impalaanddemons · 6 years
One Jump - Part 4
A/N: Aw yeah. I’m back in business. I have two more party planned to wrap this up. This part has mutual pining. The way to Scottys heart is through the Enterprise.
Story: Reader grew up on a planet that’s basically Tatooine in Star Trek. She’s a thief and tried to steal from the wrong Starfleet-Officer, getting herself stuck on the Enterprise.
3000 words. @eufeme rubs off on me....
Soundtrack is “A whole new world” from “Aladdin”. You have been warned.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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You finally woke hours later - your room empty and the ship humming lowly. The fever was gone and, just as the doctor had promised, you felt a lot better. No bethaoizdan fleas anymore, you guessed, carefully lifting yourself into an upright position. Your head was still buzzing and someone - the one. the engineer. - had thankfully positioned a glass of water just next to your bed. Of course the water helped. „Great, now I owe him something.“, you muttered under your breath, then, after your head cleared enough, you got up an carefully stretched. You looked around the blank walls lacking any kind of personal touch. „And now?“ Silence.
Someone brought food a little while later, but had - despite considerable efforts charming him - nothing to say about your situation. You spent some time examining the funny texture of the stuff before you ate it, not because you felt like an ape from the stone age, but because you had nothing better to do. Again time slogged along without you participating in it’s passing. It was a boring, dull experience that made you wish for Mr. Scott or the Doctor reappearing. Your hopes rose as your door opened once again, but ti was just another faceless person clad in a red uniform to you. He handed you a grey dress - same uniform the others wore, minus the colour. „Did I get a promotion during my absence yesterday?“ you asked jokingly, but where only greeted with a nonchalant smile. „Yeah, please don’t be overbearing or something like that.“, you rolled your eyes. „I’m dying with all the attention here. Gonna get a heart-„ but the doors had already closed behind you again. „Damn it.“ you mumbled.
By the time the door opened for the next time you had already examined every nook of your quarters and finally resigned to lie in your bed in your new dress, slightly uncomfortable with the way it left your knees unprotected and nearly bored to death. „Y/A“ - Captain Kirks presence filled the room as soon as he entered it. No wonder he was captain of a ship. He had charisma and his beaming smile probably had won over more diplomats and women then anyone could count. Sly bastard. He was followed by his loyal entourage - the vulcan - a species you’d had rarely contact with so far - the dark haired doctor on his other side and even Mr. Scott trailing along. „Ah, hm, Captain!“ you sat up and gave him your most charming smile in return. „Do I have to say ‚Sir‘ in return or have I not yet been enlisted?“ He smiled - well, a bit, and shook his head. „No one is going to enlist you, we’ve got regulations after all. Freedom of will being one of them.“ „At least when it comes to enlisting,“ mumbled the Doctor next to him. He was only barely audible, but Kirk threw him a stern look nonetheless. „That was highly unnecessary,“ the vulcan added in his neutral voice. „Good god you’re bickering like an old married couple.“ you giggled and you could swear that Mr. Scott was smiling at you. „Not that our relationship status should be of much concern to you, young lady.“ he smiled again. It was very difficult to be angry with him for keeping you on the ship. „As you have more pressing concerns right now.“ „Ah, the trial. Bring it on. I am prepared.“ you crossed your legs and smoothened the fabric of your grey uniform with your hand. The scotsman, who had been quiet for the whole time so far, frowned. „There’s no trial.“, Kirk responded and crossed his arms in front of his chest. „Not yet.“ „Although it is worthy to note“, that was the vulcans voice again - stern, eyeing you suspiciously. „That we found 53 offenses in 14 different cities on the planet. Captain Kirk has decided to not follow through with local law.“ „Which, if I may cite my first officer, is ‚highly illogical‘. But being the situation as it is I suppose most of the local courts are not opposed to being bribed.“ „Yes, the concept of institutionalized exchange of goods to avoid persecution of the law is rather … interesting.“ „Thank you, Mr. Spock“, Kirk interfered and a smile tugged at his lips again. „I propose a quid pro quo.“ Meeting your blank stare, he explained further: „We are looking for a peculiar piece of equipment on the planet you haven’t gotten the chance to steal yet.“ You did your best to look mortally offended at his suggestion, but gestured him to yes please keep going on. “Mr. Scott here would fill you in on the details, tell and show you what to look out for. Then you’d acquire the equipment for us.“ Mr. Spock felt it necessary to intervene: „By legal means of course.“ „Yes - and after we have the equipment we need, you’re free to go wherever you want.“ Somehow you felt that the Captain wasn’t as opposed to get what he needed by other means if necessary as his first officer was. Something in your brain tried to pinch you, but you didn’t quite get it. „Why me?“ you asked and quickly followed your question up: „I mean, yes, I can do that for you. Sounds like a fair deal and you starfleet types are way too ‚by-the-book‘ to shy out of that. But why me? You’ve got a ship full of people. You’ve got Mr. Scott here, who is I guess married to this thing. Why me?“ Kirk chuckled and the Doctor at his side smiled amused. „Let’s just say that I see a worthy local guide and I think we’re going to need someone able to navigate the more delicate places down there.“ He rubbed his hands together and looked satisfied now. „With that sorted out, I’ll leave you to Mr. Scott.“.
Mr. Scott and you eyed each other cautiously. You had not forgotten how nice he’d been to you - but neither had you forgotten that he was the reason you were stuck here in the first place. He in turn looked at you like one would look at a wild cat - a tense beast where one had reason to be mindful of every move. „Well, Lass,“ he shuffled with his feet and cleared his throat. „Better follow me to Engineering then. Captain’s given you clearance to move around the Enterprise“ he opened the door and gestured for you to leave the room, then added: „To a certain extent.“
The Enterprise was a whole new world - more than a city really, more than a ship, it was a little planet in itself and the warp core was its living beating heart. Mr. Scott explained the shifts, that you were in Beta right now and pretty late already. He then gave you a general rundown of the most important bits of the ship - mess hall („Yes, Lass, we’re goin’ to go there. Yes, you can get everything ya want. No. Not now.“), lift („Ya’re restricted to certain decks, don’t try, otherwise we’ll know.“) and the ships belly - engineering. Even there you weren’t allowed to go just everywhere, but it was a good enough start. He showed you the main engineering room, his rough hands stroking over the warm metal. Where others may have seen an inapt sexuality - but you saw a gentle devotion there, an intimate worship that went beyond physical.
You were in fact sitting on his desk, careful not to touch any buttons by accident, your legs dangling from the edge, leaning slightly forward while listening to his rundown of the main reactor.
You were slightly suspicious that Captain Kirk had perhaps not in mind for you to learn the whole manual of the warp core, but since the alternative was to sit alone and brooding in your room, this was you’d complain about. It was also nice to learn something about this ship. At least that’s what you told yourself. „ … and tha’s how ya modulate the subspace bands.“ he finished and looked up, making a hushing gesture to get you off of his desk. You jumped down, smirking up at him. „All that talk has made me hungry, Mr. Scott.“ „Ach…are ye ever not hungry?“ he lifted an eyebrow and grinned at you. That was a new one, you thought and then shrugged. „Don’t think so, Mr. Scott.“ „Then follow me, Lass. Jus’ wanted ta give ya a short introduction anyways. We’re getting to the real work tomorrow.“ You shot him an side eye but said nothing. „And Lass…“ „Yes?“ „It’s Scotty for ya. Just good ol’ Scotty.“
While eating with him you learned that he was in fact rather easy going - other crew members would regularly come up to the table you were sitting at, greeting him and throwing you curious glances. With your grey uniform you stuck out like a sore thumb. He was called „Mr. Scotty“ or „Scotty“ depending on the person. The younger those addressing him were, the most likely it was for them to be more formal around him. You even heard the occasional „Sir“. Food was good - better then a lot of stuff you’d had before and since you could choose your dinner it was even to your taste. „Ya’ve ever been on a ship before?“ You shook your head while simultaneously stuffing the last bites of food into your mouth. „Nah… Never been off planet before.“ He just nodded, silently, and watched you finishing your plate. „Ya know we got someone to clean the plates. Ya don’t need to do it here.“ For a second you just stared at him, then broke into laughter. „You know, for an uptight starfleet type you’re surprisingly funny.“ He laughed with you.
At the start of that Gamma shift you lay awake for a while before falling to sleep. Staring at the ceiling with the lights dimmed down. Turning around every now and then. Yeah. You were definitely taking this pillow with you.
„And that’s how you decide if it’s an Type A or a Type B modulator, lass…. lass… are ye even listening to me?“ You snapped back to attention, cleared your throat and tried your best to look innocent. „Sorry, Mr. Scott.“ He had been pushing facts about gadgets and machinery and even physics in your head for the last 3 days and sometime around noon yesterday, you had felt how your brain had basically shut the flood gates and resigned to nodding along and staring at him. Which you had enjoyed quite a bit. The staring, not the nodding part. Whenever he picked something up you had the opportunity to ogle at a very fine backside in those black trousers and there was no denying that his broad shoulders were filling his uniform just perfectly. Not that you would’ve said something like that aloud. „…listening?“ So much for snapping back to attention. „I’m sorry… it’s just…“, you sighed, got off your chair and stretched. „I’m someone employed in commodity trading..“ „Ya mean petty thief.“ „…not an engineer. It’s all been a bit much.“, you finished and shrugged, no biting at his remark. „Don’t have ta be an engineer to get this, come over.“ you followed order and stepped up to his side. „Look, if ya turn it around…“ „They both look the same. They’re identical. I swear you’re making that up.“ „‘am not.“, he sighed, a deep furrow appearing on his brow.
Handing you over the item he grabbed one of your hands and took it in his.
„Look“, the engineer muttered and his calloused fingers rubbed against the back of your hand as he gently pushed your hand over the smooth metal. „Feel that concave there?“. You nodded, prefering to better not say anything right now.
„Now take that“, without letting go of your hand he took Type A (or Type B?) from your hand and gave you the other one. He slid your hand over the metal once again and you could feel his admiration for the fine piece of machinery in the way he applied gentle pressure, stretched your fingers slightly to show you just how and where the structure bent exactly. Right there you could really imagine those hands doing that somewhere else. Someone seemed to have dropped a hot lump of coal in your belly, where it sank deeper and made your cheeks burn. „I… see, Scotty.“ stumbling over the words you looked up from the thing in your hands and stared right up into hazel eyes, darkening as he met your gaze. For seconds you stood there - just staring at each other like idiots, or like cats still undecided to fight. Finally - it felt like hours. Hours someone used to fill more coal into your body - the engineer let go of your hands, turning around to put everything back in place. „That’ll be all for tonight, Y/N. Ya’re good to go.“
You waited for a moment to see if he would join you for your meal, like he did before. But he busied himself with putting everything back to place and after politeness and hope turned to awkwardness you rushed to get some food alone.
You hastily took your meal with you to your quarters, eating in silence before dimming your nights and staring at that ceiling once more. A deep sigh escaped your throat. Tomorrow was the last day of „training“ and then you were off, back where you belonged and far away from this complicated world. You burrowed your burning face in the pillow.
„Wait a second, Lassie.“ You stopped your trajectory leading you to the mess hall and instead converted that bouncing energy in your step to turn around. „Mr. Scott.. Scotty?“ The engineer smiled at you for a second, putting that thing (Type-I-Dunno-It’s-Made-of-steel) back where it belonged to. If you had to get one of those, you probably wouldn’t find the right one. Well. Their loss. „Would ya come to my office after ya’r meal?“ You nodded warily, waiting for more of an explanation. „Tha’s all, thank ya.“
That was mysterious. At least for Starfleet standards. You choked down some food without even tasting it and proceeded to walk down to his office in engineering, your beating heart suppressing even the Enterprises low hum. He probably just wanted to do some last minute mission briefing. A few more lectures about machinery, or warp chore architecture, maybe another delighting evening of diagrams and techno babble. A last chance to admire his features. „There ya are. Follow me.“, his tone was almost brisk and commanding. It was so unusual, even though you only knew him for a couple of days really, that you followed his step without asking any questions. The scotsman looked as if he were in deep thought as he led you to the turbo lift, typed something on the panel there and crossed his arms behind his back without looking at you. You did consider asking him, but his stern look kept you from inquiring. You had never been in this room before, you knew that for sure. It was almost empty, sprawling at least half a deck wide. You stared in astonishment as you became aware of the fact, that half of the ships hull was transparent, offering a panorama view of your surroundings. „Ya told me that ya’ve never been on a ship before,“ Scottys accent grew thicker as he spoke, rumbling through the words with a deep rich sound that reminded you of a distant storm in the desert. „Thought you’d appreciate the view“, he continued and took your hand, leading you forward, directly in front of the glass. „And here I thought you were going to throw me out of an airlock for being a nunsance,“ you joked. He grinned, but did not respond and instead let go of your hand. „Wait fer it…“ The stars around you turned and it felt as if you were stumbling, your eyes getting the information of sudden movement where your inner ear noticed nothing. It felt like swaying in the breeze and then there it was - a orange ball, bright yellow spots and grey fumes hiding parts of the world beneath your feet. Your breath caught and this time you grabbed his hand, if only to anchor yourself in this reality. „Is this…?“ „Aye“, he squeezed your hand gently. An excited buzz filled your belly, spread through your veins and along your spine.
You wanted to answer something, anything really but words escaped you as the Enterprise took it’s turn around the planet. Something blue shimmered down there and the distant memory of an ocean stirred in your heart, reminding you of the smell of plants and salt and sand under your feet. „Captain’s flying a maneuver right now“, he explained as the planets surface slowly vanished out of sight, was replaced by stars lighting up in the distance. His hand still squeezing yours sent a burning sensation up your arm and a cold shudder down your spine. „I could stay up here forever, Scotty.“ the admission came not easily to you, but up here, far above the sand and the dirts and the cloud it felt relevant to say it out aloud. „We dinnae have forever, but ye can have tonight.“
He was looking down on you and you were staring up. Neither of you said anything, with only the endless sky of the universe rushing past you. Your world shrank down to his eyes and his thumb absent mindedly rubbing over the skin of your hand. Your world faltered into a single second, a moment that stretched into eternity where you got on the tip of your toes and took in the expression of satisfied disbelief as you pressed your lips on his. His sigh was one of relief and in one smooth movement he let go of your hand to pull you into his arms.
„I’ll kill you“, you mumbled in between to kisses. You felt how his lips formed a smile. „Sure, lass.“ The both of you knew there were eyes on you, but neither of you did care. Your fingers wove through his black hair, nesting at the back of his head. There was his body so close to yours - his arms wide enough for you to get lost in his embrace, his smell of cologne and electronics and oil attaching itself to you. „I’ll accompany ya to the surface tomorrow.“, he whispered at your ear. Your heart jolted a little at the thought. „And .. if ye want… dinnae… I’ve a wee something to drink at my quarters an’ maybe ye want to …“ „Shut up, Mr. Scott.“, you kissed him again, making every further explanation futile.
His breast moved up and down as he slept, your fingers sprawled over his skin, touching him while you were lost in thought, slowly drifting away into sleep. He muttered something indistinguishable in his sleep, turning around so that a heavy hand could land on your hip. Maybe, you thought, eyelids heavy. Maybe you should steal something else.
@webhoard @inaugural13 @thebloody3agle @sassymissmyra @flowerbunbunny @anotherotter @theleonardmccoy @thewalkingdeanisdanielhowell @dirajunara-archive @mustanglegends @elinanve @gracieinanovel @noodledragonoverloard @newhappiness430 @ambie2020 @trashcan-to-end-all-trashcans @biologik 
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kaitymccoy123 · 6 years
Needing Eachother
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I am on mobile right now but have had this queued up forever and just reread it and tgought it’d be nice to post for near Christmas time. Pure fluff. Can’t add a tag list sorry ppl. Also can’t add a cut thingy either. Sorry Enjoyenjoyenjoy Pairing: Scotty x reader
Word Count: some
As soon as Scotty’s face filled the screen in front of you, you knew this wasn’t going to be a happy call.  
“Hey.” You said, trying your hardest to smile even though you felt like you were dying inside. 
“Hey there.” A flicker of a smile touched his lips, but there was not the usual jovial tone to his voice. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, pressing your palms into the bedspread. 
“I was abou’ t'ask you the same thin’.” He exhaled. 
“What do you mean?”
“Love, why’re you crying?” His voice was soft and tender. 
“I’m not…” You touched your fingertips to your cheeks and were surprised to find tears there. 
Scotty clicked his tongue softly and you could hear him shuffle in his seat, “Wha’s the matter?  I hate seein’ you so sad.“ 
“I don’t know…” You drew your forearm under your dripping nose and pulled your knees to your chest, “I don’t know.”
Resting your chin on your folded knees you looked up at him through watery eyes.  His eyes were sad too, you realized and it only made you let out a little sob. 
“I just really miss you, I guess.” You sniffled, tearing your eyes away from his and resting the side of your head on your knees. 
“I miss you too, love." 
"I jus-I just could-could really use one-one of your hugs right now.” You gasped, and the mere thought of his arms wrapped around you sent you into a fit of sobs again. 
“Shh… Y/N, I know, and if I could I would be there in a second.”
“I know.” You looked at him again, “Where’s the teleporter machine you’ve been-been talking about?  I thought you were an engineer.” You joked, but it didn’t make him smile. 
“I think I’ve done well enough developing the transporter, thank you very much. Unfortunately I think it’s more of a time machine tha’ we need.”
You huffed a watery laugh and rubbed your face into your knees before leaning back and wiping at them with the back of your hand.  You sighed and reached out to touch your PADD screen. 
“How much longer until we are together again?” Your voice was barely a whisper. 
You desperately wished that it was your fingertips touching his cheek rather than the hard screen of the PADD. 
“3 months.” He sighed, and you saw tears well up in his eyes, “I wish I could come home now.  I jus’ want t'a hold ya again.  I hate-I hate sleeping alone.”
Now it was your turn to comfort him, “I do too, Monty.  But I’m sure you don’t miss my cold feet against your back all night.” You smiled. 
He huffed a laugh and wiped at his eyes, “I would take your ice-cubes that you call feet over sleepin’ alone on this bloody lonely planet any day.”
“Well I promise as soon as you get back that you can have as much of my cold feet as you want because it’s going to be days before we are going to leave this bed.” You bounced up and down slightly on the bed and were relieved to see a real smile pull at his mouth. 
“Sounds like a deal.”
You fell into a comfortable silence and you eventually felt the tight coil of missing him lessen a little, and your tears dried on your cheeks. 
“I love you, Monty.”
That made him smile and tilted his head as his whiskey-brown eyes met yours sweetly, “I love you too, Y/N.”
“And soon we will be together.” You said.  This was always your little routine before you hung up.
“Before ya know it.” Scotty responded as per your little imaginary script. 
You drew your finger one more time down his face on the screen before you brought the PADD closer to your face, pressing your forehead against it. 
Pulling back, you found tears perched on your eyelids again, “I need you, Montgomery Scott.  I need you I need you I need you." 
You repeated the words until you were nearly sobbing them, and you watched his face as it broke down with each repetition of the words. 
When you paused to take a shaky breath he interrupted, "Love, you wouldn’t even believe how much I need you too.”
You wiped at your eyes again and smiled, “I should go to bed.”
“Wish I was there." 
"I wish you were too.” You blew him a kiss before ending the call.  
You don’t know how long you sat there, hugging the PADD to your chest and sobbing, but eventually you fell asleep, cradling the device as if it were Scotty’s arm drawn around your chest.
Finally, it was time.  
As you stood at the landing dock, you bounced up and down on your toes, wearing a stupid smile on your face that had been there since yesterday.
He’s coming home today. He’s coming home today.  He’s coming home today.
“Are you excited or something?  I can’t tell.” You turned to Jim who stood beside you and punched him in the arm.
“It’s been 18 months since I’ve seen him, you asshat, I get to be excited.”
Jim chuckled, “But didn’t you see him a few months ago?”
“That was 6 months ago and only for 4 hours on one of his re-supply missions.” You snapped.
“Okay, okay, you get to be excited.” Jim smiled down at you and you turned your attention quickly back to the bustling shuttle bay.
Jim said they’d landed already, but you didn’t know which ship it was or if they had even gotten off yet.  The suspense was killing you.
You waited in silence next to Jim, your eyes constantly scanning each ship, each person that had redish-brown hair, each red shirt, hoping it was him.
“You’re gonna give yourself an aneurysm.” Jim teased.
“Shut up.”
There.  Your eyes caught on someone. Nope.
Ooo, over there.
You were beginning to get frustrated when you saw another head of reddish-brown hair.  Coupled by a red shirt.  And that scarf.  You had given him that scarf.
Your heart soared.
Your legs nearly gave out before you commanded them to surge forward, and they somehow carried you into the busy shuttle bay. Squeezing past person after person, you felt the cool air hit your cheeks and realized you were crying. Your legs were flying under you, faster than you had ever run before, and your heart was hammering in your chest.
As you neared him, you realized that he hadn’t seen you yet, and he seemed to be scanning the crowds as well.  Looking for you.
“MONTY!” You yelled, and his head snapped in your direction.
You had no idea how you remained standing when his eyes met yours.  There he was. Flesh and blood and oh-so-familiar. Something between a screech and a shout of laughter left your lips and you started running again.  
Scotty’s smile was unbelievably wide as he dropped his bag and spread his arms.  You nearly leaped into them as you finally closed the last few feet.  
“Monty!” You called again as he wrapped his arms around you tight, tighter than ever, and still you couldn’t get enough.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” Scotty chanted, and that’s when you realized that he was crying too.  
You felt him press hard kisses to the side of your neck, working his way up to your jaw and eventually across your cheek, and when you couldn’t take it anymore, you turned your head and captured his lips in yours.
It was a desperate kiss, dry and harsh, a kiss that means ‘I haven’t seen you in forever’, ‘I miss you so much’, ‘I just want to feel your lips on mine’.  But eventually it melted into softer kisses, gentle ‘I love you’ kisses and you found yourself giggling despite the tears still running down your cheeks.
Eventually, you pulled your head away, resting your foreheads together, the rest of your body pressed tightly to his.  
“Monty.” You breathed, more tears (happy ones, you realized now) tracked down your cheeks.
“Y/N.” He laughed, and the smile on his face and the admiration in his eyes melted your heart.
“Do you even know how much I missed you?” You teased, brushing his hair over his ears.
“If it’s even half as much as I’ve missed you, then it’s a hell u’va lot.” He kissed the smile off your face.
Breaking off the kiss, you buried your face in his neck and inhaled the familiar scent o him, and you felt his hands squeeze your waist softly.
“Nice to have you back, Mr. Scott.” Jim’s voice broke through your little bubble of Scotty and you drew back to Scotty’s side, slinging your arms around his waist and pressing your cheek into his shoulder.
“Nice to be back, Cap’n.” Scotty pressed a kiss to the top of your head, and the arm that he had around you drew soft lines up and down your back.
“I was about to send this one to the medbay ‘cause I thought she was gonna faint while we waited for you.” Jim teased and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“And I can send you to the medbay for a black eye if you want one, Jimbo.” You joked, and Scotty laughed heartily next to you and pulled you closer.
“Alright, alright, my duty here is done, you two lovebirds go do whatever you lovebirds want to do, I’ll see you back on the ship.” Jim saluted before he retreated back into the busy crowds.
Scotty swung you around so you were in front of him again, encircling his arms around your waist.
“Now, lass, I would love a long hot shower – with or without you honestly I just need one at this point – a good hot meal, and to spend the rest of the day in bed with you in my arms.”
Your heart surged with happiness and you dove up to kiss him quickly, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
Scotty smiled and kissed your forehead quickly before scooping up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.   You arms still slung around the other’s waists, you and Scotty started towards the exit ready to spend the next little while in each other’s arms.
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked it!-
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kaitymccoy123 · 6 years
10 minute ficlet- The Lift Ride
Drip. Drip. Drip.
The red puddle was growing beneath your extended hand, the blood dripping off your fingertips and steadily towards the metal floor.
The lift was deafeningly quiet as it moved, such a stark contrast from the chaos you'd just been immersed in. So quiet that you could hear your quick pulse in your ears.
When he shuffled beside you it almost startled you, and you knew he was just shifting the weight off his hurt leg.
Slowly lifting your head, you brushed your sludge-matted hair out of your face with your good hand, ignoring the dark stains that were hiding numerous scratches and gouges.
As the lift shuttled downwards, floor after floor, the dread in the pit of your stomach grew, and you knew you had to break the silence. Had to say <i> something. </i>
"Monty?" You whispered, the name leaving your throat as no more than a rasp.
"Hmm?" You saw him shift his weight again out of the corner of your eye and a lump suddenly formed in your throat.
<i> What were you supposed to say to someone when you knew that when these doors open, you'd probably never see each other again? </i>
"I have to tell you something." Your voice was still raspy, but surprisingly stable.
He didn't respond this time. You didn't dare look over at him, you knew that would make the dam inside you break. Instead you looked down at your own shirt, the normally gold fabric spotted with deep red stains, and if the fabric hadn't been torn, you could've guessed they were nothing more than wine stains.
You clenched and unclenched your good fist, the one that was inches away from his, wincing as shots of pain slid up your arm.
You licked your lips. "No matter what we face on the other side of that door, I need you to know..."
You trailed off and looked up again, suddenly panicked as you watched the numbers on the display decrease rapidly, you were almost there. Almost out of time.
"What is i', love?" He prompted, the term of endearment leaving his lips as though he had called you that a million times.
And then the dam broke. But you didn't break down, no, rather it came to your more as a realization. You couldn't tell him. This wasn't the time. It wasn't fair.
"I was the one who drank your coffee."
He gripped the hem of his shirt and shifted again, confused.
"That one day where you'd left it on The Bridge, and came back for it but it was gone. Where you went spitting mad on all of the Bridge crew. It was me. I thought it was mine. I'm sorry."
He exhaled through his nose, as one would have to do if they were trying to laugh while sporting some broken ribs.
"'twas you?" He chuckled.
There was a moments pause, so your eyes drifted back to the numbers on the display. Any minute now...
There was a brush against your fingers. Then again, until the tips of Scotty's fingers were entwined with yours.
The lump in your throat grew immeasurably and tears pricked at your eyes because of the small gesture.
"How 'bout this, lass? When we're done facin' whatever demons we ha'fta face ou' there, we can go for coffee an' you can repay me for tha' one."
Oh god, you were about to become an inconsolable, blubbering mess of fear.
His fingers tightened around yours momentarily.
"Sound good?" He asked softly.
"Yep." The word was barely audible from your lips.
The lift beeped suddenly, indicating that the doors were about to open.
Oh god, you couldn't do this.
Another small squeeze od Scotty's fingers and you met his whiskey-brown eyes through a watery gaze.
Then, the door slid opened.
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kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Upside Down
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Intro: Hello and welcome to Kaity’s heart in post form.  If you need me, I am currently 600 kilometers deep in the Scotty trashcan, with no sign of escape (not that I want to).  So please enjoy all my feelings out in the open. 
Here is the entirety of my Scotty x reader fic, feel free to read it all at once, or in parts listed below.  
Pairing: Scotty x reader (and best friend!Jim Kirk)
Word Count: 7,955 (holy moly)
Warnings: totally 100% fake engineering everything, (I was too lazy to actually come up with proper terms so I just made up words), eventual injury, swears.
Summary: So basically the starting point for this fic was Scotty x reader who loves engineering as much as he does.  So that’s where I went with this fic.  You are second-in-command engineer and Scotty one day ends up being in charge, much to your chagrin.  You butt heads.  Scotty gets hurt.  Feelings get hurt (mostly my own).  Welcome to my trashcan.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
“So you’re saying you would never have sex with me.”
“James Tiberius Kirk if you were the last person on earth I would copulate with a turtle before I even considered you.” You deadpanned, strapping your tool belt to your hips as you got ready to leave and turned to the frowning Captain who was leaning against the door frame.
“Really funny.” Jim griped sarcastically, and you sauntered up to him, swinging your hips in just the right way, and you saw his eyes fall and he shook his head.
“It’s only funny because it’s true, Jimbo.” You reached up and slapped his cheek twice, flashing a million dollar smile before pushing past him.
“You know, this means I owe Uhura 5 bucks.” Jim called as you made your way to the engineering room.
“That’s your own fault, you idiot.” You called back, laughing as you turned down the next hallway, finally out of his sight.  
“Hey, Bobby!” You shouted as you entered the automated doors, instantly smiling at the comforting smell of metal and sound of whirring machinery.
“Lass, what’s with all the yelling?” An unfamiliar voice sounded from somewhere in the room and you leaned over the railing to look down and saw a man in a red shirt looking up at you.
Suddenly, a hard hand clapped you on the shoulder and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
Spinning around you saw Jim again and scowled, taking a few deep breaths to calm your nerves.
“Yeah, Bobby doesn’t work here anymore.” Jim said matter-of-factly.
Your jaw fell open in disbelief, “What!?”
“He had to take sudden leave for… reasons, and this is his replacement.  Get up here Scotty!” Jim yelled and you continued to look at him incredulously.
You heard heavy footsteps climb the metal stairs and saw this new man emerge from behind Jim.  
“Aye, Jim, I’m in the middle of re-calibrating the central system, whichever lunatic was here last converted the quantum regulator so it only picks up certain wave lengths…” The man started, his hands waving wildly and his thick accent made it hard to understand him, you assumed Scottish.
“The ship only needs to read the wave lengths that it could actually come across.  The settings before were set to pick up literally any wavelength, and it was using way too much power.” You interrupted, spinning on the man, your hackles raised at the newcomer.
“Well what if ye come across IgT-3 wavelength?  Huh?  How are ya gonna go about picking tha’ up?” The man started, stepping towards you.
“Well since that wavelength doESN’T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE, I can say we’re pretty safe.” You snapped, your hands tightening into fists.
“It’s a wavelength, lass, not a damn unicorn!” The man argued and you were about to rip into him when Jim stepped in between you two.
“Alright!  That’s enough, you two, you’re going to have to be working together, so you better cut it out!” Jim yelled, but he had a weirdly pleased look on his face.
Jim turned and stepped to the side, indicating to the yelling Scottish man, “Y/N, this is Montgomery Scott, our new chief of engineering.  And Scotty,” Jim gestures to you now, “This is Lieutenant Y/N, who was Bobby’s right hand down here for the past two years.”
You reluctantly nodded at Scotty, the defensiveness you felt from before fleeing from you as you took in the older man.  He had wispy red-brown hair, brown eyes, and a furrow to his brow that looked like it was permanently part of his face.  Overall, he was quite handsome if not soft-looking, like a little bear cub, and you cursed yourself for thinking so as you had just screamed at him.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I do have to get back to running this ship.” Jim said, “Can I trust you guys not to kill each other for at least the rest of your shifts?”
Jim didn’t even let you or Scotty respond before he clapped his hands together, “Good!”
You scowled at Jim as he walked out and he looked back, giving you a wink before disappearing behind the automated doors.  
Turning now to Scotty, who was looking at you like you had a third eye, you gave him a weak smile.
“Guess we’re going to be spending a lot of time together.” You shrugged.
“I guess so.” Scotty stuffed his hands into his pockets and swung on his heels.
“We don’t need the EL4-R wavelength detector either.” You said, meeting his eyes with a flash of amusement.
“Well ye better have a good explanation for tha’, lass, because I am pretty stubborn.” Scotty gave you a smirk before turning and walking down the metal stairs, you quickly following behind him, beginning to heatedly defend the system you and Bobby had worked so hard to develop.  
“What are you staring at me for?  Am I doing something ‘wrong’ again?” You growled as you turned to Scotty and straightened out your shirt, throwing on your worst glare.
It was a week into working with Scotty and things were not going well.
“You’d be much better off making those changes from th’outside, using the computer, rather than crawling up in there, ye might get stuck.” Scotty noted, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow as he took in your grease-covered appearance.
“You calling me fat, Mr. Scott?” You leered, pulling off your gloves slowly.
“N-no, not at all, I jus’…” He sputtered, clearly taken aback by the question.
“I went in because a belt was loose, and that is not something you can fix from the outside.” You explained, your voice threaded with bitterness, and stalked back to your workstation, Scotty right on your heels.
“Lass, if we’re going to work together you’re gonna have t’stop being so… SO…” Scotty ranted and you spun on him, fury filling your veins.
“What?!  Stop being so what, Mr. Scott?”
“SO DAMN INSUFFERABLE!” Scotty exploded, his arms flailing and his stance became defensive.
“Mr. Scott, this is my ship, and it has been my ship for the past two years, so if I seem insufferable, it’s because you are on MY turf, trying to change the things that I programmed MYSELF.  It borders on insulting.”
“Lassie, half of the things yer able to program on this ship wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for me.”
“Well I’m sorry your such a traditionalist, then, because TIMES CHANGE, OLD MAN!” You didn’t mean to call him old, but the insult just slipped out and you tried to apologize immediately, “I-I, didn’t mean that, I’m sor-”
“Get out.” Those two words made you snap your mouth shut with a click of teeth.  
You looked up to see Scotty’s expression was impassive and unreadable, his stance straight an unforgiving as he spoke, "Your shift is done for today.  You are dismissed.“
“I-I…” You were speechless, you never expected him to get this angry.
But as you met his eyes and saw how serious he was, your anger was renewed. You weren’t going to let him treat you like a child, and if he wanted you to leave, so be it.  You stalked passed him, grabbed your jacket, and you left, fairly sure that steam was coming out of your ears.
“Jim, he is intolerable, impossible, I-I can’t work with him.” You seethed, nearly crushing the glass that you held between your fingers.
“You and him are exactly the same.” Jim chuckled, nursing his own drink, and you wanted to wipe the smile off his face.
“We are not.  You can’t tell me I am half that stubborn."
"If anything you are double as stubborn as he is.  Try to get past that, you guys have so much in common that you should be inseparable.”
You snorted, “Inseparable.  HA.  Jim, I can barely get through a work day without that man berating me for pressing a key on the keyboard.  I can’t wait to leave my shift everyday, just to get away from him.”
Jim shook his head, still smiling that knowing smile he seemed to always wear, his blue eyes sparkling as he looked to you, “Just consider this one thing.  On your evening off, away from the ever-insufferable Scotty, you have not stopped talking about him.  What does that say?”
You rolled your eyes as Jim stood, patted you on the shoulder, and left.  
Was Jim right?  You seemed to always be talking about him, most of the time complaining, and your thoughts nearly always roaming to his red-brown hair and kind eyes.  
No.  You shook your head, dispelling the thoughts.  When Bobby was back, everything would return to normal.  Everything that had been turned upside down would right itself.  Right?
Even though your blood still boiled at the thought of your last encounter with Scotty, where he dismissed you from your shift early, you decided to apologize.
So, the next day, at the start of your shift, you went off to find Scotty, who was at his workstation.
“Uh, Mr. Scott?” You mumbled and toed at the foot of his desk where Scotty sat, entrenched in a conversation with Keenser.  
When his eyes fell to you, you swear his expression held disappointment, and you pushed down the rush of anger that it elicited.  
“imsrryfryellngatyouysterdy.” You sputtered, feeling the red flush of embarrassment hit your cheeks.  
“Sorry, I dinnae pick that up, a little slower?” Scotty insisted and you glowered.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you yesterday, alright?” You crossed your arms over your chest and dug your toe into the floor.
“Thanks, lass,” Scotty exhaled, his tone much softer than before, “and ’m sorry fer yellin’ at ya as well.”
You met his eyes now, and saw not a look of disgust or frustration, but one a lot more gentle, one that made you feel at ease, and you didn’t even realize you were staring until Keenser cleared his throat.
“Uh, alright… Truce?” You held your hand out over the desk to Scotty.
Scotty’s mouth tilted into a smile, “Truce.” He shook your hand, his palm warm and dry, “And stop calling me, Mr. Scott, it makes me feel old.”
And that was that.  
You quickly fell into a routine with the older man, which consisted of him questioning your and Bobby’s decision about something in the engineering room, and you retorting easily about why it was that way.  Eventually, after many a heated argument, you adjusted the systems to Scotty’s liking, and it actually made the ship run smoother, to your continual surprise.  
One evening you had been in such a heated discussion about quantum loop generators that you didn’t even realize your shift was over.  
“But what if you adjusted the equation like… this.” You wrote a few symbols on the paper that was stretched out on the table in front of you.
“No, no, that would change this later.” Scotty pointed out something, ripping the pencil from your hand and scribbling on the paper.
“Well now I can’t even read that, who taught you to write, a 4 year old?” You teased, laughing loudly.
“Hey, lass, I’ve seen your workstation, you are not allowed to tell me that I’m messy.” Scotty jabbed, a grin teasing at his lips.
“That’s not fair!” You gasped in mock horror and pushed at his arm playfully.
“What’s not fair is not being able to find anything when ya need it.“
“You’re an asshole.”
Scotty smiled over at you now, and your heart skipped a beat.  He had a really nice smile.  
You leaned back in your chair and stretched your arms above your head, cracking your back a few times.  You still felt Scotty’s gaze on you, and you nearly blushed at the attention.  Glancing at your watch, you groaned.
“It’s almost midnight!  Our shift’s been over for nearly 4 hours, what in the world are we still doing here?” You yawned but didn’t move from your chair.
“Guess we really got into our discussion.” Scotty suggested and as he turned his chair his knee bumped into yours, but he quickly pulled it away.
“Yeah, I guess.  It’s so nice to finally find someone who I can discuss these things in detail with.  None of my friends care about this stuff that much, they all think it’s really nerdy.” You played with the ends of your hair as you spoke.
“It is nerdy.” Scotty laughed, “But I agree.  You really know yer stuff.  Though since we are both so stubborn it can get pretty heated sometimes."
"I am not stubborn!” You defended.
“Now you’re bein’ stubborn about bein’ stubborn.” Scotty said, “That’s a new low.”
You stuck your tongue out at him and stood up, placing a hand on his shoulder and putting your face close to his ear, “Goodnight, ya big meanie."
Scotty’s cheeks tinged red as your breath caressed his ear, and before you could think too much about it you were sliding out the door, feeling Scotty’s gaze of disbelief on your back.
That was the last time you talked to Scotty before you saw him in the medbay with a tube down his throat.
On your shift the day after you had stayed up far too late with Scotty, you were informed that he would be going on an away mission to assist in repairing a ship, and you were to stay behind and be the acting chief of engineering.
“Not that I don’t basically run this ship on my own anyway.” You snorted to yourself as you snapped your com shut, thinking that if Scotty was here he would have shook his head and gave you one of his teasing smiles.  
Thinking of that put a smile on your face as you began your shift, excited to be in charge.  
The next two days left you less excited to be in charge, as you quickly missed Scotty’s witty banter and your heated debates about the details of the ship.  
You were lounging around Scotty’s workbench on the third day that he was gone, the ship running smoothly, and you had everyone kept busy making sure it stayed that way.  
Then, out of the corner of your eye, a piece of paper, tucked into the drawer of the very messy workstation.  But that wasn’t what caught your attention, it was your name, written in the corner of the paper in Scotty’s barely legible script.  You couldn’t help your curiosity as you reached for it, quickly glancing around the room, as if Scotty was going to suddenly show up and berate you for snooping.  
The paper itself looked like it had been through the washing machine, crumpled and stained, maybe at on point a page of a note book, torn out.  The words were written in pencil, and you were right, it was your name written in the corner.  
Dear Y/N,
You are one of the most infuriating, stubborn, quick-witted people I have ever met.  I don’t know how we made it through the first week of working together.  I thought one of us was going to kill the other.
But once you got your head out of your ass.  Once we started to get along, we were actually able to work together, and were finally able to put both of our big brains together and get stuff done.  
You snorted as you read on:
And I’m sorry for yelling at you.  I know I already told you that, but I really am.  I am especially sorry for dismissing you that first week.  I know you probably don’t care that much but I regret pulling rank and turning on you like that.  I just couldn’t stand you looking at me with such hatred and contempt, like I was just some stiff old guy that was getting in your way. It nearly killed me.  
Because if you looked at me like that, I would never stand a chance.  
Because I am enthralled by you.  
You stopped breathing.
Which is why I am writing all this stuff down rather than saying it to your face. But you’ll never read this because I would probably die of embarrassment. Because when I look at you, my brain goes haywire.  I lose all ability to coherently form a sentence.  Maybe that’s why I tease you so much, because anything else would come out as gibberish and you would think me a mad old fool.
It scares me, the way I feel about you, it makes me want to turn and run. Because I don’t deserve someone as fierce and intelligent and beautiful as you.  But sometimes, the way you smile at me, it gives me hope, like you might harbour feelings for me too, but it’s only fleeting, and the next moment you are yelling at me or teasing me or nearly zapping me with a live wire.
So, if you ever do read this, just know that I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you.  And every moment since.  
Yours, Montgomery
You were an idiot.
The overhead com system sounded: Dr. McCoy to the medbay, immediately.
Your heart dropped in your chest. For some reason you knew exactly what the call was for.  And you were on your feet and dashing down the hallway before you could stop yourself, stuffing the letter into your pocket.
Skidding into the medbay, you were met with a cacophony of chaos, people running around everywhere, yelling, and machines were beeping and you could see flashes of injuries from the people lying on the biobeds.  Your heart was racing in your chest as you looked for, and dreading finding, the familiar red shirt and whispy brown hair that belonged to Scotty.  
A biobed slammed into your elbow and careened by, being pushed by a group of nurses, the red shirt making you take a second look, but it wasn’t Scotty.  
Suddenly, a flash of familiar command gold appeared in the medbay and you stalked right up to him.
“Jim, what happened?” You demanded almost breathlessly.
“Away mission gone wrong, the building that they were in was invaded, there were a lot of… casualties.” Jim explained, his eyes barely meeting yours and he began to stalk past you but you grabbed his arm.
“Scotty.” You dug your fingers into his arm and he looked back at you, recognizing the look of desperation,  "where’s Scotty?“
He looked at you with sympathy, "We’ll find him, Y/N.  I promise.”
And then he was gone, into the chaos, and you were left frozen in the middle of it, feeling more alone, more helpless, than you had ever felt before.  
When you realized you were more in the way than anything in the medbay, you retreated back to the engineering room, pulling the letter out of your pocket and reading it over and over, your trembling fingers nearly tearing the worn paper.  You fought an internal battle with yourself, forcing yourself not to cry because if you did, you were going to turn into a sniveling mess, no use to anyone, and you were supposed to be in charge.  
But worry made ice flow through your veins and you couldn’t focus on anything, even when Keenser came by and tugged on your sleeve.  
When your com beeped, you swear you took a breath for the first time in 20 minutes.  
“Y/N here.” You trembled.
“We found him.” It was Jim’s voice, and though you should be elated at his words, his somber tone made fresh tears prick at your eyes.
“I’ll be right there."
Snapping the com shut, you forced your stiff limbs to move from their perched position on the stool and you made your way to the medbay for the second time that day.  
"What happened?” You squeaked when you were met with an impenetrable wall of Jim Kirk on your way into the medbay.
“We don’t know 100%.  He lost a lot of blood.  Bones is working on him now.” Jim explained.
“Is he going to be okay?” You stammered, a tear sneaking its way down your cheek and you wiped it away quickly.  
Jim met your gaze firmly, his hand squeezing your forearm once, “They don’t know yet.” His voice was quiet, and you knew he was worried as well.
“He has to be okay, Jim.” You whispered, pleading with the somber captain.  
And then a change in Jim’s expression, barely noticable, a raise in an eyebrow, his mouth falling open a millimeter more, and it was like he knew.  The expression was a mirror and made you realize you cared for Scotty much more than you’d like to admit.  More than you even realized.  
Jim gave you a knowing nod and placed his hand on your shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze before he disappeared out the medbay doors.  
And once again you were alone.  And once again you didn’t know if your heart was going to be ripped out of your chest.
Eventually they let you in to see him, after Dr. McCoy had deemed him stable enough.
It was nearly a week after the accident, and you had been forced back to the engineering room, trying to keep the ship afloat while you felt like you were drowning.  You didn’t know if you’d ever felt so worried in your entire life, to the point where you were questioning if you should even be worried, as you had only known Scotty for a few weeks before the accident.  
But it was like a disease, like he had become implanted into your brain, and you heard him and saw him wherever you went.  If you were fixing something, you knew exactly how he would tell you you were doing it wrong.  If you were lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling in an feeble attempt to sleep, you heard his laugh or the lilt of his accent, shooting back a sarcastic comment at something you said.
Dr. McCoy threatened to keep you in the medbay as a patient, commenting on how often you were in there, checking up on Scotty, but you knew he noticed your dark rimmed eyes and the few pounds you’d shed at the lack of appetite.  
Then, one day, he agreed it was time you could go in.  Your breath instantly caught in your chest and you nearly cried at the relief of being able to see Scotty after a week of torture.  
He looked awful.  
He was tucked into the biobed, the white sheets accentuating just how grey his skin looked, how dark the circles were under his eyes.  There was a bandage over a cut on his forehead, and a splint on his left wrist, a machine hovering over it that you recognized as a bone regenerator.  Another, similar machine was working on his right leg, which was wrapped in a thick white bandage.  He had many wires and tubes coming out of him that were connected to several machines, including one that was down his throat, which you recognized as a ventilator.  
“He’s getting better, despite what he looks like.” Dr. McCoy’s gentle voice sounded from behind you, and he stepped into the room.
“He looks like crap.” You let out a watery laugh, finally letting the tears that you had held in for so long find their way down your cheeks.  
“Yeah well, he’s a fighter.” A strong hand came down on your shoulder, making you release a little sob, “He’s going to be fine, Y/N.” Dr. McCoy’s thumb stroked lines into your shoulder.
“Yeah, kid, you worry too much.” A new voice sounded and a flash of command gold came into view.  Jim.
When he saw your tear-stained face he offered a weak smile before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around you, Dr. McCoy’s hand falling away as you nearly fell into Jim’s embrace, finally letting yourself feel all the emotions you kept at bay the entire week.
Jim held you for what felt like hours, stroking your back and whispering soft encouragements into your ear.  
“That stupid idiot, coming into my engineering room, turning everything upside down, and then going and nearly getting himself killed.” You griped, taking shaky breaths from your spot against Jim’s chest.
“I don’t think the engineering room is the only thing he’s turned upside down.” Jim noted as he pushed you away, tucking a few locks of hair behind your ear before tapping your chin with his finger.
Looking up at Jim, he gave you a soft mischievous smile, and it made you blush, “Shut up.” You sniffed and pushed him away playfully, making him laugh softly.
Then you turned to Scotty, approaching him achingly, but you didn’t cry anymore, he was alive.  
You reached out and grabbed Scotty’s hand, stroking your thumb over the warm skin, watching the way his chest rose and fell in even breaths thanks to the ventilator.  
Dr. McCoy said he was getting better, it would just take some time.  And you realized, for Montgomery Scott, you had all the time in the world.
“You look like crap.” A voice naggled at you, rousing you from your sleep, but you didn’t open your eyes or lift your head, assuming it was Jim coming to say hi.
That was until a set of fingers tightened on yours, making your eyes fly open and your head pop up.
“Scotty?” You breathed, squinting in the bright lights of the room to see Scotty with his head propped up and his eyes open, a small smile on his mouth.
“Have you eaten anything recently, lass, you look worn down to the bone.” Scotty worried, his hand releasing yours to brush across your cheek softly, making your breath catch and tears prick at your eyes.
“You can’t say much, you don’t look so good yourself.” You joked with a watery laugh.
Scotty dropped his hand back to the bed, this time not touching yours.  He furrowed his brow as he looked at you, “Shouldn’t you be running our ship?"
You huffed a laugh, feeling a warmth in your chest when he called it ‘our’ ship as he usually referred to it as 'his’ ship.
"Yeah, well my shift doesn’t start until…” You checked your watch, your shift started 20 minutes ago, “now, but I left Riley in charge.”
“Riley?  Really?  He doesn’t know a plasma chamber from a 10 volt battery.  I’m surprised we’re still flying.” Scotty joked, but his face fell when he saw your expression.
“Now, lass, don’t cry, it was just a joke, Riley’ll get better one day, we’ll teach him, you and I.” Scotty’s fingers reached up to touch your cheek again, but you pulled back, wiping at them yourself.
“I better get going.” You croaked, standing, trying to ignore the hurt look on Scotty’s face, “I wouldn’t want Riley getting the port defragmenter confused with quad-core compressor."
Then you turned and left, despite Scotty’s protests, a million unsaid words on your lips, your heart aching to stay with him, but you forced your feet forward, to get back to work.  
"Y/N, Scotty’s asking for you again.” Jim’s voice came through the com you held up to your ear.
“Tell him I’m busy.” You called into the com as you wiped some grease off your brow.
“He’s very… insistent.  Why don’t you just come down here?” Jim questioned, sounding very exasperated.  
“Because I’m busy, Jim.” You retorted and snapped the com shut quickly, turning back to you work.
You hadn’t gone to see Scotty since he first woke up, so afraid of spilling your feelings or doing something stupid that you couldn’t bring up the courage to face him again.  So you threw yourself into your work.  A proper excuse if there ever was one.  
“Lass?” You were torso deep in an overhead boiler system and you banged your forehead at the sudden voice.  
You withdrew your upper body and rubbed at your forehead, looking around for the source of the voice.
It was Scotty.
“What are you doing here?  You’re supposed to be in bed.” You chided, but your voice held more malice than you had wished.
“You wouldn’t come see me, so I took matters into me own hands.” Scotty sounded upset, but you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eyes.  
From where you were watching his knees you could see that he was leaning heavily on a crutch, and his balance was unsteady.
“I’ve been busy, Scotty, the ship doesn’t run itself.” You started putting your tools away, which was difficult with your shaking hands.
“You seemed alright to let Riley run things around here before, why not again?” Scotty argued, and you heard him take a couple of steps closer with his crutch.
“Because you were right, he is an incompetent asshole."
"What’s the real reason why you ignored my calls?”
“I told you already.  I was busy.” You stuffed a wrench in the toolbox.
“I don’t buy it, lass.”
“Well you should, 'cause it’s the truth.” A screwdriver.
“You’ve never lied to me before, what’s going on with you?”
“Nothing.” A small hammer.
“It’s obviously not nothing, you can tell me, Y/N, whatever it is, I won’t be mad-.”
“I READ THE LETTER.” You slammed the toolbox lid closed with a loud clank.
You were practically seething now, holding onto the toolbox for support, your shoulders heaving with each breath, your eyes watery.
“Where did you even find that?” Scotty breathed, knowing you were seconds from breaking down.
“I found it in your desk.  I…I don’t know if you meant for me to ever see it, but I did.  I’m sorry I snooped.” You stumbled over your words, heaving the heavy toolbox off the desk and turning to walk away.
“Y/N, wait.” Scotty called and you froze in your tracks, the toolbox swinging slightly in your hands, “before ya leave, all mad and upset and whatever else you’re feeling, I need you to know one thing.”
You were pretty sure you weren’t breathing at this point, and you turned your head sideways to indicate to him that you were listening.
“I meant every word.” Scotty stated, and you nearly dropped the toolbox.  
It took every bit of strength inside of you to put one foot in front of the other and walk away.  
It had been two weeks since the crash, and Scotty hadn’t come to see you, and you hadn’t gone to see him since you told him about the letter.  He was finally released from the medbay, but not cleared to work yet, that started tomorrow, so you thought you’d best find him before you had your first shift together.
You found him heading into his quarters.
“Hey.” You said, your hands nearly shaking from nervousness as you wrung them, “Can we talk?”
Scotty pursed his lips, his eyes meeting yours fleetingly before gesturing you to go into his quarters.  When the door slid closed behind you, you almost stopped breathing, and you turned slowly to face him.
“Listen, Scotty…” You started, having practiced the speech that you would give him over and over the past two weeks.
“No, you listen.” He interrupted, his eyes boring into yours, “You were never supposed to see that letter.”
“I know…”
“Lassie, will ye shut up for a minute, I’m tryna tell you something important.” Scotty snapped and you gulped, staying silent so he could continue.
“From day one you have been nothin’ but a pain in my hide, a misplaced cog in a sea of gears, a nuisance t’say the least.  But after the first time you nearly tore my head off over the tiniest string of programming, I knew you were something special.  And then I was done for, lass.  I wrote that letter because I couldn’t keep all my feelings inside, I needed to get them out, and maybe then I could go back to hating you, but I never stood a chance, ya see.  I never stood a chance because every time you waltzed through those doors, with your big brain and… and that look of determination on your face, every time you looked at me, I fell further.”
He took a breath, you had stopped breathing.
“And then I go and get hurt and who is at my bedside?  You.  So you cannae blame me if I thought for a wee second that you might actually may have returned those feelings.  I poured my heart into that letter and you basically told me it meant nothing t’you.  What am I suppos’ to think abou’ that?” Scotty’s tone was a mix of frustration and desperation, and his eyes raked your face as if searching for something.
“You’re supposed to think I’m an idiot.” You blurted, and his mouth pressed into a tight line, his eyes falling to the floor.
“Which I’m pretty sure you do.  And I’m pretty sure I am.  But you have to know why I reacted the way I did because I can’t stand the thought of you hating me, Scotty.  I just can’t.” You shook your head, emotions flying through you at the speed of light, barely controllable.
“Nobody has ever said anything like that about me before.  And it scared the hell out of me, Scotty.  The things you wrote… I-I never thought anyone would ever write such beautiful words about me.  Especially not you.”
You paused, wringing your hands in front of you tightly, your eyes now falling away from him.
“I tried to force myself to hate you, tried to tell myself that you were just something in the way of me becoming chief of engineering one day.  Because that would have been easier than feeling the way I do about you.”
Scotty’s eyes flicked up and you met his gaze, his mouth fell open, “And how’s tha-”
“You almost died.” You looked at him desperately now, tears perched on your lids, and you wanted to reach for him so bad, but you were still scared.
“You almost died and I thought my heart was going to grind to a halt like a C3 engine with no pipe oil.  And that’s when I realized how I felt.  That’s when I realized I wanted you looking over my shoulder and criticizing every thing I do, I wanted to hear your insane yelling when something wasn’t working like we wanted it.  We should be a team. We are the exact same, you and I.  We should be inseparable. And I’m sorry it took me so long to figure that out, but here I am, now, all figured out.”
You shrugged your shoulders, your hands tucked into your pockets, feeling  like he could see each and every emotion written on your skin, like it was that easy to express all the things you wanted to.  You were surprised to find a look of confusion on his face.
His brows furrowed more than you’d ever seen them furrow, and his gaze was hard, distant,  "I need some time to think.“ The words fell out of his mouth and suddenly you were staring at his back.
"Scotty, wait…”
And he was gone.
“Scotty?” You called into the near-empty engineering room.
It was the next day, Scotty’s first shift back, and having just arrived for yours, you had come in expecting a quiet, somber Scotty, but you couldn’t actually find him.
“Up here, lass.” You heard from above you and looked around until you spotted him, sitting on one of the metal bridges that criss-crossed the engineering room, his legs dangling and his arms resting on the railing.
You scooted up the stairs and strode over, Scotty not having moved an inch, not even turning to look at you, and you sat down beside him, dangling your legs over the edge as well and resting your forehead against the metal bar.
You observed the engineering room spread out in front of you, taking in all the intricacies and details of the room, feeling a sense of pride wash over you as you knew every last inch of it.
“She really is beautiful, isn’t she?” You commented.
“That she is.” Scotty breathed, but he still didn’t look at you.
“You okay?” You kicked his dangling foot gently and slid a little closer, so your leg just barely brushed his.
“I think so.” He responded and tapped his toe against yours.
He sighed and pulled back from the railing like he was going to get up to leave.
“We both got our chance to walk away from each other, how about we stay put for a minute?” You asked quickly, letting out a sigh of relief when he settled back into his spot.  
Scotty’s eyes met yours now and he pursed his lips, his stare sending a sparkle of electricity through you, “Alright.”
He regarded you a moment more before turning his eyes back to the room. You could tell he was fighting an internal battle, and it sent a pang of hurt through your chest at the fact that you were the cause.
“I’m sorry, Scotty, for everything.” You felt tears press at your eyes and your breath caught in your chest.  The words were not as easy to say as you thought.
“You have nothing t’a be sorry abou’.” He breathed, turning his head slightly to look at you.
“But I do.  I messed up.  I messed it all up and if I could go back I would, I… I would… I…” You started to cry as your emotions rose to the surface and slid down your cheeks in big, heavy drops, and your face fell into your hands.
“Don’t cry, Y/N,” Scotty soothed and he turned his body towards you, your knees pressing together, “You dinnae mess anything up.” He stroked a hand through your hair, once, as if he was unsure of the action.
“But if I hadn’t read the letter…” You peeked through your fingers at him.
“If you hadn’t read the letter, you would never know what I feel for you, because I either would be too damn scared to tell ya, or I would have tried and gotten all my words jumbled up and you would have told Dr. McCoy to throw me in the psych ward.”
You huffed a laugh despite your tears, and looked up to see Scotty’s soft smile, nearly falling apart as you did.  
“So I didn’t screw this up?” You knitted your brow and pressed your lips together, dropping your hands back to your lap.
“Nae, you did give me a run for my money, though,” Scotty shook his head and smiled as he turned back towards the engineering room, your legs still pressed together, “I thought for sure I’d come to work today and see a notice that you’d transferred to another ship, leave me behind.”
“Never.” You stated, and caught his eye for a brief moment before you joined him in looking out over the engineering room again.
You stayed like that for a while, just touching and breathing, looking out into the room, in both of your favourite places in the world.  Every second that you were suspended there next to him was like an eternity, and you never wanted it to end.  You realized, in a moment of clarity, how much you admired this man, how much you loved him.  
“Scotty, I…” You started, but were cut off when he took your hand.
This simple act had shut off your brain and made you melt as he entwined his fingers in yours, resting your connected hands on his thigh gently, a million unsaid words in one small gesture.
You drew closer to him, leaning your shoulder into his, and he seemed to relax into the contact. You couldn’t help but smile at the intimacy and the feelings that rushed through your body, the emotions that thrummed under your skin.
You stroked your thumb once across the back of his hand, and you felt him twitch instinctively, and he turned his head towards you.  A smile waited for him on your lips when he met your gaze.
His face was so close to yours that you could feel his breath on your face, and your heart rammed inside your chest at your closeness, at the anticipation. Meeting his whiskey brown eyes one last time, you were grateful that you didn’t have to move very far to press your lips to his.
You kissed him softly, reveling in the feeling of his lips on yours, and pulled away far too soon for your liking, wanting to gauge his reaction. His breathing was rapid and warm on your face, his hand in a tight grip around yours, and you met his eyes again, trying to let him know without words how much you loved him.
But it was when he leaned in, touched his lips to yours, that you finally let yourself go, let yourself be free from the tension that you had been submersed in these past few weeks.  You leaned into the warmth of his lips, his hand coming up and brushing across your cheek before hooking around the back of your head to deepen the kiss.  
And just like that you saw your whole future ahead of you.  Because the way he was kissing you, the way he was holding you, like you would break, like you were as fragile as a crystal glass, made you realize how much you couldn’t stand a future without him.  
You pulled back from the kiss, taking in deep breaths and you saw Scotty’s hesitation at your sudden movement, so you reached up and pulled his forehead back to yours.  
“MontgomeryScottIloveyousomuch.” You exhaled, barely able to contain your emotions, and you felt your hand start to shake as you stroked the back of his hair gently.
His eyes softened, mere inches from yours, and his hand that was still entwined with yours tightened even more.  He licked his lips and flicked his eyes back and forth between yours, but you kept your gaze on his, incessant and forceful, yet full of love.
“Montgomery Scott,” You whispered, slower now, “I love you.”
He responded by releasing your hand and bringing both of his up to cup either side of your face, his eyes regarding you under furrowed brows.  He looked curious, as if this whole “love” thing was a new discovery for him, and you felt tears almost perk on your eyelids when he started to stroke the skin of your cheeks with his thumbs.    
“Lass, you know I love you too, right?” He breathed and you felt your heart skip a beat.
“Well, technically you never actually said it, but…” You tilted your head playfully, a smile tipping up the ends of your mouth.  
Scotty smiled now, a welcome sight if there ever was one, and it made you smile back.  You closed the gap between you and him and pressed your lips to his, needing the contact, needing the electricity that it sent down your spine.  
You had no idea how long you stayed like up there, on the ledge, but you could say with 100% certainty that you wished you never had to come down.
All crew to report to the mess hall.
“Lassie, we really should… mhm.. go.” Scotty said across your lips, and you pulled him tighter against you, digging your hands into his hair.
“You really want to go, now?” You raised your eyebrow and pulled back, Scotty’s lips barely an inch from yours, both breathing hard, his eyes filled with longing.
As a response, he covered your mouth with his firmly, pressing your back against the wall, drawing you deeper into an electric kiss.  
All crew to report to the mess hall.
“Damnit.” You grumbled and broke the kiss, heat curling over your body, sparks spreading over your skin where Scotty dragged his hands along your sides.  
Scotty, the usually composed one, looked as dizzy as you felt from that kiss, and he kept you pressed against the wall.
“As much as I would love to stay here and continue our… activities… we better go.” You pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, and he tried to chase your lips with his.  
“No, no, Mr. Scott, duty calls.” You pressed a finger to his lips and he shook his head at you, giving your sides a squeeze.
“I told you not to call me that.” Scotty growled, low and gravely, eliciting another shot of heat low in your belly.
“What’re you gonna do?  Punish me?” You smirked playfully, drawing your tongue over your teeth, and Scotty shook his head and suddenly snapped your hands up and pinned them against the wall, before diving into another heated kiss.
Last Call: All crew report to the mess hall.
“Alright, we better go.” Scotty breathed along your cheek, and released your hands.
“To be continued.” You pressed a quick kiss to his lips and took his hand, leading him towards the mess hall.
“Did we miss anything?” You whispered as you drew up next to Jim, Scotty following close behind, hand still connected to yours.  
“Nah, he’s just going on about some new medical procedure.”  Jim whispered and you rolled your eyes, “Should I reprimand you for being late?”
“Probably.” You winked and turned to Dr. McCoy, who stood at the front of the room, already deep into some speech, and you quickly zoned out.  
This was your usual posture during meetings, hands connected, paying some or a little attention to what was being said, mostly happy just to be next to each other.
“Hey.” You hissed, and pulled on your connected hands, Scotty tilting his head down so his head was closer to yours, “I think we forgot to turn off the fragment generator."
"I turned it off, dontcha worry, darling.” Scotty smirked and pulled his head away.
After a few seconds, you pulled on Scotty’s hand again.
“What can I help ya with now, lass.” Scotty said, amusement making the corner of his lips turn up.
“Can we replicate some pizza later?  I’m feeling pizza for dinner.”
“And can we watch a movie?  I’ll let you pick this time.” You batted your eyelashes up at him.
“You always say that, yet it never happens, now shush.” Scotty teased, tucking your conjoined hands into his pocket, which made you smile.
“You guys make me want to vomit."
You turned, raising your eyebrow curiously to see Jim standing just behind you, a look of disgust on his face.
"You wish you were us.” You teased and Jim huffed, dropping his eyes, but you caught the smile that crept onto his lips.
“… lead by our two best engineers, Scotty and Y/N.  Nice of you to join us.”
You snapped your head forward, locking eyes with Dr. McCoy and pretty much everyone else on the crew who had turned to look at you and Scotty.
“You do agree with the premise of the project, don’t you?” Dr. McCoy looked very unamused.
“Of course, Doc, we’re all for it.” You called and threw up a thumbs up, which elicited a few giggles throughout the crowd.
“Great, so I will see you two in my office after this meeting and we can discuss details.” Dr. McCoy nodded and turned back to the rest of the crew, continuing his speech.
“We are in so much trouble.” You giggled, pressing your cheek into Scotty’s shoulder.
“Yeah, well at least we’re in trouble together.” Scotty squeezed your hand.
You turned back to Dr. McCoy’s speech, resting your head on Scotty’s shoulder, knowing that whatever crazy adventure was ahead of you, you could count on Scotty to be by your side.
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked it!-
I’m just going to include my permanent tag list!  Feel free to ignore this post, this is just the entire fic in one place!
-Permanent tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis​@anyakinamidala​@digitalmoonhowell​ @trekken81​@fandomheadrush​@kirkaholic123​ @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11​ @pinkamour1588​ @to-pick-ourselves-up-7​ @starmission​ @destielismymothership​ @goingknowherewastaken @curiosity-killed-the-speedster @mccoymostly
115 notes · View notes
kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Upside Down (part 5)
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Intro: We are getting there folks - ALMOST THERE.  The last part, this part, and the next part are my favourite, I think.  So I hope you enjoy (mua ha ha)
Notes on this part: GET IT TOGETHER
Pairing: Scotty x reader (and best friend!Jim Kirk)
Word Count:  902
Warnings: totally 100% fake engineering everything, (I was too lazy to actually come up with proper terms so I just made up words), eventual injury, swears.
Summary: The starting point for this fic was Scotty x reader who loves engineering as much as he does.  So that’s where I went with this fic.  You are second-in-command engineer and Scotty one day ends up being in charge, much to your chagrin.  You butt heads.  Scotty gets hurt.  Feelings get hurt (mostly my own).  Welcome to my trashcan.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
It had been two weeks since the crash, and Scotty hadn't come to see you, and you hadn't gone to see him since you told him about the letter.  He was finally released from the medbay, but not cleared to work yet, that started tomorrow, so you thought you'd best find him before you had your first shift together.
You found him heading into his quarters.
“Hey.” You said, your hands nearly shaking from nervousness as you wrung them, “Can we talk?”
Scotty pursed his lips, his eyes meeting yours fleetingly before gesturing you to go into his quarters.  When the door slid closed behind you, you almost stopped breathing, and you turned slowly to face him.
"Listen, Scotty..." You started, having practiced the speech that you would give him over and over the past two weeks.
"No, you listen." He interrupted, his eyes boring into yours, "You were never supposed to see that letter."
"I know..."
"Lassie, will ye shut up for a minute, I'm tryna tell you something important." Scotty snapped and you gulped, staying silent so he could continue.
"From day one you have been nothin’ but a pain in my hide, a misplaced cog in a sea of gears, a nuisance t’say the least.  But after the first time you nearly tore my head off over the tiniest string of programming, I knew you were something special.  And then I was done for, lass.  I wrote that letter because I couldn't keep all my feelings inside, I needed to get them out, and maybe then I could go back to hating you, but I never stood a chance, ya see.  I never stood a chance because every time you waltzed through those doors, with your big brain and... and that look of determination on your face, every time you looked at me, I fell further.”
He took a breath, you had stopped breathing.
“And then I go and get hurt and who is at my bedside?  You.  So you cannae blame me if I thought for a wee second that you might actually may have returned those feelings.  I poured my heart into that letter and you basically told me it meant nothing t’you.  What am I suppos’ to think abou' that?" Scotty's tone was a mix of frustration and desperation, and his eyes raked your face as if searching for something.
"You're supposed to think I'm an idiot." You blurted, and his mouth pressed into a tight line, his eyes falling to the floor.
"Which I'm pretty sure you do.  And I'm pretty sure I am.  But you have to know why I reacted the way I did because I can't stand the thought of you hating me, Scotty.  I just can't." You shook your head, emotions flying through you at the speed of light, barely controllable.
"Nobody has ever said anything like that about me before.  And it scared the hell out of me, Scotty.  The things you wrote... I-I never thought anyone would ever write such beautiful words about me.  Especially not you."
You paused, wringing your hands in front of you tightly, your eyes now falling away from him.
"I tried to force myself to hate you, tried to tell myself that you were just something in the way of me becoming chief of engineering one day.  Because that would have been easier than feeling the way I do about you."
Scotty's eyes flicked up and you met his gaze, his mouth fell open, "And how's tha-"
"You almost died." You looked at him desperately now, tears perched on your lids, and you wanted to reach for him so bad, but you were still scared.
"You almost died and I thought my heart was going to grind to a halt like a C3 engine with no pipe oil.  And that's when I realized how I felt.  That's when I realized I wanted you looking over my shoulder and criticizing every thing I do, I wanted to hear your insane yelling when something wasn't working like we wanted it.  We should be a team. We are the exact same, you and I.  We should be inseparable. And I'm sorry it took me so long to figure that out, but here I am, now, all figured out."
You shrugged your shoulders, your hands tucked into your pockets, feeling  like he could see each and every emotion written on your skin, like it was that easy to express all the things you wanted to.  You were surprised to find a look of confusion on his face.
His brows furrowed more than you'd ever seen them furrow, and his gaze was hard, distant,  "I need some time to think." The words fell out of his mouth and suddenly you were staring at his back.
"Scotty, wait..."
And he was gone.
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked it!-
P.S. I know I’m a tease mua ha ha
-Permanent tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis​@anyakinamidala​@digitalmoonhowell​ @trekken81​@fandomheadrush​@kirkaholic123​ @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11​ @pinkamour1588​ @to-pick-ourselves-up-7​ @starmission​ @destielismymothership​
Upside Down Tag List (let me know if you want to be tagged in the series): @whatif-animagineblog​ @secondsandstars​ @youre-on-a-starship​ @gracieminabox​ @fanscribbling​ @zaczytanka-fangirl​ @phanofmanythings​ @newhappiness430​ @pokeharvest​ @texasblues​ @space-jims​ @rampant-salamander​ @tangle-of-ivy​ @webhoard​ @happylilprompts​ @im-an-angel-of-the-lord-you-ass @supermoonpanda @kellykingkake @lurkch @ilsawasanacrobat
121 notes · View notes
kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Upside Down (part 3)
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Intro: In the last one I ended with a twist, and you are all worried about Scotty.  Here is that worry in the reader.  
A little bit of angst in this one, a love letter, a lot of worry.  
Pairing: Scotty x reader (and best friend!Jim Kirk)
Word Count: 1,938 
Warnings: totally 100% fake engineering everything, (I was too lazy to actually come up with proper terms so I just made up words), eventual injury, swears.
Summary: The starting point for this fic was Scotty x reader who loves engineering as much as he does.  So that’s where I went with this fic.  You are second-in-command engineer and Scotty one day ends up being in charge, much to your chagrin.  You butt heads.  Scotty gets hurt.  Feelings get hurt (mostly my own).  Welcome to my trashcan.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
On your shift the day after you had stayed up far too late with Scotty, you were informed that he would be going on an away mission to assist in repairing a ship, and you were to stay behind and be the acting chief of engineering. 
"Not that I don't basically run this ship on my own anyway." You snorted to yourself as you snapped your com shut, thinking that if Scotty was here he would have shook his head and gave you one of his teasing smiles.  
Thinking of that put a smile on your face as you began your shift, excited to be in charge.  
The next two days left you less excited to be in charge, as you quickly missed Scotty's witty banter and your heated debates about the details of the ship.  
You were lounging around Scotty's workbench on the third day that he was gone, the ship running smoothly, and you had everyone kept busy making sure it stayed that way.  
Then, out of the corner of your eye, a piece of paper, tucked into the drawer of the very messy workstation.  But that wasn't what caught your attention, it was your name, written in the corner of the paper in Scotty's barely legible script.  You couldn't help your curiosity as you reached for it, quickly glancing around the room, as if Scotty was going to suddenly show up and berate you for snooping.  
The paper itself looked like it had been through the washing machine, crumpled and stained, maybe at on point a page of a note book, torn out.  The words were written in pencil, and you were right, it was your name written in the corner.  
Dear Y/N,
You are one of the most infuriating, stubborn, quick-witted people I have ever met.  I don't know how we made it through the first week of working together.  I thought one of us was going to kill the other. 
But once you got your head out of your ass.  Once we started to get along, we were actually able to work together, and were finally able to put both of our big brains together and get stuff done.  
You snorted as you read on:
And I'm sorry for yelling at you.  I know I already told you that, but I really am.  I am especially sorry for dismissing you that first week.  I know you probably don't care that much but I regret pulling rank and turning on you like that.  I just couldn't stand you looking at me with such hatred and contempt, like I was just some stiff old guy that was getting in your way. It nearly killed me.  
Because if you looked at me like that, I would never stand a chance.  
Because I am enthralled by you.  
You stopped breathing. 
Which is why I am writing all this stuff down rather than saying it to your face. But you'll never read this because I would probably die of embarrassment. Because when I look at you, my brain goes haywire.  I lose all ability to coherently form a sentence.  Maybe that's why I tease you so much, because anything else would come out as gibberish and you would think me a mad old fool.
It scares me, the way I feel about you, it makes me want to turn and run. Because I don't deserve someone as fierce and intelligent and beautiful as you.  But sometimes, the way you smile at me, it gives me hope, like you might harbour feelings for me too, but it's only fleeting, and the next moment you are yelling at me or teasing me or nearly zapping me with a live wire. 
So, if you ever do read this, just know that I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you.  And every moment since.  
Yours, Montgomery
You were an idiot.
The overhead com system sounded: Dr. McCoy to the medbay, immediately.
Your heart dropped in your chest. For some reason you knew exactly what the call was for.  And you were on your feet and dashing down the hallway before you could stop yourself, stuffing the letter into your pocket. 
Skidding into the medbay, you were met with a cacophony of chaos, people running around everywhere, yelling, and machines were beeping and you could see flashes of injuries from the people lying on the biobeds.  Your heart was racing in your chest as you looked for, and dreading finding, the familiar red shirt and whispy brown hair that belonged to Scotty.  
A biobed slammed into your elbow and careened by, being pushed by a group of nurses, the red shirt making you take a second look, but it wasn't Scotty.  
Suddenly, a flash of familiar command gold appeared in the medbay and you stalked right up to him. 
"Jim, what happened?" You demanded almost breathlessly. 
"Away mission gone wrong, the building that they were in was invaded, there were a lot of... casualties." Jim explained, his eyes barely meeting yours and he began to stalk past you but you grabbed his arm. 
"Scotty." You dug your fingers into his arm and he looked back at you, recognizing the look of desperation,  "where's Scotty?"
He looked at you with sympathy, "We'll find him, Y/N.  I promise."
And then he was gone, into the chaos, and you were left frozen in the middle of it, feeling more alone, more helpless, than you had ever felt before.  
When you realized you were more in the way than anything in the medbay, you retreated back to the engineering room, pulling the letter out of your pocket and reading it over and over, your trembling fingers nearly tearing the worn paper.  You fought an internal battle with yourself, forcing yourself not to cry because if you did, you were going to turn into a sniveling mess, no use to anyone, and you were supposed to be in charge.  
But worry made ice flow through your veins and you couldn't focus on anything, even when Keenser came by and tugged on your sleeve.  
When your com beeped, you swear you took a breath for the first time in 20 minutes.  
"Y/N here." You trembled.
"We found him." It was Jim's voice, and though you should be elated at his words, his somber tone made fresh tears prick at your eyes. 
"I'll be right there." 
Snapping the com shut, you forced your stiff limbs to move from their perched position on the stool and you made your way to the medbay for the second time that day.  
"What happened?" You squeaked when you were met with an impenetrable wall of Jim Kirk on your way into the medbay. 
"We don't know 100%.  He lost a lot of blood.  Bones is working on him now." Jim explained. 
"Is he going to be okay?" You stammered, a tear sneaking its way down your cheek and you wiped it away quickly.  
Jim met your gaze firmly, his hand squeezing your forearm once, "They don't know yet." His voice was quiet, and you knew he was worried as well. 
"He has to be okay, Jim." You whispered, pleading with the somber captain.  
And then a change in Jim's expression, barely noticable, a raise in an eyebrow, his mouth falling open a millimeter more, and it was like he knew.  The expression was a mirror and made you realize you cared for Scotty much more than you'd like to admit.  More than you even realized.  
Jim gave you a knowing nod and placed his hand on your shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze before he disappeared out the medbay doors.  
And once again you were alone.  And once again you didn't know if your heart was going to be ripped out of your chest. 
Eventually they let you in to see him, after Dr. McCoy had deemed him stable enough. 
It was nearly a week after the accident, and you had been forced back to the engineering room, trying to keep the ship afloat while you felt like you were drowning.  You didn't know if you'd ever felt so worried in your entire life, to the point where you were questioning if you should even be worried, as you had only known Scotty for a few weeks before the accident.  
But it was like a disease, like he had become implanted into your brain, and you heard him and saw him wherever you went.  If you were fixing something, you knew exactly how he would tell you you were doing it wrong.  If you were lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling in an feeble attempt to sleep, you heard his laugh or the lilt of his accent, shooting back a sarcastic comment at something you said.
Dr. McCoy threatened to keep you in the medbay as a patient, commenting on how often you were in there, checking up on Scotty, but you knew he noticed your dark rimmed eyes and the few pounds you'd shed at the lack of appetite.  
Then, one day, he agreed it was time you could go in.  Your breath instantly caught in your chest and you nearly cried at the relief of being able to see Scotty after a week of torture.  
He looked awful.  
He was tucked into the biobed, the white sheets accentuating just how grey his skin looked, how dark the circles were under his eyes.  There was a bandage over a cut on his forehead, and a splint on his left wrist, a machine hovering over it that you recognized as a bone regenerator.  Another, similar machine was working on his right leg, which was wrapped in a thick white bandage.  He had many wires and tubes coming out of him that were connected to several machines, including one that was down his throat, which you recognized as a ventilator.  
"He's getting better, despite what he looks like." Dr. McCoy's gentle voice sounded from behind you, and he stepped into the room.
"He looks like crap." You let out a watery laugh, finally letting the tears that you had held in for so long find their way down your cheeks.  
"Yeah well, he's a fighter." A strong hand came down on your shoulder, making you release a little sob, "He's going to be fine, Y/N." Dr. McCoy's thumb stroked lines into your shoulder.
"Yeah, kid, you worry too much." A new voice sounded and a flash of command gold came into view.  Jim.
When he saw your tear-stained face he offered a weak smile before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around you, Dr. McCoy's hand falling away as you nearly fell into Jim's embrace, finally letting yourself feel all the emotions you kept at bay the entire week.
Jim held you for what felt like hours, stroking your back and whispering soft encouragements into your ear.  
"That stupid idiot, coming into my engineering room, turning everything upside down, and then going and nearly getting himself killed." You griped, taking shaky breaths from your spot against Jim's chest.
"I don't think the engineering room is the only thing he's turned upside down." Jim noted as he pushed you away, tucking a few locks of hair behind your ear before tapping your chin with his finger. 
Looking up at Jim, he gave you a soft mischievous smile, and it made you blush, "Shut up." You sniffed and pushed him away playfully, making him laugh softly. 
Then you turned to Scotty, approaching him achingly, but you didn't cry anymore, he was alive.  
You reached out and grabbed Scotty's hand, stroking your thumb over the warm skin, watching the way his chest rose and fell in even breaths thanks to the ventilator.  
Dr. McCoy said he was getting better, it would just take some time.  And you realized, for Montgomery Scott, you had all the time in the world. 
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked it!-
I don’t know why I keep writing Scotty writing love letters to people, but I just feel like he wouldn’t be able to vocalize his feelings well (or just spit them out all at once) so he would want to write them down. 
-Permanent tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis@anyakinamidala@digitalmoonhowell @trekken81@fandomheadrush@kirkaholic123 @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @pinkamour1588 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @starmission @curiosity-killed-the-speedster
Upside Down Tag List (let me know if you want to be tagged in the series): @whatif-animagineblog @secondsandstars @youre-on-a-starship @gracieminabox @fanscribbling @zaczytanka-fangirl @phanofmanythings @newhappiness430 @pokeharvest @texasblues @space-jims @rampant-salamander @tangle-of-ivy @webhoard @happylilprompts 
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kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Upside Down (part 4)
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Intro: I kinda wanted to pull them apart before I put them together, so the next two chapters are focused on that.  Love is hard.  And running away from feelings is sometimes easier than facing them.  
Pairing: Scotty x reader (and best friend!Jim Kirk)
Word Count:  1,616
Warnings: totally 100% fake engineering everything, (I was too lazy to actually come up with proper terms so I just made up words), eventual injury, swears.
Summary: The starting point for this fic was Scotty x reader who loves engineering as much as he does.  So that’s where I went with this fic.  You are second-in-command engineer and Scotty one day ends up being in charge, much to your chagrin.  You butt heads.  Scotty gets hurt.  Feelings get hurt (mostly my own).  Welcome to my trashcan.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
"You look like crap." A voice naggled at you, rousing you from your sleep, but you didn't open your eyes or lift your head, assuming it was Jim coming to say hi. 
That was until a set of fingers tightened on yours, making your eyes fly open and your head pop up. 
"Scotty?" You breathed, squinting in the bright lights of the room to see Scotty with his head propped up and his eyes open, a small smile on his mouth. 
"Have you eaten anything recently, lass, you look worn down to the bone." Scotty worried, his hand releasing yours to brush across your cheek softly, making your breath catch and tears prick at your eyes. 
"You can't say much, you don't look so good yourself." You joked with a watery laugh. 
Scotty dropped his hand back to the bed, this time not touching yours.  He furrowed his brow as he looked at you, "Shouldn't you be running our ship?" 
You huffed a laugh, feeling a warmth in your chest when he called it 'our' ship as he usually referred to it as 'his' ship. 
"Yeah, well my shift doesn't start until..." You checked your watch, your shift started 20 minutes ago, "now, but I left Riley in charge."
"Riley?  Really?  He doesn't know a plasma chamber from a 10 volt battery.  I'm surprised we're still flying." Scotty joked, but his face fell when he saw your expression. 
"Now, lass, don't cry, it was just a joke, Riley'll get better one day, we'll teach him, you and I." Scotty's fingers reached up to touch your cheek again, but you pulled back, wiping at them yourself. 
"I better get going." You croaked, standing, trying to ignore the hurt look on Scotty's face, "I wouldn't want Riley getting the port defragmenter confused with quad-core compressor." 
Then you turned and left, despite Scotty's protests, a million unsaid words on your lips, your heart aching to stay with him, but you forced your feet forward, to get back to work.  
"Y/N, Scotty's asking for you again." Jim's voice came through the com you held up to your ear. 
"Tell him I'm busy." You called into the com as you wiped some grease off your brow. 
"He's very... insistent.  Why don't you just come down here?" Jim questioned, sounding very exasperated.  
"Because I'm busy, Jim." You retorted and snapped the com shut quickly, turning back to you work.
You hadn't gone to see Scotty since he first woke up, so afraid of spilling your feelings or doing something stupid that you couldn't bring up the courage to face him again.  So you threw yourself into your work.  A proper excuse if there ever was one.  
"Lass?" You were torso deep in an overhead boiler system and you banged your forehead at the sudden voice.  
You withdrew your upper body and rubbed at your forehead, looking around for the source of the voice. 
It was Scotty. 
"What are you doing here?  You're supposed to be in bed." You chided, but your voice held more malice than you had wished. 
"You wouldn't come see me, so I took matters into me own hands." Scotty sounded upset, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes.  
From where you were watching his knees you could see that he was leaning heavily on a crutch, and his balance was unsteady. 
"I've been busy, Scotty, the ship doesn't run itself." You started putting your tools away, which was difficult with your shaking hands. 
"You seemed alright to let Riley run things around here before, why not again?" Scotty argued, and you heard him take a couple of steps closer with his crutch. 
"Because you were right, he is an incompetent asshole." 
"What's the real reason why you ignored my calls?"
"I told you already.  I was busy." You stuffed a wrench in the toolbox. 
"I don't buy it, lass."
"Well you should, 'cause it's the truth." A screwdriver. 
"You've never lied to me before, what's going on with you?"
"Nothing." A small hammer. 
"It's obviously not nothing, you can tell me, Y/N, whatever it is, I won't be mad-."
"I READ THE LETTER." You slammed the toolbox lid closed with a loud clank. 
You were practically seething now, holding onto the toolbox for support, your shoulders heaving with each breath, your eyes watery. 
"Where did you even find that?" Scotty breathed, knowing you were seconds from breaking down. 
"I found it in your desk.  I...I don't know if you meant for me to ever see it, but I did.  I'm sorry I snooped." You stumbled over your words, heaving the heavy toolbox off the desk and turning to walk away. 
"Y/N, wait." Scotty called and you froze in your tracks, the toolbox swinging slightly in your hands, "before ya leave, all mad and upset and whatever else you're feeling, I need you to know one thing."
You were pretty sure you weren't breathing at this point, and you turned your head sideways to indicate to him that you were listening. 
"I meant every word." Scotty stated, and you nearly dropped the toolbox.  
It took every bit of strength inside of you to put one foot in front of the other and walk away.  
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked it!--Permanent tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis@anyakinamidala@digitalmoonhowell @trekken81@fandomheadrush@kirkaholic123 @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @pinkamour1588 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @starmission @destielismymothership
Upside Down Tag List (let me know if you want to be tagged in the series): @whatif-animagineblog @secondsandstars @youre-on-a-starship @gracieminabox @fanscribbling @zaczytanka-fangirl @phanofmanythings @newhappiness430 @pokeharvest @texasblues @space-jims @rampant-salamander @tangle-of-ivy @webhoard @happylilprompts @im-an-angel-of-the-lord-you-ass @supermoonpanda @kellykingkake
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kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Upside Down (part 1)
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Intro: Hello and welcome to Kaity’s heart in post form.  If you need me, I am currently 600 kilometers deep in the Scotty trashcan, with no sign of escape (not that I want to).  So please enjoy all my feelings out in the open.  This fic ended up being 7,500 words long so I split it up into multiple parts.  Some are long, some are short.  All are good.  I hope. 
Pairing: Scotty x reader (and best friend!Jim Kirk)
Word Count:1,454
Warnings: totally 100% fake engineering everything, (I was too lazy to actually come up with proper terms so I just made up words), eventual injury, swears.
Summary: So basically the starting point for this fic was Scotty x reader who loves engineering as much as he does.  So that’s where I went with this fic.  You are second-in-command engineer and Scotty one day ends up being in charge, much to your chagrin.  You butt heads.  Scotty gets hurt.  Feelings get hurt (mostly my own).  Welcome to my trashcan.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
“So you’re saying you would never have sex with me.”
“James Tiberius Kirk if you were the last person on earth I would copulate with a turtle before I even considered you.” You deadpanned, strapping your tool belt to your hips as you got ready to leave and turned to the frowning Captain who was leaning against the door frame. 
“Really funny.” Jim griped sarcastically, and you sauntered up to him, swinging your hips in just the right way, and you saw his eyes fall and he shook his head. 
“It’s only funny because it’s true, Jimbo.” You reached up and slapped his cheek twice, flashing a million dollar smile before pushing past him. 
“You know, this means I owe Uhura 5 bucks.” Jim called as you made your way to the engineering room. 
“That’s your own fault, you idiot.” You called back, laughing as you turned down the next hallway, finally out of his sight.  
“Hey, Bobby!” You shouted as you entered the automated doors, instantly smiling at the comforting smell of metal and sound of whirring machinery. 
“Lass, what’s with all the yelling?” An unfamiliar voice sounded from somewhere in the room and you leaned over the railing to look down and saw a man in a red shirt looking up at you. 
Suddenly, a hard hand clapped you on the shoulder and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
Spinning around you saw Jim again and scowled, taking a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. 
“Yeah, Bobby doesn’t work here anymore.” Jim said matter-of-factly. 
Your jaw fell open in disbelief, “What!?”
“He had to take sudden leave for… reasons, and this is his replacement.  Get up here Scotty!” Jim yelled and you continued to look at him incredulously. 
You heard heavy footsteps climb the metal stairs and saw this new man emerge from behind Jim.  
“Aye, Jim, I’m in the middle of re-calibrating the central system, whichever lunatic was here last converted the quantum regulator so it only picks up certain wave lengths…” The man started, his hands waving wildly and his thick accent made it hard to understand him, you assumed Scottish.
“The ship only needs to read the wave lengths that it could actually come across.  The settings before were set to pick up literally any wavelength, and it was using way too much power.” You interrupted, spinning on the man, your hackles raised at the newcomer. 
“Well what if ye come across IgT-3 wavelength?  Huh?  How are ya gonna go about picking tha’ up?” The man started, stepping towards you. 
“Well since that wavelength doESN’T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE, I can say we’re pretty safe.” You snapped, your hands tightening into fists. 
“It’s a wavelength, lass, not a damn unicorn!” The man argued and you were about to rip into him when Jim stepped in between you two. 
“Alright!  That’s enough, you two, you’re going to have to be working together, so you better cut it out!” Jim yelled, but he had a weirdly pleased look on his face. 
Jim turned and stepped to the side, indicating to the yelling Scottish man, “Y/N, this is Montgomery Scott, our new chief of engineering.  And Scotty,” Jim gestures to you now, “This is Lieutenant Y/N, who was Bobby’s right hand down here for the past two years.”
You reluctantly nodded at Scotty, the defensiveness you felt from before fleeing from you as you took in the older man.  He had wispy red-brown hair, brown eyes, and a furrow to his brow that looked like it was permanently part of his face.  Overall, he was quite handsome if not soft-looking, like a little bear cub, and you cursed yourself for thinking so as you had just screamed at him.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I do have to get back to running this ship.” Jim said, “Can I trust you guys not to kill each other for at least the rest of your shifts?”
Jim didn’t even let you or Scotty respond before he clapped his hands together, “Good!”
You scowled at Jim as he walked out and he looked back, giving you a wink before disappearing behind the automated doors.  
Turning now to Scotty, who was looking at you like you had a third eye, you gave him a weak smile. 
“Guess we’re going to be spending a lot of time together.” You shrugged. 
“I guess so.” Scotty stuffed his hands into his pockets and swung on his heels. 
“We don’t need the EL4-R wavelength detector either.” You said, meeting his eyes with a flash of amusement. 
“Well ye better have a good explanation for tha’, lass, because I am pretty stubborn.” Scotty gave you a smirk before turning and walking down the metal stairs, you quickly following behind him, beginning to heatedly defend the system you and Bobby had worked so hard to develop.  
“What are you staring at me for?  Am I doing something ‘wrong’ again?” You growled as you turned to Scotty and straightened out your shirt, throwing on your worst glare. 
It was a week into working with Scotty and things were not going well.
“You’d be much better off making those changes from th’outside, using the computer, rather than crawling up in there, ye might get stuck.” Scotty noted, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow as he took in your grease-covered appearance. 
“You calling me fat, Mr. Scott?” You leered, pulling off your gloves slowly. 
“N-no, not at all, I jus’…” He sputtered, clearly taken aback by the question. 
“I went in because a belt was loose, and that is not something you can fix from the outside.” You explained, your voice threaded with bitterness, and stalked back to your workstation, Scotty right on your heels. 
“Lass, if we’re going to work together you’re gonna have t’stop being so… SO…” Scotty ranted and you spun on him, fury filling your veins. 
“What?!  Stop being so what, Mr. Scott?”
“SO DAMN INSUFFERABLE!” Scotty exploded, his arms flailing and his stance became defensive. 
“Mr. Scott, this is my ship, and it has been my ship for the past two years, so if I seem insufferable, it’s because you are on MY turf, trying to change the things that I programmed MYSELF.  It borders on insulting.”
“Lassie, half of the things yer able to program on this ship wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for me.”
“Well I’m sorry your such a traditionalist, then, because TIMES CHANGE, OLD MAN!” You didn’t mean to call him old, but the insult just slipped out and you tried to apologize immediately, “I-I, didn’t mean that, I’m sor-”
“Get out.” Those two words made you snap your mouth shut with a click of teeth.  
You looked up to see Scotty’s expression was impassive and unreadable, his stance straight an unforgiving as he spoke, "Your shift is done for today.  You are dismissed.“
"I-I…” You were speechless, you never expected him to get this angry.
But as you met his eyes and saw how serious he was, your anger was renewed. You weren’t going to let him treat you like a child, and if he wanted you to leave, so be it.  You stalked passed him, grabbed your jacket, and you left, fairly sure that steam was coming out of your ears.
“Jim, he is intolerable, impossible, I-I can’t work with him.” You seethed, nearly crushing the glass that you held between your fingers. 
“You and him are exactly the same.” Jim chuckled, nursing his own drink, and you wanted to wipe the smile off his face. 
“We are not.  You can’t tell me I am half that stubborn." 
"If anything you are double as stubborn as he is.  Try to get past that, you guys have so much in common that you should be inseparable.”
You snorted, “Inseparable.  HA.  Jim, I can barely get through a work day without that man berating me for pressing a key on the keyboard.  I can’t wait to leave my shift everyday, just to get away from him.”
Jim shook his head, still smiling that knowing smile he seemed to always wear, his blue eyes sparkling as he looked to you, “Just consider this one thing.  On your evening off, away from the ever-insufferable Scotty, you have not stopped talking about him.  What does that say?”
You rolled your eyes as Jim stood, patted you on the shoulder, and left.  
Was Jim right?  You seemed to always be talking about him, most of the time complaining, and your thoughts nearly always roaming to his red-brown hair and kind eyes.  
No.  You shook your head, dispelling the thoughts.  When Bobby was back, everything would return to normal.  Everything that had been turned upside down would right itself.  Right?
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked it!-
Permanent Tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed):  @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis@anyakinamidala@digitalmoonhowell @trekken81@fandomheadrush@kirkaholic123 @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11
Upside Down Tag List (let me know if you want to be tagged in the series): @whatif-animagineblog @youre-on-a-starship
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kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Upside Down (part 2)
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Intro: Scotty trashcan dwellers, welcome, and if you’re not in the Scotty trashcan, do not blame me if you fall in.  Well maybe you can, but I’m okay with that. :) 
This one is a little softer, and reader and Scotty are starting to get along, yay!
Pairing: Scotty x reader (and best friend!Jim Kirk)
Word Count: 710 (much shorter than the last fic)
Warnings: totally 100% fake engineering everything, (I was too lazy to actually come up with proper terms so I just made up words), eventual injury, swears.
Summary: So basically the starting point for this fic was Scotty x reader who loves engineering as much as he does.  So that’s where I went with this fic.  You are second-in-command engineer and Scotty one day ends up being in charge, much to your chagrin.  You butt heads.  Scotty gets hurt.  Feelings get hurt (mostly my own).  Welcome to my trashcan.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Even though your blood still boiled at the thought of your last encounter with Scotty, where he dismissed you from your shift early, you decided to apologize.
So, the next day, at the start of your shift, you went off to find Scotty, who was at his workstation.
“Uh, Mr. Scott?” You mumbled and toed at the foot of his desk where Scotty sat, entrenched in a conversation with Keenser.  
When his eyes fell to you, you swear his expression held disappointment, and you pushed down the rush of anger that it elicited.  
“imsrryfryellngatyouysterdy.” You sputtered, feeling the red flush of embarrassment hit your cheeks.  
“Sorry, I dinnae pick that up, a little slower?” Scotty insisted and you glowered. 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you yesterday, alright?” You crossed your arms over your chest and dug your toe into the floor. 
“Thanks, lass,” Scotty exhaled, his tone much softer than before, “and ’m sorry fer yellin’ at ya as well.”
You met his eyes now, and saw not a look of disgust or frustration, but one a lot more gentle, one that made you feel at ease, and you didn’t even realize you were staring until Keenser cleared his throat. 
“Uh, alright… Truce?” You held your hand out over the desk to Scotty. 
Scotty’s mouth tilted into a smile, “Truce.” He shook your hand, his palm warm and dry, “And stop calling me, Mr. Scott, it makes me feel old.”
And that was that.  
You quickly fell into a routine with the older man, which consisted of him questioning your and Bobby’s decision about something in the engineering room, and you retorting easily about why it was that way.  Eventually, after many a heated argument, you adjusted the systems to Scotty’s liking, and it actually made the ship run smoother, to your continual surprise.  
One evening you had been in such a heated discussion about quantum loop generators that you didn’t even realize your shift was over.  
“But what if you adjusted the equation like… this.” You wrote a few symbols on the paper that was stretched out on the table in front of you. 
“No, no, that would change this later.” Scotty pointed out something, ripping the pencil from your hand and scribbling on the paper. 
“Well now I can’t even read that, who taught you to write, a 4 year old?” You teased, laughing loudly. 
“Hey, lass, I’ve seen your workstation, you are not allowed to tell me that I’m messy.” Scotty jabbed, a grin teasing at his lips. 
“That’s not fair!” You gasped in mock horror and pushed at his arm playfully. 
“What’s not fair is not being able to find anything when ya need it.“ 
"You’re an asshole.”
Scotty smiled over at you now, and your heart skipped a beat.  He had a really nice smile.  
You leaned back in your chair and stretched your arms above your head, cracking your back a few times.  You still felt Scotty’s gaze on you, and you nearly blushed at the attention.  Glancing at your watch, you groaned. 
“It’s almost midnight!  Our shift’s been over for nearly 4 hours, what in the world are we still doing here?” You yawned but didn’t move from your chair. 
“Guess we really got into our discussion.” Scotty suggested and as he turned his chair his knee bumped into yours, but he quickly pulled it away. 
“Yeah, I guess.  It’s so nice to finally find someone who I can discuss these things in detail with.  None of my friends care about this stuff that much, they all think it’s really nerdy.” You played with the ends of your hair as you spoke. 
“It is nerdy.” Scotty laughed, “But I agree.  You really know yer stuff.  Though since we are both so stubborn it can get pretty heated sometimes." 
"I am not stubborn!” You defended. 
“Now you’re bein’ stubborn about bein’ stubborn.” Scotty said, “That’s a new low.”
You stuck your tongue out at him and stood up, placing a hand on his shoulder and putting your face close to his ear, “Goodnight, ya big meanie." 
Scotty’s cheeks tinged red as your breath caressed his ear, and before you could think too much about it you were sliding out the door, feeling Scotty’s gaze of disbelief on your back. 
That was the last time you talked to Scotty before you saw him in the medbay with a tube down his throat.  
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked it!-
Permanent Tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis@anyakinamidala@digitalmoonhowell @trekken81@fandomheadrush@kirkaholic123 @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @pinkamour1588 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @starmission
Upside Down Tag List (let me know if you want to be tagged in the series): @whatif-animagineblog @secondsandstars @youre-on-a-starship @gracieminabox @fanscribbling @zaczytanka-fangirl @phanofmanythings @newhappiness430 @pokeharvest @texasblues @tangle-of-ivy
115 notes · View notes
kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Scotty Masterlist
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(there is going to be a lot more in the near future dontcha worry)
Last Updated: May 19, 2017
Upside Down: Full Fic: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Motivation Ficlet
Blueprint Card and Broken Ribs
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kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Blueprint Cards and Broken Ribs
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Intro: So this fic is for @youre-on-a-starship‘s birthday!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOVE YOU ARE SO AMAZING (even though you killed me with Scotty feels with that last fic but I forgive you)!!!
Here is a one-shot for you, love, just a little Scotty x reader fluff. Also my first Scotty fic so be gentle please.  (I do have another, longer one in the works so watch for that too)
Pairing: Scotty x reader (Alex)
Word Count:1843 (yeah I don’t do short fics apparently)
Warnings: Broken ribs, small sadness comfort, shooting aliens, rest is fluff. 
You hit the ground harder than you’d ever hit the ground before.  
The wind was non-existent in your lungs.  Ribs crunches against your side as you tried to take gasping, labourous breaths.
The ship jerked again and you let out a little cry at the sudden jab of pain.  
"Lass?  Alex?!" A familiar voice called and you groaned in response.
A flash of red appeared around the side of a boiler and concerned eyes met yours.  Scotty.  You curled inwards as pain made you shudder and heard his footsteps near quickly.  A hand fell onto your shoulder gently, and knees appeared in your view, followed by a distressed expression on the older man's face.  
"Alex, aye, are you alright?" Scotty leaned you back and you tried to bat his hands away as you wheezed in pain. 
"Obviously not, that was a mighty hard fall you took." He commented, dragging his thumb across your cheek absently. 
"Let's get out of here, lass, how does that sound?" Scotty smiled. 
"Sounds painful." You wheezed and it made Scotty shake his head and laugh. 
Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you saw movement, and you brought your phaser up instantly as dark suited aliens rounded the boiler and into plain sight.  You didn't even have time to warn Scotty before you fired twice, making him duck and press closer to you.  You had hit both the aliens square in the chest, and now they both lay on the ground unmoving.  Scotty looked from you back to the aliens and raised his eyebrows. 
"I've always been a good shot." You commented, trying to calm your racing heart and adrenaline in your veins.  
"Yeah, well let's hope we don't have to put that to the test again." Scotty joked as he roped his arm under your shoulder and helped you to your feet. 
Gulping in air and hissing in pain, you were supported by Scotty who waited until you seemed to settle before he began to walk, apologizing under his breath as you dashed across the engineering room. 
Reaching a supply closet, Scotty quickly flung the door open and ushered you inside, locking the door once they got in.  
"Push the shelf in front of the door." You instructed breathlessly to Scotty as he leaned you gently against the far wall before turning back and, with a few grunts and groans, slid one of the shelves in front of the door. 
You, meanwhile, had slid to the floor, winded by the whole ordeal, and leaned your head back against the wall, gently prodding at your sides.  There were definitely some broken ribs.  
"That should do the trick." Scotty said as he returned to your side. 
You heaved breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, trying to relax, trying to dispel the pain, but to no avail. 
"We'll get out of here soon, lass, alright?" Scotty's voice turned soft with concern and he settled in beside you, his back against the wall and knees bent in front of him. 
You started to panic now, breaths coming faster and more painful, and you curled your knees into your chest.  
"Hey, Alex.  Breathe.  You're hyperventilating." Scotty pressed his shoulder into yours, but the pain continued to drive you to shudder with very breath, dark spots now spinning in your vision. 
Squeezing your eyes closed, you managed to wheeze, "It hurts, Monty." 
"I know.  And I'd take away the pain if I could, y'know I would, but I need you here with me, 'kay?  I'm here." Scotty reassured and turned so his knees brushed yours and his hand rested on your arm, sliding down your skin until your hand was in his.  
Hot tears dripped down your cheeks as you gripped Scotty's warm hand, and you leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder, pressing your face into his collarbone, breathing in his familiar scent.  Scotty's cheek fell against the top of your head, and you could feel his breath on the top of your head, his free hand rubbing your back gently, and you focused on the feeling of him breathing, the movement of his chest up and down, matching the rhythm with your own breathing. 
After what felt like hours, curled up against Scotty, you felt like you could finally breathe again, and you tilted your head back, admiring the damp spot you left on his shirt from your tears.  
"Oh no." You whispered softly, and dragged your thumb over the spot. 
You felt Scotty chuckle, his breath now tickling your face, "It's alright, lass, I'm sure it won't stain."
You looked up at him now, meeting his whiskey coloured eyes and sniffling, "Thank you." You whispered. 
Scotty didn't respond, just studied your face, his eyes tracing over every feature.  Pursing your lips, you leaned back, leaning against the wall again, but not taking your hand back from Scotty's and your shoulders still pressed together.  
"This has to be the worst birthday ever." You commented with a sad laugh, bringing your hand back to your ribs when they stung again. 
"Oh, it's your birthday?." Scotty said, and your heart dropped a little at the fact that he forgot.
After a moment he pulled his hand from yours, shuffling next to you as he appeared to try to get something out of his pocket.  
Suddenly a white paper envelope dropped onto your extended knee and you nearly jumped out of your skin.  Scooping up the envelope, you looked over to see Scotty smiling at you.  
"What's this?" You inquired, turning the envelope over in your hands, your name scribbled on the front in an all-too-familiar near-illegible font.  
"For your birthday, of course!  What'dyou think I'd forget?" Scotty smiled playfully, and your mouth fell open in shock. 
"Montgomery Scott you're such an ass!" You exclaimed, making Scotty laugh as you gently smacked him with the envelope. 
"Just open it, lass.  I don't want the note on my obituary to be 'death-by-brutal-assault-with-envelope'." Scotty joked. 
You tore into the envelope, opening it to reveal a dark blue card with white writing, and there was definitely something inside it.  
"I had nothing else to use but blueprint paper and a chalk pen, sorry." Scotty noted. 
The outside had the words "Happy Birthday, Alex" printed neatly on it, and you gave Scotty the side-eye. 
"Yeah, I know, I got Keenser to write it, mine looked like a toddler wrote it." He joked, and you chuckled. 
"Yea, the wee man has surprisingly neat writing." 
Now you let out a real laugh, holding tight to your ribs as you smiled up at Scotty. A few loud sounds of phasers firing and bangs jolted you and Scotty out of the sentiment of the moment, and you quickly turned back to the card. 
Opening it up, a little silver pendant slid out and onto your palm, but you decided it best to read the card before looking at the gift.  The inside read:
And happy 2 year Monty + Alex anniversary!
Thanks for sticking with me for this long, not many people want to hang around with an old guy like me.  You really are something special, and I hope this gift is enough to prove that to you.  
Yours, Montgomery. 
"2 year Monty + Alex anniversary?" You couldn't help but ask, but felt your heart squeeze at the lovely words he wrote.  Or technically Keenser wrote. 
"Yea, we met on yer birthday 2 years ago, remember?  It was your first day of training too." Scotty explained, and he wrung his hands together. 
"Oh yeah!  Keenser sneezed on my shoe and the acid bore right through it." You smiled at the memory, the images flashing into your mind of the flustered, scolding Scottish man pushing Keenser away and nearly ripping off your acid-covered shoe. 
"Always causing trouble, that one." Scotty shook his head. 
"You stayed with me all the way to the medbay, even when Dr. McCoy tried to get you to leave."
"Well like hell if I was going to leave you there to lose a toe, especially if it was my fault!" Scotty argued and he was actually getting flustered again. 
"It's alright, Monty, I thought it was endearing." You reassured, nudging him with your elbow, and he brought his whiskey-coloured eyes to yours. 
"And we've been inseparable ever since." You continued, giving Scotty a soft smile. 
You meant to grab Scotty's hand, but the feeling of something cold and smooth against your palm made you hesitate, and you remembered the pendant that went along with the card.  You set the card on your knee and upturned your palm, revealing the gift.  
It was a small silver oval pendant on a silver chain.  You took the pendant in between your fingers and brought it closer to your face.  It was not just solid silver, it was what looked like some sort of blue stone set inside a silver casing, the blue peeping out in the curves and cut-outs of the silver.  The blue shimmered in your grip, as you turned it over in you hand, it was like an ocean, with foam green and deep sea blue and every blue in between all at the same time.  It was beautiful. 
You were speechless, "Monty, this is..." 
"I was going to give it to you when we met up for lunch like we always do, but circumstances arose..." Scotty rambled, his cheeks a little more red than usual. 
"This is beautiful." You couldn't help but stare at colours of the pendant, running your thumb over the smooth surface, "Monty, this is amazing.  Where on earth did you get it?"
"I.. uh.. made it." 
You looked at Scotty now, in complete awe of the man that sat next to you, the man that had befriended you since day one, had teased you, taught you, protected you, and now had made you this beautiful gift. 
“Put it on me!” You prompted and handed him the pendant, lifting you head so he could slide the chain around your neck and clasp it, his hands lingering for a moment on the skin of your neck, making you blush.
"Monty, this is one of the best presents I have ever gotten." You said seriously, turning the pendant over in between your fingers. 
"Really?" Scotty breathed. 
You nodded and looked up at Scotty, eyes suddenly welling with tears at the love for this tiny present.
"Thank you." Were the only words you could get passed your lips before she leaned up and pressed your lips to Scotty’s, the movement causing your chest to burn with pain again, but you couldn't care less. 
You held onto the kiss for several moments, reveling in his lips on yours and his hand that came to gently rest on your thigh.  
After a few moments you pulled back, smiling, and looking over to Scotty to see his eyes wide and his mouth open a little in the shape of an ‘o’.  His cheeks were redder than the shirt he was wearing, but eventually his lips did turn up into a smile.
He took your hand in his gently, running his thumb over the back of your hand in soothing strokes as he whispered, "Happy birthday, Alex."
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked it!-
Thanks for @kilismaiden for setting this up!  You da best. 
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impalaanddemons · 6 years
One Jump - Part 3
A/N: This parts nickname is “fluffy mc fluff fluff”, bc it’s a lost person and Scotty just cares. Also,I needed fluff in my life. Next episode will have more action and sass. Promise. Sorry for the slow updates with everything as of late, the house building stuff is still taking like all of my energy. :/
Story: Reader grew up on a planet that’s basically Tatooine in Star Trek. She’s a thief and tried to steal from the wrong Starfleet-Officer, getting herself stuck on the Enterprise.
Soundtrack is “One Jump” from “Aladdin”. You have been warned.
Part 1 Part 2
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After he had punched enough hypos into your arm to lose count and make your upper body slowly go numb, the Doctor informed you of the various side effect you’d ‚surely develop‘ over the next few hours. Amongst them were fever, possible swellings in a variety of forms, a cold, but „nothing serious and we’re monitoring your life signs and position anyway“ - which was how you were escorted back to your quarters.
Time passed. You learnt to admire the slight curve of your quarters walls. How efficient everything here was, how clean, almost sterile to the point of lifeless. You assumed that the other quarters surely bore some sign of inhabitation by their respective owners, otherwise people had to go mad on these ships. Wherever you had slept before - sand and dust had always been your constant companion. You noticed this only now because it’s absence was so obvious. Everything was so … smooth up here. You laid down, putting your head on the soft pillow. Nice. You’d steal one of those on your way out. The one you had back home was a couple of years old and had seen a lot, as well as being stuffed with a dried grass that grew on the outskirts of any farm. Minutes passed while you wondered about this world you’d suddenly found yourself in, minutes where you started to feel a tingle in your arms where only numbness had been before, a temperature rise to your cheeks first and then spread throughout your body. You kicked the shoes off of your feet, carefully tucking your toes under the blanket. Damn. It was hot in here. You watched your vision blurr - your surroundings slowly went in and out of focus. At least you were comfortable. The heat continued to creep through your body, made your head ache and the light in your room feel too intense for comfort. Was this normal? Or was it some kind of poison? Had they poisoned you? If so, you were going to kill them. Deceptive Starfleet Doctors. It was hot and bright now and you felt your skin stretch over your bones in an uncomfortable way. With shaking hands you felt for your blanket and slowly pulled it up to your chin. As fast as drops of sweat had started forming on your forehead, a sudden coldness swept over you, replacing the heat and making you shake and shudder with a freezing sensation.
You had no idea how much time had passed between your first symptoms and the sound of boots stepping closer. „She looks like shit.“ the image of the Doctor - did he have a name? If he did, you didn’t remember - accompanied the voice. „Not as bad as when we picked her up.“ the heavy accent was unmistakable. Heat bubbled in your body, sadly for none of the good reasons. „No. But you’ll have to postpone your interview with her.“ You turned your head to look at the two through swollen eye lids. „She’ll have to sleep it off. I’ll come back in the evening to have a look at her.“ „Ya’re goin’ to leave her alone?“, the redshirt asked, raising his eyebrows quizzically. „She’ll do just fine. Don’t tell me you like her.“ the doctor shot you a look and you glared back at him. „She still looks like she’s going to eat you alive.“ he laughed, while the other man did not. „Bullshit, Doctor. But I have some reports I can finish here and maybe I’ll get some information out of her the captain needs.“ The doctor shrugged, nodded briefly to the both of you and left you alone.
Mr. Scott - you rediscovered his name in a moment of feverish clarity - had pulled up a chair next to your bed and seemed completely unbothered by your occasional moaning. He typed on his PADD and for all you could care, he could’ve sat in his office (or wherever he usually stayed on this chunk of metal and glass). At one point the pain in your head got bad enough for you to groan and put a swollen hand over your eyes. He looked up from his PADD, sighed and got up to vanish in the bathroom. He came back with wet piece of cloth, watched you for a second writhe and then put it over your forehead. His hands smelled like oil and soap and just a moment later the lights in your room lowered down considerably. „Doctor said you can’t get a pain killer, not with all the stuff you already got today.“ he said, his voice low, as if whispering to no body in particular, and got back to working on his PADD. You refused to reply and shortly afterwards forgot he was there, slipping in and out of feverish dreams.
You were back in the dirt. You felt the sand between your feet and watched in amazement as your feet carried you swiftly through the streets and alleys, pickpocketing whatever you needed along the way. It would’ve been a lie to claim that life down here had always been good to you, you mused, sun burning down on your head. The strongest heat was yet to come and before that happened, you’d’ve long vanished into the darkness below the city. Your feet were tiny. You approached a gap in a wall before you, too small, too small, your mind yelled but you fit in easily, sliding through it in a swift motion cultivated by years of practice. That was… years ago. The sun was merciless by now, as if it was trying to burn you up from the inside. What day was it. Sand and gravel crunched between your toes. Yelling in the distance. What day… Your feet carried you away, not caring for your own volition. This day …
„Lassie.“ You yelped awake, a weak sound that ended in an even weaker groan. How your body hurt. „Dinna move, lassie.“ Ignoring the voice - what was he going to tell you anyway- you jerked up as far as you could and a pair of strong hands landed on your shoulder. The way your skin felt like it was burning up from the inside, stretching and aching, made you sink back into your pillow quickly. „I’m dying. You’re killing me.“ „Na,“ he did not talk but mumble away in his strange accent. „Doctor said yer goin’ to be fine. But ye need rest.“ Your eyelids felt heavy and it took all your willpower to keep your eyes open. He was close now and you felt hands tugging the bedsheet around you. „It’s so hot, don’t.“ you protested. „As it’s supposed to be.“, he stated matter-of-factly and got up, taking the now nearly dried cloth with him and vanishing into the bathroom again. He came back and leaned over to put the cloth back on your forehead. „I hate you lot.“ „Sure“ His eyes were dark brown with a hint of blue. „I’ll kill you, you know.“ your voice trailed off at the end, as your eyes fell shut, eyelids too heavy to keep them open anymore. „Sure you will.“ his voice was like the comforting sound of waves gently crashing on a distant beach. You had seen it once. A beach. You thought. Dark stone, slowly hollowed out by blue water.
TAGS! Tell me if you wanna be tagged or untagged :)
@webhoard @inaugural13 @thebloody3agle @sassymissmyra @flowerbunbunny @anotherotter @theleonardmccoy @thewalkingdeanisdanielhowell @dirajunara @mustanglegends @elinanve @gracieinanovel @noodledragonoverloard @newhappiness430 @ambie2020 @trashcan-to-end-all-trashcans @biologik
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