#one nesta never even needed a redemption arc like sarah janet seems to think
patalliumapples · 3 years
I’ve just been thinking about how sjm’s foundation for Eris’s redemption arc is that Mor is lying. 
She really could not have come up with a better idea than the victim has been lying about their trauma for hundreds of years? Am I reading too much into this or no because that just puts such a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t want to see an abuser get redemption like that. And even if Mor was lying, I don’t understand why sjm wants to put that in one of her books??? Again, maybe I’m reading too much into it, but the idea of an entire subplot revolving around a victim lying just does not sit right with me and I don’t know how to properly fit that into words. 
That’s not even a redemption arc, either. She just wants people to suddenly like Eris, so she’s going to try and say that he’s been good the entire time, rather than making him actually atone and work to be a better person. Or Eris could just not be redeemed, but this is sjm’s new thing that she loves so that’s going to be forced down our throats in the next books. 
For once I would just like sjm to make a legitimately well written morally ambiguous/grey character. I know it’s never going to happen since she has such a black and white mentality with her characters because they can either be entirely good or entirely bad (and it’s always based off of whether the mc likes them or not), but a girl can dream. 
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