#not related to you anon but i wish people read my FAQ more often
coeluvr · 7 months
Lucius making the MC his royal consort should make EVERYONE uncomfortable regardless of gender or sexuality considering MC is literally a child 👀...
Exactly! It's uncomfortable no matter what and gender or sexuality really doesn't matter in such a situation imo...
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blindbeta · 3 years
Hi! First off, I'd like to say your blog has been an amazing resource and thank you for all the feedback you've given people. I'm writing a sci-fi/fantasy story and one of the protagonists is blind due to having no eyes. They are not human and the "no eyes" thing is not considered normal for their species. Their parents are well-meaning but horribly ableist to the point of funding a corrupt research facility in exchange for a possible "cure". I wanted to use this because I think it helps illustrate an aspect of their people's culture that needs to change as well as the desperation, misguided as it may be, to "help" a loved one, which is a theme that comes up later. However, looking at it again, I'm not sure how appropriate that is, given how damaging real life ableism is and how I am not disabled myself. I was also wondering what your thoughts are related to the kind of blind jokes where the joke has more to do with someone else forgetting the blind character can't see, like in Avatar
Blind Character With No Eyes, a Bit of Info on Prosthetic Eyes, Ableist Parents Who Want a Cure, and Possible Blind Jokes
Hi anon! Thanks for your question. I have helped someone with a similar question before, so I’ll use some of the same resources and if you need more help, feel free to ask.
I’m not sure how I feel about the no eyes thing. Personally I would prefer to see prosthetic eyes used in media more. If this character was born with no eyes, it might be okay, but generally the loss of eyes can affect the bone structure of the face. So, with that in mind, I assume this would also be a risk of being born with no eyes. Depending on the type of creature this character is, you might be able to deal with this if you account for it in the narrative. At the very least, they might have a ‘comforter’ put in to support the structure of their face.
Since this character is not human, it is up to you. If you go the prosthetic eyes route, you can make it more relatable for blind readers, especially because prosthetic eyes are uncommon in sci-fi creatures. I don’t have a prosthetic eye myself, but here is an FAQ about the process of getting a prosthetic eye. These fake eyes do cost a lot, but if the character’s parents fund a research facility, I don’t think it would be a problem. Joy Ross also has videos of her prosthetic eyes on YouTube. Her channel was suggested to me by a follower I helped with some prosthetic eye research.
As always, I suggest having at least one other blind character at minimum.
If you decide to continue with the no eyes thing, I would advise researching animals born with no eyes and seeing what happened with them. You might be able to research humans as well, but I don’t know how human-like your character is. You can also research how to write changes in bone structure due to a lack of eyes. If you don’t, the lack of changes should be explained somehow in the story. If you go this route, I would suggest adding more blind characters aside from the main character. My suggestion is at least two other blind characters with different kinds of blindness, but if you can add more, that would help.
As for the cure part, I like the focus on ableism and the ableism in wanting a cure for their blind child. I think it is a nice contrast to the prevalent cure narrative. It could also possibly help readers see how common and upsetting this can be, how wanting a cure when your child doesn’t tells them they aren’t accepted as they are and that their bodily autonomy is not respected as it should be. I will say that this is a very sensitive subject in real life and will require not only nuance, but also a few sensitivity readers. @sensitivityreaders should be useful.
This type of parenting is surprisingly common even if it takes different forms. It can be unwanted religious healing, discouraging blind kids from using a cane or reading Braille, assuming the child wants to be cured, limiting what the child is allowed to attempt, and surgeries. I have experience with many of these myself from different areas of my life, although not as much from my parents.
The sensitive part comes in with how you portray the parents. They should be relatable, but still portrayed as in the wrong. Because even loving their child does not mean they cannot be ableist, especially because their society, like ours, wouldn’t tell them they are wrong. The cure narrative is so prevalent that non-disabled people think it’s okay because they would want a cure for their disability if they had one. The reality is that, unless it causes them pain, many people with physical disabilities do not wish for a cure. A cure may even be impossible or painful for them and hoping for one might decrease their chances of getting aids they need or managing their disability or condition in a way that works best for them.
For example, would the parents discourage the character from using a cane while they wait for this cure? And is there even a cure for such a condition? There certainly isn’t one in real life.
As for if you should continue with the parental ableism plot, I’m not sure. Part of me thinks you could pull it off if you have a lot of sensitivity readers (with as many blind readers as possible). I also think having a few blind characters with supportive, accepting parents would be helpful. I also feel like it might be one of those stories I really like it if it is portrayed well. It isn’t that I think non-blind people shouldn’t write such a thing, but this is also one of those times where I don’t know what the wider community thinks either. And this could go badly if not handled well.
However, we also don’t see this type of story as often, with the cure being portrayed as obviously bad. With parents who are otherwise loving being portrayed as ableist because they want to cure their child. Something that is normally portrayed as a good thing by writers who don’t know what they’re doing.
I would suggest avoiding parents being otherwise abusive, forcing or coercing the character into surgeries, and otherwise taking away any of their bodily autonomy. This has real life consequences and I know I don’t want to read about it from the point of view of someone who has never experienced it. I also don’t want to see the character face unnecessarily physical altercations or violence or medical trauma.
I personally would feel better if this was just an emotional or mental thing. I don’t want to see the character get hurt or be forced into anything. It sounds like you aren’t planning on anything like that, but I wanted to share all my thoughts just in case they are helpful to you or anyone who is reading. I would also feel better if, after publishing this and being paid, you were able to donate a bit of your author rates to organizations for blind people in your country. Assuming you are going that route. If not, you could simply share some helpful links along with your story, both resources and educational links for people who aren’t disabled.
If you decide to write this plot, I’m going to say it should be fine for me personally as long as you also have sensitivity readers and have other blind characters (more than one extra) who has non-ableist parents.
In terms of the extra blind characters, here is my thinking so you have it all together. You need:
-at least 1 other blind character at minimum to avoid tokenism, if you don’t have 1 already.
-if you go with the no eyes thing, at least 2 other blind characters who have eyes.
-if you go with the prosthetic eyes, at least 1 other blind character.
-at least 2 other blind characters with accepting, supportive parents who aren’t ableist
That is the minimum. I always encourage as many blind characters as you would like to include.
Back to the parents plot. I wish I could give you a straight answer. Unfortunately I’m not sure myself. I would like to open this to any blind or otherwise disabled people who would like to share their thoughts on a non-disabled person writing a plot such as this. Should they write this or should it be more ownvoices? What might help you feel better about this if they decided to do it?
As for the jokes, I would proceed with caution. I thought they worked well in Avatar, but that was a specific situation and in real life those kinds of jokes can sometimes be cruel. To be fair, the characters always made it a point to apologize to Toph in the show. In real life, some of the jokes or reprimands I get are about how I should see something because it is right in front of my face. This can be embarrassing for me.
Can it be done well? Yes. Do I want to see everyone attempt it? No.
I wouldn’t mind if the blind character made some jokes themselves, but I would keep these to a minimum.
However, if you would really like to include a joke or two, you can always run them by a few sensitivity readers and see how they read. Some jokes might do well in specific situations and some might not. Jokes are pretty easy to edit in and out, so, as you write, I suggest making note of the joke and running it by sensitivity readers.
Here’s a post on blind jokes. It can be one of those things where if it works, it works. If it doesn’t, it can stand out in a bad way and even seem cruel or uninformed if it isn’t called out as such. I don’t know if this will help, but here is another post I made, although this is about strangers who haven’t met blind people or have and still don’t know much about them, but make jokes anyway.
So, to wrap this up, I’ll leave you with this. Some of the information here isn’t as concrete as you may have liked. I can’t give you an answer for some of it. But if you are open to listening, that will show. Having a lot of different blind characters can help with almost any trope with a few exceptions, and getting multiple sensitivity readers will also help.
Good luck on planning your project!
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lord-explosion-baku · 5 years
Before You Ask...
Here are the FAQs!
Story Status- These are the most frequent asks in my inbox. The “do you plan on continuing this fic?” “When will you update?” “How often do you update?”
📝For frequent updates
✅For complete
⁉️For on hiatus/non frequent updates/not a priority, but not discontinued
❌For discontinued
THORNS-📝 I try to update every two weeks, although my busy schedule might not make this very consistent. I try not to be too strict with myself so I don’t beat myself up over not getting a chapter out in time, although I’ve been liberally very good about it so far.
Tempting Tempest-✅⁉️ I wrote the two parts I knew I was going to write. I might continue the stiry for option three when I have time
Our Love Is God-⁉️I’ll only be writing for this when I have the time. It’s not an obligation and only something I’ll turn to when I’m like “???huh. Got nothing better to do rn!”
RISING SUN- ⁉️ I know. I know I haven’t updated since 2019 and some of you guys really like this story. I like it, too, and I do plan on continuing it, but goodness gracious do I have to be in the right mindset to write this. Like, come on, it’s a fantasy fluff fic with a made up language, it’s not the easiest thing to write. I do have some plot ideas in mind as well, but I don’t have the whole story fleshed out. I will get to it though. Eventually.
Reread Me- ✅ basically this was a request I turned into a fic. The request was for “Yandere!Aizawa x School Nurse!reader, NSFW pls” and that’s what I did. I don’t plan on delving further into this plot. I surely could and will write more of yandere!Aizawa but this story is over, bro.
Like Ghosts In Snow- ✅ This is completed and I don’t plan on continuing it. I might do random off oneshots for the series, but that’ll be on my own accord.
Fate’s Kiss-⁉️
How Not To Marry a Demon Lord-⁉️
Red Scarf-✅ I do have a request for a continuation that I may get to, but for now I’m satisfied with saying that it’s completed.
You’re All Mine-✅ The story ended with the reader going back to Dabi y’all. No mas. It was literally the first thing I ever wrote and I’m happy with knowing that it’s over since it’s pretty much a train wreck lol.
DANCING’S NOT A CRIME (UNLESS YOU DO IT WITHOUT ME)-❌ I’m gonna be real, sport. This was a just-for-fun thing I started when I first got into writing. I didn’t expect people to read it, I didn’t expect it to get popular, I didn’t expect it to be anything. When I started it, I didn’t know how quirks worked, so I made the reader an overpowered Mary-Sue. I also had a bit of a direction for the fic at first but then I let my audience influence how things turned out. I started feeling very iffy about the fic and updates became a huge hassle. The last time I updated, even after it was difficult for me to get it out, people made comments about not liking how things were going. I felt under appreciated and this fic became a stab in my chest. Add that in with people complaining and asking so many times when the next update was going to be, I decided that I would be happier if this shit just stopped. Sorry guys. No mas.
Yandere Neko!Shinsou- ✅⁉️ As far as I know, it’s done. I could probably write more, but let’s be real, I cursed it by using the term “tiny pants.” Also, no offense but being berated with “part 2? Pt. 2 pls,,,, part 3???” makes me not want to write anything
The Kiss of Death- ✅this was JUST a one shot. Please see rule #9
Rules For This Blog. The “Please Do Not’s”
These are not the Rules For Requests, but some of them are related.
Please do not berate or spam me with the same ask over and over again. I’ve had people cloud my inbox with multiples of “bloop” or “how many followers do you have?” and like??? If I hadn’t answered you the first couple times, I’m not going to answer you the fifth or sixth time. Please be chill. I announce my follower milestones when it’s relevant and your spam becomes my followers’ spam if I answer every nonsensical thing sent my way. I’m sorry if this seems mean.
Please try to keep asks BNHA related seeing as this is a BNHA blog. I’ll answer personal questions, sure, and I’ll partake in some asks games, however, if you want to strike up a conversation, my PMs are open. I’m not always the best at replying but I do try to get to them on my own time!
No transphobia, homophobia, ableism, racism, or religious call outs of any sort. I want this to be a safe space for all people. If I didn’t know something might be ableist or racist or anything of the sort, I would appreciate being informed about it, and regardless of the intent, I’ll have harmful slander removed for the blog.
Please do not ask me to reblog your posts. I’ve been taken advantage of in the past, and I don’t appreciate it.
Please keep overly sexual or sensitive content out of my ask box. I know I’ve written quite a bit of promiscuous and down right nasty shit, but when I do that, I can at least tag warnings and such for people who don’t want to see the big nasty. It’s only respectful to consider my boundaries, as well as the people who follow my blog’s boundaries. If there’s a not safe for work topic you wish to discuss, again, my PMs are open.
No discourse. No cartoon politics. Whether you are pro or anti characters or ships, whatever, those are not topics of discussion I wish to have in this blog.
Do not request when requests are not open??? I’m sorry, but it’s literally in my bio when requests are open. when requests are open, I put it in my bio as well as the “ask” option that requests are open?? Read people’s bios, dude!
I’m really sorry about this one, but no emergency comfort requests. I’ve gotten at least five and my heart goes out to you guys with problems and like,, I want to help but this is seriously stressful to me. I want to help you, I want you guys to be okay, but I can’t be responsible for that. Like, GOD, I want to help you but as soon as I get an emergency comfort ask I’m like?! Full panic mode. I think about writing something, anything, to make y’all feel okay, but then I overthink and I can’t get to it, and then I feel like I’ve failed you. That’s not fair to any of us.
“Part 2 pls.” Listen. LISTEN. OH MY GOD. there’s nothing that compares to working hard on a oneshot, and getting so excited to see someone comment or send in an anon and it’s literally just “part 2 pls”. God. It means a lot that you liked something enough to see more of it but fffff writers are working hard to get this shit out for you for free and “part 2 pls” should not be acceptable. I’m sorry. There are better ways of telling writers that you liked their work enough to see a continuation. Be considerate dude. Also, appreciate ambiguity a little more. Use your imagination. It’s not that hard.
If you do not agree with some of the unconventional things I write, don’t read it?? Get out?? Leave??? Nothing you say to me will sway me away from writing the shit that I want to write. I simply use the characters of BNHA as a medium for the stories I choose to write. They’re fictional, and I do not support a lot of the shit that goes down on my writing, not irl. There’s a difference between fantasy fiction and real life. If you knew who I was in real life, you’d know how angry I am at the disgusting trash in the world. That doesn’t affect my writing though. Writing is a coping mechanism for me. I do my best at tagging the horrible things I might get to in my fics/one shots, so if you’re reading whatever the fuck I’ve done with an intent in being angry??? Take a bath, maybe eat some bread, and think of another way to expend your energy, dawg. I’m going to ignore you otherwise.
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panelshowsource · 5 years
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i love ur journey w your mom!!! wish i had that lol tmi sarah tmi... i to this day cannot believe how many people don’t like joe wilkinson. it wasn’t until i was introduced to the reddit comments section that i came to realise how much he divides people. but some nice ol’ mom would certainly be able detect what a big fucking puppy dog sweetheart joe is despite being neck-full of lager and spam :)
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i sometimes watch it when i’m going to sleep because, without an audience or laugh track, it’s peaceful af!!! there seem to be more and more ivo graham stans coming out of the wild :’) i like him, but i don’t think i could look past the cynical character he plays to actually see “adorable”... maybe i’ll have to watch it and get back to you hehe~
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vent away! i don’t want people to feel uncomfortable on the blog or with panel shows in general, but there is always something happening in comedy that is subversive or problematic — and deserves re-evaluation, to put it nicely. sorry for the dumb question, but what are you implying he confirmed? this is the last thing from him i thought was explicit enough to be a not-a-confirmation-but-essentially-a-confirmation. it’s disappointing he keeps the character up when his audiences are over it, comedy audiences and britain’s got talent audiences alike. i don’t want to be a hypocrite; there was definitely a time when i thought the overarching jimmy and david romance was funny and cute, and i would probably still laugh at a good joke in that context because their friendship is fun. i’d be interested to hear what others think, but i assume we’re all in agreement... 
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give me another week, i just got premiere on my work comp so i’ll at least make a 1-min compilation ;)
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i think so many people relate to this! i live in nyc so there’s tons of non-new yorkers and foreigners here and i hear this alllllllll the time. but don’t worry — you don’t need to apologise for americanisms as long as they lean on the “gosh darnit!” or “howdy!” side of things ;)
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sorry anon, the only show of his i have seen is the darkness of robins! does someone else wanna pipe up with a rec?
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my answer is subject to change at any time so please feel free to ask me again, like, tomorrow, but for now let’s go with...
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wilty was so fun!!! why is she so fucking funny and charismatic and quick and witty and cool!!! here’s all the feelings i had, not necessarily in this order:
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hey there! i don’t have enough time to really dedicate to podcasts which is one of the great tragedies of my millennial life atm... that said, that is so cute!!! that would be so fun! i often wonder why d&v don’t work more together. i know david’s been on a bunch of heresy but in general can you believe how long we had to wait to see victoria on wilty again? radio work is probably pretty easy and convenient to do together without too much “look at us we’re married” fanfare that i assume they want to avoid. they talk about each other all the time, and i was so happy to see victoria even open up about barbara recently. so i just wish they would show up on more programmes together!! fingers crossed for shagged married annoyed and....taskmaster 0:-) #agirlcandream
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same!!! i remember reading her birth announcement on victoria’s twitter! i totally respect their privacy but i hope we get a first day of school pic or something one day. she must be too sweet :’)
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thanks :)
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both of my 200gb drives are full so i need to move some stuff around and do some general housekeeping, which i can take care of this week. in the meantime, they’re always available in the subreddit! be sure to check out my faq so you know how to source things whilst i’m being slow or inactive :)
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taskmaster can make you develop feelings about anyone, trust ✋ you don’t even want to see the thirst i have of david fucking baddiel in my inbox. smh. you people will thirst after anyone!!!
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* jk this one actually is valid
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jk THIS one is actually valid
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we’re gonna get you the help you need
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you wouldn’t believe the kinds of miscommunications beyond chips and biscuits lmao. but it’s true in general not having a pretty serious working knowledge of popular british chains, foods, geography, etc. can make half of what gets said on a show like 8 out of 10 cats totally nonsensical. that said, i’m always impressed by how much the british panelists know about american politics 🤷‍♀️
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taskmaster made me love her 20x more and i already loved her A LOT. do we need a jo taskmaster moments gifset?
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sure, i would! that said, they’re all repostable, as i explain on those posts, so you can use them wherever you like, on twitter or otherwise!
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hello~ i wrote a little bit here
f.a.q. // tags
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fyeaharcthelad · 7 years
And here’s the real meat of this particular series of updates, while I catch up on what’s been going on in the tags.
As I mentioned over in the link, as I am finally catching up with my social media this past weekend, I was reminded by a JP fan that the anniversary of the series’ original launch is this Friday.
I was thinking about how great it would be if we overseas fans could try to get together as a group of sorts and send our appreciation to some of the minds behind the series (two which I happen to be aware of are on Twitter and sometimes interact with the fans).
Hence, I made this, sort of like a greeting card form! It’s pretty simply put together, so folks shouldn’t really have much problem with it. PLEASE DO READ the General Rules/FAQ bit before moving on, though. (I have also copy/pasted that and the About sections below in the Keep Reading link.)
Also, it does not matter if you are a fan of the older games, the newer ones, or associated media - since it’s the anniversary of the series’ creation itself, please feel welcome to share your love/passion/appreciation in general for it!
So please, fill it out with your message, reblog/share the link with as many other fans you know out there, and thanks! (Link also below in case Tumblr is not being cooperative.)
Let’s make this a great anniversary for all Arc fans!
Form Link: https://goo.gl/forms/iZkq47hffLSFKLou1
About This Project
Hello, fellow Arc the Lad fans!
The following form is something I drafted up over the weekend when I was reminded by a fellow fan from Japan that the 22nd anniversary for the series' original launch (1995/06/30) is coming up this Friday.
Due to some curious twists of fate leading to having made acquaintance with some of the Japanese fans via Twitter, I currently happen to know about the presence of two of the original development members over there for the first two games in the series.
And they happen to be overjoyed at knowing that there are fans overseas that hold this series fondly in their hearts, as hearing comments and feedback from foreign fans personally tends to be a rare thing for them!
I realize that for us foreign Arc fans, finding one another in the vastness of the Internet and getting together as a group is a bit difficult, as compared to many of my other favorite games and fandoms, we seem to be a rare bunch.
But... I thought that, what better way to celebrate the upcoming 22nd anniversary by attempting to gather as many of the fans together as possible and create a sort of series of "greeting/thank you" messages in one place that could then be forwarded to these two? (And perhaps, if it interested them, they could share these with other people involved?)
I understand this request of mine is being made in EXTREMELY short notice aside from being an ambitious task, but I am hoping my fellow gaikokujin are up to the task!
So if you can, please fill out the form? And share it with any other Arc fans you know! Even though the anniversary is Friday I will be keeping the form open as long as possible and posting all valid entries, possibly over the rest of the year, to ensure as many fans get a chance to send their greetings and thank yous.
Thank you very much!
~ Aurora Derall/Fujoshi Aruru, 2017/06/28 ([email protected]) (http://fyeaharcthelad.tumblr.com/)
Quick FAQ and Ground Rules (PLEASE READ)
- I am not, in any shape or form, affiliated with Sony Corporation, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) - its video games subsidiary, and/or any of its other subsidiaries. I am simply a fellow fan who has had enough of us overseas fans seemingly being spread out so far and thin, rarely ever interacting with others, and thought this would be a great project to try to get at least a few of us together in some way.
- Yes, you are free to use the contact information noted in the About above to message me if you have any questions about this form before answering it, or for any other reason related to the Arc series. (And you are also very welcome to follow my Tumblr fanblog if you have an account there too, it is highly appreciated if you do!)
- Yes, the form has a requirement set that you need to sign in with a Google account. This was done to try to control any potential problems with people abusing the form. Google accounts are free and you do not need to use your actual name for them, though. The form also does not register your account's name.
- Any actual personal information you should decide to share in Section 2 of the form will be kept private - I will only make the comments/thank you messages in Section 3 themselves available. You are free to sign off on them however you prefer to identify yourself as. (Though do keep in mind that leaving a name [pseudonym or not] rather than saying "Anon" often has more impact.)
- As I said, it is ok to not use your real or even your online names/remain anonymous, but PLEASE BE COURTEOUS. Absolutely NO trolling, spamming, bashing of any other fans or their likes/preferences in your messages, etc. Any such entries will be ignored and discarded.
- The format of this form is mainly free-form paragraph rather than a survey in order to give people a better chance to express their appreciation. However, do try to keep it from being an entire thesis, as the developers have projects and personal lives to tend to as well. (Besides, that kind of passion is something you probably ought to be blogging/tweeting regularly or making fanworks about instead, haha!)
- This is my first time coming up and attempting a project of this level (or even making a form!), so I ask that you PLEASE be patient with me, as I am still figuring out the best way to compile and share/present your messages (while also preserving privacy for those who are concerned about this).
My current idea as it stands is to share the relevant portion of the submissions (Most likely as screenshots?), either via Twitter or via my Arc fanblog on Tumblr, which I can then link them to via Twitter. This way they can look at them in their spare time and are not restricted by Twitter's character/size limits. If I can either refine this method further or come up with a more efficient sharing method, I will make note of it both here and on the fanblog.
- While this form was designed with overseas fans of ANY country who can understand/write in English as the primary focus, it is perfectly ok if you are not 100% fluent at the language, or are a Japanese fan who does not already have contact with the developers in question via Twitter and wishes to add their say too. Just do your best at being clear in your expression!
I will likely try to make another version of the form for those who write/read Spanish, but I'm afraid it is the only other language I know and am fluent in. However, those of you who want to make a version of this thank you message form in their own languages are free to adapt from this one (With due credit, please?).
(A word of warning though, I am not aware if they have access to anyone who could translate those for them - I am willing to translate Spanish messages to English [which they understand some] because I am capable of it, but you're on your own if you want to try undertaking a version of this project in any other language. I will gladly share a link to any other language's version of the form should any of you make one though, if it will help!)
- I realize many of you outside of the North America territory did not have easy access to the first 3 games in the series until recent years (when they were added to the PSN) and are primarily aware of the series because of Twilight of the Spirits (Seirei no Tasogare) and End of Darkness (Generation), but the form is overall intended to be welcoming of ANYONE who is a fan of the series in ANY shape or form, just to be clear about this. (This also includes related media such as the anime adaptation, even if it in many ways is a different telling of the Arc 1 and 2 story.)
So, if you have something specific to mention in your thank yous, please do so - the more they get to hear about us, and the many reasons why we love this series, the better this tribute can be!
Finally, thank you all for your patience reading through this, and onward to leaving your appreciation and love!
Form Link: https://goo.gl/forms/iZkq47hffLSFKLou1
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