#my fav underrated characters...their idiot to idiot communication
indiemovies · 2 years
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STRANGER THINGS — 3.07, The Bite
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chronicallycal · 7 years
Hi Callie, and thank you for your wishes! 2017 started off pretty good for me, but I’m going back to college next week, so… I’m still gonna do my best to keep conversing with you though. Well, I kinda ruled out Castle’s dad because there once was an interview stating that he wasn’t LockSat, but I can’t really remember if it’s Marlowe or the new showrunners that gave this information. After all, I don’t believe LockSat was initially meant to have a connection with Beckett either. (NSA)
:“I guess that people might have thought about him given Rita’s involvement, but it would have required bringing James Brolin back on the show (preferably), and idk if it was feasible. I’m also glad they didn’t go down that road because man, the one-on-one confrontation with Castle would have been ten times worse. Another option of mine for LockSat was indeed a guy we hadn’t met before, but I get that it wouldn’t have the same impact on the audience. (NSA)
I admit the ending of 8x22 gave at least fanfic writers plenty of ideas, including the making of a great virtual season 9. What may have simply lacked in the version that did air is a small clue that Castle and Beckett wouldn’t die. Let’s say if after they held hands we would hear Lucy calling Caskett, or a door knocking, a phone ringing… and then leave out or not the scene with the voice over depending on the scenario. Oh, I had forgotten that you’re a sadist when it comes to “Castle", (NSA)
while I’m more of a masochist lol (sorry, I reminded myself of a hilarious Youtube video for which I'm sadly not allowed to give the link). Here’s the list of the underrated episodes that currently stick out for me: 1x02?, 1x09 (which stays with me more than 6x10 for example), 2x01, 2x02, 2x12, The Mistress Always Spanks Twice, 2x22, 3x10, 3x11, 3x15, 4x03, 4x11, 5x18, 6x11, maybe 7x22? There could be more episodes ofc, especially after season 5, but I would need a rewatch to find them. (NSA)
There are also popular scenes in eps not cited in any list: all the Caskett scenes in Hell Hath No Fury, the fun interrogation scene in 5x14, the kiss in 7x03, etc. Now, one unpopular opinion: I often rewatch The Limey, and aside from seeing Jacinda in the Ferrari, I quite like this ep. Voilà! I’ll probably detail a few things the next time, and add something about your take on 3x01, but until then, feel free to give me your opinion and maybe share a few favorite of yours. See you soon! (NSA)”
Response under the cut.
Hi NSA! As always, my apologies for my tardiness in my response. I could offer another in-depth explanation of why my health issues postponed my response, but the gist of it is that I haven’t been able to be on my computer and wanted to give your message the attention it deserves. I hope you’re return to school (I think my math is correct and you’ve gone back by now?) went well and that you’re doing okay. :)
I’m by no means saying I thought it was Castle’s dad, if only for the issue of getting James Brolin back (and also because based on past story lines, the show doesn’t seem huge on making “good” guys “bad”, spare for the case of Montgomery in which they definitely avenged, imo, his backstory). Rather that I think I would have been more impressed if it had been someone people had a previous idea about. It could have been interesting for it to be someone related to Mayor Weldon or Judge Markaway or even the AG from Beckett’s time there, too, just someone that would have shocked me a lot more than Mason because tbh I didn’t even recognize him at first oops. Rita being a double agent of sorts could have been really interesting, too.
I actually didn’t know that it originally wasn’t supposed to be tied into Beckett (assuming you’re remembering correctly, lol) but if that was the case, I’m actually glad it was. (Fair warning, ramble about parts of why I don’t mind S8 ahead.) I think it posed an interesting story arc, not to mention that without that relation to Bracken the entirety of the separation arc would have been far more terrible than many, myself not included, perceive it to be. But I also think it provided some interesting albeit subtle growth for Beckett. To put it as simply as I can: people often argue against the separation arc with the argument that it makes no sense because Beckett already learned she works best with Castle, which is arguably very true. But this lesson also came at a time when she had no choice, in the sense that Castle had already involved himself and whether she worked with him or not, that wouldn’t change. In S8, Beckett was presented with a case where Castle wasn’t aware, and she chose a route people weren’t fond of, but in the grand scheme learned without him already knowing everything that she needed to work with him, and whether the writer’s intended it that way or not, I do perceive that as character and relationship growth in the characters.
(Anyway, you most likely didn’t care about any of that oops.)
Season 9 is certainly a great idea on behalf of L that has been executed well by the fanfic community, as were many of the post-finale fics, so the finale did certainly provide fodder of sorts for fic writers, but I do think it would have been a good plan to include a more clear scene that they didn’t die. It could have also been cool to have a voice over that included lines not previously heard on the show, that hinted/explicitly referenced a recovery to bridge the gap between the shooting scene and the 7 years later scene. (Wow more rambles you didn’t ask for.)
Okay I’m going to be annoying and give short reactions to your underrated episodes list:
1x02: okay yes I love that episode and fetus bickering Caskett is adorable.
1x09: also great but I prefer 6x10 because there’s more fluffy domestic Caskett and also the more references to future kids than any other ep offers, and also I don’t like Sorenson.
2x01: yes any episode with both angry baby Beckett and Russian Beckett has to be fab (also I think this is one of the first times we saw Castle’s more sensitive side with his apology which is great).
2x02: precinct fam banter = fab
2x12: idk if I’d consider this ep underrated but I love it and jealous Beckett is adorable.
2x16 (Mistress Always Spanks Twice): Yesssss.
2x22: Maddie and little Castle babies = omg yes
3x10: tbh I don’t remember much of the case part of this ep but many great scenes so yes I approve.
3x11: also dk if I would consider this underrated but it is one of my favs and I love it very much.
3x15: CASTLE BACKSTORY YES PLEASE and also Caskett went out for Valentine’s Day so very very good.
4x03: that end scene about beating the odds. enough said.
4x11: Yesss this might be one of the eps I rewatch the most because I find the case fun and Beckett;s “thus reinstating my faith in my gender” (or something like that) always makes me smile and HAPPY RYANS AND CASKETT ON A DATE.
5x18: RYAN BACKSTORY YES. This is, imo, the best side-character centric arc and I love it a lot.
7x22: Caskett dancing like giddy little idiots in love while on a case because they just really really really really really really like each other.
All those scenes you mention are also fab. I personally have so many scenes I adore so much. Like the end of Once Upon a Crime and just a bunch of random post-couple moments that just make me swoon. Whole eps though, uh, I do really like Close Encounters and Poof! You’re Dead and The Dead Pool. Also Heroes & Villains and Embarrassment of Bitches (I mean, come on, pre-couple Caskett with a DOG). After Hours is another one I really, really like, as are Scared to Death and Law are Boarder. I also feel like the whole PI arc, like, the original in S7, is hated by a lot of people but I liked it.
Anyway, wow this got so long. Sorry about that. I do hope that we’ll be able to keep talking despite you going back to school.
Callie xx
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