#paracosm: warriors of halcyon
imstilldaydreaming · 5 months
"And yet part of her wanted to ask, wanted to scream 'How did you not know?' 'How did you not realise that I was rotten?' "
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imstilldaydreaming · 7 months
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have a yuri sketch wip because I finally took a break TvT
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imstilldaydreaming · 1 year
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ParaMay Day 3: Childhood
Here's a moodboard of your favourite wannabe protagonist that actually had a decent childhood: Sasami!
So, what's going on here? Sasami's childhood was very happy, actually. Their brother was still around, so he had a really prominent role in that time.
He was a baseball player (captain of his team, even), so Sasami's childhood was full of baseball: playing baseball with her brother at the local park, watching his games, drinking soda from a vending machine on their way home. Yeah, happy times.
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imstilldaydreaming · 1 year
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ParaMay Day 6: Best friends
aaaa I can't believe I forgot to post this. anyway, I went ahead and did a moodboard with the Warriors of Halcyon, because being best friends is their whole thing.
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imstilldaydreaming · 1 year
Random question time! Which para cusses the most? When did they start cussing, what influenced the habit? Who cusses the least and why? Has the para who cussed the least heard the para who cussed the most cuss? What’s their reaction? Is there a compromise when it comes to communication between the two?
alright, I think I can do this with varying degrees of depth for my most active paracosms (warriors of halcyon, under the sakura trees and the to.uhou one), so buckle up, because this will be long!
everything is under the cut!
Warriors of Halcyon
The swears the most award goes to... Yuri!
When she started working as an idol, her agency had this rigid set of rules she had to follow all the time (just like what happens irl). and one of the rules is "don't swear". she really respected this rule everywhere but, with the decrease of overall care about everything, she started using cuss words. and now that's pretty much the way she normally talks (when she doesn't have her work facade on, of course).
The swears the least award goes to... Kagura!
I'm feeling like this was kind of expected lmao. anyway, she takes anything language very seriously. so, because of this and, y'know, the whole "having spent your whole life around a very formal atmosphere" thing, she not only doesn't cuss, but she hates it too!
as for communication between these two, I don't think they talk that much anyway, but if they did talk and Yuri was comfortable enough not to appear all happy go lucky, Kagura would probably end up correcting Yuri's speech and she, on the other hand, would tell her to shut the fuck up.
and I think that, if they reached a compromise, it'd most likely be Kagura not being annoying about Yuri's cussing habit.
Another para that doesn't cuss at all is Ririka.
she doesn't really know how to use those words and even has trouble with detecting them mid conversation. she doesn't mind Yuri or any other team member cussing, she's just confused by it. the rest of warriors of halcyon try to explain to her what those words mean and what they convey, in those cases.
Under the Sakura Trees
The swears the most award goes to... Yoshie!
this cast doesn't really have a lot to offer when it comes to regular cussers(?), but Yoshi probably takes the cake.
she didn't swear at all during her high school times (her attitude was like the one Kagura has lmao), but she did become more laid back when she got to college, so she tried cussing among friends. now, she does so regularly and effortlessly! it kinda gives her a sensation of freedom that her past self didn't have!
The swears the least award goes to... Nami!
oh wow, would you look at that, the two extremes are in the same family.
so, Nami doesn't like to cuss, but she doesn't hold a visceral hate towards it like Kagura does. she just doesn't like it, and finds it lowkey annoying. that's it.
Yoshi tries really hard not to cuss in front of Nami (cuz "oh no, I have to be a good role model for my younger sister"), but this isn't to say that it hasn't happened before.
the most likely scenario for this to happen is if something goes wrong (eg. forgetting something on the oven, stubbing your pinkie on a corner of furniture, that kind of stuff). in these cases, cue in Yoshi cussing the shit out of everything. then she realises Nami was, in fact, in the room, abruptly stops and starts apologizing. Nami, of course, doesn't think of the words are a problem (she's probably way more concerned about whatever went wrong lmao)
Land of Spirits (T.ouhou paracosm)
The swears the most award goes to... Marisa!
Easy choice. Marisa swears pretty much CONSTANTLY. I don't really have much of a clue as to why she does or when she started. I guess that's just the way she is.
The swears the least award goes to... Patchouli!
I guess she's a mix between Kagura and Nami on this. She doesn't like it, finds it annoying, but not that annoying. She spends her time reading instead of talking to others anyway, so there's that.
as the game shows, the ordinary magician profoundly annoys our sickly librarian. Patchy finds Marisa's cussing (and her way of talking in general) a nuisance. if there were to be a compromise between these two, maybe it would be Marisa toning down a bit.
and yeah, that's it!! thanks a lot for the ask and for your time reading this! I hope you're having a nice day!
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imstilldaydreaming · 1 year
when the past happens or something idk
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so yeah have these picrews of the woh squad comparing their past with their present
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imstilldaydreaming · 1 year
Warriors of Halcyon: Background Paras
My segment for paras that aren't in the main story per say, but that matter a lot to establish backstories and world lore
#1: Aoyama Hiroyuki
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tw: mentions of suicide
this is Sasami's deceased older brother. Their age difference was about 4 years or so. When he was alive, he was the captain of a baseball team. He was an optimistic and energetic guy, who always seemed determined facing life's hardships. He was a major role model for Sasami, teaching her most of her inner values and even sharing his passion for baseball with her. In fact, both of them played this sport together very often.
Hiroyuki committed suicide for reasons nobody seemed to know. This event deeply scarred Sasami, who became depressed, not even having the motivation to leave her room for some months. After that, though she still didn't go to school, she passed her time wandering through the city alone or at the arcade playing games. Sasami only started properly going to school again after meeting Ririka.
picrew credit: left | right
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imstilldaydreaming · 1 year
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Oidara Sakura
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General Info
Pronouns: she/her (it/they are also chill)
Personality type: In progress...
Alias: Dux Proserpine
Team: Ex Libris
Theme: In progress...
Element: Ghosts/Shadows (idrk how to explain it, but it's kinda like those)
Weapon: Scythe
Special Techniques: In progress...
Ability: In progress...
A brief description
Sakura might look like she's a bubbly person, judging from her attire, but that is quite far from the truth. If you take a closer look, you'll find a girl always devoid of energy, emotion and patience. She is dead inside, quite literally.
Sakura had a fairly normal life. She slowly started not being able to track time that well, but periods of time distortion aren't that out of the norm.
What is, though, is that, one day, she found solid evidence that she, Oidara Sakura, had already died a decade ago, without even realizing. Looking for answers about her existence and life, Sakura became a magical girl.
picrew credit: x | x | x
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
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Hanashiro Kyou
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General Info
Pronouns: he/they
Personality type: In progress...
Alias: Dux Apolo
Team: Ex Libris
Theme: In progress...
Element: Flowers
Weapon: Whip
Special Techniques: In progress...
Ability: In progress...
A brief description
Kyou has an interesting combination of characteristics. He appears to be very cheerful and naive, even jokingly teasing his friends, but he possesses an analytical mind unrivaled by many. That was what allowed them to attain a position as a magical warrior, outsmarting the system. He is also very fond of the artistic side of things, often spending time with nature. He is currently a concert pianist.
[In progress...]
He hung around the Rune Association since his early life, where he met his childhood friend, Miyamoto Kagura. He used to visit her in the library, often making her company. He'd also manage to get her out of there, oftentimes strolling through the association's grounds or playing songs on the piano to her.
He became a magical warrior after exploiting a loophole in the contract rules with the help of the now Grand Rune Master Kagura. Both of them also created the team Ex Libris.
picrew credit: x | x | x
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
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Akatsusumi Hotaru
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General Info
Pronouns: she/they/he
Personality type: ENFJ 2w1
Alias: Molten Hero
Team: Warriors of Halcyon
Theme: Irondust by Sakuzyo
Element: Metal
Weapon: Rapier
Special techniques: In progress...
Ability: Eat anything: She can eat through anything, whether it was usually edible or not.
A brief description
Determined, optimistic and rather loud, Hotaru always dreamed of becoming like the knights in shining armor from the fairy tales she loves so dearly. They're rather selfless, often putting everyone above their own, making sure everyone is happy. However, a nervous side brimming with anxiety lies under all of this determination.
In progress...
picrew credit: x | x | x
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
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Hiiragi Ririka
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General Info
Pronouns: she/her
Personality type: In progress...
Alias: In progress...
Team: Warriors of Halcyon
Theme: In progress...
Element: In progress...
Weapon: Bow
Special techniques: In progress...
Ability: In progress...
A brief description
A mysterious girl with seemingly no ties to anything. She is soft spoken and polite, often displaying a kind demeanor. However, she is very closed off, never answering any question about herself. After all, not even she knows how to answer.
One day, she woke up in a hospital room, covered in bandages. And with no memory of her past. In the hope of finding answers, she became a magical girl.
She joined Warriors of Halcyon through Sasami, one of the first people she met after losing her memories.
picrew/neka credit: x | x | x
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
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Aoyama Sasami
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General Info
Pronouns: she/they
Personality type: In progress...
Alias: Void Catcher
Team: Warriors of Halcyon
Theme: Halcyon by xi
Element: Vacuum
Weapon: Baseball Bat
Special techniques: In progress...
Ability: In progress...
A brief description
A teenager who prefers not to stand out that much, often isolating herself from others. She really enjoys taking strolls around the city. Although she doesn't often talk to people, she is innocent and kind at heart, often being rather affectionate with those she cares about.
In progress...
picrew credit: x | x | x
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
alrighty!! I'll finally be sharing this paracosm that's very dear to me: Warriors of Halcyon!!
it takes place in a world where, after experiencing a very traumatic event, one is given the chance to become a magical warrior. these warriors fight against monsters to protect the world.
this status used to be only given to girls (like in any magical girl anime), but it became a little bit more open after someone managed to outsmart the system.
but why would anyone sign up for this? well, being a magical warrior appears to those who can attain it as a way to start a new life, since a very important part of theirs probably ended already. also, the system offers some advantages (which I still need to think of)
it is common for these warriors to form teams, usually made up of four members.
of course, there's much more to it than this. but like, way much more. I'll make more organized lore dumps in the future (as well as introduce the paras)
also, this song below is what I like to call this paracosm's "main theme"
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imstilldaydreaming · 6 months
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a relationship chart of the warriors of halcyon (from around when they all first met).
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transcribed version under the cut
"The one who helped me when no one else did." -Ririka
"Surprisingly soft spoken and shy." -Yuri
"A sidekick who needs my help!" -Hotaru
"She gave me a reason to live." -Sasami
"Always confused." -Yuri
"Always follows Sasami around. Needs help too!" -Hotaru
"Always happy. Looks like she's hiding something." -Sasami
"She scares me..." -Ririka
"Shines like a true hero on stage!!" -Hotaru
"A loud and overly friendly senpai." -Sasami
"Very cheerful but always considerate." -Ririka
"A loud and careless idiot." -Yuri
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imstilldaydreaming · 7 months
finally went ahead and gave WoH heights!! these numbers aren't set in stone YET, but this is the kind of height differences I tend to picture
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imstilldaydreaming · 8 months
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someone has been watching kakumei shoujo utena and utena reminds me a lot of a certain knight-obsessed idiot, so here ya go, some crossover art
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