#oner looks so young here haha
nariririri · 6 months
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from my insta story. 🫡 im so ready for redbulls a league of their own
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pynkhues · 2 years
How much redemption do you think is possible for the characters in succession? I think someone like Greg is still young enough and new enough to the game that he might snap out of it, and obviously the golden trio are very very tentatively taking the first steps out of Logan's influence. But how about someone like Logan? Is he too old and steeped in his cycle of abuse to ever get out of it, or could he have an Ebenezer Scrooge awakening after everyone he loves abandons him? Or would that make him even harder? I LIVE FOR YOUR META THANK YOU
Thank you, anon! And oh, that's such an interesting question.
I always have a million complicated feelings about the idea of redemption generally, in particular who gets to make the call that someone's been redeemed? And how do we make these decisions when someone's done or been complicit in terrible things? I don't think that onerous should fall on any one person's shoulders really, and particularly not a victim of that person, but then that poses the question how do we decide as a society what redemption looks like, and what it means?
All that said, I definitely believe in rehabilitation and the concept that anyone can change in real and meaningful ways through support services, therapy and a desire to evolve.
(This got long and a bit rambly, haha, so I'm popping it under a cut).
In a very broad way of speaking, I'm a prison abolitionist, and I do think it's important for us socially to view any system of punishment as one that aims, before anything else, to bring people back to society and community, not separate them further from it, which is what our current system does in many parts of the world. To write anyone off is, I think, dehumanising in what should be a very human process, and has a significant trickle down effect where many people are able to justify systemic issues around race, class and certain backgrounds by treating crime as a problem when it's frequently just a symptom of deeper social problems.
(Of course, one of the difficult things about prison abolition and this concept of bringing people back to community is that it can potentially put others at risk when those people have a history of violent and sexual crimes, and full disclaimer, I have no answers for that, but I don't know. I remain an optimistic realist, and I say that as someone who's life has been impacted by violent crimes.)
This is all a bit of a roundabout way of saying that yes, I think on paper (and the emphasis here is on paper, haha) any of these characters are capable of meaningful change, if not redemption. I've talked about it a bit on here before, but I think particularly with a character like Logan who himself is shaped by abandonment and abuse, he could change. With him losing most of the genuine relationships in his life as of 3.09, that feels like it could be an awakening as much as it could be an even further shutdown/shut out.
If he did, would that ever make up for the years of trauma and abuse he's inflicted on his children? His wife, ex-wives and girlfriends? Staff? To say nothing of the crimes he's been complicit in?
No, I don't think so. He still did what he did, and the suffering he inflicted is very real, but he could one day (again, on paper, haha), step into a future where he made the choice to be a better man, and it would be up to his children, the women in his life, and his staff to decide what that meant to them.
That choice though is a big part of it, and it's fascinating to me that Greg and Logan are the two characters you mention in your ask, because I think they're in a lot of ways the characters who present the most interesting moral quandry, but for very different reasons.
In a lot of ways, I actually think Tom's the character who's most similar to Logan. They're both good at what they do, they latch onto staff they feel they can trust, use and abuse in equal measure (Greg for Tom, Gerri and Frank for Logan), they both endured abuse, however differently (Tom from Shiv, Logan from Noah), they both married up as a form of class mobility (Tom married Shiv, Logan married Caroline), and they both in turn abused the people they loved (Tom with Shiv, and Logan his children). It speaks to the ruthless survivalism in both of them, but also the sort of ways they internalise the external, and become hard off the back of it.
They both do terrible, terrible things, but those terrible things don't come out of a vacuum. They survived the jaws of a beast and became a beast themselves.
Greg on the other hand, I think, is one of the worst characters on the show. (An unpopular opinion!) There's certainly a bit of a survivor in Greg, especially across his first weeks in New York when he was living in poverty, but the reality is that that was always going to be a brief tour for him. Greg has always had options and opportunity, but Kendall was right in 3.07 – Greg is a parasite. He's up close and personal to the abuse and the moral carnage and the trauma inflicted upon trauma inflicted upon trauma, and he sits eating cake at his great aunt's wedding the day after his second cousin's tried to commit suicide – the cousin he's been closest to for the last six months – and says 'what am I going to do with a soul anyway?'
I think the thing with all of these characters is that, like anyone, they are their choices, and increasingly, they're making informed choices. Tom knows what he's doing when he's siding with his wife's abuser, just like Logan knows what he's doing when he dials Caroline in to tell their children he thinks they're worthless, just like Greg knows what he's doing when he chooses to step into moral bankruptcy with Tom.
These characters are always capable of making the other choice, the good choice, but they don't, and, increasingly, they're exerting power by removing the choice for others. Tom took away Shiv's choice by telling Logan behind her back about the coup, Logan took away Kendall's choice when he didn't let him cash out, and Greg even took away Comfrey and the Contessa's choice by not telling either of them about his feelings or each other.
I think intent and accountabilty is integral to stepping forwards and into rehabilitation and community, and it's really, really fascinating to me that Kendall, Roman and Shiv each had moments of that in the finale while Logan, Greg and Tom each decided to shirk it. In that sense, yeah, I think it's always possible for them to make the choice towards a type of redemption, but whether or not any of them will choose that? Well, I think that's increasingly unlikely.
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ac3has6l00d · 5 years
Shit my band director has said
I have been keeping track of a bunch of the funny shit my Band Director has been saying to us since like, halfway though the school year-last year. Here is what I have so far. If it is in reference to a person, I will put their instrument and if It's a song I'll put the song (if I remember it). He is referred to as Barr (an ironic last name). Also don't clock me for spelling I'm not meant to have my phone out during band and yet here we are.
-Highlighter of a thousand suns
-YESSS, Cole (a french horn player) no, BUT YESSSSS
-Dee dee, I'm part of a drum set
-He dead, but a surprise ending
-Haha, I am the sailor, you fell in love with
-Santas Depressed (Minor Alterations)
-Though the woodwinds I heard the buuuRR
-It's the best of all possible worlds, and then they get invaded (Candid Suit)
-harcan back to the yesterday of your, when we had counting issues
-horns, a little more, yes, I am sure
-let it ring
-no, no *disgusted face* no
-do it again!
-can I hit you with some scary knowledge
-this is good enough, thanks, this is never wrong (talking about Dr. Beat)
-the raseing of the prevorial oooohs
-goodjob Joel (a trumpet player), you rythemmaster you
-i can say this because I am one and I'm raising a girl, but boys are weird
-Alright, Angelic fruity boy (in reference to a trumpet player)
-Horns... the heroes instrument
-i actually didn't hear you at all
-did they take your triangle?
-Right notes are also important
- Teacups? It's a small world? *Ian (a french horn player)- Mt. Everest* You got sasquatch on the brain?
-morse code people
-a shade under the tempo
-woofie woofie woofie all the way around
-That isn't our Forté in the horn section to play lightly (He played french horn)
-can I get a rallintado amen
-tess (flut/piccolo player), Jordan (percussionist) - Jordan tess, Piccolo tambourine, - tambourine Piccolo
- we have plenty loud in this piece, enjoy the soft
-thats when they get invaded (Candid Suit)
-thanks trumpets... yah yeah yeahh
-flute hanger-oner
-Bold, Underlined, and in all caps
-music land
- *impersonates Kristin chenoweth* (Candid Suit)
- coming in from the basement
-were you trying to roast me? i will defend myself
-all a Twitter about arby's or something I dunno
-that was also a bold, all caps email
-unicon has a limp
-where have you been all my tambourine life
-can we agree on right notes then?
-melody melody melody, finnaly finnaly finnaly (trombones getting the melody)
-slip the surely bonds of earth
-ah please, decapitate all the invaders
-good for you... breaking norms
-christmas arrived early for you but not for anybody else
-ill write you an invitation next time
- but shut up
-stare out the window
-you may be alright young man
-seniors is theirs enough of an amen? (Chosing to Play Angel's in the Arcatectur by Frank ticheli)
-if I see that guy in a dark allyway...  I'll play him a recording of Angel's in the arcatectur (To they Guy that gave us a bad score on our MPA)
-whah whah what is like a bad joke on the trombone
-gone fishing be back in a hour 
-im just music roasting you
-i dont like this key HAAAAAAHHHH
-empty that spit
- everyone is still standing, so that's good
- im monolouging, you get that input later
- that's a really anticlimactic chord trumpets
-three f's. And your all thinking rainbows and unicorns
-Joels (a trumpet player) paying attention
- twirling the wherlys (tubes at the beginning and end of AitA)
-i dont mess with my post-its
-dropped mute isn't apart of my score
-i wanna see fire coming from your nostrils... like GOT IT
- it's muddy but we're getting there
-alive and well
-i would expect guys from he middle school band .... that's the only roast I have
-rob (a percussionist), we need to do spinning practice
-the devils intervals
-we can end on an amen
-it's like a great dane with crippling anxiety, its scared of everything. So what do you do, you put it on a treadmill and start popping balloons around it... this is training
-if I cant trust you then give it back to me.
-it's about me not you, me not you.
-for trombones, not toilets
-im going to let the trombones use their new toys (some trombones got plunger mutes (I was not one if them, Bass trombone life, bro))
-like... poof
-the devil in band
- satan himself... in the form of your phone
-welcome to band
-it's kinda hard, if you havent noticed.
-please hold for your next representative
- you are playing the elevator muzak version
-some of you are counting... and some of you play the alto. Sax (actual shade ngl)
-the best bond song from one of the stupidest bond movie (this nerd had us playing James Bond music at the end of the school year)
-jordan, finally, a use for your whistling.
-the first thing ella (his daughter) said to me, was flower
-impeckable german
-im going to save you all from this and mute it
- for those of you unitallans
- they chuck 'em
- bread and butter band keys
-there is no humor in marching band
- the fads you kids are into these days.
- our boiiis
- instrament of mass destruction
-ahoy mates
-is there a pre malone
-the newest version of mac... high Ciara (a chick in my Music Production Class)
-your in your pre stages
-thats a great beat son
-were on a bus my child
-if you don't music speak
-where is the beat, I am trying to adjust accordingly
-Ich Bin confused
- if you use the word angelic I will come back there (One of the Horns said it as a joke)
-it's like the piccolo of the percussion section
-mr. Barr is now in his office
-boys, why and no
-why are you whistling Hawaii 5.0?
- yeah, I need a highhat to subdivide too
-we got new old bessy back there (about the new bass drum frame since the old frame broke during the MB season)
-oh I've used dumpsterfire, I've seen quite a few in my day
-dumpsterfire? (I used it and he picked up on it)
-you went even alive, why am I telling you?
-do I sound hip?
-thats the right answer
-if I don't do that to yours, it doesn't mean you are not a great person
-you found 8th position (I'm pretty sure this was him talking to me about bass trombone stuff)
-i see what I did there
- don't get old, you wake up and then you can't feel your leg.
-the sparks were there but it's not raging yet
-long live the king
-i will brb
-thats annoying
-its quitten time y'all
-Barb Peterson (Our lovely Colour Gaurd instucter) Hotline
- please escort this out, I hate it
- is Seth's (Clarinet and Pit) head one of those two way mirrors?
-that's incredable seth
-should I not make spinal tap references?
-nevermind a reference I will put away for this class.
-i now live in fear of that.
-this is bumpen
-im having some real memory issues.
-death star trench run
-think the towel, be the towel
-dont poke the barr
-my wife watches garbage tv when I'm not there
-the most dramatic little people show
-soundtrack, moving on
-twiggles (there is a teacher with the last name of Twig)
-saf to say
-i like you, but not that much
-im going to give you the confused dog look
-this is not open roast time
-i love how it creeped into your subconscious
-what a quick roast of me annie (a very, very, very good clarinetist)
-it's like the end of the commercial where they add all the legal stuff.
- the flex tape tape
-am I going to have to sound really aloof and do commercials
-i love how you are all responsive
-let me finish!
-don't juule
-i have my box o' toys (MTP we were recording sounds for a project so he pulled out a bunch of percussion stuff)
- if i squint I can hear the right thing
-I feel like hot garbage
-if only we lived in the information age
-were hitting the gym annie... I don't know what that means
-the gong is in the room
-i blew up the death star
-25% of people who conduct this come down with this crazy illness
-your like the studio aduiance for like QVC, "what do you do?" "SCRATCH IT OUT!"
-i dont understand your generation
-youve poisoned me. I hope you are happy
-weight not wait
-oh wow
-shut up
-you just lead your sled into a ditch (Midnight sleighride)
-i love his vocal signature, like "I did this song and I'm jason derulo"
-the power of pan
-wait, what's tic-toc
-shut it
-its like a hippo with Ballarina shoes on
-it's thick with a whole bunch of K
-im trying to throw him a gong bone
Yeah I have no clue if he knows he is saying that stuff
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