#man lloyd really truly hates being back its really sad
sunflowercider · 8 months
lloyd has been so stressed about going back to seoul and having javier join him too, that ppodong appearing and making lloyd laugh and smile and treat his summon gently was such a sweet breath of fresh air 🥺
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widevibratobitch · 7 months
Ok. Any "Terror" fic recommendations?
good lord YES countless really. idk what you're looking for specifically though.
i myself am a fitzier girlie first and foremost with some occasional fitzconte thrown in. i'll best direct you to my ao3 bookmarks, specifically to the tag i keep for my personal favourites, the crème de la crème of fics I've read and liked.
some examples under the cut.
i am a connoisseur of ✨fitzier hatesex✨ and there's surprisingly not that many of those compared to fics where they're all lovey-dovey with each other (which. dont get me wrong. i also enjoy from time to time). so i'll give you some that have truly stuck with me. it's mostly pwp sorry not sorry.
Some lovely perilous thing by cosmogram
“Oh,” James gasps, and really, it’s almost too easy. James ought to have some modicum of shame, ought to be able to master himself better than this—better than turning to a doe-eyed dissolute the second a man so much as breathes near his eager young cock. “Not here, Francis,” James pants out, voice already hitching high. “The great cabin, at the very least.”
“Here, I think,” Francis returns crisply. “On your knees.”
it's just so fucking good. very hot. i honestly don't know what else i could say about this, it's one of my personal favourites amongst personal favourites (along with the one i link next, from the same author).
Devotion by cosmogram
Francis does not seek him anymore, but neither—still worse—does Francis bother to dismiss him when James arrives of his own volition, each time with all the hope of the most wretched fool. “Oh, get to it, then,” Francis muttered with sublime disinterest that very day when James appeared in his cabin’s doorway. James had, in fact, come to talk—but he had not hesitated when Francis gestured dispassionately to the front of his trousers. He had dropped, wordlessly, to his knees to obey.
everyone give it up for erectile dysfunction! hip-hip hurray! the author sums it up well with the James Fitzjames’s Tragically Unmet Praise Kink tag. this one is a little more on the sad side, Francis is being a goddamn gremlin and James is at his most needy and pathetic. nothing hotter to me personally than sucking someone's limp dick and crying about it. i find myself thinking about this fic an ungodly amount. i love it so much. again, best of the best of the best.
nice dream by icicaille
Francis swirled the last dregs in his glass and peered into its depths. Some kind of grim satisfaction had come over him. “I’ll tell you what you want to hear,” he said. “For a certain price.” It was foolhardy beyond measure. Damning, even.
basically, Fitzjames gives Crozier a blowjob in exchange for Francis telling him some nice reassuring things he needs to hear so badly it makes him look stupid - malicious compliance from Francis of course with some nice internalised homophobia. James is, again, pathetic as all shit with a little twist at the end. no one is having a good time except for me of course.
hunger's vocabulary by icicaille
“Ah, Sir John.” Francis cleared his throat once the wardroom was near to empty. “May I borrow James? Regarding the Lloyd’s balance. We took readings that require further inspection. I’ll send him back in a gig—tonight if the weather holds, in the morning otherwise.”
chef's kiss. just two cunty cunts going at it (the dialogues are so good...) with a sprimkle of some angsty self-loathing Francis. what more could you ask for.
you are coming down with me by dazydaisy
Chapter one: “If I loved you I could perhaps fuck you as if I hated you, in order to please you, but, as you are surely aware by now Fitzjames, you and love are oil and water to me.”
Chapter two: ‘Maybe,’ James had begun to unlace the front of his trousers with a carelessness he had (shamefully) practiced, ‘if you loved yourself even a little you would be able to stop yourself from doing as I command. But, as I’m sure you know by now Francis, you and love are like oil and water. The two simply do not meet.’
Mum and dad are fighting again
pretty much what it says on the tin. just two heartbroken bitches fucking and being cruel to each other and im eating that shit up thanks
A Willing Foe and Sea-Room by ClutchHedonist
“Nnh.” Fitzjames whines around his thumb.
“None of that. Clearly, you can’t shut your own bloody mouth to save your life.” Francis huffs, “So I’ll shut it for you.”
pre-canon. Fitzjames - still as a baby lieutenant - and Crozier have a brief but very hot encounter during some Admiralty Party.
Caïssa by cosmogram
“You said you had a question,” Francis snapped, irritable already.
“Yes,” James said, flushed and resplendent still from the company next door—undaunted and loose-limbed in just the way that plucked cloying ire from a raw place in Francis. “How’s your chess game?”
A seduction.
a little bonus to the list, because i love this fic and it recently updated after a very long hiatus (it's still a wip tho but i hope the author manages to finish it, they're one of my favourite writers in this fandom). no hatesex here, it's more of a slow-burn with past Crozier/Ross and really great dialogues, as always. Neptune also makes an appearance.
Bespoke by ktula
James is trying to escape his grief after Sir John's death. Francis, in his own way, is trying to do the same. OR: The one where James Fitzjames has a bit of the genders, and his captain is surprisingly accommodating of that.
ending this rec list on a kinder and softer note, as a treat. this was one of the first fics ive read in this fandom and still one of my favourites. not really hate sex though they're still rather uncertain and wary about the other. very good, very sensual, gender-heavy. beautiful fic really.
BONUS have some excellent fitzjames/le vesconte and fitzjames/franklin - as a treat.
you don't have friends (you have admirers) by JamesFitzjames
James Fitzjames is a man who does not seek help.
each chapter deals with something different, so while the fic is unfinished it's not really some painful cliffhanger (tho i would love to see it completed one day). second chapter is some excellent, excellent Fitzconte. last chapter also has, why, of course, some really delightful ✨fitzier hatesex✨.
Hoo-ray and up she rises by TheGreenMeridian
They’re rip-roaringly drunk and laughing loud enough at each other to wake half the neighbourhood as they stumble into their lodgings.
i only like Fitzconte if it's done in a very specific way and this fic fits my needs just perfectly. just two besties being sillayyyy. what, like you never gave your bro a handjob just for shits and giggles?
Whatever morning brings by isamariposa
Brutus spends his life torn between disquiet, distaste and desperate pining for Caesar, leading to his infamous betrayal. In his own final moments, he raises a plea: “Jupiter Maximus, take pity on me. If by Your grace there is a way to atone for what I did to him, I beg You: let me do so in the afterlife.”
His wish is granted.
yes, yes, this is technically an HBO Rome fic but each chapter deals with a different time period - the third is dedicated to The Terror and can totally be read on its own. it's some truly excellent Sir John/Fitzjames with a sprimkle of some delightful Fitzconte tomfoolery. It's really, really good.
okay one last BONUS
devourer of debts by allmyloyaldead(van1lla_v1lla1n)
Cornelius Hickey receives, and devours, and adapts.
What Hickey receives from the universe and what he takes for himself, the pieces with which he sews himself together into a man, or something like one.
some incredible Hickey insanity. truly brilliant. the gifts Hickey receives from Billy, Irving and Fitzjames, short and sweet (by sweet i obviously mean gruesome and fucked up <3)
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Move on Dragons 10
‘Blaze.’ Lloyd says as he landed next to the large river that ran through the vast jungle, seeing Blaze sitting on its banks, looking into the water as it ran by, wings drooped.
‘What?’ Blaze gruffed, staring down at his reflection that looked exactly like Kai.
Yet another reason for him to be forgotten. Lloyd frowned at his tone but walked over to where he sat.
‘Is something wrong? You know you can talk to me- or any of us.’ Lloyd says softly, casting slitted green eyes at the fire dragon keeping his gaze on the water before him. 
‘Can I really?’ Blaze hissed bitterly and Lloyd’s eyes widened in surprise at that.
‘Of course! We’re your friends! We’re here for you!’ Lloyd told him firmly and Blaze sighed through his nose then got to his feet.
‘Go back Lloyd. Someone’s ought to be looking for you by now.’ Blaze grumbled, spreading his wings.
‘No!’ Lloyd declared, standing firm, not about to back down from this. ‘Did we do something to hurt you somehow? You have to talk to one of us at least so we know what’s wrong-’
‘I don’t have to do anything.’ Blaze growled, shooting Lloyd a glare, both of them ignoring the loud wingbeats in the distance.
‘Blaze…’ Lloyd says softer now, his wings tucked close to appear less hostile to his friend. ‘We can’t help you if we don’t know what’s wrong… I don’t want to lose my friend, especially over something I know we can fix-’
‘What does any of this even matter?’ Blaze interrupted, irritated now as he turned to face Lloyd for the first time. ‘All of this, me… It’ll all be forgotten anyway.’ He spoke as he glanced away, glaring out at the river, the wingbeats getting closer.
Lloyd went to immediately decline that when it hit him. Forgotten?... Kai… Before he could get a word out, the wind picked up suddenly, the wing beats thunderous now.
‘Lloyd. We’ve discussed leaving without telling anyone.’ Garmadon says and Lloyd gave a nervous rumble, forgetting that very long talk.
‘I’m sorry Dad, I had to go after Blaze.’ Lloyd apologised, nuzzling against his side then turned back to where Blaze stood, looking away from them, his wings drooped so low, they were touching the ground.
He lifted them again, giving a firm flap-
‘Blaze.’ The red dragon startles mid flap at the elder’s tone. ‘Where did you leave to. The others are worried. I am worried.’ Garmadon says as he walked over to Blaze who was looking at him like a deer in headlights.
‘I-I…’ Blaze stuttered, looking up at the elder before him.
‘Did something happen?’ Garmadon questions him and Blaze found it hard to get a word out.
‘He thinks that now that Kai is a full dragon like us, he’ll be forgotten.’ Lloyd told his father as he walked over and Garmadon glanced at his son then back at Blaze.
‘Is this true?’ Garmadon asked Blaze and he only averted his gaze, his tail flicking back and forth anxiously. ‘I see.’ The elder nods then laid down before Blaze and even then, he was larger than the red dragon.
‘What lead to you feeling like this?’ Garmadon asked, surprising Blaze.
He expected many things, him stating that his thoughts were wrong or right even, but not this. Blaze hesitated for a moment.
‘Kai…’ Blaze began, struggling for the words. ‘He has always been… Amazing… In every way. As a human, as a half dragon… As a full dragon…’ He hung his head as Garmadon listened attentively.
‘I… It’s just… Before, when he was only half like us… It was fine. He may have excelled at everything and everyone may have liked him but… I had being a full bred dragon on my side. You can’t replace someone of my size, right? At least, a half bred couldn’t… But… But…’ Blaze gritted his teeth, as he glanced down. ‘But from the moment Kai became like us, he’s had all eyes on him. I know he was hurt, in pain. I know that and I feel bad for it because he should have attention on him in that condition… But… But I…’ He lowered his head as Lloyd took a step closer, his heart aching for his friend.
Garmadon stopped him from interfering with a wing however.
‘I couldn’t help but feel… Immediately shut out… Immediately forgotten. I know I’m overreacting, acting like a spoiled hatchling but… Everyone is so focused on him now, always him. The others don’t even notice when I’m around anymore, don’t even care. I feel like such an outsider and I hate it!’ Blaze hissed, anger filling his tone before it vanished as quickly as it flared. ‘But… Kai is my friend too. He’s so bright and smart and caring and amazing… He deserves all the attention… I want him to have it, no matter how much it hurts… I just… Maybe it would be better if I weren’t around anymore…’ He grumbled low and Garmadon waited a moment to make sure he was done.
‘How would you not being around anymore make things better?’ He asked Blaze, using a wing to keep his anxious son in place.
‘If I weren’t around then… Then… The others, you guys could take Kai in without me in the way…’ He grumbled, the sound barely audible.
‘Kai has always been apart of our family however.’ Garmadon pointed out and Blaze glanced up at him. ‘He always has been, since the day he found Lloyd. That hasn’t and won’t change, Just like your position with us here.’ He says and Blaze opened his maw to argue.
‘No, not just yet. Let me finish as I had with you.’ Garmadon spoke and Blaze gave a frustrated huff but sat, keeping quiet. ‘It’s ok to feel insecure about your position here with us. It’s expected even. Even I have doubts from time to time. But it is important to remember that you are never truly alone. You play parts in each of our lives that Kai can’t. You may not realise it but it is the truth.’ He told Blaze who looked even more doubtful.
‘Yeah? Like what?’ He asked, unable to keep his pessimism out of his tone of voice.
‘You’re the only one who would break dad’s orders and get me more sweet fruit.’ Lloyd spoke up and Garmadon gave his son a look. ‘The point is, Kai never did and still wouldn’t do that because he thinks Dad’s right.’ He says, not looking at his father.
‘But that’s just fruit. And that’s back then anyway.’ Blaze says, not at all moved.
‘Yeah? Well you’re the only one who’ll let me win fights now.’ Lloyd continued and Blaze opened his mouth to protest but Lloyd kept going. ‘And you’re the only one who will let me chew on your tail and steal your place around the fire and lick me instead of headbutting and pretend to be a ghost to scare me and-’
‘Alright, alright. I get it.’ Blaze says, flicking at his muzzle with a wing affectionately, a gesture he uses to tell Lloyd he was rambling.
‘You’re the only one to do that too.’ Lloyd added with a purr then walked over to nuzzle him, Blaze allowing it, licking between his gold horns. ‘And…’ He whispered as he looked up at Blaze with large green eyes.
‘... If you left… I’d be really sad…’ Lloyd rumbled low and Blaze felt his heart squeeze.
‘... That’s playing dirty…’ Blaze protested feebly.
‘Is it working?’ Lloyd asked, not ceasing his deadly dragon eyes.
‘... Yeah. It is.’ Blaze grumbled then crooned as he nuzzled him.
He couldn’t leave Lloyd behind and especially not Nya. They’ve been at each other’s side since their parent’s death. He won’t leave… Not without a fight. Garmadon’s tail flickered back and forth, pleased with the scene before them. His tail whacked a tree however and they all looked once a large tree toppled across the river. Lloyd laughed then bounded over to his father, getting up on his hind legs as he grasped his father’s muzzle with both front paws.
‘Dad, you’re too big!’ He trilled and Garmadon huffed, giving Lloyd a lick that had the young dragon squirming.
‘If I wasn't as big as I am, you couldn’t sleep in my wing anymore. Are you sue you could live with that?’ Garmadon teased and Lloyd sat on his haunches then let himself fall on his back.
‘You make a strong point.’ Lloyd says and Garmadon chuckled.
‘Are you ready to return?’ Garmadon asked and Lloyd paused to consider.
‘Not yet. I want to hang out with Blaze for a bit longer. Just us.’ He says, looking over at a pleasantly surprised Blaze, unable to stop the wag of his tail.
‘Alright. Don’t stray too far.’ He warned them as he laid down, intent to take advantage of the sun in the form of a sunbath.
‘We won’t!’ Lloyd chirped, rolling over on his stomach then bounding back over to Blaze. ‘Last one across the tree is a rotten egg!’ Blaze blinked when Lloyd suddenly took off then growled as he bounded after him.
‘No fair!’ He called after Lloyd who only laughed.
“Gliding is kinda fun!” Cole grinned, revealing thick fangs from where he stood on the back of his dragon self’s back, black wings spread wide.
‘It’s supposed to be.’ Kai huffed, amused. ‘It makes muscle memory easier and builds muscle strength. Flying isn’t all fun and games after all. It’s a work out.’ He told his friends.
‘Keep it up and you’ll all be able to fly like Zane soon enough.’ He encouraged and they all looked to where Zane was hovering over Jay who had enough muscle memory to move his wings as if he’s had them since birth but not enough muscle strength to keep himself in the air for longer than a few seconds.
The excitement in this other Jay’s eyes was undeniable however. They decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and lower their hostility around him. Zane was trying to convince him to rest. A yelp sounded and Kai held his wing up so Lloyd wouldn’t fall right off his body.
‘Man… How do you work this thing?’ Lloyd asked, looking back at his tail that was flicking almost angrily to show his impatience with it.
He must have tripped himself again.
‘It takes a while. Yours is almost as long as Jay’s so at least when you manage to control it and fly, you’ll be able to make quicker turns.’ Kai told him as an ultimatum and yeah, Lloyd could work with that.
‘Once you have all mastered these changes in your bodies, then we can see if you are able to return to your fully human forms and back.’ Dragon Wu told them as Nya kept experimenting with the movements of her wings, not quite having the hang of gliding as the others have.
‘Do you think Garmadon found Blaze?’ The blue and maroon dragon that was Nya asked no-one in particular, worried for her brother.
‘I’m positive my brother has. He is not very far away and I sense he has also found Lloyd. No doubt he has also found your brother.’ Wu crooned reassuringly and Nya nodded, trusting the elder.
‘Speaking of missing dragons…’ Lloyd says quietly then hopped off Kai’s back, his black wings with green horns spread as he glided to the ground, stumbling a bit once he hit the ground but he was focused on the space around them. ‘Where’s the little dragon?... And where’s our Wu?’ He asked with a frown.
‘He had let me know he was heading back to the ship for a bit with the dragon.’ The dragon version of Zane told them, his  attention focused on the nindragon that was their Zane.
His workings, his very existence has and always will be fascinating to the intelligent dragon. He couldn’t imagine not being organic yet here a version of himself that wasn’t was…
‘Oh. Alright.’ Lloyd says though quietly, remembering how he had gotten angry at the little guy.
He was just worried and he had snapped at him as he had. He had to apologise… He missed his constant presence already… He sighed then turned back to Kai- only for his tail to curl before his leg, causing him to trip over it yet again. Snickers and snorts sounded then but he shot a glare at the others, dragon and half alike. They quickly looked away, barely stifling their amusement. He huffed then pushed himself up- then paused.
‘Wait…’ Lloyd says then turned to Dragon Zane. ‘... How could Sensei Wu tell you that?’ He asked him with a frown and the dragon looked at him confused, all eyes on Lloyd now.
‘Uncle Wu can’t understand dragons… And you guys can’t understand us. You only understand a few words…’ Lloyd says and they were all frowning at that realisation.
‘When he spoke… I understood…’ The dragon grumbled low then blinked, looking at the rest who were now looking at him with wide eyes. ‘He didn’t speak your human language…’ Zane told them and it all dawned on them.
‘He spoke… Ours.’
(There we go. I’ll add another chapter in the morrow!)
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samdukewieland · 4 years
Stuck Inside Media Diary Week 2
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New week. New movies I had never seen before. Only one was on the DVR so now it’s just like a glorified streaming guide and for that I apologize. There were three movies this week that I had seen before, but I’ve decided, because rules are important, that I won’t re-watch a movie until I watch a new one. Does this matter? No. But it has made me realize that I might be exposing my ass in the upcoming weeks, because we all lie about saying we’ve seen some movies when we actually haven’t. Not the case for this week, but it’s impending.
Sunday, March 29
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Warrior, O’Conner 2011 [as of now this is available on Amazon Prime]
As a person who doesn’t really care about MMA or UFC or boxing or bum fights or bare knuckle brawls I went in under the impression that there’d probably be some kind of barrier in my way of enjoying it, despite knowing its esteemed reputation for being man-weep canon. Any movie that opens and closes with a song by The National is fairly transparent about the type of movie its going to be, despite having an extremely yolked Tom Hardy as one of the main characters. My first cry came at a very unexpected moment, especially because Frank Grillo had a significant role in making that happen (though I will say, I had no idea Frank Grillo was in this movie and about midway through I thought “man, that guy kinda looks like Grillo, but he’s kinda small and has a fashion mullet”). However, I’m a cryer, so I don’t want to set the expectation of you will cry at this you piece of shit! but you might and it’ll come out of a good place, because this movie doesn’t trick you into crying by manipulating you into it (okay, it does at one point, but it involves Moby Dick, so again, it’s kinda unexpected). It opens with “Start A War” and ends with “About Today,” a top 5 sad boy song by The National and I’ll be damned if I didn’t listen to it once a day all last week.
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Better Call Saul 
“Sunk Costs”, “Sabrosito”, “Chicanery”, “Off Brand”, “Expanses”
John Getz hive, assemble.
Monday, March 30
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Working Girl, Nichols 1988 [as of now this is available on HBO]
Sometime in college, I think in a detective fiction class I took, we talked about knowing a reference to something before knowing what it’s either paying homage to or directly referencing. For example: the first time I read The Long Halloween (which is a Batman comic by Jeph Loeb) I had no idea that basically everything involving Falcone is just ripped from The Godfather, because I had never seen The Godfather at that time in my life; literally the first page of the book is “I believe in Gotham City.” Or in Django Unchained when they go to Mississippi and the title card moves across the screen just like it does in Gone With The Wind (Tarantino movies are generally just long homages and references to other things, so if you need another example, just look to really anything he’s ever worked on). There’s probably a German word for this feeling of recognition and I just don’t have the energy to look to see what it would be, but I felt it while watching Working Girl in two regards. 
The first was that I didn’t realize that School Of Rock is essentially just Working Girl and when you have a realization like this, you feel kinda dumb, because you just assume everyone figured this out before you did. The second was that Joe Swanberg has tried to model his movies after Mike Nichols ones like his life depended on it and he just can’t or rather hasn’t. Also I’m not a person who was alive in the 80s and I’m sure there’s some modern day equivalent (potentially her daughter) who I defend out of some weird sense of contrarian obligation, but what’s uh, what’s going on with Melanie Griffith and her as actor?
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Better Call Saul 
“Slip”, “Fall”, “Lantern” [Season 3 finale]
BCS season 3 really stepped up to the heights of Breaking Bad and I think I might like it just a little bit better than it? I haven’t watched Breaking Bad in long time, I find it pretty difficult to re-watch (it’s very fire works factory for me) so I’m sure there are some BB highs that I just don’t remember fully, but that BCS can juggle being three different shows all at the same time and do it excellently really has me taken aback. It’s like watching the Coen Brothers jump from genre to genre and not be worried about the end result.
Tuesday, March 31
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Say Anything..., Crowe 1989 [as of now this is available on Hulu]
I’m unabashedly in the can for Cameron Crowe, which is a semi-embarrassing thing to admit, but whatever. I saw Aloha in theatres and watched We Bought A Zoo when it was on FX once (in real time too, so that means with commercials-this was also the only time I’ve seen We Bought A Zoo, but I think I’d do it again); you can’t hurt me. I think I kept my distance from Say Anything... for so long, because it was one of those things that I’d be annoyed at because it’d resonate with me too much, because feeling that is kinda hacky and embarrassing, but if there’s one thing that Cameron Crowe movies put an emphasis on of importance on, it’s being sincere. And I sincerely loved it (hot, HOT take). Thanks to Russillo for recommending it on Simmons’ podcast last week.
Better Call Saul
“Smoke” [Season 4 premiere]
Wednesday, April 1
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The Graduate, Nichols 1967 [as of now this is available on Amazon Prime]
Sucks that this movie has been used by a certain type of dude who use it as a blueprint for their life and how they view relationships. Other than that, good job everyone. [I definitely thought it would be clever to watch this after watching Say Anything... because I just assumed Ben Braddock walked so Lloyd Dobbler could run-I was kinda right, whatever]
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Hot Rod, Schaffer 2007
While April Fools Day means nothing to me I do try to watch a comedy on the day, because...eh, why not. Hot Rod is maybe a perfect comedy and I think I could spend hours talking about it. I don’t know how there hasn’t been some kind of programming that’s been done around The Lonely Island and their catalog, because it seems very obvious. 
Hot Rod with Digital Shorts played before and after and then Wayne’s World
MacGruber and you play MacGruber shorts before and after and then whatever grotesque 80′s action movie you’d want, maybe Commando
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping with Lonely Island music videos before and after and then This Is Spinal Tap
The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience sing-a-long followed by The Lonely Island pilot and  either a collection or the entirety of I Think You Should Leave
maybe this is all a lead-up to Palm Springs, a movie I have’t seen and know very little about other than they produced it and Samberg is in it
Thursday, April 2
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The In-Laws, Hiller 1979
I wrote it as my letterboxd. “review” , but this thing’s 1979 funny until they go to South America and then it is actually funny. Falk is just gangbusters.
Better Call Saul 
“Breathe”, “Something Beautiful”
Friday, April 3
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You Can Count On Me, Lonergan 2000 [as of now this is available on Amazon Prime]
I say this as a very big fan of his, but! Timothée Chalamet, consider yerself on notice for borrowing heavily from the Mark Ruffalo school of acting. Also, I get it now with Laura Linney, who I’ve liked before, but thought she might kind of be overrated by some people. Also, Matthew Broderick made this after Election (and also Inspector Gadget), so quite the infidelity streak for Brody, probably not a double feature.
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Better Call Saul
“Talk”, “Quite A Ride”, “Piñata”
Saturday, April 4
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De Palma, Baumbach & Paltrow, 2015 [as of now this is available on Netflix]
The definitive documentaries for the directors of this friend group are basically perfect in their own ways. That this is just De Palma talking about himself and his career and movies, sometimes being incredibly critical of his own work and others. He seems pretty self-aware, probably the most of that group of directors, while still coming across as incredibly cocky. De Palma is perfect for Brian De Palma. However, if anyone wanted to make a 10 hour documentary on Scorsese, Spielberg, Coppola, De Palma and Lucas in this style or it’s just the 5 of them interviewing each other moderated by like Fincher or someone, man....I could really go for that. (I mean if Michael Jordan can get one, why not these guys?)
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The Other Director Documentaries
Spielberg, 2017 (HBO) [Interviews and retrospectives about Spielberg’s career, with personal highlights. It’s essentially Spielberg in a nutshell: big, flashy with a lot of time on particular moments that are more important to him than they are to you]
Empire Of Dreams, 2004 (Disney+) [Ostensively this is about Star Wars, and it’s made by a company-man, it says so much about Lucas, a man who hated how institutions told him what he could do so he unintentionally created one that has copied what he hates]
Heart Of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse, 1991 [A truly wild ride, tells you everything you need to know about Coppola]
Italianamerican, 1974 [While a new documentary about Scorsese is probably what I covet most, he’s a pretty open book about his controversies and he’d probably enjoy talking about other people’s work more than his own-catholicism’s a helluva thing]
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The Godfather Pt. I & The Godfather Pt. II, Coppola 1972 & 1974
I don’t know if I necessarily endorse watching both of these back-to-back; I guess I’m glad I did it, even if the motivation was mainly to just see if I could. Obviously these movies are important and good and are about so much more than just gangsters and thugs, but a lot of the time it just feels like eating vegetables for me. I did not grow up in a household that emphasized the importance of The Godfather so maybe that’s part of it, but I’m definitely not as dismissive of these as I used to be (though part of that could be the mental Stockholm Syndrome Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan and Sean Fennessey have given me). Once I finished Pt. I, I felt like I could re-watch it; once I finished Pt. II I felt like my eyes were melting out of my head and onto my hands (this could be because I had just watched 377 minutes of a story). I will probably never do it again, unless it’s the weekend after Christmas and AMC is just going for it-at least then I’ll have intermissions every 20 or so minutes telling me to go shop at Target.
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