#okay lunch time i gotta get up and do that before i forget i preheated the oven
dredshirtroberts · 27 days
okay. i cleared out the space under my bed so the princess will have so much MORE room for activities than she previously did. at least until Saturday and we move to the new place and she can decide if she's going to play nice with the boys finally.
#i was really underutilizing the under the bed space#not that i had a lot that could go in there but like just conceptually there was a lot of open space#also a whole fuckin pillow for some reason#anyway... my bookshelf STILL has books on it 3 bankers boxes later#i have a BAJILLION chotchkies i gotta figure out how to transport (absolutely already have gotten rid of things that aren't important)#(still have approximately a bajillion don't at me bro i know)#we're gonna figure out the stuffy transport situation#i'm planning on just throwing my clothes into the back of my car wherever there's space when we get to that part#because fuck it i don't care if it's enclosed in something if it gets dirty there's a washer and dryer in the new place#and i've already got plans to wash so much clothing#i have a whole ass hangup about laundry and i'm going to do my best to overcome that this next year#i'm also trying really hard not to overspend on spoons because i want to be able to help AND enjoy my birthday activities#(weather permitting) on friday AND also be kind of useful while we're settling into the new place over the next week#it is very nice that i do not have to do everything all by myself because i've been able to take the rest breaks i need#i'm doing very good at not panicking i'm really hoping it'll last until we're most of the way done already and i can just#point to all the things that are already done and go ''eh it's fine see?'' at myself#and then not actually panic.#we'll see how that goes lmao#okay lunch time i gotta get up and do that before i forget i preheated the oven
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shrubberylogistic · 4 years
Quarantine Kitchen
Ninety eight... Ninety-nine....  You hold the pose, rigid muscles rippling. Then you thrust your knees to your chest, leaping up with a beaming smile for the camera.
“One hundred push-ups," you declare, sweeping back your hair. “Phew, that feels good. Not bad for Day 3, huh?” You down a smooth glass of icy water while you check the timer. “Sweet. So we’ve hit five minutes. Let’s check out how our dinner’s doing.”  
You tilt the camera to the steamer basket, lifting the lid on a bubbling bounty of shredded kale.  
“Oooh, looking awesome.” You smile. “Okay next, we’re gonna add it to the stir-fry with some chili and garlic for the last two minutes. I think we’ve got time for one more exercise, don’t you?” You wink. “Let me know in the comments. Don’t forget to use the hashtag Quarantine Kitchen, and like and subscr –”  Click.  “Okay, so, Four-Cheese Pizza for Day 44. That’s Mozarella, Parmesan, Brie and Ricotta. I tried a little bit of each before I mixed them all together – they're delicious! Mmmpphh.”  
You dive your hand into the tangy mush of freshly grated cheese, washing it down with a swig of sweet orange soda. You tug your shirt, then seal the sloshing two-litre bottle. A burp escapes your lips.
“Mmpphh. Oh! Excuse me, sorry,” you squeak, patting your chest. “Where was I – oh yeah, so I preheated the oven to four-fifty fahrenheit earlier for ten minutes.” You toss your hair. “The pizza’s gonna bake for ten more, I thought maybe I could do some squats?”
You raise an eyebrow, teasing them with the curve of your ass before bringing it round to the shimmering window.
“There. So you can see what’s happening on the top shelf. Mmmm...” You dip your thighs, stretching the seat of your spandex. “Just look at all that pepperoni...”  
You pause, lift, squat, and lift, squat...and lift....squat....lift....and again. You breathe. Again....and again....  “Man, can you feel it hotting up in here?” You itch your brow. “I’m boiling. Wheeew...” you wheeze.  
You reach for your stool, pull it beneath you and settle down with a grumbling creak. You stretch your pale arms for another sip of soda.
“Sorry guys, getting a little thirsty,” you mumble to the camera. “I’m just gonna sit here and watch those bubbles of cheese for a bit. Damn, it looks yummy,” You swap screen, licking your lips.
“I’m really looking forward to this one. Oooh - let me know what toppings you wanna see me try next time. Don’t forget to –  
Click.  “Yeah...so...umm....Day 183. Here’s my... uffff... here’s my recipe for creamy pork lasagna. It’s one of my favourites. Ugghh, that was heavy.”
You set the pot of lightly salted water on the stove. You squeeze the cramp in your soft arms, padding back to the cupboard for the bag of noodles. You step wide over the kitchen tiles, pulling at your shorts, nursing the rubbing flesh between your thighs with probing fingers.  
“Here we go. We want five-hundred grams, plus the same amount of sausages...” 
You pick up the hefty packet and waddle back a step.    
“Like I said,” you breathe, nudging the door shut with a hefty hip. “It’ll serve six to eight people, but really...” You tip in half the contents. “Really... it’s up to you.”  
The plastic crinkles as the pasta falls free. You pull at the hem of your vest, letting it ride a little up your stomach as you scrunch up the packet and toss it at the garbage can.  
“Okay...we’re gonna let it boil for eight to ten minutes. Then we’ve gotta cook the meat, mix the Parmesan, lay the lasagna sheets over each other – it's a lot of work, I’m kinda hungry already...”
You break off a portion of the chocolate you were saving for stout waffle sundae dessert.  
“I’m sure you won’t mind if I...err...sit this one out.” you murmur, plopping your wobbling butt down on the stool. “I’m sure this won’t spoil my lunch, just a little piece. Mmmm...” You wolf down a palmful of squares, munching and gulping. “Mmmpphh. Yeah, I’m gonna read some of these comments while we’re waiting. Let me know what your favourite thing for lunch is, then if I’ve got the ingredients maybe later I’ll –” 
“I know, I know, they’re not the healthiest, but if you’re having one of those days...”
You dip the last cookie in the batter.  
“...then they’re the best. I mean, why not? It’s Day 300.”
You swirl the tongs in the frying oil. Your belly bunches and shifts on the countertop.  
“They make you feel worth it. There we go, that’s the last one,”  
You drop your latest culinary creation in the bowl.
“Deep fried Oreos. Voila.”
You clap your hands. Your butt does the same as you turn to the fridge, retrieving a long-awaited milkshake. Chocolate, of course. You flick the cap off the bottle and pump yourself with the succulent dairy stream, moaning and slurping. You take the bowl in the crook of your arm as you journey to your living room, side-stepping through the door, lungs yearning for the couch.
“Some people like to drain theirs first with paper towels,” you say, tilting your head, phone tucked into the flesh of your chin. “As you can see...I just like to get stuck right in.”
You flash a greedy grin as you roll your tongue around the first Oreo, fingers juicy with oil. You inhale the bite sized piece and licked them clean.
“If it’s cold out, if you just wanna spend the day in your sweats, like me...”
You lower yourself into the couch. The cushions blow up with a wheeze.  
“...then they’re perfect,” You set the bowl on your lap, scooching your thighs, pulling the TV remote from under your ass. You slip your thick fingers into the dripping mound of batter, cheeks aglow as you push another past your lips.
“Mmmmpph. They’re super rich,” you mumble through a mouthful. “Every one’s like, a meal in itself...”
You chug some more milkshake. You rub your heaving stomach.  
“And...mmmpphh....while we’re....” you swallow. “While we’re here, I thought I’d talk about some of the comments I’ve been – ” 
You pause your latest upload, closing your eyes, and wriggling yourself comfortable again. Your bed creaks and groans. You blow the hair out of your face. You sigh.
“getting about my weight, and why I don’t exercise like I –”
Click. You swish the mouse and press play again.
“whale emojis, all of a sudden, it’s really...”
Click. You edge the cursor a little further along.
“So, I’m taking a break. I won’t be streaming daily anymore – I need to find out where all this is going, I need a little me time.” Your arms wobble as you reach for more Oreos. “I haven’t left my apartment in months; I’ve already found myself making a few lifestyle adjustments, but this isn’t over. Quarantine Kitchen will be back. I’m gonna whip myself into shape again. It’ll be better than ever. Later, haters.”
You let out a puff of breath. Your laptop leans, threatening to topple off your belly. You snatch it before it can fall, but slick with grease, your fingers let it slip to the floor.
You groan. You grunt. Hoisting a leg, your breasts jostle and tumble as you roll onto your side, steadying yourself, before you plant your chubby feet on the carpet. Your knees ache as you stand, gathering your laptop off the pile of potato chips. Your other hand drifts to the small of your back, soothing the strain while you lift your head and shake back your sweaty hair. You breathe in, then make the slow waddle toward your desk.  
Your naked belly smacks into your thighs. Squeezing into the chair, you straighten the screen, letting your elbow rest on your love handle. You bite your lip, and dabble a message in the comments.
Day 423. I know it’s been a while.  
You gaze at your puffy reflection in the mirror.
I wanted to cook for you today, but I’m exhausted, you type. Somebody wanna recommend somewhere for takeout?  
You bite your cheek.
I’m starving... 
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krisbeecream · 4 years
Teach Me to be Brave Ch. 5
Read on AO3
The day whizzed by Manon in a blur of assignments and overheard excited chatter about Paris’ new dynamic duo. She moved from class to class without a thought, but the narrative of the students around her remained the same buzz of excitement and wonder. Before she knew it, the final bell was ringing, and it was time for her to take her leave and head home.
Emotionally, Manon was exhausted. Her body, of course, was largely unaffected by her gymnastic endeavors the night prior as a result of the magic in the suit. She found, however, that keeping up appearances and watching her every word very carefully to avoid any and all suspicion from her classmates was more weight than she was used to carrying on a daily basis.
“What’s for dinner tonight, then, Manon?” Remy elbowed Manon in the ribs to pull her from the mental fog she appeared to be lost in. The spunky brunette jolted and shook out her jumbled thoughts before turning to her best friend who was watching her pack up her things with a quirked eyebrow.
“Tonight’s menu features a Taleggio, Ham, and Cornichon baked croissant with a summer berry tossed salad accompaniment,” Manon declared in a fake fancy accent, putting on airs about her culinary creation-to-be. A strange, high-pitched, muffled whining noise was suddenly heard from the back corner of the room, and Manon turned to see Chris gripping something in the pocket of his black hoodie with all his might before he loudly coughed.
“What are you looking at, Chamack?” he bit, though the tips of his ears were tinging red with clear embarrassment. Manon rolled her eyes and turned back to her conversation without acknowledging the obnoxious boy.
“Chris, would you mind hanging back after class for a minute?” M. Agreste called out to him.
“Again?” Chris groaned. Manon couldn’t help herself, and she twisted around to stick her tongue out at him, hopeful that maybe their teacher had caught wind of his actions that day.
“God, my stomach is yowling. That’s either going to be really gross, or it’ll star in my hungry daydreams for weeks to come…” Remy grabbed the attention of his experimental chef bff again as he rubbed his stomach performatively.
“Who says you get any?” Manon scoffed, acting offended. Elise laughed her bright, sunshiney laugh as she hung off her boyfriend beside Manon.
“Your mom is lucky that she gets to try it! It’s definitely gonna be better than those bacon onion tempura lollipop abominations you brought for lunch yesterday.”
“When she bit into it, it brought a tear to my eye,” observed Remy. He dramatically brushed a finger across his bottom eyelid as if he were crying right then.
“Sometimes they’re hits, sometimes they’re misses! You still gotta take the shot,” Manon winked. All laughed as they slid their respective backpacks onto their shoulders and made to leave the room.
“Have a good evening, M. Agreste!” Manon called as they exited. Their spirited homeroom teacher looked up from his computer to smile warmly and wave to the trio.
“Goodnight, guys! Good luck on problem #6,” M. Agreste flashed a devilish grin at them, and Remy groaned in response. “Ready, Chris?”
The bully nodded reluctantly and headed for the front of the room as the teacher stood to close the door. Manon was silently disappointed that she didn’t get to hear the beginning of her rival being chewed out by an authority figure. She decided to try to watch his behavior tomorrow to see if he’d really given it to him.
The group of friends chatted casually on the stroll towards home, as they did every day after school. They all lived within the same neighborhood, so they were able to walk together most of the way before diverting onto their respective streets. Manon expounded on her recent trip to the produce market across town in search of the perfect, crisp cornichons she needed for her sandwiches. Elise updated the gang on her latest modern dance routine that she was cooking up for competition, flip-flopping on which moves were too complex for her to pull off in a fast-paced sequence like that. Remy filled them in on how his twin pet frogs were currently in a fight, refusing to occupy the same half of their tank at the same time. Manon suggested couples counseling.
“They’re not a couple, they’re brothers!” Remy shouted, his voice reverberating off the tall buildings surrounding the group of friends.
“That doesn’t always stop a relationship in the animal kingdom….” observed Elise.
“You are not allowed near Erlân and Ramón ever again.”
“Aw, come on! They love me!”
“Nuh uh. You’re a bad influence with those utterly impure frog thoughts you just aired.”
Manon rolled her eyes at her lovestruck besties as they bickered good-naturedly beside her. She loved them so, but thinking of that fact reminded her that, since last night, she was keeping a very large secret from them. Guilt quickly soured her mood.
“H-have a good night, guys. I’ll let you know how the croissants turn out! Maybe there will be enough leftovers for me to bring them for lunch tomorrow.” Manon tried to keep her voice even and cheerful as she turned rapidly down her street, breaking off from the group to hide her conflicted face.
“Oh, uh, bye, Manon!” Elise called at her rapidly retreating pal with a confused wave. She shrugged to Remy, and they continued walking and discussing frog technicalities.
“Are you feeling okay, Manon?” Tikki poked her little bulbous head out of Manon’s backpack to speak into her charge’s ear. A look of concern was plastered on her adorable face.
“Huh?” Manon startled, almost forgetting she had Tikki in there. “Sorry, Tikki. I just don’t like lying to people. It makes me feel… dirty.” The girl frowned.
“I’m sorry to hear that you’re upset, Manon. It’s a tough job to be a superhero, and it’s a lot of responsibility to have foisted on you all in an instant. However, Ladybug chose you because she knew that you could overcome the obstacles and thrive.” The kwami patted Manon’s shoulder with her tiny paw.
“That’s right! Ladybug chose me.” Manon looked confused, struck by the thought. “How does she assume these things about me? Do I know Ladybug?”
Tikki shook her head dismissively, “I am not allowed to speak the name of my previous owners to those who don’t already know it. It’s a magical spell placed on the Miraculous to protect secret identities if a kwami is captured, so don’t even ask,” she chuckled. “And anyway, I think maybe you should just get inside and look in your physics book.”
“I promise I’ll get the homework done, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Manon replied, twisting her head to look at the little bug creature over her shoulder with a curious quirked brow. “Science is usually my worst subject, but M. Agreste is a good teacher.”
Tikki shrugged and nodded. As they came upon Manon’s building, the girl keyed her code into the pad next to the front door and took the elevator to her floor. Once inside her apartment, she flopped her bag down on the couch and set about getting her dinner ingredients out of the fridge.
Tikki watched her new Chosen as she worked, a look of determination and excitement on the teen’s face like a great artist struck with inspiration. Manon turned the TV on for background noise, pulled out a cutting board, and began slicing up deli meat, cheese, and tiny pickles while the oven preheated. The brunette danced gracefully about the kitchen, pulling armfuls of sauces and liquids from the refrigerator, several spice jars from a tall cabinet, bowls from the dishwasher. Tikki caught the sparkle in Manon’s eye as she made various concoctions from citrus juices, vinegars, creams, seasonings, and oils in little bowls.
Twenty minutes later, the sandwiches were in the oven, roasting the croissants to a golden brown while the cheese melted. Manon wiped sweat from her thick brows and took down her hair from the ponytail she had tied it back into, shaking it out to her shoulder blades with a sigh.
“Phew. I hope this one works!”
“You look so alive while cooking! Is this a hobby of yours?” Tikki questioned, hovering over to the tired girl.
“Yeah!” Manon perked up instantly at the mention of her special interest. “I’ve been cooking things by myself since I was little, because my mom was always gone at night working. Over the years, I think my tastes have strayed from the norm, though…” she trailed off with a light giggle, reminiscing about the strange dishes she had come up with just in the last month.
“I think you have great taste,” Tikki beamed, “and I can’t wait to try a tiny bite of that sandwich when it’s done.” The hungry kwami rubbed her hands together and licked her lips, looking at the oven.
Manon laughed and felt herself relax slightly. She had really come to love cooking. Someday, she thought maybe she could open a restaurant, or maybe a bistro, to showcase her unique recipes. That is, if enough people actually liked them. She made a mental note to pinch off a tidbit of her sandwich to slip to Tikki during dinner later without her mother noticing.
Right on cue, Manon heard her mother’s key unlock the apartment door as the oven timer was about to ring out. Quickly telling Tikki to hide, Manon slipped on an oven mitt and pulled the tray out of the hot oven just as Nadja entered.
“Hey, Mom!” greeted Manon.
“Hi, Sweetie. How was school?” The pixie-haired talk show host replied to her daughter.
“Ah, nothing to write home about.” Manon shrugged, deciding not to vent about Chris and his goons today. She wanted to keep her spirits up to enjoy dinner.
“No new drama with that boy today?” Nadja asked anyway, like she had read Manon’s mind and decided to pry.
“Ahhh,” chuckled the girl, “He gave some trouble to Odette, the girl who got akumatized last night? She’s in my class.” With her face turned away from her mother, Manon frowned briefly as she glossed over the detail that she had been targeted by them as well, and may have even made herself an enemy of the group with just a few sentences.
“That’s a shame. I hope she didn’t let him get in her head. He seems too stupid for her to trouble herself with.” Nadja shook her head and looked up at the ceiling. She had heard plenty of earfuls about Chris Lahiffe and his jerky jock pals over the years, ramping up now that he and her daughter were in high school. Nadja had even had some talks with various teachers and Principal Mendeliev regarding the rambunctious behavior, but the problems always returned in time.
“Exactly, Mama. Plus, M. Agreste held him after school when we were leaving. Here’s hoping he got expelled!” Manon’s optimism was a bit misplaced in vengeance, but Nadja decided to let the girl have her fantasy. “And he seemed kinda jealous when he heard me talking about these sandwiches,” Manon grinned with pride as she plated the croissants and poured homemade dressing on the salad she had crafted. Nadja lit up, hunger in her eyes.
“You’re too good to me, Manon.”
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The croissants were a success in Manon’s book. She may sometimes find out that not every idea was as delicious in execution as it sounded in her head, but lately she had been right more often than wrong. Even Tikki agreed, having eagerly gobbled up the bite Manon offered to her when Nadja’s back was turned during dinner.
After the dishes were cleared, Manon packed the remaining few croissants into a container and slid it into her lunch bag for the next day. It was time to start her homework, she realized with a groan. The teen slung her backpack over her shoulder and marched into her bedroom to begin.
Flicking on the light, Manon was greeted with the comfy, familiar sight of her room. Three of the walls were an ashen grey color, accented by the fourth wall which was almost neon teal. Leaning against the accent wall was her dresser, tall and white with several keepsakes and curios on top such as Ladybug merchandise and little Japanese keychains made to look like miniature foods. A bookshelf stood proudly next to her queen-size bed, full of fiction novels about girls who go on adventures and participation trophies from various sports Manon had played as a child, but never exactly excelled at.
Her desk was triangular in shape, placed in the corner with a large, plush rolling chair at it. The great window beside it gave her a view of the streets below and the buildings surrounding, as the apartment was on the 7th floor. Manon placed herself elegantly in the chair as she tossed her bookbag onto the ground beside her before slumping and groaning at the idea of homework once more. She flicked on her lamp, which was clipped to the bookshelf between the desk and her bed in order to provide light to both.
As Manon flipped open the heavy textbook to read her first homework question, a yellow piece of paper stuck to the page caught her eye. Lifting it to catch the light, Manon read the mysterious note curiously. It seemed to be an address, though Manon didn’t recognize it, and a time, 8 p.m. Her heart leapt into her throat when she saw the initials in the bottom right corner:
Her eyes snapped to the clock on her bookshelf instantly. 7:36, it read. Manon’s golden eyes blew wide as she glanced rapidly between the note and the clock, urging her brain to form thoughts. Once she managed to push through her shock, she flipped open her personal laptop on the desk and speedily hopped on a navigation website. The walk time to the address was almost half an hour.
Manon stood before she even finished thinking, twisting her long hair into a braid lightning fast, two strands of cowlicked hair hanging loosely over her forehead as they always did when her hair was pulled back. The frantic girl grabbed her backpack and tore through the apartment to the front door.
“Are you going out, Manon?” Nadja turned around from where she sat on the couch to look at her fleeing daughter.
“Oh! Mom! Ah, yeah! Remy is having…” her mind blanked briefly, “relationship issues? With his frogs! Not Elise. We’re gonna help him! But I gotta go right now so bye!” Manon blew a kiss to her confused mother as she tugged on a light jacket to face the brisk evening ahead, and then she was gone.
Tikki floated along behind Manon down the hallway of the large building as the girl decided the stairs would be faster than the elevator. The kwami looked sheepish.
“Oh, right. I did tell you to check your physics book, didn’t I? Sorry, I got a little distracted by the food.”
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay. so today was pretty good. I woke up at like 12:25ish I think? naturally, I texted Jess and asked if she wanted to get lunch, citing a lunch special that was posted at one of the restaurants we went to last week. she said yes and we said we’d meet in 15, so I got dressed and headed out. Once we got there we couldn’t actually see the lunch special where it was posted so we were kinda just like fuck it we’ll get whatever we want lol. I ended up getting a burger, which I kinda got meat-fatigued with (I don’t care if that’s not a real thing, I’m making it a real thing) but I ate like two-thirds of it before switching to my tater tots. they also like, fully cooked it when I said medium rare, so that may have contributed to my feelings there, lol. but mostly it was good. So we got the check and paid, I later would discover I accidentally left my credit card there and would have to deal with that later. but for now we headed home. For a while I just did random computer stuff, namely ordering a bunch of stuff off amazon after looking at recipes I wanted to make that I needed some specific ingredients for (some of which you couldn’t really find at a grocery store) and I wanted to get better tips for my piping bag for making macarons because the ones I have now aren’t big enough to properly pipe the shells so I end up having to pipe them using a circular motion instead of just doing dollops like you’re supposed to. I had gotten a reply email from the one I sent yesterday regarding the kitten for adoption and they said to call for a short phone interview and set up a time to visit, so I gave them a call but it went to voicemail and nobody’s called back yet, I may try them again in the morning because we were hoping to be able to go get the kitten tomorrow, so we’ll see how that works. I was on their website and they didn’t list a specific address for their location because apparently it’s a primarily a private home but they listed approximate coordinates by street numbers, which I tracked down to actually be really close to both of our apartments, so that should be easy hopefully. After that I decided I wanted to make oatmeal raisin cookies which had been on my mind for a few days now, so I set about doing that. I always fuck up with remembering to take the baking sheets out of the drawer below the oven before preheating the oven, because if I leave them in there they get really hot and are just generally harder to deal with, so I had to put up with that which was annoying. I tried to see if I could get my broken cookie dough to work if I used a certain technique but it was not in fact successful, so I just ended up using a spoon and rolling them into balls with my hands. I later went back on Amazon and bought a new cookie dough scoop, so I really went a bit Amazon crazy today 😂 oh well. The cookies came out pretty good, the only thing was the ones that were put on the bottom rack, which I hadn’t scooped out until after the first tray was already in, ended up being a little dark on the bottom, not burnt except for a few small areas but definitely getting there, so I’ll have to be careful about that in the future. But I was mostly satisfied with them. I went back on my computer and did nothing in particular until Jess and I decided to go get ice cream, and as I was heading out I looked at the clock and realized it was like 6 pm and not like 4 like I thought, so when we met up I suggested we get some actual food first since it was actually dinner time, so we went to one of the restaurants on the main street that I’d been to a few times before and it was pretty good. we didn’t want to fill up too much because ice cream, so we shared two appetizers: fried mac and cheese balls, and poutine. they were both super good, but the poutine was like, freaking amazing lol. I knew I was going to get sooooooo much acid reflux for eating it (and I did) but it was totally worth it. When we went to pay I saw that my credit card was suspiciously missing from its spot, which was concerning of course but I figured I’d probably just left it in the restaurant we were at for lunch (which was conveniently just across the street from where we were), so I tried to not panic and paid with another card, then we went across the street and asked about it, they told us to talk to the bartender who said to give him my ID, and I did, and he went to a little like flash card box (I forget if those have an actually proper name or not) and flipped through a bunch of pages (apparently a lot of people have left cards there before, but I guess that’s the case with a bar sometimes) before finding mine and bringing it back to me, which of course I was very relieved about, I had to deal with losing my wallet last year and getting fraudulent charges on my cards almost immediately and had to cancel and reissue all of them and then there was this ongoing problem with the bank and it was really just a nightmare, so I’m glad I don’t have to do that again. We continued down the street to the ice cream place (we have like a ton of food places in like a two block radius), where we ordered our standard choices and sat and ate them before parting ways. I got home and decided I was in the mood for some more game of thrones, finishing season 3 and starting season 4. I gotta say that I’m finally actually getting really into it. like for a long while I just was not following it, but now I know who (most of) the characters are and how they fit into everything, and just how crazy things get. I know a ton of people come back from the dead so I’m kinda just waiting for that to happen with some of the recently “deceased” characters (cough Starks cough). Poor fucking Sansa man. She’s just getting tortured from every angle. At least Tyrion is a decent human being and tries to protect her, seems he’s really the only Lannister that’s not completely terrible. and OF COURSE I left off at the end of the episode where Joffrey met his tragic end, and I have to see while actually watching it was kind of gross, it was still a beautiful sight to me because THAT LITTLE SHIT IS DEAD and I’m so happy about it. When everyone was going on about there being peace I knew that couldn’t last long, so something was going to happen, and it did. I suppose they’ll further investigate who actually poisoned him, because as much as Tyrion hates Joffrey I don’t think he would go to straight up homicide in such a public setting where he would very easily be found guilty for it. My money right now is on Tywin honestly, he was pretty done with that little shit lately. So like, who gets to rule the throne now?? does Margaery get to be queen now because she was technically married to the king when he died? Does it go to Joffrey’s sister (I think he only has one sibling? would they actually allow secession to a female at this point?) Would it go back to Stannis if Robert has no more viable heirs (assuming Joffrey’s sister can’t take on the throne)?? so many questions, and I’m sure they’ll be answered in like, the next episode, but I have many questions about them now. also when is Robb gonna show up again?? we all know he’s not really dead, and I’d like Catelyn back too for that matter. Also, I continue to adore both Daenerys and Arya as two (completely unrelated but still) total badasses who do not bow to others and do what they think is right. My girls, love them. Sigh. Anyway, when I finished that episode I started getting ready for bed and here we are. Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow being that I once again have nothing to actually do, we may get breakfast and then if things actually work out cat wise I may end up bringing one of those home, so stay tuned for details on that subject. But yeah, that’s it for tonight, it’s almost 2 am so it’s definitely time for bed. Goodnight sweeties. Stay awesome.
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cse6441-blog · 5 years
Vulnerabilities (my gramma dirty)
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lmaoooo i remember these recipes from 1917
Vanilla Cake
yo first off this aint even like a proper recipe gramma. you gotta split up your instructions and they gotta start off with a verb. didnt u do science in school cmon fam.
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ok preheat oven thats tight we can do that. what’s next uhh. wait hol on wAT grease pan maybe but for a CAKE dawg??? and flour whatchu talking about - flour what?? thats sus homie
ok cake pan im cool with but MUFFIN PAN??? with PAPER LINERS??? aint this vanilla cake?? we aint out here makingno muffinz
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step 2 now u mad trippin what even is a medium bowl. can you define that. that aint no universal standard gramma heLLO. y u lyin. cream together aint no action i ever heard of. this aint no mix action it’s cream out here. yeah i guess you can make butter cream but that aint a cooking term i ever heard of. sugar and butter that seems interesting but how much sugar and butter? yo where the list of ingridents at the start. how i know what to get CMON. ok why beat egg 1 at a time hol up. you just mixing em anyway ??? and is this in the same bowl or nah?? how much again how many eggs and how much vaniLLA???
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yo what where is this flour baking powder coming from. this different to the one in the pan right? again no measurements we just winging it out here. oh yeah and creamed mixture is what. the one from stpe 2? ok again dont know how much milk or how smooth it gotta be. now whats the pan we using and spoon aint no term i ever heard of again.
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ok so we baking ye but do we not change temp? that usually does change idk gramma. i guess this is kinda aight but 30-40 mins will the cake spring back? you giving me mixed messages zz
Caramel Slice
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ok so we startin this off with a lie. since when did they have caramel slice baking contest at easter show?? cmon gramma i know u aint go no easter show.
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ok cool we got ingredients now. first step seems pretty cool but 100g extra butter wtf you using that for?? and 2x 395 condensed milk. yall use units for this??? what is going on here?? and MELTED choc ok i guess i didnt get that memo didnt know they sold those at supermarkets. iguess they also only need 1 tbsp of veg oil for all pans regardless of size.
1. 180c/160c seems kinda sus. usually you have LOWER - HIGHER temp. that’s the standard format. also you used Farenheit before but now u celsius dawg?? i dont believe it. again with the greasing and lining that with baking paper? kinda doesnt make sense. why it gotta be specific measurement pan now?
2. ok medium bowl again not like this. ok we got flower sugar and coconut i guess... wasn’t this a caramel recipe tho? why tf is there coconut in this. also i dont ssee no damn caramelin the ingredients GRAMMA. sickens me u lyin to your fav grandson. press firmly?? this aint no misbehaving child wyd pressing caramel slices firmly and how hard. it just gonna stick then??? ok again no temperature change and who adds ‘Cool’ at the end of the step? no metho don how to cool or how long GREAT
3. ok wtf plaistowe chocolate that dont exist i googled it you liar. also microwave? didnt we just cook it? this isnt a budget college meal you cant just microwave stuff. different microwaves handle things differently you cant just say 50% ok what if mine is radiactivewyd. why we stirring and melting it i thought we done! we didn’t even use all the ingredeints u dirty dog
Cheese Souffle
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last chance gramma else ther wont be anymore family after this.
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serves: 4 ok so is that 4 people or what.
30g of butter ok... only grated mature CHEEDAr huh. this sus already. now we get into the 1/4 teaspoon salt, that’s kinda a weird measurement. 4 eggs separated even more interesting. and then we now measure parmesan cheese in tablespoons...
directions ok but no cooling time? i guess it ready exactly 50 mins no buffer
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1. wtf is a 1 1/2 litre souffle dish. is that even real. (it’s not i googled thats way too big ok we arent giants out here). flour and butter in a saucepan hmm ok are we making sauce? and then how exactly do we beat in egg yolks and then why is it one at a time???
2. ok whisking doesnt make things more stiff or glossy. this isnt a thing ok. they also cant get wet like wtF. is WATER WET??? so then now we adding it to the cheese sauce (ew wat) and then somehow make it the same consistency as the prior whites... then fold the egg whites? these are egg whites ok they RAW aint no folding happening here
3. ok when did a skewer get in here yo waT. no cooling i guess we okay with BURNING OUT MOUTHS. a starter for support ok only lunch and supper OK.
Code 1
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The variable length is susceptible to an integer overflow and able to bypass the if-statement as a result. Additionally, because length is a short (signed) and MAX is an unsigned integer, when you compare an unsigned with a signed number in C, they will both be converted to signed. Therefore it will be able to bypass the check for max as the range when range overflows into a negative value.
Code 2
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The issue here is the possibility of a memory leak that occurs when you forget to free up a piece of memory allocated by ‘malloc’. The thing is that the free(buffer) lies under an if statement, and if that condition fails, you’re left with a dangling pointer to some memory. This means that this data is then able to be accessed and other programs will be able to access it.
Additionally with how the buffer is accessed and such, it is susceptible to a buffer overflow if it was to be read or changed internally.
Code 3
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This too is susceptible to a buffer overflow because of what strelen() will return. The comparison will be between the unsigned short int f which is considerably smaller range than the integer that sizeof() returns. Overflowing this will again bypass the die if statement and copy the str.
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