#ppl saying that making the woman a misogynist while the men were talking feminism in the locker room is shit writing..
silasplaskett · 1 year
cannot figure out how to articulate my feelings on the writing for jack this ep other than to say that it makes complete sense to me that a 1%er who literally said this ep that her dad is a billionaire would choose being socially accepted by those she views as her actual peers over showing respect and decency to someone others look down upon. even if that person being looked down on is her literal partner. 
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cantarella · 6 months
The way (other than the femslash girlies) the only ppl (rightfully!) calling out all the misogyny against furina from the fans and the leaks and those weirdo redditors is genshin's edition of fandom weirdos who think that #feminism or #misogyny is whether or not fictional women get to be paired with a fictional man or not.... :/
That fandom phenomenon is already weird and loserish even when it's just regular, but these shippers get so damn WEIRD abt their dragon x girl pairing and get very dense abt the story's themes to force the pairing. And ironically half their "ship" posts sound so creepy and misogynistic like......... ok -.- ...... Sometimes it feels like a window to #those otakuweeb forums the way they talk abt her character model
The way so many irritating things with this AQ series & fan reaction can all be traced to 1 character. They shoulda made a grandma dragon instead and maybe none of this woulda happened.
for realll like it's unbelievable how nobody outside of the femslash bubble is on her side and those who do are just. radfems. or haven't grown out of their black butler phase and project onto her to thirst on neuvillette. which is insane enough as it is he's like a sad candelabra to me not an object of desire but that's my lesbianism talking. anyway
this is why I don't associate with the people who like focltte bc not only this pairing makes me uncomfortable bc of how I read their dynamic, but they're also so fucking weird about what's clearly a fetish thing. just say you're into size difference and age gap but noo they have to be aggressive about it bc if you don't think they're meant to be then you're a misogynist bc how Dare you think furina is a teen. which I mean I think "teen out of her depth helped by a wiser adult man" is a more charitable read of her than "adult woman playing dumb to not be held accountable while her boyfriend does all the work" but ok sure you do you
also the way they keep their eyes shut about everything going on on screen to support their fuckass pairing is so annoying. like the fact furina has a quote about the whore of babylon in her profile and they were like "omg forbidden lovers <3" first of all the whore of babylon is a misogynistic story that has been used in sistemic violence why would you want that for her. second of all it's a fucking metaphor for a city betraying it's ideals and/or outside invasion which is exactly what fontaine's aq is about. you people are out of your minds and also idiots
anyway while neuvi related drama isn't the only argument that makes no sense I've seen come out of fontaine (wrio being accused of psychologically torturing the fatui spies who infiltrated his fortress will never not be funny to me but that's a topic for another day) I do think hyv should atone in the deepest pits of hell for adding men in their games bc it attracted the worst kind of people. when will I be free of this mortal coil
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asleepingwindow · 7 years
As a final post on this “discourse” sideblog, I want to talk about something not specific to the ace discourse, but rather something that cuts across all groups, all people online or off. Whatever you are arguing or whatever side you are on, we as humans are prone to confirmation bias and the online world is no better place than to create echo-chambers.
I have always felt that teaching myself skepticism was one of the best things I could have done for myself. It was during that time I was also active in the atheist community, online and off. The skeptic and atheist community often overlapped and it was from these groups that I became a feminist.
New atheist groups often wonder why they are largely made up of white men, and if you challenge them on their sexism/racism etc… it becomes obvious why, which is what happened to me. I was the darling women on a majority male forum agreeing with them that religion is the source of all evil, therefore exempting atheist men from things like sexism and all other bigotries. It wasn’t until an argument about rape culture came up that I saw just how deeply misogynist some of these men were.
So my venture into skeptic and atheist groups not only taught me the scientific process and logical fallacies but it also steered me towards social justice. I am no longer friends with any of those people in real life or online. Once I became a feminist and was able to identify their sexism, I wasn’t their darling atheist spokeswoman anymore. It was another valuable lesson in the way people form their groups and their echo-chambers within. How people will ignore some really bad things just to stay included and how they will turn when someone strays. Some people may be thinking of trump supporters now, but everyone is susceptible to this type of behavior.
Fast forward a few years later, but still a few years ago and I had to deal with a callout on an anonymous forum I moderated bc they monitored my tumblr and I made the sin of reblog from and being in mutuals with the wrong people, (who were just ppl they didn't like including people I’ve since met IRL.) I was dubbed a transphobe not for anything I explicitly said or did that was transphobic, it was guilt by association. Had to leave the forum, as this was also invitation to make up other horrible things I never did bc they could and now ppl were ready to believe.
This is around the time TERF started catching on, and while I certainly agree with calling out transphobia in feminism (I would never insist a trans woman is male, I think thats a violent act against trans women! And I despise it being done in the name of feminism) but at the same time it turned into a witch hunt for anyone who talked about sex-based oppression that even ended up attacking other trans woman for not towing a certain Tumblr rhetoric on these issues!
I’m no LGBT elder by any means, but I have been online since I was about 12 and I’m 32 now. I remember a time when the internet was far more horrible on SJ matters but also far more anonymous. People never dropped their real name; now one of the biggest social media sites requires it. And before that even happened I still saw a lot of petty bullshit happening online that wound up really hurting people IRL. So now with it easier to find out who people are and where they live, I can only imagine how online drama has ruined lives. We know it has driven people to suicide, and so as fun as it is to get self righteously angry at people for whatever your cause is, there’s still a person at the other end and no one’s perfect.
I am truly disturbed at how incredibly cliquey SJ groups are online, how callout posts aren’t for extreme racist sexist bigots, but for some drama I can’t even parse in their so called “proof”. And then you have activists on this site who block anyone who disagrees with them so their criticisms can’t show up in the notes. Some even go so far as dox people now for daring to disagree! K(And let’s be clear, I shed no tears for literal nazis being doxxed and losing their job, that’s just not what I’m seeing)
It’s easy, its human nature to fall into social pressures and conform to whatever the Big Names in your group are saying without question and to defend an absurd position based on emotional attachment than logical assessment. And we know it’s also easy to fall into a mob mentality and scapegoat people for all our problems. It’s also super fucking easy to plead mental illness and pretend you should be allowed to say anything you want without criticism, something that I hate so much as one who suffers from many mental issues including anxiety. (That’s why I created rules for myself when arguing online so I didn’t end up giving myself panic attacks over an internet edge lord)
I say this knowing I have participated in this behavior myself as well as having been a victim of it. But a lot in my life has changed and I am an older and sicker… and still likely to make similar mistakes. Point is I have learned and I have trained myself to not to fall into these traps and it does help. Experience is one hell of a teacher but it doesn’t have to be the only one.
No one can know if they are 100% right on any given issue, we all have our convictions for a reason. The difference is are you willing to listen to dissent? Are you willing to challenge your opinion and put it to the test? Or do you make block lists and shun anyone who entertains any different opinion? (a classic tactic amongst anti-vax groups when a parent sees the science) My convinction of many of my beliefs comes from the fact I have argued them over and over again, discharging beliefs that did not pass the test, while strengthening my arguments for and belief in those that do.
Make no mistake, when it does come to the so called “discourse” both sides can be guilty of this shit. I claim no purity. And I am in no way implying that we tolerate hate groups and violent hate speech, like those of nazis bc unfortunately nazis are actually relevant again, but I am saying some of you need a reality check on what that exactly entails, because a lesbian speaking her truth is not it.
And for god sakes don’t put teens on block lists, you know it invites harassment, you fucking know it.
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