#maybank family meta
homebody-nobody · 1 year
Please oh please do get started on your Maybank Family Meta!!
I will write meta for frickin EVER, alright, so remember that this is probably not everything and if someone asks 'hey what do you think about [x] I'll probably write you an essay.'
So hwfg
Some base facts we have about the Maybank Family: 1) Luke served in the military 2) Luke is an addict 3) JJ's mom left 4) Luke is physically (and verbally) abusive
Some Things I Like To Believe about the Maybank Family 1) JJ's mom is named Georgia (blame bella for that one) 2) Luke and Georgia probably got married young (military family) 3) JJ probably had siblings (what are the odds that a military family has one (1) kid???) 4) Georgia OBVIOUSLY left bc of Luke's abuse, but what mom leaves that situation without her kids, unless she thinks the abuse will not turn on them?
So I present to you, my 100% freeballing, cocked-up Maybank Family History.
Luke went into the military straight out of high school. Don't ask me about evidence, I'm going off of pure vibes here. Georgia was either a high school sweetheart, or an early-enlistment romance. Now listen, I had a lot of friends that went straight into the military after hs, and I think just about every single one of them are married. Now for more PURE speculation -- JJ had two older siblings. Military families often pop out AT LEAST two kids, if not more, and if Luke was still enlisted in the early childhood of those children, his abusive tendencies wouldn't have been expressed yet.
We know that Luke is on cocaine, is an alcoholic, and also is prescribed sleep medication. All of this can be attributed to his experience as a veteran. Veterans often come back riddled with PTSD and are one of the most at-risk demographics when it comes to addiction and domestic violence. (which is fucked up on another level, but we're talking about OBX right now.)
The severity of JJ's abandonment issues coupled with the fact that his mom left him behind lead me to the siblings theory. In my head, Luke and Georgia had a son first. (I think I named him Jonah.) Then, they had a girl (Georgia Jr./Gigi), then JJ. Likely, Jonah was born, then Gigi between two tours, then JJ right before/after Luke got home. I'm also speculating at LEAST ten year difference between Jonah and JJ. JJ is the youngest when his dad starts abusing his mom. Jonah likely gets tf out as soon as he can -- mid-to-late teens, and probably joins the military too, as young men with the least amount of options tend to do. I don't think Luke ever hits Jonah.
Now, when Georgia leaves, she likely takes her daughter WITH her, in fears that Luke will turn his wrath on the little girl. She probably leaves JJ assuming that because Luke never hit Jonah and JJ is his son, not a girl/woman, he won't be on the receiving end of Luke's rage. I'm also assuming Georgia likely had a lot of mental health issues resulting from Luke's abuse, and may have been an addict herself, which contributed to this decision.
Of course, JJ ends up his dad's target, anyway, and with literally THE MOST severe abandonment trauma from not ONLY his mom leaving, but losing his two siblings, as well. I assume that JJ was pretty young when Georgia left (think 5 or younger) and likely has few memories of his siblings and his mother, and what he DOES have would CERTAINLY be colored by Luke using his mother against him. Whether JJ puts his mom on a pedestal or resents her is up to the reader, but I think it's gotta be a combination of both.
There are also theories that Luke actually, at some point in a blind rage, in fact killed Georgia, and reinforces the abandonment narrative in order to assuage his own guilt, but based on the scene we get in the end of season one where Luke is telling JJ that he loves him and that he (believes that) is doing his best, I don't think that's in line with Luke's character.
so yeah. I mostly developed this backstory with hopes of writing about JJ's Lesbian Older Sister George and exploring what could happen if JJ had older siblings that reconnect with him later in life, but I recognize it's like, 99.999% speculation, and I mostly came up with it for my own fic-writing purposes.
Thanks for reading!!
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homebody-nobody · 1 year
this is me asking about your theories about mike and anna's teen pregnancy 👀👀
Through watching season three, we know that Mike and Anna are having their fifteenth anniversary party. We ALSO know that Kie is obviously over fifteen. (this could also be interpreted as the *restaurant's* 15th anniversary, but I think it's a wedding anniversary, specifically on Vibes and Vibes Alone.) With these two pieces of information, we can infer that Kiara Carrera was born *GASP* out of wedlock. We can also BACK UP this inference with a line from season two, when Kiara says 'you're afraid I'll sleep with a pogue and end up pregnant, just like you did.' (we are hoping against hope that this is not foreshadowing. Please, Pates, for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY do not ALSO throw teen pregnancy into this mess. I digress.)
All of this information taken together points us thusly -- Kie was an unplanned pregnancy. We also know that Mike and Anna are significantly younger than Big John and the Heywards, although we have some allusion to the fact that Luke knew Anna back in the day. (Don't get me started on my Maybank Family Meta. It's *detailed*)
In order to dive into my theory that Kie was a teen pregnancy and it influenced Mike and Anna's 'success,' we need to examine Mike's (minimal) relationship with JJ, and JJ's storyline in season three. A lot of JJ's arc in season three (and in the other seasons overall) involve a decent amount of self-deprecating humor and some supposed-to-be-funny lines that just make you Really Fucking Sad. We see the culmination of this with Mike's line 'he's just like his father' and JJ stealing Mike's money clip. (Which like, I get that it was bad and it was a symbol and shit but like. Mike deserved it.) Kiara, naturally, is furious with him for 'giving them a reason.'
Essentially, JJ is a character that was born with a nasty reputation (thanks Luke). In past seasons and ESPECIALLY in this one, we understand that JJ *believes* everything said about him. He *believes* he's a bad influence/a loser/a bad kid/and just like his dad. (heartbreaking.) Part of the very heart of all the jiara development in season three involves Kie being FURIOUS that JJ would believe all that shit, both on his behalf, and AT HIM for believing it. When he says 'I'm sorry' in 3x09, he's apologizing for stealing the money clip, but he's also apologizing for believing what Mike (and everyone else) says about him, and apologizing for letting that be the reason he was convinced they shouldn't be together.
Now, bear with me. Because I believe that Mike hates JJ with such a fury because he used to BE JJ. Except, in Mike's case, his relationship with a girl from the other side of the island only ENFORCED that belief, rather than undermining it. Mike believes that he had to work hard to get out of the cut, and resents JJ for not doing the same work -- Mike truly believes that he was once a no-good dirty-rotten petty thief, and thus believes that JJ is, too. Except, in his eyes, he 'did the work' to get out, and JJ is, well. not doing that.
This is where the teen pregnancy loops back in. Mike and Anna own a restaurant. To start a restaurant, you need investors. If it was the Cut Community that pulled together behind them to support their dream, Mike would undoubtedly retain an ENORMOUS sense of loyalty to that community, and STILL be shitting on Figure Eight to this day. But, he's not. Why, you ask? Probably because Anna's Parents were the initial investors for the Wreck. If Mike got Anna pregnant and Anna's family Had Feelings about it, Mike would have had to PROVE that he intended to provide for Anna and Kie. What better way than to start a business. Anna's parents probably invested in it in order to preserve their relationship with their daughter and parent the best way rich people know how -- by throwing money at the problem.
Thus, Mike believes that the only way out of the Cut is by bowing and scraping to those on Figure Eight, treating them with 'respect' and 'earning' their approval (money). We also have bits and pieces of Anna telling Kie that she wants Kie to have the opportunities she had, and that they had to 'work hard' to get into the island club, maintain their reputation, etc. This evidence supports the idea of Anna being a disgraced kook, and, combined with Kie's comment about 'getting pregnant with a pogue,' gives us a pretty solid reason why Anna and Mike wouldn't be automatically accepted by Figure Eight and the rest of 'Good Society.'
The 'teen' part is mostly based on the anniversary party vs. Kie's age, but is enforced by the fact that Mike and Anna are TERRIFIED of Kie running around with 'those boys' at her age -- probably because Anna did the same thing, and ended up pregnant and at the mercy of her own parents. It's also looped in by them being afraid that she's 'throwing away her future.' Projection much, babes? Anna 'threw away' her future when she got pregnant at Kie's age, and explains her absolute desperation to keep her daughter from doing the thing.
That's about as coherent as I can make it lol so I hope it makes sense!!
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