#of lucien being built up to the final villain from the very beginning
dent-de-leon · 5 months
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Okay but what if animated nein shows us more of Molly being haunted by Lucien early on--dreams of the Eyes, or moments when "something creeps through" and he sees a fragment of a memory that's not his own--
Thinking about...when Molly finally reveals the truth about Lucien, when he's so relieved that his family didn't abandon him, "This was not how I expected this to go...Thank you." The way his heart feels lighter when Caleb still calls him Mollymauk Tealeaf. The warmth and comfort of giving Yasha a big hug.
What if, after everything's out in the open, and Molly's so grateful he doesn't have to face it all alone, what if there's just--this little voice, whispering in the back of his mind. A reflection in the mirror that isn't him. A bad dream, but he just won't wake. And somewhere across the Astral Sea, Lucien whispers that he's nothing but an Empty shell, a puppet without a heart or soul. How could the Nein ever love him, when he's not even real--
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psychee92 · 3 years
Why ACOTAR 5 Is (Without a Doubt) Elain’s Book
Warning: This post will be a long one, and will analyze the series as a whole (including ACOSF). As you read it, please consider taking your shipping goggles off, as none of this has anything to do with shipping and everything to do with character development/plot/the overall narrative of the series/good storytelling. Thank you!
Main points: 
Elain’s role in the ACOTAR series
Elain’s character evolution throughout the series
The foreshadowing in ACOSF (+ bonus POVs)
The overarching plot 
SJM’s own words
The ACOTAR Series and Elain’s Role
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We have multiple interviews of SJM saying that Nesta and Elain’s role started off as a fairytale trope: that of the evil sisters. Then, Nesta surprised her when she decided to go after Feyre in ACOTAR, and the rest is history.
The sisters went from being a trope to being an instrumental part of the series. In ACOMAF, they were a link to Feyre’s human life (a final thread that she needed to let go of), as well as a means to an end (first, by being a bridge between the IC and the Queens, and then, as leverage, or weapons that were used against Feyre in Hybern). The final scene in ACOMAF was the catalyst for everything that happened in ACOWAR—and everything that is yet to come—but, most importantly, it also opened the door to two new character arcs/journeys—two new protagonists.
The protagonist exists as a sympathetic device to drive a story. To be effective in this role, they are usually there from the inciting moment to the end.
The similarities between their journey and Feyre’s are astounding: human made into something that she was raised to fear; coming to terms with trauma; letting go of the past; accepting her new condition; and the list goes on and on.
Now, who had more to lose by becoming fae?
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And who lost more than anyone else?
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Elain lost a future.
She was happy, content, in love.
Then, everything was ripped away from her in the span of a few minutes.
She was turned into something she had been raised to fear, something that her own fiancée had been raised to hate.
And, if that wasn’t enough, she was also forced into a bond neither her, nor Lucien, wanted. Mated to a man who participated, even if unknowingly, in the loss of her life—of her future. A man who did not know her, want her, love her.
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This, right here, is good storytelling. It sets the stage for what is to come—for Elain’s future story and character arc.
ACOWAR is centered around repercussions:
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For Elain, this book is one of healing, at least on the surface. SJM built the foundation of Elain’s journey, evidenced by:
Elain hitting rock bottom
Erasing any hope of a future with Graysen
Severing the last thread to her human life (with the death of her father)
This book also emphasizes Elain’s vital role in future books by:
Making her powerful (a seer)
Making her instrumental in the war against Hybern (due to her visions)
Having her save both, Nesta and Cassian (the protagonists of ACOSF)
Creating a connection between her and Vassa (and, ultimately, between Lucien, Vassa, and Jurian)
Having her introduce the next big bad (Koschei)
Hinting at her being the only one who can locate the one thing that can kill Koschei (the onyx box)
So, when you add everything that we know from ACOMAF and ACOWAR, what do we have? Potential.
We also have a character whose journey has been building since ACOTAR. The most significant hint is the constant use of the “dirty hands” imagery in reference to Elain. But more on that later.
Once the ACOTAR series wrapped up, we learned that, while Feyre and Rhysand’s journey was over, Sarah had more stories to tell—specifically, Nesta, Elain, and the ICs. As such, ACOFAS had two purposes:
To wrap up Feyre and Rhys’s story.
To introduce the future plot/main conflict and, with it, the next couple.
ACOFAS, however, also served to set up the stage for future protagonists, as well:
We saw some progress in Elain (her keeping busy with gardening and baking, her still having bad days, her friendship with Nuala and Cerridwen, and her slowly finding her place within the IC)—all of this was brought up again in ACOSF.
We got hints about Azriel and Elain’s growing feelings for each other (a storyline that was present throughout ACOSF, and confirmed in Azriel’s Bonus POV).
We learned about Azriel’s estate—Rosehall.
We got Mor’s POV, and learned some new things about her which will probably factor into her future book.
Again, SJM spent time focusing on Elain, fleshing out her character (while still giving Nesta and her journey center stage), which only solidifies the fact that she will be getting her own story soon.
It’s interesting to note that Azriel was not given a POV like Mor, and had very little character development (in comparison to Elain).
Now, let’s look at ACOSF. We have:
New conflicts—with the Queens and Beron
A new villain—Koschei
An overarching plot that connects the conflicts with the villain—the alliance between Koschei, the Queens, and Beron
A secondary, but related, plot—Vassa and, with her, the Band of Exiles (Lucien and Jurian)
Potential weapons—the Made objects
A potential solution—the onyx box
What do all of these have in common?
She is directly tied to both, the Queens and Beron (and the Autumn Court). She’s had ties to Koschei since ACOWAR (she was the first to tell the IC about him, after getting visions about him). Her visions, in turn, led to the introduction of Vassa, which created a link between them both (and Lucien, because of their mating bond). She is the only one, apart from Nesta, who can find the Made objects (and a 4th one was introduced in ACOSF). She is also the only one, apart from Nesta, who can Make an object. Finally, she is the only one who can locate the onyx box (an image she’s been seeing since ACOWAR).
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As a seer, Elain is arguably the most valuable character in the NC. She has been having visions about both, Koschei and Vassa, since ACOWAR.
Most importantly, however—her journey has been hinted at since ACOMAF:
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Her role in future books having already been established, what about Elain as a character, as a protagonist? 
Let’s begin by looking at what a character arc is:
While main characters might face big challenges, character arcs have to do with internal, personal change. Characters will find their strengths and weaknesses tested over the course of the story—so that by the time they arrive at the story's end, they are a changed person.
When the protagonist overcomes external obstacles and internal flaws in order to become a better person, it becomes a hero’s journey.
At its core, this arc is made up of three points:
The Goal: Every character needs to have a goal. It might be to fall in love. Or it might be to make as much money as possible. Either way, their journey will be hindered by...
The Lie: A deeply-rooted misconception they have about themselves or the world that keeps them from reaching their true potential. In order to reach their goal, they’ll need to acknowledge and overcome the Lie, by facing…
The Truth: While the character may have their own plans, the positive change arc has its own goal: self-improvement. This is achieved when they learn to reject The Lie and embrace The Truth.
Now, let’s look at what we know about Elain:
The Goal: To defeat Koschei/the Queens/Beron.
The Lie: That she doesn’t have what it takes. That she is not as strong as her sisters. That she is the weak link, too gentle and sweet to get her “hands dirty.”
The Truth: That she is just as powerful AND capable as her sisters, and that she can do anything she puts her mind to (find the 4th object, discover the location of the onyx box, fight against Koschei/the Queens/Beron).
We already see SJM start to break down the Lie in Feysand’s Bonus Chapter:
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This is followed by Feyre saying:
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So not only is Elain not afraid to get her hands dirty, she’s also not afraid of getting hurt in the process.
ACOSF is filled with moments that hint at Elain becoming just as powerful (if not more so) than her sisters. She has a very important role to play in future books, because she is the only one who can locate Koschei’s box and the 4th object. Her visions have been instrumental in the series so far, and there is a big hint that she might have more than just seer abilities:
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Powers. Plural.
It makes sense for Elain’s book to be next. SJM has been scattering crumbs for her story since ACOTAR, and she is the character who would add the most to the plot—the only character who can move the plot forward.
You cannot ignore all the foreshadowing:
= a literary device that writers utilize as a means to indicate or hint to readers something that is to follow or appear later in a story.
Clear foreshadowing in ACOSF (it would take too long to list all the passages in previous books, as well): 
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These are just a few examples but, for me, the one that gives it away is this passage (that can easily be overlooked) in Feysand’s Bonus POV:
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SJM is basically telling us that, once Nesta’s journey ends, Elain’s will begin.
And it makes sense!
This series is about the Archeron sisters. About human women turned fae.
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The first three books were about Feyre. The fourth about Nesta. It would not make sense to skip Elain, only to return to her story in the final book. Why?
Because, in order to defeat Koschei, all three sisters need to have reached their full potential. All three need to be healed, and strong, and fully in control of their lives and powers. You cannot cram everything into one book: Elain’s healing journey/character arc, Vassa’s own journey (because there is no way that SJM will NOT write a Swan Lake retelling—just look at her Pinterest board!), finding the 4th object, finding the box, and, ultimatly, defeating Koschei.
Feyre had a whole book to heal—ACOMAF
Nesta had a whole book to heal—ACOSF
Elain will have a whole book to heal, as well.
No other character adds as much value—or has as much untapped potential—than Elain.
Also, there is no way that SJM will postpone telling her story in favor of a male character (Azriel). If you’ve read any of her books, you know that it is always the female characters that eclipse the male characters.
Also, if Elain will become dark or even a villain (temporarily), then this will take place in her own story, and will not be used as a plot device for angsty!Azriel or for another couple to make sense/be pushed together.
If we look at the pattern in ACOTAR, we have:
The first book ends with a happily ever after. The MC has defeated the big bad and has walked off into the sunset with her LI. There are hints about a future conflict, but nothing is fleshed out (in ACOTAR, Feyre’s bargain with Rhys + a potential conflict between the courts and with Hybern).
The second book is all about development (both, character development, in the form of the MC’s healing journey, and plot development). The scene is being set for the final conclusion (the war/battle), and everything that takes place serves to bring the characters closer to the main conflict resolution. The book ends on a false happily ever after (Feysand’s mating bond, having what they need to annul the Cauldron’s powers), followed by a cliffhanger (the sisters turning fae, Feyre returning to the Spring Court).
The last book is centered around defeating the big bad and ends on a happily ever after for (almost) everyone involved. It brings the main players together in a final showdown that ends with good ultimately defeating evil.
If we are to look at this pattern, then:
ACOSF - Ends with a happily ever after (Nesta has healed, reconnected with her sisters, found her place in the IC, and has a family outside the IC—Gwyn, Emerie). She has defeated Briallyn, but the biggest threat—Koschei—has barely made an appearance, and there is no ending in sight.
ACOTAR 5 - Elain’s healing journey. Finding the 4th object. Knowing exactly what has been happening behind the scenes with Beron, the Queens, and Koschei. Finding the 4th object and uncovering the location of Koschei’s onyx box. Cliffhanger: Koschei has been freed/has found a way to free himself.
ACOTAR 6 - The journey to find the onyx box or a way to destroy whatever is inside. The repercussions of Koschei’s freedom. Vassa’s story coming full circle. Now that all three Archeron sisters have reached their full potential, they will most likely join forces/powers to hold off Koschei long enough for Vassa (because she NEEDS to have the killing blow) to finish him off.
This post is already long enough, but here are some honorable mentions that I haven’t spoken about because I wanted this to be a mostly character-driven argument:
The mating bond—Elain needs to either accept it or reject it, and I cannot see this happening in the last book because it would lose its effect (considering that they need to defeat Koschei in this book)
Elriel—The unresolved feelings between them need to be addressed/dealt with.
The Blood Duel—There is no way this isn’t happening. SJM wouldn’t mention it without it playing some sort of role in Elain’s book.
I might make another post (because I still haven’t addressed everything I wanted to), but Elain’s book is (without a doubt) next.
As a reminder: SJM has recently said that writing about characters that are hated/disliked is something that she loves doing. I think it’s safe to assume that, given the recent wave of hatred/dislike towards Elain, we are in for an epic journey.
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