#non stop healing frequency
iamlisteningto · 11 months
Ruth Mascelli’s Non Stop Healing Frequency
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eatmangoesnekkid · 2 months
I want to be pristinely clear that while "The Melody of Love" critiques patriarchy, it doesn't promote the war or tension between sexes, this deep soul wounding, or encourage the de-centering of men. While I understand what women who participate in this movement are trying to do and I agree that there is a dire need for women to stop obsessing over men and generally become priorities in their lives, when you listen to those who promote this movement, there is a haunting hollowness of hidden, unaddressed hurt and pain at the root.
That's why the "de-centering men" movement would never be part of my mission. Far from it. I like to get to the root of the reality—which is deep in the body and not out there. And yes, you should be at the center of your reality, at the center of your universe, the "de-centering men" movement puts a wedge between men and women, instead of bringing us all together, including non-binary people. As usual, I find myself not being part of typical polarized ways of thinking, and more present in a nuanced 3rd lane which has been the case for most of my life. When the handy man comes over to work on my home, if I'm in that movement, I would not consider giving him some tea, juice, or water to quench his thirst. While this gesture from me is not necessary, it does show kindness to someone who enters your home and will feel thought of and move around your space with good vibes due to your hospitality. Such beautiful energy shared between two people and emitted out into an aching world.
Through my critiques, I am making a much larger point about the level of harm these systems-patriarchy, capitalism, and Abrahamic religion do to us because they live in our bodies. They cause breast pain, pelvic pain, back pain, pussy pain, period pain, blood clots, cysts, tumors, and the like. These systems ferment like sauerkraut into our breasts/hearts, hips, bellies, tailbones, and spines and impact our wellness like our moon cycles and experiences with menopause. They negatively influence how we breathe, how we think and perceive, how we make love, how we regenerate, the care and attention we cook a meal, and what we receive and attract. They trigger us to value production over getting a good quality of rest and not staying up late at night. These punitive systems do the work of keeping our nervous systems locked into flight or fight and survival states on a daily basis. Only healthy relaxed women engage the most openhearted passionate love and yield healthy families and healthy communities/villages.
But I don't just critique like an academic. I am rootsy, braless, barefoot, and revolutionary to my core, therefore, I channel practical solutions that lead readers towards healing their bodies and truly evolving their lives into bliss.
The melody of love movement is about deep spiritual repair and care: the strength and capacity of love, the truth of our soul and destiny, the intimacies and passion of the body meeting earth, and the regenerative qualities of the female body and how they favorably impact her quality of well-being and abundance. Essentially my work brings your body into a state of love that allows you to masterfully maneuver beyond these wicked systems as an embodiment of love, one of the highest frequency, a reclamation of your original sovereign template that taps you into the inexhaustible reservoir of energy that lives inside your female body, this spark of creation. After we build up our energy and increase our capacity, it is my vision that we will then lend our bodies over to being of service to something larger that favorably recalibrates our global world into greater harmony.
There is actually a deep yearning present inside my own heart to witness more men truly rise into a more healthy honorable expression of themselves on the planet. To de-center men, no matter what your sexuality may be, yields great harm to the feminine heart. I’m not sorry to say this but-- a real woman could never do that. She would die sorrowful...deeply heartbroken. -India Ame'ye, Author
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alifeasvivid · 1 year
Shopworn, Thief of Spades alternate timeline drabble, ukus, T+
I was thinking about ToS and Alfred being a bench jeweler and like... Arthur really would have known immediately if he fingerprinted Alfred because bench jewelers' hands get very busted up.
So this takes place in that alternate timeline where Alfred completed his apprenticeship and became a highly acclaimed jeweler and famous jewelry designer and moved to London and met Arthur without the context of being a criminal and they are in love, etc etc.
This is really off the cuff, I just thought it would be cute.
other drabbles from this timeline Luck of the Draw Forehead kiss prompt
"Fuck!" Alfred jumps back, dropping the piece he's working on in the laser chamber with a clunk. Platinum requires such high heat in order to work with it that any laser beam glancing off of it rather than hitting the point Alfred is trying to solder is liable to hit his hand--which this one did.
It's a burn he has certainly felt before, particularly when he was an apprentice, but he hasn't been at the bench much since the move into the larger shop. His workshop here at home has been collecting dust for an embarrassingly long time now, including the laser welder and it occurs to him then that he should probably get the argon tank swapped out.
Arthur walks in to see Alfred nursing his hand and his brow furrows. "Are you alright?" he asks. "That 'fuck!' was especially loud... and they are rather increasing in frequency. Should you not stop for tonight? it's getting quite late."
Alfred huffs a mirthless laugh. "I got myself with the laser, again," he laments. He sighs and almost turns away when Arthur drags over the rolling chair from his bench, biting back a whimper when Arthur gently takes his hand. "This is humiliating," he mumbles.
"Why?" Arthur asks, mostly rhetorically. "I'm certain this happens to all jewelers, right? You're out of practice because you've been attending to other things which are also important." His fingers examine Alfred's hands and his eyes examine the conflicted expression on Alfred's face.
"It's not just that I'm out of practice," Alfred replies. "It's that my hands have healed up so much. Or at least they had. When you're at the bench all the time, you get scars and callouses and that makes it easier." He looks down at where Arthur is holding his hands and jerks them away. "God, they're so awful now, don't even look at them."
"I've noticed the change well before now," Arthur says. "And I've seen them like this before, though, yes, this is worse, but recreating an antique art deco bracelet for a famous actress is a worthy, ambitious project."
"Art nouveau," Alfred mumbles with a slight smile. He knows Arthur knows the difference given that Arthur works on many art and jewelry theft cases.
"And she was so insistent that you be the one to do it, not one of your jewelers at the shop... and apparently she was quite persuasive with her low-cut top and giggling flattery," Arthur continues, trying to sound annoyed and trying to contain his laughter.
Alfred grins just a little bit wolfishly. "I'm an easy mark, what can I say?" He glances back at the laser chamber, reaching in to make sure the bracelet is alright. It's very intricate piece, the original was made with diamonds, but Alfred will be fitting this one with rare, red spinels. The famous client wants to have it for Valentine's Day and Alfred has been working on it almost non-stop to complete it in time--so much so that he has neglected the very special project he has been working on for Arthur.
He exhales, exasperated, "I should have had one of the others do this. They're just as good as I am, if not better. She wouldn't have known the difference." He absently rubs the burn, though most of the sting is gone. The tips of his fingers are black from working with the torch, there are callouses forming in all the places they had previously healed and between harsh chemicals and washing his hands constantly, his palms and knuckles are dry and chapped.
"Come here," Arthur instructs, taking Alfred's hands in his again. He caresses them soothingly. "I know that despite what you feel right now, this project is exciting and interesting for you, so I think you would have been disappointed in yourself for not taking it."
Arthur is right, of course. "I know. It's just... on the one hand,... ha, I feel like I should be working at the bench more so that my hands don't get so soft, but on the other..." he blushes brightly and looks down, "you probably don't want me to touch you when they're like this."
Alfred tries to pull away again, but Arthur holds him this time, now partly focused on how soon they can make time to put their hands on each other. "Don't be ridiculous," he murmurs. Alfred's hands are a strange juxtaposition to the rest of him, though not in a bad way at all. Alfred loves glamour, loves being invited to high society parties, loves wearing designer dresses and glittering jewelry, but his hands, especially like this, seem to ground him. They're evidence that Alfred isn't someone merely concerned with sparkle and artifice, but that he has passion and drive toward something more solid. Alfred is a jeweler, a tradesman above all else. Arthur kisses Alfred's knuckles and then presses Alfred's palms to either side of his face and, as he suspected, he doesn't mind the roughness one bit. "A world does not exist in which I don't want you to touch me," he says quietly, but very firmly.
Alfred's insides melt, nearly the same temperature as the laser, but this burn is one he enjoys. "Aren't you smooth, Inspector?" he coos cheekily.
Arthur meets his adorably flushed face with a mischievous twinkle in his emerald eyes. "If you come to bed, I think you'll find I can be a bit rough as well, actually."
>.> Happy Valentine's Day, everybody LOL
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madmonkeydisorder · 2 months
Missing you miss I seen so quick suicidal jump in god blessed holy mission plan g Atari generation discometafizica healer bring new sound to town in algorithmic patterns the only chances to cross our lifelines on timeline run through wasted snorter my dollar note.
white red roses baskets read peace & war in dozen doses overdoses non binary code green on black screen Matrix trilogymnastic conceptual total recall universal soldier poet invented new vision in art craving CitiZen looking at my diesel dyke cyberpunk revolutionary movement in art I make antisocial public chaos reordering program iOS on retro computer designed by superego Neo my awatar run out data over superconscious fragile bonding our lifelines crossroads build up ancestors wasteland psycho Locoation fluid NeoNY retro synthesis time travels in sent shipwreck complications drawing boundary limits sending me away the golden middle way to see you everyday
I way too much experienced Deja vu in your sensualisation incarnation in flesh I worship holy breast drink the stream insanity I touch electricity power plant in da pants sil tu ple
Get my points in da pointless point your resistance turns on my gaydar radio detector my name in suahilli meaning protected. Kinga the bravest of the tribe I drive tank full of acid orange juice dessolving psyche with holy script in brave new world my god bless the mess in kinga gold monkey special divine remedium collector limited edition superstition I seen black fat cat on my way home and I missed my plane to Africa
press the button press my stress me out south west Great Western Railway express speedy hunter s Thompson styling up his gonzo & how cheeky monkey inteligence booster detecting lessbians on the way I see only soft spot reflecting in sunglasses I hear bongo bong king of the concrete jungle beat some drum & bass afrobeat my heart crave new art to steal your heart your Axe sharpen blade runner I switch off switchboards centrala! Alert!
I need to know
Am I done dead reflection in black glasses I got orange vision simulacreacion
You see my pure soul beaming light bulb in my sad but visionary lenses my eyes through the glass in binocular steampunk green glass I am asked in Stokes if I see this bloke aura so I look through the matrix glass scanning radioactive frequency in healing feeling
Captain we got serious default in computers bios stationery our ship will crash in Sepulturadiovodany frequencies fractals dancing neon extreme colours pallet intensive care on air
I want to kiss you on this empty bus stop mostly ghost shipwreck stacking lack of content but you answer the phone and I had to deal with finding water
Opened can of brew dog beer is clearly coincidence on a passage you chose to stay at the bus stop where we are xrayed by staffing forces army of robots controlling order institutional madness I deal in detail receiving shit treatment by psychiatric system
I smoke in supervised cctv on a way in and out psycho hospital to car parking front seats taken pass me water bottle but I have to explain first
I talk too much sooo hear my tak tak tak
How not to be seen when we walk back to sit down on a bench on a grounds
Insides sourround us nature can you see me
Through black glass
There is no time to speak what is all about
She ask to shut up
Can’t shut up need basic megadata update iOS and defragmentalisation disc c:
She got time but time run out so fast I am fast on Polish fast the moon dust softly sprinkle silver hair I have since my mind explosion tripping psychotic thinking blinking flashing data slide singular photos animator running movie movemental artistic manifesto stoned squeeze essential potential average IQ booster
I had to walk here different way to see you once to find out what’s this is about
I seriously worry about circumstances
Your condition side effects affect the beatific way I see your holyness I confess fast I’m not my past you must realizen me in Buddha
not much time left to find the way out I want take you home central perk cafe kino kinia
no time to tell you yet
We are in trouble
How not to be seen?
Monty Python Flying Circus my head replay that question but how to be continue when I don’t know if I see you again but say to stay
Tak tak tak
No question
I deal anxious deja vu cosmos set on nuthouz Locoation marked X on selected segment on personality mad monkey disorder absorb all spectrum special care agent Danger Powers speaking king peaking speed freak on speed dates control the leash control the plot flight over the cookos nest test us best no time to rest in Rastate St. Pauloza eternal hell is round the corner with stoner stoker Polish poet who speak Kinglish descriptive interactive alive synthesatorysm retro nostalgia radiostation animator panopticonstant cctv scanning my mind outside inside out
My name is Danger!
Danger! Danger! Danger!
When we touch when we kiss
I still want my kiss please me please
Say you love me again
Again say again I won’t complain
How we arrange any day out are you busy too much to explain me basic strategy what to do when you are sick
Banned your king
Canned your king
I am still blocked in double lock to secret door in bending corner of reality disorder Machiavelli cheeky plasmythic gooey consistence aliens representyments gathering around fire pit in Turbo my second home
How can I go on go on go on when you block me out in deadly blocking I got unblock clicking machinery stuttering rustyfikaty closes misery high hope releases in double lock
State of shock
Electric concussion shake desease in sound OHMmmm my twisted muse give me love
amuse my mind expanding cosmic antennae sonar scanning hot space out spiked reality blotters we share paper wall soaked acid rain insane
everything counts in large amounts my loud mouth not allowed give voice soundbox retronika elektrokronika synth era synthesis my thesis Stokers rights wordsmith Aleks Koval kraftwerk Lara Croft
Blacksmith krafting landscape escapism in da legend on mental map I mark the cross
My point is share my joint I offer adventure
Script rolled rizlas diesel soak acid drop
I unlock that lock safe but you still block me invisible scanner blow you mind disorder system control energym in eternal blackout spacewoman your beatyfic body missing link linking parking in da Mina park The Ark
Da Vinci CodeXenia download non binary update turning me on decoded code keynote gold monkey king Kingstoned town in Jah our roots in mushroom underground hive mind absorbita the beat orbital eightbit retro electro technik great elektronik invention electricity future primitive town in da City sparking electric fire speedy racing you drive me insane when key hole sonar signal bip bip echo radar radiowave unbreak my heart super sound is back on track strangers when we meet
Identify princess blue in line I cross the cross Holy Mary habibi sun beam the dream machine Chinese golden middle point balance in zenith Buddha zen in Seni sensimilla superplant activate DNA spirallah bismillah!
Let her go! Outside I starve fasting on fast lane motorway to American Dream narrated by Raul Duke & attorney spiked madness on tour tripping in da Brizzwoods on stage Amfethamine gold mine Teatr play stars in a dope show
Interzona borderline bipolarisator sound wave register unlock Tesla frequency cyberpunk in bluepunkt imprint restore retro synthesis wind of change
We are air and air on air hear whistle little test my fast Rasta state of mind cast out the spell to expell you out off cell you dwell so well my hell Deja vu in hell
I hold spiderweb thread in Labirynth king goblin alien ship abduction in da gold fields
let me taste your sexy lips
Who’s that ass on a glass
so little time and no answers
too much abstract maths in poematrix source unknown code in quotation
I got no data
Are we on date yet?
When we can update the database in cosmic computer generator random nuke bomb dyversion underground Polish resistance deconstruct the act white thin dyke rule Kingadom capital City
Oi babe come here speak to me
When I can find out that I’m not in Fall Out yet high af on Polish speed on nine kilometers over the sea
See me? Can you say details?
Seriously serious this serial I realized fall out is out but I got no attention to see on tv screen everything I shield in armour my tracksuits made of cardboard
Fuel in Turbo
How not to be seen obviously we so ex posed prosecuted you’re so cute execute upgrade system in da city game Sin City and round table seats for knights who say NI round table Polish stół I stole the Bristoland stolen hidden mythic city treasure in da Holy Mountain in Himalayas locoation on mental map interactive Poematrix streaming Jung g psyche segmental portal
No again I want to stay on that lovely bench
But there is no time
Nurses squad already arrived instant like set up agent Xmyth to command her go back to her cell
I try to find out what’s our next move but she don’t talk much
I say I can wait but you must get out
Can I kiss you but no she dissapear in that elektronik entrance double door blocking way out I am banned contraband I must go back unpack data file store on iCloud Drive me nutz
No signal on a phone
Shit I am blocked out
I should tell you more are you still my woman?
No answers answered I stuck in default simulation I reset projector imaginator wordovers about how you treat me bad kicking out your king
Please my Queen I lost my Kingdom so far twice
This town I own the Kinglish throne
Round table stole Bristol my speechless Les Vegas paranoia script reversing fast forward fight over ground zero I’m grounded zero you the one in non binary source codex I write magic to save us
Script scrolled wordosis underground gnosis prognosis DeSysteampunkcyberiazda
You are my Queen I need you now and here
Ride the wind in double locked set up
My observation spiked molecules fusions
Perceptive primitive futuristic cyberpunk revelations replay on simulation screening scrolling subconscious streaming source in Codexe.aksenia download update
File none saved just photo in Stokes door no 53 when you walk into the party
I already been so ready to take you home
Show my cave to save your scent sanctuary
Sleeping satellites kinga size bed
Shut up and sleep with me
Shut up and sleep with me
Shut up and sleep with me
Mnmmm ohm mmm show your love white dove I owe wodoverses symulator organic superhuman update on first blind date we met in Stokes Croft playing games in Turbo Island hot spot beatrice I set my mind on you when you enter the room in blue tracksuit trancentralisation centraluzjawisko
Aha Maryha haha haha woman you drive me inSeni let me script your goddess inkarnation on recovery sequence behind the fence blocking senses
I sign film to be continue on the way out find me crash pad I fall from grace madame
I am feminister king without my Queen
How can I go on from day to day
Meeting other girls not knowing your cold call
Stuck in pointless realisation I am the king
magic ring broken when you broke up
In search to find the way to your mind crystal cave save the projection I designed to link your blue soul Bluetooth with my soul iCloud in red land mark X
I must be mastermind superplant plot linear plan plane hilly town Kingadom your home I bring you my castle my home
OHM mmmm mmm o. Ooohhmmm
You’re sooo hooot
You are my hot spot super pot I got god mode moderator aktywator sensu illussion visualians I hooked on spot see you hot entering room I am Speedy Gonzales my secret name Austin Powers spell your name across my heart I want you to be my baby I shot first look and I am hooked like thunderbolt fire god messing in fire brigade action in Turbo Island that night spiked me out spaceman floating in hot space elektronika on vintage speakers boombox on ghost bus stop I hop to see you but I know the score my banned status unwanted outlaw in jungle Forrest Gump we seat on bus stop waiting ghost green bus take us furthur on a highway away from gods anger revenge I stole fire from Olympus to bring fire pit turbulent flights over no man’s land we are tribe gathering around the fire Interzona incarnated realisation in simulacra base off scroll the walls around the roundabout hot spot my voice out of box new wave frequencyphered Tesla gold numerologos mystic vision I see halo oh my god OMG!
Halo around you in technicolor retro electro cyberpunk anarchia reorganize world order reorder orbital apple bite in Eden garden drug den in Holy Bible split spiraled superpowers locked in cyphers invisible infrared laser cut out holy text The Codex secrets mythic symbols psychedelic sail ocean rock the boat navigation stars concellattions Milky Way hitchhikers on a way to invent bipolar bear return to
Bearpit return the myth in synth electro shock psychedelic therapy recovery ery psycho Locoation simulation sim city dwell so well around the fire healing our loneliness well innit?
Sin City wheels are turning turning
There is no end to spell out magik number 44
Magik psychodela oldschool Slavic rap state mystic number four and four hidden in romantic scroll Poematic prophet poet inspired god spark lighted eternal light sourcing secrets in Chinese magic box in da hidden Attic Bar control my magic eye spying mission flying drone upon the globe
I stop to talk ok
all right my babber?
0 notes
sentinelptc · 5 months
How Applied Kinesiology Can Relieve Seasonal Migraines
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Do you suffer from migraines when the seasons change and find yourself turning to over-the-counter medication for relief? If so, there’s a holistic approach used in chiropractic care that could help address those severe migraines. Applied Kinesiology in chiropractic care relies on muscle testing, a non-invasive technique of using manual pressure against targeted muscles as a gauge for diagnosing health challenges to begin actively treating them. In regards to relieving seasonal migraines, research shows that chiropractic treatments using Applied Kinesiology facilitate deep healing by locating individual points of tension and treating them with a variety of techniques to promote relaxation throughout the body.
Applied Kinesiology and Seasonal Changes
Seasonal changes can bring about numerous health issues, many of which go unnoticed until the symptoms become too hard to ignore. Many migraine sufferers feel their migraines worsen or become triggered by seasonal weather changes, such as increased humidity, change in light intensity, or increased barometric or atmospheric pressure. Severe headaches and nausea can result from these triggers, diminishing an individual’s quality of life until they find relief. Talk with your health practitioner if you find yourself being affected by seasonal changes. Your symptoms might be reduced through natural healthcare therapies like Applied Kinesiology.
Why do seasonal changes increase severe migraines and other symptoms?
Seasonal changes, such as weather shifts and changes in barometric pressure, can greatly increase the risk of severe migraines for certain individuals. Aside from debilitating pain, this kind of migraine can also lead to fatigue, sensitivity to light and sound, depression, and other symptoms. Prolonged exposure to extreme hot or cold temperatures or seasonal allergies can worsen existing migraine symptoms or trigger new ones. Regular visits to a chiropractor trained in Applied Kinesiology may help relieve intense migraines associated with seasonal changes. They can address underlying neurological imbalances that could be causing your body’s reaction to stressful environmental factors.
What are the benefits of utilizing Applied Kinesiology for migraines?
As a specialized technique used to diagnose musculoskeletal conditions and research the body’s neuromuscular functions, practitioners use muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body and make adjustments accordingly. Why should you look to try Applied Kinesiology for seasonal migraines?
Applied Kinesiology can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.
The technique is non-invasive, drug-free, and painless.
Applied Kinesiology can be used in conjunction with other treatments to provide relief from migraines. 
Sessions are short and convenient, making it easy to fit into your schedule.
With this method, chiropractors are equipped to help reduce inflammation and pressure on the nervous system, which effectively relieves pain caused by migraines. For those feeling burdened by seasonal migraines, looking into the benefits of Applied Kinesiology as part of chiropractic care is a great first step to finding relief.
Seasonal Migraine Prevention Strategies 
Seasonal migraines can be especially painful, but there are ways to help reduce their intensity or stop them in their tracks. Applied kinesiology is a great tool used in chiropractic care related to seasonal migraines, as it focuses on the body’s mechanical systems and applies pressure to realign joints, which can strengthen weakened areas quickly and with lasting effects with the right treatment plan. Some helpful preventative strategies include keeping trigger factors like stress, fatigue, and diet in check throughout the season. However, you need to seek further intervention from a chiropractor if you experience any prolonged migraine episodes. With the right routine for prevention and intervention, even those who have experienced chronic seasonal migraines can find relief.
Managing Seasonal Headaches with Applied Kinesiology 
Seasonal migraines and headaches can be incredibly disabling. Fortunately, the right treatments can help reduce these symptoms and make the changing of the seasons enjoyable! Applied Kinesiology is a great way to target and manage the root cause of your seasonal headaches. Some essential treatments for managing whatever type of headache you have include:
Dietary adjustments.
Chiropractic care is like muscle checking.
Biomechanical massage therapy adjustments.
Cold laser treatment.
Other natural remedies.
By using applied kinesiology to determine which treatment is best for you, you will be able to manage your seasonal headaches effectively and safely with minimal interruption to your daily life.
Looking for a local chiropractor?
Suffering from seasonal migraines can have a significant impact on a person’s emotional health, physical well-being, and daily life. It is important to take the necessary steps to prevent or treat migraines so that symptoms do not become overwhelming. Applied Kinesiology can be an effective tool to combat seasonal migraines and provide headache relief when used in combination with proper lifestyle choices, leading to an improved quality of life. Stay alert to changes in your environment, which might lead to increased symptom levels, and always remember that there is hope when it comes to fighting big headaches caused by seasonal shifts. Give us a call today if you need relief, and our team at Sentinel Health and Wellness will help you get your health back on track so that you can enjoy every season.
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healingness3 · 7 months
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Healing: Acupuncture's Timeless Practices
Acupuncture is considered an ancient practice of healing due to its historical origins and enduring relevance over thousands of years. Here's why it's often referred to as an ancient healing practice:
Historical Roots: Acupuncture dates back thousands of years to ancient China, with its roots embedded in traditional Chinese medicine. Its origins can be traced to texts and practices from ancient times, evolving over centuries through observation, experimentation, and the passing down of knowledge.
Time-Tested Techniques: Traditional acupuncture techniques and theories have been passed down through generations, making it a time-tested healing modality. The core principles of acupuncture, such as the flow of Qi (life force) and the use of meridians, have persisted over time.
Cultural Significance: Acupuncture holds significant cultural value in various East Asian countries beyond China, including Japan and Korea. Its presence and utilization in these cultures over an extended period further emphasize its ancient roots.
The ancient origins, cultural significance, and continued use and recognition of its efficacy contribute to acupuncture being considered an ancient practice of healing. Its enduring presence and relevance in the field of healthcare emphasize its historical significance and continued use as a therapeutic modality. Below are some types of accupunture you can explore for your better health.
Types Of Acupuncture
Below are some time of acupuncture techniques you can explore for your betterment of health:
Electroacupuncture is a variation or technique derived from traditional acupuncture, combining the principles of acupuncture with modern technology by integrating electrical stimulation with acupuncture needling. Electroacupuncture, with its incorporation of electrical stimulation into the traditional acupuncture process, is seen as an extension that can potentially enhance the benefits of acupuncture therapy for certain conditions. However, it's essential to consult a qualified practitioner or healthcare professional to determine if electroacupuncture is suitable for a specific health condition.
Facial Acupunture
Facial acupuncture, also known as cosmetic acupuncture or facial rejuvenation acupuncture, is a specialized form of acupuncture that focuses on promoting skin health, reducing signs of aging, and improving overall facial appearance. Facial acupuncture aims to improve blood circulation, stimulate collagen production, and enhance muscle tone. It's thought to promote a natural, more youthful appearance and address skin concerns, such as reducing the appearance of fine lines, improving skin texture, and restoring facial harmony. Facial acupuncture is part of the growing field of cosmetic acupuncture and is sought by individuals looking for a natural and non-surgical approach to skin rejuvenation.
Acupunture For Migrane
Acupuncture is a complementary therapy that some people use to manage migraine headaches. While the effectiveness of acupuncture for migraines may vary from person to person, some research and anecdotal evidence suggest that it can potentially provide relief for some individuals experiencing migraines. Here's how acupuncture is thought to help with migraines: Acupuncture is believed to stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving chemicals. It may help reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine headaches. If you are looking out for the best acupuncturist in Mumbai for resorting your issues then you can find it at acupuncture for migrane in mumbai
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To know more: https://www.healingness.com/
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"Revolutionizing Auto-Tyre Repair with ES Auto-Tyre Botany: The Future of Road Safety"
In today's fast-paced world, the need for efficient and effective solutions is paramount, especially when it comes to the safety of our vehicles. One aspect that often goes overlooked is the condition of our tires. Tires are the only point of contact between a vehicle and the road, making their health a critical factor in road safety. This is where ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany steps in to revolutionize the way we perceive tire maintenance and repair.
Understanding ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany
ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany is a cutting-edge technology that merges the principles of botany with the world of automobile tire maintenance and repair. It's a game-changer in the industry, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for keeping our tires in excellent condition.
How Does It Work?
Natural Healing Agents: ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany uses natural agents derived from plants to seal small punctures and cuts in the tire. These agents have adhesive properties that allow them to bond with the damaged area, preventing air from escaping.
Enhanced Safety: When a tire sustains damage on the road, the traditional approach often involves stopping the vehicle and changing the tire. ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany eliminates the need for immediate tire replacement, allowing the driver to reach a safe location before addressing the issue.
Sustainability: Unlike conventional tire repair methods that rely on synthetic materials and chemicals, ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany is eco-friendly. It uses biodegradable and non-toxic materials, reducing our carbon footprint.
Cost-Efficiency: By minimizing the need for immediate tire replacement, ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany helps save money in the long run. It ensures that tires have a longer lifespan, reducing the frequency of tire replacements.
The Advantages of ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany
Road Safety: The most important advantage of this technology is the significant improvement in road safety. It ensures that drivers can maintain control of their vehicles during a tire puncture, reducing the risk of accidents caused by sudden blowouts.
Convenience: ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany offers unparalleled convenience. It can address minor tire damage on the go, ensuring that drivers can reach their destination or a safe location before attending to the repair.
Environmental Benefits: The use of natural, biodegradable materials contributes to a greener environment. It's a step towards sustainable tire repair and maintenance practices.
Long-Term Savings: While initially, the technology may come with a cost, it pays for itself over time by reducing the expenses associated with tire replacements and repairs.
The Future of Tire Maintenance
ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany has the potential to redefine the way we approach tire maintenance. As technology advances and becomes more accessible, we can expect to see this innovation become a standard feature in the automotive industry. With the promise of increased road safety, environmental responsibility, and cost-efficiency, it's a solution that benefits drivers, manufacturers, and the planet.
ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany represents a breakthrough in the world of tire maintenance. By leveraging the power of botany, it brings us a sustainable, cost-effective, and safety-enhancing solution. As an SEO analyst, it's essential to keep an eye on emerging technologies like ES Auto-Tyre Repair Botany that are reshaping the automotive industry. Embracing these innovations is not only about improving our vehicles but also ensuring the well-being of all road users.
For more information please visit the website
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charma-clinic · 11 months
Skin Tag Removal Guide By Dermatologist
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Skin tags similar to moles are tiny, benign growths that frequently develop on the surface of the skin. Although there are no health hazards associated with them, many people want to have them removed for comfort or cosmetic reasons. Even if there are many over-the-counter medicines and DIY cures, safety and effectiveness must come first.
 This article entails an ultimate guide on the removal of skin tags. This guide details the cause of skin tags and their effective treatments performed by skin experts like Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, the best dermatologist in Bangalore practises at Charma Clinic. So read the post carefully.
What are Skin Tags?
Skin tags are the additional grown soft skin tissues on the skin. These tags are painless, tiny fragments of skin protruding from them on a short stalk or peduncle. These typically show up on the:-
Upper trunk
Neck, eyelids
Body folds 
Causes of Skin Tags 
Some of the most common reasons for skin tags to form are as follows:
Skin rubbing or friction against clothing or other skin
Hormonal changes, particularly during pregnancy
Obesity or having too much body fat
Skin tag genetics or family history
Age, as skin tags increase in frequency as people get older.
Either insulin resistance or diabetes
Medical disorders, like an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV),
Some drugs, including steroids
Specific locations of chafing or skin discomfort
Unhygienic conditions in skin folds
Skin tags fueled by the above-mentioned reasons followed by accumulation of collagen and blood vessels in thicker areas of the skin take place. 
Even though skin tags are harmless and non-cancerous, the aesthetics concerns for many individuals require effective treatment. 
Skin Tag Removal Treatments
To remove the skin tags, some of the dermatological approved treatment for skin tag removal are underneath:
Cryotherapy is a non-invasive skin tag removal treatment. This method involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin tags. This causes the cells to break down and eventually fall off. To perform the procedure, dermatologists use a specialised device to apply the liquid nitrogen accurately. The procedure is relatively quick and causes minimal discomfort. However, depending upon the tag size, cryotherapy may require multiple sessions for complete removal. 
Electro Cauterization
Electro Cauterization also called Electrocautery involves the use of an electric current to burn the skin tag off the skin's surface. Electrocautery effectively seals blood vessels during the process, reducing bleeding. This method is suitable for larger skin tags and is generally quick and safe when performed by a professional.
Ligation is the process of cutting off the skin tag's blood supply using a thin surgical thread or suture. This stops the blood supply, causing the skin tag to wither and come off within a few days. Although this technique is straightforward, it must be carried out by a dermatologist to ensure accurate placement and lower the risk of infection.
Skin care doctor may choose to surgically remove the skin tag. In order to do this, the skin tag must be removed from its base using a scalpel or surgical scissors. To numb the area before the treatment, local anaesthetic is typically used. Larger skin tags respond quickly to excision, which is beneficial in these cases. This may be provided to individuals:
Experiencing the appearance of large or unpleasant skin tags
Skin tags that are bothersome or irritating because of where they are
Skin tags that have been examined by a doctor and are benign
People who are comfortable with a small surgical treatment and seek rapid results
Candidates who are prepared to adhere to post-removal care guidelines in order to promote proper healing
Even while some people might be tempted to try skin tag removal DIY techniques, they are  advised against doing so without a skin doctor's advice. Home cures including applying acidic substances, cutting out skin tags with scissors, or tying them off with dental floss might result in infection, scarring, and other problems.
Safety Precautions
Regardless of the removal method, there are essential safety precautions to consider:
Sterilisation: To lower the danger of infection, make sure that all tools used for skin tag removal are adequately sanitised.
Topical Anaesthetic: To reduce pain during electrocautery or excision operations, a dermatologist may employ topical anaesthesia.
After the removal operation: Pay close attention to the aftercare instructions provided by the dermatologist. To do this, candidates might keep the area tidy, refrain from touching it too much, and apply any creams or ointments that have been prescribed.
Final Thoughts
Skin tags are a common skin concern. Though it is harmless, this skin concern affects aesthetics and self-esteem.  In order to remove skin tags’ consultation with a dermatologist is beneficial.  For the best outcomes in your skin tag removal quest, emphasise safety and speak with a dermatologist like Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, a skin doctor in Bangalore. 
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crystalmunchies · 11 months
Explore the Significance of Crystals in Peoples' Lives
Crystals hold an enchanting appeal that has captivated humankind for ages. These exquisite gems are not just stunning, they also possess the remarkable ability to promote healing and wellness. Deeply rooted in ancient traditions and spiritual practices, crystals are believed to tap into the Earth’s energy and resonate with different aspects of our being. 
In this article, let’s explore the wondrous healing power of crystals and how they can positively impact our lives.
Each crystal is like a unique personality, emitting its own special energy frequency. When you connect with them, you invite their healing properties to harmonise our mind, body and spirit. Amethyst, with its calming aura, soothes away stress, while rose quartz wraps us in a warm embrace of love and emotional healing. 
Meditation is one of the most beautiful ways to experience the healing power of crystals. By placing or holding specific crystals on your chakras, those swirling energy centres within your body you can restore balance and alignment. 
Crystals also have a remarkable ability to aid physical healing. Many alternative healing approaches integrate crystals into their practices. Crystal therapy, for example, involves placing crystals on or around the body, activating the body's innate healing abilities. 
Moreover, crystals have the power to transform people's living spaces into havens of positive energy. By thoughtfully arranging crystals in your homes, offices or sacred corners, you can infuse the environment with purification and upliftment. 
To embrace the magic of crystals, listen to your intuition when selecting them. Always remember to cleanse and recharge your crystals regularly to keep their energies vibrant and potent.
Bottom Line -
Crystal Munchies is a one-stop online store that has an extensive collection of beautiful crystals. They are the trusted provider of high-quality and genuine crystals and natural stones. You can visit their website to check the unique collection of pure jewellery and non-jewellery items like pendants, bracelets, raw stones and many more.
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rootcure · 1 year
What can be the reason for a lump in Breast or Fibroadenoma?
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#FIBROADENOma (Lump in Breast)
Definition: Fibroadenoma or Lump is a swelling protuberance, bulging or bump in the breast that feels different from the normal breast tissue.
It is a solid Benign tumor which is a non cancerous tumor in which epithelial cells are arranged in a fibrous stroma.
Breast Cysts: Fluid filled sacs in breast tissue are usually benign.
Fat necrosis
Fibrocystic breast
Lump of breast varying in size
It can be identified with the help of breast size whether it becomes fatal (dangerous) or not.
1. 1 cm/less – Small Fibroadenoma considered
2. Upto 3 cm-Large Fibroadenoma considered
3. More than 3cm – Giant Fibroadenoma considered Disease.
Age – Incidence usually occurs with menstruating females at any age.
Painless swelling (lump) in the breast.
Smooth, firm to hard consistency, freely movement of lump in breast.
Elderly age patients may not have a characteristic feature due to fibrosis occurring in the breast.
1. Simple Fibroadenoma have no family history of breast cancer and have no risk of cancer.
2. Complex Fibroadenoma show cyst, sclerosis adenosis, calcification have increased risk of cancer may show some symptoms:
Frequency of pain increased.
Bleeding does not stop.
Poor wound healing.
Homeopathic treatment is effective in stabilizing the health of an individual, affected by fibroadenoma and its effects at various stages of fibroadenoma which help in dissolving internally the lump in breast. Homeopathy medicines will be prescribed on the basis of the cause or etiology of the disease or clinical condition i.e. sign and Symptoms.
Here are a few Homeopathic remedies that help In the treatment of fibroadenoma and thus, reducing the intensity of symptoms:
Top 5 Homeopathic remedies for Fibroadenoma:-
This medicine very effective in the treatment of fibroadenoma.
Indicated in “mammary gland are hard and sore with inflammation of the Breast Tissue”.
The region of breast becomes hard, nodular, tender to touch with burning and stinging pain in the breast.
Also there is a discharge of pus from the nipple and if lesions occur then it may lead to the fibrosis.
When there is inflammation i.e.redness, swelling with induration and enlargement of the lump in breast.
The lump in breast is hard and sensitive to touch with infiltration.
Edges of the lump are sharply defined with a bloody discharge from the nipple and it becomes sensitive to cold and complaints become worse when anything is taking cold.
The patient has a tendency to indurated glands.
The patient is weak and emaciated, fainting due to improper assimilation.
Mammary gland is swelling with Fat Necrosis and glandular cell myoblastoma are common in this remedy.
Patient complains of pain and tenderness with an engorged nipple, cracks and discharge of watery fluid.
This remedy is indicated in the fibroadenoma of the breast.
Lump in breast which is hard, movable with clear margins and sharp in nature.
Nodules are in upper right quadrant.
Patients are very sensitive to cold air/ atmosphere.
Pain at the tip of urethra, back extending to the sacrum..
This remedy acts well after surgery on the breast
Mammae full of hard, painful nodosities.
Breast is full of stony hard and painful especially when suppuration occurs.
Pain in the breast occurs when child nurse pain goes from nipple all over the body.
Cracks and small ulcers around nipple
Irritable in breast before and during menses. ( homeopathy benefits )
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innatewellness · 2 years
Life Steadiness + Life Skilled Diagnostic And Therapy Bioresonance Units
In some cases it may add frequency, in others reverse it to both enhance or counteract the physique's own resonances. The EPFX/SCIO reveals not solely the negative elements of the body but additionally the constructive elements. However, in attempting to improve and revitalize well being, we tend to focus extra on the adverse bioresonance testing aspects, so that they are often redressed. Basically, the EPFX / SCIO exhibits up something that has results on your health. The knowledge about an objective state of body tissues, cells, chromosomes and even hormones are being transmitted in real-time and are immediately decoded within the form of particular diagnoses and suggestions.
We use a scanning gadget called the Oberon Diagnostic machine that detects frequency and health of cells, and body techniques. Each organ has a particular frequency where it vibrates in optimum well being, and this scan detects deviations from the norm. The Oberon machine sends non-invasive therapy by way of a special headset with a built-in sensor, that promote healthy power circulate for all systems to come into larger balance. The database is compiled for wholesome tissue based mostly on age and gender. The Scan has detailed views of various organs, tissues and buildings that permit the person to zero in on and visualize the details of any disturbance. Frequently displays appear as detailed as MRI or CT - like scans.
I imagine so much in the power of coaching, I continue to work with my own coach to today. The practical techniques of workable options recommended by an excellent coach mixed with accountability for follow-through and the removing bioresonance testing of negative blocks have allowed me to mature in my judgments and reactions. All impair immunity, work, sports activities, libido, sleep, nails, skin, hair, digestion, brain function, fertility, birthing, imaginative and prescient, and an entire lot more.
It was a private experience and struggle with Crohn's disease that had Mendoza begin educating herself on what she may do to keep herself healthy. And whereas a standard medication helped with flare ups, she knew she needed to do extra to stop it from happening once more. The effects of receiving a therapeutic massage include leisure, improved muscle tone, circulation, respiration and nerve transmission. It can be utilized to deal with all kinds of circumstances and has been very successful in the remedy of many individuals.
I have benefited massively from alternative and complementary therapies for circumstances that didn't respond to conventional medical therapy, and so have a lot of my shoppers. I highly advocate and personally use this remedy regularly. Research signifies that these low frequency waveforms appear to activate vitamins, minerals, amino acids and different biologic substances which may be prominent from the voice evaluation. Based on the diagnosis, the therapist is ready to detect which factors are most negatively affecting your physique and what sort of remedy is needed to treat the disease or sickness. The therapist usually makes the person a comprehensive plan to properly tackle any of the found causes and provides recommendation on any other measures that would potentially supplement the remedy plan.
Testing includes an extensive analysis forGut biome, Digestive well being, Hormonal imbalancesas properly as nutritional deficiencies and commonmetal sensitivities. Live Blood Analysis involves taking a single living drop of blood from the fingertip which is then positioned underneath a powerful microscope. The image is then displayed on a display screen for both the practitioner and affected person to view.
We also frequently run the Microcurrent Cellular Makeover course for Health practitioners and Beauty therapists excited about providing face and body rejuvenation non- invasively. We are presently creating a course for Animal Healing with microcurrent. After I qualified as a practitioner, I taught for three years to further hone my expertise.
The pattern material is then disposed of by our scientific waste disposal firm and any documentation submitted to make use of along with your sample is destroyed by our confidential waste provider to make sure your safety at all times. Always bear in mind, you've within you the energy, the endurance, and the passion to achieve for the celebs to change the world. People like Alptekin Aydin’s unselfish effort to convey cheer to others would be the starting of a happier life for ourselves. He has one hand for helping himself, the other for helping others.
Julie Langton Smith MSc has been working in Bioresonance and Biofeedback medicine for more than 20 years and studied on the University of Northampton to gain her Masters diploma in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies. Her thesis was primarily based on the ideas of Bioresonance remedy and bioresonance testing how it's perceived to work and includ... According to Dr. Ernst, there have been solely three revealed studies of bioresonance, none of which arrived at any noteworthy conclusion. Upon establishing dysfunction, bio-resonance has the ability to manage meta therapies to restore the tissue.
As properly as cautious history-taking and pertinent bodily examinations, Dr. Guillemin makes use of traditional oriental tongue and pulse analysis. First she says she has a 100% treatment fee and now she is saying that after 5 therapies you'll "feel higher". Even so, trying new issues is sometimes part of the process, and wisely undertaken with great warning.
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PEMF Frequency for Back Pain
If you're one of the many people suffering from back pain, you may be looking for a drug-free and non-invasive way to get relief. PEMF frequency for Back Pain is a promising option for treating pain, and it's backed by a growing body of scientific evidence. Electromagnetic Therapy for back pain uses magnetic fields to stimulate cells and promote healing. Let's take a closer look at how PEMF therapy can relieve back pain.
How PEMF Therapy Works
PEMF Therapy for back pain works by exposing the body to pulsating magnetic fields. These magnetic fields can penetrate deep into the tissues, stimulating cells and promoting healing. Studies have shown that PEMF frequency for back pain can reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and promote tissue repair. 
PEMF therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including back pain. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that electromagnetic therapy for back pain was an effective treatment for chronic lower back pain. The study found that participants who received PEMF therapy had significantly reduced pain levels compared to those who received no treatment. 
Watch the video here
Possible Side Effects of PEMF Therapy
PEMF therapy is generally considered safe with few side effects. The most common side effect is mild dizziness, which typically goes away after a few minutes. Other potential side effects include skin irritation, headache, and nausea. If you experience any serious side effects, stop using the device and see your doctor right away. 
Have you been suffering from back pain? It is difficult to find a treatment option that works for everyone, and some people prefer not to take medication. However there may be an alternative available in the form of PEMF therapy-a new technology which has shown tremendous promise when used alongside other treatments like massage therapy or acupuncture!  We can help you locate a Certified AOPP Practitioner or doctor near you, simply check our website www.pemfprofessionals.com or call us now at  (844) 831-7363. 
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localbizreview · 2 years
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PEMF Frequency for Back Pain
If you're one of the many people suffering from back pain, you may be looking for a drug-free and non-invasive way to get relief. PEMF frequency for Back Pain is a promising option for treating pain, and it's backed by a growing body of scientific evidence. Electromagnetic Therapy for back pain uses magnetic fields to stimulate cells and promote healing. Let's take a closer look at how PEMF therapy can relieve back pain.
How PEMF Therapy Works
PEMF Therapy for back pain works by exposing the body to pulsating magnetic fields. These magnetic fields can penetrate deep into the tissues, stimulating cells and promoting healing. Studies have shown that PEMF frequency for back pain can reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and promote tissue repair. 
PEMF therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including back pain. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that electromagnetic therapy for back pain was an effective treatment for chronic lower back pain. The study found that participants who received PEMF therapy had significantly reduced pain levels compared to those who received no treatment. 
Watch the video here
Possible Side Effects of PEMF Therapy
PEMF therapy is generally considered safe with few side effects. The most common side effect is mild dizziness, which typically goes away after a few minutes. Other potential side effects include skin irritation, headache, and nausea. If you experience any serious side effects, stop using the device and see your doctor right away. 
Have you been suffering from back pain? It is difficult to find a treatment option that works for everyone, and some people prefer not to take medication. However there may be an alternative available in the form of PEMF therapy-a new technology which has shown tremendous promise when used alongside other treatments like massage therapy or acupuncture!  We can help you locate a Certified AOPP Practitioner or doctor near you, simply check our website www.pemfprofessionals.com or call us now at  (844) 831-7363. 
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PEMF Frequency for Back Pain
If you're one of the many people suffering from back pain, you may be looking for a drug-free and non-invasive way to get relief. PEMF frequency for Back Pain is a promising option for treating pain, and it's backed by a growing body of scientific evidence. Electromagnetic Therapy for back pain uses magnetic fields to stimulate cells and promote healing. Let's take a closer look at how PEMF therapy can relieve back pain.
How PEMF Therapy Works
PEMF Therapy for back pain works by exposing the body to pulsating magnetic fields. These magnetic fields can penetrate deep into the tissues, stimulating cells and promoting healing. Studies have shown that PEMF frequency for back pain can reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and promote tissue repair. 
PEMF therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including back pain. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that electromagnetic therapy for back pain was an effective treatment for chronic lower back pain. The study found that participants who received PEMF therapy had significantly reduced pain levels compared to those who received no treatment. 
Watch the video here
Possible Side Effects of PEMF Therapy
PEMF therapy is generally considered safe with few side effects. The most common side effect is mild dizziness, which typically goes away after a few minutes. Other potential side effects include skin irritation, headache, and nausea. If you experience any serious side effects, stop using the device and see your doctor right away. 
Have you been suffering from back pain? It is difficult to find a treatment option that works for everyone, and some people prefer not to take medication. However there may be an alternative available in the form of PEMF therapy-a new technology which has shown tremendous promise when used alongside other treatments like massage therapy or acupuncture!  We can help you locate a Certified AOPP Practitioner or doctor near you, simply check our website www.pemfprofessionals.com or call us now at  (844) 831-7363. 
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ionicpainrelief · 2 years
Diagnosis and Treatment of Neck Pain
Neck pain or cervical pain refers to pain in or around the spine. Neck pain is a common medical problem that can last from days to years, depending on the cause. Neck pain is a common symptom of multiple injuries and underlying health conditions. Untreated neck pain can interfere with your daily activities and diminish your quality of life. Neck pain is more common in women than in men, and your chance of developing neck pain increases with age. For a complete Neck Pain Relief Tucson Az, you should contact one of the reputed clinics like Ionic Pain Relief.
The neck is made of bony vertebrae. Together with the ligaments, the neck provides stability to the spine and head. Hence, any abnormality or injury in this area leads to neck pain. Common causes of neck pain are osteoarthritis, degenerative disease, spinal stenosis, poor posture, and abnormalities in the soft tissues. Other conditions of neck pain:
Mental stress
Physical strain
Conditions affecting spinal balance
Other health conditions
Common types of neck pain
You might have axial neck pain in the neck or radicular neck pain that shoots into the shoulders or arms.
Levator scapula syndrome
Levator scapulae syndrome is caused by a poor posture of the shoulders like sitting by hunching over with shoulders rounded. Over a period, this posture stretches the levator scapulae muscle and can cause pain within the muscle.
Splenius Capitis syndrome
Splenius Capitis Syndrome is a painful syndrome. The pain often starts from motor vehicle trauma, a fall, or postural situations where both laterals oblique head movements.
For some people, neck pain is:
A persistent ache.
A burning pain.
Neck pain plus headache
Numbness in arms.
Increased tension in the neck muscles.
Diagnosis and Treatments
Neck pain is commonly diagnosed with a physical exam by doctors and medical history. The doctor may use imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans to find the cause of the pain. In case of acute neck pain, consult Ionic Pain Relief for having Neck Pain Relief Tucson Az. Health professionals in Ionic Pain Relief will perform a complete diagnosis to locate the source of the pain.
The cause of neck pain determines the type of treatment for Neck Pain Relief Tucson Az. In many cases, neck pain gets cured in just a few days, but some cases require the doctor’s attention. Standard treatments:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Physical therapy.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or TENS
Use of inflatable devices.
Steroid injections
In Ionic Pain Relief, they treat with advanced medical devices that provide cutting-edge electroceutical treatments. Treatments with TrueRelief deliver you complete Neck Pain Relief Tucson Az. Treatments like Ionic Pain Relief Therapies are available to treat neck pain in Tucson.
Home Remedies
Ionic Pain Relief recommends some steps for Neck Pain Relief Tucson Az at home:
Using heat or ice packs.
Doing exercises.
Taking medicines, such as aspirin.
Temporarily stopping physical activity.
Quit smoking
Lose weight in case of obesity.
Reduce stress levels.
Neck pain may interfere with your daily activities. In rare cases, neck pain signals a medical emergency. The best method for Neck Pain Relief Tucson Az is to make an appointment with Ionic Pain Relief for an evaluation or urgent medical care. They provide a complete solution to any type of body pain.
Most patients get Neck Pain Relief Tucson Az after just one spinal adjustment. Some subsequent adjustments are performed for optimal healing. Ionic Pain Relief has advanced technology like TrueRelief Electroceutical therapy to provide Neck Pain Relief Tucson Az. TrueRelief is a non-invasive medical device that delivers an electroceutical treatment by using a high-frequency electrical current by a skilled medical professional. The treatment itself is completely painless. As home remedies, you can opt for temperature therapy and massage.
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natureszencbd03 · 2 years
Nature's Zen CBD Gummies: Reduce Feeling Of Physical Pain
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So, you've heard from the healing powers of Nature's Zen CBD Gummies. It's true, most people find CBD extremely effective in taking the edge off of chronic pain. CBD may be a pain management medicine for thousands of a very long time. A lot of the time, CBD gets a bad rap because of its psychoactive counterpart THC. Because Nature's Zen CBD Oil derive their medicine solely from hemp, there is little or no THC at any part of the manufacturing process. Introduced that you can enjoy pain relief with a clear head, a clear drug test, and absolutely no associated anxiety. This also means that our gummies are completely legal in all fifty states.
Not only does Nature's Zen CBD Gummies are employed in your nerve endings to dull your pain reception, it also has surprising mental health benefits. The endocannabinoid system runs with entire body and affects a lot of primary functions. This system plays a role in serotonin production. This hormone, when out of whack, can cause all kinds of problems such as anxiety and depression. Nature's Zen CBD Oil actually works in the brain to bind to these serotonin receptors. This increases heap of free serotonin inside of body. The major effect of this is reduced symptoms of depression, entire body relaxation, and greatly reduced anxiety. It also could help regulate your sleep wake cycles so you don't toss and turn and last and last. Don't suffer any more, order today and begin your journey back to wellness.
Benefits Of CBD
Reduces Symptoms of Depression
Reduces Experience of Physical Pain
Reduces Joint pain And Inflammation
May Lower Blood Sugar
Reduces Frequency Of Panic disorder
Reduces Seriousness of Social Anxiety
Physical Nature's Zen CBD Side Effects
Many people first turn to CBD decrease their sums of pain. For some, this pain is not constant. It may be in are menstrual pain, so they only take CBD for a few days per month or two. Then, they stop taking it once their symptoms go away. Still others who have probably arthritis, they take only when they have a flare down. This is one of motives you want that CBD is so valuable. It cuts down on inflammation in the body, this particular can actually prevent further joint destruction. This may allow you to retain more mobility than by using just pain management by themself. Also, because it is guaranteed non habit forming, it can be started and stopped absolutely no withdrawals or discomfort. Still others may experience chronic extreme pain.
Sometimes is just associated with time or injury, other times it is caused by fibromyalgia or other disorders. Regardless, it is protected to take CBD to together with this aches and pains. Often, the people who suffer chronically use it every day, and found . the CBD to build up in their system and allow consistent relief with no low patches or spaces where the medicine has worn without. Still, even with daily use, appeared perfectly acceptable to stop any a moment. Regardless of how you experience pain, do consider trying CBD to manage your symptoms. Consult your doctor before stopping any regular alleviation program, but the majority of of the time CBD does not interact with any other medications completely safe to look at concurrently using a doctor supervised program. Test it out today!
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