#nova serren
korribanarchive · 2 years
28, 33, 43 for those OC adjective asks! <3
28. social
I think that sorta falls in line with extroverted- so Emilia Omek again. She's a bit of a social butterfly even if she attempts to isolate from time to time.
I think all of them are talented in their own way really.
Em's a talented fighter especially with her saber and lightwhip.
Nova's a talented and dedicated surgeon.
Larel's fairly talented at talking her way into or out of things. She could probably talk her way out of hell.
Genevra draws and will take up painting later- partially to impress Klaus. But she's also got inherently powerful gifts in magic- less than stellar finesse but she's got raw power.
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y'all are making me so happy with all these <3
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ireneselvaggi · 6 years
Any nou
La Mare havia caminat durant una hora sencera. Anava per la carretera, no gaire arran del marge. Era valenta. Els cotxes accelerats feien que li voleiés la faldilla. No li importava. Estava concentrada en les dues bosses, una a cada mà, plenes de raïm de la vinya. Era massa jove, tenia disset anys. El rostre encès, faccions crues, de desafiament, de lluita. Els ulls apagats, d’inquietuds i ganes disperses. Nosaltres, en canvi, vam créixer inflats d’esperança, rosats i rodons. Érem tres fills inesperats. Som tres germans: desapareguts. El dia que la Mare caminà durant una hora sencera va ser l’últim dia. Vam comptar quaranta-cinc segons. Quaranta-cinc segons per pujar les escales, mirar les tres habitacions i baixar les escales de nou. Quan va sortir per la porta principal encara duia les bosses a les mans. Plantada, al mig del porxo. Ens va cridar. Ens va cridar molt fort. El raïm va rodolar i s’escampà arreu. Aviat algú l’aixafaria, aviat hi anirien les mosques. Les mans marcades per la tibantor del plàstic ara li tapaven els ulls. Vermellors. S’agenollà i plorà molta estona. Nosaltres respiràvem fluix. Amagats, quiets. Ens premíem les mans amb força i serràvem les dents. No ens va veure. No ens va veure mai més. Com una fotografia: quatre persones immòbils. Fins a mitja nit.
Van tocar les dotze. Dotze campanades. Focs artificials, espuma, ball. La festa. En Max feia bromes als convidats i jo mirava pel balcó. La ciutat enlluernada. Em vaig treure els grans de raïm de les butxaques. Era incapaç. No podia ni tan sols ensumar-los. Un a un, llançats daltabaix, vint-i-cinc pisos en vertical. Vaig dir adéu dotze vegades mentre imaginava cadascun dels recorreguts: la vida, la tremolor, el salt. Suïcidis. Prefereixo l’asfalt a l’estómac. Tenia la panxa remoguda. Vòmit. Vaig tornar a entrar travessant el menjador d’un cop. Claus a les mans. Cotxe. Aquella matinada, la primera, la carretera se’m va fer eterna. Conduïa amb atenció, llargues posades, vigilant tots els moviments. Cal tenir cura amb tanta alegria i tanta promesa. No havia begut. En Peter i la Claire estaven asseguts al porxo. Quaranta anys després, tot seguia intacte. Vaig comprovar la fotografia: les parets de fusta i el cadenat rovellat i la carretera esquerdada i el bosc a tocar i el silenci a les dotze. I les dents que serren. I les meves dents que encara serren. Podia ser la continuació, podia seguir la història des d’aquella mitja nit; raïm escampat arreu, aviat xafat, aviat mosques. Però l’únic de cert eren les mosques, pel podrit. Olor a deixat, a tomba i a mort. Olor a Mare Morta. Es va matar deu dies després. Nosaltres no ho vam saber fins quan vam tenir una ‘edat prudencial’. Els del centre de menors deien que seria un impacte massa fort, que ens podíem sentir culpables. Li vaig posar flors.
Aquella mitjanit vaig tornar a peu, caminant durant una hora sencera. Vaig anar per la carretera, no gaire arran del marge. Covarda. Els cotxes feien sonar el clàxon. Fort. No m’importava. Estava esperançada, de trobar un deix d’alcohol i d’acceleració. De desmesura. En comptes d’això, al mig de la línia blanca: dos ocells. Dos ocells petits, desplomats, estesos. M’hi vaig acostar i me’ls vaig endur. De tant en tant semblava que es movien. Potser tastaven el suc de raïm de les butxaques. Em vaig descalçar al minut d’haver arribat i vaig sortir al balcó. Les mans obertes ben amunt, un ocell a cada palmell. Vaig tancar els ulls ben fort, gairebé suplicant. Any nou i vida nova. Any nou i vida nova. Any nou i vida nova. Els vaig llançar al buit. Cap dels dos va volar. Cap. I la mare, morta.
Max: Ja has pensat un desig per aquest any nou? Jo: No
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korribanarchive · 2 years
21 & 24 for the OC adjective asks! <333
21. superstitious
I'd say that Genevra Morel (Gen) is the most superstitious of them all. She's a witch who grew up in New Orleans (TVD Universe). She knows bad omens when she sees them and she knows to respect them or at least not fuck with fate in the wrong way.
24. witty
Now that's a tough one to pick.
I think Lieutenant Nova Serren, GAR Field Surgeon, takes the cake for wit. She's short but feisty and not afraid to turn someone's bullshit right back at them (be it a joke or serious).
Though Emilia Omek, bounty hunter, takes a close second place there!
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korribanarchive · 2 years
Mhi Solus Tome (Update!)
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Rated: Mature
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, medical procedures, implied sexual relations.
Summary: Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.
"We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors."
Clone Force 99, like many other commando squads, is often in dangerous situations. After another commando squad is wiped out preventably, a GAR doctor become the first medic assigned directly to a commando squad. She finds far more than initially bargained for with the Bad Batch.
Concept inspired by The Opportune Moment by princecollywolly
Chatper 3 excerpt below the cut
“See somethin’ you like there, Doc?” he teased with a smile earning a smile from her. This was more the Wrecker she had come to know. Playful, smiling, talkative. Her cheeks grew hot at the teasing now though. “Oh come on Doc. You weren’t so shy with your chest in my face a few minutes ago.” 
“Is that an offer?” she replied playfully. 
“It uh could be, if you wanted,” he replied, eyes a little wide with surprise.
She closed the short distance between them and leaned tentatively forward, holding his arm for balance. Their lips brushed against each other softly, tentatively. Wrecker seemed to gain a little more confidence and drew her closer to him. Nova was sure this was the gentlest kiss she’d ever received. Even as he deepened it and pulled her onto his lap he took care not to be rough with her.
“Maker…” she breathed as they broke apart, her forehead coming to rest on his. 
“More where that came from, I mean if you want,” he replied. 
She nodded and leaned in again, kissing him with more confidence as she moved to straddle his lap on the exam table. His hands came up under her thighs to hold her to him. Her thighs weren’t skinny by any definition. None of her really was. She maintained her strength and she didn’t try to hide it, but in his hands she felt small and almost delicate.
“So small,” he said with a teasing smile. “Thought about this for a while, Doc.” 
“Why didn’t you say something before, big guy?” she asked. 
“I dunno… Was afraid you would be scared of me.” He paused to catch his breath, looking her over. She could swear his cheeks were turning pink with blush.
“Nothing to fear here,” she whispered, squeezing his arms lightly. Was it her or was it getting warm in there? She didn’t get long to ponder that question as Wrecker’s mouth started trailing kisses down her neck. Shit if he keeps this up… Her hands trailed down his chest, earning an appreciative growl. Nothing but his blacks blocked the way to the hardened muscle hidden beneath. 
Before she knew it she was in his lap, held up by his strong arms and straddling him on the exam table, losing herself in the heat of the moment. How had it taken either of them so long to go for it?
Nova found herself grateful that not only did she have a private work space, but that it was well after lights out and none were really around as she and Wrecker slipped out of her office. Her outer blouse was draped over her arm and Wrecker’s shirt was only half buttoned. A giddy giggle escaped her when he wrapped a large hand around her waist while they walked.
She felt like the blush would never go away when they slipped through the doors of the squad’s living quarters. It seemed that all the others were asleep already. In the darkness of the quiet barracks, Wrecker stole a kiss and she giggled softly into it before they parted ways going to their bunks.
Neither of them noticed the faint glow of two eyes watching from the bunk across the room nor the faint sound of a toothpick snapping in half between someone’s teeth as they kissed. The room fell silent after that save for the light snores from Wrecker’s bunk.
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