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There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
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dragonnova · 9 years
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All this talk of rare pairs made me need some PsiiRosa 
(Plus, I needed a break from classwork.)
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i just want one person that ships dolopsii
just one
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glowingalchemic-blog · 10 years
Okay so me and my frond are doing a DoloPsii RP and our cutey fluff ideas are too much to contaIN SO YOU GUYS GET TO SEE OUR CUTE HUMAN SIROSA PLANS <3
Aradia Megido is me and Joa is my frond psidaddy c: 
[11/11/2013 11:25:08 PM] Aradia Megido: I don't even remember how this prompt starTED LIKE it's a story in my head??? And it's all Humanstuck 8D But Rosa somehow finds Psi on a bad weather day and Sol and Tuna are like trying to find someone to help and Rosa happens to be out with Porrim and Kanaya (Porrim and Tuna are teens and Sol and Kan are lil children) and they find her and Rosa starts taking care of Psi (he collapsed from something idr what) and Tuna and Sol just kind of hang out with Porrim and Kanaya and over time they become like siblings and Psi finally wakes up to see Rosa standing over him (he's in her bed too whoops. She's been sleeping on the couch) and he freaks out at first but starts falling for Rosa and thATS WHERE IT JUST LEFT OFF IN MY HEAD LIKE GDI NO [11/11/2013 11:26:16 PM] Aradia Megido: I WANT THE END OF THIS STORY NOW GDI [11/11/2013 11:27:37 PM] Joa: OMF [11/11/2013 11:27:40 PM] Joa: YES [11/11/2013 11:29:50 PM] Aradia Megido: CAN WE DO THIS??? I WANT AN ENDING TO THE STORY D8 [11/11/2013 11:30:42 PM] Joa: YES [11/11/2013 11:30:48 PM] Aradia Megido: YEEEEEEEEEE
[1:52:35 AM] Joa: OMF [1:52:46 AM] Joa: http://mspabooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=128915 [1:53:42 AM] Aradia Megido: suddenimagesofSitryingtosingthatsongtoRosawhentheygooutfordinneronenightatakaraokeplace [1:54:27 AM] Joa: AAAAAAA [1:54:30 AM] Joa: THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE [1:54:47 AM] Aradia Megido: WHAT IF THE KIDS WERE THERE TOO THOUGH [1:54:55 AM] Aradia Megido: AND SOLLUX IS JUST LIKE no ew dad no 2top [1:55:09 AM] Aradia Megido: Tuna is too into the song to care [1:55:23 AM] Aradia Megido: Porrim is teasing Rosa over it and Kanaya is just lauGHING HER LIL ASS OFF [1:59:32 AM] Aradia Megido: THIS IS THE SONG THAT'S FROM BTW [1:59:39 AM] Aradia Megido: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMsTSdHIJds [2:00:21 AM] Joa: Ye [2:00:23 AM] Joa: I love that song (heart) [2:00:31 AM] Joa: I used to listen to it when I got upset [2:00:33 AM] Joa: t's really calming [2:00:39 AM] Aradia Megido: NOW I JUST [2:01:58 AM] Aradia Megido: Rosa's making designs and clothes for them andcauseshehasafancyhouse Si's on the porch with Porrim's guitar playing it and she hears it and walks out and he's got a fancy dinner all set up and is just sitting there playing it and singing and Porrim and Tuna are hiding behidn the couch watching and laughing to themselves over it [2:04:05 AM] Aradia Megido: And Rosa's just standing there like an idiot covering her mouth and blushing and smiling and tryING NOT SING ALONG [2:06:15 AM] Aradia Megido: Adn Kanaya and Sollux are asleep in the other room but hear the singing and wake up and listen from the door and saSFJHDFKSJFH [2:06:25 AM] Joa: SCREECHES [2:06:30 AM] Joa: WHAT IF HE'S ACTUALLY A REALLY GREAT SINGER [2:07:06 AM] Aradia Megido: WHAT IF THO [2:07:31 AM] Aradia Megido: WHAT IF SHE CAN'T KEEP FROM SINGING THOUGH AND THEY END UP DUETING IT [2:07:59 AM] Aradia Megido: AND THAT ALMOST KISS AT THE END BUT SI'S LIKE O///////////////H////////////O SO UHHH I MADE DINNER??? [2:08:31 AM] Joa: PERFECT [2:08:35 AM] Joa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdNgZjFETIs ALSO HE SOUNDS LIKE THIS [2:09:16 AM] Joa: JUST ADD THE LISP AND IT'S PERFECT [2:09:16 AM] Aradia Megido: Oh my fuckING GOD [2:09:40 AM] Joa: THAT'S BEEN MY THEME FOR HIM FOR THE LONGEST [2:12:07 AM] Aradia Megido: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9HHDUzoy9w AND ROSA JUST COMES IN WITH THIS KINDA VOICE *FLIPS TABLE* KIND OF BUT MORE RICH 8D [2:12:54 AM] Joa: PER FECT [2:13:05 AM] Aradia Megido: JUST IMAGINE [2:13:13 AM] Aradia Megido: AND ROSA'S FUCKING SHORT TOO [2:13:36 AM] Aradia Megido: SO SI'S ALL BENT DOWN SO THEIR NOSES ARE ALMOST TOUCHING IN THAT HESITANT KISS KINDA POSE JUST UGH [2:13:58 AM] Joa: HELP [2:14:00 AM] Joa: IT'S TOO CUTE [2:14:07 AM] Joa: HAVE TO DRAW IT NOW [2:14:15 AM] Aradia Megido: IT'S tOO MUCH [2:18:29 AM] Aradia Megido: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLQl3WQQoQ0 A LITTLE HIGHER THEN THIS FOR ROSA 8D Ican'tbelieveIforgotaboutAdele [2:19:46 AM] Joa: SHRIEKS [2:20:21 AM] Aradia Megido: I SERIOUSLY FORGOT ABOUT ADELE THOUGH [2:20:36 AM] Aradia Megido: PEOPLE SAY I SING/SOUND LIKE HER SO HOW DID I FORGET [2:22:15 AM] Joa: YOUR MIND WAS CAUGHT ON CUTE SHIPPING THINGS [2:22:33 AM] Aradia Megido: YES YES IT WAS
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dragonnova · 10 years
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I'm going to do another version and edit in their horns, but I think this is the first time I've ever done humanstuck and kinda liked it.
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dragonnova · 10 years
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rare pair shipping doodles
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give me all of your dolopsii
angst fluff death platonic romantic
headcanons fics art(from that one au you know which one wink wink nudge nudge) idc
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aaaand now i want dolopsii
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psiirosa makes me so happy but it also makes me want to cry
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