naminethewriter · 2 years
As Long As You Try Your Best
Day 4 and we’re going back to my small AU where Logan & Remus are Janus’ dads, which I now dubbed Janus and His Dads AU because I decided it needed a name five minutes ago and didn’t come up with anything better 😅 This story can be read as a stand alone but if you want to check out the related posts you’ll find them here (there’s like 4 total now). Hope you enjoy 🥰 @loceitweek2022
Here on Ao3
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2022 Masterpost
Summary: Logan has a question to ask his son about school. His son isn't very keen on answering.
“Janus?” Logan called, looking for his son.
 “Yeah?” He heard back, apparently from upstairs.
 “Would you please join me in the living room for a moment?” Instead of an answer he heard footsteps coming closer until Janus appeared in the door, one of his snakes coiled around one arm.
 “Yes, Papa?” he asked, eyes wide and curious. Logan was afraid this conversation wasn’t going to be pleasant.
“I just talked with your uncle Patton on the phone. He says hi.”
 “Oh, okay. If that’s all, I’ll go back upstairs and…” Suddenly Janus seemed very eager to escape. Logan didn’t let him.
 “Not so fast, young man.” Janus froze, his shoulders tense and he refused to look directly at his father. “Patton mentioned that Virgil brought back your latest vocabulary test. You haven’t mentioned that you got them back to me yet. Is there a reason for that?”
 “Ummm… About that…” Janus eyes nervously bounced around the room. “The test… I didn’t tell you about it because… I lost it!”
 “You lost it?” Janus eagerly nodded, rocking back and forth on his feet nervously.
 “Yeah. I’m sorry.” Logan eyes his son who was still refusing to look at him.
 “Where did you lose it? Maybe we can find it if I help you look.”
 “NO!” Janus shouted. Logan raised an eyebrow at his sudden volume and Janus quickly tried to explain. “It was outside! On my way back. I was thirsty so I opened my bag to grab my bottle and the test slipped out. The wind carried it away before I could grab it.” He seemed to gain more confidence in his story as he told it but Logan would not be fooled.
 “I see. So if I were to go upstairs right now and look in your bag I would not find the test, correct?” Janus paled, his mouth opening but no words came out. Logan sighed and moved passed him towards the stairs. Janus didn’t stop him but followed while chewing on his lip most likely trying to find an excuse to keep his father out of his room. He didn’t think of anything fast enough.
 Logan entered his son’s room and immediately spotted his school bag placed on the desk chair. He grabbed it, opened it and pulled out its contents one by one. Janus placed his snake back with the other two before watching his father pull out the piece of paper he’d been trying to hide. Logan studied it before sighing and motioning towards the bed.
 “Sit down, please.” Janus moved to do so without a word. Logan kneeled down next to him so they were about the same height. “Jay, please look at me and explain why you felt the need to lie to me about this.” He laid the piece of paper on the bed next to Janus, displaying the result of 8/20. His son glanced at it before looking away, tears starting to gather in his eyes.
 “I wasn’t gonna lie, I just wanted to talk to Mrs. Dot about it before I showed you. I know I could do better, but I was feeling icky when we took the test and… I didn’t want you to be mad at me.” Logan gently reached out to take his son’s hands in his own, finally making eye contact again.
 “I promise you, Janus, I will never be mad at you for a simple grade. Not as long as I’m sure you did your very best. And I can see you tried here.” At this point Janus had started crying and Logan pulled out a handkerchief to catch gently wipe his face. “You could have told Mrs. Dot that you weren’t feeling well, I’m sure she would have let you take the test another time.”
 “The others always say that’s cheating, that the kids who do that just fake it to get out of it. And they’re very mean to the ones who do,” Janus sniffled, squeezing his Papa’s hand in his. Logan nodded.
 “That isn’t very nice of them. I will have to speak about this with your teachers soon.” His son didn’t seem too thrilled about the idea but didn’t argue. “Promise me you will not lie about grades and tests to me or your dad anymore and I’ll make you some hot cocoa with marshmallows, how does that sound?”
 “O-okay.” Janus was still sniffling, but he smiled softly at his father. Logan smiled back and hugged him, only letting go when Janus made the first move to pull away. He couldn’t have asked for a better son.
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