#mali von kleve
The Mari Defense Squad
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When there's someone being an asshole to the La Marck matriarch, rest assured that these four would instantly be there to deliver the verbal and physical smackdown.
Bonus: This is what they will do to you if you're being an asshole to the matriarch.
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The three oldest will break you physically while the youngest will break you spiritually.
Bonus: The matriarch when her children comes to defend her honour.
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William belongs to @lexartsstuff
Mali belongs to @pandora-dusk
Mari and Sibylle belongs to yours truly
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djts-arts · 3 years
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Design by
Arthur Tudor by moi
Henry Percy VI by @cryptidmuppet
Anya Askew by @thenicestnonbinary
EB by @spooner7308
Mali Von Kleves by @pandora-dusk
Jane Parker by @altairtalisman
Hans Holbein by @redlover411
I clearly did not plan the layout properly
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
Stets dafür und immer dabei (Tageszeitung junge Welt)
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/stets-dafuer-und-immer-dabei-tageszeitung-junge-welt/
Stets dafür und immer dabei (Tageszeitung junge Welt)
Langsam reicht es dem Medientross: Drei Verbündete greifen Syrien direkt an und die Bundesrepublik bombt nicht mit. Zeit-Mitherausgeber Josef Joffe rügt am Donnerstag: »›Dafür, nicht dabei‹ ist die Kurzformel deutscher Politik.« Die vermeintliche Untätigkeit beschreibt er anschließend so: »14 Auslandseinsätze zählt die Bundeswehr derzeit.« Die wirft in Afghanistan, Irak oder Mali bekanntlich mit Wattebäuschchen. Joffes Kurzformel ist Blödelei und dem Strategen von der Schreibtischfront wird kurz klar, dass er seinen Job – Lügen sollten eine gewisse Widerspruchsfreiheit aufweisen – schlecht erfüllt. Er lässt also eine Einschränkung folgen: »14 Auslandseinsätze zählt die Bundeswehr derzeit, aber wer merkt es?«
Denn nur, wenn es in Berlin und Stuttgart, in Cottbus und Kleve kracht, Leichengeruch sich ausbreitet und Feuer wütet, merkt wer was? Kann sein, dass das früher geschieht als ein Joffe schreiben kann. Wer Staatsterror weit weg verübt, erhält individuellen öfter mal zu Hause. In der Zeit kann man von dem, was der Bevölkerung jener Länder geschieht, in denen sich deutsche Soldaten auf Schlachtfeldern tummeln, nichts lesen. Die Kurzformel »deutscher Politik« lautet in Wirklichkeit: Bei jedem Krieg der Wertegemeinschaft mitmachen, aber nicht drüber reden. Und nichts in Medien dringen lassen. Die haben genug mit eingeschläferten Hunden, der kaputten Ehe von Christian Lindner oder der »Erneuerung« der SPD zu tun, bis keiner mehr was merkt.
Zum Glück gibt es aber Berthold Kohler, den Fachmann für Abschreckung und Eisenfresserei. Der FAZ-Mitherausgeber lässt von Zeit zu Zeit an seiner fixen Idee teilhaben, die Bundesrepublik sei ein von allen, insbesondere den USA, verlassenes Opfer – in erster Linie Russlands, das Wladimir Putin schon lange »great again« machen wolle. Am 26. November 2016, wenige Tage nach der Wahl Donald Trumps zum US-Präsidenten, dekretierte Kohler, die Bundesrepublik müsse angesichts des »erratischen« neuen Herrn im Weißen Haus über eigene Atomwaffen nachdenken. Er nannte es »das für deutsche Hirne ganz und gar Undenkbare, die Frage einer eigenen nuklearen Abschreckungsfähigkeit, welche die Zweifel an Amerikas Garantien ausgleichen könnte. Die französischen und britischen Arsenale sind dafür in ihrem gegenwärtigen Zustand zu schwach. Moskau aber rüstet auf.« In der Sonntagsausgabe seines Blattes bilanziert er nun, Trump sei ein »blinder Hahn«, der zwar gelegentlich »mit seinen Marschflugkörpern das Richtige« treffe, sein »Schlingerkurs« verursache aber nicht nur in Europa »Fassungslosigkeit«. Die einzige Konstante seiner Handlungen und Tweets sei »die Sucht nach Beifall«. Die USA verwandelten sich aus einer »Ordnungsmacht« in einen »Risikofaktor«.
Das ist nach fast 30 Jahren monströser Kriegsabenteuer der USA seit dem Ende der UdSSR eine Sottise der Offizierskasinosorte. Selten so jelacht. Kohler interessiert der öde Scherz auch nicht, ihm geht es um seine persönliche Aufrüstungsmacke: »Das selbstsüchtige Kind im Oval Office zwingt auch Deutschland dazu, außenpolitisch endgültig erwachsen zu werden.« Soll heißen? Man werde zwar so schnell nicht erleben, »dass die Deutsche Marine Flugzeugträger bekommt und die Luftwaffe Marschflugkörper«. Aber angesichts von Putin und dem Aufstieg Chinas reiche Applaus für militärische Aktionen von Verbündeten nicht aus.
Flugzeugträger, Marschflugkörper, Atomwaffen und demnächst »Auslandseinsätze«, von endlich einer was merkt. Der Joffe-Kohler-Wunschzettel ist umfangreich. Die »deutsche Politik« dazu wird gerade konzipiert, z. B. vom Rüstungslobbyisten Lars Klingbeil, der als Generalsekretär und »Erneuerer« der SPD öffentlich verkauft wird.
junge Welt
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Die Kakerlake
Just a little something I whipped out on random. 
The summary here is that the La Marck family getting into shenanigans over a cockroach.
Katherine Tudor belongs to @ellielovesdrawing
Amalia ‘Mali’ von Kleve belongs to @pandora-dusk
William von Kleve-Jülich-Berg belongs to @lexartsstuff
Maria ‘von Jülich-Berg’ La Marck and Sibylle ‘von Kleve’ La Marck belongs to yours truly
"Guten Abend, Mutter!" Anna loudly greets as she, William and Amalia enter Kath's bakery where their mother works. Sibylle was already there and helping Mari and Kath close up shop.
"Guten Abend, meine Kinder!" Mari greets back as she counts the money in the register with Kath who was writing down today's profit on her notebook.
"I'm excited that you get to come with us for open mic night at the local pub!" Amalia said. Bouncing on the balls of her feet as she walked over to their mother.
"I am too and I'm glad you do not mind your old Mutter in coming along vith you!" Mari said. Since reuniting, Mari's children have been including her in their new traditions in the modern times and Mari is very thankful for letting her join them and bond with them more.
"You deserve to let loose and have fun too, Mutter," William said.
"And what better way to have fun but to get drunk and sing to your heart's content!" Anna said.
"Or until we get kicked out for being rowdy," Sibylle added. Putting away a stack of clean metal trays in the back.
"Hey! That was uncalled for! It's not my fault that Anna and William got too drunk doing shots with me and challenged the local biker gang to a fist fight!" Amalia said. Both Anna and William looked very confused upon hearing this. Clearly they have no recollection of said incident.
"You three are lucky I knew their leader from prison or else you'd be pummeled." The oldest daughter said.
"I hope ze night won't come to zat conclusion," Mari said worriedly. William came over and patted her shoulder reassuringly. "No worries, Mutter! Sibylle is always there to reel us in," he said.
"Unfortunately," The oldest child responded. Her younger brother just gave her a sheepish grin.
"You can go upstairs and get ready, mamabär. Ibby and I can handle the rest here," Kath said to Mari. Smiling at her.
"Are you sure? I can still help," Mari asked. Grabbing her trusty broom to start sweeping the floor.
"It's fine, Mutter. Go on upstairs and get ready," Sibylle said. Taking the broom from her and walking her to the stairs leading to her flat.
"Vell if you say so."
With that, Mari went to her flat to get ready for the night out.
Sibylle managed to get her siblings to help out in closing the bakery so that it's much faster. They did help but not without grumbling about being roped in to help.
"You owe it to me for keeping you out of trouble," she reminded. Which brought in more grumbling from her siblings.
A scream suddenly came from the upstairs flat.
This set off the alarms on the four La Marck siblings who immediately bolted upstairs to the upstairs flat where their mother was residing. Leaving Kath a bit stunned by the sudden turn of events.
Sibylle and Anna all but kicked down the door to their mother's flat as the siblings barged in. All four started talking at the same time.
"What's wrong!?"
"Are you hurt!?"
"Where is the bastard!?"
Mari, already dressed up to go out for the night, was up on the couch and pointing at the single cockroach scuttling on the floor.
"Eine Kakerlake!" she said in fear and disgust at the insect.
The four looked at the tiny critter on the floor in confusion. Then William stepped forward and raised his foot to step on it but Amalia stopped him.
"Mali!? Why did you push me?" William asked in confusion.
"Don't hurt it! It's done nothing to you!" Amalia argued.
"But it's scaring Mutter!" he reasoned.
"I know but there are ways to go about this without squashing it!" she argues again.
The two oldest watched the two youngest argue back and forth about the sentencing of the cockroach. Mari broke off the argument when she screamed in horror again. Her children were so preoccupied that they didn't notice the cockroach had moved from the floor and started crawling up the coach where Mari was. William went to step on the bug but Amalia stopped him from killing it again. Sibylle was now acting as a middle man between her bickering siblings and Anna quietly had gone somewhere in the flat. She came back with a plastic cup and paper and walked over to the couch. Ignoring her arguing siblings in the process.
Mari flinched when Anna captured the critter with the plastic cup and paper and went to the window to release it outside. She then closed the window and threw away the cup and paper.
"Are you guys done?" she asked her siblings. Going over to their mother and helped her down from the couch.
"Huh?" All three looked at Anna and then noticed that the cockroach was gone.
"Where's the bug?" Sibylle asked.
"While you three were busy, I caught it and put it outside," Anna explained.
"It would have been easier to step on it," William said.
"No it would have not. Squishing it will bring no benefit to both you and the insect. Not to mention, it would leave a stain on the floor," Amalia said.
"Alright alright! Enough vith ze arguing. Can ve just go? I do not vant to think about ze kakerlaka any longer," Mari said. Still shuddering in disgust at the thought of the creature.
"Yeah! Let's go get drunk and sing!" Anna said. Already making her way out the door. Amalia and William were quick to follow. That left Mari and her eldest in the flat. Sibylle chuckled in amusement and her mother just shook her head. "You four have truly changed in this vorld. Much more happy and carefree than in ze past," she said.
Sibylle smiled and nodded in agreement. "Ja. I'm also glad you're happy in this life as well," she said.
"Of course I am! I have meine Kinder vith me! Now let me go get my purse and then ve will leave."
"Sure thing, Mutter."
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Maria of Jülich-Berg, Duchess of Cleves
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Here's my fourth (and hopefully my last) sixtended oc.
Hope you guys like it!
Long post ahead!
Maria of Jülich-Berg is the mother of Sibylle, Anna, William and Amalia. She was a german heiress born in Jülich and belonging to the noble family of Jülich-Heimbach before being married into the House of La Marck.
She was married to John III Duke of Cleves and through their union, her inherited estates merged with the Duchy of Cleves which resulted in the so called Cleves Union.
She and John had three daughters and one son and she was a traditional Catholic who gave her daughters a practical education on how to run a noble household, which was the norm for German noblewomen of the time period.
Unlike my other sixtended ocs, Maria, or Mari to avoid confusion, got reincarnated in a dirty alleyway. Wearing dirty clothes and barefoot. She's a woman in her mid forties and barely knows any english at all. These factors combined, asking for help to anyone was a futile attempt and it led her to wandering the streets for days, looking for food and shelter.
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One day, the hunger was too much for her and she collapsed in front of the Tudor Rose Bakery. Seeing this feeble woman collapse in front of her bakery, Kath brought her in and nursed her back to health. Feeding her, giving her clean clothes and such. She lets Mari stay in her empty flat right above the bakery (since she lives with Sibylle now) and with her limited German thanks to Sibylle, she managed to have a somewhat understandable conversation with her. Mari thanked her for helping her and offered to help around the bakery as repayment which Kath readily accepted. She taught her how to manage the till, clean the trays and count the stocks.
On the first day of the job, Mari was managing the till when Sibylle comes in for lunch with Kath as usual. She noticed Mari and got and got curious. The two were quick to strike up a conversation once they realized the other was German as well.
Then Sibylle introduced herself as 'Sibylle La Marck'.
Something clicked inside Mari's head when she heard this. She asked who Sibylle's mother was. A bit taken aback by this question, Sibylle answered truthfully:
"Meine Mutter war Maria von Jülich-Berg."
Mari looked at Sibylle in the eye. Tears forming in her own as she points at herself and said the following:
"Ich bin...Maria von Jülich-Berg."
Realization hits her that this woman working for her girlfriend is her mother. The two shared a tearful hug. Sibylle mostly lifting her mother up in her arms and holding her tightly as she sobbed happily.
Mari couldn't believe it. Her eldest daughter was here!
Her happiness tripled when Sibylle tells her that Anna, William and Amalia were all here as well. She thought she would be all alone when she was reincarnated but hearing the news that all her children were in the modern world as well gave her newfound hope.
Sibylle calls her siblings to the bakery. Telling them it was urgent and all three run in five minutes after the call. Once the oldest told them about Mari, Mari was engulfed in tight group hug by her three other children.
The La Marck family was even more complete now with the addition of their mother.
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Mari is a demure, quiet woman and is quite small in stature. She's all smiles and customers of the bakery like her for her politeness. Despite this, she does not tolerate rudeness. At. All.
There was one time where a customer was being overly rude to her and mocking her thick german accent. She politely asked the customer to leave three times but when they refused and even knocked over a basket of bread rolls to the floor, she grabbed her trusty broom and chased them out if the bakery while shouting at them in German.
Another thing about Mari is that she's a total mother hen. Very supportive to not only her children but also to their significant others and friends.
Treating them like they're her own. The significant other she's really close to is Kath given that she saved her from dying of starvation, lets her live in the flat above the bakery and she's her boss.
It took her awhile to adjust properly in the modern times but with her determined nature and with her children's support, she managed to fit right in quite easily.
Credits to characters mentioned:
@ellielovesdrawing 's Katherine Tudor
@lexartsstuff 's William of Jülich-Berg-Cleves
@pandora-dusk 's Amalia von Cleves
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Felt like drawing some sibling shenanigans featuring the La Marck siblings.
Don't do this at home with your siblings, kids
Sibylle von Kleve belongs to yours truly,
William Jülich-Berg-Cleves belongs to @lexartsstuff,
And Mali von Kleve belongs to @pandora-dusk
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Five Facts about Mari
She's a really tiny woman. She has a petite frame and around 5'1. All four of her children easily towers over her but she doesn't mind. She may be tiny but she has the right amount if sass in her. Where do you think her children got their sass from?
I'm not kidding about the total mother hen thing. There was a time where both Sibylle and @ellielovesdrawing 's Kath came down with a flu and she absolutely refused to let them go to work until they're better. She cooked some hearty chicken soup for them and thoroughly cleaned the house and fed their pets while they rested in their bedroom.
She loves interior decorating. She's completely transformed Kath's old flat into a semi modern/vintage style with DIY decorations and certain cheap furniture. @lexartsstuff 's William often buys her interior decorating magazines and books and even helps her move heavy furniture around.
She wholeheartedly accepted Kitty and @altairtalisman 's Jane upon meeting them for the first time. Treating them like they were her own. She sometimes holds dinner nights out with her and her children's SOs every other week so she can bond with them.
She has an iron stomach. When she sometimes join her children on their weekend slumber parties, she often out drinks them. Anna challenged her to a drinking contest once and she lost horribly while her mother is just fine. Another example, during karaoke nights with her children, @pandora-dusk 's Mali loves to do a drunken duet with her. The only difference is that Mali is drunk while Mari is perfectly fine despite drinking the same amount.
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Hanging Out
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Here's my half of the art trade with @inquisitive-mess.
They prompted me to draw their sixtended oc Ann Parr hanging out with @altairtalisman 's Jane Parker and @pandora-dusk 's Mali von Kleve.
The couple are probably sharing some of the embarrassing encounters with Mali's older sister to Ann.
Hope you guys like it!
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The Inventor
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Here's @pandora-dusk 's Mali in my Saiyan au!
Amalia is the youngest of the four La Marck siblings and belongs to the elite Cleves clan. She's a non fighting saiyan but knows the basics of fighting and sometimes train to keep in shape. She works in the medical labs, mostly treating injured saiyans and sometimes observing the development of incubating saiyan babies. She's mostly well known for her invention of the healing injection. She took the liquid from used in the healing pod and modified it to be fast acting and placed it in a syringe. The syringe is then injected directly into any open wound and the healing liquid will instantly act fast within the injured saiyan's body. She's still working on perfecting this invention though her prototypes have been produced and are being used.
She currently doesn't have a mate though a certain saiyan elite by the name of @altairtalisman 's Jane Parker seemed to take quite an interest in her.
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5 More Facts About Mari
She volunteers in homeless shelters and often cooks meals there. Having experienced homelessness and almost dying of starvation when she was reincarnated, she vowed to herself to help those who had gone/are going through the same situation she had been in.
She has met Sibylle's father figure, Julian or Papabär as Sibylle calls him. To say that a short woman in her mid forties can make a hulk of a man three times her size blush like a teenager talking to his crush is a severe understatement.
She knows of Sibylle's criminal background and time in the foster care system since her eldest willingly told her a day after reuniting. She felt sad that her eldest had to go through these horrible obstacles in order to survive.
Since she works at @ellielovesdrawing 's Kath's Tudor Rose Bakery, she has met Hal since he worked there part time. The two instantly got along very well and she had taught him alot of german dishes.
She scolded @lexartsstuff 's William intensely when she found out what he had done to his sisters, most notably the incident with @pandora-dusk 's Mali. Mali and Anna cleared up immediately that they had talked it out and are obviously cool now but Mari was still mad at her son. William apologized profusely and offered to pay for the new furniture she wanted and help her move it in her flat. She declined and just told him, 'zhere better not be a repeat of zhose incidents, Villiam' and he just responded with a, 'ja mutter!'
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The House of La Marck
So I found out that all of Anna's siblings are now complete with the addition of her brother William to the Sixtended Verse. Naturally, I decided to draw all four of the La Marck siblings together! Hope you guys like it!
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Sibylle von Kleve, Electress Consort of Saxony
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The oldest child of John III the Peaceful, Duke of Cleves and Maria, Duchess of Jülich-Berg. She belonged to the noble House of La Marck until she was married off to the Electoral Prince John Frederick of Saxony and became Electress Consort of Saxony when her husband became Elector of Saxony. They had four children together and Sibylle and her husband showed devotion to each other throughout their lives until their deaths which were mere months apart from each other.
Reincarnated into the modern world, Sibylle appeared as a teen in an orphanage. She had a rough early life switching from foster to foster. Getting into trouble most of the time and actually being sent to a juvenile detention center. After a difficult life in uni as well, she moved to London where she became the events manager at the Arts Theatre and where she reunited with her siblings.
Sibylle von Kleve belongs to yours truly.
Anna of Cleves, Queen Consort of England
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The second child of John and Maria, Anna was married off to Henry Tudor after her portrait was presented to him as well as lengthy negotiations between the House of La Marck and the House of Tudor. She was his fourth wife and his briefest marriage which only lasted around six months. Upon their initial meeting, she humiliated Henry by ignoring his act and advances. Despite this rough first meeting, they got married anyways but did not consummate the marriage due to the king's wounded pride. He divorced her after six months and gave her a palace and riches in order to avoid going to war against Germany. Anna was the last to die out of all the six wives.
Being reincarnated in modern times, Anna lived with the other five queens and four ladies in waiting. They formed a group called Six and perform eight shows a week at the Arts Theatre. Later on, she and her siblings get reunited after many many years.
William the Rich, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg
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The third child of John and Maria, he inherited his father's position as the Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg and the head of the House of La Marck. He married twice. The first one ended in annulment and the second was to Archduchess Maria of Austria. They had seven children but only six lived into adulthood. He earned the moniker of 'William the Rich' due to his efforts in strengthening his inherited territories.
Reincarnated in the modern world, William is very laid back and came across Six the Musical accidentally and where he finally got to reunite with his sisters.
William belongs to @lexartsstuff
Amalia von Kleve-Jülich-Berg
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Amalia is the youngest child of John and Maria. She and Anna had their portraits painted and presented to Henry Tudor to pick for his next wife. Anna was picked and was sent to England to be married off. Amalia, for years, had been negotiated for political and strategical marriages but none came through. There were two negotiations that almost fell through but her brother William refused to marry her off to either of the two due to the oldest being an outcast for his raucous and immoral behavior and the other was twelve years younger than her. She stayed unmarried for the rest of her life.
Being reincarnated in modern times, she became the song writer for Six the Musical and worked with the Ladies in Waiting for the compositions of the songs. Later on, she finally reunites with her older siblings and couldn't be happier than ever.
Mali belongs to @pandora-dusk
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Road Trip
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Just the Cleves sisters out on a road trip together in Sibylle's motorcycle.
Mali von Kleve, who is in the sidecar, belongs to @pandora-dusk
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First Meeting (Sibylle's Perspective)
My girlfriend @ellielovesdrawing and I decided to do a collab fanfic about Sibylle and Kath's first meeting! Mine is in Sibylle's perspective while hers is in Kath's perspective which you can find here. Hope you guys like this!
Sibylle exited her office at exactly noon. She had double saved her work on her laptop and crossed out the 8 am - 12 pm slot on her daily schedule chart. She made sure to lock the office door and put up the sign that read:
'Out to lunch'
She started doing this to avoid anymore stolen ledger incidents. The last this she needs is hunting someone down who took her ledger and throwing her entire schedule off. Sibylle exits through the employee door and makes her way to the theatre cafe next door. She ducks as she enters to avoid hitting her head on the door frame.
'One concussion is enough in both of my lives,' she thought. Adjusting her thick glasses.
She goes over and gets in line. Waits until it was her turn at the counter.
"Hey there, Sibylle. What will it be today?" Arthur Tudor, the cafe owner, and fellow reincarnated historical figure greeted.
"Hi, Art. I'll be having my usual iced coffee and club sandwich. Take away thanks," she said.
"Coming right up."
As Arthur made her order, Sibylle looks at the pastries displayed behind the glass display by the counter.
"Hey Art, do you carry any other pastries aside from cookies and cupcakes?" she asked.
"Sometimes I have slices of cheesecake and a box of cinnamon buns that EB loves," Arthur replied.
"Do you make cakes? My Papabär is coming over to visit tomorrow and he loves cakes. I was thinking of buying one for him."
"My sister baked the pastries that I sell. She owns a bakery across the street and I just buy from her."
"I didn't know you have a sister."
"I have three sisters. The youngest one is the one who owns the bakery. Here's your order."
Arthur comes back to the counter with her take away order and Sibylle pays for it.
"Why don't you go check it out. See if you fancy any of her cakes and other pastries. The bakery's called Tudor Rose Bakery," he suggested while counting her payment and giving her her change.
"I think I will after work. Thanks, Art," she said. She took her to take away and exited the cafe before making her way back to the theatre and in her office.
Around five, she saves her work on her laptop, crosses out the 1 pm - 5 pm slot on her daily schedule, and packs up her things in her backpack. She picks up her helmet then shuts the lights before shutting and locking the door. She clocks out and leaves through the employee door. Sibylle goes over to her motorbike parked at the employee parking and hangs her helmet on one of the handlebars before crossing the street.
She walked a few paces until she was standing in front of a small bakery with the sign 'Tudor Rose Bakery' on top. She ducks down a bit as she enters the bakery. The bell above the door rang as she entered. As soon as she was inside, the smell of fresh pastries hit her senses. The bakery was small but the place was beautifully simple with rose themed decorations, mostly murals of roses on the white walls. She smiled a bit when she hears the song 'Popular' playing on a Bluetooth speaker propped onto the counter.
She hums along to the song while looking around the few shelves that carried the packed pastries displayed there and their corresponding prices.
"Welcome to the Tudor Rose Bakery! What can I do you for?" a woman's voice cheerily said behind her.
Sibylle straightened up and turned around to face the owner, greet her back and tell her about her intention in buying a cake but all words, even german words, escaped her when she faced the owner.
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The very pretty owner.
The very pretty owner looking up at her with icy blue eyes.
The very pretty owner with freckles decorating her very pretty face.
The very pretty owner that was smiling sweetly at her.
The very pretty own-- okay we get it! You're gay!
"Um...ma'am? Are you okay?"
Sibylle snapped out of her flustered stupor by shaking her head, clearing her throat and adjusting her glasses.
"Uh ja! I was wondering if you have any cakes?" she asked.
She hit herself internally for that ridiculous question. Of course she has cakes! It's a bakery for crying out loud! The owner chuckled and Sibylle got even more flustered upon hearing her laugh.
"Yes I have cakes. My brother, Arthur, told me that you would be coming. Sibylle correct?"
"Yes. Sibylle La Marck."
"I'm Katherine Tudor but just call me 'Kath'. Nice to meet you and you don't happen to be related to Anna, William and Amalia are you?"
Sibylle chuckled. "I am actually. I'm their older sister," she said.
"I can see the resemblance! Anna and William loves to come here every other day and orders everything that's either chocolate coated or chocolate flavoured."
"All four of us loves chocolate everything to be honest."
Kath smiled at her again which almost made her heart skip a beat. "No wonder! Now, would you like to order a custom made cake?" she asked.
"Um no. I would like one that's already made. My father loves cakes and he's coming over to visit tomorrow," she replied.
"Of course! This way please."
She follows Kath to the display counter where several cakes and pastries were on display.
"I have madeira, heavy fruit cakes, light fruitcakes. Heavy sponges. Light sponges. And red velvet," the baker listed off while pointing to the cakes in the glass counter.
Sibylle looks at the wide variety of cakes on display. Contemplating which one to get for Papabär. She herself prefers chocolate but her Papabär loves red velvet.
"Found anything you like?" Kath asked.
"Hmmm...I think I'll take one chocolate cake and one red velvet," Sibylle said.
"Sure! Which one? There are a few to choose from."
"Anything is fine as long as it's chocolate and red velvet."
"Coming right up!"
She goes to the back to get two boxes for the two cakes that Sibylle picked. While she waited for her cakes, she noticed the song playing on the Bluetooth speaker had changed and was now playing 'Defying Gravity' and Kath was quietly singing along to it while she ties neat red ribbons around the boxes.
Should she test the waters?
See if this beautiful baker is a fellow Wicked fan?
Might as well do it then.
"I can't help but notice your playlist consisting of songs from Wicked," Sibylle said. She internally patted herself on the back with that start.
The baker seemed to blush shyly and she decided at that moment that she loved the way she blushes. This thought makes blush a bit in turn.
"Oh! Yeah, I'm a major fan of wicked, I prefer the books to the musical though but the music in the musical is bopping!" Kath said. A big, excited grin on the baker's face.
This made Sibylle have an excited grin of her own.
"Same actually! I love the songs from the musical but the books are my preferred canon! The musical all but removed the political commentary and that's what I loved in the books."
"I know! The political commentary in the books make it much more interesting and in depth! Not to mention the lack of Glinda and Elphaba romance in the musical which was very abundant in the first book."
"I know right!"
She noticed her blue eyes had lit up while geeking out with another Wicked fan. She herself is quite happy to discover that this beautiful woman shares the same interest as her.
"You know, you do kind of remind me of Elphaba," Kath said.
"Oh? How so? Do I have green skin or a water allergy?" Sibylle asked.
"More like tall, lanky, glasses and the long braid."
She blushed a bit and absentmindedly played with the tip of her braid.
"The braid is actually the intentional nod to Elphaba in my appearance. The rest is just...me," she said.
Kath smiled at her and yet again, her heart skipped a beat. She rings up her order and gave her the price to which she paid with a bit of extra.
"Keep the change," She said as Kath started to count her change.
"Are you sure?" the baker asked.
"Ja. It's a tip for having the lovely conversation with me." She smiled at her.
Kath smiles back. "Thank you, Ibby."
"Oh sorry! I just thought 'Ibby' would suit you as a nickname."
Sibylle smiled at this. "Funny enough, my Papabär gave me the nickname 'Ibby' when he first met me," she said.
"Oh! Well do you mind if I call you that? Because I kind of want to see you more and get to know you," Kath said.
At this point they were both blushing now. Sibylle more so than Kath.
"I-I would like that," she said.
The baker seemed to lit up more at this. She rushed out back before running back out again and handing her a business card with a number written on the back.
"Here's my number! Let's talk more when you have the time!" she said.
Sibylle smiled and graciously took the card. Putting it in her left pocket where her wedding ring was in.
"I'll text you when I get home then. That way you can save my number," she said.
"I'm looking forward to it!"
"Thank you for the cakes, Kath."
"No problem, Ibby."
With that, Sibylle took her cakes and left the bakery. A small smile remained on her face as she drove home to her flat.
Perhaps she can modify her daily schedule to fit in the new 'Go to the bakery' slot with as much break time as she can fit in there as possible.
Yeah. She would definitely do that.
Featured/Mentioned Sixtended OCs:
@ellielovesdrawing 's Katherine Tudor
@djts-arts 's Arthur Tudor
@spooner7308 's EB
@pandora-dusk 's Mali von Kleve
@lexartsstuff 's William Jülich-Berg-Cleves
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