#my life is romantic and exciting and i want what greta van fleet has in terms of what i Create
sunpdf · 3 years
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beautifulcinephile · 4 years
Dig a Little Deeper
I was this tag game on Pinterest and decided to make it here. It consists of 49 fun questions.
Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? When I’m studying, I like writing with blue pens because it’s scientifically proven that blue ink improves your memory. But when I’m writing notes or poems, I prefer to write it in black pen because I think my calligraphy is more beautiful that way. But I think I prefer writing with blue pens.
Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? The city. To be honest, I would like to live in a beach city, but between the country or the city, I would live in the city.
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? I would love to learn how to play the guitar and cook. 
Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Yes, I drink tea with sugar and I don’t drink coffee.
What was your favorite book as a child? “Menina Bonita do Laço de Fita (Pretty Girl With The Ribbon Bow)” by Ana Maria Machado.
Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers. I’m more used to them.
If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? I’d be a mermaid, all the way.
Paper or electronic books? Paper books, of course. Electronic books are so lame. I’d rather touch a book, feel the pages turning... It’s so much more pleasing.
What is your favorite item of clothing? My Star Wars t-shirt, my Greta Van Fleet t-shirt, my flared jeans and my black Chelsea boots.
Do you like your name? Would you like to change it? Yes, I do and I wouldn’t change it. I would just like to have a middle name.
Who is a mentor to you? My mom, my dad and my sister.
Would you like to be famous? If so, what for? No. I’d rather be an anonymous person. I’d like to be known for my translation works, of course, but I wouldn’t like to be overly famous.
Are you a restless sleeper? Yes. I have anxiety, and when a problem arises or when I’m too much excited, I just can’t sleep. The last time I had a restless night was last week, for two reasons: I was going to sing “Bohemian Rhapsody” with a friend (She’s a little bit ill at the moment and we had to change the songs, I sang “We Are The Champions” and “Taro” and she sang “Don’t Rain on My Parade”) and I was waiting for Greta Van Fleet’s new album to come (Which unfortunately, that didn’t happen and I got really mad at myself for losing my sleep for something that didn’t happen). Now that I’m taking some natural meds, I’m sleeping a lot better.
Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? Yes, I do, but I lost a little bit of that due to some emotional scars from my last relationship, which I’m trying to heal.
Which element best represents you? Fire.
Who do you want to be closer to? My friends.
Do you miss someone at the moment? I miss everybody! I miss my dad, my sister, my friends, even my annoying college teacher. 
Tell us about an early childhood memory. I had a toy bike which I used to ride around the house (Just like the intro from Bobby’s World), because the apartment where I used to live was pretty big. I also loved watching the trailer for Home Alone 3 because “Keep on Knockin’” by Little Richard played in it and the song got stuck in my head, but my English was pretty bad at the time, so I rode my toy bike around the house singing “Keep on Knockin’” in a broken English. Those were the days.
What is the strangest thing you have eaten? An octopus tentacle when I was younger. I can’t remember what it tasted like, though.
What are you most thankful for? Having a house to live.
Do you like spicy food? NOOOOOOOOOOO.
Have you ever met someone famous? The closest thing was Igor Cavalera’s ex-wife because her oldest son studied at the same college as I do. 
Do you keep a diary or journal? I used to keep some when I was a kid. I stopped keeping diaries when I was 12 and I think I’m too old for this sort of thing.
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? Pens all the way.
What is your star sign? Scorpio.
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? I’m craving cereal right now, but I don’t really know. I think I prefer it crunchy.
What would you want your legacy to be? People enjoying my translation work.
Do you like reading? What was the last book you read? Yes, I like reading and the last book I read was The City and The Mountains by Eça de Queiroz. I’m currently re-reading Mayombe by Pepetela and The Divine Comedy, but this book is soooooo boring...
How do you show someone you love them? Kisses, hugs, telling that I heard their favorite song, there’s so many ways.
Do you like ice in your drinks? Not that much.
What are you afraid of? Failing.
What is your favorite scent? A red fruits soap which is my favorite.
Do you address older people by their name or surname? I address them by their name.
If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I don’t know.
Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? The ocean, because when I was a kid, I nearly drowned in a pool, but now I’ve overcame my fear of pools a bit. I just don’t swim on the deep part of the pool, I go on the shallow part.
What would you do if you found $50 in the ground? Depends on the context. If I found $50 on the ground but I know that someone has lost it, I give the money back to the person. If I don’t know whose money is that, I keep it to myself.
Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish? No, I haven’t. It’s hard to see astronomical events where I live.
What is one thing you would want to teach your children? Study hard, but also have fun.
If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I don’t want to get a tattoo. I used to, but now I’ve changed my mind.
What can you hear now? My mom listening to her favorite newscast, the wind and a church bell that rings everytime it’s 12 noon (It also rings 6 PM) 
Where do you feel the safest? My room.
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? Good. Grades. But I managed to do that this year, so...
If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? The 80s or the 90s. The 80s because of the fashion and the music and the 90s because they would be a fun decade to live. The fashion was great, the movies were great too, and we used to hang out with our friends with no worries.
What is your most used emoji? 😊
Describe yourself using one word. Clever.
What do you regret the most? There are so many things that I regret, but I don’t like talking about them.
Last movie you saw? I think it was Dead Man, starring Johnny Depp.
Last TV show you watched? Into The Badlands. I’m currently watching it, though. I’m already at season three and Castor, the character that I was the most excited to see, has already appeared. He’s so cute! But the show overall is pretty good, I recommend it.
Invent a word and its meaning. Watchatcha, which means “stop it”. 
Tagging: @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade, @strawberrylight, @bigthighsandstupidguys, @satans-helper, @saywecanart, @stevie-baby, @ashesandacidrain
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nosferatyou · 4 years
I was tagged by @lazingonsunday and @shes-outta-sight to do one of the long tag, get to know them, type of things. Which I absolutely love by the way. I don’t talk about myself much.
What was the last thing you read?
Well I was editing the latest chapter of my fic of that counts? If not some random josh one shot a couple hours ago lol.
Favorite Movie?
Man it’s ever revolving. It was Django Unchained for a long ass time, but now I think it’s Baby Driver.
Favorite Book?
Misery by Stephen King. I read it years ago and I have a lot of good memories tied to it. Me and my friend became closer through his works and this was the first one I read. It’ll stay close in my heart.
Dream Date?
It’s one I’ve been on before but just Vinyl Shopping. It’s simple and easy but music in a relationship is important to me. I gotta make sure they have good picks. But there is something so soft about it all.
Do you have a crush?
Sadly no. But I’m fully in Joshes lane rn if that means anything?
What are your hobbies?
Oof okay. I mostly draw like all hours of the day. But I very actively keep up with guitar and bass. I write as well. I make videos for my friends. I collect old and beat up vinyls. Lot of art stuff
Favorite time of day?
Night time. Like from hours 10-3. That’s my true alone time and it’s something I cherish and look forward to everyday.
If you could look like anything, what would you like to look like?
I don’t wish to change anything about my body. I think I’d be silly to. But man I wish I could actually afford clothes I’d like to wear. Real bellbottoms you know? I want that vintage shit.
Are you romantic?
In a secure relationship yes. I show too much emotion too fast in the beginning. But boy oh boy when I get romantic. I get very touchy feely. Man date ideas. Lot of carefully curated playlists.
Favorite type of weather?
That time in like August/September when I can wear jeans and maybe a light jacket. But it’s still warm, you know?
What do you like talking about?
Music. I talk about it all day long. The foundation behind it. The artist. I could discuss guitars and instruments with people all damn day. I just. I love everything about it. But also GVF is my hyperfixation rn and my friend is ready to shoot my head off if I speak another word about Jakes guitar playing.
What are your turn ons?
Ngl I’m akin to a boy with long hair. It’s my vice. I’ve only dated long haired musicians. But I just want someone who radiates some kind of light you know? I’ve seen too much darkness. I want someone genuine and real. Is it too much to ask for a positive person?
What are your turn offs?
I’ve dealt with a lot in my past. Basically anything that’s negative. Ignorance mostly. I don’t want someone who refuses to learn. It’s stupid. I just want honesty and someone with an open mind. Anything else is a no go.
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it?
Okay so. I really want tattoos. I designed something about a year ago I want really badly but it’s so expensive. Thinking rationally. Right now I’d really like some line art of bust. Idk what tho.
Do you have any pets?
3! 2 dogs, Ruby and Nellie, both too six year old mutts. Nellie is the weirdest god damn dog I’ve ever had. And ruby is basically a fox dog. And then there is Friday my cat. He can be a bitch boy but he’s a sweet boy who’s just being a cat. (I also have ten plants but most people don’t consider them pets)
Dream Job?
I’m still searching for that. Recently my heads been floating towards playing live shows as a guitar or bass player. But I’m no where near the point of even considering. I’m pretty shitty. But how Cool would it be to play that violin bow with my guitar on stage?
Dream place to live?
Not considering any potential jobs. I just want to live in a big log cabin somewhere on the outskirts of a town. Out in the wilderness and free to just live.
Dream vacation?
I’ve never been to Europe. I’d love to just road trip around in a van honestly. But before that visit my great grandfather grave in Scotland. He was a kings hand and did a lot back in the day. I’d be cool to see. But then I’d fuck around in Europe.
Do you have any piercings?
I’ve got my nose and ears pierced. I’m pretty happy with that
If you had kids what would you name them?
Man I don’t even want to think about that.
What are your best traits?
I’m a great listener. I’m extremely compassionate. Will do anything to help friends. And I feel like my music taste isn’t half bad.
Worst traits?
The compassionate thing tends to bite me in the ass. I’ve got a lot of emotions. I also have 20 things I want to do all at once all the time. I loose sleep because of it. There is more but I’d go on too long.
Worst fear?
Weirdly enough any type of natural disaster. When I was way too young I watched “The Impossible” and then shortly after learned about techtonic plates and I never forgotten about it or where they are.
What do you want to eat right now?
Brownies. And a fucking burrito.
Best vacation you’ve been on?
I went on a road trip to Chicago recently and I just makes so many good memories. I saw ninja sex party’s 10th anniversary, which was fantastic. But I got to visit a friend all weekend. But my favorite part was the ride back. The whole time we just talked but also sang to old 50s songs and just had this moment of unity. I still think about it
Favorite City?
I haven’t been to too many places yet so I’m gonna go with my hometown, Nashville. If you look past all the tourists. It’s got a very rich musical history and in certain places you just feel it. I loved living there and it made me who I was.
Favorite social media platform?
Tumblr. It’s really the only one I ever check anymore. Plus I’ve made some great friends on here.
Favorite article of clothing?
My fucking bellbottoms. I wear them whenever I can. They give me so much confidence.
Do you play any sports?
Fuck no. I have no coordination whatsoever.
Favorite meal of the day?
Lunch. You have a lot more options. Plus I just like the vibe
What are you excited for?
Starting the tenth I have a lot of good things coming my way. In that week I get to finally end this semester, the new Harry styles album releases, I get a new bass, and I get to see fucking Greta Van Fleet. None of you know how excited I am for that. Pit tickets. Jesus it’ll be good.
Not excited for?
Finals. And an um.. upcoming funeral.
When was the last time you cried?
I honestly can’t remeber and that really scares me.
Dream house?
I basically answered this earlier but gimme that big ass log cabin.
Something you hate about this world?
Don’t get my started. I hate that everyone hates themselves all the time when they have no reason to. I hate that 8 people have most of the worlds money and are doing nothing to help global warming. I hate the man that’s in power and what he’s helped cause. I hate everyone who refuses to accept literally any fact. I hate that my future is bleak because of some old ass white men.
Something you love about this world?
I love the light that radiates off of certain people. I love that our generation has hope and that some people are actually trying to make change. I love the raw creativity I see in others and I love that we are bringing back the resurgence of peace and love.
What scents do you like?
Old records and books. Its the simple pleasures.
What kind of sleeper are you?
Typically heavy but sometimes I Sleep so little it feels like I got nothing at all.
Cat or dog person?
Don’t make me pick! I grew up with both, and very partial to both.
How long would you survive in a zombie Apocolypse?
I wish I could tell you. I’d like to think I’d live awhile but I would probably be the ones who look like they have hope and then accidentally get taken out.
Are you trusting?
I used to be. I realized recently how thick my walls really are.
What fictional character do you identify with?
Sorry to be boring but nothing is coming to mind. But then again I never felt akin to anyone really?
What labels do you commonly get?
In high school I was called “the quiet one” if that tells you anything.
What song would be your life anthem?
Sunshine on my shoulders by John Denver is the only one coming to mind. I think I just want the feeling it gives me to be what I feel all the time.
What issues are you dealing with right now?
Two friends in the last month Um. Took their own lives. One being an old friend. I’ve never dealt with death. My brain doesn’t know how to handle it. I also think I might have ADD. But. That’s the tip of the iceberg rn
How can someone win you over?
Typically I’m drawn to people who are the loudest in the room. I like that their confident and can speak their minds but what wins me over about them is when they really open up. When I learn about the real then rather than the face that they put on. Most of the time it goes that way.
What’s something people don’t know about you?
I’m making a short film with some friends who go to Columbia. Should be out soonish.
I tag
@pvre-mourning @peacelovekiszka @fretavangleet @aint-no-denying @sosozoso
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A Greta Van Fleet Fic:  Momma Kiszka enlist the help of a young professional to keep her boys healthy on the next leg of their world tour. The recent college grad is excited, but has she bitten off more than she can chew?
Chapter One
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1784
You had just put your phone down when you saw the new email notification blink. The screen lit up with the email of your college advisor. That was unexpected. You had graduated almost two months ago, what could Debbie be reaching out about? You quickly unlocked your phone to open the email. After a quick greeting and well wishes on a post grad life Debbie began to describe a new position that would fit perfectly with your degree in nutritional sciences and your love of traveling. The employer was a childhood friend of Debbie’s, Karen, who was looking for a nutritionist with the ability to travel and keep odd hours.  Karen wanted the nutritionist to be personally recommended by Debbie.
“I immediately thought of you for the position, Y\N,” read the email, “You were top of your class and had glowing evaluations from all of your internships during undergrad. Plus, I know you were hoping to do some traveling in the years following graduation. I think this would a stellar opportunity. I know Karen’s family, they are good people. Please let me know if you are interested and I’ll go ahead and recommend you to Karen and put you two in contact.”
The email ended with more well wishes. You mulled it over for a bit. From what you understood, Karen had some young sons who would need help with staying healthy while away from home during constant travel. It wasn’t a very detailed description, but your curiosity was piqued.
You currently didn’t have a solid plan for the future. Your paid internship at a local fitness club was about to end in two weeks along with the lease on your apartment. The club had let you know that even though they loved your work, they unfortunately didn’t have the funds to add you as a full-time employee. The most sensible thing to do would be to move back home with your parents at the end of the month and start applying around for a new job. The prospect of moving back to your hometown two hours from the city was not ideal. But the city was expensive and with no steady income lined up, your choice was pretty much made. But this email provided an alluring option.
You quickly replied to Debbie expressing your interest in the job. You wanted to explore the option before you. You had already surrendered to returning to your old room, but now out of the blue an exciting opportunity fell into your lap. Fate? Maybe.
You were nervous on the Uber ride over to Karen’s home office. A week ago, Debbie had put you and Karen in contact for what seemed like a promising job opportunity. The first phone call came two days later and was easy enough to get through because Karen had been very kind and asked questions about your experience, your rates, and willingness to make last minute changes in schedules. It was a pleasant and relatively short call. You didn’t get to ask any more questions about the position, but you figured it was mostly an opportunity for Karen to get a feel for you. You felt pretty confident and hoped she’d consider you.
Two days after that you got a phone call from Karen, she was really interested in you for the position, but wanted to clear up a few details before making an offer.
“My kids, they’re technically not kids anymore and one of them is a family friend. The youngest is 19, one is 20 and the other two are 22. They’re basically your age,” Karen spoke into the phone. “Which I’m weighing right now as a pro and a con. The pro is that your young and can keep up with them and you can relate to them, the similarity in age makes you more approachable, I think. However, the con, I’m afraid they won’t respect your expert advice, with you being so young. I’d like to think my boys would act accordingly and follow through with your professional recommendations. I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because you look great on paper and Debbie can’t exalt your skills enough.”
“Wow, I’m flatered, thank you, Karen.” You beamed on the other side of the phone.
“Now, the other thing. The boys are part of a band called Greta Van Fleet, I’m not sure if your familiar with it?”
Holy fucking shit. Holy crap. Was this real life? Hell yeah I knew who they were! Local Michigan legends, they had just won a freakin Grammy!
“Errm, i—am, I do know. I know who they are, who the band is.” Holy shit you were starstruck through the damn phone. This was probably the final test and you were failing it with your stunned blubbering. It clicked together at that moment—the job required constant travel with four “kids”—you were going to tour with Greta Van Fleet as their nutritionist. Well if you could secure the job that is.
Karen gave a knowing chuckle. “I knew it was highly likely that you would know them. I kept the details under wraps while I filtered out candidates. Essentially, you would be working for me “being the mom,” if you will, while they are out touring. I can’t be there with them, but I want someone there to make sure they’re eating right, sleeping and all that. They came home a mess from their last tour, especially Josh,” you could hear the worry in her voice, “and I just can’t stay home in peace knowing they are risking their health like that.”
“I understand. I understand your concern as a mother. It would be an incredible honor to be trusted with your boys’ health while they go rock out in the world.”
Another chuckle. “I want to offer you the position, Y\N. If you accept, I’d like to meet you in person to read through the contract.”
“I do, I accept! When would you want to meet?”
That had been a few days ago and now you were on your way to read and sign the contract with Karen. Holy shit. You were going on tour with Josh, Jake, Sam, and Danny. Definitely better than moving back home!
The car came to a stop in front of a lovely suburban home. You made your way to the door and rang the doorbell. The door opened suddenly, “Y/N! Welcome, I’m so glad to finally meet you in person.” Karen waved you in and took your hand to shake it. “Please follow me.” You were in the Kiszka’s childhood home, oh my GOD!
You followed her through a living room full of family pictures. You tried not to stare because you wanted to seem as professional as possible. But dammit you were going on tour with rock stars! Karen closed the door to her office and asked you to sit opposite from her at her desk.
“I think you are going to be a great addition to the tour troupe. I know I’ll feel better knowing your there. I want you to read the contract and let me know if you have any questions.” She bit her bottom lip as she slid the document across to you. It reminded you of Josh and you smiled. You took the papers in your hands and began to read. It was all pretty standard. Ethical practice stuff, non-disclosure clause so I wouldn’t go blabbing to TMZ or something. But then, there was a special clause. Your cheeks began to burn and you wished Karen wasn’t watching you as you read. Basically, it prohibited you from forming romantic relationships with any of the band members…which was basically covered by the ethical portion—you wouldn’t do that with any client, it was a conflict of interests. But this went further to detail that absolutely no sexual contact must happen between anyone in the band and me or it would result in immediate termination of my contract. Holy god this was beyond embarrassing. This kind of stuff usually went without saying, I wouldn’t do that! Why did Karen make this so explicit? Momma bear instinct?
You placed the papers on the desk. “I agree to the terms stated.” You tried your best to keep your voice steady and your face open and relaxed.
Karen stared into your eyes for an extra beat. “I know it isn’t typical to be so…detailed about some aspects. I won’t bullshit with you, I know what kinds of experiences come with the “Rockstar lifestyle”. You seem like a professional and responsible young lady, but I want to make sure you, or anyone that we work with, don’t try and take advantage of the privileged position in the boys’ lives. I hope you don’t take that personally.”
Your first reaction was hurt. It hurt to be considered a type of vulture that would try and get something out of the situation. But then you realized it must be so hard to find people with genuine intentions when money, power, and fame are on the line.
You nodded, “I understand. I hope to carry out my duties in a professional and respectful way. This is an incredible opportunity and I feel very grateful that you trust me. I don’t want that to ever be tarnished.” You really meant it.
“It’s reassuring to hear you say that, Y/N. The boys should be getting here soon, you all need to meet now. I’m also going to be telling them about your role in the crew for the first time. I hope that goes over well.”
Your face dropped. Did she mean that the guys didn’t know about having a personal nutritionist for their upcoming tour? You began to worry. “Karen, do the guys not know about me? Like about this position?” You tried to keep the concern out of your voice, but your wide eyes betrayed you.
Karen looked guilty and her face sank. “I have not told them yet that a professional will be joining the crew, no. I don’t want them brushing it off as me being overprotective. I’m hoping if I present you as a signed on done deal, they wont protest. I realize it puts you in a bit of an uncomfortable position. But I’m certain I’m just overthinking it. I think, yes.” She finished saying the last part more to herself than you.
Fuck. You hoped all the boys would be on board and not hate you for essentially being their mom’s stand in. You had been nervous about meeting the band before. But now, you were downright panicked. You mentally crossed your fingers as you sat and waited.
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