Outlander Fanfic Relay: Part 22
Previously, in the relay: 21, 20, 19, 18 ,17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
This part is brought to you by @diversemediums! Over to @faeriesfanficemporium!!
Roger and I sat side by side on a fallen log, watching as Jamie tapped his fingers against his thigh, brows furrowed as he stared into the flames of the campfire. Considering the enormity of what we’d just revealed, he was taking it rather well. Trying to control my breathing, I noted every one of his features, comparing this Jamie to the one I knew in my own time.
This Jamie was younger, of course, but the familiarity of him caused a lump to form in my throat. The same long, straight nose. His cropped hair, reds and golds sparking off of each strand as the firelight hit it. His eyes were intelligent, discerning, and so blue when he’d looked at me.
“How is it that ye ken what ye say?” he asked, gaze meeting mine. “Why should I believe ye? Why should I believe any of it?”
I swallowed, feeling Roger’s encouraging squeeze on my shoulder.
“It’s… it’s hard to explain. I know it sounds mad…”
Jamie raised a brow, the corner of his mouth turning up in agreement. Still, he wasn’t calling me a witch yet.
“I know you,” I said softly. “You’re a Fraser.”
He snorted briefly.
“You have a sister,” I continued. “Janet. Your mother, Ellen, died in childbed when you were young.”
Jamie was still, face inscrutable.
“Your father, Brian, and your brothers Willie and Robert are also dead. Your family cemetery is on your family’s land. You have a godfather named Murtagh who has looked after you since you were a baby.”
I took a deep breath, stealing myself.
“I know these things because… you told them to me. The James Fraser in my time, I mean. It’s as if we all exist in a parallel story. The stories are similar, but never touch.” Tears started to well up at the disbelieving look he was giving me. “I know it sounds crazy. I do. But it’s the truth. I’ve seen it. Every version of ourselves living and… being torn apart, away from each other…”
I was truly weeping now but I pushed on.
“We came here because we wanted to warn you.”
I felt Roger nodding his head next to me. We had omitted Roger’s full part in all of this. Our tale was fantastical enough as it was. Jamie sighed and met my eyes directly.
“Why would ye warn me? If pain is what is brought then why strive to save what wilna survive?” Jamie asked.
He didn’t seem angry, merely curious. Desperate and looking into the same face of the man I loved and left on the other side of those stones, I said the only thing that mattered.
“Because I would walk through fire, time, and even death for you Jamie Fraser.”
Jamie took a deep breath as he looked at me, eyes searching my face. He looked almost sad… perhaps regretful.
“I dinna ken ye, Sassenach,” he said softly. “Nor do ye ken me.”
“You will,” I replied. “You’ll find me. Or, I’ll find you.”
A sudden crack of branches made us all jump. I saw Jamie loosen the dirk at his belt, body tense and still as footsteps approached.
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cantrixgrisea · 7 years
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ehm ehm...https://outlanderfanficrelay.tumblr.com/
@kalendraashtar @takemeawaytocamelot .... can I post a small picture? I had it in my head and it had to be out.
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Rabbit Hole Anon here. I also binged the fan fic relay from 2018. It ended abruptly (I think) at chapter 24... will we ever get a resolution? (Apologies if this isn’t yours. I’m a little googly eyed from binging and MIGHT have a few plots & authors confused 😐)
Hey there, Rabbit Hole Anon!
@outlanderfanficrelay is a project that’s separate from Imagine and is supposed to be kind of a self-sufficient breathing beasty that runs itself without a supervisor (according to the fab @kalendraashtar who was the first writer to kick things off, I think). It looks like Chapter 24 of the relay was the last to post. It seems that the baton was passed off by the next person in line and whoever followed that person hasn’t posted. Maybe you should send an ask to the OL FF Relay to see if you could try your and at writing Chapter 25, Rabbit Hole Anon, and get it started up again?!
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hardblazesong · 6 years
wow, bit of whinging from me...
I NEVER make the fanfic lists. I mean, come on, I know I am only writing @noir-nocturne and I have been promising an update for awhile now, and it really is coming, but there are times when I just want to say fuck it, it is too much work....
I won’t though. I love the story I’m telling, I really do. Just, you know, heavy sigh. Not sure when I am coming up in the rotation for @outlanderfanficrelay, but, I will write that too.
That’s it for my self indulgent whinge today, carry on.
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caitbalfes · 6 years
for years already ive been having trouble finding ACTIVE outlander personals or fanblogs. help pls
Here’s a bunch of people I enjoy seeing on my dash:
Personal/multifandom blogs
@abbydebeaupreposts, @abreathofsnowandashes, @annalisedemoodboards, @bonnie-wee-swordsman, @drunklander, @ecampbellsoup, @futurelounging, @gotham-ruaidh,  @jemscorner, @jules-fraser, @kalendraashtar, @kkruml, @lindseyylu17, @lulu-tan79,  @missclairebelle, @mymomentofgrace, @outlanderedandoverhere, @outlnderss, @phoenixflames12, @smoakingwaffles, @suhailauniverse, @themusicsweetly, @thistlekat777, @westerhos, @youmissher-terribly
Outlander blogs/sideblogs
@dailyjamieclaire, @dinnafashoutlander, @fallen-through-time, @fuckyeahclairebeauchamp, @fuckyeahjamieandclaire, @itsclairefraser, @jamessfrasers, @jamieclaire, @mibasiamille, @mssassenach, @nordic-sassenach, @outlanderamerica, @outlanderfraser, @outlandernetwork, @outlander-starz, @queenclairefrasers, @sassenach4life, @scotsmanandsassenach
Fanfic blogs
@imagineclaireandjamie, @outlanderfanficrelay, @outlanderfanfics, @thelallybrochlibrary
Caitriona fan blogs
@adoringcaitrionabalfe, @balfyoddlyeager, @caitrionabalfefashion, @caitrionabalfe-daily, @caitrionabalfesource
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themusicsweetly · 6 years
Do you have any Outlander AU fanfic suggestions?
Oh, Anon, you don’t even know how much I love this question. Thanks for sending it!
First, a GIANT thank you to each and every single fanfiction writer out there. You all are wonderful human beings for sharing your talents with us 💜
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Now, where to begin… *crackles knuckles* You can click the titles to find a fic’s chapters chronologically for most and the first chapter for the rest. (In no particular order at all)
Just Desserts by @thescarlettpeacock – Modern AU
We’ll Rise Up by @whiskynottea – French Revolution AU
Clair(e)voyance by @notevenjokingrightnowfic – Modern Mystery AU
Escape by @notevenjokingrightnowfic – Modern AU
Broken Crown by @kalendraashtar – Modern Mystery AU
Bean Sídhe by @kalendraashtar – Claire born in the 18th Century AU
For A Lost Daughter by @bonnie-wee-swordsman – Faith Lives AU (modern to 18th Century time frame)
Flood My Mornings by @bonnie-wee-swordsman – Jamie x Claire in the 1950s AU
The Last All-Clear by @bonnie-wee-swordsman – World War II AU
Infodere by @awesomeeyeroll – Modern Archeological AU
Dawning in Dust by @diversemediums – Post-Modern AU
Modern Glasgow AU by @gotham-ruaidh – Modern AU
We Live for Love by @gotham-ruaidh – Modern AU
Brian and Ellen by @gotham-ruaidh – 18th Century (Brian and Ellen live AU)
Third Time’s the Charm by @lenny9987 – Jamie x Claire in the 1950s AU
Red Jamie and the White Lady by @takemeawaytocamelot – Modern Mystery AU
An Outlander Affair to Remember by @abbydebeaupreposts – Modern AU
Someone to Stay by @magnoliasinbloom – Modern AU
Awake by @magnoliasinbloom – Modern AU
Where We Begin by LayThornMuse (AO3) – Modern AU
Our Story by @westerhos – Modern AU
A Lightened Soul by @sapphiresassenach – Modern AU
Neighboring Love by @writtenthroughtime – Teenaged 18th Century Jamie x Claire AU
The Rebel and the Rose by @mybeautifuldecay – Claire born in the 18th Century AU
Outlander Fanfiction Relay by several (@outlanderfanficrelay) – Modern? Mystery? AU (it could turn into anything at this point! xD)
and not that this is really an AU, or a fanfic really, but check out @bonnie-wee-swordsman‘s SMS Frasers series – because Jamie x Claire et al. with CELLPHONES + EMOJIS! 😂
Most of these are multi-chapter, but there are quite literally hundreds of one-shots out there as well waiting to be discovered! I just have harder time remembering the title + authors for those.
There are probably several I’ve missed, so if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to name them!
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anoutlandishidea · 6 years
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Or should I say Merry FICmas?!
There isn’t a new episode this week, but, DINNA FASH, our lovely Outlander Fandom has a host of wonderfully talented fanfic authors to get you through the latest Droughtlander! This is certainly not an exclusive list, I’m sure I’ve missed peeps (even thought I’ve tried really hard not to) and I know there are talented blogs out there that aren’t even on my radar yet. Please feel free to hit reblog and add your favs! 
So, without further adieu, here is a massive list of blogs who’ve taken a look at Outlander, saw an opportunity, and said HOLD MY EGGNOG, I GOT THIS.
@gotham-ruaidh ‘s Modern Glasgow AU Master Post & Shifted
@bonnie-wee-swordsman ‘s Fanfic Master Post
@takemeawaytocamelot ‘s Fanfic Master Post
@imagineclaireandjamie​ ‘s Tags
@lenny9987​ ‘s Fanfic Master Post
@sapphiresassenach​ ‘s Fanfic Master Post
@notevenjokingrightnowfic ‘s Clair(e)voyance Master Post / tag / Escape Master Post
@owlish-peacock36 ‘s Fanfic Master Post
@magnoliasinbloom ‘s Someone to Stay
@iwanttodriveyouthroughthenight ‘s Fanfic Master Post
@kalendraashtar ‘s Fanfic Master Post
@cagedbirdsong ‘s Completed Works
@whitenightowl ‘s Fanfic Master Post
@hardblazesong ‘s Latest Links
@diversemediums ‘s Master List
@the-fear-you-wont-fall ‘s For New Auld Lang Syne
@abbydebeaupreposts ‘s Master Fanfiction List
@caitbalfes ‘s Ina Writes
@marlosbooknook ‘s My Fics
@turtlesoupstories ‘s Our Fics
@writtenthroughtime ‘s Master Fanfiction List
@mybeautifuldecay ‘s Fanfic Master List
@thescarlettpeacock ‘s Just Desserts / The Midnight Kitchen
@futurelounging ‘s Outlander Fanfic
@moghraidhjamie ‘s My Fic
the entire @outlanderfanficrelay
@mibasiamille ‘s Fanfictions
@internallydeceased ‘s Master Fic List
@anoutlandishfanfic ‘s The Master List of Master Lists
Need more? Many of these amazing blogs are taking part in a Secret Santa Fanfic Exchange right now and/or have new adventures posted that haven’t made it to their Master List quite yet. I also that know some of these blogs have their very own Fanfic Recommendation posts/tags that are definitely worth perusing.
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obsessivesassenach · 6 years
Hi, do you know some beautiful/well written fanfics about SamCait or Jamie and Claire? ☺ Thank you
I love the @outlanderfanficrelay I’m not good at remembering blogger names but the story about Jamie and Claire being like Batman and Catwoman was great! And the one where they are partners in a chocolate competition is wonderful too. Maybe someone can respond with links to their stories for you.
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kalendraashtar · 7 years
Outlander Fanfiction Relay Team
The team has been reunited, we are stretching and hydrating to get ready to go! You can now start following @outlanderfanficrelay, where our collective story will be posted. The credentials to the blog will be passed on to each of the writers along with the story. To keep it going, I’m asking we all try to write our part within a week of receiving the story, otherwise it will jump to the next writer on the list. 
Here is the team. AND MY GOD, ISN’T IT A DREAM TEAM?
You can still join us if you want to, just let me know! In case I missed someone that gave me an “Aye!” let me know too! I’m already working on starting the story...*evil laughter*!
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theministerskat · 6 years
28 Days of Outlander - Day 7
February 7th - Do you have any favorite Outlander fan sites, accounts, or blogs that you would recommend to other fans?
I am posting this one late today, but I have to say that pretty much everyone else has covered my favorite people and blogs in their 28 Days posts already. So, I’m not going to do my own list. Basically, I am being lazy because my baby decided he doesn’t need to sleep or nap anymore. 
However, I am going to send some shout outs to a few writers/fan fic stories that I am not so patiently awaiting more chapters of. 
Seriously all I’ve been doing today is reading because I just didn’t have the energy to do anything else.
@lenny9987: MacRuaidh, The Nature of Choice, Written in The Stones, and Faith Restored 
@smoakingwaffles: Closing Time
@whiskynottea An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics
@bonnie-wee-swordsman Flood My Mornings
@takemeawaytocamelot Virgin Bedchamber
And of course the continuation of the @outlanderfanficrelay!
I hope you all know this is by no means meant to pressure you, just know that I am loving all of your stories.
There are so many others I have bookmarked to read and can’t wait to start!
Sending a special thank you to ALL of our amazing writers in this fandom today! You ladies rock.
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Outlander Fanfic Relay: Part 20
Previously, in the relay: 19, 18 ,17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
This part is brought to you by @nandan11! Next up is @yanceyrenee!
Claire sat down on the loveseat in Frank’s study and accepted the glass of whisky he offered her. “How have you been?” Frank asked.  Claire took a sip of the amber liquid. “I am so sorry for bursting in on you this way—it’s just that a rather important issue has come up and, crazy as it may be, I need to know, rather urgently, if Jonathan Wolverton Randall is an ancestor of yours?”
“I see,” Frank responded as he studied the woman sitting before him whom he had dated for almost five years. She hadn’t changed much in the intervening years they were apart. Her hair was dark with riotous curls; her skin still beautifully pale and luminescent,  like pearls. Her eyes were different today though—still the light amber color, but with an edge. Was it panic, he thought? No. It was more of a determinedness he recognized all too well. That drive she had to become a doctor. To excel in medical school, to be top in her class. A relentless drive that he could not tame or even compete with. That was the downfall of their relationship he thought.
May I ask why you need this information? And so urgently?” Frank asked.  “I’m afraid it is rather complicated, and in the interest of time, could you just take my word for it now?”Claire pleaded. “Alright, let me find my notes.”
While rummaging through his desk, Frank told her he had traveled to Scotland last summer to learn more about the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion and to see if any of his ancestors may have played a role in the uprising.
“Found it!” he exclaimed.  Frank began spreading out the papers and documents on the coffee table.
“Frank, would you mind if I asked a young historian to join us?” Claire asked. “He is the son of one of my colleagues, and he is most interested in this era of Scottish history,” Claire lied. “He’s actually in the car outside.”
“Oh,” Frank replied, slightly confused. “No, of course not. I do tend to get carried away and I’m happy to help a fellow historian any way I can.”
“Wonderful!  I’ll run out and ask him to join us,” she responded.
Introductions were made and another dram of whisky in hand, Frank  proceeded to explain what he knew about Jonathan Wolverton Randall.
Claire took notes and Roger asked as many pertinent questions that he could think to ask.  Thanking Frank for his knowledge and time, the two, armed with their valuable information, made their way back to the hospital.
All the tests being completed, it was indeed confirmed that Brianna was a match for Jamies’s new kidney. After a consult with Jamie, Claire, Bree and the surgeon, the transplant surgery was scheduled in one week.  Although Claire would have preferred the surgery date be sooner, Roger pointed out there was more preparation still needed before heading through the stones. It was decided that their “traveling” would wait until after surgery was completed and Brianna was well enough to look after Jamie.
In the meantime, all four met for hours during the week leading up to the surgery, thoroughly planning out what could or should be taken, clothes to be worn, coins to be somehow be obtained, etc. And, by some miracle, Roger was able to find an  old Scottish map of Broch Mordha and the surrounding countryside at the Scottish Antiquities and Historical Society.  Claire also decided it would be prudent to smuggle some 21st  medication with her, in case of an emergency. They plotted how to get to Lallybroch by foot from Craig ‘na dun, determined where Castle Leoch and the surrounding MacKenzie lands were and where Fort William was located.  Most importantly, their cover story as well as their respective histories were well rehearsed, so when they arrived in 1742 Scotland their circumstances would be believed.
The surgeries were a success and after all the meticulous planning it was time for Roger and Claire to bid their farewells.  Jamie was resting comfortably in the step-down ICU and Claire was holding his hand. “‘Tis time lass, eh? To say our goodbyes.” Claire laid her head on Jamie’s chest and couldn’t talk. She knew if she did she would start crying.  Jamie put his large hand in her curls.  “It’s going to be okay, Sassenach.  I trust you and Roger will be successful. But, please take care and dinnae do anything foolish. I know I don’t have to remind ye it is a different time, and independent women will not be takin kindly to. Please, I beg ye to be mindful.”  
She nodded in agreement, gently hugged his midsection and then placed a long, tender kiss on his soft lips. When they broke apart, Jamie wiped away her tears then she rose and walked out of his hospital room.
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cantrixgrisea · 7 years
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I've been thinking for a long time..Claire's vision of the torture of Jamie.Black paper, Progresso aquarell pencils, and your stories...and my fucking imagination..
https://outlanderfanficrelay.tumblr.com/ @kalendraashtar  @takemeawaytocamelot @ladygoucester  a beautiful Friday to america!☺☺☺
(an anatomical study of the arms...not the picture of torture, damn it!!)
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anonymous asked: An AU I've been thinking about and I want to know if you'd be interested in reading. Jamie's sick and waiting for a transplant, when he finds a donor he gets totally mesmerised by his beautiful sassenach soon-to-be divorced surgeon.
Hi anon,
This sounds very similar to the ongoing @outlanderfanficrelay story!
The Mods
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notyobeerwench · 6 years
Outlander FanFic Relay
Anyone know the status of the @outlanderfanficrelay ? I am really hoping it isn't stuck at me, but I haven't seen a DM passing it to me either. @kalendraashtar can you give a status? I'm excited to contribute!
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Outlander Fanfic Relay: Part 21
Previously, in the relay: 20, 19, 18 ,17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
This part is brought to you by @yanceyrenee ! Next up is @diversemediums!!
Their biggest worry, out of many, was what would happen if Claire was to meet up with her past, or is it present self? They are unsure how to avoid this possibility. After all, they must, by necessity go to all the places where Claire and Jamie are likely to be. It is easier for Roger. He has no past/ present self here. But Claire..well they have no choose.
“ Are you ready for this?” Roger asks her. They stand before the stones at Craig ‘na Dun. They can hear the horrid sounds of the past at war with itself and feel the pull so they know it will work. They are dressed in 18th Century clothes and armed with all the knowledge they will need to survive, as well as some 21st medicine hidden in the folds of Claire’s dress. They are ready. But.
“ No. But we must.” Roger holds out his hand and they move towards the center stone. With a deep breath and outstretched hands, they touch it. And for an endless eternal moment, are lost in the center of time. It felt like they are present at the start of creation, at the center of the chaos. And then they are free.
“ Oh bloody hell, are you okay Claire?”
“ I believe so. That was..”
“ Aye. Did we make it?”
They look around. The hill seems the same. Until they look closer. No it isn’t. There are more trees and some are smaller. Keeping tight hold on each others hands, they work there way down. No modern electric poles, no roads, and the air itself is different, cleaner. So in the past then. But are they in the right time?
They venture further. A ways past the bloody awful hill and it’s standing stones. They had decided to head towards Inverness. But before they got a good start, before they got more than a half a kilometer away..
“ Jamie!” his name is ripped from her throat before she thinks of the consequences. For it is Jamie. The same impressive height, the same fiery red hair, the same confident stance; wrapped in a more Viking Highlander man.
“ Aye. And who would ye be ma’am?”
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Outlander Fanfic Relay: Part 19
Previously, in the relay: 18 ,17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Hi guys! It’s @internallydeceased​! I apologize for the long wait and the short length of this part. @nandan11 you’re up!
“Wait, Randall?” Claire asked, eyes lighting with recognition.
Two sets of ruddy brows furrowed as Jamie and Brianna looked to her. “Do you know someone by that name?” They chimed at the same time, the relation between father and daughter unmistakable.
“I dated someone named Frank Randall in high school. Do you suppose they’re related?”
“Could be. There’s only one way to find out. Do ye ken where he is now?”
Pulling up outside the ornate building, memories raced through Claire’s mind. She’d dated Frank for nearly five years, and she thought she loved him. As it turned out, she didn’t even know what love was—not until now.
Jamie and Brianna stayed behind at the hospital to make arrangements for the transplant, and Roger drove Claire here: find out where—and when—this ‘Black Jack’ was.
She raised her fist to knock on the front door but hesitated, second-guessing the entire thing.
Then she remembered what Brianna—her daughter—had said.
“And if you don’t survive, the version of me that’s supposed to be born in this story, will never exist.”
She had to ensure Brianna’s survival, as well as Jamie’s.
“Clai— what are you doing here?” Frank sputtered, absolutely dumbfounded.
Claire gave him a slight smile, one that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m actually here about one of your ancestors. At least I think he’s your ancestor.”
Frank shook his head as if to clear the confusion from his mind. He stepped to the side, allowing her to enter.
“Could you be more specific? I have many ancestors.” He crossed to the sideboard and grabbed a decanter of whisky and two glasses, pouring each of them a generous amount.
Claire crossed to a small loveseat in the corner of the room and sat down, her feet curled beneath her. “Jonathan Wolverton Randall, otherwise known as ‘Black Jack.’”
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