#literally does the ''tv will rot your brains :('' type shit
prompt-master · 11 months
Anyway anyone who says 87 Splinter isn't their father hasn't actually seen 87 because he's just as if not more doting on his sons in 87, the main difference is that they don't refer to each as father and sons
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
Hey, I need a full, like, 30k+ fic of nasty!Steve. Please and thank you. I will send all my love and money.
It's Steve being an ass out of fear and Billy not caring too much to start with because he's just enjoying the tease of him. And then Steve being an ass because he enjoys the power, he sees Billy wanting it more and he starts to enjoy it more with less fear but he still needs to feel a control so he's a little cruel, baits him and toys with him. And Billy starting to feel it but still not wanting to give this up, goes along with it.
And then maybe eventually he draws a line and Steve gets angry and fearful and mean, maybe messes with another guy in a way so that Billy finds out to make him jealous or finds out Billy is messing around with someone else and he starts trying to take them away, but when it pushes Billy further and he gets cold with Steve, he realises he's just hurt and starts to crawl back a little sweeter when he realises he misses Billy and not just what they were doing.
Or maybe Steve just realises he wants to hang out with Billy and not always be doing something, just be around him, talking and laughing and just leaning against him whilst they smoke or watch tv, with no other agenda. And it's difficult and he missteps a lot but they get there and he realises all the shit he done to Billy and starts trying to make up for it, being kinder and sweeter and caring and the way hes been with other partners before, and Billy is overwhelmed with getting what he wanted deep down. Maybe it's hard to navigate and he doesn't react well, scared to give in to it just for Steve to return to that cruel way before? But Steve doesn't. He deals with his issues and communicates more, cares openly with Billy. And Billy starts to learn to believe in his own self-worth and when he struggles, Steve makes sure to help him know it. And they actually start being happy.
I just love what you've done and how you write it, but i hate how it's consumed me and its the only type of relationship I wanna read right now.
I'll live for any little mentions of your nasty!Steve though. Thank you ❤️
genuinely so surprised that people like this whole asshole steve thing ?? but i’m living for it because SAME it’s all i can think about rn.. literal brain rot over over this
and god i love all of this !! it hurts so bad and i love it </3
i kinda don’t consider myself ‘a fic writer’ i’m ngl & i only really post stuff on here rn (apart from like two fics on ao3 that i’m not willing to discuss /hj) & idk if i could promise a whole fic to be completely honest because my brain simply does not work properly & i have the attention span/memory capacity of a goldfish (no joke)
however !! if i do write something longer then i’ll keep this in mind !! i do still have another ask(s ?) to answer about the sad boys dynamic so there’ll be more of me talking about them anyway dw
& my ask box is always open for prompts, suggestions etc etc i love it all (even if i do take ten years to answer i’m sorry) so !! yeah <3
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how i look when i think about this dynamic btw just for a visual - it feels fitting
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cicobuffs · 3 years
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herbert west relationship headcanons
pairing: herbert west/gn!reader (no y/n)
there’s just such severe brain rot when it comes to this man i like him so much
words: 800
This man drinks black coffee like nothing in his coffee just straight black coffee
And unless you also drink black coffee, you’re just in the kitchen like wtf sir how are your tastebuds the way they are
Herbert has passed out in the basement lab before and I’m convinced he has some sort of little makeshift bed or something down there
Okay so as we know Herbert is in his lab for literally H O U R S and his s/o and/or Dan have to drag him back upstairs, on god, everyday
You just gotta thank Dan for helping Herbert back upstairs on a regular basis cause Herbert goes literal dead weight when asleep
Dan doesn’t mind though as to the fact he’s fond of you and thinks you’re good for Herbert
Not everyone would make an effort to lug Herbert up from his lab to an actual bed on a everyday basis
Herbert doesn’t get jealous all that much
At least he doesn’t think he does
He is way too cocky to not be jealous a little bit
The times he sees you and Dan laugh with each other for a bit too long or gaze lingers for more than it should something in that tiny man's head goes WEEWOO WEEWOO go get your partner
This is especially prevalent if you’re in a conversation with someone
He acts even more boastful than he already is and maybe a little bit touchy like an arm around your waist with a squeeze every now and then
This man is touch starved will he admit it? No of course not, his brain won’t let him but if you even give him the slightest bit of affection he’s gonna yearn
If your arms graze eachother he’s just like wow,,,welp that's my touch quota for the day no one speak to me now
He is the type of man to like not go to bed until 5am but would tell his s/o to go to bed at 9pm
You try to stay up for him because y’know you want your dumb scientist boyfriend in bed with you but you cant make it past 3 am
Herbert asks when you went to bed cause you walking around upstairs annoyed him and you were like 2 am and he’s just like HEY that's what i do stop that
He WILL trick his s/o into helping him with his experiments he has no shame
He’s like oh can you help me with carrying something and next thing you know you’re fighting off some random limbed reanimated creature with a broom and sheer willpower
This man has waddled his ass upstairs like “🧍🏻‍♀️can you get the spare bat the one in the lab broke” and you’re just like “sir please how did the bat break and why do i feel like i'm in danger ”
Herbert is entirely like literally just get the bat or shits about to go down
Call this man any type of pet names and he physically recoils
Herbert isn’t the most affectionate person (really he's the most difficult person to deal with relationship wise)
He's also aforementioned very touch starved how does this man function
You can call this man Herby and hes just like gagging mentally
That doesn’t mean he wont accept a subtle in passing “hun” thrown at him
Or on your end, he might call you a shortened version of your name or like “honey”
Don't point it out though unless you want to only be called your name for the next few months
I think Herbert would enjoy just your presence around him
Like if you’re just sitting in his lab reading a book while he’s working
Or if you both are watching tv on the couch
He likes the little things y’know even if that means you two aren’t interacting just enjoying each other’s company
He isn’t the best with physical affection like hugs, kisses, etc.
Wow so romantic when your knees touch while sitting on the couch and he doesn’t pull away
He doesn’t mind occasional hand holding or rather pinkie holding when you both are in his lab late at night
He's at his most touchy affectionate when its late late at night and he's so severely tired
He's too tired to be sharp and cold and he would really much rather be in bed with you asleep
Attached to your side when he finally gets to bed or if you’re still awake you hear him coming up the stairs and you meet him halfway
You lead him to bed hand in hand and its unspoken moments like these that really make you realize that despite his sharp, clever exterior he does care and love you
Just a clever science man wowie :)
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gawayne-replies · 7 years
91 Questions
Oh lord. Thank you @selkatha​ for tagging me in this!
THE LAST – 1. Drink: Water
 2. Phone call: My dad trying to get me to fix the internet 3. Text message: "'A tomato was a foodstuff that could be thrown.'" (a quote from Wookieepedia) 4. Song I listened to: "The Battle Of Gall" by Joel McNeely 5. Time you cried: Monday at 4 am, reading the Kanan comic
 6. Dated someone twice: No
 7. Been cheated on: No 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: I guess but not really in the way you're thinking 9. Lost someone special: Not really 10. Been depressed: Always 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No
 12. Vantablack 13. Regular black 14. Dark red
 15. Made new friends: I guess, sorta? 16. Fallen out of love: I’ve never fallen in love so that would be difficult 17. Laughed until you cried: About once a week in math class 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah, but in a pretty neutral way 19. Met someone who changed you: I started watching Rebels. So yes 20. Found out who your true friends were: Sure, I suppose
 21. Kissed someone on your facebook? Don't have a Facebook, would never kiss someone who has a Facebook 22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? None, don't have Facebook 23. Do you have any pets? Two cats, Leeloo (mine) and Snowpaw (my sister's) 24. Do you want to change your name? Yeah, I guess, idk 25. What did you do on your last birthday? Literally nothing 26. What time did you wake up? 12:30 pm 27. What were you doing at midnight? "Writing" 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Bubble tea 29. When was the last time you saw your mother? Like two hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? No more mental illness 31. What are you listening to right now? The Office 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Probably? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves? The stupid post I have to do on my other blog 34. Most visited site: Either this one or Wookieepedia
 35. Elementary: Alternating years of Good and Hell. So much fuckin snow like that's my clearest memory. So much snow. A mostly-functional education system, that was nice. I went to like five different schools and each had something worth talking about but that'll take too long. (One of them practiced paganism, as it turns out). I moved in the middle of it. Just a very dense time in my life. Too much happened. 36. Middle: Mostly blank. I remember like three things and the rest is a blur of anxiety and dissociation. This is about when I realized that teachers don't actually know stuff, especially if you choose to hire teachers who don't know stuff. 37. High: So far, dislikeable. About half my teachers hate me cause I never do work and the others think I'm a model student (hint: no). I never have to take gym again, though, so naturally I replaced it with philosophy. I can now tell you exactly when the sun rises every morning, thanks J-block band. The third floor became gay this year. 38. College: I'm thinking Waterloo right now, but who knows I might just die instead? I'll probably study either chemistry, astrophysics, writing or music, or philosophy or maths. Who knows?
ME – 
 39. Hair color: Pink, but it'll be mint by next week 40. Long or short hair? Quite short 41. Do you have a crush on someone? Never 42. What do you like about yourself? About half my brain 43. Piercings? Just ears 44. Blood type: AB+ I think 45. Nickname: Occasionally Sherlock, but I mostly get called Daddy Binks these days (or Long Beef Binks, or Daddy Long Beef) (don't ask, you don't want to know). Some people call me Obi on occasion, which doesn't actually come from Obi-Wan as one would expect 46. Relationship status: Single 47. Zodiac sign: Virgo 48. Pronouns: I use she/her but I honestly don't care, as I recently found out 49. Favorite TV show(s): Brooklyn 99, Rebels, Clone Wars, Arrested Development, Parks & Rec 50. Tattoos: Nope 51. Right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? Right-handed
 52. Surgery: Nope 53. Piercing: Ears 54. Sport: Climbing, since I was 3 55. Vacation: Texas? That wasn't really a vacation per say but we never go on vacation 56. Pair of trainers: Well I'm sure I had one, probably, but what does this want? They were probably blue?
 57. Eating: Nothing 58. Drinking: Nothing
 59. I’m about to: Eat, practice, work on stuff 60. Listening to: The Office
 61. Waiting for: Death. Or bubble tea 62. Want: Bubble tea, and death 63. Married: Nah 64. Career: Idfk. Either something to do with space, something to do with science, both, something to do with writing or something to do with music.
 65. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, but those are also generally bad 66. Lips or eyes? Eyes. Unless the lips are playing something really cool 67. Shorter or taller? Idc 68. Older or younger? Romantically, I'm guessing? My age would be better? 69. Nice arms or nice stomach? I don't give a shit 70. Sensitive or loud? Sensitive, I guess. Just not loud 71. Hook-up or relationship? Neither, preferrably 72. Troublemaker or hesitant? Hesitant 73. Kissed a stranger? Depends on your definition of stranger 74. Drank hard liquor? Nope, so far I only like white wine 75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? Don't have them 76. Turned someone down? I don't think so. If I have I can't remember 77. Sex on first date? Nah 78. Broken someone’s heart? Doubt it 79. Had your heart broken? Not romantically 80. Been arrested? No 81. Cried when someone died? All the Jedi at the end of ROTS. Jacen Solo. Chewie. And my dog. That should have gone first, I'm thinking. 82. Fallen for a friend? Nah
 83. Yourself? Only at 5:30 in the morning
 84. Miracles? Not really 85. Love at first sight? No 86. Santa Claus? No
 87. Kiss on first date? Sure, whatever 88. Angels? No
 89. Current best friend’s name: Holly 90. Eye color: Blue/grey 91. Favorite movie: Rogue One, ROTS, Planet of the Apes, Megamind, Star Trek: Beyond
Alright, I'm gonna tag @kenobi-and-barnes, @classy-mantis-shrimp, @crazy-tracyn, @freya-emrys, and anyone else who wants to (seriously you can if you want, I just can't think of people rn).
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componentplanet · 4 years
PubMed Leaps Into Pseudoscience, Links 5G, Coronavirus
PubMed is a free life science and biomedical database anyone can search to find papers published on various topics. It’s been free to the public since 1997, and it’s often referenced by people looking for recent medical studies on a given topic. Because it’s a search engine used by both the general public and medical professionals alike, the decisions PubMed makes about which content to surface in response to a query are incredibly important. Generally, the site has been viewed as a reliable way to find genuine medical information rather than pseudoscientific claptrap.
Unfortunately, that’s not as true as it used to be, as evidenced by the recent appearance of this gem: “5G Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Cells.” The paper is currently online in preprint and awaiting publication.
It makes pretty much exactly the argument you think it does.
It’s not this exact theory, but it’s exactly this stupid.
Rabbit, Meet Hole
We’re going to be talking about credentials a lot in this story, so let’s start with mine. I’m a 19-year veteran of technology reporting who graduated with a political science degree from DePauw University. Jessica Hall, who has written for ET before and has degrees in both biology and mathematics, was gracious enough to help me evaluate both this paper and several others by the various authors we’ll be discussing.
This raises the obvious question: Is an undergrad-level journalist capable of evaluating the deep and sophisticated science of a group of COVID-19 researchers? No. Fortunately, I’m not being asked to. All I have to do is illustrate how an organization that’s given up on safeguarding its own reputation can be used to carry water for conspiracy theorists and the lunatic fringe.
So let’s get started. Here’s the first sentence of the abstract: “In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.” (Emphasis added)
If 5G actually played the main role in producing coronavirus, you’d expect the countries with the highest 5G deployments to have the highest cases of COVID-19. The United States is the undisputed world leader in the latter category, yet our 5G mmWave coverage (and that’s the type these authors identify as harmful) is so bad, Verizon just got in trouble for claiming its 5G network is “nationwide” and was forced to change its advertising.
If 5G causes coronavirus, the worst outbreaks of coronavirus should directly correlate to the places where 5G networks exist. They don’t. They generally correlate to cities (with a few exceptions, such as rural Italy) because urban areas have always been at greater risk during pandemics due to population density and, historically speaking, the difficulties of dealing with sewage treatment, disease, and corpse disposal anywhere humans lived in large numbers.
For examples, see: The Antonine Plague, the Plague of Justinian, and the historical spread of the Black Death following its arrival in Constantinople.
Regarding 5G frequencies, the “scientists” claim: “Its[sic] frequencies are above 24 GHz, reaching up to 72 GHz, which is above the extremely high frequency band’s lower boundary.”
This is the kind of fearful wording intended to imply that the reader is in some sort of danger based on “extremely high frequency.” What it actually indicates is that scientists are really bad at naming things. Allow me to introduce you to the glories of the electromagnetic spectrum, as defined by science:
Low Frequency Medium Frequency High Frequency Very High Frequency Ultra High Frequency Super High Frequency Extremely High Frequency Visible Spectrum. Ultraviolet X-ray Gamma Ray
Remember that time you turned on an infrared lamp in your bathroom and it gave you cancer? No? Huh. Must be all the cell phones rotting your brain. The fact that all of the damaging energy known to harm humans is sitting above visible light while everything known not to be harmful is sitting below it, including 5G signals, is surely some mistake.
But this team of sciency folks isn’t just using scary language — they’re blatantly misrepresenting the actual bands that mmWave 5G deployments use. Here they are:
24GHz to 72GHz, you say? Mind pointing out where? Unless COVID-19 can literally travel through time and infect us from the era when 72GHz 5G exists, how can it possibly matter that 5G signals might one day use that frequency band?
This Is What Bad Scientists Think Science Looks Like
This article isn’t so much a scientific paper as a representation of what a moron thinks a scientific paper is. Allow me to quote directly from the authors and/or the semi-sentient Markov chain that stole their identities:
It has been shown that 5G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, but will have adverse systemic effects as well.
In another study, it was argued that 5G technologies cause great harm to human health. Cancer is only one of the many problems. 5G causes 720! (factorial) different diseases in human beings, and can kill everything that lives except some forms of microorganisms (12).
This last was so amazing, I had to check the citation. Here’s the opening sentence from that modest proposal:
The intent of this article is to show that wireless technology is, without remedy other than termination, one of the most devastating environmental and health threats and threats to personal liberty ever created.
Pro Tip: When a scientist declares that the intent of their article is to prove that the only way to safeguard all of humanity, as well as the very principle of liberty, is to destroy all mobile communications technology because there is literally no alternative, that person may have what is sometimes referred to as an “agenda.” (Or a disorder).
Back to the original trainwreck:
The question is whether millimeter waves in 5G technology could contribute in constructing some viruses like COVID-19 within a cell. To reply to this question, we should consider the electronic structure of a DNA and its emitted waves.
With respect — and this bit, I explicitly ran past Ms. Hall — that is not the question. The question is whether any radio wave or signal has been shown to help any type of virus colonize the human body. The answer, up until the torrent of stupidity that is the 5G-coronavirus conspiracy theory, was no. And since the 5G-coronavirus conspiracy theory is literally ascientific bullshit, the answer remains no. Viruses turn human cells into factories to replicate more of themselves. This is literally how viruses work. A virus that requires a radio signal as a vital intermediary (which is what the authors’ claim, given that they identify 5G as “play(ing) the main role”) is a shit virus.
Imagine a bacteria that could only kill you if you like Nickelback. There are not enough Nickelback fans for that to be an effective evolutionary strategy, yet there are somehow far more Nickelback fans in the United States than people living in range of effective 5G service.
It disgusts me, too, but there we are.
Let’s Talk About the Credentials of the Author… and the Publisher
Professor M. Fioranelli: Listed as lead author on the paper, Fioranelli is the EiC of the International Journal of Inflammation, Cancer and Integrative Therapy, which is owned by Omics. Omics has been heavily criticized and the validity of its publications challenged in the United States based on its poor peer review practices, its pay-to-publish fee structure, and its use of scientist’s names in marketing materials without their knowledge and consent. The US NIH demanded in 2013 that OMICS stop claiming to be affiliated with the US government or its employees.
The university he teaches at, Marconi University, has the dubious distinction of being accredited by the ACICS, a US accreditation agency so corrupt, its authority was revoked until Betsy DeVos reinstated it. Since that decision, a USA Today investigation has found that Reagan University, an ACICS-accredited school, has no students, no buildings, no faculty, and no alumni.
Other papers Professor Fioranelli has collaborated on include “A Mathematical Model for the Signal of Death and Emergence of Mind Out of Brain in Izhikevich Neuron Model,” which claims to present evidence that Cartesian duality — namely, that the mind and brain are entirely separate constructs — is scientifically valid. He’s also a credited author in the page-turner coming to a budget TV network near you: “Formation of Neural Circuits in an Expanded Version of Darwin’s Theory: Effects of DNAs in Extra Dimensions and within the Earth’s Core on Neural Networks.”
Sepehri A: Sepehri is also a co-author on the “We’ve proven minds exist after death” paper and the “Extradimensional DNA from the Earth’s Core is making AI want to kill us” paper. Mossimo and Sepehri also collaborated in a horror pitch: “Recovery of Brain in Chick Embryos by Growing Second Heart and Brain,” which is either up for an Ig Nobel or an option for Wes Craven.
Roccia MG: Surprise surprise. This individual also contributed to the “I stink, therefore I still am” deep dive into Descartian dementia.
M Jafferany: First, the good news. M. Jafferany isn’t mentioned on any of the papers above. Now the bad news:
“Awareness of Psychodermatology in Indian Dermatologist.” “Psychodermatology in Iran: A Survey on Knowledge…“
Clinics in Dermatology notes, of psychodermatology: “Although many data have been published, it appears that not enough good statistical evidence exists to support them.”
The idea that stress can contribute to skin problems is not controversial. But psychodermatology typically goes farther from painting stress as a factor and identifies it as something more akin to a primary agent. This latter idea is not well-supported in the scientific literature. (Have you noticed that most of these people seem to be dermatologists yet?)
O Y Olisova: Olisova was lead author on a paper claiming COVID-19 could be treated effectively with Apremilast, a psoriasis medication. Her proof for this? A single asymptomatic patient on Apremilast who didn’t display symptoms of COVID-19. Under this theory of medicine the fact that my grandfather lived to be 90 while smoking like a chimney means cigarettes are safe for everyone. Lung candy, basically. Tasty, tasty, lung candy.
Lomonosov KM: I can’t speak to Lomonsov’s general work with vitiligo patients, though my fiancée thought it sounded like ‘borderline pseudoscience’ and noted that he typically publishes exclusively in Russian and is self-evidently involved in authorial work with those we could charitably describe as on the fringes of the scientific community.
T Lotti: Lotti appears to have also done a reasonable amount of serious work, but she’s signed on to this 5G-coronavirus conspiracy merry-go-round nevertheless. Strangely, she’s also contributed to articles specifically addressing how COVID-19 would impact dermatological clinics and is part of a group of scientists advocating for safe practices and policies that safeguard patients.
None of these authors has the standing or authority to speak to the causes of COVID-19, and the fact that this paper has appeared in the PubMed database or been linked by the NIH is evidence of serious methodological flaws in the approval process. This isn’t science. It’s what people who don’t actually practice the scientific method appear to think it looks like.
Some of this can be excused by the overwhelming nature of the COVID-19 epidemic and the need for all scientific nooks and crannies to be explored, but even a cursory investigation into the history of the organizations and individuals publishing this work demonstrates how profoundly counter-factual it is. If you want serious scientific advice, don’t get it from people who speak and refer to grand, sweeping assumptions as though they were proven scientific fact. And if you run into any AIs near the Earth’s core, make sure to check that they remain in the usual four dimensions.
If you run into any dermatologists pretending they have the qualifications to moonlight as signal engineers and infectious disease experts outside the explicit realm of dermatology, kindly do us all a favor and tell them to shut the fuck up.
Now Read:
5G Conspiracy Theorists Are Now Targeting Engineers Directly
$350 ‘5G BioShield USB Key’ Packs 128MB Storage, Gallons of Snake Oil
Why Do 44% of Republicans Believe Bill Gates Will Use Coronavirus Vaccines to Inject Them With Microchips?
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/313088-pubmed-pseudoscience-5g-coronavirus from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/07/pubmed-leaps-into-pseudoscience-links.html
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