lizlovestofangirl · 14 days
"you're okay love"
ln4 x reader
headcannons about lando taking care of you whike you're sick
tw: throw up and needles
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lando is literally the best nurse ever
whether you get sick while traveling together or he comes home from a race weekend to find you sick, taking care of you becomes his number one priority
he is so sweet and gentle
he's a human heater which is helpful when you get chills, but not so much hot flashes
he calls his mom for advice on taking care of you because she was so good at taking care of him when he was little
he'll attempt to make you food, but ends up ordering in whatever you want
constantly getting you more water and coffee
if you can't hold anything down, he'll make you drink a little bit of chicken broth
speaking of not holding anything down, nothing you do could ever gross him out. ever.
if you puke, he will 100% be right there with you comforting you
holding your hair back
rubbing your back
getting you water
wiping your tears
whispering sweet nothings into your ear and telling you that you're doing a good job and that it will be over soon
being all snotty doesn't gross him out either
if he notices your nose is running, he'll quickly wipe it with a tissue (this is so casual dominance coded i cannot)
he hates not being able to kiss you if you're contagious
but he might as well just kiss you because he spends all of his time right next to you
being close to him makes it easy to fall asleep even if you're uncomfortable
you spend most of the time curled up in his lap on the couch or asleep on his chest in bed
he really just wants to be with you and tend to anything you could possibly need
he will cancel his plans and streams to take care of you
and if you're sick on a race weekend he will rush home to get back to you
he would crawl home to you if he had to
he'll do whatever you want and watch whatever you want
movie marathons or binge watching a show? he's down.
if you like reading but your head hurts, he'll read to you
he'll make you go to the doctor even if you don't want to because he hates seeing you uncomfortable or in pain
it literally causes him pain whenever he sees you upset
if it gets so bad that you have to go to the hospital, he is there by your side the entire time
holds your hand no matter what
if you're scared of needles, he will sit next to you in the hospital bed and hold your head into his chest and try and keep you calm
saying things like "shhh, it's okay baby" "you're okay love" "it's almost over"
he'll wipe your tears and then his own
you'll 100% make fun of him for crying and he'll try and laugh it off but really still be hurt from seeing you so upset
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