.
America always has a bug out bunker in place for famous white people who've temporarily run afoul of not so famous white people. This is neither the end of Tomi Lahren nor a particularly damaging blow to her career. In fact, considering how tirelessly she's been blanketing my Facebook feed for the last two years like nazi-apologist pollen on your Subaru, she's probably long overdue for a vacation. I wouldn't be surprised if she's reading all of these stories about her (that still keep her SEO and Q-ratings up, mind you.) from the comfort of her counterintuitively designed Tuscan Leather beach chair, drinking a Bahama Mama delivered to her by a Hawaiian valet named Charles that she's already decided to call Oriental Joe.
Strong intel says every asian sex buddy she has in her phone is listed as 'Pho King.'
Fully expect her to pull a Taylor Swift by laying low for a few months only to reemerge, like a White-Privileged Pheonix, in some new position with even higher soul-rendering compensation. (By the way, have you ever seen Tomi Lahren and Taylor Swift in the same room together?#staywoke). Don't believe me? Cool. Ask Paula Deen how she's doing nowadays. That is, assuming you can find her in her palatial southern estate that regularly hosts civil war reenactments corrected for historical (read: Confederate Wet Dream) accuracy. Mel Gibson? In a Jew hating hot air balloon composed entirely out of accolades and praise from his colleagues. And so many countless others that go beyond the capacity of my soul's ability to not implode. So go ahead and get your yucks in now, vindicated progressives. But remember, if the last year has taught us anything, it's that ignorance always finds a way inside.
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