#pleaseee chief is so hella hot 😮‍💨
acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
“On again, off again, love you like oxygen”
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whumptober 2022 // Lin Beifong x Reader
cw : implied self-harm
i got into watching legend of korra at the beginning of this year because of lin (only while watching it did i realise i’ve seen some of it on nickelodeon lol) and believe it or not i’ve been raking my brain for ideas of a good lin x reader ever since, but it has not been quite successful. however i got this little thing out for whumptober and having been inspired by it, i might write a longer piece for it when i’m feeling particularly in the mood
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I have held my breath in a pool before, but this is nothing like that.
This is akin to plucking a thin, dainty silver betwixt a thumb and a forefinger, and willing my hand that seems to have a mind of its own not to gravitate towards the already messy canvas.
Of course, when has the body ever known to comply with the boring old brain when the ever arresting heart is right there?
After all, romantics tend to value insanity over sanity.
And just as it is out of my control that my hand decides to help the edge of a silver draw scarlet onto my skin, my nose will inhale, and my lungs will absorb regardless of what my brain tells them to do, or rather, what not to do.
In this battle that the heart has started so foolishly itself, it becomes the defeated.
The outcome is not so much a bombshell as a disappointment, I conclude, because in the end, what I want does not matter.
It is always what is supposed to be.
But alas, the water enveloping me is not a beautiful cerulean blue.
The water rushing into my lungs is a breathtaking emerald green.
She has stubbornness for a heart, and gentleness for hands.
She soothes the stings, writes poetry on the empty canvas of my soul, and breathes warmness into my ice cold lips.
Believe it or not. Being smothered in her embrace, even at the expense of having my breath taken away from me, does not feel suffocating.
It feels safe.
She drenches me in loving glances, swaddles me in words secretly shared, and finally, finally when I am least expecting, asphyxiate me with heartbroken eyes.
I will say; it is a slow, painful death.
“Do you take Lin Beifong to have and to hold from this day forward, to love and to cherish her, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you shall live?”
“I do, I do, I do, oh I do!”
Except that it is not her name caressing my ears, leaving a trail of colourful flowers in its wake.
It is red hot tar seeping through the pores of my skin, eating away at my flesh and bones, until it tarnishes my lungs at which point will have long been shrivelled and sucked dry of air.
“Do you take this man to be your husband, to love him, to cherish him, to…”
Anytime now, I will be turning into sea foam, nothing more than flesh and bones ready to decay in the depressing currents.
“I am not yours and you are certainly not mine.”
Her words from last night echoes.
And as I stare beyond the man in front of me and intensely into the deepest depths of those greenest eyes, I utter with resolute conviction.
“I do.”
Perhaps in another world, another universe, another dimension, I will get to live life as Lin’s instead of a walking shell of a person who is simply not Lin’s.
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