#maibritt sarens
A Storm for Christmas (2022)
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1:1 Episode 1
I’m seeing some familiar actors to when I watched Home for Christmas because we’re in Norway again baby! The Oslo International Airport to be specific, and all the flights are grounded due to a nasty snowstorm. We follow various travelers with a myriad of final destinations (though none from Oslo because they could just leave the airport) and the reasons they are traveling and some struggles. There’s kind of a ton of distinct characters with parallel plot lines (we have already had some overlap), so I might not talk about any characters at all and just go vibes. Because rn the vibe is frantic. But I’m very into it.
1:2 Episode 2
There are even more characters now so I’m glad I didn’t try to talk about specifics in the first episode. But I do think we have the set-up for the rest of the season from something a character said about writing an album about 12 different people at the airport. I honestly don’t know how many plot lines we have at this point because I don’t remember most of their names, but I’m also not trying to. The jerking around has me hooked. Also, I don’t usually include quotes or conversations, but I’m gonna be thinking about this one for a while.
What happened between you and your mother?
She prefers the person she wishes I was to the person I am.
1:3 Episode 3
So. By the end of this episode, we are halfway through the season. I still have no idea what at least half the characters’ names are or how this is going to all come together because it keeps getting more chaotic. We didn’t get new central characters in this episode (thank the gods) but some side characters, yes. Also, some of the groups are fracturing and mingling with others, which will definitely make things even more interesting.
1:4 Episode 4
Wow. What a shift. Things were getting grim at the end of the previous episode and they have swung the opposite direction. People are being kinder to each other and overall less grumpy in general. Still unsure that anyone will make it to their destination before Christmas because we are hours away from Christmas Eve. I’m also considering seeking out Norwegian shows that are unrelated to Christmas because I think I might be a fan of those as well.
1:5 Episode 5
Y’all what a f****** episode. Like, I am speechless by the absolute highs and lows in this episode happening simultaneously but with separate characters. There is only one character that I’m not really sure about, like why that story is being told, but all of the others I can see where they’re going with it. Also Lasso the dog’s storyline is bit weird. Like, who boards a dog on an airplane and then doesn’t claim it?
1:6 Episode 6
What an ending. Everything got tied up, but there were even more surprises. I would say mostly happy for everyone, although the happy can be bittersweet for some. Overall, for the season, 5 stars.
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