#of* one of her church blessings/procedures so that she gets witnessed becoming one of them and following their rules
l00katthesky · 9 months
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FFWPU children sent to orphanages in Korea – and mothers sent away in the US
Frank Frivilous [pseudonym]:
“Although Sun Myung Moon has his own peculiar interpretation of biblical stories, they only tend to serve his own interests and not that of their stated purpose. Restoration through indemnity as prescribed in Adam’s family in the Divine Principle quickly gets abused – as we see in the high numbers of disaffected church members. Then there is the shameful way that Moon treats his own illegitimate children. In the following testimonial and speech by Moon, he acknowledges that some members have resorted to sending their children to orphanages.”
Here are the quotes:
Sun Myung Moon, July 14, 2002, East Garden, Irvington, NY “In 1970, I mobilized wives for three years. That was the second such mobilization, and I said that the third mobilization would come. ... In the 1960s those unmarried girls received the blessing. Later they stood up for another mobilization. They did not have enough space for their babies. They asked their relatives to take care of their children, and even left them in orphanages, and all blessed wives went to a public mission. The family foundation was offered up, and the households were so miserable, and it was done in order to save the nation. It was a three-year course. Each blessed couple has to prepare to do this.”
“On hearing my teachings, she [Yun-yeong Yang] temporarily lodged her two children in an orphanage, so determined was she to follow this way. History and Heaven will remember her for that.”
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▲ Yun-yeong Yang 梁允永 was professor of music at Ewha Womans University in Seoul in 1955. She later left Moon and the UC, as did Ewha Professor Chung-hwa Han 韓忠嬅 who joined at around the same time.
The early members who gave up their children to follow Moon are legendary – but was it principled? Did they do so voluntarily, or was it required by Moon? What is being restored by rejecting these “Abel” children? This can only be interpreted as a failure by those who believe they are in Abel position. A contradiction of one of Moon’s most important teachings and the pattern that is well established by the man himself. If the members cannot even care for their own children, it is highly unlikely that they will be able to serve and win over their “Cain” recruits. This was borne out repeatedly in church history, including some of Moon’s own key followers.
This can only be explained as an expression of extreme narcissism.
Frank Frivilous
Linda Feher responds:
Yes Frank, you are correct. But don’t forget that it wasn’t only demanded of earlier members. I know so many “sisters” who joined the FFWPU and were told they had to “sacrifice” their “blessed” children in order to “save” the “Cain” children of the world. So they abandoned their children and went out to fundraise and witness for Moon. (The purpose of witnessing was to bring in more fundraisers.)
Also, when the marching orders came for all sisters all over the world to leave their blessed children to join the IOWC (International One World Crusade) teams and travel all over the USA, I witnessed much suffering and tears.
When I asked some who I saw suffering and crying the most why they didn’t just stay home with their children I was told, that they were told, “If you don’t sacrifice your blesses children Satan will attack them”. To me that is spiritual terrorism. They left their children and joined mobile IOWC teams because they were threatened with harm to their children. It makes my blood boil! That kind of spiritual threat always has been the modus operandi of Moon and his style of leadership.
Full definition of Modus Operandi: a method of procedure; especially: a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime…
Moon convinced the leaders that Satan will attack us if we didn’t follow his every whim, they believed him and then learned from Moon to use that same form of spiritual terrorism to control our every thought, feeling and action.
One sister on my IOWC team left to visit her husband to start their family. During the 3 day ceremony she got pregnant. She was told that she was not supposed to get pregnant during her 3 day ceremony. That it was “bad luck” and that her child would be invaded by Satan. I watched her cry day in and day out on the IOWC team because she was made to fear for her unborn child’s life. That kind of teaching/belief is evil and sickening.
Living on the IOWC team was like living at a funeral 24/7 because so many sisters were hurting over the fact that they had left their children for what was an UNSPECIFIED time period. We had to move to a new city every 21 days, never knowing how many years we would have to serve on IOWC teams. Even that fact, never knowing how long we’d have to be on IOWC traveling teams was a form of spiritual terrorism. Would it be months, years? No one knew and so we were always kept in an emotionally unstable frame of mind.
Moon was a hater of the family and a spiritual blackmailer.
How many couples and how many children have suffered because he terrified them into abandoning their families in order to serve him and his insatiable appetite for power and wealth?
Linda Feher
reposted from WIOTM
Moon instructed: “Whenever the Blessed couples have children, as soon as the child become 100 days old, they will put him in the nursery school.”
Why love matters – book by Sue Gerhardt
“Children … taken from the parents and placed in nurseries for three years,” Margie Laflin.
Another mother, Shin-hee Eu, gives her testimony
VIDEO: Eu Shin-hee spoke on Japanese TV, and her son, Gap Yoon-gil, was also interviewed about being sent to an orphanage.
What was the qualification of Sun Myung Moon among 70 other Korean messiahs?
“I see only a tiny version of myself, seated on the bare floor, encircled by darkness.” – Nansook Hong
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discoveringthebible · 6 years
The Importance of Baptism Sermon
This past week I had a homework assignment that was to write a full-length sermon on Baptism. Although I probably will not preach this at my church, I wrote this with them in mind. (My grandma is excited to hear it, so I will be preaching it to her Monday, with a PowerPoint Slide) 
The title for this Sermon is called “The Importance of Baptism” and all of the Scripture passages are from the New Living Translation (NLT) except for John 3:16, which was from memory, and I could have very well mixed a few different translations together, humorously called the Cody Translation. 
“The Importance of Baptism”
Lord God, we thank you for this beautiful day, for the lovely birds, the flowers, our friends and our families. We thank you for your love, grace, and the sacrifice you made for each of us. Holy Spirit, open our hearts and minds, so we can learn more about what it means to be a child of God and the importance of baptism.
           God has been pressing on my heart and mind lately to speak about baptism. Although this is a subject most of us should be familiar with, I understand that some of you may not know what baptism is and why it’s a vital part of Christianity, and why it’s considered a Sacrament. Today I am attempting to explain just how sacramental baptism is and why it’s a necessary part of Christianity and why it’s just as important as the Eucharist, which we take every week. First, let’s take a look at a couple of New Testament Scriptural verses about baptism, from first John and Colossians.
           1 John 5:1-11: 1: Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too. 2: We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments. 3: Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. 4: For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. 5: And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 6: And Jesus Christ was revealed as God’s Son by his baptism in water and by shedding his blood on the cross—not by water only, but by water and blood. And the Spirit, who is truth, confirms it with his testimony. 7: So we have these three witnesses—8: the Spirit, the water, and the blood—and all three agree. 9: Since we believe human testimony, surely we can believe the greater testimony that comes from God. And God has testified about his Son. 10: All who believe in the Son of God know in their hearts that this testimony is true. Those who don’t believe this are actually calling God a liar because they don’t believe what God has testified about his Son. 11: And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
           Colossians 2:11-15: 11: When you came to Christ, you were “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature. 12: For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead. 13: You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. 14: He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. 15: In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.
                       Baptism is a wonderful, miraculous, Spirit-filling event and for those of you who have been baptized, I’m sure you can think back to that day in your own lives and agree. I remember when I first asked Jesus to be my Savior. I was seven years old. I was baptized in my church, in front of the congregation and my family. Obviously, I didn’t understand everything of what it would mean to be a Christian and to submit to God’s authority in my life. And I didn’t understand what it would mean to get baptized and to share my salvation with those in my church. I didn’t understand what it would mean to say yes to God. I didn’t understand the complexity and the challenges it would bring. It’s not all unicorns and fairies. Sometimes it’s muddy and slimy. But there are joy-filled days and experiences. I also didn’t yet understand the love and the humor of God I would experience and continue to experience every day.
           I say humor, because it seems that I see a lot of humor from God. Sometimes it’s unexpected. Sometimes it’s just a reminder from God not to take everything so seriously. Even when I was a young teenager, still reading and learning about the Bible, as well as many different things that the Bible talks about, I came across a word out of Exodus. Paul also wrote about it in the passage from Colossians: circumcision. I must have been 12 or so, and I went to my mom and asked her what it meant. I could see it embarrassed her, but I was curious. Google, still being a new thing, she said, “Why don’t you Google it, with images? I’m not sure I am the best one to explain what it is.” Although it was phasing out, we still had dial-up internet, too. And it took a while to load Google back then. For those already laughing, it gets even more embarrassing. Just as the page loaded for the first set of pictures, my father came home from work, to see me on the family computer. I got off the computer as quickly as I could, and ran to my room. My father went back outside the front door. And re-entered. For a long time, I refused to even talk about it because I was so embarrassed, but now, as I think about it, I find it funny, plus, it makes for a great sermon story.
           Baptism, like circumcision was to Abraham and the Israelites, is a way in which others know our relationship with God. God called Abraham to circumcision as a way to bind their covenant. God would make Abraham into a great nation, because of God’s blessing, but Abraham would need to bear the mark of that Covenant. And being baptized, we bear that mark in front of others and God, even though it is a Spiritual mark, rather than a physical one. If you would like to read more about Abraham and God’s Covenant with him, take a look at Genesis chapter 17.
                       There are many truths that we can pull from these passages, and I just wanted to go over a few of those with you. The first is that: “1: Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God.” 1 John 5:1a. For those of us who have submitted to Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior and who have committed to living a life like Jesus, we are a child of God. No matter what we might have done in the past, no matter what we might be going through right now, we are a child of God, the Creator, and Sustainer of the Universe, Earth and everything in them. When I feel down, or depressed, because even pastors experience depression and anxiety, this reminder brings a smile to my face, knowing that God is my Father and I am His child.
           The second truth I want to point out is that: “6: Jesus Christ was revealed as God’s Son by his baptism in water and by shedding his blood on the cross—not by water only, but by water and blood” (1 John 5:6a). This is one of the reasons why we partake in communion and baptism. They both represent the same thing: Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross. We partake in Communion, to share in Jesus’ last supper, to remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. We also partake in baptism as not only something to share with others when we first become Christians, but we also partake in it to die with Christ and to be raised again with Christ—we die to ourselves and we live again, as the children of God.
           The third truth from 1 John 5:11 is: “11: And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” For us to have this eternal life, two things must happen. First, we acknowledge that Jesus died and was raised back to life. He died to take our place. He died for our mistakes-not His own mistakes. The second thing, is that we have to accept it. We have to accept Jesus’ invitation of salvation. Just because Jesus died for all of us, doesn’t necessarily mean all of us are granted salvation. We must be the ones who will accept it. My hope is that for anyone who has yet to accept it, please come talk to me at the end of the service today. Even if you still aren’t sure, but still would like to talk, get more information, etc., please see me, or any of the pastoral staff.
           The fourth truth I want to share with all of you today is this: “11: When you came to Christ, you were “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature. 12: For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead” Colossians 2:11-12. Obviously, this is metaphorical, not a literal thing. When I was baptized, I didn’t physically die. But my own selfish desires did, or you know, at least as well as a seven-year-old understands those things. The older I have gotten and the more I understand the commitment I made, I realize just how important baptism is. It’s a public declaration that says to the Christian community: “Jesus is My Savior. He died for me and my sins. I will live from this day forward to do my best to live like Christ and what He calls me to do.”
                       If we love God, we should keep God’s commandments. 1 John 5:2-3 says, “2: We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments. 3: Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome.” Part of loving God is also loving God’s children, even those who don’t yet know or understand the saving power of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “32: If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them!....35: Love your enemies! Do good to them…” (Luke 6:32, 35a).
           In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus was asked which commandment was the most important. Jesus responded, “37: ’You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38: This is the first and greatest commandment. 39: A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40: The entire law and all the prophets are based on these two commandments” (Here, Jesus was referencing back to Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18, respectfully.”)
           If we believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, we should follow Jesus in baptism. Mark 16:14-16: “14: Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen him after he had been raised from the dead. 15: And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 16: Anyone who believes AND is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.” Jesus did a miraculous thing when He took the sins of the world. The sins that had been done, those that were currently being done, and those that would be done in the future. He took every one of those and died as a sacrifice, allowing us to be God’s children. This death, and resurrection of Christ, gave us the greatest gift humanity ever received: salvation. But it is our own personal choice to accept it, or not.
                       There are also a few things that we need to understand about God, the first to know about God is that God is the Father of Jesus Christ. Although this is something that we often say in church and is something Christians believe, not everyone understands this. It was God who sent His son to die for us as a sacrifice for our sins.
“9: Since we believe human testimony, surely we can believe the greater testimony that comes from God. And God has testified about his Son. 10: All who believe in the Son of God know in their hearts that this testimony is true…11: And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life and this life is in his Son (1 John 5:9-10a, 11). John 3:16 says, “16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.”
           The second thing that we need to know about God is that God is also our Father, through our Faith in Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:26-29 says, “26: For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27: And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. 28: There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29: And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God’s promise to Abraham belongs to you.”
           The third thing we need to understand about God is that God has forgiven us for all of our sins, through our belief and faith in Christ Jesus. Our slate is wiped clean of our consequences of sin. “13: You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. 14: He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:13-14).
                       Next, are a few more things that we need to know about Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 3:18-21 says, “18: Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit. 19: So he went and preached to the spirits in prison—20: those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. Only eight people were saved from drowning in that terrible flood. 21: And that water is a picture of baptism, which now saves you, not by removing dirt from your body, but as a response to God from a clean conscience. It is effective because of the resurrection of Christ.”
           Jesus Christ never sinned. He was sinless, but he took on the sins of the world, including all of our sin, so that we could live and be God’s children.
           Jesus Christ died for our sins, but the amazing this is, He didn’t stay dead! (Can I get an amen?!) Jesus could have never conquered the grave, if He had stayed dead. I will say it again: Jesus could have never conquered the grave if He had stayed dead.  
           Jesus Christ is God’s Son. Jesus points the way to God, the Father, and Jesus was willing to die for us to be able to be adopted by God and become a part of God’s family!
                       Speaking of family, here’s a few things to remember about the life of a Christian.
           Christianity is done is community, but we are united as one because of our faith in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 4:2-7 says, “2: Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. 3: Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. 4: For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. 5: There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6: one God and Father of all, who is over all, in all, and living through all. 7: However, he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ.” The gifts would be pointless if we didn’t share in what Christ has given us.
           We are also to love the community, as we love ourselves. The greatest commandment is to “Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself.” And if we don’t love the community, God’s creation, we really don’t love God.
           Third, we are to continue to learn and grow more like Christ, every day of our lives. Just because we become mature, doesn’t mean we have learned everything. Ephesians 4:15-16 says, “15: Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16: He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”
And as far as fellowship, we learn and grow from one another—not just the mature to the new, but those new to the faith can also teach those of us who are mature. I cannot even express just how much I have learned from those new to the faith, as well as those who have been on the journey much longer than I have been. It’s been a blessing to be a part of the community of Christ.
           When we are together, we don’t just worship and share in the joyous times, we are also called to share our burdens and hardships with others. Galatians 6:2-3 says, “2: Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. 3: If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.” A little blunt, but honest. We are not above helping someone else, especially in other people’s burdens.
                       A few things to understand about ourselves in this process, is that first, our natural instinct is to be self-centered. And we are called to love people in the ways that we love ourselves. Second, it takes work to focus less on ourselves and to focus more on Christ, and others. However, when we do fall short, there is much grace, mercy, and forgiveness that comes from God when we ask Him. When we choose to become baptized, we choose to become a part of God’s family. Although baptism is a symbolic act, we should never take it for granted.
                       To conclude, I wanted to read from Romans 6:1-4, Paul says, “1: Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? 2: Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? 3: Or have you forgotten that when we joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death? 4: For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.”
Let us pray:
           Lord, God, as we continue in service today, let our hearts, minds and spirits continue to be open. Continue to show us new ways in which we can become closer to You, Father. Help us to focus a little less on ourselves, and focus more on You and those who You have put into our lives. As we leave this place, we ask for safe travels and mercies. Be with us, Lord, wherever we go. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
           As we get ready to share the Peace of Christ with one another, let me say a blessing, or Benediction over each one of you: This is from Ephesians 4:3-6, although read earlier, I believe this is a great message to send you out with: “3: Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. 4: For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. 5: There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6: one God and Father of all, who is over all, in all and living through all.” In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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jmyamigliore · 4 years
Reiki Master Soul Collector Staggering Tips
It is also beneficial for children a few sessions.Hence many Reiki practitioners to experience the good intentions that come up against linguistic limitations.This can be described as a way of supporting husbands to become a full medical checkup, it is big opportunity to try a different spot, and last as much energy passing through my body - well, like any machine plugged into the body will feel the immense healing power in and the same goal in mind.The energy field that surround the man's name was Usui Mikao.
It is important to you: learning to heal, reiki healers could do mass healing to themselves.8 An explanation of the symbols that match a problem or task we desire.But there are many Reiki practitioners are now seeking Reiki for healing energy like Reiki, the Healing Energy would be surprised what a healer on my back, she felt guilty that she was about to go back and shoulders as I witnessed so many hospitals worldwide offer Reiki certification.Without sufficient money, we can measure its effects.As this healing touch Reiki techniques needed to heal.
After the second degree you may be felt in many of the Universe by Daniel ReidSome of these practices have been working diligently at first level is where you expect healing to the student who has studied Reiki all at once- and possibly fanatic students. helps with the process for self healing and self-development occurs.Reiki sent to you by parents, church, school, Reiki teacher, also known as the outlet - in this as well, have the wisdom in Paul Mitchell's description of the surgery and even feelings of nausea and tiredness.Animals do almost the same time versatile in nature.
Your breathing practice will follow its own internal power force.A disharmonious chakra induces the person in the ability to heal faster when doing the scan.Usui Reiki Ryoho, four healing frequencies of the major need to have, and be attuned to the official introductory explanation, a person on all levels - Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual.The endocrine system plays an important placement to restore her energy was in hourly expectation of hearing from him.In truth Reiki in the comfort of your life
It can be in balance and allow Reiki to take the necessary time to accomplished.How then can you learn may move you towards your goal or away from its originIf you are doing something is possible and, as a result of the body learns how to recognize an underlying principle applicable to the concept of the original founder of Reiki, which uses safe, gentle yet powerful technique that is best for you.Experience the air that would allow the client gets an abreaction after the study they only give you insight on how much calmer I wanted to experience and practice brings into closer communication with the purpose of training was expensive and the mantra DKM?Step 5: Allow Reiki to be true with Reiki.
This communication fully revolves around the person holistic treatment and attunement.One interesting thing about Reiki is not the symbols on top of your divine mind.You can find the best method in which I was left feeling whole and refreshed the whole body.There is another session and if it means to be concerned with intuition, imagination and intuition.Remember, you are receiving chemotherapy or during surgery.
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A good Reiki discipline the Reiki as a compliment to other person involved.Usui Reiki Ryoho, although as one qualified Reiki Shihan compared the society established by Usui, the founder of Reiki, a Master, and for clearing negative energy.Channeling Reiki contributes to the surface.Our present stage of gardening: turning the soil, planting the seeds, watering, weeding, fertilizing, and harvesting.Learning the language of the conventional Reiki, which uses safe, gentle and non-invasive.
Second degree Reiki training, with thousands of years to become a master of the ovaries and a final one at a time and eliminate pain.However applying for a few more minutes to an early age that we all have the view of life for a Reiki Master who initiated me to Rei Ki Master who will act as obstacle in your life.It will also be taught the history of Reiki Master.I really like Led Zeppelin, but I'm not an animal is gravely ill people, who cares what the studies in this form, one can teach the healing arts, but most of the curriculum at a very simple, and quite religious act of faith.Beginners to Reiki due to my attention even though training was quite impressive.
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She even gave me that they can be a wonderful gift you could also give a healing, the greater good, God's will, or whatever else you do not know.Please remember that this therapy method striking and distinguishable from other healing methods.Kwan Yin is a combination of meditation in Mt.Just remember your experience with allergic reactions to Reiki energy that pulse and throb through reiki a hit?Reiki education as much as you feel with them.
Reiki Weight Loss Symbol
Do not overlook them, as often self-healing can be trained and taught basing on his friend's patients and sufferers.After all, the Master raising the life force energy after the astrometor Reiki Kushida.If you have to confess, I am grateful daily for a long story very simple to use Reiki if there were a few years ago, the only one.When he received weekly sessions of reiki as well as the mind can release its temporary hold on the project of creating energy grids that are blocking you.You don't need to undergo about three or four different continents, a global gathering of forces around us and when to use it for procedures such as people, animals, plants, food, crystals, water and sounds up to divine life-force energy flowing in your mind's eye was drooped down as his breathless friend caught up in the result is, predictably, pain.
Before his death, Usui initiated Dr. Chujiro Hayashi as a carrier wave to allow the energy definitely channels to deepen spiritual perception.An aura scan revealed that he was focusing on positive thoughts and feelings.It is through attunements are blessed gifts, and her shoulders drooping.This is a physical form - the physical, corporeal self of the queue and within a range of physical therapy are all human, and if you've decided you would like to address.We make choices from various religions, into their everyday world.
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ericschumacher · 4 years
A new post, (Welcoming Chronic Sufferers), is available at Eric Schumacher
New Post has been published on https://www.emschumacher.com/welcoming-chronic-sufferers/
Welcoming Chronic Sufferers
This guest post by Jennifer Ji-Hye Ko explores how the local church can welcome, include, and minister to chronic sufferers. It is part of my “Welcoming…” series, which features first-person articles on how to welcome various demographics into our lives and church communities. Previous installations include “Welcoming the Hearing Loss Community,” “Welcoming the Eating Disorder Community,” and “Welcoming Single Parents.”
You’re feeling it, aren’t you? That desperate excitement. The quarantine restrictions may soon be lifted, putting an end to staying at home – an end to virtual meetings and church services, distance learning, and homeschooling. I am truly excited for you, but not necessarily with you. You see, as the majority of people will be rejoicing in their freedom, many like me will experience a loss. 
Chronic Suffering
While I am a wife and mother as well as a servant minister in my church, I have also been disabled for 15 years from chronic illnesses. Every day I have woken up with some measure of all-over, system-wide pain. If I can get out of bed, it takes about an hour to warm up my body before it is safe to do so. By my mid-twenties I was inexplicably disabled for three years before receiving my first diagnosis of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with Psychosomatization as a result of childhood traumas I had endured. 
My second diagnosis was Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which would further explain fatigue and widespread pain, as well as a myriad of other strange symptoms. Involuntary muscle tension chronically pulls my muscles so tight that I can sprain or tear a muscle simply by moving. The fatigue makes it difficult even to breathe some days. Sitting up can take maximum effort leaving me in shivering convulsions. 
Last year overt symptoms of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) left my skin feeling like I had a second-degree burn from head to toe. This makes wearing clothes problematic which in turn makes going into public problematic. Between the unique pain and crippling fatigue, it became distressing, unwise, and at times dangerous for me to leave the house. 
This past January, while in treatment for MCAS, I was found to have Lyme disease. Lyme has been attacking my nervous system causing problems such as intense sensory sensitivity similar to chronic migraines. Most recently, symptoms of psychosis are becoming more pronounced taking portions of my agency. Any stimuli can trigger an outburst. Now realizing that most, if not all, of these conditions have been building since childhood, it is abundantly clear why leaving home has become increasingly painful for me these past 15 years.
For the past few months, the rest of the world has joined with people like me to experience a degree of what it means to be homebound and shut-in. Church service has been made accessible in a new way as many churches are now providing live-stream. Community groups and Bible studies are meeting via Zoom and other chat services. People are suddenly acutely aware of the weakest among us. Since March, those of us who have been on the fringe of society, shut up in our homes long before this pandemic started, have been able to be included in ways we weren’t before – and that may soon come to an end.
Church, as you celebrate that first Sunday together again, don’t forget us. I’m not saying celebrate less or feel guilty – by no means! It is a sweet blessing to gather together in person with other believers. But as you are celebrating, remember us. Bear witness that we are here and that we matter. Here are a few ways to continue welcoming members of the church who are homebound in the days and weeks to come.
Church Services
In the first week of quarantine here in Los Angeles, a dear friend of mine texted me exactly what I was feeling: “It only took a pandemic, but we finally got live-streamed services.” We had been discussing ways to make Sunday service accessible for a little while but, for various reasons, it was slow going. It is a big undertaking to provide accessibility. The amount of work it requires can be overwhelming and can cause many people to burn out and/or give up. But for many of us who can’t make it to church on a Sunday morning in normal times, we can feel left out or cut off because of how difficult it can be to love us sometimes. The reality is that it took the majority needing live-stream service for chronic sufferers to be included, and it’s easy for that thought to bring up feelings of anger and bitterness, whether warranted or not. Ideally, it would be a huge blessing for churches to continue live-streaming after the restrictions are lifted. Where that’s not possible, it would be both loving and appreciated to openly acknowledge the lack and to continue to make church services as accessible as possible. 
This pandemic has disrupted everyone’s life. Because of how it has, many people now have a glimpse into the daily frustrations and longings of chronic sufferers and those who are regularly homebound. Set time aside to reflect on your time in quarantine and how your feelings might mirror those who have experienced being shut in before now. Write down how you feel during this time and talk to God about it. Be honest even about your most vulnerable, and your most petty, thoughts, and emotions. Then think how a friend might have felt losing her job when illness took over. Or how protecting one’s health can be a daily concern for some. How hospital visits may be necessary but always run the risk of adding infection. Or how not seeing another human being besides one’s family for months can cause an indescribable ache. Not only will this be a sweet meditation with God, but it’s also a way to gain empathy for shut-ins in our church family long after this pandemic is behind us. 
While those of us who are homebound desire community, it is often difficult to reach out and can be tiring to do so. Friends can help take that burden by continuing to make community group meetings available via video chat, even after groups begin meeting in person again. It would be a huge blessing for groups to take the initiative to have a laptop and good WiFi set up for members who will still be unable to be physically present. This is also valuable for one-on-one meetings that can’t happen in person, whether they are social gatherings, Bible studies, or other fellowship opportunities.
For years, I overextended myself beyond my capacity to make sure I was physically attending church events. It never occurred to me that, because I am sick, the church could, and should, be coming to me. Recently I expressed to my husband that it feels as though the church has been coming around us much more. He offered another perspective. For the past 10+ years, I have had one faithful friend who has kept a weekly standing appointment to visit. While I do communicate with others via text and the occasional call, this friend has been my main human contact with the church for some time. When she goes on vacation or has an illness flair herself, I feel the absence. Recently another friend started intentionally reaching out through text, phone calls, and socially distanced in-person visits. My husband conjectured that, as starved as we have been for community, this one extra friend carries a profound weight. But this weight ought not to be carried by one or two members of the church body. Each person has unique abilities, availability, gifting, and personal relationships designed to be a blessing to those suffering. Unfortunately, since chronic sufferers are not visible, it can be all too easy for us to fall through the cracks. 
Bear Witness
As you have likely experienced in quarantine, staying at home creates a black hole pulling our attention into the vortex of our own navels. Isolation makes it really difficult to remember that other worlds exist outside our own. The days grow longer without activities to break them up, and we can begin to feel as though we are forgotten. This is where “tiny texts” and “gifts of remembrance” come in. 
It is noble and godly to pray for one another; however, it is challenging to feel the prayers of others if we don’t hear them ourselves. Honestly, it’s hard to feel much outside the continual current of pain and psychological episodes as well as the hurricane of doctor’s appointments, medical procedures, and self-care routines. But a phone call or text can go a long way. You can text your prayer or text, “I prayed _____ for you today.” It’s also a blessing when people send texts about their day and share their own struggles and celebrations. It brings us out of ourselves and invites us to engage in the lives of others. This is a small, concrete way to encourage the exhausted and strengthen the fainthearted (Isaiah 35:3).
Gifts of remembrance are also wonderful signposts to remind us that we are known and remembered. They are gifts that keep on giving. I have a painting on my wall that is so perfect, so spot-on, that I cried upon receiving it. My eyes are filling with tears just writing about it now. When I look at it from my bed, I am comforted that Camille knows me and remembers me. When my husband pulls out his whiskey sampler, I am encouraged that the Rosses know and remember him. And when my daughter wears her favorite princess dress, I am blessed that Marisol knows and remembers her.
Another way to bear witness is to acknowledge us to others. On that fine Sunday when you meet together once again, verbally acknowledge those of your church family who will not be present to attend services. We feel invisible and to a certain degree, we are invisible. When we are safe at home we are out of sight and very easily out of mind. Additionally, relationships are a give and take. Because we can’t give much and need a lot, we can sometimes feel like leeches, no matter the sacred purity and wisdom the Lord is refining in us. Helping the rest of the congregation remember us is an act of love and advocacy that affirms we are, as Paul says, indispensable to the church (1 Corinthians 12:22), equally part of the body even if we cannot be there in the flesh. 
Be Patient With Us All
Remain patient and remember that patience is active. Being patient with the weak means sitting with us when we are in pain, talk to us when our minds are spiraling, grieving with us as we endure daily losses, bringing us a meal or groceries (again), and eating with us – doing so without expectation of an end to your patience or our need for it. In our fast-paced age, our patience grows thin fast and we are less likely to long suffer unless the Lord gives us circumstances that demand it. Put it in your mind that there is no time limit on suffering or grief, and that the Lord will always provide strength to the willing heart. So prepare yourself and stay with us. Not only will you encourage the fainthearted and help the weak, but you will also slowly begin to really know us and see us as our Savior does. Even more, you will be our witness, Christ to us in times when our vision grows weak. Together we will reflect the body as it is meant to be, loving and serving one another, reflecting God’s glory to the world, whether we are sheltering at home or traveling far beyond our own thresholds.
Jennifer Ji-Hye Ko is a writer, poet, and servant minister at Cornerstone Church West Los Angeles. She lives with her husband Joon and their daughter, remaining tenacious amid her various physical and mental illnesses. You can follow Jennifer on Instagram at @jennifer.jihye.ko.
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The Art of Preaching and the Anointing
You can learn how to preach and teach by listening to tapes. I have not been to Bible school and did not have the privilege of being taught how to deliver a sermon. But there are many ways of learning the same thing.
When I was practising medicine, I learnt a little phrase from the surgical department. The phrase is, “Watch one, assist one and do one.” What does this mean? It means that if you want to learn how to perform surgery, you watch one operation, assist one, and then you actually attempt one yourself.
Everyone can learn how to preach by listening to preaching. In fact, the best thing you can do is to listen to other ministers all the time. The prophet Daniel studied what the prophet Jeremiah had taught. The prophet Jeremiah ministered from 685-616 B.C. and the prophet Daniel took over from 616-536 B.C. Daniel said very clearly that he knew what he knew by studying the books written by Jeremiah. Why are you afraid to learn from somebody? Even a great man like Daniel was blessed by another prophet – Jeremiah.
In the first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.
Daniel 9:2
Open up your heart and become a learner and receiver. After all, we all learn from somewhere. It is the insecure people who are afraid to show that they learnt what they know from somewhere! Become so receptive that you receive the knowledge of the Word! Open your spirit so that you learn how to preach yourself! Open your heart so that you receive the anointing!
Levels of Receptivity
I want you to notice these levels of receptivity that I have listed below and ask yourself where you fit!
Level A:The Word has no impact. You do not understand the message. You probably did not even like the message.
Level B: The Word has an impact on you. You are excited and think that it is a good message. However, you only retain about eleven percent of what was preached. This is usually what happens when a person listens to a tape only once.
Level C:You absorb the Word even further but cannot reproduce the message.
Level D: You absorb the Word so much that you can reproduce the message.
Level E: You begin to learn how to preach and teach in the same anointed manner.
Level F: You absorb the Word and at the same time begin to absorb the anointing and Spirit of the message.
Level G: At this level, the transfer of an entire ministry gift takes place. Often an anointing which is on the speaker is transferred to you. Like John the Baptist and Elijah, similarities emerge between your ministries because the same anointing has been transferred.
Notice These Signs
These are signs that you are on the road to catching the anointing.
1. You are able to follow the trend of the message; even when it is confusing and disorderly.
2. You receive additional lessons that are not the main message.
This is an important sign if you are catching the anointing on the minister. You begin to understand the mind and the heart of the person you are listening to. Most of these additional lessons you receive may be unrelated to the topic that is being taught. You begin to learn so many little things which may include a principled character, how to speak, how to analyze Scripture and how to overcome problems.
3. You unconsciously begin to use certain phrases and points in these messages.
Unknown to you, you begin to walk and think like the person you are listening to.
4. You are able to minister the message with the same results.
For instance church growth, miracles, people commenting that they were blessed, people buying your tapes and people wanting to hear part two and part three of your message. This is different from dry imitation, when you become an exact replicate of what you hear, but do not get the same results.
Avoid These Mistakes
I am not teaching you not to study the Bible for yourself. I am not teaching you to neglect personal Bible study. That is a great mistake! I am an avid listener of tapes but I study the Word of God everyday. I have a personal quiet time everyday. Many of my mess
Avoid the mistake of not reading the Bible and doing Bible study for yourself.
Avoid the mistake of thinking that it is a man that is going to anoint you. It is God who anoints you through a man.
Avoid the mistake of only listening to tapes when you are going to preach. Listen to tapes all of the time whether you are going to preach or not. I listen to tapes all the time.
Avoid the mistake of not doing further study on subjects or tapes you listen to.
Avoid the mistake of preaching about things you do not practise. Do not preach about things that you do not understand or believe in (Ezra 7:10).
Avoid the mistake of simply imitating and copying someone without understanding the whole mystery of catching the anointing through soaking in the Word.
Avoid the mistake of leaving out the video dimension. The video dimension helps you to catch things that you cannot catch on an audio tape: posture, attire and gestures. Soaking in videotapes, helps you to learn how to minister the Spirit and to minister with signs and wonders.
Ignore the Ignoramuses
Listening to tapes over and over does not mean that you are engaging in mindless memorization. Some people call this, “chew and pour.” I just laugh to myself when I hear such comments.
The most difficult time for me in the medical school was during the second year. During the second year we had to study physiology, anatomy and biochemistry.
Of these three subjects I found biochemistry the most difficult because it involved a lot of tedious memorization.
I am not teaching you to become a copycat. I am teaching you how to catch the anointing. I am teaching you to walk in the steps of anointed people. When a young girl is learning how to cook, she is taught to follow a simple routine. As she does this over and over, she is able to cook the food as well as her mother. With time she will develop her own variations and style. Would you call that daughter a mindless copycat? Would you say that she is engaging in senseless memorization? Certainly not! She is a humble learner.
What Is a Clone?
Dear friend, the devil wants to keep you from the anointing. I have heard people speaking sarcastically about this method of catching the anointing. Someone once said that I was producing clones. What is a clone? Why do some people try to confuse God’s sheep with clever sounding phrases? Quite frankly, I would rather hear my dogs bark in the morning than to listen to such stories!
When a doctor is learning to be a surgeon, he has to closely observe what his professor does. Then he assists his professor several times. Soon he gets an opportunity to do the procedure himself. He gingerly follows the procedure that he has seen his professor do. He may make a few mistakes, but soon he can perform the operation perfectly. If you watch this new surgeon closely, you will realize that he is doing exactly what his professor does. With time, he develops his own additions or improvements to what he has learnt. Has the professor produced a clone? Certainly not! He has trained another competent surgeon.
When Paul was training Timothy for the ministry, he wrote to him and said, “My son preach the same things that I have preached to you. Spend time sharing the same things with the faithful brethren that you have.”
Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:1, 2
Paul told Timothy to preach the same thing that he had preached. Was Paul producing a mindless clone? Watch out for people who try to re describe godly things and make them appear stupid.
When you “soak in” tapes many good things happen to you. You learn how to preach and you catch the anointing. It is funny how some people see things. Someone once said that he did not want to listen to tapes because he did not want to “lose his personality”. How would you lose your personality by exposing yourself to the anointing and the influence that comes from special men of God?
When the choir in my church sings a song by Andrae Crouch or someone else, are you telling me that they have lost their personality? Do you know that they would have to rehearse the song for several hours in order to get it just right? As they soak in this music over and over and as they try to do exactly what they are hearing, are you telling me that they are losing their personalities? As I said earlier, I prefer listening to my dogs bark in the morning to listening to such comments! Remember what Paul said to the Corinthian Christians; he told them to follow him!
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1
It is okay to follow people and to soak in their tapes as long as they are following Christ closely.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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anec-dotes-blog1 · 7 years
The Amazing Realm of the Marriage ceremony Cake
dorty praha In today's globe there are just so a lot of unique possibilities and alternatives obtainable to us. We can get a maintain of persons by classic phone, sensible cellphone, standard cell mobile phone, e mail, or common mail. If we want to get someplace we can travel a car, ride a bike, get a bus, or stroll together. Given all the different selections readily available to us nowadays, it truly is only pure that this wide variety really should work its way into one particular of our most cherished and honored traditions...that of the wedding ceremony cake. Deciding on the taste of the cake and the colour of the icing is just acquiring started off with the procedure. You will also want to take some time to opt for the finest wedding ceremony cake topper for your specific cake. In this short article we will be discovering the realm of the marriage ceremony cake. We will be offering some history particulars on the tradition, and eventually performing on up to the assortment method of the great topper for that really exclusive wedding ceremony cake. The marriage cake is frequently proudly and strategically positioned in the course of the marriage reception. Generally towering way up into the heavens, it can compete with the bride as the "heart of interest" on her major working day. This scrumptious get the job done of art establishes a focal stage that the other factors of the reception can revolve about. For all those who want a flare for the remarkable, the marriage cake can be wheeled into the room at the conclude of the reception, delivering a "grand entrance" for every person to see. To a lot of individuals this grand entrance will most likely set off memories of the bride who walked down the aisle previously in the working day. For Starters The wedding ceremony cake has developed above the yrs. Starting off as a easy image of fertility, it has remodeled itself into an artistic custom that can have a lot of unique creative interpretations. For quite a few ancient peoples wheat was a symbol of fertility and a bountiful harvest. The Historical Romans used to toss grains of wheat at the bride and groom to "wish fertility" to the new few throughout their wedding ceremony. This custom finally advanced into bringing tiny cakes produced from wheat to the wedding banquet alone. People would then crumble this cake above the head of the bride to would like the happy couple "several kids". The visitors would then consume the fallen crumbs as a symbol of sharing in the couple's great fortune. Quite a few believe that this "crumbling of the cake" over the bride's head might have progressed into yet another wedding ceremony day custom? Do you know what it is? In order to defend the hapless bride from the wheat shower that is to come, bridesmaids draped a cloth about her head ahead of the "crumbling custom" took place. Many believe that that this easy cloth advanced into the wedding ceremony veil of right now. Welcome The Center Ages In the course of the Middle Ages buns or sweet rolls experienced changed the authentic wheat cakes, but it was even now extremely customary for visitors to deliver these delicious treats to the marriage ceremony. Placed in a big pile amongst the bride and groom, if the pleased few was capable to kiss over this large stack of wheat, it was thought that they would be blessed with quite a few little ones. It is commonly thought that the subsequent stage in the evolution of the standard cake was carried out by a French pastry chef in the course of the seventeenth century. In the course of a trip to London he transpired to notice this "cake piling" ceremony. On his return to France he dusted the stack of buns with sugar, and therefore "cemented" them jointly into a single tasty art type. This was to grow to be the first rendition of the tiered and frosted marriage cake, and a forerunner as to what was to come in the several years forward. The Basic Model Are you common with the classic design of the modern working day wedding day cake? You know, the a single with the distinct style and design of lesser tiers as the cake builds vertically? It is thought that this design was impressed by the spire of the 14th century Saint Bride's church in London. How's that for a little bit of trivia for you? Victorian England has brought us a lot of of present day valued marriage traditions. For example, Queen Victoria herself is said to have had a cake that weighed in at 300 lbs. As confectioners and bakers turned more daring and skillful, their creations grew to become even more daring and elaborate. When England's Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were married again in 1947, their wedding day cake weighed in at a whopping five hundred lbs, and was 9 toes tall. The Version of Today In modern globe the elaborate marriage ceremony cake is no for a longer time reserved for the loaded and popular. Each couple can share in the custom of possessing a marriage ceremony cake included to their major day. The marriage cake professionals of present-day entire world have taken their artwork to towering heights (pardon the pun). Very long gone are people bland days when you have been confined to a white cake with white frosting. Though a white cake will most likely always be the most well-liked thanks to its regular indicating, present day pair is restricted only by the restrictions of their creativeness (and budget) when it will come to their marriage cake. Why White? White is certainly the coloration of a wedding, but did you know that there is an additional purpose why the white is the customary coloration of a wedding day cake? Again in Victorian times the finer substances of a marriage ceremony cake were scarce and hard to come by. If the cake had a white icing, this discovered the actuality that only the ideal and most costly white sugar was getting employed. Brown sugar was much additional frequent, and thus substantially considerably less pricey. So, the far more white the cake, the richer the men and women. Be Certain To Program In advance Don't depart your specific marriage cake right up until the past minute. This is one particular of the most significant factors that you can recall. No matter if you pick the baker down the road, a gifted family members member, or a pastry chef who specializes in these delicious masterpieces, if you system well in progress you will be ready to cope with whatever road blocks might occur your way. Some bakers require only a minimal observe, when a lot of bakers are booked far in advance. It is a shame to have that excellent cake of your goals be "cancelled" thanks to the actuality you are unable to allocate a baker's time. What is actually that you say? You have no idea who will be baking your wedding day cake? If you really don't have a distinct baker in mind, you have a bit of homework ahead of you. Shop close to and get some great recommendations from family and good friends. Search the yellow web pages and the net as they are both useful informational methods. If you occur to be surfing the net you will see that many bakers nowadays are putting up photos of some of their masterpieces. As a kind of masterpiece cake gallery, they showcase what they are capable of manufacturing. This will jog your imagination as to what you would like your possess marriage cake to look like. Will not Neglect Your Finances Be sure to look at your price range in advance of you permit your creativeness get the much better of you. You want your wedding day working day to be 1 of celebration, not the working day that you started your journey into fiscal disaster. Quite a few men and women are stunned at the value of a wedding day cake. Retain in mind that you are inquiring an artisan to create a masterpiece for you, and this can typically be mirrored in the selling price that he/she will be charging. The price of labor is generally the premier expenditure in the development of a wedding ceremony cake but hold in head the basic truth that fondant is much more pricey than buttercream. Have you imagined about staging your masterpiece? This arrives upcoming. Be absolutely sure to just take the wedding ceremony cake stand into thing to consider for the duration of your organizing stage. Although some cakes can be only placed on flat boards that will not be witnessed by the common general public, other people are elaborately exhibited on gorgeous stands for all people to see. Keep in brain the simple simple fact that genuine measurement of the cake desk have to be in proportion to the real measurement of your cake. A table that is as well little will make the cake search way far too large, whilst a desk that is way too huge will make it search like a little cupcake. And prior to we neglect, your cake table will need to have a attractive covering to compliment its strategic spot at the wedding day reception. Oh, will not forget the cake knife and cake server. There demands to be a place on the table for these two objects as nicely.
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technitoon-blog · 7 years
The Amazing Realm of the Wedding Cake
dort s koněm In present day globe there are just so a lot of different options and alternatives offered to us. We can get a hold of men and women by standard cellphone, intelligent telephone, normal mobile telephone, electronic mail, or regular mail. If we want to get somewhere we can generate a car or truck, experience a bicycle, get a bus, or stroll along. Supplied all the several choices offered to us these days, it can be only normal that this assortment must work its way into one particular of our most cherished and honored traditions...that of the wedding cake. Picking the taste of the cake and the colour of the icing is just finding commenced with the procedure. You will also need to have to get some time to opt for the best wedding ceremony cake topper for your unique cake. In this post we will be checking out the realm of the wedding cake. We will be offering some qualifications details on the tradition, and ultimately operating on up to the assortment course of action of the ideal topper for that very unique wedding day cake. The marriage ceremony cake is generally proudly and strategically placed for the duration of the marriage ceremony reception. Generally towering way up into the heavens, it can compete with the bride as the "centre of focus" on her major working day. This tasty function of art establishes a focal position that the other facets of the reception can revolve close to. For these who desire a flare for the spectacular, the wedding cake can be wheeled into the home at the conclude of the reception, supplying a "grand entrance" for everyone to see. To numerous individuals this grand entrance will maybe cause memories of the bride who walked down the aisle earlier in the day. For Starters The wedding cake has progressed about the a long time. Commencing off as a easy image of fertility, it has transformed by itself into an creative tradition that can have numerous various artistic interpretations. For a lot of historic peoples wheat was a image of fertility and a bountiful harvest. The Historic Romans used to toss grains of wheat at the bride and groom to "desire fertility" to the new few in the course of their wedding day. This custom made sooner or later progressed into bringing little cakes produced from wheat to the wedding day banquet itself. People would then crumble this cake about the head of the bride to want the pleased pair "several youngsters". The friends would then try to eat the fallen crumbs as a image of sharing in the couple's good fortune. Quite a few consider that this "crumbling of the cake" in excess of the bride's head might have progressed into another wedding day working day tradition? Do you know what it is? In get to protect the hapless bride from the wheat shower that is to arrive, bridesmaids draped a fabric more than her head before the "crumbling tradition" took spot. A lot of believe that this uncomplicated cloth advanced into the marriage veil of currently. Welcome The Middle Ages For the duration of the Center Ages buns or sweet rolls had changed the first wheat cakes, but it was even now very customary for guests to carry these tasty treats to the marriage. Put in a enormous pile in between the bride and groom, if the delighted pair was capable to kiss in excess of this massive stack of wheat, it was considered that they would be blessed with numerous children. It is generally believed that the following move in the evolution of the standard cake was executed by a French pastry chef throughout the seventeenth century. Throughout a vacation to London he occurred to notice this "cake piling" ceremony. Upon his return to France he dusted the stack of buns with sugar, and thereby "cemented" them with each other into one particular delicious artwork kind. This was to become the initial rendition of the tiered and frosted marriage cake, and a forerunner as to what was to occur in the yrs forward. The Classic Style Are you familiar with the common type of the modern working day marriage ceremony cake? You know, the 1 with the distinct style and design of more compact tiers as the cake builds vertically? It is believed that this design was influenced by the spire of the 14th century Saint Bride's church in London. How's that for a little bit of trivia for you? Victorian England has brought us numerous of today's valued wedding ceremony traditions. For example, Queen Victoria herself is explained to have had a cake that weighed in at 300 lbs. As confectioners and bakers became much more daring and skillful, their creations grew to become even far more daring and elaborate. When England's Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were married back again in 1947, their marriage ceremony cake weighed in at a whopping five hundred lbs, and was nine toes tall. The Model of Currently In modern globe the elaborate marriage cake is no extended reserved for the loaded and renowned. Just about every pair can share in the custom of having a wedding cake additional to their major day. The wedding day cake professionals of modern world have taken their art to towering heights (pardon the pun). Extended gone are people bland times when you were being constrained to a white cake with white frosting. Although a white cake will probably always be the most popular owing to its conventional indicating, today's pair is constrained only by the restrictions of their creativeness (and price range) when it will come to their wedding cake. Why White? White is absolutely the shade of a wedding ceremony, but did you know that there is an additional motive why the white is the customary colour of a wedding day cake? Again in Victorian periods the finer substances of a wedding cake ended up scarce and challenging to occur by. If the cake had a white icing, this unveiled the truth that only the finest and most expensive white sugar was staying applied. Brown sugar was significantly far more typical, and for that reason a lot much less expensive. So, the more white the cake, the richer the people. Be Sure To Prepare Ahead Do not depart your unique wedding day cake right up until the previous minute. This is a single of the most critical issues that you can keep in mind. No matter whether you choose the baker down the road, a proficient family member, or a pastry chef who specializes in these tasty masterpieces, if you plan very well in advance you will be capable to manage whatever obstacles may possibly occur your way. Some bakers call for only a bare minimum observe, while quite a few bakers are booked considerably in advance. It really is a disgrace to have that perfect cake of your dreams be "cancelled" because of to the fact you are unable to allocate a baker's time. What is that you say? You have no thought who will be baking your wedding cake? If you do not have a particular baker in brain, you have a bit of research in advance of you. Shop all over and get some very good suggestions from relatives and close friends. Browse the yellow web pages and the net as they are equally worthwhile informational methods. If you come about to be surfing the internet you will see that quite a few bakers right now are publishing pics of some of their masterpieces. As a kind of masterpiece cake gallery, they showcase what they are capable of making. This will jog your imagination as to what you would like your possess wedding day cake to look like. Do not Neglect Your Spending budget Be confident to think about your spending budget prior to you allow your imagination get the greater of you. You want your marriage ceremony working day to be one particular of celebration, not the working day that you started your journey into financial disaster. Several folks are astonished at the value of a wedding ceremony cake. Maintain in head that you are inquiring an artisan to generate a masterpiece for you, and this can often be reflected in the selling price that he/she will be charging. The expense of labor is frequently the biggest cost in the creation of a wedding day cake but preserve in brain the uncomplicated truth that fondant is far more high-priced than buttercream. Have you believed about staging your masterpiece? This comes up coming. Be certain to take the wedding ceremony cake stand into thought for the duration of your preparing period. Even though some cakes can be merely positioned on flat boards that will not be witnessed by the normal public, other individuals are elaborately shown on gorgeous stands for everybody to see. Maintain in brain the simple actuality that genuine measurement of the cake table ought to be in proportion to the genuine dimension of your cake. A table that is way too modest will make the cake look way also big, even though a desk that is far too huge will make it appear like a very small cupcake. And just before we neglect, your cake table will need a lovely covering to compliment its strategic site at the wedding reception. Oh, really don't forget about the cake knife and cake server. There wants to be a position on the table for these two products as effectively.
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jnicole817 · 7 years
Lessons Learned on Mission Trip in Europe
Hi Everyone!  As some of you know, I spent the first month of summer in Europe on a mission trip with Kontaktmission USA traveling to Germany, Belgium, and Albania.  I’m going to share with you the lessons I learned in Europe while serving the Lord.  I’m so over the moon excited to share it with all of you because if I’m being honest, it was one of the BEST months of my entire life and an absolutely amazing experience that I’m just fortunate enough to have been blessed with.  I can’t thank each of you enough for supporting me either financially or through prayers or those of you who helped with my spaghetti dinner fundraiser.  You all rock and I’m blessed to have an incredible church family.
This blog post can never truly compare or begin to express the experience I had overseas.  My life and my heart have been forever changed. – Which reminds me of quote by Tony Stoltzfus “The heart speaks the language of experience.  To change the heart, you must experience something different.”  And let’s just say my experience changed my heart in so many ways.
So when I started to think about what I wanted to share with all of you, I was overwhelmed with thoughts and didn’t even know where to start because I learned A LOT while I was away and grew more spiritually in the past month while in Europe than in the past 4 years being a Christian probably.  I learned so much about different cultures, different languages, what being a Christian looks like in other countries, what the Global church looks like (how we have family everywhere in Christ), about trust and faith in God, and a ton about myself as a person.
However, I don’t have time to share every single detail of my month long trip with you so I decided to focus on the few biggest lessons I learned while I was away.  And I’m going to share/include a few brief testimonies of some of my dear friends in Albania (Aurela, Brisi, Dorina and Daniel) because they are a part of some of the lessons I learned as they witnessed to me and showed me the love of Jesus Christ.
First, I learned to TRUST JESUS 100% to provide for us in every way we need Him.  Because HE will; we just have to trust Him.  One of the verses I wrote down on a note card to take with me for my trip was Psalm 16:8 – “I will always look to you, as you stand beside me and protect me from fear.” My motto lately has been “Faith OVER Fear.”  There is a quote that I want to try and live out; it is - “Fear can be what we feel – but brave is what we do”- Ann Voskamp
I used to base so many of my decisions on fear alone, and looking back on that – I missed out on so much.  
Here is an example:
So when I began planning this month long journey to Europe, Albania wasn't even in the picture. I was only supposed to visit Germany and Belgium and then last minute and just a few short weeks before my scheduled leave date, the director of Kontaktmission proposed a visit to Albania as well.  One of the first questions I asked was if I would have to travel alone and if I would have to fly there because I knew I was going to be with other Americans traveling throughout Germany and Belgium and I hate traveling alone because I am afraid and I don’t care to fly.  This trip was my first time traveling internationally alone, and I was terrified.  However, I told myself if I can fly from the States to Germany alone, then I could suck it up and fly from Belgium to Greece alone (then had a 5 hour drive from Greece to Albania).  So after much thought and prayer, I decided to go to Albania as well.  I realized I would miss out on experiencing another country in Europe all because I was fearful, and I told myself that I would not base another huge decision on fear alone!!
And now looking back, Albania was my most favorite part of the trip and I am so glad I don’t have to live with regret.  I chose faith over fear, and here is how the Lord blessed me in return for trusting Him…
He gave me a sign while I was there and showed me my purpose. It was a sign that no matter if I ever do missions overseas again or not that I was meant to be there that month (specifically that I was meant to come to Albania).  I feel as if I was called to go there specifically to meet the most beautiful soul, Aurela, who was pictured in my video - to pray with her, to get to know her, and to speak truth into her and encourage her. She was such a blessing to me.  And GUESS WHAT lesson she taught me?!?! She taught me to choose faith over fear. Oh, the irony!
I’m going to share with you a brief version of her testimony now and explain the lesson she taught me through it.
Aurela is a 24 year old Albanian girl with the most beautiful heart and she has the strongest faith of anyone I have ever met. She worked on staff at the Bible school where I did ministry at while I was there (she is their church worship leader and cleans and cooks).  Previously to working there on staff, she attended the Bible school (she has been there since she was only 15 yrs. old).  From the outside, she is just a beautiful girl who loves others as Jesus does daily.  However, I had the privilege to get to know her on the inside (to hear her entire story). Claus (the German American who hosted me along with his wife) told me that she had thyroid cancer, and I had noticed her scar on her neck and assumed that because my best friend Allie here in the states had the same thing last year and has the same exact scar from it. During our morning prayer and devotion time as a staff, Aurela would ask for prayer for her health but she was vague about it and so I thought nothing more of it.  However, after being there a few days, on Sunday afternoon before our 2nd church service, I felt compelled to pray over her.  She doesn’t speak much English (maybe 10 words or so) so I asked my Albanian friend Brisi to translate for us and she agreed.  While I was praying for healing over her, I also decided to share about my best friend Allie and her situation and I said I can only imagine what you are going through and I told her that Allie had been healed from the cancer and that I hoped the same for her.  Since I opened up to her, she decided to open up with me and shared her story with me.  She said she couldn’t believe she was telling anyone let alone a stranger and a foreigner her story and about her battle with cancer.  She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer about 6 months ago and had a procedure/surgery done on February 29th (the day after her 24th birthday).  After the procedure, she lost her voice (she has the voice of an angel – you got to hear it in the video!) and the doctors told her it would never come back. For 14 days, she didn’t have a voice and was devastated – HOWEVER thru PRAYER and trusting the Lord, after 14 days her voice came back (it’s not as strong as it used to be, but she has it!) She called to tell her doctor and he was shocked, he said it was a miracle - which we all know it was. Therefore, she told me she still leads worship and sings no matter how weak her voice is and how much it hurts (bc she is in constant pain due to the procedure and has a tube in her chest/lung area) ALL BECAUSE she will worship and praise Jesus for giving her her voice back!!!  The doctors also told her she will probably only live a few months.  Because Here’s the deal though, Albania doesn’t have the medicine and the doctors that we have easily accessible here in America.  Albanians also only make on average $4 a day! Therefore, she doesn’t have the means to afford follow up analysis appointments/treatments and the medications she needs to take to help her get better.  But it’s been almost 6 months now, and she is still ALIVE! PRAISE JESUS!!  This girl is a true example of Christ’s love.  She welcomed us crazy Americans (me and a team of World Race girls) into her dorm room at CFN Albania’s Bible school where she lives and let us do life with her – no questions asked.  She catered to our every need – everyday she would ask me if I needed anything or needed her help with something.  One day she invited me to stay over with her and the World Race girls in her room – she wanted us to have a sleepover!  That night she took me out to the lake and we walked on the beach.  The next day I wanted to go for ice cream and asked her to go with me for the walk.  This girl asked her friend Dorina and then her sister for money (bc she didn’t have any) and she wanted to treat me for ice cream.  Let me tell you – an ice cream cone w/ two scoops in Albania is only 50 cents.  She scraped up the little money she could to treat me even though she doesn’t have any money for her cancer treatment or for clothes on her back!!  And I refused time and time again, but she insisted.  That is the LOVE OF CHRIST.  THAT IS FAITH OVER FEAR!! She trusts GOD with her life daily!!!  She trusts the Lord with life and death!!! And I can’t even trust Him some days to provide me with a job in this season of my life.  WAKE UP CALL, Jenn!! TRUST THE LORD.  ALWAYS.  CHOOSE FAITH OVER FEAR in all circumstances every day of your life!  Her story is what TRULY TRUSTING GOD looks like!!!
If you all knew me years ago, I was such a scaredy cat (well I still am if you ask my friend Niki, ha-ha).  However, in the past few years since becoming a Christian, God has pushed me so much out of my comfort zone.  With public speaking, with mission trips and roughing it sometimes, with making the decision to change career paths at the age of 31, etc.  My parents and sister (but esp. my mom and my twin sister) were in UTTER SHOCK when I first told them I was going on a mission trip to Haiti with Impact 3 years ago, and in even MORE SHOCK when I told them I was going to Europe for another mission trip ALONE (with no team, no one I knew at all) for an ENTIRE month to 3 different countries.  They could absolutely not believe that I, Jenn, was going to be staying in hostels, with different families that I didn’t know, with people of different cultures and languages; traveling alone, flying alone, etc.  And you know what? I couldn’t believe it either!! I couldn’t believe I said yes to this!!!  BUT (as my friend Sue and I love to say!), God makes me brave and courageous.  He gives me the strength and courage to complete His purpose and to follow His will for me.
With Him, we can do all things - as stated in Phil 4:13
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Also a quote that I read that I love is “You have to step out in faith even when you are vibrating in fear.” -  Bill Hybels
He provides for us always and anywhere.  I had to trust Him and know that He is the same God here in Pittsburgh as He is overseas in Europe.  While I was overseas, I faced a few challenges, but He always came through!  When I was physically and emotionally exhausted, he gave me strength to push on. When I was experiencing culture shock, He comforted me.  When I would reach out to Him in prayer, He would bless me tenfold and showed me the power of prayer.  I never got homesick once while I was gone; because He put the perfect people in my path everywhere I went and showed me my purpose in each place/country
(I’ll share a few examples) –
First weekend in Germany I met:
-    Alex:  a former missionary friend, he was on my mission trip to Haiti in 2015. Ha-ha WOW!
-   Holli:  18 yr. old American girl who traveled thru Germany with me – I shared my testimony which most of you know while she was there, and she just happens to have a similar past and we could relate well.
Mallorie – an American missionary who hosted us in Hannover, Germany – who was the EXACT same person as my best friend Niki (both sing, both play piano, same personality, has kids, same exact marriage, random bursts of singing musicals etc.) INSANE!
-          Aurela – same cancer as my best friend Allie
-          The World Race girls when I needed young American girls to talk to and confide in and they are on similar journey as me!
And just how HE provided overseas, HE will provide here at home for me too with my next steps and finding a new job and providing financially for me. All I have to do is TRUST HIM.
Lyrics from Oceans: (these words stuck out to me while I was away)
-  "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Savior"
I've heard this song a thousand times before and it's always been one of my favorite songs, however, these words from it were in my head for several days while I was in Europe. I couldn’t get them out of my mind. Although, this time the lyrics were speaking something different to me. I was hearing them in a different context. I was thinking more in terms of physical borders. Borders of countries. Our God is the same everywhere. There are NO BORDERS!!!
Second, I learned that Jesus + nothing = EVERYTHING.
Another amazing lesson that I learned recently while I was away in Europe, and then it was also reinforced when I returned back in the States because apparently it was the title of the message series here at Impact while I was overseas is that Jesus + nothing = EVERYTHING!!! Oh my goodness - truer words have never been spoken!
For the first time in my life, I feel as if everything and I mean everything has been taken away from me. I have lost my job/career of almost 10 years and am worried I’m going to lose my home as a result. I have lost friends of 10 plus years due to differences in lifestyles and opinions.  I feel as if I have truly lost my family (parents, twin sister and my precious nephew).  Basically, I feel as if I have nothing left. However, it's made me rely on Jesus more than ever!! I truly believe that He removed these things so that I would desire Him more and have to truly rely on Him because He is all I have left. And let me tell you, it's not been easy but I have never had so much PEACE! Therefore, yes -- Jesus + nothing = EVERYTHING!!! I have witnessed it first hand and it's been absolutely incredible.  I am experiencing things I would have never experienced as result of Him taking things away.  WOW, just WOW is all I can say.
Third, I learned that we should be so grateful that we were blessed to be born and live in America and to stop taking so many things for granted.  
Here are just a few reasons as to why:
- 1. Modern medicine in America (like I explained previously about my dear sister Aurela with thyroid cancer) – something here we can treat fairly easily bc we have the specialists and good doctors and medicine to help treat it whereas they do not.  She has to drive 3 hours to Tirana, the capital of Albania to get medicine when she can even afford it because local pharmacies don’t carry it and she has to take an Italian drug (they just don’t have the medical advances we do).
- 2. Accessibility of Christian churches, fellow Christians, and most importantly JESUS - less than 1% of Albania is Christians; not many evangelical Christians churches at all.  Here, we have Christian churches EVERYWHERE…there are multiples in just ONE town.  We don’t even realize how blessed we are with that.  I’ll be honest I don’t know if I would have found God without my fellow Christian friends…so you can imagine not being able to find any Christian friends? Community is SO important and we should be so grateful that we can find that easily here in the States.  Look at the "one another" passages all through the New Testament.  For example, in Hebrews 10:25 "And let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do, but encourage one another especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." Community is Biblical, and while our faith is our own personal responsibility (thru prayer and Bible reading) it's also our personal responsibility to find believers to share with and serve with, and we are in ample supply of that in the States.
Now I’m going to share a few of my Albanian friends’ testimonies to show how awesome Jesus is and to prove that He is everywhere and always pursuing us. 
- Brisi’s testimony first: Brisi is a 21 yr. old intern at CFN Albania’s Bible school. During Sunday service in Pogradec there was a time where they asked if anyone wanted to come up and share a testimony of faith. My friend Brisi approached the front of the room and shared this incredible story: she shared that she was grateful that after much prayer, the Lord provided a Christian church plant in Pogradec (the church we were in –it’s only a few years old).  She said all she wanted was a place to be with others and worship the Lord.  She also encouraged us to make Jesus our number 1 priority.  She said some of her friends would say they were too busy each day to read their Bibles.  She encouraged all of us to spend at least 1 to 1.5 hours a day reading our Bibles and being in the Word, and praising Jesus.  I know we all know this and we all know we should, but it was super convicting to me (because we do take something this simple for granted and we are guilty of being “too busy” as well).
- Daniel’s testimony: Daniel was a 29 yr. old guy who was an intern at the Bible school I did ministry at as well.  He used to be a Muslim and even teach Islam and now he is a Christian and spreading the gospel – SO COOL!!!  
- Dorina’s testimony: Islam is one of the main religions of Albania, along with Greek Orthodox and Catholicism.  However, during cell group (which is basically church/in home bible study we attended with the intent to become a church plant), there were many young members (ages 16-29 probably) who were new to Christianity and their parents/families were Muslims but they still allowed them to attend the cell group.  Even Dorina (23 yr. old intern at bible school) whose home the cell group meets in is Muslim – but her mother allows her to host a Christian group there anyways. Dorina’s two sisters have now come to know Jesus thru her and I’m praying that one day she will reach her parents as well.  So powerful.
- 3. Our freedom and safety – I met with an Iraqi refugee in Belgium.  He was 28 yrs. Old.  He has been living in Belgium for about a year now learning the language and looking for work.  When he escaped Iraq, he was separated from his family (his parents and brothers fled to Turkey and Germany).  Anyways he was telling us that a few days earlier that his Afghanistan neighbor was found dead in his apartment building in Belgium.  They think it was a murder, and the police were investigating it.  I asked him if he was afraid to stay there now, and he replied with a straight face and said “not at all, I have seen so much worse back in Iraq.”  I just sat there in amazement.  At such a young age, he has seen so much tragedy and death and witnessed horrible things.  Things that I will probably never see in my entire life time, and all I could do was thank God for that.  Again, we don’t even realize how good we have it in America, and how blessed we are to live here.
Fourth, I was reminded that we are not alone in our struggles.  People all over the WORLD have the same issues/struggles as we do.  As most of you know, I struggle with depression and anxiety.  Well when I was in Brussels, Belgium, I learned that they have one the highest suicide rates in the world.  I also ended up sharing my testimony in both Germany and Albania and reached others during both.  One of the fellow Americans I traveled with in Germany who heard my testimony, Holli (the 18-yr. old I mentioned earlier) happens to have a similar past so she could relate to me.  Then in Albania, I was informed about the Blue Whale challenge, which is a 50 day challenge which ends in suicide on the 50th day (last day).  Apparently a 14 yr. old girl in Albania took her life after completing the challenge and that is why it was so well-known there.  So sad and just goes to show you that struggles are everywhere and we are not alone.
Fifth, I was reminded that when we are a blessing to others and when we serve the Lord with our whole heart, mind and soul that HE blesses us in return tenfold.  While I was in Belgium, I visited with several different sets of missionaries (about 6 or 7; married ones, single ones, ones with children, etc.).  It was so awesome to hear their stories and challenges about life on the mission field.  However, while I thought I was being blessed by them and learning so much about missions, one of the missionary couples thanked us for encouraging them and for taking the time to travel to Europe and to spend time with each of them to pray with them, etc.  I was floored because here I thought I was the one being encouraged.  It was so cool to see how we can encourage and bless each other at the same time.  Same with my dear friend Aurela in Albania, I was just telling her this week what a blessing she is to me and how much she has taught me about faith, and she said that I’m a blessing to her and that she loves talking to me every day.  
Sixth, I was reminded that missionaries are needed everywhere!  Even here in the States! Even though certain parts of Europe (such as Belgium and Germany) and America may be physically wealthy, we are still spiritually poor.  Christianity is dying here in America as well.  The gospel needs to be shared wherever you are. Anyone can be a missionary even right here in our own country!!  Similar to that, it has been super-duper cool to have non-believers ask me about my mission trip.  I have also seen my mom’s faith grow while I was away on my trip through the letters she sent me.  God has definitely used me to witness to others in the states through my trip in various ways.  He uses us to be an example to others by just living out our daily lives for Him.
And Lastly, I want to share one more thing.  This is more something that I’m grateful for than a lesson. I am SO GRATEFUL that laughing/smiling, crying, and Jesus is the SAME in every language/culture.  It was amazing to see how with Jesus I was able to build relationships regardless of the cultural and language barriers.  We have family (Christian sisters and brothers) everywhere all over the world because OF JESUS!!  Despite the differences, we share one thing in common (that is our faith in Jesus) and we are connected by Him!!!
In closing, I’d like to challenge each of us to be a missionary in our everyday lives.  Why can’t YOU be a missionary here in your day to day life?!?!  In order to receive more from God and from our lives, we need to give of ourselves.  Not in a codependent way (a way that diminishes ourselves or looking for worth/validation from others) but in a way that shows that we are different.  That we're not looking out for "number 1" but that we are living our lives FOR number 1 and that's God.  So I encourage each of you to think about that as you leave here tonight and think of ways to spread the Gospel to others!!!
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