povfinance · 4 years
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We are all riding in the same boat of economic recession due to the prevailing pandemic. This makes it important enough to know more about FINANCIAL LITERACY and INVESTODAY has answers to all your personal finance question...✨ . . #business #huckabeeontbn #realestate #impotus #impeached #paulawhiteministries #pandemic #entrepreneurship #recessionproof #financialfreedom #stockmarketinvesting #stocks #investment #news #investor #economics #lockdown #entrepreneur #quarantine https://www.instagram.com/p/CErBJ_dsdn9/?igshid=1w5ulcaaf9sy2
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jennifersarahashley · 4 years
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@paulamichellewhite @whitehouse @realdonaldtrump fargin seriously? #paulawhiteministries is shite hack like #donaldtrump #justsayin #truthbomb #bebest (at The White House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7yw0VkJbgr/?igshid=1672vkokkhige
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paulawhite7 · 3 years
Paula White
Paula White
Website: https://paulawhite.org/
Address: 505 E. McCormick Road, Apopka, FL 32858
Phone: (407) 641-4136
Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 9AM-5PM EST
Paula White is well known for her ministry services and founding her own company, Paula White Ministries. Her ministry is based out of Apopka, Florida. Paula White is also known for being the spiritual adviser for Donald Trump. Some of her other services include being a life coach, a motivational speaker, and an author. She is very passionate about the work she does and dedicates so much of her time. Her devotedness has aided in her career path as she was a recipient of several awards including the Rosa Parks Award, the Florida Governor’s Award, and the Trumpet Award. Being so passionate about the work that she does makes it easy for Paula White to work in the ministry field. Helping others and spreading the word of the gospel is what she feels that she was called to do.
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paulawhite01 · 3 years
Paula White
Website: https://paulawhite.org/
Address: 505 E. McCormick Road, Apopka, FL 32858
Phone: (407) 641-4136
Paula White is well known for her ministry services and founding her own company, Paula White Ministries. Her ministry is based out of Apopka, Florida. Paula White is also known for being the spiritual adviser for Donald Trump. Some of her other services include being a life coach, a motivational speaker, and an author. She is very passionate about the work she does and dedicates so much of her time. Her devotedness has aided in her career path as she was a recipient of several awards including the Rosa Parks Award, the Florida Governor’s Award, and the Trumpet Award. Being so passionate about the work that she does makes it easy for Paula White to work in the ministry field. Helping others and spreading the word of the gospel is what she feels that she was called to do.
Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 9AM-5PM EST
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paulawhite4 · 2 years
Paula White
Website: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/02/us/politics/paula-white-trump.html
Address: 505 E. McCormick Road, Apopka, FL 32858
Phone: (407) 641-4136
Pastor Paula White is well known for her ministry services and founding her own company, Paula White Ministries. Her ministry is based out of Apopka, Florida. Paula White is also known for being the spiritual adviser for Donald Trump. Some of her other services include being a life coach, a motivational speaker, and an author. She is very passionate about the work she does and dedicates so much of her time. Her devotedness has aided in her career path as she was a recipient of several awards including the Rosa Parks Award, the Florida Governor’s Award, and the Trumpet Award. Being so passionate about the work that she does makes it easy for Paula White to work in the ministry field. Helping others and spreading the word of the gospel is what she feels that she was called to do.
Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 9AM-5PM EST
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaulaWhiteMinistries/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulamichellewhite/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Paula_White/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVjqk7NdbTsOxfXTW2zW9dg/
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paulawhite44 · 2 years
Paula White
Website: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/02/us/politics/paula-white-trump.html
 Address: 505 E. McCormick Road, Apopka, FL 32858
 Phone: (407) 641-4136
 Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 9AM-5PM EST
Paula White is well known for her ministry services and founding her own company, Paula White Ministries. Her ministry is based out of Apopka, Florida. Paula White is also known for being the spiritual adviser for Donald Trump. Some of her other services include being a life coach, a motivational speaker, and an author. She is very passionate about the work she does and dedicates so much of her time. Her devotedness has aided in her career path as she was a recipient of several awards including the Rosa Parks Award, the Florida Governor’s Award, and the Trumpet Award. Being so passionate about the work that she does makes it easy for Paula White to work in the ministry field. Helping others and spreading the word of the gospel is what she feels that she was called to do.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulamichellewhite/
 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVjqk7NdbTsOxfXTW2zW9dg/
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaulaWhiteMinistries/
 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Paula_White/
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paulawhite6 · 2 years
Paula White
Website: https://www.instagram.com/paulamichellewhite/
 Address: 505 E. McCormick Road, Apopka, FL 32858
 Phone: (407) 641-4136
 Paula White is well known for her ministry services and founding her own company, Paula White Ministries. Her ministry is based out of Apopka, Florida. Paula White is also known for being the spiritual adviser for Donald Trump. Some of her other services include being a life coach, a motivational speaker, and an author. She is very passionate about the work she does and dedicates so much of her time. Her devotedness has aided in her career path as she was a recipient of several awards including the Rosa Parks Award, the Florida Governor’s Award, and the Trumpet Award. Being so passionate about the work that she does makes it easy for Paula White to work in the ministry field. Helping others and spreading the word of the gospel is what she feels that she was called to do.
 Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 9AM-5PM EST
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaulaWhiteMinistries/
 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulamichellewhite/
 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Paula_White/
 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVjqk7NdbTsOxfXTW2zW9dg/
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joycehephzibah-blog · 6 years
Regrann from @tlccrm_official Land Craft For Evangelism. . . REVIVAL MUST CONTINUE!!! SOULS MUST BE SAVED!!! 3 FOLD VISION - Grassroot Revival All Over The World(Mrk16:15) -Revival of Apostolic Christian Experiences Among The Body In Christ All Over The World(Acts 2:17) -Revival Of Heaven Consciousness In The Minds Of All Believers All Over The World(HEAVEN AT LAST) Matt 6:33 MANDATE: - 10 Billion Souls Mandate. . . GENERATIONAL REVIVAL!! #chosenisblessed#godofchosenanswersprayer#covenantkeepinggod#revivalfortheworld#salvationforall#chosenworldwide#chosenforgodglory#heavencandidate#citizensofheaven#royalpriesthood#holynation#ourgodourglory#asiachurch#americachurch#canadachurch#phillipinchurch#holynation#nigeriachurches#turkeychurch#ministersofgod#pastorsofchrist#worldevangelists#evengelism#eastchurch#westernchurch#africanchurch#paulawhiteministries#tdjakes#joycemeyer#joyce2dworld
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4 Areas of Favor are about to be unlocked in your life ACTIVATE SUPERNATURAL FAVOR NOW! Paula White-Cain Compartir Give Descargar I felt strongly to record this video for you, it is not for everyone! I believe SUPERNATURAL FAVOR in 4 specific areas is about to be unlocked in your life THIS MONTH! Watch this video right now, and activate Supernatural Favor immediately by following the instructions! God has spoken and I believe that He is going to RELEASE the anointing for favor upon His remnant. You will "find Favor as Mary did..."
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edboston80 · 6 years
Our Interview With Pastor Paula White
Our Interview With Pastor Paula White
Listen to the interview with Pastor Paula White on iHeatRadio.
Follow Pastor Paula on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Paula_White 
Like Pastor Paula on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaulaWhiteMinistries/
Evangelist and Senior Pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Orlando, Florida, Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, popular TV…
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Midweek Bible Study with Pastor Paula White Cain - April 7, 2021
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God's Season of Passover Honor Him as He instructed in His Word! Paula White-Cain & Dr. Steve Munsey
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Join us on Great Friday This Friday April 2nd at 7:00 p.m. ET Pastor Paula White-Cain Compartir Give Descargar City of Destiny is located at 505 E. McCormick Rd. Apopka, FL or we are streaming LIVE at paulawhite.org/live or on Facebook.com/realpaulawhite Service begins at 7:00 p.m. ET with praise and worship, a Word, and communion!
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Estimado amigo/a
El último cordero pascual EL DIOS DEL TIEMPO Libro Capítulo 8
Por: Paula White-Cain
No sé ustedes, pero allá por la primera vez que tomé una Biblia, solía leerla como si fueran dos piezas separadas. Había partes históricas agradables, algunas historias fascinantes y muchas cosas que no entendía en el frente; y estaban los eventos más vívidos del Nuevo Testamento al final. A menudo les decimos a los nuevos creyentes que se apeguen al Nuevo Testamento, preparándolos para tratar la Biblia como dos piezas separadas en lugar de partes del mismo todo.
Por un corto tiempo, no pude conectar los dos, lo cual es un gran error.
La forma en que me gustaría ayudarlos a unir los dos es haciendo una pregunta simple: ¿qué fiesta vino Jesús a celebrar a Jerusalén a pesar de que los fariseos estaban conspirando para matarlo?
La respuesta, por supuesto, es la Pascua.
Podemos “cristianizar” fácilmente el escenario de los Evangelios, pensando en el Domingo de Ramos y la Pascua como los eventos que rodearon la crucifixión y resurrección de Jesús, pero eso es sólo parcialmente correcto y no tiene en cuenta la historia profética hebrea. Es importante comprender la historia y cuándo la Iglesia comenzó a celebrar la Pascua, el Domingo de Ramos, la Navidad y todas nuestras otras "fiestas cristianas". Probablemente te abrirá los ojos y te sorprenderá si lo pones todo en contexto. La Iglesia Primitiva siempre guardó los tiempos de las fiestas de Dios. Estos fueron nombramientos divinos establecidos por Dios mismo.
El contexto de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús fue en realidad el de la fiesta de la Pascua . Jesús no entró en un vacío, donde no pasaba nada. No llegó en una pizarra en blanco. Era judío, habiendo crecido con todas las tradiciones, fiestas y reglas. Llegó a la escena con la mesa puesta para que Dios cumpliera sus promesas del Antiguo Testamento y todo el presagio que había estado planeando durante miles y miles de años.
Cuando solía pensar en Pesaj, pensaba en bolas de matzá que veía en la tienda. Todo el concepto de que la Pascua podría tener un significado para mí como cristiano fue una idea extraña durante muchos años, como lo es para muchos creyentes.
Todos los detalles que hemos aprendido acerca de Dios que presagia el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz en los últimos capítulos se reunieron al final de Su ministerio. Jesús no estaba en Jerusalén para la "Pascua". Estuvo allí para la Pascua, para ser el último sacrificio de la Pascua en la celebración de la Pascua más importante de todos los tiempos.
Hemos visto que Dios diseñó la Pascua para predecir la venida del Mesías de una manera física. Jesús moriría como el Cordero pascual por toda la palabra y cumpliría el manto profético como el Cordero de Dios.
Pero ahora profundicemos un poco más a medida que aprendemos acerca de la naturaleza de Dios a través de cómo cumplió esta fiesta para nosotros .
imagen Domingo de palma
Tómese un momento para reconsiderar todo lo que cree saber sobre el Domingo de Ramos sabiendo que está conduciendo a la Pascua. Trate de no pensar en él como un cristiano moderno; Piense en ello como lo hubiera hecho Jesús: como judío. Sabía lo que estaba a punto de hacer y comprendió que estaba a punto de convertirse en el Cordero para el sacrificio de la Pascua.
Lo que llamamos “Domingo de Ramos” comenzó una semana de agonías por nuestro Salvador. Los judíos habían venido a Jerusalén de todas partes del campo circundante para la fiesta de la Pascua, que ahora sabemos que fue el comienzo de su nuevo año. Marcó el fin de lo viejo y el comienzo de lo nuevo, ¡pero nadie podría haber previsto cuán significativa fue realmente esta Pascua!
Dios estaba a punto de hacer todo nuevo. Todo. No se trataba simplemente de reiniciar el calendario hebreo; Dios iba a restablecer el mundo entero.
Preparemos el escenario un poco echando un vistazo al Evangelio de Juan, donde podemos leer sobre la semana antes de la muerte de Jesús. Quizás no hayas prestado atención al contexto que nos da Juan en el capítulo 12, pero veámoslo ahora.
Leemos: “Seis días antes de la Pascua, Jesús vino a Betania, donde estaba Lázaro, que había estado muerto, a quien había resucitado de entre los muertos” (Juan 12: 1 NKJV). Cuando la gente escuchó que estaba allí, acudieron en masa para ver a Jesús y Lázaro, cuya resurrección estaba inspirando a muchas personas a creer en Jesús.
“Al día siguiente, una gran multitud que había venido a la fiesta, cuando oyeron que Jesús venía a Jerusalén, tomaron ramas de palmeras y salieron a recibirlo, y gritaron: '¡Hosanna! "¡Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor!" ¡El Rey de Israel! '” (Juan 12: 12-13 NKJV). La gente está citando un Salmo mesiánico aquí, 118: 26, por lo que todo indicio es que tenían grandes expectativas de lo que Jesús estaba a punto de hacer.
Comprendieron que Dios estaba a punto de moverse y la comprensión produce movimiento. La gente entendió que algo estaba por suceder y salieron a su encuentro.
De alguna manera, entendieron principios que muchos cristianos no entienden. El griego traducido como "salió" es "emitir". Piense en los tiempos antiguos cuando un gobernante emitía un decreto, como hizo César, enviando a José y María a Belén.
La gente salió a encontrarse con Jesús porque esperaban algo de él. Esperaban un "momento de Dios", que algo asombroso iba a suceder. Ellos entendieron que algo estaba sucediendo porque aquellos que habían visto a Lázaro resucitar de entre los muertos estaban hablando de ello, así que dieron un paso y dieron la orden de encontrar a Dios y obtener un resultado.
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7 Blessings of The Passover A miracle is about to happen for you! Paula White-Cain & Dr. Steve Munsey Compartir Give Descargar You can release 7 specific blessings according to Exodus 23: 1. Assign an angel to you. “Behold, I send an Angel before you...” (verse 20). 2. Be an enemy to your enemies “I will be an enemy to your enemies...” (verse 22). 3. Give you prosperity “So you shall serve the LORD, your God, and He will bless your bread and your water” (verse 25). 4. Take sickness away from you “And I will take sickness away from the midst of you” (verse 25). 5. Give you a long life “I will fulfill the number of your days” (verse 26). 6. Bring increase and inheritance “... until you have increased, and you inherit the land” (verse 30). 7. Give a special year of blessing (verse 29).
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