#look they're both felines I don't think they'd get along
yarnpenguin · 4 months
Astarion always joins Gale for breakfast. Because, like, of course he does. They sit and talk while Gale eats, and Astarion doesn't need to sleep as long as Gale does, so he's been awake for hours.
Gale gets up to take his dishes away to the kitchen. Astarion goes to sit down in Gale's study.
Tara arrives. She jumps up onto the end table next to the chair Astarion is sitting in.
"You're still here, I see."
"You didn't get eaten by a manticore, I see."
Her hackles go up. His fingers clutch at the arm rest. They glare at each other.
Gale wanders in, carrying a tray of tea. "Tara! You're back, it's so good to see you. And it's wonderful that you and Astarion are getting on so well, as always."
"Of course we are, Mr Dekarios." She reaches out and places one paw gently, so gently, on the back of Astarion's hand.
He hisses, softly, between his teeth, because he feels claws digging ever-so-slowly into his skin.
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linaselandbasil · 1 year
Dimorphism in dragons
(Yes, this is eldarya content, I'm analyzing dragons. Don't worry we will talk about Valkyon and Lance. )
In a previous installation I proposed that the cause for different colored coats could be dimorphism. Dimorphism is the natural phenomenon of different looking genders, it is usually the result of $€xu@L selection.
For example: Peahens choose to mate with the male who has the most impressive tail feathers. This trait is linked to the y chromosome (I assume, don't quote me on this one) so every male offspring is guaranteed to have it (unless a genetic mutation occurs) and every female offspring is guaranteed to not have it.
The *nasty word* selection is so prevalent that the natural selection didn't reverse it. The big feathers of peacocks make it really hard to fly away when a predator is after them, so the sexier the peacock the easier it is to murk them. Despite this, peahens couldn't give less of a fuck, they don't like him that much. If he distracts the tiger while everyone else flees that's his problem to deal with!
Usually, in nature, when a male is very colorful and yassified it means that they're competing for female attention (there's exceptions). When the male is a gigachad compared to less gigachad females that's usually because they live in groups where the male specimen aren't as important socially and they're selected (or compete) to be a walking sperm bank, they basically get hella pussy (lion, deer, chicken), or it's simply a result of a coincidence (canids, felines). When the females are bigger that's possibly a coincidence too, but larger females are more efficient when the creatures are monogamous (only one partner. Humans are not monogamous by nature) because if the male is any bigger than it needs to be, that's a waste of resources on such a small scale. Usually bigger females occur in carnivorous animals, more often in birds and therapods. (Eagle, black widow, T-rex)
Alright, I'm not an expert but I think this is enough context. Let's get into it!
Tia remarked that her sons grew up to be really tall. (Father is also tall) This might be because she is small because of her phenotype or she's small simply because dragons mature differently and she was young. Let's say she's small because female dragons are smaller than males. That could mean that: a)dragons live in a social structure where one male is protecting his partners and offspring, most likely his adult sons as well. b)It's a coincidence and they live in a social structure like wolves where the oldest members protect and lead the youth. There was once a study that concluded that there's alpha wolves and they lead the pack, but that's simply not the case. In a follow-up study the research concluded that the "alphas" were the parents and grandparents of the pack and they were teaching and raising their pups even after they grew up. This is very similar to how humans function, must be why we get along so well.
I'll assume that the wolfpack theory is the case, since male dominance is kind of icky and young males getting thrown out because their father is scared that they'll fuck their mother is not the vibe. Very small shriveled up penis energy. Also, with this social structure, young males either become loners or stick together because being alone is hard for social animals. The fact that this doesn't go both ways and females can't have more than one male even breathing in their direction, one of them killing the other one might have been inevitable. I really don't get why Erika is so hot to them, she's literally living drywall.
Let's propose that male dragons are yassified like peacocks or deer. That would mean that they're physically bigger than females and they beat each other up to impress females. This would make horns make scientific sense and it would mean that Lance and Valkyon would be fighting each other to the bitter end every year for two weeks straight, but otherwise they'd be civil and they'd be allowed to live with the rest of dragon society.
They might just get groovy and do a little dance to impress their muse, they might sing, or, my favorite option:
They build a nest and fill it with pretty things! Aah, I'm getting the downstairs tingle just thinking about it! My my, what a mating ritual~
I headcanon dragons to be social creatures who function much the same way as humans, so they would live in communities with hundreds of individuals, the community contains several smaller groups with 20-30 individuals. Since they're large bodied predators, they'd need to live relatively far from one another to have enough food. That would mean that a community would occupy several hectares of land per mouth to feed, so their numbers are small and they need tight social bonds and complex communication to avoid inbreeding.
In a community, the young ones are raised and taught by all members, much like in humans. The young ones get taught how to socialize, and then to forage and hunt. Contrary to what people might assume, intelligence is not always an advantage. Brains consume a lot of energy and if there's no benefit to thinking, it makes the animal waste resources. Dragons would need to be pretty intelligent to understand social codes, learn from example and then find a way to teach too. Their intelligence benefits them, because it is a lot easier to survive together than alone.
Something that I thought up a while ago: Art separates people from animals and compassion separates monsters from creatures.
Dragons don't need to be like humans to be successful, but since humans are by far the most successful intelligent animal, I would assume we could see eye to eye with them. My favorite animal is a dragon, mostly because they're made up and anyone can imagine them however they think is best.
Let's look at some drawings:
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this last drawig I made for a different post but I forgot if I ever used it. Look at it regardless, they're some beautiful specimens! (They're siamese dragons from the post about pigmentation)
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@dragons-nest-black-dragon would you look at this, it's finished! (Mostly, I feel like I can add more but I'm tired)
@losyashkakus @lumen-anima @aide-falls @lunii12
And you, @little-frog-from-the-saturn, you seemed to like these so here you go. Another one to read.
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oooh, can we have the furbabies opinion on the ROs + James? 😍 who gets the feline seal of approval, and who is shunned??
ronan bennett: she is a bit concerned about him, he's too soft-hearted and she fears it'll get him in trouble. still loves him tho, would 100% cuddle and try grooming him (much to ronnie's pain cause that tongue is like sandpaper tf)
célia dupont: circe and célia are usually locked in a silent battle as the both stare each other down. it's typically a challenge as to who you pay attention to more and you awkwardly stand in the middle and try not to get more involved. they do get along eventually, however, so you don't have to worry about that for too long 😭
s bakkoush: they're mildly allergic to cats but wouldn't miss any opportunity to cuddle circe. you'd have to separate them and regard S's constant sneezes with alarm. circe thinks they're completely bonkers but she doesn't mind the treats.
i tachibana: absolutely loathe each other at first. circe would give you the ‘seriously? this mf?’ look while tachibana huffs and puffs like the wolf from three little piggies. they'd get along eventually but it'd be a long time till then 💀
james whelan: she also thinks james is completely bonkers and gives him extremely judgemental looks. circe also plays with him because sometimes she feels bad about how excited he looks to be with her. if given the choice tho, she'd rather hang out with alice 💀 james would come to you with claw marks on his hands and say that he can't wait to play with circe again while she just looks like that's the last thing she wants in her entire 9 lives 😭
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fluffle-friends · 2 years
Hello hello~ Don't mind me asking some silly little questions about your characters!
Let's see~
1) How do your OCs fare in flying class? Is someone afraid of flying/heights? Is someone enthusiastic about it? Do any of them have a particular style or pose (like how Cater and Leona stand on the broom, Idia and Floyd hang off it, Jade hugs it, etc.)? Does anyone use something other than a broom to fly?
2) If you had to pick only one, which canon character do you see being your OC's closest friend?
How They Fare on a Broomstick & What Canon Characters Would They get Along With
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Hehe (◍•ᴗ•◍) - I've been working on this today! I decided to write about 5 of my characters since my hand started getting all cramped while I was writing. (─.─||) (I should probably get a better pen to prevent that lmao.) Also a quick heads up - I struggled a bunch with the second question on Ranmaru so I ended up specifying what groups of characters he'd get along best with because I'm indecisive (✿☉-☉)
I wrote out answers for Ranmaru, Masayuki, Allegory, Silas, and Jo! I hope you enjoy!
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Ranmaru Suzuki
1 - Ranmaru is one of my two 'Yuus' so-to-speak, so he's a magicless student at NRC in his story. When it comes to flying on a broom, like any other Phys. Ed class he struggles to get used to it at first. It definitely doesn't help him that he's paired for Grim during their first flying lesson...
After the feline monster got a bit overzealous during their first flight lesson and Ashton had to catch a shock-frozen Ranmaru out of the air it had been decided that he would be paired with more... Reliable partners for those lessons in future (such as Deuce or Jack.) Seeing as his first experience flying was less than stellar, and he already has the difficulty of his limited sight paired with the lack of stability whilst in the air - it's understandable that Ranmaru isn't fond of flying.
As for Ranmaru's pose - it'd be more than likely that he would cling onto whoever is directing the broom with his face pressed against his back (he just feels safer that way.)
2 - As for the Canon character he'd get along best with, I believe it would be potentially Ace or Deuce... I'm not too sure how to pick between those two (;^ω^)although there's also Epel - and the other two from Pomefiore who I can see taking an interest in Ranmaru... Plus the rest of the first year squad...
I guess my most solid answer would be the pomefiore and the braincell squad - Adeuce would be because they're kind of like Ranmaru's role models in a new world, Grim would be because he's the one sticking by Ranmaru's side through all of their experiences at NRC.
As for Vil and Rook - those two will end up taking Ranmaru under their wing at some point in the fic that I'm thinking about in my head but haven't actually written (shush)
Finally - Epel is someone who I'm considering to be a potential love interest of sorts for Ranmaru if I decide to pick that route with the story. I'm not sure how to explain it but I feel like their dynamic could be interesting - Ranmaru with his unbridled curiosity mixed with his appearance making others assume he was more 'fragile' would mirror Epel slightly, although he doesn't have as much of an issue with toxic masculinity like Epel does. I just think they'd be neat together.
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Masayuki Jinja
1 - As the other magicless student in my group of OCs (albeit, in a slightly different version of the TWST story - Which I'm planning to write eventually) Masayuki would need to pair up with Grim for flight lessons and broomstick riding too. However, unlike Ranmaru, Masayuki would have both far more control over Grim's excitement and more confidence in his ability to fly and balance in the air.
To be honest, he has an absolute blast up in the air - looking up at the clouds that look even bigger when you're in the sky as well as down at the ground which makes everything seem way smaller. It feels like he has some breathing room up there - a chance to calm down from everything that may overwhelm him down on the ground.
His pose would be very confident - albeit unpractised. Perhaps something like him using no hands to fly before quickly needing to grab the broom before he completely loses his balance lol.
And hey, even if he does get reprimanded for being so reckless flying around so quickly - he's also probably going to be the recipient of a firm pat on the back from Vargas as the teacher acknowledges that Masayuki had a smile on his face that was brighter than any other smile that he'd had on his face since he woke up in that coffin at the entrance ceremony.
(he does get Ashton or another reliable person to babysit Aimi during flight lessons though)
2 - I can see Masayuki getting along best with Epel - seeing as he's on the stronger side and speaks somewhat similarly to Epel does I feel like they may be more likely to get along better compared to other characters. He'd feel a sense of familiarity with the way that Epel speaks, and as they're both quite sporty they'd probably be able to bond over enjoying physical activity. Epel could even show Masayuki some tricks when flying on brooms!
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1 - As a Merkin from Ignihyde, we already have a bad start regarding Mixing Al with broomstick riding. Between their preference for sitting down and working on whatever weapon of mass destruction they're trying to hide in their dorm room, and their terrible adjustment to heights as a merkin it's safe to assume that they're gonna try anything to keep their distance from a broom.
In fact, you're more likely to hear news of some type of paint explosion or sticky-toffee-shooting robot going rogue with the perpetrator (Allegory) being tasked with cleaning up the mess during that period instead of catching sight of them on a broom. Of course, their methods aren't infallible, and when you do eventually spot them in the air then chances are there's a stronger, more skilled classmate (or even Vargas himself) nearby and ready to catch them after the hijinks that occurred during their first few lessons at NRC...
When they do ride a broom, chances are that they've somehow managed to get it stuck upside-down and are hanging onto it for dear life... I suppose it's clear why they aren't fond of those classes.
2 - As for who they'd get along with best... Certainly not Idia or Ortho looking at Al's track record of wreaking havoc on the dorm (although they aren't half as bad as Silas.) I'd say that it might be... Possibly Rook or Floyd? I can see those two being some of the only two to put up with their BS sometimes, I suppose. I'm not too sure though xP
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Silas Kamaka
1 - Ignihyde student No. 2! It's the demon, the chaos-bringer, the bane of Idia's life in the flesh - Silas Kamaka! To begin with, Silas definitely has a broom that's been customised somehow. Either by adding a flat section on the handle of the broom to make it easier to stand on, some charms from his home that are hung on the front, or even the whole thing being painted red like his big sister's favourite surfboard! And the best part is that he did the customisation himself!
And with that - I believe it's pretty clear that Silas loves to fly! I wouldn't be surprised if you could spot him careening around campus on his broom outside of Phys. Ed lessons whilst attempting to escape an Ortho on a warpath (who's more than likely trying to drag Silas back to the dorms to fix any mess he and Allegory may have made within the last half hour...)
His pose on the broom would be like that of a surfer - hence the altered broom to be easier to stand on rather than sit. He's incredibly confident on the broom, and he hasn't been witnessed falling from it whilst at the college (yet...)
2 - Similarly to Allegory, the Ignihyde duo are off the table (along with Rook seeing as my lad would hate him for all the stalking and threatening vibes) however I wouldn't be surprised if he got along with Ruggie! Silas is incredibly fond of taking scrap items and metal that most would throw out, and fix them up or make something new out of them - add on the fact that he likes to share food with someone once he starts caring about them and I can see him having a flourishing friendship with Ruggie! Especially when they cooperate to cause some mischief...
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Jo Whitney
1 - He may not be a student at NRC (yet!) But I figured I'd also give you an answer for Jo seeing how much he loves riding on his mum's broomstick. Honestly, he loves all things about sports and exercise - flying being one of the best pastimes with his parents seeing as it has the exhilaration of being high up and flying around quickly together while still allowing for quieter or more calm moments like watching the sunset before they head home.
He's still learning to fly on his own; he's even managed to keep himself a few inches off of the ground for almost a minute! But the joy of feeling the air tousle his hair while he accompanies his father during his delivery route fills him with such joy that he finds to be incomparable with anything else!
Jo is very confident when flying on a broom (particularly with someone he trusts) either sat on it sideways as if he's sat on a ledge, or with his legs crossed and balanced on the broomstick.
2 - The canon character who Jo is best acquainted with has to be either Crewel, as his honourary botany and potion teacher as well as his penpal.
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