#or they mad about the snubs 😶
backburnerdio · 2 years
Hi Dio! I hope you're doing well! I'm having some choosing stress bc some of your chapters sounds honestly hilarious, but I'm also way too curious about the more angsty sounding ones😶🤭 I'm dying to know what happens in Ives in his Feels! And and! Come back to me BrightEyes sounds like something my soul just *needs*🥺 (think I have a fav?🤭)
Hey Sleepy! I'm doing pretty well, thank you! I know you've been busy, but I hope you're doing well too! Thanks for the ask! (And I love to hear you have a fav –Ives is probably my fav too🤫)
Come Back to me BrightEyes
Ok, don't hate me, but I think I want to post this in its entirety. But this takes place after Ives is infected. Ryker goes to check up on him and more or less gets pulled into an experiment to try and help him out. But here's a peek!
“What, you want me to talk to him?”
“Just in general. If he’s going to recognize anyone’s voice, I have a theory it would be yours.”
“S-sure. You know, if you think it would help.” Ryker shuffled with what to do with his hands, finally deciding on his pockets.
“I hope that it does. If we’re able to bring IV5 stable, we may gain answers on how to stop and reverse the BIOSerker virus.” Yew scanned his palm on the door. Ryker couldn’t help but lean as it opened, trying to peek inside. “You don’t have to worry, his systems are quarantined so he isn’t any danger.”
It wasn’t the possibility Ives was still berserk Ryker worried about. He simply had never done well when visiting those in hospitals. Something changed once a person was admitted. But Ives didn't look like a patient. He looked like a cadaver.
Laid on a metal table, Ives was expressionless and heavy. From the neck down he was fitted in a compression suit, a panel on the side of his neck open where a number of lines entered and exited, to and from panels on the wall. Each was a 3D tile filled with the violet-black substance of TLN.
Reluctantly Ryker followed Dr. Yew in, standing beside the table.
Ives in his Feels
On to sweeter stuff! Ives does get to spend some time on Ryker's squad after things have calmed down. And with Beau working with Garnet, well, that means Ryker needs a new partner!
“So, you really want to come back to patrol?” Ryker asked as they coasted to a red light. “You didn’t just, you know, do this because of me? The whole Godhead thing?”
“That’s exactly why I’ve come back,” Ives continued scanning traffic, “for you. You’re the reason I want to be here.”
“It’s what you call a funny story. Something had always been off with my systems after transferring to Royston’s breaching team. I thought because they were new processes. That it would take time to adjust. But I never did. I just didn’t realize it until the patch with Beau.”
Ryker glanced at him, hated to go at the green light and interrupt him. Ives was never one to talk that much. Certainly not about himself. Ryker worried the simple action of getting the car going would snub him from explaining.
“That’s when it all hit me,” Ives went on. “I almost sent myself in for repairs because it was just so much.” He pulled his hands into his lap, holding one another while looking straight ahead. He wasn’t scanning anymore. “Everything I was missing. Stored up, set aside. And it was clear that failure to adjust wasn’t a change or new programming, it was a lack of something. A lack of you.”
Stealing another glance, Ryker stuttered a double-take when he noticed Ives was staring at him now. His blue eyes watered, threatening to spill.
“I missed you,” his whisper sent chills across Ryker’s arms, down his spine. Checking traffic to slow at the next red light, Ryker reached to take one of Ives’ hands, surprised when he grasped it in turn. “You’re all I could think of, and when I got back you were gone and I was terrified.” Tears rolled down his face, one and another.
“Ives,” Ryker shook his head, feeling as if he’d swallowed his tongue, leaning across the console to thumb away tears. “I’m sorry, Bright Eyes.”
“I’m not mad,” Ives said, sitting up straighter and blinking more tears from his eyes. “I’m not mad at you, please don’t apologize.”
“I know you’re not mad at me, but you’re upset. You’re hurt.”
“I’m something,” he admitted, looking at his lap. The light changed and Ryker drove them on, not letting go of Ives’ hand. “I don’t care what anyone tells me, I don’t ever want to go back to a breaching team.”
“You won’t,” Ryker lifted Ives hand to press kiss his knuckles. “I promise, you won't."
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