#lmk if you'd like anything changed!! <3
angelsdvsts · 7 months
↪ closed for @thcarchcr
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it was late at night, the two were under the stars, deep in conversation entangled in one another. eyes darts over towards him as she nibbles on her bottom lip, unsure if he was willing to have this conversation with her. "so.. about your dad." she mumbles, "do you ever wish things turned out differently?"
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sloaneabara · 2 months
who: sloane & @tashamadams
where: the mirage (or another bar in town!)
when: april, 2024
She couldn't remember the last time she went out to a bar. It might've been in her college years, from what Sloane remembered about the often hazy memories she had of those years. But since her parents had Evelyn for the weekend, she was happy to accept Tasha's invitation for a girls' night. Even though in her mind she was expecting something more low-key. As she waited outside for the other, looking down at her phone for a minute, she smiled as she saw her friend approaching. "You know, when you said a "Girls Night", I thought you meant wine and cheesy rom-coms," she teased, even though that was pretty much an ideal night for her, with the substitution of rom-coms for a documentary. "Next time I get to pick the plans."
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balladetto · 8 months
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@hyaciiintho ( Link )
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     He hadn't wanted to circle back to this particular inn, but there was little choice with the air so humid — ripe with the promise of approaching rain. As he feared, they'd come at a bad time. "Tourist season," the innkeeper had explained ( then complained ) when he last saw her. Tonight, she just wryly smiles. "Lucky last room. Only one bed though."
     He takes the key, of course. A bedroll on polished floorboards will always be better than a bedroll on cold, wet dirt.
     The room is a decent size. Or it would be, usually, except it feels a lot smaller when there are two travellers staring at the same bed. When there's Link and...bigger Link. In the same space. Sharing the same time.
     He really can't wrap his head around it.
     He looks up at that older face. Not for the first or most likely last time since— this, he thinks he remembers being that sort of big. Remembers being in that sort of body.
     ( In truth, it's not something he can ever forget. Something he can put away, maybe; like trinkets in a drawer, or some book on a high shelf, or pieces of something shattered buried deep where no one can find them. Here, in the face of those eyes — the near exact shade of blue he catches in his reflection — it's like damning bloodstains on fresh, pale fabric. )
     He flexes the fingers of his left hand, curling them in one by one and pressing the tip of each nail into the meat of his palm. With his other, he motions towards the bed. "You— for you."
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corcnaiism · 20 days
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❛  hey,  gladio,  chill  for  a  moment,  yeah  ??  ❜
walking  up  to  his  training  bodyguard  in  the  midst  of  one  of  his  sessions,  noctis  threw  a  cold  bottled  water  towards  gladiolus’  direction  to  give  him  some  hydration.  as  much  as  he  appreciated  his  friend’s  dedication,  sometimes  he  feels  like  he  might  be  pushing  it  a  little  too  hard,  but  who  was  noctis  to  rain  down  on  his  parade?
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❛  you  got  some  free  time  ??  i  was  wondering  about  going  to  pick  up  a  meal  somewhere.  i  don’t  know  where,  really,  just  where  somewhere speaks  to  me.  you  up  to  join  me  ??  ❜
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lockedfighter · 1 month
ˏˋ°• ׂׂૢ་༘࿐            plotted starter . ♡ @motherlystrife
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༊⋆。˚                                  part  of  her  felt  a  little  anxious    yet  the  other  side  was  excited  to  learn  from  a  mother  figure  again  —-  cooking    ;  one  of  her  favourite  pastimes  .  with  her  father  working  continuously  ,  she  had  taken  it  upon  herself  to  learn  the  basics  of  everything  ..    useful  .  sewing  ,  another  thing  she  was  getting  pretty  handy  at  .  after  her  shift  that  afternoon  ,  the  young  girl  brushed  herself  down  and  picked  up  the    bag  of  ingredients  for  a  pot  roast    before  knocking  on  the  door  .  ❛  hi  ,  ms  strife  !!  i  got  all  the  stuff  we  need  .    ❜
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stillresolved · 3 months
“you’re allowed to need help sometimes.” - Wenzhe @ Lam 👀 (btw if this doesn't make sense, that would be in character for Wenzhe as well FKDLGJF)
@mythvoiced / more random dialogue prompts.
HE USED TO PRIDE HIMSELF on just that– being self-sufficient to the point that if he, of all the students in class, were asking for assistance, then the assignment at hand must truly be difficult. This mindset could easily be applied to other parts of his life. 
Why else would it sting still, needing Wenzhe’s help in this mess. Lamon huffs and rolls his eyes. “You think I don’t know that?” His right arm hangs limply like a rag doll. This time, the collateral in this sudden malfunctioning is a beaker with active yeast. Not exactly the kind of mess that they can leave lying around for an hour or two.
He squats down next to Wenzhe, who for all the energy the latter wastes like cars on exhaust fumes (in chemistry terms Lamon would liken him more to electrons repeatedly colliding and clashing off of one another), has taken to diligently sweeping the glass up into the dustpan. “You just wanted another reason to bug me, didn’t you? The janitor would’ve done it just fine. It’s his job.”
But at this point, they both know it wouldn’t have sat well with Lamon to leave it to the janitor. As the one who made said mess, it would only be fair that he cleans it up, wouldn’t it?
He has a feeling Wenzhe would probably have felt the same way, were he in Lamon’s shoes.
It’s funny, the way disability makes so called self-sufficiency seem like a pipe dream. What used to an aspect he lived and breathed in a mantra, is now a finish line that eludes him more often than not. These days, that feels more like an inconvenience than a dent on his pride.  
A very annoying inconvenience, considering the kind of help it seems to summon these days.
( But then again, isn’t PRIDE considered a sin too? )
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“That’s enough,” Lamon says finally though. With his good arm, he lifts the dust pan, careful not to let the glass shard slip off the edge. The stench lingers as he gives Wenzhe a look– for all the cheeriness the other exudes, Lamon has a suspicion they’re probably not that much better at accepting assistance. It takes one to know one.
That, and anyone who gives advice usually struggles to follow said wisdom.
“What? It’s like you said, there’s nothing wrong with needing help.” Which means not letting Wenzhe do all the work. “It just means this is a two-person job then.”
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fatewoven · 9 months
sit . / @killspwn
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The city carries on with a certain rhythm; a slow steady crescendo that makes it seem it remembers and rejoices in the return of one of its wayward children. Blood recognizes blood, and Enver could guess most of the viscera that drenches the foundation beneath the Gate was personally exsanguinated by the Urge over the many, many years. Yet, this is not the one he knew. The facial scar is new. The demeanor odd. Reduced. Holding off judgement, Enver circles his desk, gold-clawed hands dragging across the polished surface, before sitting proper in his own office — as requested by a guest most honored. His once nearest and dearest. Polite, he offers a faint smile, the flicker-dance of candle shadows casting deep, warped shadows across both their features in the dead of night. [The setting aches familiar, they've been here before.] "I assume you've come here for answers, alone as you are. Go on. Sit. We can discuss matters properly. You can ask any question you desire."
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kennedyxwarren · 4 months
who: kennedy & @yoon-nyeon
where: jackson square, new orleans
when: february 2024
She'd always been an earlier riser. Even on vacation Kennedy still didn't sleep in, which she was glad as it gave her a bit of extra time to explore. Stopping by a local cafe for a cup of coffee and a few pastries, she decided to take a stroll through the square as a sort of quiet start to her day. Taking a seat on a bench for a moment, she hadn't noticed many other people yet, until she spotted a semi-familiar face she'd seen around Merrock recently. "Hey there," she greeted, offering a spot on the bench for him to sit. "I've got some extra beignets if you want any?"
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shadowedresolve · 5 months
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"Oh, Ryujiiiiii...?~"
Ann sings Ryuji's name with glee, her singsong tone filled to the brim with obvious satisfaction. With a hand on her hip, it's clear that she's very pleased about something - but what could that something be?
Smiling with a deceptive sweetness, Ann's expression suddenly becomes more playful as she looks him straight in the eyes.
"I believe that means that I win the bet. Now, come on - pay up!"
@fatexbound ( starter for ryuji! )
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supercutts · 5 months
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          ❛  i  may  be  dirt,  ❜    the  male  begins  steadily,  unwrapping  himself  from  the  other,    ❛  but  you're  the  one  who  likes  to  roll  in  it.  ❜    the  smirk  never  leaves  grayson's  lips,  even  as  he's  searching  for  his  clothes  strewn  around  the  room.  it  only  grows  as  he  catches  sight  of  a  familiar  undergarment,  which  he  dangles  on  his  pointer  finger  in  the  other's  view.    ❛  don't  look  so  pissed  —  i'm  just  fucking  with  you. that's our thing, right ?  fucking around. ❜ @fadinglights
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angelsdvsts · 7 months
↪ closed for @rcseglds | inspo ♡
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the long awaited moment was finally here -- they were actually going to meet in person and he couldn't be happier. although, he must admit he was a bit nervous to meet her in person -- to fuel the nerves he decides to go for a cup of coffee as he waits for her plane to land. eyes flickering towards his phone to check the time.
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knighteclipsed · 2 years
heavy armor under a heavier sun.
Rumors of treasure in the deserts of Sreng have been spreading like wildfire in the Officer’s Academy recently, and it isn’t hard to imagine why. Every time the desert is brought up, more and more goodies are rumored to lie beneath the sands. Some claim that you could find mighty weapons from years ago, somehow perfectly preserved. One young student seems to think that there is a mysterious warrior with a “cool helmet” who would duel anyone who dares to disturb his home among the dusty ruins. Even the faculty have joined in on the speculation, eager at the possibility of uncovering supposed relics like “shoes that make you walk faster.” Either as a result of being enticed by the potential for treasure or out of eagerness to prove that the desert is indeed “deserted”, you decide to journey forth into the unknown. At the very least, the harsh conditions in the region should make for good exercise. [Grants Heavy Armor +1]
The hot desert sun beats down on him for what must be hours, a beast far more harsh than any mortal creature that might await him. The arid wastes of Fódlan are not much different from Magvel’s Jehanna, if not more barren and dry. Valter’s mind pushes away the recollection of his defeat (when he had fallen to that prince) — that was nothing more than a distraction here.
The rumors he had heard suggested there would be something worth finding in this place — weapons and some special items were the main point of most’s interests, but that was not Valter’s concern (such could be acquired anywhere, really). He was here for one purpose and one purpose only: to hunt. There could be no other reason for him, one who was sated by bloodshed alone.
Leaving had been simple enough. All he had to do was state plainly that he was going to investigate Sreng himself and leave would be adequately granted. He hadn’t yet earned the right to take a steed that wasn’t his own (which meant he had no steed with him at all), but that would be fine. Even as the sand shifted under his boots, it would not matter when the time came for combat.
He halts momentarily, another figure appearing between the windy spray. What they were doing remained unknown to Valter, but if they were in the desert alongside him, they were either hunting for treasure, seeking his quarry—
Or perhaps they were his quarry...
His footsteps are muffled by the sands, and he moves under the cover of a brief fog of the wind’s creation. When he enters striking range, he sees clearly the figure’s silhouette, and how it clearly lacks the one feature that defined the warrior he had come here for: a helmet.
“ And who might you be? ” he demands, his voice sharp and clear in the dry air. “ I see no reason for one such as yourself to be out in the middle of nowhere. ”
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balladetto · 8 months
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@gloryseized ( Link )
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     In the end, the monster falls before he can.
     Which has to be a given, he feels, considering everything about him and everything about here — dying can't exactly be an option when there's so much to be fixed — though Link'd be lying if he said this wasn't a close call.
     He's recovering from a roll when it happens, having sliced through another one of its legs and looking to stick its eye full of arrows as it wobbles to adjust to a new heft. His bow is raised and drawn, aiming just as it aims for him with that strange light and those strange sounds, but something else strikes it before he can loose his shot. There's an explosion of bright blue that he yelps and has to shut his eyes at — dazzling and pretty even from behind his eyelids in the way he's thought only light arrows can be.
     Its noises reach a grinding, squealing peak. Like a death rattle, holding for one heartbeat; two heartbeats; three-four-five. Then his breaths are the only things he can hear in the silence that follows, big and heaving in his chest.
     Okay. That— yeah, okay.
     Taking stock comes first — and instinctively. The monster's done for. He's more tired than he'd like for it. He's got aches he can live with and scuffs he can brush off. There's a soreness to his skin that may speak of burns, but he's got potions. There's a tremor in his hands that gets worse the tighter he grips his bow, but that's just relief. Someone helped him.
     Someone helped him.
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malboraslihan · 9 months
                               ♡ @creulintenticns liked for a starter.
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she  waited  until  darkness  fell  around  her  tower,  guards  changing  shifts  and  helpers  busy  with  their  dinner  to  slip  for  a  bit.  it  wasn't  the  first  time  she  tested  her  brother's  wards,  but  it  was  surely  the  only  one  it  might  have  worked.  air  brushes  against  her  cheek  as  she  slides  into  a  tavern,  hood  hanging  over  her  head  and  hiding  the  grin  that  dances  on  her  lips.  it's  only  when  gaze  falls  on  someone's  hold  that  fear  strikes  through  her.  '  please  '  she  manages  to  say.
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flockrest · 9 months
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It would be wise to reveal yourself.
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“Dineli, the first Sage of Wind,” recites a soft voice. “T’is an honor to have claimed such a title or so I’m told. Tell me, are your responsibilities as an elder and now sage a bit overwhelming?”
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     Perhaps it says something of his weariness, that his first concern should do with how this is not a voice he recognises. It comes from the shadows creeping nearer in the wake of a setting sun — from the line of trees he just left behind, surely, even as he finds nothing peering out from the visible gaps between those trunks.
     He entertains the notion for a farcical second. A voice he's never heard, from some person he cannot see. These are strange times.
     Dangerous times.
     The feathers lining his neck and crest slowly rise in unease. He keeps his bow at rest, but his other wing lifts to hover about his quiver. Whoever — whatever — this is, they are too close to Peaks Among the Ripples for him to simply ignore. "You speak as though I know you."
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revengesworn · 1 year
Mikey can feel himself shaking.
He hates it. This weakness - this fear and the heart-pounding terror that, at times like these,  always emerges from so deep in his core that it feels like it defines him. He’s supposed to be strong. How can he be a leader when he can’t carry the people he loves through their pain and beyond? He can barely even manage to stand on his own two feet, let alone protect the people he cares about.
He’s always been weak, and he’s always hated the weak. The weak can’t do a thing. If they just tried a little harder, fought a little more, then they’d be able to protect themselves and the people they love... but they don’t even try. The weak make excuses, and bring nothing but misery to those around them, and there’s no-one out there weaker than Mikey.
He can lie, and deny it to himself, but... at times like these, he knows the truth.
But that doesn’t mean he’ll accept it. No matter how much it hurts, he’ll stop his body from shaking and put a smile on his face as if nothing is wrong... because Baji deserves it, after all - he’s the one who really suffered here.
As he enters the hospital room, Mikey feels his heart come to a stop. It’s just for a moment, as he sets eyes on Baji - who’s alive, he’s not dead; oh god he could’ve died too - but a barely-strained smile forms on his face regardless. He’s scared, because he doesn’t know if Baji will be happy to see him. But..
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“Baji. ...You really scared everyone, you know.”
@prxenuntius​ ( starter for baji! )
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