#my god taliesin has so many good ones they’re insane
towards-toramunda · 8 months
Thinking about more iconic lines from the show over the years instead of going to bed and created a list that is far too long:
- What’s my mother’s name?
- My best. Finally.
- I have so many flowers to bring to her.
- You were not born with venom in your veins. You learned it. You learned it.
- Don’t get on my ass about it! All I heard is that its pretty easy to do here thats all I took from what you said. (Bonus: its for the god of arts and crafts)
- At dawn, we plan.
- Doo doot doo doo doot doooo donuts!
- What matters more, the dream or the dreamer?
- Sleep well with your bad decisions.
- Nothing happens for a reason. It’s absolute fucking chaos.
- Patience is fine, but it can curdle into apathy.
- I’ve met the devil, thats not him.
- You never take copper. That's just kicking someone while they're down. You take silver if they're an asshole, and you take gold regardless.
- Time is one of my specialties.
- It’s entirely off-putting how disarmingly charming you are.
- How lucky I am to have had all of you. How lucky indeed.
- I smell like a crayon.
- I could tell by the bone structure and the contempt.
- I think I can punch ghosts now.
- Big moon, little moon.
- Pop, pop!
- I need chaos. I have faith in chaos.
- Molly said not to steal from happy people.
- I am going to tell you the story of how I murdered my mother and father.
- Smiley day to ya!
- I killed my family, I’ll throw you under a bridge.
- We’re on the moon bitch.
- She throws it. I shoot it. It explodes! NO STRUCTURAL DAMAGE! (FLUFFERNUTTER)
- I am all for faith, and I'm not going to pick a god. They can pick me. It'll be the first one that actually praises me and then maybe I'll fucking answer. I'll wait. They can fucking beg. And I will listen, which is more than they ever fucking did.
- I would like to RAGE!
- The worst thing that has happened to me has already happened.
- We're running; it's bad.
- You can reply to this message.
- Dagger, dagger, dagger.
- Opinions are like opera. Sure, you can listen to them, but why would you, really?
- There is no god that strides this world that I worship more than I worship your heart.
- I would like to live long enough to be someone else.
- Help, its again.
- Whoever it was, just put it back. I think they've earned it. Put it back.
- I’m fun scary.
- Sorry, babe. Gotta handle these ninjas.
- I’m the cleric? I’ve never traveled with a bunch of people I thought would die in front of me.
- He thinks I’m gonna go into the water for some fucking buttons.
- You are, at the moment, the luckiest person in Whitestone. Do you know why? Because you’re at the bottom of my list.
- You need me more than I need you.
- I protect him. He’s my boy. And I keep him safe.
- I made the earth remember him.
- Come correct or get corrected.
- Do not go far from me.
- Are you worth saving?
- How do I want to do this?
- Heaven to some, and hell to others.
- Fix him!
- Why do we tell stories?
- Do you spice?
- Listen you fucking jungle! I'm a paladin of the Wildmother. You're going to move or we're going to bust you wide open! We'll wreck this place. Don't make me fucking tell you twice!
- I am your god, long may I rein, eat of my fruits.
- Anybody can make lights. Anybody could send a message through a wire. I want to bend reality to my will.
- Would you like to talk before or after?
- What the fuck is up with that?
- To reach a hand down to somebody, they need to be beneath you! And I'm beneath nobody.
- The one eyed monster slayed my pussy.
- Time is a weird soup.
- I’m killing someone. Hold, please.
- Gold is a resource by which mortaldom climbs.
- Why are you so mean to me?
- Yours is the face I saw when murder entered my heart.
- This one time I saw a bug carrying a piece of bread that was like five times its size and he was carrying upstairs, like up and then he would turn, and then up, and then he would turn.
- I live as long as Whitestone lives.
- Vox Machina! Fuck shit up!
- I’m not disappointed, I’m just angry.
- Someone prayed for a miracle and there you were.
- We don't leave people behind. That's just the rule. You do not leave people the fuck behind.
- Call me child one more goddamned time!
- Finish it, Champion.
- I am of the Empire. But I am no friend to the Empire.
- I think it has been a long time since anyone has pointed out to you that you're a fool. Pain doesn't make people, it's love that makes people. The pain is inconsequential. It's love that saves them. And you would know that but you have none around you. You said so yourself, you surround yourself with lies and deceptions. And I wish for you, in the future, to find someone to mourn you when you are gone.
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nochiquinn · 7 years
episode 86: taryon backstoryngton
for the record, no, I'm still not over anything that happened last week
"I think it's fitting, they'll put in 'taryon' and be disappointed."
"Taryon's the new Sombra" hey at least we were WARNED about Sombra
oh hey liam shaved
is liam entirely There
so many hearts in the chat for the crew lady
Miguel. It's literally just Miguel from Road to El Dorado. 
"our leader isn't with us right now" weh
percy's going to have him murdered in his sleep
liam's dead
I'm dead
even sam cracked at "huckleterry finn"
internet don't do this to me
HA! I missed everything from "show me cash" to them inspecting doti. (dhoti?)
collective "don't make me feel sorry for the dick"
"I dust the drug use off of it"
"I didn't even have to wikipedia it"
"we're speaking insanely literally right now"
"or like walking forward"
mala: they should start trying to leave Doti behind, like Scanlan with Trinket
jarret's like the kid who got a felony for having a dime bag, isn't he
"you've never played boulder paper shears?"
"vax where did you get that amazing armor"
"hey, that sounds like us, last week" hashtag karma
"did I make it clear I was trying to do this to sam and not tary?"
...........did matt set all of this up just so he could get the prismatic spray keyleth kept raishan from doing
"I need it more than you do YOU GET NOTHING"
"we knew that as soon as you said you wanted to rescue a damsel"
discord: "there's no crying in the nine hells" percy you are wronger than ever before
sam's gonna keep doing that voice until one of them dies
"I'm gonna kill him"
"something about your eyes makes me feel ashamed"
taliesin's out
"it's time we had another nerd. shush."
have I mentioned that matt's pike voice is my favorite
"was that your girlfriend?" -collective hissing-
I just noticed the huge stein is gone T_T
"what's her name" 
-starts a wrestling chant- clasp clasp clasp
this is how you get in percy's pants
this hurts me. I'm trying to figure out how to file self-employed, this is giving me ptsd.
"is he an idiot?" "....well..." “like, legally?”
"I love the way you lawyer your way out of every situation."
mala: i cant believe they're having sex on the gold. no wait i can
"deposit the check"
"time to go finish your atari" I heard that giggle, crew person
discord: docks machina
"showing him the equipment"  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
taliesin: "how is he this good???"
"do you want me to pull it out?" "phrasing" I'm travis
vax: do I need to knock you out again
"and I walk off"
liam's (premature) indignance
oh god robo machina
dock peanuts
"we don't need weapons, we are weapons"
"it's like a three hour tour" "I'm not dignifying that. I expect better of you."
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