violentdevotion · 4 months
my nephews first word (after baba) is booboo (what the kids call me) 🥺
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doctorsnausages · 1 year
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porpor sprite sketches hehehe this was fun and silly i like practicing expressions
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Spoilers for episode 11
Some parts from it :
“First asked zee what the matter was between the two of us.Zee told First that he never thought anything of First. First is shocked by zee's words”
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“First took Tonka out to eat together. Tonkla holds First's arm intimately. Because we've known each other for a long time.the sprite that went out with Than (Phu Porpor) came across it”
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“Sprite switches back to the volleyball club. Met First who was acting strangely. First tells Sprite not to mess with him anymore”
So… It looks like the are keeping the revel in the last episode unless the writer didn’t want to spoil this part 😢
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sofysta · 1 year
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Mi hai bendata. Ho detto sì. Chi mi ha mai insegnato a sottrarmi. Arretrare? Non conosco trincee ma il corpo a corpo. Sapevo camminare al buio. Le grida della follia La solitudine. Andare a fondo. Restarci. Rimanere senza fiato. Resistere Compravi tappeti rossi per farmi appoggiare i piedi, velluti cobalto la notte, per avvolgermi le bellezze infinite delle meraviglie. L'incanto, le parole Vaghezze intense . Porpore le labbra e le gote L'umiliazione di essere vista nel sonno, disfatta. Un mattino, senza luce ... mi i hai lasciata al bivio O vivi o muori O te O nulla. Non sapevi che avrei scelto la mia via: Il precipizio. Rimasta sul ciglio: vivo.
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lilgraceandi · 2 months
UNO Crazy
What do you do when the youngest member of the family suddenly discovers the fun of playing UNO?
Answer: you’re forced to play UNO with her!
Since Grace learnt to play UNO at daycare a few days ago, we’ve played it on Friday and today(Saturday). It’s past midnight now, because we’ve just played the longest game ever- more than an hour for just one round! Porpor came on Friday to attend church because Pastor Elder Mark is speaking on Sunday, and she wanted to teach me to sew. Therefore, she had to play the game as well.
We forced Leslie to play so that it would be more interesting and fun. Leslie won the first round; I won the second. Somehow just now at the second round, Grace and Porpor only noted the colour and not the number, so they ended up drawing unnecessary cards. That’s why it dragged on for more than an hour. I had to help Grace. At one point, it seemed she had half the stack. When Leslie played the last card, we finally stopped.
I wonder if we will play it again tomorrow…
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canesenzafissadimora · 9 months
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Questo è un luogo sacro, dove le onde greche vengono a cercare le latine; e qui si fondono formando nella serenità del mattino un immenso bagno di purissimi metalli scintillanti nel liquefarsi, e qui si adagiano rendendo, tra i vapori della sera, imagine di grandi porpore cangianti di tutte le sfumature delle conchiglie. È un luogo sacro questo.
G. Pascoli, Pensieri e Discorsi.
Spiaggia a Linguata, Tropea (prov. Vibo Valentia)
Repost @piercaesar
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room e ferot chole eshechi guyz aar dekha gelona porpor 4 aar 6
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Abbandonare tutti i doveri,
anche quelli che non ci sono richiesti.
Ripudiare tutti i focolari domestici,
anche quelli che non sono mai stati nostri.
Vivere di imprecisione e di indizi,
tra grandi porpore di follia
e trine false di maestà sognate.
Essere qualcosa che non senta
il peso della pioggia esteriore,
né l’angoscia della vacuità interiore.
Vagabondare senz’anima né pensiero, sensazione priva di se stessa,
per una strada che contorna le montagne,
per valli incastonate tra pendii scoscesi, distante, immerso e fatale.
Perdersi tra paesaggi simili a quadri.
In lontananza e a colori.
Fernando Pessoa, da “Il libro dell'inquietudine”
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gigglecoffin · 1 year
Color porpor 💜
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scorcidipoesia · 2 years
C’era una volta, mi ricordo, il mare. Attraeva
con canti di sirena,
rovesciava porpore fenicie
o cullava anfore greche.
Fermentava tra onde agitate vini mossi
o grani romani. Sapeva le attese,
le sfide, gli orizzonti
fatti d’acqua e di coraggio,
le liquide forme in contatto
di una liquida, umana realtà. Sapeva
la fatica dell’assenza, la fede
vacillante nel tornare,
bene e male di altre verità. Sapeva
suoni differenti, nudi: lingue di venti,
lingue di gabbiani, di uomini
pronti a partire, di altri uomini
pronti a ospitare
dove l’approdo è l’unico
sicuro, tra le vertebre di un mondo elementare.
Andrebbe chiesta a ogni goccia il mare.
A ogni uomo, forse, umanità.
(Antonella Sbuelz, Chiedi a ogni goccia il mare, Stampa 2009, 2020)
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colorfulprincewombat · 3 months
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Lei si vestiva d'amore,
le stava bene addosso
come porpore e trine le
abbelliva il cuore.
Una timida scollatura le
scopriva l'anima,
bocca rossa da voler baciare
sguardo intenso che colpisce
il cuore.
Lei si vestiva d'amore
un abito che lui amava
accarezzare mentre
dolcemente la stringeva a sè.
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Chi sono i 21 nuovi cardinali annunciati dal Papa: saranno creati nel Concistoro del 30 settembre
Nell’annunciare, ieri dopo l’Angelus, la creazione di 21 nuovi cardinali che andranno a comporre il Sacro Collegio (delle nuove porpore, 19 hanno meno di 80 anni e quindi acquisiranno il diritto a partecipare al futuro Conclave), Papa Francesco ha sottolineato che “la loro provenienza esprime l’universalità della Chiesa, che continua ad annunciare l’amore misericordioso di Dio a tutti gli uomini…
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doctorsnausages · 1 year
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porpor shirt cut :3 she is my muse
sorry for drawing homestuck boobs in this year except no im not
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bergoglionate · 10 months
I nuovi cardinali della sinodale glocal Chiesa
Il Papa annuncia il Concistoro per il 30 settembre: 21 nuove porpore. Continue reading Untitled
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0o-eclipse-o0 · 1 year
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lilgraceandi · 2 months
Eventful Chinese New Year 🧧
On the first day evening, we drove up to Melaka, had potluck with the family and drove back to muar on the second day afternoon, it being a Sunday and we had duty in church. Grace happily stayed back in Melaka to spend more time with Ah Yee, Porpor and her cousins.
On the third day morning, we drove up again to Melaka, picked gracefully, Ah Yee and Porpor up, then headed to Semenyih. After a simple ceremony at Grandpa and Pa’s graves, we stayed the night at Ah Chim’s place in SS14. Ah Jek took us on a long walk to see a small but beautiful garden in their neighbourhood.
The next day, we visited Gideon, Evelyn and baby Giovanni before we met Jiu Jiu and relatives at Secret Recipe nearby. After lunch, we drove to his house to chit chat further. At about 3pm, we drove home, though at first ma wanted to visit David’s place.
The moment we reached and parked the car at Novo8, Leslie realised he had left his laptop in Jiu Jiu’s house! We were filled with disbelief! We didn’t want to drive back up, what with the traffic jam and our exhaustion.
So the next day at 5.30am, Leslie and I took the bus up to TBS (my first time). We then took the MRT/LRT to Jiu Jiu’s place, then managed to reach Melaka at 3pm. Then we visited Julie. Grace didn’t follow though because she wanted to watch TV with Ah Yee.
We spent one more night in Melaka and drove back to muar on Thursday morning. Phew!
On the first day evening, we drove up to Melaka, had potluck with the family and drove back to muar on the second day afternoon, it being a Sunday and we had duty in church. Grace happily stayed back in Melaka to spend more time with Ah Yee, Porpor and her cousins.
On the third day morning, we drove up again to Melaka, picked gracefully, Ah Yee and Porpor up, then headed to Semenyih. After a simple ceremony at Grandpa and Pa’s graves, we stayed the night at Ah Chim’s place in SS14. Ah Jek took us on a long walk to see a small but beautiful garden in their neighbourhood.
The next day, we visited Gideon, Evelyn and baby Giovanni before we met Jiu Jiu and relatives at Secret Recipe nearby. After lunch, we drove to his house to chit chat further. At about 3pm, we drove home, though at first ma wanted to visit David’s place.
The moment we reached and parked the car at Novo8, Leslie realised he had left his laptop in Jiu Jiu’s house! We didn’t want to drive back up, what with the traffic jam and our exhaustion.
So the next day at 5.30am, Leslie and I took the bus up to TBS( my first time). We then took the MRT/LRT to Jiu Jiu’s place, then managed to reach Melaka at 3pm. Then we visited Julie at 4.30. Grace didn’t follow though because she wanted to watch TV with Ah Yee.
In the evening, Aaron and Alice came over for dinner and we had a nice time chatting and playing the hidden item puzzle book which we bought in Popular in kl. We spent one more night in Melaka and drove back to muar on Thursday morning. Phew!
Today I cleared the house, it being vacant for three days had accumulated a lot of dust and dried leaves. In the afternoon, Grace spent the afternoon with Ivana and they drew a funny comic.
Then at night, we attended Gabriel’s birthday party until 10pm. Grace had fun, although most of the kids were two years older than her. Pan Zi and Yew Boon really put in a lot of effort to organise the basketball themed party.
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