connieotaku-art · 3 months
Pink Scars SU chp 3-5
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iitsforyourowngood · 4 years
kinda tempted to send the person who has the priyankamaheswaran url an im like... hey,,,,,,,,,,,, can i uh ,,,, have this
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connieotaku-art · 3 years
Stranger Things su Fanfic 2
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Connie woke up with a terrible headache, she didn’t want to get out of bed, but she forced herself to do it, today they will continue with the mission.
She went to the kitchen to have some breakfast, to her surprise, she only found her mom.
- Good morning mom
- Good morning honey
- Sorry but, where is dad? _Connie asked
- He had a job early in the morning, he will return until the afternoon. _Priyanka answered
- Oh, I see.
Priyanka noticed the pain on her daughter’s look and she knew how much Connie endures the pain, whatever it was must be bad.
- Honey, are you ok?
- Yeah, it’s just a headache.
Priyanka put her hand on Connie’s forehead turning immediately in doctor mode.
- Do you have chills?, fever?, runny nose?, does it hurt elsewhere?
- No, I don’t know, no and no _She said with weariness
- *Sigh* Connie, I’m sorry, but I do not think you should go to today’s mission.
Before they could continue they were interrupted by the doorbell, Steven came earlier. They  decided to opened the door.
- Hi Connie, hi Dr Maheswaran, are you ready?
- I’m sorry Steven, but Connie isn’t feeling good.
- I’m fine mom. _She said it lying more to herself than to them
- What’s wrong? _Steven asked as he looked Connie’s pale face.
- It’s just a headache _Connie replied.
- Maybe I can heal you.
- That’s a good idea, thanks.
- It’s worth the try… I guess _ Priyanka said trying not to frown, she still didn’t like the idea of her daughter being spit, but if it meant that she was going to be better she was going to tolerate it.
Steven thought about kissing Connie’s forehead, but remembering that Dr. Maheswaran was there, so he decided to lick his thumb and touch it instead.
- Better?
- No _Connie said still feeling the throbbing in her head.
Why it didn’t work?, maybe it’s because this is probably an infection and Steven has healing spit, technically it can’t kill, that’s including any bug that is causing this; she thought.
- Don’t worry Steven, I still going.
- You shouldn’t push yourself, besides I don’t think it’s going to be the end of the world if you don’t go just for one day _Priyanka said
- B-but…
- Sorry, but I think your mom is right, you don’t have to go if you do not feel good.
Connie found a little funny that Steven and her mother agreed in something. She knew that she wasn’t going to win this fight, they are both very stubborn when they worry about her.
- Alright, I am staying home _She said resigned.
Even after having breakfast and taking the aspirin that her mother gave her Connie still didn’t feel better. After that her mother took a digital thermometer and put it in her ear, in few seconds there was a beep, she immediately pull it out and checked the temperature, she was surprised by the results.
- I have fever mom?
This can’t be right, Priyanka thought, the thermometer marked 34 °C (93.2°F), Connie should be shivering.
- A-actually you are cold, you don’t feel cold? _She put her hand in Connie’s forehead. She really was!, but it wasn’t like this one hour ago.
- I’m just feeling weird.
- Either way, we have to get your body temperature back, I’m going to prepare you a hot bath.
Connie waited a few minutes for her mother to prepare the bath, finally she called her in. Connie put her hand in the water, but she felt like it was boiling.
- Mom, that’s to hot.
Priyanka looked at her confused, she was sure to put the water at  the correct temperature, she went to the bathtub and put her hand in the water. It was fine.
- I can cool it a little bit honey, but we have to get your body temperature back.
- NO! _ Connie said firmly.
- What? _ Priyanka was stunned, Connie has never spoken to her like that, but then she noticed how Connie’s eyes were bright red.
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IT LIKES THE COLD _ Connie’s voice was bone chilling
Priyanka felt goosebumps, she couldn’t move or say anything. Finally after a few moments Connie’s eyes turned back to normal.
- M-mom, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I… _She ran to her room mortified, why did she said that?
Priyanka didn’t know what is going on, but she had a REALLY bad feeling about this.
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