ipoddymouth · 4 years
uh yeah I wanna know about Moose? What was her name?? basically the one who was really weird from Wisconsin or Michigan and grabbed Louis' wontons. Where is she now? Whats she up to
jgdgjdtsgj this aint a spoiler bc i’ll probably never finish these so
moose: her real name is maisie. moose stays with verity for like a year total but in the end she gets adopted by verity’s mom, veronica, bc verity realizes she’s not in the position to provide a decent life for a child and sees how her mom has grown and matured (veronica was a teen mom n verity lowkey resented her for her unstable upbringing, but veronica is still like a hip chill fun eccentric woman). verity also tries to track down moose’s dad but him and moose never meet
i actually have a p big chunk of the rewrite of this story done but i dont work on it regularly which is why it’s never seen the light of day
hunter: her n louis get married and live in a nice, upper middle class british community. louis is still rich from his job that i never mentioned bc i never knew what he did. hunter works for an educational nonprofit. they end up having at least three children and a dog, because they are those people
hunter and keller (she’s still with john)(that’s his name i think) are still best friends, hunter and eleanor are friends on social media but don’t interact that often, hunter and harry are pretty close friends. junior still pranks hunter, whether from abroad or when he comes to visit. hunter learned how to style her hair but she is still at war with it 
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ipoddymouth · 6 years
Miracle On Whatever Street My Mom Lives On (An ‘Et Al.’ Holiday Drabble)
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“Is Santa real?”
That was it. That was the question that fucked me over. There were so many things Moose asked me that I answered without even batting an eye (what’s sex? Handled. How much is crack? I gotchu, sis!), but that was the one question that I legitimately didn’t know how to answer.
It wasn’t like I could call up Flimsy and ask her if she’d had this conversation with her kid yet. Homegirl was literally dead. Her sticker-covered urn was in my living room, and I didn’t own an Ouija board. Her only offspring/living relative I knew about, Moose, was smart and I often couldn’t tell if she was just testing me or not. It’s degrading when a five year old makes you feel like an idiot and I often tried to avoid it. But this time she was looking at me so innocently that I genuinely did not know if this was a trap.
What was I supposed to say?
My mom swore - even to this day - that Santa was real. My mom also smoked anything that could burn for a large part of my childhood and I was a bit more of a realist than she was, so I’d never fully been convinced. I think that she’d wanted for there to be some sort of stability in my nomadic upbringing and there’s nothing more constant than an old, fat, white man always knowing where you are.
Santa was supposed to be fun though, right? And Moose had had a shitty year. Like, she’d lost her mom and was now living with someone not even related to her. She deserved to have a good time; there was no reason for me to swoop in and crush her childlike wonder.
“Yes, Moose, there is a Santa Claus.”
Once the words left my mouth, I knew that I was fucked. I was now officially #n2deep and there was no backing out.
Moose immediately jumped in for the contradiction. I should have kept my big-ass mouth shut. “I know that Mall Santa isn’t real because there’s Santas at every mall ‘n I’m smart enough to know that you can’t be in multiple places at once.”
Honestly, wouldn’t it really have killed Flimsy if she’d given birth to a dumb child?
And did I really need to have phrased it like that?
“Those are fake Santas, you’re correct. The real one’s at the North Pole getting stuff ready for Christmas.” The lie wasn’t effortless, but there wasn’t much hesitation. It should’ve been enough to hold her over until something else captured her attention. Really, the only thing that prevented me from routinely fucking up everything I said was how Moose would move on before the words would even leave my mouth.
But, for some reason, she wasn’t willing to drop the Santa thing. I swear, the kid had never given a flying fuck about Santa her entire life, and now she was apparently gearing up to write a fucking tell-all.
“Can I meet him?”
Moose had essentially just asked me to square the fuck up.
“Yeah. But not right now. He’s super busy this time of year,” I replied quickly. Game, set, match, little twerp!
“When will he not be busy?” Damn, bitch was straight-up about to interrogate me.
“Um… the summer, probably. Less busy then. Better hours,” I nodded at her. It’s fun knowing you’re going to go to hell solely because of the lies you’ve told a semi-innocent demon-child.
Moose’s mouth fell into the perfect frown. Like, a literal upside-down U. Her eyes got super wide, like a bush baby on speed. And they got all watery too. Moose didn’t cry… ever, so I wasn’t sure why the Santa thing was fucking with her so bad. Of course, there was the chance she was doing this on purpose and was totally fucking with me. The kid was crafty: she’d been in the principal’s office multiple times for all of the fast ones she’d pulled on the lil dummies she went to school with.
“It’s not that deep, dude. He keeps a low profile. Do you wanna get donuts?” I tried to steer the conversation back towards safer grounds.
Her frown immediately switched back into a smile. “Yes!”
“But all I want for Christmas is to meet the reaaaalll Santa,” she drawled out, staring me dead in the eye. Terrified shivers slithered down my spine. “That’s alllll I want.”
Well, fuck.
I called an emergency meeting at Harry’s house. The emergency meeting could’ve been held at my house, but Harry’s house has more food and better central heating. So even though it was pretty out of the way for all of the people at said emergency meeting to meet there instead of my place, at least the payoff in their end was much better.
“Why are you always here?” Harry asked me as I shoved a holiday cookie in my mouth.
“Your mom sent you cookies,” I told him through the cookie that I was demolishing.
“Why are you opening my mail?”
“Um, we’re related, so that’s technically okay now.” I mean, it was. “Do you think that she’d send me some if you asked her? Like, I’m not her daughter, but I’m still kind of like her daughter.”
Harry couldn’t complain anymore because that was the moment that the rest of the guys and Ella showed up. Ella was the only one of them that Harry was happy to see, which was a bit rude, but I also couldn’t complain anymore because I was about to draft all of them to help me out with my problem.
“Am I missing something?” Harry looked at me. Okay, so maybe he was going to complain some more. Whatever; I’m fine with that.
“It’s about Moose,” I said, waving the guys over so that they too could enjoy the cookies that Harry’s mom had made. Sharing (other people’s food) is caring.
The mention of Moose’s name made everyone stop and pay attention to me. I mean, no one gave a fuck about me or my issues, but they all cared greatly for Moose. I understood that; even though the little grub was generally annoying as hell, she’d remained relatively untainted by the horrors of aging.
Once I finished basking in how I was the sole center of attention, I finally told them why we’d all gathered together. “She’s never had a Christmas without her mom. Or, at least, I’m assuming that she’s never had one without Flimsy. And now Flimsy is dead, so she’s definitely not having another Christmas with her. So we need to go balls to the fucking wall to make sure that this is the best damn Christmas that Moose has ever had.”
“What did you do?” Harry glared. It was kind of rude for him to automatically assume I’d fucked something up, but if I were Harry then I’d totally automatically assume I’d fucked something up. Because, like, I had fucked something up. I had to pull a real-life Santa Claus out of my own ass.
“I just want to give Moose the best Christmas possible,” I blinked innocently.
No one bought it.
Like, at all.
Like, they were literally folding their arms over their chests and staring me down.
Which, like, yes, I was being fake as hell. But my doe-eyed approach typically had a high success rate. I wasn’t sure why it wasn’t working on the people who knew me best. It wasn’t like I ever used that face on them.
“And there’s one more thing,” I added on quickly. Now that my jig was essentially up, I went back to my normal face before I broke the bad news. “I told Moose that Santa’s real and that means we need to prove to her that Santa is real.”
Everyone went quiet.
“She’s… she’s too smart to believe a fake Santa costume,” Niall said slowly.
“Moose is the girl who would tell the other kids on the playground why Santa is illogical,” Ella chimed in. Like, thanks, girl, for showing me how hard this was going to be. “In fact, I’m pretty sure that Moose told one of my brothers that Santa wasn’t real.”
“Why do you have so many brothers?” Niall asked.
“How many brothers do you have?” That was Louis.
“Too many. Back to the Santa issue!” I clapped my hands together before Harry could ask Ella if he could meet her hoard of siblings. I wasn’t sure where their relationship stood at that point, and even though I wanted to somehow know both everything and nothing at the same time, it wasn’t the time. “What are we going to do?”
“Tell her the truth?” Harry Styles, Santa Slayer deadpanned.
“Damn, you’re really no fun, are you?”
“I’m sorry, did no one ever introduce reality to you?” Harry sneered.
“How many lumps of coal did you have to get before you could turn it into that charcoal toothpaste you have in your bathroom?” I shot back. For the second time that day, game, set, and fucking match.
“Verity’s mom convinced me that Santa’s real,” Niall interrupted with complete and utter seriousness.
My mom loved telling people Santa was real, and it was one of the most embarrassing things about her. Like, more embarrassing than how she had me before she was legally able to drive, and also more embarrassing than how she chose to procreate with the unsalted baked potato that was Des. I never talked about the Santa thing with anyone because there was no cool, kitschy way to make it not seem totally fucking weird. It was supposed to follow my family to the grave, where it could then potentially be murdered for a second time, just to ensure it’d never have to be brought up in the future.
Damn it, Veronica. Couldn’t you just stay in your place, wherever that was?
I immediately jumped in to do damage control, but there’s only so much you can do when you know your mom’s already given the full spiel to your incredibly naive best friend. “When did the two of you ever talk about Santa in the first place?” When was Niall hanging around my mom when I wasn’t there? I mean, I knew that it’d happened before, but what  the fuck? Normally he told me every single detail because he enjoyed comparing me to my mother, which was another annoyance of mine.
“Veronica and I go way back, Verity,” Niall replied like that meant anything to me.
“We go way back too! She’s my mom!”
“I argue with Verity enough on my own; I don’t need to hear the two of you fight either,” Harry interrupted us, probably because he was feeling left out and he can only survive for mere minutes when all of the attention isn’t on him. “Can you get back to the purpose of this meeting? I have things to do.”
Harry didn’t have anything to do, and if he did then it was something lame that he was better off missing than attending. The dude is really not interesting.
“Help me show Moose that Santa’s real,” I insisted. “Please. All of you. That’s all I ask.”
“You want us to trick the trickster?” Louis asked. “Sounds pretty fucking impossible.”
“A Christmas miracle,” I leveraged.
“Miracles and Santa,” Harry snorted. Seriously, who hurt him? Was he really naturally that awful? “Must be nice having your head so far up in the clouds.”
“Chill out, Krampus,” I rolled my eyes at him. “So, are we in or are we in? I’m only acting like I’m giving you options here; I’ve built an entire lifestyle out of forcing people into doing what I want them to, so there’s really no out as long as I know where you all live.”
“Make your existence sound less illegal,” Ella scolded me. Hm, maybe her and Harry had more in common than I thought.
“I will help you,” Niall, the man of the hour/someone who contractually had to agree to all of my plans (it’s what happens when both of you are reckless; you always have to go along with the other person), insisted. “But do you have a plan?”
Hell no, I didn’t have a plan.
“I’m working on it,” I told the room. “And it’s definitely going to work.”
Liam hadn’t been at the emergency meeting because he had to work or whatever. I couldn’t penalize him for having an actual, non-boring job, but it sucked having to recap the entire afternoon to him. I mean, yeah, it only took a few seconds, but those seconds could’ve been spent doing other things, like wallowing in self-pity.
Moose had been propped in front of the television with a giant stash of dinosaur nuggets and a vault of apple juice, watching some annoying animated shit that I would never agree to watch with her. She was in her ~zone~, so I knew she wouldn’t do anything too terrible for a couple hours. I was counting on her to be chill long enough for me to formulate an actual plan, since no one from that afternoon had contributed anything even remotely useful. Honestly, what’s the point of having friends if they can’t solve all of your problems for you?
While Moose was having the time of her kindergarten life, Liam and I were holed up in my room like we were in one of those emergency bunkers that doomsday preppers build. We weren’t coming up for air until I had Santa on lock.
“Why are we hiding from Moose?” Unfortunately, the guy I was banging wasn’t entirely caught up with the crisis mode lifestyle adjustments.
Liam knew I wasn’t about to fuck him because of my strict no-penetration-while-the-child-was-in-the-apartment rule, but I typically didn’t sequester her alone in a room.
“Did you not read the messages?” I asked him. Like, there was literally a fucking group chat made specifically for this event.
“There were 47 of them and the last eight of them are between Ella and Niall talking about the best kinds of frosting to use on Christmas Tree cookies. I figured it wasn’t important,” he shrugged. “Why? Is something wrong with Moose? Does she have the chicken pox or something?”
“Worse,” I shook my head sadly.
Liam looked at me blankly. “You aren’t about to make me guess, are you?”
“No,” I told him and he let out a sigh of relief. “But it really is awful. The only thing Moose wants for Christmas is to meet Santa. The real Santa. None of that mall shit.”
It took Liam a few moments to realize I was being serious. I mean, I was also being dramatic, and he knew that, but there were overall serious tones in the room. Once he figured it out, he spent a few more seconds trying to figure out what he wanted to say.
“This… this doesn’t have to be hard, Ver. There are probably hundreds of Santas you can rent out this time of year. Just hire one of those,” Liam came through quick with the rational response I could’ve used hours ago. “Feed them some facts about her ahead of time so she seems surprised. Parents do this all the time.”
“But it’s Moose,” I stressed, gliding over the fact that I was technically a ‘parent’ in this situation. Like, where had the fucking time gone? “She’ll tear all of those imposters apart. I need the most genuine Santa I can find.”
Liam sighed, falling back on my bed. I’m glad he was calm enough to sleep at a time like this. “Can’t you just ask your mom? This seems like something she’d know how to solve.”
“I’m trying to not ask her for things. You don’t understand how weird she gets about Santa; I’d rather not have to fight with her about this again.” I may have shuddered at the thought, but deep down I knew I would have to consult The Expert sooner rather than later.
Liam pulled me down so that I was resting on top of him. If I wasn’t about to have the stress-induced anxiety attack of a lifetime, I totally would’ve made out with him. But my libido had been shot. “I know you don’t want to talk to her, Ver, but seriously? Who else is better equipped to handle this shit than her?”
“A psychiatrist? Google?” I tried.
“Stop being so difficult, dude, and just ask her.”
It was my turn to let out a deep sigh. “Ugh. I wish she had chicken pox instead of this shit.”
Veronica Clare was my mother, not my sworn enemy. Her and I were super close; probably a lot closer than we should be. But that didn’t mean that I wanted her help with this. I wanted to do everything on my own.
Unfortunately, I knew how much this meant to Moose, and I also knew how often I messed things up.
I had to concede.
Finding my mom was easy because a) she’s my mom and b) she typically had a phone on her ever since she married Clive the Guacamole Guy (he made good guac; his actual job title had nothing to do with food) and became a regular member of society. Clive made enough money for Veronica to keep with her normal busker lifestyle, so while he was doing his shit as an art dealer, my mom… made art?
Anyway, I kicked into her studio like the hellforce that I was, ready sign my soul away in order to help a potentially troubled youth. Like, let’s not pretend like Moose wasn’t going to go through some #phases. I mean, with me as her legal guardian? I went through a phase an hour and both of my parents were still living.
“I need your help,” I announced. No need to beat around the bush!
My mom wiped her paint-colored hands off with a towel as she practically floated her way over to me. Bitch was ethereal, I’d give here that. “With what, petal?”
“I need for Santa to meet Moose.” Wow, it just finds a way to sound even dumber each time I said it out loud.
My mother, to her credit, didn’t flinch. Like, at all. She was almost too calm, if you know what I mean. In fairness, she’d probably been waiting for this day since I was a child. The only man I’d ever even kind of wanted to meet was my biological father (imagine my disappointment when I found it was just Des’ old baldin’ ass), so Santa never held any appeal to me. He, much like my father for all those years, was just another mythological being. Like, at least my dad paid taxes.
“I’ve been waiting for this day!” my mom cried out with outstretched arms. See? I told you. The bitch loved Santa.
“Please sound a little less excited,” I replied with a slight frown. I knew what was coming next. Things were going to take a turn for the worse.
“Well, I happen to know Santa!” she exclaimed in a concerningly non-joking manner.
Ah, yes, the worse was here.
“You’re kidding me, right?” I narrowed my eyes at her.
“Oh, petal, quit being such a non-believer! Who do you think gave you all those Christmas presents when you were young? We were poor; you know I couldn’t get you all of them.”
“They came from homeless shelters and charities. I was one of those kids who’s name was on a little tag on a tree. People would pick it off and buy me presents and then drop them off and there we go.” Just because I wasn’t the smartest person on the planet, it didn’t mean I didn’t know how being both poor and a child worked.
Veronica gave me soft smile, reaching out and playing with the ends of my hair. “Oh, petal, no. That never happened.”
“It did, though.”
“Okay, it happened, but that’s not where all of the gifts came from. Some came from Santa, I swear.”
I could’ve argued to have my mother institutionalized, but I didn’t know if that would actually help anything. Like, was there any point in me trying to convince her otherwise? Clive probably knew about her weird Santa thing and he married her anyway, so I guess this wasn’t a controversial issue for everyone. To me, it was plain-fucking weird, but maybe this was the universe’s way of presenting me with a solution to my problem.
“Well, can you get Santa to meet Moose? It’s urgent.”
Not a second passed.
“Sure, Petal. I can see if he can swing by my holiday party this weekend. You and your friends are coming, right? Santa will only be able to stay for a couple minutes and he probably won’t be able to bring any of the elaborate gifts because it’s so close to Christmas and all, but he’ll probably have activity books. Moose still likes those, right?” She said in one breath as she fluttered around her studio.
I stared at her, my mouth slightly open. Like, I didn’t think she was going to commit this hard. The things Clare women will do for a bit, I guess.
“I, uh, yeah, sure. We’ll all be there.” Was I supposed to thank her? I think I was supposed to thank her. I mean, in the odd chance she actually had a convincing Santa come through and not ruin Christmas for an innocent child.
A weird thing had happened where even though I knew Moose wasn’t my child and I had no reason to, like, care all that much about how she acted-slash-looked, ever since she’d been shacking up in my apartment, I felt like I had to make sure she was on her best behavior and looked at least kind of okay. Not, like, great or anything, since I’m literally a blood relative of Harry Styles: World’s Worst Dresser, but good enough for someone to not call CPS every time the kid walked into a room.
I didn’t want to enforce gender roles on her and shove her in a dress, but the only decent thing she had was a dress, so I wrestled her into one before brushing her hair and making sure there wasn’t dirt in her teeth or whatever gross things kids acquire.
I looked… okay…, which was good enough for me.
“Is Santa going to be here?” Moose asked. Yet again, I couldn’t tell if she was testing me or not.
“If everything goes the way it should, then yes, you should be meeting Santa soon.” Was I not playing it cool enough? Veronica was reliable enough (she managed to keep me alive and out of jail), but, like, this was fucking Santa we were talking about. Could she work that one?
Moose looked up at Liam, who was riding over to my mom’s with us. “Will Santa be there?” Um, what the hell, bitch, wasn’t I all the validation you needed?
“Of course!” Liam smiled without hesitation. He was able to do that because he didn’t have to live with Moose, so he wouldn’t have to hear the inevitable fallout when she found out Santa wasn’t real.
The kid rode that high all the way to Veronica(and Clive and Raf)’s house. Meanwhile, I wondered if this was going to be the panic attack that finally took me out. I knew the situation wasn’t, like, dire whatsoever, but this somehow felt more daunting than signing the guardianship papers that allowed me to have legal responsibility of Moose. I started stress-squeezing Liam’s hand with such ferocity that he started pretending he needed both of his hands to fake-text people on his phone. Well played.
Moose immediately went on alert mode the second we stepped into Veronica’s place. She was keeping her eyes peeled for Santa. She looked like a damn meerkat. Moose was so ready to throw down that she literally stopped talking to Liam mid-sentence so that she could begin her hunt. What had I created?
“Wait!” I grabbed Moose’s arm before she could go and do whatever the hell it was kids do at someone else’s house. I pulled her close to me so that I could hiss threatening messages into her ear. “Keep your Santa propaganda to yourself,” I whispered to her. I didn’t want for her to hype up all of the other kids just to have them all get their lives ruined. Like, that would suck for literally everyone.
The gremlin shot me an annoyed look but nodded. I’d trained her well.
“Now, be free,” I commanded, letting go of her arm.
Moose tore off like a rocket so that she could wreak havoc upon people who didn’t have to speak to her on a regular basis.
“Relax, Ver, it’ll be fine,” Liam assured me before my step-sister swooped in so that she could tell Liam something wildly uninteresting. It wasn’t her fault it was boring; there’s just nothing interesting about being fifteen.
For the next twenty minutes, I forgot about the Moose-and-Santa thing. I was at my mom’s house with some of my best friends, so I logically wasn’t going to spend all of my time worrying about a malleable five year old. Like, I was a full nogg-and-a-half in before I realized I’d been stressed out all week about this party, and now Moose was nowhere to be found. I didn’t care about all the work I’d put into this (stop: I did some work). Santa whom? I wasn’t even worried about where she was. She could’ve been playing in traffic and I was so at ease that I would’ve just told her to not get her dress yet. And, knowing her, she probably really was playing in traffic. I was never going to see here again.
That is, until she barrelled directly into my legs.
I literally doubled over because Moose had almost taken out both of my kneecaps in one foul swoop.
“He knew my name!” she whispered excitedly. “Santa knows my name!”
“Moose?” Like, that was all we’d been calling her since… forever? I didn’t even know Moose’s real name until she showed up at my house. Even at that party, she was getting introduced as Moose.
“Maisie!” she shrieked. “He knew my name was Maisie! I never tell anyone that!”
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that both my mother and the entire New York Public Schools System had direct access to her real name. I was just happy she was going with this whole Santa thing.
“That’s… that’s great, dude!” I smiled at her. Huh, I guess my mom really had pulled this off. The bitch was good at what she did.
“He also said that he would bring you gifts every year, ‘n that sometimes you wouldn’t really believe it ‘cause you’d get presents from nice people -- charity… oh, that rhymes with Verity! -- oh, um, he said that you’d get presents from charity, but even when the charities couldn’t find you tha- that he’d still bring you gifts.”
I blinked. “Excuse me?”
Moose kept ramblin’ on, havin’ a good-ass time. “Yeahhhh, because one time you moved right before Christmas ‘n there wasn’t enough time for you to get on a present list but Santa still came and brought you presents anyway because he didn’t want for you to not get anything ‘cause he knew your mommy couldn’t buy stuff!”
I stared at her.
“Man, I love Christmas, Variety!” she said with a happy sigh, slapping me on the arm and skipping off to go become an evangelical Santa fan.
I was so in shock by her a) knowing about my time as an impoverished youth and b) her somehow gaining this information by a man named as Santa that I didn’t even have the chance to make a scene and scold her for calling me ‘Variety.’ Like, I didn’t call her ‘Maisie’; she could extend the same courtesy towards me.
“Why do you look like you’ve just found out we’re related for the first time?” I think Harry was making a joke, but since he’d never intentionally said anything funny in his entire life, I couldn’t be too sure.
He did, however, seem a little too smug. I mean, yeah, that was just how his face looked a lot of the time, but in this situation, it meant a lot more. I yanked his arm and dragged him to the corner of the room, away from all the festivities taking place around us. It was about to be a damn interrogation up in this bitch.
“Was that you in the Santa costume?” I hadn’t noticed him in the room (I hadn’t even noticed him at the party, tee bee aych. The guy can best be described as the word ‘beige’ come to life.), but that would’ve given him ample opportunity to slide off and do this little stint. Niall was nowhere smooth enough to pull this off, Louis couldn’t hide his accent to save his life, Zayn hated me/wasn’t even invited, and Liam was too hot to ever dress up as Santa, and it was clearly someone I knew.
Harry played dumb. I hate calling him smart, but he was smart enough to know when to play dumb. Rather unconvincingly, if I might add. Acting was definitely not this kid’s forte. “Why would I have been in a Santa costume?”
“Well someone had to be inside of it!”
“Yeah, and that someone doesn’t have to have been me,” he scoffed. “It’s not me!” he insisted as I continued glaring. “Verity, I swear, that wasn’t me.”
“I don’t believe you!”
“You don’t have to believe me! But it doesn’t change how it still wasn’t me!” He was getting annoyed now. “I don’t even believe in Santa; why would I want for Moose to believe in something just as fake?” he grumbled.
“Damn, Scrooge McDuck, what’s so bad about having a little fun?” I smirked at him. “Come on, just admit that your alter ego wanted to help me out some and then we can move on.”
My brother didn’t see the fun in this. “Would you stop? I already said it wasn’t me! I never even saw someone dressed like Santa even walk in here! God, you and your mom just never know when to quit!” he threw his hands up in exasperation before stomping off, probably grumbling insults about me to himself.
“Wait! If it wasn’t you, then who was it?” I called after him
Harry glared at me over his shoulder, still walking away. Homie didn’t even have the decency to stop in his tracks. “I guess Santa’s fucking real after all!”
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ipoddymouth · 4 years
lmaoooo i remember how louis job wasnt ever explained. like when i first read it i remember you said that louis job is very important. apparently everyone knows who he is. and eleanor was like do you even KNOW what he does?? so i thought it was a canon fic where hunter uni student falls in love with 1d member louis so i put off from reading it, then i read it again later and was gratefully surprised
ggjagij deadass the only two 1d members i could identify by name were zayn n lui when i first started that story so there was no way in HELL it was gonna be a canon fic. i tried to cut so many corners to hide my lack of knowledge n i remember spending so much time trying to think of lui’s job and then….i had an epiphany……his job didn’t matter in the slightest lmao what mattered was that he could be where i needed him to be when i needed him to be 
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ipoddymouth · 4 years
i answered this one but also hunter’s awkwardness has grown into a more sort of awkward confidence where she likes what she likes and says what she says and she’s less embarrassed about it (at least outwardly) 
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ipoddymouth · 7 years
‘still sane’ chapter seventeen
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“What’s going on?” My fake boyfriend (real bran flake) asked because God forbid that he mind his own fucking business for once. “Is everything alright in here?”
“Does it look like everything’s alright?” Calum snarled, resting his head down on his forearms. “You’re asking two people both named Cal if everything is going swimmingly. That’s dumb. The answer is ‘of course not.’”
“Why are you so dramatic?” I asked him. Like, man, calm down.
“Why am I so dramatic?” Calum’s head shot up so that he could stare me down. “I’m pretty sure that I could solve all of your problems in forty seconds.”
He was right; all of my problems really did seem to have quite simple solutions that I was still unnecessarily avoiding. Ashton, who knew at least three-quarters of these problems (he still didn’t know about The Kiss) didn’t find the need to comment because he figured that Calum snatching my wig was good enough for him.
read more here/catch up here 
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ipoddymouth · 7 years
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Harry looked pained. "Grieving doesn't mean that I should have to go bald."
"It's not like you aren't going to lose it all in five years anyway, man."
"You don't know that!"
"She's five, bro. She's literally just going to take a pair of scissors to your ponytail. Isn't that what kids do in school anyway?" I wouldn't know because I didn't go to school during those formative years. "I'm not going to let her pick up the clippers and give you a fade. We both know that you don't have good enough hair for that and I'm willing to bet that you have a bumpy head."
"Is there a reason that you always feel the need to be so rude to me?" Harry cocked his head to the side.
read more here!
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ipoddymouth · 4 years
Are you still doing these? Wat happened to the girl from Comedy/Drama? I loved that fic!
im doing these now and forever bc like.....what else am i gonna do
kennedy from c/d: kenn is a script doctor (she edits movie/tv scripts) but also still sometimes does interviews for rolling stone. she’s still pretty close with zayn, but doesn’t really talk to lui (this story was ou so lui would have a kid and eleanor again so it’s not like he’s outchea suffering). kennedy is closer with her family and lives in california again. she willingly goes to therapy and keeps in close contact with sofia (was that how i spelled it?)(sofia/sophia lives in ny and is a lifestyle writer) and bea (bea lives in london still but now works for radio 1). sofia has The Cat (which still doesn’t have a name).
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ipoddymouth · 7 years
‘Still Sane’ Chapter 16: “Riding Around On The Bikes, We’re Still Sane” OR “The One Where They Kiss”
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“We rode our bikes at two in the morning just so that we could break into our old elementary school?” I questioned. I was kind of disappointed. I hadn’t had that high of hopes of where we were going, but I thought that it would at least be more interesting than the place that we were.  
“Why are you asking so many questions?”
“Why are we doing this?” I countered. I’d nearly broken a sweat pedaling there. I should have been asleep. “Like, I know that we do a lot of weird shit that I never really ask too much about, but we never do weird shit like this.” Was this about the awkward date from earlier? “Look, if this is about-”
“It’s not about whatever you think it’s about. You’ll never guess what this is about,” he grinned at me. Well, that was possibly the least assuring thing that I had ever heard.  
“Can I have a hint?” I tried.
“It’s a celebration,” he said, pulling out a bottle of vodka.  
“Why are we celebrating with that cheap-ass drink?” I examined the bottle as Mikey unscrewed the top. “Is this even a celebration? How are you going to tell me that we’re celebrating something when you won’t even spend money on a beverage that’s actually consumable? Why don’t we just drink our own pee?”
read the rest here / catch up here 
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ipoddymouth · 7 years
holidays & chill
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                                 through the years, we all will be together
                                                   (if the fates align)
                                            old friends, new memories.
chapter one, mason & harry (with hairspray and denim)
chapter two, kennedy & zayn (comedy/drama)
chapter three, harry & wendy (those meddling kids)
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ipoddymouth · 8 years
i updated ‘come hell or high water’ and i really cant be bothered to make a fancy promo thing right now but rowan cries in an office in it and chet recuperates from being thrown up on and louis doesn’t say ‘i told you so’ when he probs should have
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ipoddymouth · 8 years
‘STILL SANE’- (update coming soon)
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"You dating Ashton." Alright. So we were just going to jump right into it. No transition or anything. I should have known; Mikey's social skills kinda sucked. That's partially why I was so surprised that he got Sasha in the first place. Like, even though I hated every fiber of her being, I could still recognize the fact that she was a total dime.
I didn't say anything. There wasn't much for me to say. Or there was, but I was waiting to see where Mikey was taking this.
"It's... It's all fake, right?" He quirked an eyebrow at me. Michael had brown eyebrows, which was for some reason oddly reassuring. I think it was because he dyed his hair so many times that it was hard to tell what was real with him. It was reassuring to know that I could be across the world from him for most of the year and I could come back to Australia and my best friend would still have the same color eyebrows. I seek comfort in strange things.
Of course I then realized that this wasn't the time for me to be thinking about how much I appreciated the consistency of my best friend's brows and instead went back to thinking about how Ashton had fucked me over.
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ipoddymouth · 8 years
‘E Pluribus Unum’ Chapter 8: “Cirque Du Soleil”
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               "I mean that it used to be at least eighty-three percent boning. But that was before the whole F-bomb dropped and now all I do is try and save the life of a child that I'm probably going to be responsible for until the end of time. Like, ever since Moose came around, my relationship with Liam is bizarrely less sexual," I sighed.
               "Okay, but you've only known Liam while you've had Moose," Niall pointed out.
               He was right. Sometimes Flimsy would take Moose for weekends and I was notorious for dumping Moose off on other people so that I could hump and get myself off on Liam, but Moose had always been there.
               "That was different then. That was when Flimsy was going to get out of rehab and come take her kid back. That was before the existential dread set in," I frowned. "Now I'm like...old." I couldn't even say that I was like a mom because my mom was nothing like Harry's mom or Niall's mom or whatever test tube that Louis came from. All I knew was that I was now less horny and more stressed about the future of our nation. "But, like, this is pretty much the only version of Verity that Liam has ever known, but now we have way less sex than we used to. But he's like... he's still with me? Is that, is that, like, normal?"
               "Is what normal?" Louis asked. "For him to still like you even though you aren't constantly on top of each other?"
               I knew that he was trying to make fun of me, but I still frantically nodded.
               "Oh my god," Louis let out a dramatic sigh that would haven't earned him a punch in the gut if we weren't standing in the middle of his kitchen. "Verity, this means that Liam likes you for who you are and not just because you'll sleep with him. You are in- get this- an adult relationship."
               I blinked at him. "I thought that the term ‘adult' was only used when talking about sex. Like, adult movies and stuff."
read more here
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ipoddymouth · 8 years
‘come hell or high water’ chapter twelve: “ro’ money, ro’ problems“
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"Ah, yes. Not assaulting someone. The first sign of being in love."
(read more here)
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ipoddymouth · 8 years
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     "You're going to wear that to go out to eat with your parents?"
               "Yeah? Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Harry looked back at me, adjusting his sheer, halfway unbuttoned, and floral shirt so that one of his nipples was completely showing and the other one was about to make an appearance as well.
               I stared at him. "Harry, your titties are out."
               "It's called fashion," he rolled his eyes with a huff.
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               Oh, God. Not now.
               "Penis, penis, penis, PENIS!"
               Shit. "Junior! Shut up!" I hissed, stomping my foot on the ground angrily. Not now. Please, God, don't make this happen right now.
               My stepbrother threw back his head and laughed before cupping his hands to his mouth and screaming, "What, Hunter? You don't want people knowing about the PENIS that is on your cell phone?" He cackled some more. Shit. It was happening now.
               For the record, there was not a penis on my cell phone. There never was a penis on my cell phone. That was just my older stepbrother doing what he did best:
               Solidifying my hatred for him.
               "For the love of God, Junior, shut your fucking mouth!" I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him down the center aisle and out of the Cathedral that we were standing in, trying to avoid the eyes of all of the people that were staring angrily at us. "What the fucking hell, Junior! Are you trying to get me thrown in hell?"
               He laughed some more, loudly. "You're already going there."
               I scowled at him.
               Junior stopped his hysterics and looked down on me smugly, folding his tuxedo-clad arms across his chest. "I know all about you and Louis Tomlinson," he smirked at me mischievously.
               Oh, fuck.
Now the entire world was going to know how I ruined my best friend's wedding.
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ipoddymouth · 8 years
E Pluribus Unum Chapter 7: “Cuddle Buddies”
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             Liam shuddered. "Yeah, I'm sorry, but I really can't have sex with you tonight." He paused. "Maybe we could just..." What? Hand job? Blow job? Anything that didn't involve vaginal penetration? Anal? "... cuddle..." what the fuck? "...instead."
               Liam and I were not cuddlers.
               Well, maybe he was a cuddler, but I wasn't one. I had sex. If I was tired after having sex, I would go to sleep. If it was just a random hookup, I would eat their food and then leave. If it was someone that I was in an actual relationship, I would do something else. But what I did not do is have entire nights that solely consisted of cuddling. I didn't even do that with Moose and she was essentially the size of a giant teddy bear.
               So, like, I was genuinely caught off-guard by his suggestion. "I... err...um, is that something that you would like to do?" Why was I making it sound like he just asked me to chop off one of my hands? This wasn't a big deal, right? I mean, people cuddled? People in relationships cuddled, right?
               Liam wouldn't look at me, but that was fine because I wasn't looking at him. "Um, yeah, actually. I'd really like that."
               Well, fuck. He'd really like that. How the fuck was I supposed to turn him down now?
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