#maybe its because my grade in apush consists of notes and the only other grade is my exams
aedifcare · 4 years
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Attention to anyone taking an AP History Class this year!!!!!!
Hi everyone I wanted to make a post about AP History classes because I feel that most people think they know what they’re getting into but they are so wrong, so I will clear up some things that you may of heard. 
Let start off with me, I’m a going to be a junior this upcoming school year, so I stressed af but its all okay. This upcoming school year I am taking four AP classes, AP Chemistry, AP US History, AP Human Geography, and AP Economics. Sophomore year I took AP World History, but I learned so much about AP History classes that I would like to share with you all. 
Some school, I know mine does, gives AP students a summer assignments, some are worth grades. They mostly consist or either reading a book and answering question, or an essay, writing multiple essays, or doing some introductory practice problems from the text book(this last one is normally for STEM AP’s). For my AP World Class last year, we had to read a book, and answer question on the book, as well as take notes on the first chapter. But this summer assignment was so useful to the class because the book we read was an overview of everything we learned freshman year in World History, and the notes were a kick starter to the class and all of the information we would have to know. This summer for APUSH we had to write three essay, two SAQ’s and one LEQ, this is meant for us to learn how to write the essay for the exam. So from my experience summer assignments have been so critical to the class.
When you learn how to write the essay PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!! 
This is so important to AP History classes. MORE THAN HALF YOUR GRADE ON THE EXAM IS ESSAY BASED. Did you not get that, let me repeat. MORE THAN HALF YOUR GRADE ON THE EXAM IS ESSAY BASED. I think you got it now. The essay you write in AP History classes are so important, because of not only the exam, but I know in the past AP History class I took, and the upcoming AP History class I am taking, essay grade are a large portion of your quarter and year end grade, while at your school/class this maybe different this is just how my classes have been. Secondly, AP History classes have a smilier formatting to how you should be writing essay in college, if your unaware AP History classes have straight to the point essay format. So I mention formatting this is the most important part of paying attention. The formatting of AP History classes is different than MLA, there is a very strict formula that you need to follow, and if you don't follow it than you can lose multiple points on your essay. So while your learning the essay pay attention then, because it will make your life so much easier. 
This is also super important to your essay, exam, and test in class. Let me tell you the more information you know about a topic the easier it is to write an essay, and if it is easier it is to write an essay you’ll get a better grade. When it come to the time of the exam the better your not are the easier it is to study, and to learn. I’m not going to stay on this for too long as if you have taken any class, even non-honors, college prep, basic classes, you know that notes are super important to test, and your grades. 
TIP: Take more detailed notes, on topics your more unfamiliar with, and the earlier periods. This helps on test, and on the exam. 
USE YOUR TEACHERS, they are there to help you most AP teachers are the sweetest people, my AP World History teacher last year was my best friend for the entire year. 
USE GOOGLE, if your confused about topics and your teacher is not readily available, google it, you’ll find articles, videos and other things to use if your confused. 
USE VIDEOS, Crash Course videos will be your best friend, they have a playlist for every AP History class. This videos give a really good overview of a topic in about 12-15 minutes. This is a really good way to cram before the exam. (This is what I did two days before the exam and I got a four)
USE YOUR PEERS, there has been countless times were I have used my peers and they have used me to clear up things we were confused on. 
I know I definitely missed things, so I will update this a much as possible. I also hope that other will add things as well, to help you all. 
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