goody-goody-gunshots · 4 months
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Just a little heads up the Patreon release for the game I've been working on, Maidhem, is out! So if you love being killed by maid men and want to play it early, as well as get your name in the credits when the full release comes out at the end of the month now's your chance :3c
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goody-goody-gunshots · 3 months
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Walking alone one night you are kidnapped and brought to an ominous manor and then... forgotten?! Now the manors maids have remembered you and need to figure out what to do with you! Escape or be killed by the manor and it's cute staff over and over in this monster maid experience!
♡PC 98 inspired art and UI ♡Short playtime (5-15 minutes) ♡9 Endings (8 bad and one repeating good end) ♡15 cgs
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Maidhem Progress Report
Happy to report a busy and also very productive month! A good amount of under the hood stuff, as of right now over half of the games ending are completed and reachable, with the rest being written and just needing to be implemented. I have also started working on the sound design as well as reaching out to musicians to commission a few custom tracks for the game so hopefully I will have something to show of those next time :3c On the art side I have started making all the ending art as well as going back and replacing placeholder things like the room background, and have also given our precious dog boy some more sprites. That's it for this update, so see y'all next time and stay safe!
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Maidhem is a PC-98 inspired visual novel made in Ren'py where you play as a human captured and locked up to be offered as a meal to the lord of the manor... except they forgot you. You lie in the dark wondering if you'll just waste away when one of the castles maids happen upon you... Do your best to convince the castle help that freeing you is for the best or die trying!
This is the side project I mentioned in my previous post! And here are some WIP screenshot as well as some bonus art of the games characters, Monroe (the dog boy) & Hayden ( the human). It is meant to have a more humorous and lighthearted tone compared to the current main project so it should be a nice breather when I need it lol.
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Maidhem March Progress
Another fruitful month! Almost all the games main endings are complete, with only Hayden's side path endings needing to be implemented now. I also mentioned last update that  I was looking for a musician and have found one! Hopefully you’ll hear more about them next update but for now they’re hard at work! Onto the art end of things, there's a start up splash screen now! Monroe is also slowly but surely getting more sprites and I have also been chipping away at all the ending cgs as well as thumbnailing bgs so, progress marches on. I will add a small personal note at the end here that I am getting married this weekend and am having a week break for our honeymoon so as a heads up next weeks progress might be a little light because of that but, we'll see! Until next update, stay safe!
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Hi y'all! This months update is mostly Maidhem! I've finished the start menu and changed the font to be a pixel font that suits the games aesthetic more. I've also started implementing the script and first few cgs into the game :3c I'm currently working on the next set of cgs as well as adding the choices and trackers for them to help sort out eventing and endings ^w^)
Small update for When Rot Loves You, it has mostly just had writing and coding done for it, so there isn't much super exciting to show off, but there will hopefully be more to show next month since I wont have nearly as many distractions
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Hi y'all! To start the update lots of exciting additions for Maidhem! Lots of writing and path flags implemented and on top of several finished cgs being implemented the game now has a couple of bad ends finished, very fun :3c  I I have been rapidly thumb nailing cgs for When Rot Loves You now that I'm re setup on my new pc and also was able to get some nice abandoned building reference photos when I was out of town recently, so look forward to that! Until next time, stay safe!
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