#one day ill be free from artblock
scrunkle · 6 months
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hopefully breaking my hiatus soon...have a saikechi for your travels
also a doodle
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theeio · 8 months
Hello! I just want to say that I adore your art and how fluid and expressive it is! Do you have any tips on staying motivated when practicing? I notice whenever I try and do studies to improve I often lose motivation and get bored easily, haha
Hope your having a lovely day/afternoon/evening! 💕
T-T WWWWWEHHGHHng thank you so much, this means a lot aaah!!
and ooooh i totally understand! sitting down and doing studies are a toughie. im not sure if i have a concrete answer for you, but what helps me a lot is having something specific that inspires and interests me! ill keep this under the cut since it gets a little rambly
as an example, recently i came across this artist, krummavisur on twitter that has some of the most striking figures, such incredible shapes and silhouettes! couldnt get it out of my head. heres a link to the artwork plspls go check em out!!
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this inspired me to try making art similar to that!! but i didnt do it for what felt like the longest time, until the weekend when i was horribly artblocked and needed some warmups, so onto pinterest i went.
so in my brain, with those arts at the back of my head it kept going “silhouettes, the colour black, edgy, strong poses” so i tried looking for photos that had a vibe that description and kept poking around until i found a thread of photos that had exactly what i was looking for. heres a screenshot of what i saved
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then i tried going in and drawing what i saw, but this time with a specific focus on the silhouette, instead of all the details in the figure. these doodles are from a recent post i made. note how the lines i emphasised was the outline and the gaps between the figure!
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of course this isnt the best example but that had to be one of the most fun study sessions i had in a while, because it was focused and on something i genuinely enjoyed and wanted to learn better!
so my suggestion to try out:
find something specific you are not just inspired by, but obsessed with-and study that (eg. my passion for edge with strong shape language)
look up and gather a couple references that fits this specific need you have (eg. poking around pinterest to look for some photography with real edgy models)
Draw studies of them with those specific inspirations in mind. If you find it hard to focus while drawing, what helps me is putting on some music that keeps me pumped up and going, or maybe setting a 2min timer to get the drawings down. I always have a lot of fun doing quick pose studies :D
I think that should be it!! Feel free to give this suggestion a shot, or do it in a different way that works better for you! I really hope this helps in at least a tiny way for you, im wishing you well and all the best anon! have a wonderful day or evening wherever you are💞
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sasanka-27 · 4 months
You know Im bookmarking funny audios from tiktok so I could draw them later when theres mood heheheheh the arblock are just there I guess they always hit me when I want todo most but Im taking different ways though and have some goals for every week to do and write every thought i can to hopefully keep me motivated.
(You know me im either super active drawing and everything or Im in a bigass artblock because I just cant)
To quote my bb klaus: Perhaps one day, in a year or even in a century, Ill go and draw my fantasy comics as living and be happily free with minor artblocks hopefully
Anyways Id like to thank you for all the love on all my art I am very grateful I wish I had more time to do stuff because if I do have a mood then Im at work which is unfortunate because I gotta work I will do write notes down when I think of something.
Thank you for your patience, luv you lots
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ask-bfdi-characters · 2 years
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(ok fyi i had to rewrite this TWICE because tumblr is being a little BITCH!!! I LOST 5 PARAGRAPHS SO ILL SUMMARISE IT THE BEST AS I CAN LMAO)
HEY HI HELLO!!! here i rise.. from the ashes.... good grief i am covered in sand
anyways, ur probably wondering what the hell happened to this acc... "WHY DID YOU DIE???!!" i can hear you scream. heres one word:
a few weeks before i actually enrolled and started school, i started this acc, and ohh did it pair SO nicely with the fact i had a major artblock between the creation of my account and my enrollment date /s
lately ive been trying to catch up with schoolwork since i enrolled late and last year.. school didnt go so well for me... so im trying the best i can n getting good scores without trunking up somehow this year which meant most of my art motivation had to be used in the mere free times i get so far per week. i became inactive here so i can keep track of my online activity better (mainly only sticking to twitter)
its been now a few months, and its been... radically better?? i guess??? ive been feeling a bit more lively and my mental health isnt making me all sludgy wudgy anymore, school has been a bit easy on me eventhough i tho, so i thought i could maybe tackle just ONE more platform now that i GENUINLY wanna make art rn, and then i remembered this acc! people seemed to really enjoy it last time it went active, so i thought "well.. maybe ill try again one more time!"
so my planned schedule for this acc is that ill post a few asks per week! it doesnt sound like a lot, but i only have a few hours along with a day free per week so its the minimum i can do to keep this blog alive <:) im SO sorry about the unannounced hiatus lmao, so heres yall treat for being so patient with me <3
in the case i go inactive again, im mainly active on twitter (CozyGalaxies) and instagram is where i usually post any art i think is cool though not that active (waterflowpow) so if you wanna harass me and beat me up to come back up here again... theres that LOL.
theres more stuff on my carrd so here u go https://cozygalaxies.carrd.co/
aaaannnddd,,, thats it! again thank you SO much for being rly patient with me and im EXTREMELY FUCKING SORRY THAT I NEARLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS PLACE :((((((( I LOVE YALL (MWAHS U) SEND ANY NEW ASKS BECAUSE MY INBOX IS EMPTY!!! GO GO GO
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