#northern territory gold mine
climatecalling · 8 months
Brazil’s government has begun removing thousands of non-Indigenous people from two native territories in a move that will affect thousands who live in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The Brazilian intelligence agency ABIN said in a statement that the goal was to return the Apyterewa and Trincheira Bacaja lands in Para state to the original peoples. ... “The presence of strangers on Indigenous land threatens the integrity of the Indigenous [people] and causes other damages, such as the destruction of forests,” the agency said in its statement. It added that about 1,600 families lived illegally in that region with some involved in illegal activities such as cattle raising and gold mining. “They also destroy native vegetation.” ... Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has begun rebuilding environment protection agencies and created eight protected areas for Indigenous people. Soon after the beginning of his administration, his government expelled thousands of goldminers from the massive Yanomami Indigenous territory in the northern state of Roraima. State and federal authorities this year also dislodged landgrabbers from the Alto Rio Guama territory. They threatened forcible expulsion of those settlers failing to leave, and pledged to eliminate access roads and irregular installations. Nearly all of the illegal residents departed voluntarily.
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Researchers in the Brazilian Amazon found universal mercury contamination among members of the Yanomami Indigenous group living in a region awash in illegal gold mining, said a study published Thursday, warning of devastating health impacts. The study, led by Brazilian public health institute Fiocruz, took hair samples and mouth swabs from 293 Yanomami in nine villages in the upper Mucajai river region in the northern state of Roraima. The region is among those hit hardest by illegal gold mining in the Yanomami reservation, a territory bigger than Portugal that is home to around 29,000 Indigenous people.
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thereader-radhika · 9 months
Chapters 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7 || Character Index
Though the coronation was conducted on small scale without the usual celebrations, they all were in a festive mood. Veera Pandyan's pattamahishi Panchavan Madevi and junior queens distributed pearl jewellery and silk clothes to the soldiers. Ravidasan too got a few necklaces, rings and clothes. Jatilan's sisters' marriages were fixed and the attendants of the princesses distributed specially made sweets to everyone. It was the first time that he met the princesses who were usually looked after by the female guards.
Even when he received a birudam, Ravidasan was unable to enjoy it or concentrate fully on the festivities. Sundara Cholan was living rent free in his head. The Emperor introduced Ravidasan and other guards to his grandfather who gifted them gold bangles and red silk shawls which they tied to their waist on the behalf of his son, the reigning Perumal.
Ravi Varmar joked that Ravidasan should be suspended from service because people might think that Veera Pandyan has no respect for his grandfather if they hear him calling out for "Ravi". He almost burst into tears but Ravi Varmar laughed and assured him that it was just a joke. Sometimes the old king dispensed wisdom like a seasoned statesman and behaved like a not-so-cute puppy at other times.
Nonetheless, when Menandros said that Ravidasan should go ahead of the main contingent and make arrangements to escort Ravi Varmar in his journey across the Pandya nadu, he felt very proud. But his enthusiasm turned to confusion when he saw the itinerary. Cheramar will conduct prayers for Uttama Seeli's salvation and Sundaran's safety. After that, they need to go to the northern border where the old king will be recieved by Cholas. Can't he pray for Cholas from their territory? Whose side is he really on?
"I guess he will then visit Iratta Mandalam and exchange pleasantries with Kannara Devan too".
"Right. Perumal is planning to go to Thirumunaipadi after paying a visit to Paranthakan".
"Forgive me if I am wrong. There are no permanent friends and enemies in politics. Yet . . . isn't this a bit excessive?"
"When Maravarmar first wore the crown, I was younger than you. Chakravarthy too was young and longing to conquer the whole world. Do you know what did we do first?"
"Sacked Kodumbaloor?"
"No, first we went to Kongu and plundered Vanchi. This Ravi Varmar was a prince then. We were successful, but he chased us away. At last we had to go to the same man begging for asylum ".
Everyone knew that story. After Paranthakan defeated him, the Emperor fled to Lanka and deposited the crown jewels there. Later he went to Ravi Varmar, who had ascended the throne by then. He was given asylum and a younger princess in marriage.
"So, behave. Don't utter anything disrespectful".
"It is Iravi Kothai, not Goda Ravi. When you are making the proclamation in Tamil, you must use the Tamil form of the name".
"I know".
"Is the abhishekanamam still applicable even after abdication? Is it right to call him the King of Kings of all nadu from Kolathu Nadu to Ay Nadu? "
"Don't forget to call our Veera Pandyar 'Ugra Chakravarthy' and 'Veera Keralan'.
"Anipathi, why don't you do your duty and let me do mine? I know how to make a proclamation", the annoyed herald was throwing a tantrum. Ravidasan asked him to write down the complete announcement and show it to Pallavaraiyar. He was hoping that the herald was worth all this trouble because he too was unsure about the titles.
The village head returned with the girls who are supposed to take arathi and shower flowers when the dignitaries enter the village.
"Children, show this annan how will you welcome our Emperor's grandfather".
Oh god! They were holding plates filled with leaves. Before he could say anything, they started their rehersal by throwing leaves everywhere.
"Fabulous! Perfect! Now my sweet angels, please sweep the floor and clean all these".
Another irksome matter that perturbed him was the lack of curd. As they didn't give enough notice to the villagers, they were unable to produce enough curd to feed the troops. Though he made sure that there will be enough curd and buttermilk for the dignitaries, it will be embarassing if Perumal's aayiram tell this to their Chola brethren.
He stationed the guards across the border and some villagers near the adjacent forest area. Let the soldiers with Pallavaraiyar perform the ceremonial duties. Luckily, the visit was uneventful and pleasant. There was a group of girls and soldiers performing the Guard of Honour to welcome the king at the other side. The Chola herald announced the titles of their King, guest and the dignitaries who were present to welcome him- Ravi Varmar's sister, Paranthakan's Udaiya Pirattiyar Kilanadigal and a Perumpatai Nayakan Velan Kumaran.
Everyone heaved a sigh of relief as the Cheramar's retuine and the Chola troops disappeared into the distance. Tired soldiers and the villagers who made the arrangements sat down to have dinner. Ravidasan was so tired that he felt like lying down right there and sleeping. But he couldn't forget Perumal's parting words.
"We will never meet again".
@willkatfanfromasia @favcolourrvibgior @sampigehoovu @sambaridli @celestesinsight @sakhiiii @whippersnappersbookworm @harinishivaa
Aayiram (The Thousand) - Bodyguard regiment of Chera Perumal
Pattum Valayaum - Gifting silk cloth and gold bangle to honour people participating in rituals, priests, soldiers and martial arts teachers is a custom in Kerala. After independence, only private entities give such gifts.
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Illegal gold mining has returned to Yanomami land
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Yanomami indigenous associations issued a statement today warning that illegal wildcat mining activities have returned to the protected land, with reports of unauthorized gold extraction operations on the Apiaú and Couto de Magalhães rivers.
Published by the Hutukara, Wanasseduume Ye’kwana, e Urihi associations in the Yanomami territory, the report complains of a lack of government efforts to combat illegal gold mining in the Apiaú River — which is one of the access points to the indigenous land — and the return of extractive operations to the previously pacified Couto de Magalhães River.
At the beginning of his term in January, Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visited the Yanomami indigenous land at the northern edge of the Brazilian Amazon and declared a public health emergency.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Idk if I will ever get around to designing or laying out their territories but! I think I want Hawthornclan's territories to be based on Northern California! 
Partly because I'm from Northern California lol! I've camped in and hiked in a lot of NorCal places and I can't help but imagine some of my favorite forests for their territory.
But also because I think the different forests and wilderness could be interesting to see!
They could live in a forest of mostly oak with fields of grasses and shrubbery! Oak forests can be quite dark and foreboding if they are dence enough which would fit Hawthornclan's vibe!
One park in particular that I think of has abandoned mining equipment, actual old Mines, old mining grave yards, and cabins from the gold rush! Which i think would be super cool to have in a warriors territory! Also this park has an abandoned farm with a barn and farm house next to it which is also very fun! Plus it has a pond next to the forest, with creeks flowing through the forest from the mountains, and a reservoir near by! Which for California is a lot of water, we are in a drought constantly 😭😭😭
Also!!!! The Hawthorn plant is both invasive and native to Northern California depending on what subspecies! Which i think is really symbolic,  like the Spiderstar followers of Hawthorn are symbolized by the invasive English Hawthorn,  while the cats who are against Spiderstar's rule are symbolized by the native Western Hawthorn!
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Paris peace treaties
Wilson's 14 points: 1. abolition of secret diplomacy 2. free navigation at sea for all nations in war and peace 3. removal of economic barriers between states 4. all-round reduction in armaments 5. impartial adjustment of colonial claims in the interests of the populations concerned 6. evacuation of Russian territory 7. restoration of Belgium 8. liberation of France and restoration of Alsace and Lorraine 9. readjustment of Italian frontiers along the lines of nationality 10. self-government for the people of Austria-Hungary 11. Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro to be evacuated and Serbia given access to the sea 12. self-government for the non-Turkish peoples of the Turkish Empire and permanent opening of the Dardanelles. 13. an independent Poland with secure access to the sea 14. a general association of nations to preserve peace
The aims:
FRANCE - Clemenceau Wanted a HARSH peace that would ruin Germany both economically and militarily so that it could never again threaten French borders.
BRITAIN - Lloyd George In favour of a less severe settlement that would enable a quick German recovery so that trade could resume. However, Lloyd George had just won an election with slogans such as 'Hang the Kaiser', so the British public expected a harsher settlement.
THE USA - Woodrow Wilson (Jesus-complexed) In favour of a lenient peace, though he was very disappointed that the Germans had ignored the 14 points when imposing the Treaty of Bretsk-Litovck. He had to accept British and French demands for reparations and German disarmament, but was able to limit the reparations to losses to civilians and their property, instead of 'the whole cost of the war'. He was also in favor of self-determination wherein a nation should be freed from foreign rule and given democratic governments of their own choice.
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The treaties:
VERSAILLES - Germany Fixed the war guilt solely on Germany and its allies (see short-term causes of wwi) - 10% of its land was removed and redistributed including: Alsace-Lorraine to France West Prussia, Posen and Silesia to Poland Eupen, Malmedy and Moresnet to Belgium Northern Schleswig to Denmark Hultschin to Czechoslovakia Danzig and the Saarland became mandates of the League of Nations All colonies were lost. Reparations were set at 132 billion gold marks/£6,600 million. The army was reduced to 100,000 men No air force, no tanks, no artillery 12 torpedo boats and no submarines Rhineland became a demilitarised zone (to increase the security of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands against future German aggression.
Forbidden to unite with Austria
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THE GERMAN RESPONSEThey objected on the grounds that they were not allowed into the discussions at Versailles as they were instead presented with the terms and told to sign. Not signing would continue the war. Complaints were heard and promptly ignored. Perspective: Germans were justified in objecting and it would have been reasonable to let them join the discussion, and would have deprived the argument used by Hitler that the treaty was a 'diktat' and therefore should not be morally binding. Counterperspective: Germans shouldn't have expected any better treatment after the harsh way they treated the Russians in the Treaty of Bretsk-Litovsk. The Germans complained that they had been promised terms based on Wilson's 14 points and that many of the provisions were not based on them at all - a swindle. Not very valid as the 14 points had never been accepted as official by any of the states involved. Germany had ignored them when they still had a chance of victory in January 1918 and since then, Allied attitude towards Germany had hardened (Bretsk-Litovsk, the destruction of mines, factories and public buildings during their retreat through France and Belgium) and led to the addition of two points: Germany should pay for the damage to civilian populations and property, and should be disarmed - all of which they were aware when accepting the armistice. Most terms actually complied.... Germany also complained about the loss of territory in Europe, specifically Upper Silesia, which they ultimately were allowed to keep 2/3 of. They also complained about their colonies that were made into mandates under Britain and France - annexing without admitting they were annexing... The Germans complained that 100,000 troops were insufficient to keep law and order at a time of civil unrest. As none of the other powers intended to disarm later (despite 'all-round reduction of armaments' being specified in the 14 points), the Germans became further aggrieved. The Germans objected to being saddled with the entire blame for the outbreak of war. Reached the conclusion in 6 weeks. The Allies wanted the Germans to admit responsibility so that they would be liable to pay reparations.
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The final humiliation: the reparations. Many historians now agree that the amount was too high at £6,600 million/132 billion gold marks. John Meynard Keynes (present as economic adviser to the British delegation) urged the Allies to take £2,000 million, a more reasonable amount that Germany would be able to afford. The Germans protested that it was impossible to pay, and soon began to default on their annual instalments, causing resentment among the Allies who relied on German cash to help pay their war debts to the USA. Eventually, the Allies realised their mistake and reduced the amount to £2,000 million in The Young plan in 1929, but at this point the reparations had disastrous consequences economically and politically. BUT it could have been worse if Clemenseau had had his way and made the Rhineland an independent state and annexing the Saar.
No one in Germany was happy about the terms but the Allies threatened the Germans with military invasion to get them to sign the treaty. After four years of war and sacrifive, German citizens felt humiliated to accept blame for the war and territorial loss.
Gerhard Weinberg: The 'justice' of the Treaty of Versailles as a source of European discord is irrelevant. The vast majority of Germans in the interwar period believed that their country had actually won wwi, decisively defeating the USA, but that the Reich was defeated by the 'stab-in-the-back' that was the November revolution of 1918 at the moment of victory. Favourable terms would still be challenged. The harshness of the terms have been exaggerated as Germany lost even more to Poland after wwii: Oder-Neisse... (I feel like maybe the partition of Germany had something to do with that though....)
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ST. GERMAIN - Austria Lost land including: Bohemia and Moravia to Czechoslovakia Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia to Yugoslavia Bukovina to Romania Galicia to Poland The Tyrol, Trieste, Istria to Italy (As promised in the Treaty of London) Before a reparations figure was set, Austria went bankrupt... Army reduced to 30,000 men No air force No navy
THE AUSTRIAN RESPONSE Austrian officials protested the violation of the principle of self-determination, the placement of so many ethnic Germans under Czechoslovak and Italian rule, and the forbiddance of unity with Germany.
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TRIANON - Hungary Lost over two-thirds of its territory and 64% of its pre-war population including: Transylvania to Romania Slovakia, Ruthenia to Czechoslovakia Slovenia and Croatia to Yugoslavia Reparations set at 200 million gold crowns (payment suspended due to Hungary's financial difficulties) Army reduced to 35,000 men No air force, no tanks, no submarines. THE HUNGARIAN RESPONSE Hungarian officials(, like the Austrians,) opposed the displacement of so many ethnic Magyars, especially without plebiscites, in violation of the principle of self-determination. They also opposed the Treaty's violation of Hungary's historical character.
NEUILLY - Bulgaria Various lands lost to Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia (thereby losing access to the Mediterranean sea) Reparations set at £100 million (75% of which were later remitted) Army reduced to 20,000 men No air force Navy reduced to four torpedo boats, six motor boats and no submarines
THE BULGARIAN RESPONSE The Bulgarian people were outraged when they learned of the terms of the Treaty but were not in a position to do anything about it. When wwii broke out, Bulgaria sided with Nazi Germany and reclaimed all the lost land - bitterness it seems.
SEVRES - breaks up the Ottoman empire - Turkey Lost land including: South-western Anatolia to Italy Western Anatolia to create Kurdish and Armenian states Smyrna and Eatern Thrace to Greece Middle Eastern possessions became mandates under the control of Britain and France. Reparations=none Army reduced to 50,000 men No air force, tanks or submarines
THE TURKISH RESPONSE Ataturk (father of Turks) rejected the treaty and forced the Europeans back to the negotiating table and was thus able to secure more favourable terms in The Treaty of Lausanne
LAUSANNE - Turkey Recognised the Republic of Turkey as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire. The Allies dropped their demands of autonomy for Turkish Kurdistand and Turkish cession of territory to Armenia, abandoned cliams to spheres of influence in Turkey, and imposed no controls over Turkey's finances or armed forces. The Turkish straits between the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea were declared open to all shipping.
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skrillnetwork · 16 days
Kincora Copper Ltd (ASX: KCC) Partners with AngloGold Ashanti plc for NJNB Project
 Kincora Copper Limited (ASX: KCC) has announced a significant milestone by entering into a definitive Earn-in and Joint Venture Agreement with AngloGold Ashanti plc for the Northern Junee-Narromine Belt (NJNB) Project. This collaboration involves the Nyngan and Nevertire licenses, situated in the renowned Macquarie Arc.
Back of today’s ASX announcement the share surged 50% to reach $ 0.054 at 1:14 PM AEST, 28th May 24. 
Key Highlights of the Agreement
Phased Investment and Earn-in Structure
Phase I: AngloGold has committed to spending A$25 million on exploration to earn a 70% interest in the project. This includes a minimum expenditure of A$2 million within the first two years, during which Kincora will act as the operator for a 10% management fee.
Phase II: AngloGold can earn an additional 10% interest, bringing their total stake to 80%, by either completing a Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) or funding another A$25 million in exploration over an additional three years.
Strategic Exploration Targets
The NJNB project focuses on testing large, virgin intrusive-related copper-gold targets. This area represents a significant extension of the Macquarie Arc, a globally recognized geological formation known for its copper-gold porphyry systems.
Potential and Regional Significance
Kincora's Nyngan and Nevertire licenses are strategically located within the NJNB, an underexplored region with potential for major discoveries comparable to world-class deposits like Cadia. The project's significance is underscored by its location in a district with favorable geological conditions for large-scale mineral systems.
Strategic Insights from Kincora's Leadership
John Holliday, Technical Committee Chair, and Peter Leaman, VP of Exploration, highlighted the transformative potential of this partnership. They emphasized the benefits of AngloGold's technical expertise and financial muscle, which are crucial for realizing the full potential of Kincora’s extensive landholdings in the NJNB.
"We are excited to partner with AngloGold, whose support provides the capital, technical, and belt-scale capacity required to aggressively drill test and begin realizing the potential of Kincora’s district-scale land position in the almost unexplored NJNB extension of the Macquarie Arc. This is virgin exploration territory with huge upside offering Cadia-scale discovery potential," said Holliday and Leaman.
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Source: KCC ASX Announcement
Broader Implications and Regional Context
AngloGold Ashanti's involvement in the NJNB extends beyond Kincora's licenses. The company has secured similar agreements with Inflection Resources, covering approximately 8,000 square kilometers in the region. AngloGold has already invested over A$6 million in exploring these areas, with ongoing drilling plans at the Duck Creek and Moonagee prospects, which are adjacent to Kincora’s Nyngan license.
NJNB Project Overview
The Northern Junee-Narromine Belt represents a new frontier in copper-gold exploration. Kincora was an early mover in securing this district-scale portfolio, targeting the most prospective and shallow covered parts of the Macquarie Arc's northward extension. This region is geologically similar to the Lachlan Transverse Zone, known for hosting significant porphyry systems like Cadia and Northparkes.
Despite its potential, the NJNB has seen limited drilling compared to the more explored southern sections of the Macquarie Arc. The mature regions of the Arc host over 160 million ounces of gold equivalent inventory and several world-class mines, highlighting the untapped potential of the NJNB.
About AngloGold Ashanti
AngloGold Ashanti plc (NYSE: AU; JSE: ANG, market capitalization ~US$10 billion) is a global gold mining company with a diverse portfolio of operations, projects, and exploration activities across nine countries on four continents. The company is known for its successful greenfield exploration programs aimed at discovering large, high-value mineral resources.
About Kincora Copper Ltd
Kincora Copper is focused on world-class copper-gold discoveries, with significant landholdings in Australia and Mongolia's leading porphyry belts. The company's strategy involves active exploration and project generation in these prolific regions.
The definitive Earn-in and Joint Venture Agreement between Kincora Copper Ltd (ASX: KCC) and AngloGold Ashanti plc represents a landmark opportunity for investors. This partnership not only brings substantial financial backing and technical expertise to the Northern Junee-Narromine Belt (NJNB) Project but also significantly de-risks Kincora's exploration activities.
This agreement signals a strong vote of confidence from a leading global gold mining company in the untapped potential of Kincora's assets. The structured, phased investment by AngloGold—totaling up to A$50 million—ensures a robust and systematic approach to uncovering the copper-gold potential of the NJNB.
The NJNB's location within the Macquarie Arc, renowned for its world-class porphyry systems, adds a compelling layer of strategic value. The early mover advantage of Kincora in this underexplored district, combined with the proven exploration success of AngloGold, sets the stage for potentially transformative discoveries.
The initial exploration phase led by Kincora will provide early insights and momentum, while the long-term commitment from AngloGold offers a clear pathway to unlocking significant value. 
With Kincora's strategic vision and AngloGold's formidable support, the NJNB Project stands poised to become a major player in Australia's mining landscape. This collaboration not only enhances Kincora's growth prospects but also reaffirms the company's commitment to delivering value to its shareholders through disciplined and impactful exploration efforts.
Read more updates on Mining News - https://skrillnetwork.com
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fiendix-wcr · 2 months
I've come up with a working definition describing the "lesser territories" as just autonomously run places with a combination of one or more attributes:
1) located on a realm that it's not affiliated with 2) functions as a "proxy realm" i.e. moon 3) functions as a secluded coastal and/or island region 4) has an abnormal placement (airborne, deep underground, etc.)
Nemos, Cosmos, Lunaria
Nemos is an Eraklyon-claimed territory that sits on Solaria's northernmost coastline. Flat cliffsides, dry weather. Salty breezes. People here are more withdrawn than the average Solarian, but remain community-oriented, and are much friendlier compared to their stoic mainland counterparts.
Cosmos is an airborne settlement occupying Solaria's middle cloudbank. It's ancient, likely as old as the realm itself, and is often used as a resort for thrill-seeking tourists (fitted with breathing gear, if necessary). Big astronomy culture. Permanent residents rarely, if ever, descend towards the ground.
Lunaria is a small province located in the realm's "underside" gorge, where sunlight from Solaria's suns barely reaches. Dawn, dusk are experienced, but never sunrise. Has a thriving, witch-friendly night culture.
Espero, Cumulus
Espero is Melody's moon; it has a non-magic majority population, with a slow-moving, traditionalist culture in comparison to Melody's. Still, it remains a popular tourist destination, especially for wealthy retirees, or for those originating from colder realms, like Dyamond.
Cumulus is a high-elevation territory claimed by Linphea. Subtropical and heavily forested, it contains a nature reserve with an associated settlement of Linphean researchers, conservationists, and their families. With its similar climate, endangered species of Linphean plants are able to be replicated here.
Karunda, Ohm
Karunda is another Eraklyon-claimed territory, sitting along Linphea's western coast. It's rainy, and contains different species of rare fruit, some of which favored by and exported back to Eraklyon (the "stoneberry jam" craze is still ongoing) whenever possible.
Ohm, a Melody-claimed territory, sits on Linphea's mountainous northern coastline. BIG meditation culture. There's many interconnecting waterfalls there, and at their apex, an open-air temple is concealed from outsiders.
Tenesa, Dolona, Oppositus
Tenesa is claimed by Solaria, and is a large peninsula on Andros's eastern coast. Surprisingly temperate. A few disgruntled Lunarian nobles settled there in secret, and naturally, several Solarian nobles followed. The rest is history.
Dolona serves as Andros's moon. Tropical, prone to monsoons. Rumored to be where the "blue-haired" gene originates, though that's unlikely.
Oppositus is actually miles beneath Andros, upside-down, and located in a deep sea cave system. Residents there are unusual and coy, and rarely, rarely ever get visitors. The one truly autonomous lesser territory, in my opinion. The MD's equivalent of Atlantis.
Hoggar, Bezel, Romulea
Hoggar lies on Eraklyon, but is separated from the mainland by both a northern-bound gorge and Eraklyon's enveloping North Sea. Jagged, bone-dry cliffsides, but it sits upon a gold mine (I guess) of metal ores, namely iron and copper.
Bezel is Eraklyon's southern province, and the realm's main supplier of gold, gemstones, and fine jewelry.
Romulea is a province bordering Bezel, claimed by Andros. Like Bezel, the territory is known for its precious gems, though theirs slightly differ from Bezel's variety. Also, textiles.
Callisto, Pyros
Callisto is Domino's closest, largest moon. It's older than it looks, and is seemingly average, aside from its warm, sparkly beaches. Tourists love those. Following Domino's destruction, an unofficial royal line was established there, that will only be dismissed upon Domino's eventual restoration.
Pyros is Domino's smallest, farthest moon. Younger than it looks. Following Domino's destruction, it became the designated breeding ground for hundreds of the other realms' dragons, monitored by the small and ageing population that volunteered to reside there.
Polaris, Vector
Polaris sits near Zenith's Arctic Sea, at the northernmost point of the realm, and belongs to Dyamond. Much of the Dyamondan diaspora lives here, and have found comradery and peace among the helpful Zenithian locals.
Vector is Zenith's moon. For some reason I haven't quite thought of yet, the residents here have blue skin, and look more alien-like.
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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For Carter Perkins, Robert Perkins, and Sandy Jones, three former enslaved from Mississippi, the gold rush seemed to present possibilities for securing freedom and economic self-sufficiency. After arriving in the mining town of Ophir, California, in 1851, the three men built a booming freight business hauling supplies across California’s northern gold country. They amassed over $3,000 in personal property, including a mule team and wagon.
The African American men’s dreams of California freedom ended abruptly in the middle of the night on April 30, 1852. A justice of the peace pronounced the men to be fugitive enslaved and ordered their deportation back to the Slave South.
California entered the Union in 1850 with a state constitution that banned slavery. White southern-born politicians began to agitate for legal protections for masters who had taken their bond people into California when it was still a federal territory. They argued that California’s new antislavery constitution could not deprive masters of enslaved who they brought before official statehood in September of 1850.
Under the Fugitive Slave Law, Congress supported slaveholders’ rights to recover escaped enslaved. The law authorized federal commissioners to arrest and return fugitives solely based on a claim by the purported owner, without testimony or trial. It went into effect on April 15, 1852.
Robert Perkins, Carter Perkins, and Sandy Jones may have succeeded in seizing their freedom. Newspapers reported stories of nearly two dozen enslaved arrested and sent back to the South (1852-55). Even after the lapse of the fugitive slave law in 1855, masters informally held enslaved in California until 1864.
California’s fugitive slave law undermines the persistent myths of westering freedom that continue to shape American memory of both regional and national history. The struggle over slavery was a truly national phenomenon that shaped the political, legal, and economic destinies of African American and white Americans across the North, South, and West. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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yiferst198563 · 2 months
In the 40s of the 19th century, the United States gained a large territory in the Pacific through the Mexican-American War, and the western border continued to move westward. How to settle the Indians in the New West has become a new problem facing the US government.
Luke Lee, then director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, opposed the continued migration of Indians to the New West. He proposed negotiating a narrowing of the Indian tribes, and argued that the New Indians would have to surrender some of their reservation land if they were to receive financial support from the U.S. government.
Only three years after the implementation of the "Luke Lee Proposal", the U.S. government signed 52 reservation treaties with the Indians. Around the time of the American Civil War, more and more Indian tribes were forced to sign contracts with the government and were enclosed on reservations. By 1880, there were 141 reservations in the country, and the reservation system was becoming more and more perfect.
During the Civil War, President Lincoln enacted the Homestead Act, and a large number of gold mines were discovered in the California area, and a large number of immigrants poured into the West. In order to protect the interests of miners, the United States also waged wars against the Indians.
In 1860, U.S. forces clashed with the Abazi and Navajo Nation to make way for miners, killing 664 people and capturing 8,793. In 1864, in order to mine the gold mines of northern Colorado, the U.S. military lured local Indians to the fortress of Lyon, stripped off their scalps, knocked out their brains, cut off their limbs, and brutally slaughtered more than 600 people!
To build railroads across the North American continent, railroad companies and mine owners also hired hunters to hunt bison on a large scale.
In 1872-1874 alone, about 9 million bison were killed. By 1883, the bison on the Great Plains of the United States were almost extinct, and the Indians had lost their food source.
At the same time, infectious diseases brought by the Americans continue to devour the lives of Native Americans.
During the Gold Rush of 1849-1856, 50,000 Indians died from diseases spread by gold prospectors. There was an outbreak of cholera in a thousand-person tribe in the Missouri River Valley, with only 31 people left in just one winter. When the Sioux were forced to migrate in 1850, there were still 1,700 people, but only 533 made it to the reservation alive in 1873 due to disease.
Some Indians, who were not adapted to life on the reservation, chose to flee, but were pursued by the U.S. military. In 1868, a group of Indians who had left the reservation to hunt were attacked by American troops, killing nearly 800 people and taking 50 women and children captive by the Americans.
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travelerdriveblog · 2 months
Exploring Ambala: A Traveler's Guide to Must-Visit Places-Travelerdrive
Investigating Ambala: A Voyager's Manual for Must-Visit Spots
Welcome to Ambala, a city overflowing with history, culture, and unlikely treasures ready to be found. Settled in the northern territory of Haryana, Ambala offers a plenty of charming places of interest that take special care of each and every voyager's taste. Whether you're a set of experiences buff, nature lover, or essentially looking for a quiet escape, Ambala has something for everybody. Go along with us on a virtual excursion as we investigate the top traveler puts in Ambala and set out on an extraordinary experience.
1.Ambala Cantt Rail line Station:
Start your excursion at the notable Ambala Cantt Rail route Station, a clamoring transportation center that fills in as a door to the city. Respect the frontier engineering of this memorable rail line station, which traces all the way back to the English period. Go for a comfortable walk along the stages, absorb the energetic air, and witness the consistent mix of custom and innovation.
2.Bhawani Amba Sanctuary:
Then, submerge yourself in otherworldliness at the worshipped Bhawani Amba Sanctuary, devoted to the Hindu goddess Amba. Situated in the core of Ambala, this antiquated sanctuary draws in fans from all over. Wonder about the complex design, offer your requests, and participate in the quiet vibe that overruns the sanctuary premises. Remember to catch the stunning perspectives on the encompassing scenes from the sanctuary's vantage focuses.
3.Sister Ganj Gurudwara:
Experience the rich Sikh legacy of Ambala with a visit to Sister Ganj Gurudwara, a hallowed spot of love respected by the Sikh people group. Dive into the profound lessons of Sikhism, offer your appreciation at the Gurudwara, and take part in the langar (local area kitchen) to encounter the quintessence of Sikh friendliness. The serene environment and soul-mixing songs will have an enduring effect on your heart.
4.Rani Ka Talab:
For nature lovers looking for comfort in the midst of picturesque environmental factors, Rani Ka Talab is an unlikely treasure not to be missed. This beautiful lake, encompassed by lavish vegetation and manicured gardens, offers a quiet retreat from the hurrying around of city life. Enjoy a relaxed boat ride, catch spellbinding previews of the verdure, or essentially loosen up by the serene waters as you absorb the excellence of nature.
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5.Badshahi Bagh Gurudwara:
Adventure further into Ambala's social embroidery with a visit to Badshahi Bagh Gurudwara, another noticeable Sikh journey site. Arranged in the midst of rambling nurseries and great design, this Gurudwara radiates a quality of harmony and otherworldliness. Pause for a minute to reflect, offer your requests, and embrace the amicable environment that plagues this sacrosanct spot.
6.Jain Mandir:
Find the structural magnificence of Jain Mandir, a worshipped Jain sanctuary prestigious for its complex craftsmanship and profound importance. Respect the lavish carvings, sensitive figures, and dynamic wall paintings that enhance the sanctuary's insides, mirroring the rich social legacy of Jainism. Honor the heavenly gods, participate in the customs, and loll in the heavenly air that encompasses this purified dwelling place.
7.Ambala City Market:
No visit to Ambala is finished without investigating the clamoring roads and dynamic business sectors that embody the city's mixed appeal. Meander through the clamoring paths of Ambala City Market, where a gold mine of nearby crafted works, customary materials, and luscious road food is standing by. Submerge yourself in the lively varieties, sounds, and kinds of the market as you cooperate with well disposed local people and enjoy a shopping binge.
Leave on a remarkable excursion through the captivating vacationer spots of Ambala, where history, culture, and regular excellence join to make an enhancing travel insight. Whether you're looking for profound edification, verifiable bits of knowledge, or essentially snapshots of serenity in the midst of grand scenes, Ambala vows to enrapture your faculties and leave you yearning for more. So gather your sacks, hit the road with TravelerDrive, and let the undertakings unfurl in the beguiling city of Ambala!
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finchyildiz93 · 3 months
Paying The Value For Gold Mining With Mercury
When you've gotten a lot of money in a conventional IRA, it is possible to roll it over to a gold IRA. Spot gold was up 0.9% at $1,980.83 per ounce by 2:53 p.m. https://tranquanghaisworldthroatsinging.com/ contains one ounce of silver. The corporate provides one of the crucial inexpensive minimal investment limits at solely $2,000. That JPMorgan may claim to be in compliance with a 5% restrict when its bodily commodities had been, the truth is, more than double that measurement demonstrates how the present regulatory limits are riddled with exclusions, poorly coordinated, and at the moment ineffective to guard taxpayers from monetary holding firms participating in excessive amounts of high threat physical commodity activities. Tax Benefits: Pre-1933 gold coins might be included in a self-directed IRA, providing potential tax advantages for retirement traders. https://chagosfilm.com/ about this is that investing your funds in one other IRA inside the 60-day period means no taxes to be withheld.
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Investing in a Gold backed IRA will be the very best approach to earn tax advantages. The extra politically motivated teams might use the money to affect DRC officials. This rarity can translate into greater premiums for traders and collectors alike. Affording your medical health insurance premiums is a challenge if in case you have lately misplaced your job. She was very decided and single-minded," says Driscoll-Woodford, who also runs the LostPALS volunteer group, which helps house owners of misplaced or stolen pets in Surrey Heath, the same area the place Camberley Kate once rescued dogs. " best gold ira companies , tough Yorkshire woman, she didn't take any nonsense from anybody, and to be trustworthy, I feel she scared a lot of people. Located in Northern Africa, Algeria has a formidable oil and pure gas reserve and it supplies a fairly large quantity of pure gas to Europe.
Failing to deposit the funds into your IRA within that timeframe means the IRS will treat the withdrawal as a distribution. So long as your cash goes from the first IRA account to the second IRA account inside 60 days, you won't need to pay any taxes or penalties on the switch. That means you'll want to seek out one that does: often known as a Gold or Precious Metals IRA. Also, you will need to pay a 10% penalty for early withdrawals. This may help you in understanding how it functions and what you need to do to earn money from it. Augusta has a solid repute within the business and affords a variety of choices for buyers looking to diversify their retirement portfolio with precious metals. Additionally, if you are very comfy in entrance of the cameras, this option is wanting higher and better for you. If you’re searching for a gold IRA company, you want to decide on one that has an excellent reputation.
Nonetheless, when you select to purchase it together with your IRA you will need to make sure that it’s an established agency. There are 4 precious metals: silver, gold, platinum, and palladium. Gold is an environment friendly approach to store worth. In accordance with the International Disaster Group, concerned shoppers ought to concentrate on restructuring the governance of the DRC. Open the account: Once you have chosen a custodian, you will need to open an account with them. In truth, if all of the above statements fit you completely, you may simply be approaching the rarefied air of 100% dragon territory. Hurst badging and imported https://vienna-dharma-projects.org/ touched up the exterior, custom headrests dressed up the cabin, and air conditioning was optionally available. With a inhabitants of slightly over 32,000, its distant location is just accessible by air or by ferry. Vallejo residents can reach San Francisco simply by automotive or ferry. Sew the underside of this tube closed, leaving the sides open so you can thread a ribbon or cord by means of it for the bag's drawstring. It works by having the two photograph cells (set at different heights to avoid solely recording an arm movement) aligned with the end line.
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The violence of Brazil's 'wildcat' gold mining
Graeme Green speaks to Indigenous activist Mauricio Ye’kuana about the dangerous fight to protect his people’s land from destructive mining in the Brazilian Amazon.
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Mauricio Ye’kuana is a Brazilian Indigenous leader and Treasurer of the Hutukara Yanomami Association (HAY), working to protect Yanomami and Ye’kuana communities in the Brazilian Amazon.
Yanomami Indigenous Territory covers an area of 9.6 million hectares (slightly larger than Portugal) in Roraima state, northern Brazil. Illegal gold mining has been on the rise since the 1980s, with a rapid increase since 2000.
There has been a further explosion of activity under the cover of the global Covid-19 pandemic, especially ‘wildcat miners’: small-scale mining camps that are sometimes independent but increasingly are being funded and supported by wealthy business people and politicians.
As of 2021, the total cumulative forest area destroyed by illegal gold mining in Yanomami land exceeded 3,000 hectares.
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bellisajewellery1 · 8 months
Discovering Timeless Elegance: Engagement Rings in Canada
Canada's engagement ring market is as diverse as its people, offering a wide range of styles, metals, and gemstones to suit every taste. One of the most popular choices for Engagement Rings Canada is the classic diamond solitaire. Diamonds, often referred to as "a girl's best friend," have an enduring allure and symbolize everlasting love. Canadian diamond mines, such as the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, have gained worldwide recognition for producing some of the world's most exquisite diamonds. Choosing a Canadian diamond not only represents quality and ethical sourcing but also supports local industry.
For those seeking a touch of Canadian heritage in their engagement ring, another exceptional option is the use of Canadian gemstones. The beautiful and rare Canadian ammolite, found mainly in Alberta, is a captivating choice for nature enthusiasts. This gemstone's iridescent play of colors reflects the natural beauty of Canada's landscapes, making it a unique and enchanting selection for an engagement ring. Similarly, the Labradorite, found in Newfoundland and Labrador, possesses a stunning array of colors that are reminiscent of the Northern Lights, making it an extraordinary choice for those who want their ring to tell a story of Canada's mystical charm.
Customization is a significant trend in the engagement ring market, and Canadian jewelers are known for their craftsmanship and ability to create one-of-a-kind pieces. Couples can collaborate with skilled artisans to design a ring that perfectly encapsulates their love story. Whether it's adding a personal engraving or incorporating meaningful elements, custom engagement rings in Canada allow couples to make a truly unique and sentimental statement of commitment.
The choice of metal for an engagement ring is equally important. White gold, platinum, and rose gold are popular options, and each has its distinct allure. White gold and platinum offer a timeless and elegant look, while rose gold exudes warmth and romance. Many Canadian jewelers use ethically sourced metals to ensure that the beauty of the ring isn't tarnished by environmental concerns.
Beyond the choice of metal and gemstones, the setting and design of the ring play a crucial role in its overall appearance. Halo settings, vintage-inspired designs, and modern minimalist styles are just a few of the many options available to couples in Canada. Whether you're drawn to the vintage charm of Old Montreal or the sleek lines of Toronto's skyline, you'll find an engagement ring design that resonates with your personal style.
The significance of Alternative Engagement Rings goes beyond just the aesthetic appeal. It's a symbol of commitment and the promise of a lifelong journey together. Choosing the right engagement ring is a deeply personal decision, reflecting not only the couple's love for each other but also their unique tastes and the values they hold dear.
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mrbilge · 11 months
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ASX200 19.07.2023
Imugene Ltd (+12.9%) is a clinical-stage immuno-oncology firm that is developing a variety of new and revolutionary immunotherapies that aim to activate cancer patients' immune systems in order to cure and destroy tumors.
Northern Star Resources(-5.83%) is an Australian gold mining company with operations in Western Australia, Northern Territory and Alaska.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The All Eyes on Wagner (AEOW) Project has released a new report on the activities of PMC Wagner mercenaries in Mali during the paramilitary group’s first year in the country. Analysts collected information from open sources, media reports, witness testimony, and human rights activists’ accounts of Russian mercenaries’ crimes. These include mass murders, rape, looting, and attacks on civilians. The report’s authors conclude that not only have Wagner fighters not helped Malian authorities, they have further aggravated the security situation in the country.
Why are PMC Wagner fighters in Mali and who’s leading them?
For the past 10 years, Malian authorities have been fighting Islamist separatists who have captured territory in the northern part of the country. The French military, followed by UN peacekeeping forces, have been present in the country since 2013.
There have been two coups d’etat in Mali since 2020, which resulted in Assimi Goita becoming the country’s interim president. In August 2022, after relations between the French military and the Malian military junta deteriorated, the last French soldiers who had taken part in Mali’s antiterrorist operations left the country.
News broke in September 2021 that in the wake of the break in relations with its Western allies, Mali's leadership was discussing the possibility of an agreement with PMC Wagner. According to Western media reports, Russian mercenaries were supposed to train Malian soldiers and provide security for high-ranking officials. The Russian Ministry of Defense even confirmed the deal's existence, but emphasized that Russian authorities had nothing to do with it. The west condemned the decision to deploy Wagner units in Mali.
The authors of the AEOW report note that politicians and organizations associated with PMC Wagner founder Evgeny Prigozhin began preparing public opinion for Russia’s increased influence in Mali a few months before any Wagner mercenaries arrived.
One pro-Russian campaign featured posters depicting Assimi Goita alongside Vladimir Putin. They are both dressed in military uniforms, holding weapons, and the poster’s text says the people of Mali “support” them.
Responding to journalists’ questions in May, Prigozhin denied that the Wagner Group is in Mali, calling its very existence a “legend.” (Four months later, he admitted that he founded the mercenary group in 2014). “Wherever there are Russian mercenaries, real or imagined, they don’t violate human rights,” he added.
The report cites media reports that the companies Alpha Development and Marko Mining, which are associated with Prigozhin and were started after PMC Wagner’s deployment to the country, were actively exploring gold mines in Mali. The news followed earlier reports that Wagner-affiliated companies were exploring and developing gold mines in other African countries where Wagner fighters had been seen.
According to the report, a 42-year native of Primorsky Krai named Ivan Maslov (codename Miron) and two other unnamed commanders led the Wagner mercenaries deployed in Mali. The Ukrainian Security Service has previously established Maslov’s links with PMC Wagner. And a database on the Ukrainian website Myrotvorets, which specializes in tracking Russian mercenaries, indicates that Maslov took part in storming the Luhansk airport in 2014, and that he may have been either a witness or a participant in the 2018 murder of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic. 
Researchers have established that the first Wagner base in Mali was set up not far from the airport in the country’s capital of Bamako. Satellite images show that construction began on a camp there in November 2021, and that by the end of September 2022, various structures, including barracks, a few central buildings, and warehouses, were visible in the area.
The presence of Russian mercenaries in Mali expanded over the course of the year. Data analysis projects ACLED and Menastream show that by mid-July, there were nine PMC bases in the country, and operations involving Russian mercenaries were conducted in over 32 locations in central and northeastern Mali. In June, The New York Times reported that there were more than 1,000 Russian mercenaries deployed at roughly 15 bases and checkpoints across Mali.
Russian mercenaries joined the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) in counterterrorism operations, including against rebels from the jihadist group Jama’at Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin (JNIM). During those operations, there were no fewer than six instances of fighters from the joint forces being killed or injured by jihadists, the report’s authors note.
After Wagner soldiers arrived in Mali, local residents began accusing the mercenaries of murder, torture, kidnapping, looting, sexual assault, and intimidation, frequently with the participation of the local military. Malian authorities are investigating some exceptional cases.
Mass murder during ‘antiterrorist’ operations
The All Eyes on Wagner document contains several reports and testimonies of mass murder, extrajudicial executions, sexualized violence (solicitations, rapes), arbitrary arrests, looting, and intimidation of civilians. In all, according to researchers, Wagner soldiers had a hand in 370 such episodes. In most cases, the violence was directed at members of the Fulani people, who are associated with armed Islamic groups in Mali.
Among the most famous incidents, and the best documented by human rights groups, are the massacres of civilians in the villages of Dogofry and Moura where, by the most conservative estimates, over 330 civilian residents were killed.
According to witnesses, in February, Wagner and FAMa soldiers arrested several local residents who were returning from the market. The report’s authors say that Wagner and FAMa soldiers went village to village, making arrests and looting. Human Rights Watch reported that around 40 people were arrested and then disappeared during this operation.
In early March, the charred bodies of at least 35 men were discovered in Dogofry, among them the missing arrestees. One of the residents whom human rights groups interviewed said that the bodies were piled up in groups, and some of the victims were blindfolded or had their hands tied. According to him, the nature of the injuries indicated that people had been killed with firearms and knives.
Then, later that month, at least another 300 people were killed during a “counterterrorism” operation in the city of Moura, which was under jihadist control. Witnesses say that on the morning of March 27, near the city market, around 30 jihadists exchanged fire with soldiers who arrived by helicopter. As a result, several Islamists, local residents, and at least two foreign soldiers — presumably Russian mercenaries — were killed. 
Afterwards, witnesses claim that soldiers searching for rebels blocked the exits to the city, killing everyone who tried to flee, and arresting and interrogating hundreds of civilian residents, mostly men. They confiscated telephones and other valuables during arrests. The detainees were then divided into several groups and selectively killed. Survivors say that members of the Bobo (an ethnic group) and Bella (a name that has historically been used to refer to slaves in Tuareg society) people were forced to dig mass graves. According to witnesses, the victims of the massacre included both civilians and jihadists who concealed their weapons and tried to hide from the military.
The operation ended on March 31. According to human rights groups, around 100 “white” soldiers who were not speaking French participated. Locals suggested they were Russians from PMC Wagner. Jihadists also believe that PMC Wagner and FAMa soldiers were responsible for the massacre.
Malian authorities reported a successful “counterterrorist” organization. The country’s Ministry of Defense said that, between March 23 and March 31, 203 “terrorists” were killed and another 51 people were arrested. The Ministry did not mention civilian casualties.
Participants in the AEOW project also spoke to witnesses of other, similar events carried out by PMC Wagner in Mali.
The report’s authors also cite several instances in which Russian mercenaries tried to shift the blame for massacres onto French soldiers.
On April 21, reports circulated on social media that a mass burial site was found near the military base in Gossi after the departure of French forces. The report noted that Russians tried to connect the mass grave to the news that French forces had arrested six people near the base during a counterterrorism operation the previous day. The French command said that after questioning, the detainees were released or handed over to Malian authorities.
Journalists, analysts, and the French General Staff came to the conclusion that the Twitter account that first reported the Russian version of events was a fake, connected either to Russian trolls or to mercenaries.
The French version of events is supported, analysts believe, by the fact that the French left the base on April 19, handing it over to FAMa. After the Russian attempt to discredit the French military, France published drone photos which show Malian military and Russian mercenaries in Gossi on April 20. On April 21, a French drone filmed “white” people in military uniform bringing bodies to the base, covering them with sand, and then filming the mass grave. The report’s authors suggest that some of the bodies may have been victims of an official FAMa “counterterrorism” operation which took place in the town of Hombori on April 19. Hombori saw arrests and shootings that day, as well as an explosion in a FAMa car which killed a Wagner soldier, suggesting that Russian mercenaries were involved.
Extrajudicial killings, sexual violence, and intimidation of civilians
In early May, an anonymous source sent AEOW photos that had circulated on closed WhatsApp channels a few months earlier. They showed the bodies of two men who had been killed. According to the source, the murders are believed to have taken place on March 27, on a road between towns in central Mali. Military operations and violence against locals were reported at the same time and in the same region as the alleged murders. 
After examining the photos, analysts concluded that the murdered men were probably JNIM fighters killed in an armed clash with Wagner and FAMa soldiers. Judging by the photos, the jihadists were on motorcycles when they encountered the military. They were armed.
The photos also included five other people, two of whom were Black. The report's authors believe one of the men is a FAMa fighter based on his uniform. Two more cannot be identified by their uniforms or weapons. The fifth, a white soldier, is wearing a jacket and pants in a camouflage pattern seen on PMC Wagner uniforms in January 2022. The analysts believe he is a Wagner fighter.
AEOW does not believe it’s possible that there are French soldiers in the photos with the murdered men, since Malian authorities banned them in December 2021 from conducting operations in certain parts of the country, including the region where the murders took place.
According to several sources from Mali, PMC Wagner mercenaries robbed village residents of money and valuables. According to media reports, Wagner fighters sometimes occupied local homes without the consent of their owners. The AEOW report says that in some cases, in order to avoid information leaks, mercenaries cut off communications to towns.
In September, local WhatsApp channels blamed Russian fighters for attacking a convoy carrying gold. The drivers of the convoy were allegedly injured and tied up during the attack. AEOW suggests that Malian authorities were unable to pay the mercenaries monthly for their services, something sources who spoke to Meduza confirmed.
There were also media reports of FAMa fighters and Russian mercenaries attacking women in the village of Nia Ouro. Wagner fighters reportedly forced them to undress and took pictures with them, after which several local women were sexually assaulted. The Malian army subsequently announced an investigation into the incident.
PMC Wagner escalated conflict and increased violence in Mali
The AEOW report says that Wagner fighters’ participation in Malian authorities “counterterrorism” operations did not lead to the operations’ success. In fact, the presence of PMC Wagner exacerbated the security situation in the country.
In May, the UN reported that the number of human rights violations committed by the Malian military against civilians increased by a factor of 10 between the end of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022. ACLED estimates that FAMa and PMC Wagner fighters killed at least 456 civilians between January and April of this year.
In October, the US reported that the number of terrorist attacks in Mali only increased — by 30 percent in the past half year — following the arrival of Russian mercenaries. 
Many Malians have been forced to leave the country because of the ongoing conflict, most for neighboring Mauritania. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 15,000 Malian citizens have resettled in the country’s border regions since January 2022. The total population of Mali is 21.7 million people.
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