#meanwhile in rojascorp
diver5ion · 2 years
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stennnn06 · 3 years
Just finished FMG. It was beautiful and so well written; probably shouldn’t have started reading the last two chapters after midnight but it was so good...work can handle sleep-deprived me for a morning 🙂 It made me wonder: do you ever think about what coming out would’ve been like for Lena, Sam and Andrea? Like, sure, there’s a strong chance Lena and Andrea were each other’s catalyst for realizing that they’re not straight but what would actually coming out have been like for them? Who do they tell and when and how, etc.? What was it like for Sam?
hahaha aw thanks so much!!! hopefully lots of coffee today :) 
that’s a great question! i’ve thought about it a little - i touched on it super briefly, i think, in one of my holiday fics (merry christmas, lena luthor) - cuz i definitely headcanon that andrea was a major part in lena’s coming out story. contrary to maybe some others, i kind of feel like andrea was pretty chill about the sexuality piece (for herself), i think what probably scared her the most was how DEEPLY she started feeling for lena. liking men and women? cool. LOVING someone? TERRIFYING. so i think of the two of them, she was more confident in owning it, whereas i think lena probably kept their relationship a secret for a really long time (afraid of her family, etc etc). i think andrea was patient and soft and understanding, because she would never really force lena to do anything when she wasn’t ready. and i think andrea’s family accepted lena with open arms, which must have felt like such a relief. i think young rojascorp is adorable, is what i’m saying. 
for sam... i think her back story can kind of be spun using a little bit of canon. i think she probably had a hard time owning her sexuality, and when she was trying to figure it out once and for all, oops, she ended up pregnant. and that wasn’t the worst part, the worst part was realizing she’s actually NOT straight. and so i can see patricia kicking her out for more than just the teenage pregnancy part of it, but maybe in some AU version of their story, sam and patricia reconcile and she gets the acceptance she always deserved. but meanwhile, she goes on with a chip on her shoulder and kind of a challenging way about it, like, ‘yeah this is who i am, what about it’... ya know, starting (and ending) a few bar fights in her time, probably, because that’s fun to think about :) 
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karazrel · 4 years
Amar! ❤I read "you ruined national city for me" and ooohhh boy, it put me in my feels 😭 not gonna be able to think about anything else until these two idiots finally work through their shit and all the uncomfortable conversations so they can heal and KISS ALREADY 😩
CW supergirl season 5 WISHES it had the range, the flavour, the spice, the clarity, the international implications of you ruined national city for me. They’re probably gonna make up in the next eps but it’ll be unsatisfactory as hell so I’m just gonna erase s5 from my memory and pretend yrncfm is canon instead <3 also in the meanwhile the same author has posted another supercorp w a side of rojascorp fic which is very sexy and you should definitely check out if that’s your thing
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