watfletcher · 4 years
walking away | juniper & wat
[ ꧁poetry sentence starters꧂ ]
@littlemissjuniper​ sent... 
“ i’m trying to get better at walking away from unhealthy situations. ”
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“I think in the long run, Miss Juniper, and what a long run we have... that will be for the better. You can always wait humans out... But these other supernaturals, I’m not used to being around them much. Walking away can be hard, but usually it’s the right thing to do, depending on the situation."
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southernxwolf · 4 years
Closure | Qhuinn&Juniper
Qhuinn squared her shoulders and sighed as she stared up at the large house. She had known that this was going to be hard, but pain seized her heart in it’s tight grip before she even reached the front door. Was this a mistake? Was she really strong enough to go through her old friend’s things and finally face his death? At that moment, she didn’t feel strong at all. It took everything she had to not turn and run back to Quinten’s and hide away in his bed. She couldn’t though; she wouldn’t. Juniper needed a friend, and she needed this closure. So the small wolf took another deep breath and soldiered on, finally reaching that door that seemed miles away. 
As she waited for Juniper to answer, a trembling hand lifted to brush away what she was sure would be the first of many tears.
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djinnacekiran · 4 years
[Text: Ace]: Ace, it's Juniper, I know you don't technically live with Colton anymore so I didn't know where to find you, but I know you two were close so I wanted you to hear it from me. Colton was killed yesterday. I know this is probably a major shock and if there's anything I can do to help you get through this, please let me know. I'm going to be cleaning out the house so if you want anything, or you want help moving your stuff from your room, I'll be around. Again, I'm sorry. -Juniper
Text:  Explain, BabyVamp.
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xdakotawintersx · 5 years
Rough Kisses || Dakota & Juniper
Dakota growled, and kissed her roughly back. They slammed her up the nearest wall, and began to kiss from her jaw, down to her neck. They nipped and nibbled the whole way down, grinning a little to themselves as they did so, before looking up at her.
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cyrusxives · 5 years
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“Shit-- Sorry!” The incubus exclaimed as he crashed into the vampire, music sheets, tests, and drumsticks flying everywhere. “Sorry-- I-- I’m late-- I-- Oh shit--” He quickly got down on his hands and knees to pick up all of the loose papers he had. “You’d think for this reunion they’d give us a break on grading. God-- The students are gonna kill me if I don’t have their work back to them soon.” 
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berserkermagnus · 6 years
👀 + If you could be anywhere in the world, and have anyone there with you, where would you go and who would you take?
"The where is easy. I'd go home, to my family and my people. It would simplify a lot of things, having the leader of the berserkers in the same place as the rest of the Council. The who, well that's quite a list. Bumbles, Ophelia, Jude, Clara, Alexis, Mercy, Valentina, Noah, Elliot, Kit, Rowan, Juniper. I'm sure I'm missing somebody from Mercy's clan but they're invited too. Might be nice having the main house full again."
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@opheliaxazarel @heyxxjude @clarawoodhouse @alexisxgrover @riggedmercy @valentinaxsantos @noahwrightx @pretty-boyelliot @kitthedragonslave @rowanxaubri @littlemissjuniper
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banbryce-blog · 6 years
      Weor chuckled, the slave in her grasp was compliant and quiet even though she could see the flicker of pain in their gaze as she twirled the scalpel between her fingers and pressed it underneath their clavical.
“There, there, pet.” She cooed as she carved downward, etching a sigil into pale skin. She couldn't be bothered to enchant it but the aesthetic was nice. She'd carved the chest up in a variety of symbols and sigils and she let out a pleased hum as she dug her nails into the fresh line she'd cut, all but pulling the skin and flesh apart with her bloodied fingers.
Suddenly she heard something behind her and she inclined her head towards the sound—she was in the middle of the corridor after all, didn't care about being caught.
“Fancy joining in?” She said to the stranger—ignoring the hammering of her temples at her meat suits horror. Oh, he knew this one. That makes it all the more sweeter.
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dhanilyman · 6 years
A New Situation | Dhani & Juniper
She had been lectured the entire way to the headmaster’s office and after being handed a letter with her punishment she felt numb. Numb and scared. She was walked down by Colton, to the dorms where she was fitted with a collar. Colton had promised he would return with some clothes and her schoolbooks and a few other incidentals from her apartment, her apartment that would now be empty since Robert was away. She was led to a cell, thankfully the guards let Colton go along to see which cell she was in, where she sat on her new bed. When Colton left she ran a hand over her face and looked around. “So this is what it’s like on this side is it?” she mumbled, mostly to herself, not noticing others around her.
Dhani was heading back to his cell when he noticed Colton leaving the cells. That wasn’t entirely unheard of, though he was sure Colton didn’t frequent down here to fetch anyone himself. Dhani didn’t think much of it before walking past the cell he had just left his progeny in. And Dhani took a step back, looking in before walking in.
“Juniper,” Dhani sat next to her on the bed, “What happened?”
First Abbi, now Juniper? Dhani was starting to wonder...
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dakotasmuses · 6 years
Turning ll Self Para
Colton returned home and found Juniper sitting in the living room, in his briefcase was the bags of blood he had managed to get from Qhuinn for her, enough blood to fill a full grown man and all different types for her to try out when the change hopefully worked. He moved to the kitchen and put the blood into the refrigerator like he was instructed to and then went to the living room to talk to Juniper. He sat there with her for awhile, discussing things, making sure she had her affairs in order in case the change didn’t work, making sure he knew everything he needed to know about her motivations for being a vampire and then he just had her sit awhile, listening to her own heartbeat, knowing how shocking it was to wake up and know it was missing. 
Colton took Juniper outside next, it was a warm night as always, and Juniper rested against him as he took her into his arms while he sat on the chaise. Her back to his chest he held her as she looked at the stars, watching as he moved the hair from her neck. He listened as her heartbeat increased and he shut his eyes, almost saying a silent prayer as he thought about what he was doing to the nineteen year old in his arm. And then he bit. 
She whimpered at the bite while her blood flowed into his veins, the hole he’d dug in the back yard made the yard smell like fresh earth and he’d positioned them so their backs were to it so the last thing she saw wouldn’t be her own grave. Her eyes focused on the stars as he drank from her deeply, her heartbeat started to slow and he took slower, deeper drinks, feeling full of her sweet blood but knowing he had to keep going to do this right. 
When her heartbeat was just a flutter Colton knew it was time. Removing his fangs from her neck he laid her across his lap, looking down at her. Juniper’s eyes were still open, those piercing blue eyes that had stared up at him, eager for answers, eagerly awaiting him telling her more and more about the life she would have if the change went as planned. Those eager blue eyes were now dully staring at the stars, her full pink lips now pale and parted, her mouth open slightly as if she was shocked by something. Colton drew the knife from his pocket and carved open his own wrist, the blood flowing freely into her mouth as he held her back up, so the blood would flow down her throat. He could sense the spark of life within her and he reopened his wrist three more times to make sure she got as much blood as she needed before he let the wound close and he turned his attention back to her neck, drawing out the remaining human blood, and feeling her heart stop entirely. 
He could sense the spark inside of her as he carried her body to the grave and laid her down in it, those blue eyes still staring at the sky as he looked down at her, then knelt down to close her eyes and gently push her chin closed. She wouldn’t want to wake up with eyes and a mouth full of dirt. After hopping out of the grave he began to cover her body with earth, packing it down and then looking up at the sky as it started to rain. It had been raining on and off all evening and he hoped the rain wouldn’t make it harder for Juniper to claw her way out of the hole. 
With that done Colton retreated to the porch, watching the grave carefully. He knew it would take awhile, but he watched nonetheless. After an hour he returned into the house, locking Ace into his room so that nothing would happen to the bound Djinn when the young vampire outside awoke. He went to the refrigerator and pulled out the bags of blood, bringing them to the porch and then he did something he hadn’t done since the 80′s. He lit himself a cigarette as he sat down in a chair and he waited. Juniper’s turning was taking longer than he expected but he would wait all three days if need be. For some vampires it took an hour, for some it took three days, it just depended on the vampire. 
He sat there for hours, chain smoking and after awhile, reading as he waited for any signs of the ground moving. The rain stopped and it started again, it stopped and it started again, and around dawn it finally stopped. He was on the last twenty pages of his book when a slight movement caught his eye. Colton looked up and stared at the grave for a moment, leaning forward in his chair. Nothing happened and for a moment he wondered if he had imagined it before suddenly- yes, there it was, the earth was moving. It was like the ground was breathing, lifting slightly and then lowering and then lifting slightly, before suddenly a small pale hand pushed through the soil. 
He walked over to the hole, the bags of blood at his side as he watched her hand claw at the surface for a moment before her other hand joined it, clawing at the mud until she found the hard earth and began to pull herself up. Colton knew he couldn’t help her, it was like watching a baby bird hatch, you had to let them do it themselves. He could feel the instant connection to her though, and deep in his soul he knew that she was his. Blood of his blood. She was his child. And when she looked up, those piercing blue eyes sharp and mad with hunger he grinned, exposing full fang. 
He had done it. 
He had created his progeny. 
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svenxryder · 4 years
Jewellery Box || Sven&Juniper
Discord thread with @littlemissjuniper Takes place a couple weeks after Colton’s death. 
Sven sat in her old bedroom, vacantly staring at the white walls. It hadn’t changed at all since she had been living there. Everything was exactly how she left it. Clothes remained unwashed and unfolded on the floor, her makeup strewn across the vanity. It was as if time had not passed at all. She could even still smell him on her blankets. She laid back against the pillows, staring at the ceiling. She couldn’t even bring herself to think about anything. She couldn’t think because if she did she would see those horrible images of her parents burning in their house. All because of her. All because she was going to leave Colton. He killed them both because of her. She killed them. It was her fault. Why was she allowed to stay living when they died because of her actions? Why did he keep her alive? Why didn’t he kill her. “You win...” she whispered out, feeling as if somehow he would hear her and know. She could picture his face, the grin that would appear on it as he got his way again. There was nothing left for her. Nothing worth living for. She shouldn’t have even been there. She should have died. She should die. A sense of peace washed over her as it clicked in her head, a little laugh leaving her lips. That would solve everything. The pain would be over. It’d be okay.
Juniper was walking upstairs with another box of files to bring to Colton's office for Sven to shred, they were the ones from his office at the school and she was hoping to get them all taken care of before the end of the day. "Hey Sven," she called as she pushed the door to Colton's office open with her foot. "I found the ones from his office at school, do you wanna shred these ones too?" she asked as she walked in, pausing when she saw no one in the room. "Sven?" looking around she saw a file open on the desk and walking over to it she saw Sven's name on the file. Biting her lip she sighed as she sat down and started to look at the file. She'd promised herself she wouldn't do this, she wouldn't look at the files, they were other people's personal lives, they weren't hers to look at. But as she read the file she realized why Sven was gone from the room. The pictures, the entries in his log, it was all so fucked up. Walking out of the office she walked to the room that had been Sven's when she'd lived here and knocked lightly before opening the door. "Hey, I didn't know he had a file on you," she told Sven immediately. "If I had known- I'd have shredded that one myself."
Sven silently sat on her bed, hearing Juniper walking around, knowing that she was looking for her. She just didn’t have the strength to stand up. She didn’t have the willpower to move at all. Maybe this could be how she went. If she just stayed put, maybe she would whither away. Maybe nobody would notice. When Juniper walked into the room, her eyes flicked over to the girl, remaining silent as she apologized. “It doesn’t matter.” She murmured, pausing for a moment before grabbing her laptop, opening it up and pressing play on the video, turning it to show Juniper. Screams from the woman and man on the video filled the room, Sven’s eyes filling with bloody tears for a moment, nausea overwhelming her body again— though there wasn’t anything left. She has just barely managed to get all the blood she had thrown up into the toilet in the nearby bathroom. “I want to be alone, please...” she hoped Juniper wouldn’t smell the blood she had thrown up— she didn’t want to eat again. She didn’t want to do anything ever again.
Juniper frowned when Sven said it didn't matter and was able to reply when Sven turned the computer to face her and hit play on it. She stared at the screen, the screams and the visual of what was happening making her mouth and throat dry. She could even smell the blood but then, realizing that there was no way she could actually smell the blood through the screen she looked away from it and around the room. "Sven, I- I didn't know." she said softly. "I thought it was just a gas leak, like he said. I should have known. I'm so sorry." she stepped closer but stopped when Sven said she wanted to be alone. "Please- Is there anything I can do? I- I don't want to leave you alone, not like this."
Sven remained quiet as Juniper offered help, clenching her jaw a little. “I said I wanted to be left alone. There’s nothing anyone can do. It doesn’t matter. What happened happened.” She had watched that video over and over, it was burned into her mind. The screams and images were haunting reminders of what she did. Of what she caused. “I know you want to help, but I just... I need to process this. It won’t end otherwise...” she spoke in a deadpan voice, completely void of emotion. “If you care at all about me, you’ll leave me alone. You’re busy with the rest of this estate anyway.” She closed her eyes, wishing for a sleep she knew wouldn’t come. “Just give me a bit...”
Juniper sighed, an unnecessary thing to do for a vampire, she knew, but, she couldn't help it. She nodded when Sven asked her to leave her alone and let her process before pointing her thumb over her shoulder, gesturing to the room across the hall. "I'm going to shred everything," she told Sven. "If you need me, that's where I'll be," she explained as she turned to leave and then paused. "Do you want me to destroy the video?" she asked. "It may help... To know the video doesn't exist anymore."
“Okay.” She simply stated, “Shred it all.” She whispered, trying her best to keep herself composed, “Get rid of everything... Burn it all for me... Please?” She asked softly, taking a deep breath. Once Juniper left, she’d start writing her goodbyes to everyone. Though, maybe it wasn’t necessary. Maybe nobody would even really care if she was gone. People left the island all the time. Maybe they’d presume the same. “Shut the door on your way out...” she murmured, hugging her knees to her chest.
Juniper nodded, though she could tell Sven was planning something, just for a second though. Juniper had froze when she felt that, it wasn't like a suspicion or a feeling, it was like she knew for a second what Sven was feeling and thinking, like the way she had known what Colton was feeling or thinking. She turned, almost going to ask Sven if she'd felt it too, but remembering that Sven wanted to be alone, Juniper just nodded. "Right, I'll just- I'll burn all of it." she agreed as she grabbed the door handle and closed it, not all the way, but enough. Walking across the hall to the office she started to take the paperclips and staples out of papers, pushing them through the shredder when she had done it. She paused at one point, not because of what she had seen, because she was not going to look at Sven's file again, but thinking about that feeling, the sense of finality and of determination. She was going to do something-- She was going to hurt herself. She couldn’t explain how she knew, but she had to imagine it was the same bond she shared with her maker. Turning around, she went back to Sven’s room, pausing and knocking on the door, “Hey, can I come in?” 
Sven could hear some Juniper in the office shredding her file, though she couldn’t be bothered to really listen in. She stood up in her room, debating about locking the door— but she wouldn’t. She had a feeling Juniper would figure out what she was doing if she let on. Quietly, she walked around the room, looking over everything. A framed picture of her and Colton on the London Eye, a picture of her parents hanging on the wall. That old, vintage map he had given her. She wouldn’t ever get to see her home again, but that was fine. It couldn’t be home anymore, not after she knew the truth about everything. She knew juniper was worried— she wasn’t sure why, but she knew it. She probably had to act quickly. Maybe later that night. Or, would now be better? She walked around the room before going into the closet, pulling out her old jewellery box. It had all of her silver pieces in it— he had all of them replaced when he claimed her. She opened up the lid, grabbing ahold of one of her earrings before immediately dropping it, her other hand covering her mouth to hide a scream. It burned. It felt like hellfire against her skin. It’d be perfect. She couldn't help but feel relieved as she looked down at her jewellery. It wouldn't be messy. It wouldn't be hard for anyone. All she had to do was swallow a couple of the pieces and everything would be over. She'd be okay. She smiled sadly, letting out a little laugh. This place was supposed to lead her to a better life, and now it had stolen everything from her. She was already dead-- What did it matter if she was truly gone? She took another look around the room, pausing for a moment before grabbing a pen and piece of paper, about to start writing when she heard footsteps, quickly slamming the lid to the box down and throwing it under her bed along with the pen and paper. "Oh--" She faked a smile when she saw Juniper come in again, able to sense the fear and worry from the other, "I was just about to go downstairs to get some food, actually."
"Yeah it's probably time for you to have another blood bag anyways." Juniper nodded. When the file finished going through the shredder she sighed and ran a hand over her face. "Do you know he has files on people from like the sixteenth century?" she asked as she shook her head. "Anything I think could be of historical significance I'm keeping but like, Good god, did he need to keep notes on everything?"
"That sounds... On brand for him..." She nodded slowly, not bothering to throw a tantrum like she had been the past few days whenever Juniper made her drink blood bag. She looked around the office, clenching her jaw a little, "I wonder if he even cared that he was going to die." She murmured, "I wonder if he was scared that he was going to die." She shook her head, leading the way downstairs.
"He was scared," Juniper assured Sven as she stood up, stretching and feeling her back crack as she did. "He was on top of me when Noah killed him." she explained. "I stared into his eyes the whole time." she rubbed her own tired eyes, "He was scared." she nodded as she started to lead them downstairs. "Come on, I'll make us some food- and some blood. When I was first turned, the smell of human food, made me nauseated. Did it do that for you?" she asked as they walked to the stairway.
She remained quiet as she listened to his death. She actually still didn't know the full story of it. She wasn't sure if she wanted to. Part of her had been so deeply in love with him, and the other hated his existence. "Good... Um... I didn't see human food for a couple weeks... But some food smells worse than others... Too strong."
"Garlic is still rough for me." Juniper admitted. "Pungent smells, fish, that sort of thing." she explained as they walked, "It just smells awful to us." Juniper said, "But because we're vampires we naturally have a very sensitive sense of smell. Garlic just smells really strong to us is all," she continued. "Like, overpowering." she opened the fridge and got her own blood bag, tearing it open she poured it into a large mug and put the mug into the microwave. "Heating it up makes it less disgusting." she offered to Sven. "Nothing like drinking it from the source, but, less awful." Sven nodded and sat at the counter, "I walked by someone who had been making lemon and garlic fish and-- I nearly vomited. It was awful." She watched as Juniper heated the blood up, making a slight face as she thought about just what they were doing. "I'll uh-- I'm okay with the cold stuff." She offered a smile and poured her bag into a glass, taking a few small sips.
Juniper took her mug out of the microwave and then hopped onto the counter like she'd always wanted to, but never dared when Colton was alive. She licked her lips instinctively, she never wanted people to see blood on her lips, but then she realized that Sven of all people would probably not mind. "You know I just realized I spend so much time pretending to be what I'm not, or like, a different version of what I am and I really don't have to." she grinned at the others. "I don't think you are going to care if I have blood on my lips." she shrugged, taking a bigger drink from the mug and not worrying so much about hiding the blood immediately.
Sven simply remained quiet, staring hard at her glass, the crimson liquid shining in the bright light of his kitchen. She took another small sip, closing her eyes as she tried to swallow, the thought of it in her head still making her feel sick, but the scent and sight of it only making her bloodlust increase. She took some larger gulps, the taste being absolutely divine. "He spared no cost on blood..." she murmured, licking her lips.
"I mean, this place has so many ways of isolating us and making us feel certain ways already, why let them make us feel weird about being ourselves too right?" she asked as she shook her head. "Oh, did you like that book I let you borrow? About vampires and all?" she asked as she leaned forward slightly, resting her elbows on her knees and looking at Sven. "I figured it was at least a resource for you to look at on your own."
“Oh, uh, yeah, it was... Informative.” Sven whispered as she stared down at the drink in the mug, her lips pressed into a tight line as the silence was deafening around them. She was just so tired-- she didn’t want to deal with any of this. She let out another soft sigh before looking to Juniper, "Oh-- I found this book earlier and I wanted to show you. It's up in my room, I'll be right back." She excused herself and quickly ran upstairs to her room, shutting the door softly behind her, taking an unnecessary deep breath as she looked under her bed, pulling out the items she had thrown in earlier.
Juniper sighed when Sven had left her alone in the kitchen. She knew what she had felt. She knew she had felt a strange peace overwhelm the girl, that there was a sort of finality to her decision. 
Sven knew she didn't have much time to do this, not before one of them got worried and came up to check on her. Besides, if Juniper ever found out what she was doing-- She'd never be left along again. Anxiety knotted in her chest as she opened up her journal, writing on a blank page, This isn't your fault. I'm sorry. I can’t do this. She debated about writing a long note, detailing everything, but she couldn't do it. She was too tired. She was tired of it all. She just wanted it to be over. For all the heartbreak and pain to stop. She looked around her room, taking the photograph of her parents off of her shelf, setting it on her bed, grabbing her old water bottle from her desk. She sat back down on the bed, tears forming in her eyes as she looked down at the picture, "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." She whispered to them as she opened up her jewelry box, taking a sip from her water bottle before she grabbed the silver earring, trying her best not to scream in pain as it burned her skin, her jaw clenching tightly before she opened her mouth and quickly swallowed it, almost immediately clenching up in pain, her hands firmly in front of her mouth to muffle the screams of pain leaving her.
Sven had been gone too long for Juniper’s comfort. When she started to walk upstairs, she paused at the doorway, smelling burning flesh. She stepped into the room and seeing Sven with her hands over her mouth Juniper swore as she walked over to Sven quickly, faster than any human would be able to. "Sven, what did you take?" she asked as she propped Sven's head up on her lap. "Come on, what did you take" she gripped Sven's wrists and pulled them away from Sven's mouth.
The pain was so intense that she could hardly stay focused enough to see Juniper run into her room. She had hoped she wouldn't notice until after she was gone. The worry on her face was enough to make her feel guilty for what she had done. Her green eyes remained unfocused as they slowly looked around the room, resting on Juniper's face, then landing on the picture of Colton she had up, before finally falling on the photo of her parents. She could hear Juniper talking, but she didn't understand what she was saying.
Juniper looked around the room, finally spotting the silver jewellery in the box near her. "Shit... This is not going to be pretty." she said before she turned Sven over, and forcing her fingers down Sven's throat, hoping it would be enough to make the girl gag and throw up. "Come on... If this doesn’t come out I’m going to have to cut it out of you..." she murmured as she watched Sven, hoping that she'd throw up the silver she'd swallowed.
Tears streamed down her face as she watched Juniper, guilt creeping up into her as she realized how upset Juniper was with her. Why couldn’t she just find how to be happy without her? She couldn't protest as Juniper rolled her over and hit her gag reflex, almost immediately retching, blood falling out of her mouth and onto the pristine white carpet and bedspread, a small silver earring shining in the middle of it.
Juniper grabbed the silver earring, hissing in pain and discomfort when the silver touched her skin. "Oh- Fuck." she hissed as she tossed the earring back into the jewellery box and shaking her hand out. She closed the box and stood up with it. "I've been there," she said as she looked at Sven. "I know how much it sucks, but this is not the way."
Sven simply laid on the bed, a broken sob escaping her, her tough exterior finally falling down. She was so alone. She was so scared. She hated herself and everything she became, and everything that happened was her fault. She was the reason Romy got beaten up. She had been the one to hurt Juniper when she was trying to escape. She was the reason her parents were dead.  "I'm sorry--" She sobbed out, "I'm so sorry." Juniper nodded, "Like I said, I've been there." Juniper told her. "Both before and after I died." she said softly, holding the jewelry box in the other hand. "I’m definitely here for you Sven. Don't let him win." she sighed as she looked at Sven with a small smile. Sven covered her face with her arms, "I can't-- I can't do this anymore. It hurts so much-- I can't take it. I can't--" She repeated out, shaking her head, "Please just let it end. Please just let me die. I don't want to be here anymore." Juniper sighed and gently let go of Sven before she set the jewelry box down on the dresser. Sitting next to Sven she sat down and ran her hand over her face. "Sven." she said softly. "You've been through so much more than I can even begin to imagine. Colton did so much more to you than anyone knows, and I'm so so sorry about that. But here's the thing Sven, he can't hurt you anymore. It's all over. He's finally really dead, and there's nothing else he can do. All you need to do is just get past this bit. And it's going to suck and it's going to be hard, but I'm here to help you if you'll let me." Sven kept sobbing, her sadness twisting into guilt for putting both of them through that. He was gone. He couldn't hurt her. It felt like he was still controlling her life from beyond the grave, but she knew it wasn't possible. He was truly gone. Juniper knew what he did to her. She read her file. "I'm so sorry." She whispered, sitting up, gasping at the pain still radiating from her stomach before wrapping her arms around the other vampire. Juniper quickly ran downstairs to grab the blood bags, returning almost immediately with them as she sat down and rubbed Sven’s back gently. “It’s going to be okay Sven.” She told her. “We’re going to get you through this.” Sven shook her head at the blood bags, “I can’t...” she whispered, clenching her teeth a little, “It makes me feel sick.” It was one of the main reasons she wanted to die in the first place. She knew it was exactly what she wanted to have in the moment, and that it would heal her. But she couldn’t— she couldn’t bear the thought of losing control again. Juniper sighed and nodded as she took the blood bags and opened one, holding it out to Sven, she knew the smell was bad, but on another level, on a deeper more intense level it would be all she wanted, at least that’s how it had been for her. “You need to give yourself permission to feed, you need to give yourself permission to take care of yourself.
Sven shook her head once more, not wanting to listen to the words she knew to be right. The second the smell of blood filled the room, her bloodlust only increased, her hand reaching out shakily to grab it before quickly downing large gulps of it, the aches and pains in her body slowly ebbing away. "I don't want this..." She whispered out, shutting her eyes tightly to keep from seeing her face. “I know you don’t,” Juniper said as she looked back at Sven. “And I’m sorry it happened, but at this point, maybe it’s for the best that you find some way to accept it, or at least find a way to not even be okay with it, but just know that this is what it is for awhile.” She suggested. “God I can’t imagine what the school would do to me if you killed yourself on my watch. I’d be in so much trouble.” She rubbed a hand over her face before opening the second blood bag and holding it out to her. Sven remained quiet for a bit as Juniper spoke, silently taking the second blood bag from her and quickly drinking the entire thing, squeezing it tightly to get the blood to come out even faster, a low sigh leaving her lips as it soothed the pains in her body, “Juniper... Why do you give a shit if I’m alive or not? It isn’t like we were ever super close... He didn’t exactly have us together a lot...”
Juniper sighed as she looked at Sven before rubbing her hands together and explaining “I could feel your pain,” she explained softly. “I could feel how much you hurt and I know how it feels, I’ve felt the same way,” she said as she rubbed her hands together. “I don’t want you to feel that way.”
Sven watched as Juniper spoke, pausing when she heard that Juniper felt her pain, a soft sigh escaping her lips. “I didn’t... I had noticed it earlier... I thought I could feel your worry but... I thought I was losing my mind...” she whispered out, looking up at the other, “I’m sorry you had to feel that again... I didn’t want you to worry about me...” Juniper sighed and ran one of her hands over Sven’s hair gently. “Me too,” Juniper told Sven. “Listen, anytime you need to get out of the cells, anytime you need a few days out just let me know, I’ll take you out.” Sven said nothing, looking down at the blood bag in her hands, squishing it slightly. “Thank you... I didn’t... I don’t know what to do now... I don’t know how to move on...” she murmured, looking at Juniper, “I’m really scared to be left alone again.”
Juniper smiled softly, still rubbing the girl’s back, “I don’t know the extent of what Colton did to you, but I’m sorry about it. And I want to help. So, do you think you could let me try?” She asked as she looked at the other vampire hopefully.
She bit down on her lower lip as Juniper comforted her, her lower jaw trembling slightly as she struggled to maintain her composure. Maybe for now she was okay, but what happened when she was alone again? She still wanted to die. She didn't want to be here. Looking up at her, she sighed, "I can't promise I... I can't make any promises..."
“That’s okay. One day at a time.” 
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watfletcher · 5 years
Midsummer Audition | Juniper & Wat
Juniper sat on the seat a few rows back from the stage with a list of papers in her hands and a pen spinning between her fingers. She’d never cast a play alone before, but since she was the manager of the theater she figured she may as well start putting on plays, and since it was summer she’d decided a Midsummer Night’s Dream would be a perfect play to start with. Tapping her pen against the edge of her papers she looked up at the stage and called out to the person in the shadows. “Okay, we’re ready for you!”
“Hello!” Wat came out onto the stage without a script, giving a friendly smile and simple wave of his hand. Thin and average height, he dressed casually, ever experimenting with fashion lately in a brighter and more humid than he was used to climate. Light jeans, Vans, a striped teeshirt and light grey blazer over it. He felt a blazer would be a little dressy. Make a good first impression.
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“I’m Wat Fletcher. World history teacher. Vampire. I’m reading for Nick Bottom, but really whatever part you see fit, Madam Director... I’ve played Puck, Flute, Lysander, Hipployta, at various points over the years, and then Bottom in 1631 for the Bishop of Lincoln. That’s a fine story if you like. I know this play like the back of my hand. So even, if you need a stage manager...” Wat smiled and shrugged, looking around the stage for a moment. It had been a while since he’d done any Shakespeare.
“I’ve missed this...” He looked to Juniper, obviously grateful for the opportunity and the very fact that there was such on the Island. “I miss him. Will was always kind to me. To think, and we all knew he was a genius, but I would be up here again 400 years later speaking his words. It’s funny, Miss Juniper, what survives the sands of time and what does not.” Another soft smile before he took a step back, was quiet for a mere moment and began his piece.
“When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer: my next is, 'Most fair Pyramus.' Heigh-ho! Peter Quince! Flute, the bellows-mender! Snout, the tinker! Starveling! God's my life, stolen hence, and left me asleep! I have had a most rare vision. I have had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was: man is but an ass, if he go about to expound this dream. Methought I was—there is no man can tell what. Methought I was,—and methought I had,—but man is but a patched fool, if he will offer to say what methought I had. The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was. I will get Peter Quince to write a ballad of this dream: it shall be called Bottom's Dream, because it hath no bottom; and I will sing it in the latter end of a play, before the duke: peradventure, to make it the more gracious, I shall sing it at her death.”
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southernxwolf · 4 years
[Text: Qhuinn]: Hey Qhuinn, it's Juniper. I know you and Colton were close so I wanted you to hear this from me. He died yesterday. I know this is a lot, but trust me it was for the best. I'm sorry. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. -J
[text] Wait..is this a joke? He’s immortal Juniper, he can’t be killed.
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masterlucasdrake · 6 years
Text: Hi Lucas, this is Juniper, I was talking to Tommy and he asked me to hang out on Christmas but told me to ask your permission first. Is that okay? I can have him back whenever you want, we'll probably just watch Christmas movies at my apartment, or Dr. Graves more likely since he's my sire and I'm staying with him for awhile.
Text:  It’s fine.  I’ll provide him with a monitoring charm.  Since you were just turned and he’s lovely thing, I’d like you to promise you won’t bite him.  I’ll add a charm you can activate to enforce that.
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❤ - Juniper
I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you life family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me. 
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berserkermagnus · 6 years
top 5 people you want to sleep with?
“This is an ever changing list but for the moment it’s Ophelia, Jude, Juniper, Grace, Winter, and Dakota.  I know that’s six names but they’re all so close together that I can’t chose one to eliminate.”
@opheliaxazarel, @heyxxjude, @littlemissjuniper, @mistressxgrace, @winters-lust @xdakotawintersx
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beth-garcia · 5 years
😍 - Juniper
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