#listen because apparently i'm not done imagine keith coming to help out on the farm more
moltensunlight · 7 years
okay because apparently i’ve put more thought into this than even i thought i had, here’s my take on a Harvest Moon au, and y’all know this is gonna be a klance one - literally half (if not more) of this au is based off a romance option in More Friends of Mineral Town
okay so i’m basing this au (pretty loosely honestly) off my personal favorite harvest moon game (b/c it’s actually the only one i ever played lmao): Friends of Mineral Town/More Friends of Mineral Town, and if anyone actually ends up reading this and wants to know more of a summary about the game itself to understand what’s happening in this au then i’ll happily get into that -- but for now while i’m assuming that i’m just talking to myself, 
Firstly, Lance impulse-buying a farm for this au is honestly so Relatable 
Secondly, listen in the game there’s this guy named Cliff who recently moved to town too and he doesn’t have any family and he’s really quiet and kind of a loner and you have to befriend him within the first year of the game or else he literally leaves town forever -- and i can’t remember everything but i’m pretty sure of all the romance options for dudes he’s the one that loves nature the most and i just - does this all not just scream Keith????? 
plus the pastor of the church in the game asks you to make friends with this guy because he has a hard time making friends himself and with a mentor figure like that how can you nOT immediately be inspired to throw a little broganes in the mix here, but okay messing around with storylines to make it 100000 times more applicable to the Lumberjack Keith Living in the Mountains aesthetic that i want: 
Shiro’s a military veteran that moved to this tiny town and built himself a little cottage in the mountains for optimal Rest and Relaxation
he serves as the lumberjack in the town, operating his woodworking business from his mountain cottage
Shiro’s cousin Keith moves in with him for Unknown Reasons not too long before Lance moves to town
Keith helps Shiro with his orders to build/carve stuff for the other townspeople
he’s super closed-off and has no idea how to handle social situations but he Tries
he probably comes off a little rude at first but once the townspeople learn (probably either from Shiro or firsthand experience) that he’s really just an awkward sweetheart they quickly warm up to him
not that this makes Keith any less awkward around people but it does earn the townspeople the occasional grateful smile when they respond to his lack of people-skills with kindness 
Lance and Keith actually don’t meet for a while after Lance buys the farm actually 
Before Lance can even think about having animals on his land he’s got to weed-eat the heck out of the place, and that’s putting it lightly because damn this place hasn’t seen any sort of care for y e a r s at this point and calling it “overgrown” is the understatement of the year -- but basically this doesn’t really require any woodworking yet
plus Keith doesn’t really ever go into town unless it’s for a job, so between Lance spending most of his time wrasslin’ with mother nature and Keith basically refusing to leave the mountains they’re constantly missing each other
they hear of the other’s existence sure, but it’s basically one of those ‘everyone knows this person and talks about them but i haven’t seen them even oNCE and i’m not entirely convinced this isn’t just a giant prank’ situations 
Lance is the new talk of the town what with him being the first person to buy the farm and then actually stick around in  a g e s, but Keith always takes the path to and from town that’s on the other side of a hill from the farm, and basically never really gets a chance to #confirm this gossip  
Everyone tells Lance that if he needs any repairs done or when he wants to fix up the barn & animal pens then he should go talk to Shiro and Keith
Lance has actually met Shiro a couple times now (who has also confirmed the existence of this Keith person) but somehow Keith becomes like the one person in the entire town that Lance has yet to meet
Eventually this is resolved after a pretty gnarly storm rolls through and leaves Lance’s roof with at least five different leaks and Lance has to go to Shiro for help
Keith is actually out when Lance pays the little mountain cottage a visit (Lance seriously doubts the guy’s existence at this point)
There are more storms coming soon and Shiro suggests getting the leaks repaired early the next day, to which Lance agrees, entirely forgetting that “early” in this town actually means “the asscrack of dawn” until Shiro shakes his hand with a comment of “Great, I’ll see you at 6 in the morning then.” and by then he’s already agreed he can’t just back out
Which means that the next day he’s scrambling to make himself look somewhat presentable when he wakes up to a knock on his door (sleeping right through the five alarms he’d set for himself) and flings open the door to greet Shiro- only it’s not Shiro
It takes an embarrassingly long time for Lance’s brain to start working again and when it does of course the first thing out of his mouth is about as eloquent as he feels, “You’re not Shiro.”
Lance isn’t entirely sure how to read the other guy’s face, he can’t tell if he’s pissed off from his comment or incredulous at Lance’s incredible powers of observation- “Congratulations, you have eyes.” - okay maybe a bit of both but really though who has that level of wit this early in the morning?? that should be illegal 
“I’m Keith. I’m here to fix your roof.” - and this is how Lance learns that the Mythical Keith is actually Real
Basically it’s not the best meeting and Lance is kinda put off that he got dragged so hard before his brain was even functioning properly for the day
Plus it’s like whatever circumstances had kept them from meeting in the first place are just gone now because he starts seeing Keith everywhere
Okay goin’ into lightning round here b/c this is already 10 years longer than I was expecting and i still need to write a short paper due tomorrow
Basically Lance starts getting more of the buildings on his land fixed up, which requires Keith (and sometimes Shiro) to be there
(You KNOW Shiro has Keith go help Lance instead of being there himself because he knows Lance and Keith are about the same age and this is a great opportunity for Keith to make a friend)
Keith gets to witness Lance still trying to get used to early morning wake-up times, and while initially it was kind of frustrating as they come to know each other a bit better it becomes Endlessly Amusing
They wind up developing this snarky banter with each other because of it, and even though they’re under the pretense of dragging each other eventually one of them will say something that gets them both laughing
Basically they wind up having a lot more fun than either of them expects to, and this of course do not go unnoticed by the town and probably leads to a lot of comments on it as the nosy neighbors (read: Hunk) try to get them good good deets on the situation
Now while I am making it all sound like fun and games here (which it certainly is, this au has gotta be just as feel-good and chill as the game is), Keith is definitely still mostly quiet and removed from everyone 
Lance probably finds him in the mountains by himself a lot when Lance goes up there to forage or mine
At the end of the day I want it to be this super chill and kind of wistful and feelgood au where Lance slowly learns about this mysterious boy with a mysterious and sad past that lives in the mountains with his cousin
and Lance comes to be a real source of happiness and friendship and support for Keith, which leads to Keith opening up more to the townspeople and making even more friends (Pidge, Hunk, Allura, Coran -- which I already have some ideas for them but I’ll get to that Later)
and Keith kind of unintentionally helps Lance figure out who he is as a person (something Lance felt like he lost while living in the city)
and man i just want a soft good story about two boys helping each other figure out their place in the world and what it means to belong somewhere, but Harvest Moon edition
This concludes my unintentional Essay on a harvest moon au thank you all for coming to my ted talk i hope everyone has a good night 
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