#love the overhead shot in the 2nd gif
poirott · 5 months
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SHERLOCK 3x03 "His Last Vow"
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The Trials of Emi
Pairing: A little Minho. A sprinkle of Frypan. Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, her twin brother Thomas, and a small group of gladers had been rescued and taken to a safe haven. Or so it seemed. It doesn't take long for Thomas to realize something is wrong. What happens next is a true trial for all of them but Emi's trials began the moment she was ripped away from a dying Gally. Watching someone you love die right before your eyes truly takes a toll.
Finally meeting the right arm could have been the end but betrayal leads to even more chaos and loss. A new mission to rescue those taken from them leads them to a city. The last city. After Emi finally comes to terms with everything that's happened something unfolds that changes everything again. She will have to not only deal with helping her brother take down WCKD and save their friend but also deal with all the new problems in her head and her heart.
Rating: As of right now it’s at most PG13. Some strong language that’s about it but it could change.
(This is the 2nd part/book to my other story "The Maze trials: A Gally Fanfiction". This will cover the events of the scorch trails and the death cure.)
Chapter Nine
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Thomas and Minho both kept me talking so I'd stay awake. The ride hadn’t seemed as long as it actually was but when we got to the mountain pass Jorge slowed the truck to a stop. In front of us looked to be a bunch of old abandoned vehicles blocking the road. We all got out of the truck. I stumbled a bit but Minho caught me then kept a hold on me.
"Well, I guess we're on foot," Jorge said.
We started walking slowly up the road. Minho kept his arm tightly around my waist as I tried to keep myself steady. My vision was blurring making my head swim even more than it already was. A few of the guys were checking the cars as we walked past them. We were around the middle of the abandoned cars when shots rang out making us all dive for cover. I fell against a car between Minho and Newt. A minute passed as we all listened for more gunfire.
"Is everyone ok up there?" Thomas shouted.
"We're fine!" Teresa shouted back to him.
"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt questioned loudly.
I could feel my breathing waver. It was like my heart was trying to beat faster but my body wasn’t letting it. I saw Thomas peek over the car he was hiding behind then more shots rang out as he dived back down.
"Minho" I whispered feeling myself falling into unconsciousness.
My chest grew heavier making it harder to breathe.
"No, Emi, you gotta hang on. We're almost there." Minho said frantically as he held my face in his hands.
"Emi" Newt said.
"Everybody get set to sprint back to the truck and hold your ears!" Jorge shouted.
"I can't" I panted as I shook my head.
"Drop it" I heard a girl command.
I looked up to see two young girls with a cloth over their faces. They were both holding a gun and pointing it down at the place Thomas and Jorge were hiding.
"Now! I said drop it! On your feet, let's go. Let's go!" The dark-haired girl shouted.
Jorge and Thomas got to their feet with their hands raised.
"Move! Back up!" The dark-haired girl shouted again.
As Thomas and Jorge moved backward towards us the girl pointed her gun at Minho, Newt, and myself.
"You three over here now! Don't be stupid." She ordered.
Newt and Minho both helped me to my feet. Minho took over holding me once I was righted.
"Slowly," the blonde girl said as she pointed her gun at the rest of the group that was joining us.
The dark-haired girl lowered her gun as she looked at us in confusion.
"Aris?" She questioned.
We all turned to look at the small boy. He stepped forward towards the girl.
"Oh my God, Harriet?" He questioned then quickly hugged the girl.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Harriet asked him.
"Sonya," Aris said to the blonde girl then hugged her.
"Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot you're dumbass." Sonya chuckled.
"What's happening?" Minho asked clearly confused.
"We were in the maze together," Aris said to our group.
Harriet turned then whistled loudly.
"We're clear guys come on out!" She shouted.
Several people with guns started appearing on top of the mountain around us.
"Thom-" I started to say but at that moment my body completely shut off.
All I remember is feeling myself falling then hearing my name being shouted by several different people.
When I finally came to I was laying on a cot in what looked like a tent. I sat up slowly to see Brenda laying on the cot next to me. Jorge was sitting in a chair between both our beds.
"Easy Emi" Jorge said.
"What happened?" I asked him.
He shared a look with Brenda who was now sitting up as well.
"You passed out on the mountain pass. Minho caught you then carried you with us all the way here to the Right Arm camp." Jorge explained.
"The Right Arm? We found them?" I asked him.
Jorge and Brenda both nodded.
"What happened to you?" I asked Brenda.
"I was bitten when Thomas and I were separated from the rest of you. The doctor here gave me some of Thomas' blood. She said it would slow the infection." Brenda explained.
"Shit" I breathed.
"Mary, the doctor, she stitched you up properly then gave you a shot of something. She said it would help you get back on your feet from the blood loss." Jorge told me.
I looked down for the first time noticing I was only in a tank top. My shoulder had been wrapped in a clean white bandage.
"There's some warmer clothes for you right there." Jorge pointed to the chair on the other side of my cot.
I slowly got to my feet. I pulled on the sweater and the coat they had left for me. I instantly felt warmer. Jorge dismissed himself to step outside. I sat back on the edge of my cot.
"Are you feeling alright?" I asked Brenda.
"I feel better than I did." She shrugged.
Jorge ran back inside quickly. The look on his face could only be explained as one of pure panic.
"Get up we need to go. Now!" He shouted.
Brenda and I scrambled to our feet then quickly followed Jorge out of the tent. The people in the camp were shouting as two helicopters approached in the distance. Jorge pulled both me and Brenda behind him as he ran threw the camp. He grabbed two guns. He threw one over his shoulder then tossed the other to Brenda. I found one as we ducked for cover. Only a second after we covered ourselves the helicopters were overhead and dropping explosives. They fell randomly exploding the moment they hit the ground. One of them fell right next to the tent the three of us had just been in. Thomas suddenly ran past us as he caught sight of the now burning tent.
"Emi! Brenda!" He shouted frantically.
Brenda jumped out then ran to him. She grabbed his arm turning him to face her.
"You dumbass" she shouted at him then pulled him behind her.
They ran back to Jorge and I. Thomas fell beside me instantly hugging me tightly to him.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Brenda asked him.
"We have to go, now, while we still have the chance," Jorge said quickly.
"I have to find the others," Thomas stated.
"No! No!" Jorge shouted as he grabbed Thomas to keep him from moving.
"Look, look, you can't help them," Jorge said pointing his finger.
Thomas and I followed his finger to see Minho, Fry, Newt, Harriet, and an older man on and around a truck in the midst of firing guns. As we watched several WCKD guards attacked them. One guard threw something then everyone on and around the truck was electrocuted.
"No!" I shouted trying to get to my feet.
Thomas pulled me back down. He wrapped his arms around me keeping me close to him.
"I'm sorry. There's nothing you can do for them. If we don't move now we won't be much better off." Jorge told us.
"You guys have to go right now and take Emi with you. Keep her safe." Thomas said pushing me towards Brenda.
"What?" Brenda and I asked in unison.
"I'm not leaving you Tommy," I told him sharply as I jerked out of Brenda's hold.
"They're not looking for you. You'll be safe but you have to go now." Thomas said as he looked between the three of us.
"Thomas" Brenda whispered.
"I can't leave without them," Thomas said.
"Neither can I!" I shouted at him.
"Good luck you two. Bren, we have to go come on. Come on." Jorge said as he pulled Brenda with him.
Thomas narrowed his eyes at me.
"You can scold me all you want but you're my brother and those guys are my family. You're all I have. I'm not going anywhere." I told him sternly.
He sighed as he looked down. A smile spread across his face making me look down too. Jorge left his backpack. As the guards rounded everyone up and sat them in rows on their knees Thomas dug threw the bag until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out two small items. I took the slightly bigger one from him to look at.
"Careful Emi that's a bomb." He told me quietly.
He tried to take it from me but I pulled it away from him.
"Are you gonna blow them up?" I asked him.
"All of us if I have to." He said sternly.
I looked at him in shock for a moment before understanding what he meant. I was with him no matter what his plan was.
"I'll keep the bomb. You keep the detonator." I said as I stuffed the thing in my coat.
Thomas started to retort but Janson's loud voice grabbed both of our attentions.
"Where's Thomas and his sister?" Janson questioned loudly.
Thomas stood and I followed him without question.
"Right here" Thomas shouted as he raised his hands.
I did the same as him. We were both grabbed then shoved forward to stand in front of Janson.
"Thomas" Janson said with a smile.
Janson punched Thomas roughly in the stomach making him double over.
"You bastard!" I shouted as I launched myself at him.
A guard was quick to grab me then throw me to the ground. Janson chuckled.
"Get them in line." He said then turned to whisper to another man.
We were both shoved onto our knees in line with the others. Thomas was next to Minho and I was next to Thomas.
"Why didn't you run?" Minho asked quietly.
"I'm tired of running," Thomas said simply.
A minute later a large aircraft was landing in the middle of the camp. Out of that aircraft came four more guards and Ava Paige. Ava and Janson had a quiet conversation before Janson turned to the guards.
"Let's go! Get them on!" Janson ordered.
The guards instantly started grabbing kids to take onto the aircraft.
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