#lm 4.2.2
secretmellowblog · 8 months
We’re told that Claquesous is a master of disguise who is impossible to recognize, but Javert recognizes him easily and instantly.
In a following chapter, we find out why: Claquesous is a corrupt spy for the police, and Javert is the only police officer who “bristles” at corruption and at collusion with criminals. To me it seems like the implication isn’t that Javert magically the only cop capable of recognizing Claquesous; it’s that Javert is just the only one honest enough to admit that he does.
Claquesous isn’t actually ~magically impossible for the police to recognize~, he’s just colluding with them.
I think part of why people often miss that Claquesous is a police spy, is because of the way that Victor Hugo often frames his descriptions of characters as “historical documents and police reports that Hugo has simply researched and found.”
The police reports say that Claquesous vanished in their custody because of ….Magic, who knows why? It must’ve been “either fairies or police,” so it was probably fairies! Police would never be corrupt or anything. And the other police are not going to let Javert in on the secret, because Javert cares about ‘honesty’ and ‘avoiding corruption’ and all that nonsense so he would ruin what they’re doing. Police legend says that a police identification card was found on Claquesous’s body at the barricade, but who knows? Who knows.
But obviously Claquesous is fictional and all these “ambiguous police reports” are invented by Hugo, so it reads pretty clearly (to me) that Claquesous is a police spy and the records are “ambiguous” because the police are covering it up.
The novel starts by introducing Patron-Minette’s affiliates in larger-than-life mythical supernatural ways, the ways a police officer would describe criminals in order to strike terror into people’s hearts. They’re introduced like theatrical villains in a play. It’s similar to the theatrical way Javert describes them to Marius later; he talks about them evil villains in a cheap show (“I want to hear them sing and make them dance,” Javert adds.)
Then we actually see the reality of the troupe. And while many of them are dangerous, they’re ultimately very petty and human. They’re not supernatural, they’re people. They’re not the greatest criminal masterminds ever, they’re defeated by petty bickering as they struggle to escape out a window. They’re not shapeshifters, they’re police spies. They don’t succeed in their crimes because of magic, but because they deliberately prey on other more vulnerable people like Jean Valjean who can’t cry to the police for help. Arresting them doesn’t end in a happily ever after, but with the criminals barely hurt while the vulnerable children around them suffer horribly.
The police aren’t noble heroes against Patron-Minette; their efforts fail to do any more than inconvenience them, in some cases they’re actively colluding with them, and they end up hurting innocent children while the most dangerous members of the gang escape basically unscathed.
There’s a compelling contrast between the exaggerated theatrical introductions of Patron-Minette, and the ugly unimpressive messy reality. And “Claquesous the shapeshifter” vs “Claquesous the police spy” is one of my favorite examples of that.
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patron-minette · 8 months
Montparnasse had, in fact, encountered Éponine as she stood on the watch under the trees of the boulevard, and had led her off, preferring to play Nemorin with the daughter rather than Schinderhannes with the father. It was well that he did so. He was free.
So, now we find out what Montparnasse and Éponine were really up to instead of keeping watch on the night of the Gorbeau ambush… and also have confirmation that Montparnasse certainly did more than simply stop for a “chat” with Éponine outside the Gorbeau house!
As detailed in the footnotes of the Julie Rose translation of Les Misérables, this reference to Némorin is ultimately Hugo’s way of saying Montparnasse would rather seduce Éponine than engage with crime (note the other reference made here— to “Schinderhannes”— is a reference to a notorious, real life criminal). If anything, Hugo is practically confirming here in a tongue-and-cheek way that the pair slept together that night, and that Montparnasse likely abandoned Éponine after their tryst, which is why Javert was able to capture her.
For anyone interested, I’ve already made a long post unpacking this quote which can be found here. It explains who Némorin was and what Hugo was likely alluding to when he calls Montparnasse Némorin. I think it’s important to note that in the original French, the phrase is “être Némorin” rather than “to play” Némorin, this arguably demonstrates a deeper closeness between Montparnasse and Éponine than the Hapgood translation makes.
The meaning behind this “Némorin” reference can so easily be missed or simply passed over, but I think it’s crucial to acknowledge what these two were really getting up to that evening together— not solely because I’m interested in their pairing— but also because it provides such complexities when it comes to understanding Éponine’s character. It gives a unique insight into Montparnasse as a character too!
Anyhow, the important point in this minor detail is that Éponine and Montparnasse have some sort of unique relationship— I’m not referring to a completely romantic relationship here, but I’m acknowledging how there’s a certain closeness between them seeing as they seemingly slept together on the night of the Gorbeau ambush. It’s good to keep this in mind when we reach later parts of the novel.
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pureanonofficial · 8 months
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Embryonic Formation of Crimes in the Incubation of Prisons, LM 4.2.2 (Les Miserables 1972)
The postilion contained a roll of paper on which only these two lines were written:— “Babet. There is an affair in the Rue Plumet. A gate on a garden.” This is what Brujon had written the night before.
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dolphin1812 · 8 months
Once again, Javert’s arrests are harmful; Éponine was caught, too, and Montparnasse (who wasn’t involved this time, but is definitely dangerous) is the one who escaped. There’s almost an inverse relationship between arrest and threat level here (excepting Valjean), and it hurts to see. Of course, it’s not as if arresting more people would help, either; Javert is personally upset that he didn’t catch the literal victim of the crime, Valjean, and we know that he’s just trying to live peacefully with his daughter. And Patron Minette can organize in prison, too, so really, the arrests themselves only punish bystanders or less guilty participants. They don’t actually do anything about crime, creating more victims without resolving the issues that produced the circumstances of the crime in the first place.
“Had this sphinx his fore paws in crime and his hind paws in authority? Javert did not accept such comminations, and would have bristled up against such compromises; but his squad included other inspectors besides himself, who were more initiated than he, perhaps, although they were his subordinates in the secrets of the Prefecture, and Claquesous had been such a villain that he might make a very good agent.”
I love the sentences on Claquesous’ magical disappearance, but here, we have a more concrete answer: he may be a police spy, freed by the very officers involved in arresting him. Having just covered revolutionary groups in Paris, we know that police spies were commonplace enough for that title to be an accusation against speakers in the street, so it’s not surprising that they would be found in the criminal as well as the political sphere. And it would certainly explain his mysteriousness. If he’s giving over information to the police, of course he wouldn’t want his accomplices to recognize him.
We also get an indication of another tension between Javert and other officers. Earlier, we saw that he could be reluctant to communicate information to others because he wants to keep credit for his deeds. When chasing Valjean from the Gorbeau House, for instance, he didn’t say who he suspected this man was for that reason. Someone else would have been sent if a “dangerous” criminal were known to be loose. Here, though, the tension is somewhat unknown because Javert doesn’t know how the spying aspect of the police works (or at least, he doesn’t know all the details). Whether it’s corruption, a recognition that Javert doesn’t think, or a combination, other officers seem to be excluding him from such networks. To him, it’s despicable because it blends the line between authority and and crime that his worldview is based on. To other officers, it might be convenient as a way of getting information (although Javert knows more about the area than them).
To return to the ineffectiveness of prison: Brujon communicated so much from there! I find the image of the bread messages a bit funny; I understand that logically, small bits of bread were what was available to hide messages in, but the image is a bit comical. (Bread symbolism makes sense for the same reason, but it’s still funny). But nothing stops the chain of messages. It’s so effective within a prison, between them (even with gender-based segregation), and outside of them (circulating with Éponine once freed and with Magnon). All in all, the Gorbeau House may not feel like a triumph to Javert because he didn’t catch “enough” people, but really, it’s a tragedy because it hurt the vulnerable and did nothing to stop Patron Minette. And the police don’t care, likely freeing one of the members.
(Although really, the bread messages might be the most effective part of Patron Minette, if their behavior during the Gorbeau Ambush was anything to go by)
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cliozaur · 8 months
«Either the fairies or the police had had a hand in it.» Must be the fairies… Hugo does not openly state that Claquesous was a police agent, and that is why he mysteriously disappeared from police fiacre, but this sentence implies it. Javert is not part of this scheme, he is disappointed (or rather, “irritated”), but he must have been aware of such occurrences: “Javert did not accept such comminations, and would have bristled up against such compromises; but his squad included other inspectors besides himself, who were more initiated than he, perhaps, although they were his subordinates in the secrets of the Prefecture, and Claquesous had been such a villain that he might make a very good agent.” Actually, many things irritate Javert after the Gorbeau affair: Montparnasse was not caught, Claquesous was taken by fairies disappeared, the main victim (Jean Valjean) was not arrested, “that booby of a lawyer,” whose name he has forgotten, was nowhere to be found. A triumph turned into a disaster! Even the fact that Éponine was ultimately seized did not console him.
We have some prison anthropology here and find out that an elaborate communication system exists between the different prisons of Paris, both male and female. The example of Brujon demonstrates that prison confinement doesn’t prevent criminals from plotting crimes outside the prison. “To be in prison for one crime is no reason for not beginning on another crime. They are artists, who have one picture in the salon, and who toil, nonetheless, on a new work in their studios.” From theatre metaphors, Hugo switched to those connected with art. First, he denies criminals creativity, and then all he does is compares them to some creative professionals! Very logical.
Oh, more COINCIDENCES! Our old acquaintance Magnon (the one who persuaded Gillenormand that he fathered two children with her) ended up assisting Patron Minette. And am I missing something? Do we already know why the house on the Rue Plumet is significant? Or why Brujon and Co are inquiring about it?
I love how Éponine is presented as a thread that connects different plot lines! She and Azelma are released from the Madelonettes (and probably they have to live on the street), and she was soon sent to check out the house on the Rue Plumet, and returned with a biscuit, indicating that there is nothing of interest there. But Hugo hints that it is not the end of the affair: “This miscarriage had its consequences, however, which were perfectly distinct from Brujon’s programme. The reader will see what they were.” I hope I will.
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everyonewasabird · 2 years
Brickclub 4.2.2 “Embryonic Formation of Crimes in the Incubation of Prisons”
This is a chapter about the total failure of the justice system to do anything remotely useful or related to justice. I mean, this is a book about that, but this chapter in particular talks about the variety of roles people play vis a vis the justice system, none of which involve anything resembling an enactment of justice.
Javert’s conviction that Valjean’s disappearance means Valjean is a criminal is absolutely fascinating to me, because he’s not wrong--but Marius also disappeared. Javert assumes that Marius was either flaky or a coward, but not that he’s a criminal. Eventually the chapter alludes to the possibility (”But was he a lawyer merely?”), but not with much seriousness.
Hugo is getting at the incredibly detailed and sophisticated construction of class and who belongs to the category of people the police serve--Marius is poor, but he’s indelibly classed as bourgeois. Valjean may have money, and at this point he walks the bourgeois walk and talks the bourgeois talk--but people keep picking up on something not quite legible about him, and it makes them suspicious. And at some level--though not on a level that should mean anything--they’re perfectly correct about that.
In this chapter we also get the ambiguous sexual relationship between Montparnasse and Eponine, which--as is somehow the way these things keep going--is of great advantage to him here, and somehow zero advantage to her.
And Claquesous. There’s so MUCH in those few paragraphs. On his disappearance:
Nobody knew how it was done, the officers and sergeants "didn't understand it,"
That “nobody knew” is obviously describing the official record and not fact--because, of course, everybody, including Javert knows what happened with Claquesous. Those quotation marks are absolutely dragging the people quoted.
We really get to looking at the corruption of Javert across the text in these paragraphs. He knows what Claquesous is and what happened--”He was more irritated than astonished at it”--but also, we see the first tension between his skill at his job and his position with his superiors. Usually, he’s an obedient and interchangeable cog in the police machine, but it becomes clear that many or all his subordinates are in on the secret of Claquesous’s police spy status, and Javert is excluded. I dunno, it’s interesting that his superiors have been forced to pay enough attention to his personal character to make a specific decision about him as a person. There’s also a huge autistic mood there.
Obviously, he obediently pretends ignorance and gaslights himself into not thinking about or questioning the matter. It’s important to state that he does nothing virtuous or morally useful here--on the contrary, he’s doing the extremely police thing of covering for the police. And if it were a matter of, say, police brutality, that’s pretty clearly also what he would be doing.
Whatever Javert began as, he’s nearly all the way corrupted by his job by now. But I do wonder about that tension with his superiors, and their probable annoyance at having to skirt around a police officer who’s this squeamish. When they send him off to be an obvious spy on the barricade with zero backup plan to do work he’s desperately unsuited for, will it simply be because police officers’ lives weren’t valued much more than the criminals they caught, and he drew the short straw that day? Or is there a thing here that his coworkers have started to find him kind of annoying.
And then we get to Brujon, a lifelong criminal whose father was also a lifelong criminal, and for whom prison is a porous state that’s just one more venue for doing crime.
Which brings us back to the roles people play around prison in this chapter and how there’s absolutely no way in which any part of this system does any good to anyone.
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fremedon · 2 years
Brickclub 4.2.2, “Prison Incubators of Embryonic Crime,” and 4.2.3, “Père Mabeuf’s Visitation”
Most of what I have to say about this chapter @everyonewasabird has said in his writeup, so I will just add two things:
1.) This is our introduction to the Rue Plumet; when we meet the house, a couple of chapters from now, Hugo doesn’t allude to any of this business but we go in already knowing that the house has come to the attention of Patron-Minette.
2.) “Being in the hands of justice is no obstruction to robbers. A little thing like that is not going to bother them. To be in prison for one crime is no reason not to start on another. These are artists who are already showing one picture at the Salon but even so are working on a new painting in their studios.”
WHY are Patron-Minette so consistently associated with the arts? What is Hugo doing here? I understand the association of art with the upper mine, but why are his exemplars of the lower mine all artists?
Bird’s writeup of 4.2.3 is also very good, particularly the observations that Mabeuf is, like Fantine, selling himself off piece by piece and, like the gamins, has the beautiful but not the useful. But part of Fantine’s descent was sacrificing the beautiful--her bird, her pot of roses--to preserve the needful, while Mabeuf pawns the copper plates of his Flora, the thing he needs to get the book back in print, before he starts selling any of his library. Bird calls the copper plates the most generative thing he owns; I would be more literal and point out that they are the literal means of production--and their loss marks Mabeuf’s transition from the poorest ranks of the bourgeoisie into the misérables.
He and Marius are both on the way down, and both too depressed to maintain their friendship, except by nodding in passing. “Heart-breaking that a time should come when poverty creates estrangement,” Hugo says. My first impulse was to argue that it’s not the poverty, it’s the depression, but of course they’re mutually self-reinforcing by now and that’s the point.
Hugo also says that Mabeuf did not receive visitors, so “[i]t was just as well that Marius no longer thought of calling on him,” and here I think he is being sarcastic, or I hope he is. We know that at some point, Marius introduced Mabeuf to Courfeyrac, or at least pointed him out; if Marius had continued to visit Mabeuf, he might also have brought him to the attention of Courfeyrac or someone else with more ability to help. Though Marius is doing a very good job of telling Courfeyrac absolutely nothing, so who knows.
Donougher gives a useful footnote on the quarto volume Mabeuf is reading when Eponine visits, an invented title, “On the Demons of Vauvert and the Goblins of the Biévre”: Vauvert is a ruined castle on in Paris, and the Bièvre is a mostly lost (diverted and covered over) river whose course ran through the neighborhood of the Gorbeau House and the Field of the Lark, and the book is ostensibly about the apparitions of those neighborhoods. au diable vauvert is an expression meaning “the back of beyond,” and Gobelins can mean ‘goblins’ or can be the Gobelins family tapestry factory, set on and closely associated with the Bièvre.
Fursona watch: Eponine in her ragged shawl resembles a bat.
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articlesfood · 2 years
Wind Turbine Composites Material Market Global Segments, Top Key Players, Size And Recent Trends By Forecast 2021-2027
Wind Turbine Composites Material Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Wind Turbine Composites Material Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Wind Turbine Composites Material market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Wind Turbine Composites Material industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
Wind Turbine Composites Material MARKET GROWTH, TRENDS, COVID-19 IMPACT, AND FORECASTS (2021 - 2027)
Wind Turbine Composites Material Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Wind Turbine Composites Material Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Wind Turbine Composites Material market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Wind Turbine Composites Material industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
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The report begins from overview of Industry Chain structure, and describes industry environment, then analyses market size and forecast of Wind Turbine Composites Material by product, region and application, in addition, this report introduces market competition situation among the vendors and company profile, besides, market price analysis and value chain features are covered in this report.
Product Type Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Major Company of Product Type etc.): Glass Fiber Carbon Fiber
Application Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Different Demand Market by Region, Main Consumer Profile etc.): Leaf Blade Chassis Others
Region Coverage (Regional Production, Demand & Forecast by Countries etc.): North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina etc.) Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa etc.)
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patron-minette · 8 months
Les Misérables, 4.2.2
The Patron-Minette are back for this chapter, and now we get to know what happened to them after the disastrous Gorbeau ambush!
Initially, we learn that it was not only the mysterious "Urbain Fabre" who managed to avoid the clutches of the police that fateful night. In fact, 2/4 of the Patron-Minette's ringleaders actually avoided jail too!
First, there is Montparnasse— who "had escaped Javert" thanks to his languid nature and lustful desires (the reference to "Nemorin" made here indicates that Montparnasse and Éponine spent the evening doing much more than talking... Hugo is actually implying that they slept together!). Javert's annoyance over not being able to nab him does partially indicate this young criminal's serious reputation though... he even appears to have a street name for himself: the “devil’s dandy”!
It is Claquesous' escape which is far more compelling, however, seeing as he was originally arrested with the other criminals... but somehow "melted into the shadows like a snow-flake in water" on his way to prison!
With this unexplained disappearance, we begin to learn that Claquesous might not be quite as mysterious as Hugo initially described him... Well, perhaps I should say that Claquesous' mysterious nature shifts away from the supernatural and instead transforms into something very human... It definitely seems odd that the police agents and sergeants all managed to lose him. Javert is certainly right to raise his suspicions about this masked rouge (and we should keep them in mind in future chapters)!
If we are to believe that Claquesous is a double agent who might be working with the police, we are again provided with another example of the Patron-Minette's criminals being linked to certain political organisations and other related groups (the first instance being present in Gueulemer's description, where it is hinted to that he was involved with the royalist mob who assassinated Marshall Brune in 1815).
Outside of the continued presence of Patron-Minette's four figureheads in this chapter, a rather intriguing, previously unassuming criminal affiliate steps into the spotlight: Brujon! And— my goodness— what a performance he puts on in La Force. Again, crime continues to take on a theatrical twist here— not only does Brujon act in a certain way to deceive guards, but Hugo again explicitly compares criminals and artists:
Robbers do not interrupt their profession because they are in the hands of justice. They do not let themselves be put out by such a trifle as that. To be in prison for one crime is no reason for not beginning on another crime. They are artists, who have one picture in the salon, and who toil, nonetheless, on a new work in their studios.
The fleeting reference to Brujon's father's name being carved on the walls of the prison is a great minor detail that I particularly enjoy. Not only does it give us a glimpse of the Brujon "dynasty" that Hugo has previously mentioned to readers, but it also connects concepts of legacy and criminality, with this signature being one of the "souvenirs of La Force".
The references to some of the even more minor Patron-Minette affiliates sprinkled throughout this chapter (Kruideniers, Glorieux, Barre-Carosse) and other related connections (Babet's mistress, Magnon, Éponine) also give invaluable insights into how the gang operates and organises itself... and it is interesting (and important!) to note how women are involved in these criminal practices too!
One last point: Babet's mistress resides in La Salpêtrière, a hospital that housed "hysterical" women and also held illegal prostitutes in this period. Regardless of whether this unnamed woman was deemed to be "hysterical" or if she is being imprisoned for being an unregistered prostitute, the detail implies that Babet is likely exploiting her. It also links back to the cut Patron-Minette chapters, where Hugo talks in depth about the relationship between thieves and prostitutes.
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shashiemrf · 3 years
The Ongoing Trend of Urbanization and Industrialization to Bolster Growth of the Broadcasting Equipment Market 2023
Market Highlights
The market for broadcasting equipment spans across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world. North America accounted for the largest market share of 30.6% in 2017, with a market value of USD 1,722.4 million; the market is expected to register a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period. Asia-Pacific was the second-largest market in 2017, valued at USD 1,534.8 million; the market is projected to exhibit the highest CAGR of 7.6%.
The broadcasting equipment market in the US is expected to grow at a significant rate during the forecast period. The major factors influencing this growth includes the high penetration of the Internet which has led to the reduction in the distribution cost of streaming video content as well as increased the demand for OTT content. These developments contribute to the rapid growth of the broadcasting and related industries. Asia-Pacific has witnessed robust growth due to technological innovation, continuous economic growth, and the rising demand for communication services. Moreover, increasing investments in upgrading network infrastructure and optimization of mobile broadband are helping the broadcasting equipment market to grow at a rapid pace in China. The advent of 8K Super Hi-vision and launch of BS 4K has a significant impact on the broadcasting equipment market in Japan with heavy investments being made for the development of video switchers, slow-motion controls, upconverter to 8K, HEVC encoder, 8K recorders, uncompressed transmitters for fiber optics, and uncompressed transmitters for 120 GHz band. Europe has witnessed fast digital transition due to the setup of specific purpose bodies, such as Digital UK, consisting of government departments, regulatory agencies, broadcasters, network operators, and consumer electronics manufacturers, which allowed for a smooth transition process.
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The global broadcasting equipment market is expected to reach USD 7,705.3 million at a CAGR of over 5.6% by the end of the forecast period 2018–2023.
Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 30 market data tables and figures spread over 100 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on “Global Broadcasting Equipment Market Research Report -Forecast to 2023”.
Global Broadcasting Equipment Market Segmentation
The global broadcasting equipment market has been segmented on the basis of application, product, and region. The application segment has been segmented into radio and television. The product segment has been segmented into dish antenna, amplifier, switches, video servers, encoders, transmitters and repeaters, modulators, and others. The region includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the rest of the world.
Some of the prominent players in the global broadcasting equipment market are Cisco Systems Inc. (US), Evertz Microsystems, Ltd (Canada), Belden Inc. (US), Clyde Broadcast (UK), Eletec Broadcast Telecom SARL (France), AVL Technologies, Inc. (US), Global Invacom Group Limited (Singapore), Euro Media Group (France), Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (Sweden), EVS Broadcast Equipment (Belgium), Harmonic Inc. (US), Sencore (US), ACORDE Technologies SA (Spain), ETL Systems Ltd (UK), ARRIS International PLC (US), TAMURA Corporation (Japan), Japan Radio Co. (Japan), Ikegami Tsushinki Co., Ltd (Japan), Shotoku Corp. (Japan), Panasonic Corporation (Japan), Hitachi, Ltd (Japan), and NEC Corporation (Japan).
Table of Content:
3.1. Research Process
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Market Size Estimation
3.5. Forecast Model
3.6. List Of Assumptions
4.1. Overview
4.2. Drivers
4.2.1. Transition Of Hardware–Oriented Products To Software–Based Architecture
4.2.2. Growing Demand Of Over–The–Top Content Via Different Channels
4.3. Restraints
4.3.1. Rapid Change In The Broadcasting Technologies
4.4. Opportunities
4.4.1. Adoption Of 5G Connectivity For Broadcasting
5.1. Value Chain Analysis
5.1.1. Material & Process Equipment Suppliers
5.1.2. Component/Equipment Suppliers
5.1.3. Network Owner & Service Providers
5.1.4. Content & Application Providers
5.1.5. End–Use Hardware Providers
5.1.6. End–Users
5.2. Porter’s Five Forces Model
5.2.1. Threat Of New Entrants
5.2.2. Bargaining Power Of Suppliers
5.2.3. Bargaining Power Of Buyer
5.2.4. Threat Of Substitutes
5.2.5. Intensity Of Rivalry
Get Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/broadcasting-equipment-market-7645
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Market Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.
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linhgd9 · 3 years
Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Analysis By Regional Outlook, Competitive Landscape, Strategies And Forecasts 2027| Metform, Dallan Company, JUPITER
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Los Angeles, United State: QY Research has evaluated the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market in its latest research report. The research study is a compilation of brilliant, thorough, and accurate analyses on different areas of the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market. The researchers have made it a point to explore hidden growth opportunities and pin-point key strategies of prominent players and the successes achieved with their implementation. The segmentation study provided in the report helps players to understand the growth trajectory of all-important segments of the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market. The highly detailed cost analysis, sales study, and pricing structure analysis offered in the report will help players to make some powerful moves in the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) https://www.qyresearch.com/sample-form/form/3263125/global-roll-forming-machines-and-lines-market
Buyers of the report will be equipped with exhaustive analysis of the competitive landscape and powerful insights into the nature of competition to secure a position of strength in the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market. Apart from analyzing the international and regional growth of leading players of the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market, the researchers have shed light on their market share, sales growth, production areas, key markets, capacity, and revenue. The analysts have specially focused on the nature and characteristics of the competitive landscape and changes expected in the next few years.
Key Players Mentioned in the Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Research Report: Metform, Dallan Company, JUPITER, Gasparini SpA, SWAH, Baileigh Industrial(JPW), IED Inc, Formtek, COMETAL IMAL Group, EWMenn, Jouanel Industrie, Dimeco, Samco Machinery, JIDET, LMS Machinery, VLB Group, Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co., Hebei FeiXiang
Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market by Type: Roll Forming Machines, Roll Forming Lines
Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market by Application: Automobile, Building and Decoration, Oil and Gas Industry, Traffic and Transporation, Storage Industry, Others
The global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market has been spilt into different segments and sub-segments with the help of data triangulation and market breakdown procedures. The authors of the research study have carefully estimated the market sizes of all segments studied in the Roll Forming Machines and Lines report. They have also validated market figures of the segments using trustworthy sources.
The regional analysis provided in the Roll Forming Machines and Lines research study is an outstanding attempt made by the researchers to help players identify high-growth regions and modify their strategies according to the specific market scenarios therein. Each region is deeply analyzed with large focus on CAGR, market growth, market share, market situations, and growth forecast.
Questions Answered by the Report:
(1) How will the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market perform during the forecast period? What will be the market size in terms of value and volume?
(2) Which segment will drive the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market? Which regional market will show extensive growth in the future? What are the reasons?
(3) How will the Roll Forming Machines and Lines market dynamics change because of the impact of future market opportunities, restraints, and drivers?
(4) What are the key strategies adopted by players to sustain themselves in the global Roll Forming Machines and Lines market?
(5) How will these strategies influence the Roll Forming Machines and Lines market growth and competition?
Request for customization in Report: https://www.qyresearch.com/customize-request/form/3263125/global-roll-forming-machines-and-lines-market
Table of Contents
1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Overview 1.1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Product Overview 1.2 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Segment by Type 1.2.1 Roll Forming Machines 1.2.2 Roll Forming Lines 1.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size by Type 1.3.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size Overview by Type (2016-2027) 1.3.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size Review by Type (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Volume by Type (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Value by Type (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2016-2021) 1.3.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Type (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Volume by Type (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Value by Type (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2022-2027) 1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Type 1.4.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021) 1.4.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021) 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021) 1.4.4 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021) 1.4.5 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Type (2016-2021)
2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Competition by Company 2.1 Global Top Players by Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales (2016-2021) 2.2 Global Top Players by Roll Forming Machines and Lines Revenue (2016-2021) 2.3 Global Top Players Roll Forming Machines and Lines Price (2016-2021) 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Roll Forming Machines and Lines Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area, Product Type 2.5 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Competitive Situation and Trends 2.5.1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Concentration Rate (2016-2021) 2.5.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales and Revenue in 2020 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Roll Forming Machines and Lines as of 2020) 2.7 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market 2.8 Key Manufacturers Roll Forming Machines and Lines Product Offered 2.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion
3 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Status and Outlook by Region 3.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size and CAGR by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2026 3.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Region 3.2.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Region (2016-2021) 3.2.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Region (2016-2021) 3.2.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales (Volume & Value) Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 3.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Region 3.3.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Region (2022-2027) 3.3.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Region (2022-2027) 3.3.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales (Volume & Value), Price and Gross Margin (2022-2027)
4 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Application 4.1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Segment by Application 4.1.1 Automobile 4.1.2 Building and Decoration 4.1.3 Oil and Gas Industry 4.1.4 Traffic and Transporation 4.1.5 Storage Industry 4.1.6 Others 4.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size by Application 4.2.1 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Size Overview by Application (2016-2027) 4.2.2 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size Review by Application (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Volume, by Application (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Value, by Application (2016-2021) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2016-2021) 4.2.3 Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Application (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Volume, by Application (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown in Value, by Application (2022-2027) Global Roll Forming Machines and Lines Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2022-2027) 4.3 Key Regions Market Size Segment by Application 4.3.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021) 4.3.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021) 4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021) 4.3.4 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021) 4.3.5 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales Breakdown by Application (2016-2021)
5 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Country 5.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Country 5.1.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2021) 5.1.2 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2016-2021) 5.2 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Country 5.2.1 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2022-2027) 5.2.2 North America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2022-2027)
6 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Country 6.1 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Country 6.1.1 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2021) 6.1.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2016-2021) 6.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Country 6.2.1 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2022-2027) 6.2.2 Europe Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2022-2027)
7 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Region 7.1 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Region 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Region (2016-2021) 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Region (2016-2021) 7.2 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Region 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Region (2022-2027) 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Region (2022-2027)
8 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Country 8.1 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Country 8.1.1 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2021) 8.1.2 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2016-2021) 8.2 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Country 8.2.1 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2022-2027) 8.2.2 Latin America Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2022-2027)
9 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines by Country 9.1 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Historic Market Size by Country 9.1.1 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2016-2021) 9.1.2 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2016-2021) 9.2 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Forecasted Market Size by Country 9.2.1 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Volume by Country (2022-2027) 9.2.2 Middle East and Africa Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales in Value by Country (2022-2027)
10 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Roll Forming Machines and Lines Business 10.1 Metform 10.1.1 Metform Corporation Information 10.1.2 Metform Introduction and Business Overview 10.1.3 Metform Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.1.4 Metform Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.1.5 Metform Recent Development 10.2 Dallan Company 10.2.1 Dallan Company Corporation Information 10.2.2 Dallan Company Introduction and Business Overview 10.2.3 Dallan Company Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.2.4 Dallan Company Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.2.5 Dallan Company Recent Development 10.3 JUPITER 10.3.1 JUPITER Corporation Information 10.3.2 JUPITER Introduction and Business Overview 10.3.3 JUPITER Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.3.4 JUPITER Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.3.5 JUPITER Recent Development 10.4 Gasparini SpA 10.4.1 Gasparini SpA Corporation Information 10.4.2 Gasparini SpA Introduction and Business Overview 10.4.3 Gasparini SpA Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.4.4 Gasparini SpA Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.4.5 Gasparini SpA Recent Development 10.5 SWAH 10.5.1 SWAH Corporation Information 10.5.2 SWAH Introduction and Business Overview 10.5.3 SWAH Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.5.4 SWAH Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.5.5 SWAH Recent Development 10.6 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) 10.6.1 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Corporation Information 10.6.2 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Introduction and Business Overview 10.6.3 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.6.4 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.6.5 Baileigh Industrial(JPW) Recent Development 10.7 IED Inc 10.7.1 IED Inc Corporation Information 10.7.2 IED Inc Introduction and Business Overview 10.7.3 IED Inc Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.7.4 IED Inc Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.7.5 IED Inc Recent Development 10.8 Formtek 10.8.1 Formtek Corporation Information 10.8.2 Formtek Introduction and Business Overview 10.8.3 Formtek Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.8.4 Formtek Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.8.5 Formtek Recent Development 10.9 COMETAL IMAL Group 10.9.1 COMETAL IMAL Group Corporation Information 10.9.2 COMETAL IMAL Group Introduction and Business Overview 10.9.3 COMETAL IMAL Group Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.9.4 COMETAL IMAL Group Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.9.5 COMETAL IMAL Group Recent Development 10.10 EWMenn 10.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Competitors 10.10.2 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Product Category, Application and Specification 10.10.3 EWMenn Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.10.4 Main Business Overview 10.10.5 EWMenn Recent Development 10.11 Jouanel Industrie 10.11.1 Jouanel Industrie Corporation Information 10.11.2 Jouanel Industrie Introduction and Business Overview 10.11.3 Jouanel Industrie Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.11.4 Jouanel Industrie Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.11.5 Jouanel Industrie Recent Development 10.12 Dimeco 10.12.1 Dimeco Corporation Information 10.12.2 Dimeco Introduction and Business Overview 10.12.3 Dimeco Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.12.4 Dimeco Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.12.5 Dimeco Recent Development 10.13 Samco Machinery 10.13.1 Samco Machinery Corporation Information 10.13.2 Samco Machinery Introduction and Business Overview 10.13.3 Samco Machinery Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.13.4 Samco Machinery Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.13.5 Samco Machinery Recent Development 10.14 JIDET 10.14.1 JIDET Corporation Information 10.14.2 JIDET Introduction and Business Overview 10.14.3 JIDET Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.14.4 JIDET Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.14.5 JIDET Recent Development 10.15 LMS Machinery 10.15.1 LMS Machinery Corporation Information 10.15.2 LMS Machinery Introduction and Business Overview 10.15.3 LMS Machinery Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.15.4 LMS Machinery Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.15.5 LMS Machinery Recent Development 10.16 VLB Group 10.16.1 VLB Group Corporation Information 10.16.2 VLB Group Introduction and Business Overview 10.16.3 VLB Group Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.16.4 VLB Group Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.16.5 VLB Group Recent Development 10.17 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. 10.17.1 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Corporation Information 10.17.2 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Introduction and Business Overview 10.17.3 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.17.4 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.17.5 Yingkou Sanxing Roll Forming Machine Co. Recent Development 10.18 Hebei FeiXiang 10.18.1 Hebei FeiXiang Corporation Information 10.18.2 Hebei FeiXiang Introduction and Business Overview 10.18.3 Hebei FeiXiang Roll Forming Machines and Lines Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 10.18.4 Hebei FeiXiang Roll Forming Machines and Lines Products Offered 10.18.5 Hebei FeiXiang Recent Development
11 Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis 11.1 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Key Raw Materials 11.1.1 Key Raw Materials 11.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price 11.1.3 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 11.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure 11.2.1 Raw Materials 11.2.2 Labor Cost 11.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses 11.3 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Industrial Chain Analysis 11.4 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Market Dynamics 11.4.1 Industry Trends 11.4.2 Market Drivers 11.4.3 Market Challenges 11.4.4 Market Restraints
12 Market Strategy Analysis, Distributors 12.1 Sales Channel 12.2 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Distributors 12.3 Roll Forming Machines and Lines Downstream Customers
13 Research Findings and Conclusion
14 Appendix 14.1 Research Methodology 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach Research Programs/Design Market Size Estimation Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation 14.1.2 Data Source Secondary Sources Primary Sources 14.2 Author Details 14.3 Disclaimer
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