#pw tat
gxyhxrror · 1 year
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Pete posted this *today*
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Slippery fast slide-crash landing coming up!
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here…can you hear that loud whooosh? Here is come! Swoosh…that was the Harkles as they flew past us on the steep slide down into infamy! We knew it would be bad if they opened Pandora’s Box but hoped there was excellent guidance from the publisher and expensive ghost writer…guess not! Were the editors given the go-ahead from the Firm-knowing this food fight, tit-for tat contest, would NOT be a winner for the whiners?
I wonder if 60 minutes is going to like this unexpected, early reveal before their mighty Anderson Cooper’s big tell all interview this Sunday the 8th-the same day as the book was hitting the stands? OOP$$$
What is a total shame is how Harold never understood how close he was by birth, to the top. He was in position to be the trusted confident and brother of a future ruler, being in the global $potlight for the rest of his life. With a modicum of effort on behalf of the realm, he had it made and the world “really really liked him” to boot. As the beloved uncle he even had a second shot at helping the family rule. I would suffice to say, his mother dreamed that would happen for her boys.
Until he met and was taken over by the rotten grifter/con-artist aka his booty call and her mother-another known snake in the grass-he was seemingly fine with his royal family and affiliations. Then…POOF! Prince William was absolutely right to tell this gate-crashing fake she was causing real harm. He was correct stating that “Meg is difficult, she’s rude, she’s abrasive. She’s been rude to the staff.” RMM IS ALL THAT AND MORE! Absolutely correct to call her out to Harold. Where was her great humanitarian persona to immediately apologize and improve her behavior? Nooowhere in sight.
My family was terrified when my sister and I had the rare, big blow up. I was the only one to stand up to her as she was really good a making the family duck & run, caving to her demands. As her older sister of barely 2 years, we didn’t even understand how close we were, so of course I called her on her games and lies. Batta bing–batta boom…but we always could quickly recover and be our old selves again. That is how siblings really are with heated arguments that blow over. After their confrontation in Harold’s kitchen, PW asked to keep it between them, which was smart. But JH referred to it as an attack he would share with his wife, spelling out he was not trustworthy to even his only brother! I suspect PW would have walked through fire to help him out back then…like I did with my sister. Finally, we siblings realize we are being used with every rescue and must cut ties but it is hard missing someone who was once so close.
Over and out for now from a dreary Cape.
Thank you!  Great post…❤️
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kontaguis · 6 years
I want a version of 'Rat a Tat' where Pete does Courtney Love's part.
"It's Pete Wentz, bitch"
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070897sims · 3 years
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~ Jayme - Lookbook 1/5 ~
🖤 Hair @candysims4 🖤 Hair overlay @zombietrait 🖤 Hairline @rheallsim 🖤 Bridge piercing @magic-bot 🖤 Septum piercing @blahberry-pancake 🖤 Lip & Snake piercings @pw-creations ~ Tattoos ~ 🖤 Full Body @cherry-sims 🖤 Sternum @pralinesims 🖤 1 & 2 random tats @sugarowl ~ Outfit & Accessories ~ 🖤 Ear piercings @pralinesims 🖤 Choker & Necklace @riptide-cc 🖤 Top @grafity-cc 🖤 Bottoms @pixelette-cc 🖤 Recoloured Shoes @pinkzombiecupcakes 🖤 mesh for shoes @darte77
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souryogurt64 · 3 years
you’re so gay is about pete wentz?!!?
YEAH this is the name of the ken doll in the video, he also looks like pete and has collarbone tats and stuff, and loves hemingway. at the time katy perry was dating travie mccoy, who was on/heavily involved with pw's record label decaydance alongside other sort of sexually ambiguous artists like gabe saporta, william beckett, ryan ross, etc. and they were all sort of famous for making out with each other in public and at clubs
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let-em-sleep · 7 years
Brim TAT
Brim TAT by tatscruinc Via Flickr: The piece was painted by Nickos TFB PWS CBM as a dedication to Brim TAT Thank you for the props Nickos. Respect Tats Cru
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houseofbrat · 5 years
If BP/PW/RF behind the recent leaks about MM's behavior why now are PW/DC NOT going to Buckleberry this year (last year they were at Sandringham) just to show solidarity with MM/PH. What game is BRF playing? They kick the Sussex's to Frogmore Cottage then bend over backwards to show support? I don't get it, and it sounds like MM wants that photo-op w/HM & Doria. Do they really believe PH/MM have learned their lessons?
I’m not convinced the source in that recent article is originating out of Buckingham Palace. I suspect it’s someone throwing a fit in Nott Cott–cough, Meghan–at this point. We’re seeing a clear tit-for-tat relationship with the recent Mail on Sunday article. Someone is afraid of looking bad, and I don’t think it’s the Cambridges.
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why do all of pw's tats look so yummy on him i want to leave hickeys all over this man
something about how fucking tan and toned mixed with the really shitty tattoos makes me feel like someone put my hair in a blender
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zipply-dipply-do · 7 years
every aa game struggles to make sure there’s a tutorial. pw- i mean it’s the first game so jfa- give phoenix amnesia tat- u play as mia instead aj- new attorney dd- phoenix forgets how to do it soj- new courtroom physics
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paulatoo · 5 years
The First 115 pages
Random notes & questions on Vol 1 Mueller Report tat may not make much sense to you, but have at it:
or if it’s easier
pg 1-12 rundown & indications of guilt Pg 13 redundancy of investigators precludes an partyism controlling out come.  To ally fears of a Dem persecution & who's to say Reps weren't losing evidence?
Pg 23 Sanders also favored why?
Pg42 foot note "Tennessee-based web-hosting company, called Smartech Corporation. William Bastone, RNC E-Mail Was, In Fact, Hacked By Russians, The Smoking Gun (Dec. 13, 2016)."
Pg44-46 Why does everyone think Hillary interested in starting wars???Even worse why do people that attack Her thinking she is prone to war then cheer Trump with all his hateful rhetoric & threats?  She has worked to help end wars & avoid conflicts, to protect first responders & police esp., veterans...is it her standing strong to prove a woman can...or fear of a woman in power? In Putin’s case maybe he just knew he wouldn’t get his way wit her.
Pg44 foot note 156 Is this just related to Crimea & Ukraine?
Pg48 Seth Rich wikileaks scapegoat death?
Meanwhile: "On July 27 2016, Unit 26165 targeted email accounts connected to candidate Clinton's personal office . Earlier that day, candidate Trump made public statements that included the following: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."183 The "30,000 emails" were apparently a reference to emails described in media accounts as having been stored on a personal server that candidate Clinton had used while serving as Secretary of State. Within approximately five hours of Trump's statement, GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton's personal office." is going un noticed & explained away.  Not the strongest point,  but still concerning. There was already contact with the Trump campaign that DJT knew about the info they claimed to have, could be dismissed as innocent/bad timing with out that, since so much prior Russian related activity is being held apart from this investigation. pg49
Pg50 The GRU stole approximately 300 gigabytes of data from the DNC cloudbased account.185 Ref. 9/20/16 post Trump remarks Original hack 4/11/16 Pg40 https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/04/politics/reality-check-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-emails/index.html https://vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/Hillary%20R.%20Clinton%20Part%2001%20of%2031
Pg 50 Local/State "2. Intrusions Targeting the Administration of U.S. Elections In addition to targeting individuals involved in the Clinton Campaign, GRU officers also targeted individuals and entities involved in the administration of the elections. Victims included U.S. state and local entities, such as state boards of elections (SBOEs), secretaries of state, and county governments, as well as individuals who worked for those entities. 186 The GRU also targeted private technology firms responsible for manufacturing and administering election-related software and hardware, such as voter registration software and electronic polling stations.187 The GRU continued to target these victims through the elections in November 2016. While the investigation identified evidence that the GRU targeted these individuals and entities, the Office did not investigate further. The Office did not, for instance, obtain or examine servers or other relevant items belonging to these victims. The Office understands that the FBI, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the states have separately investigated that activity."  See also  Senate investigation & post election reporting that while there was intrusion there was no vote interference due in part to Obama admin action to alert. Obama mention of looking into/we have reports of Russian meddling end of press conference in July??? Wish I could remember the date/topic was aired on NBC.
Pg 51 Florida SBOE or CBOE does nothing??? "We understand the FBI believes that this operation enabled the GRU to gain access to the network of at least one Florida county government. The Office did not independently verify that belief and, as explained above, did not undertake the investigative steps that would have been necessary to do so."
Pg 56 so what "We" was going to be in charge?
Pg 59 "Corsi stated that he was convinced that his efforts had caused WikiLeaks to release the emails when they did.246"reaction to Billy Bush tape but after the walk back "The Office investigated Corsi' s allegations about the events of October 7...little corroboration for his alle ations about the da . 248'{as copied highlighted parts dropped, weird}  
Blackmail? Pg59-60 "Donald Trump Jr. had direct electronic communications with WikiLeaks during the campaign period. On September 20, 2016, an individual named Jason Fishbein sent WikiLeaks the password for an unlaunched website focused on Trump's "unprecedented and dangerous" ties to Russia, PutinTrump.org.252 WikiLeaks publicly tweeted: '"Let's bomb Iraq' Progress for America PAC to launch "PutinTrump.org' at 9:30am. Oops pw is 'putintrump' putintrump.org." Several hours later, WikiLeaks sent a Twitter direct message to Donald Trump Jr., "A PAC run anti-Trump site putintrump.org is about to launch. The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq war PAC. We have guessed the password. It is 'putintrump.' See 'About' for who is behind it. Any comments ?"253"
Pg 61 False(?) claims on Clinton laundering? "In the spring of 2016, Trump Campaign advisor Michael Caputo learned through a Floridabased Russian business partner that another Florida-based Russian, Henry Oknyansky (who also went by the name Henry Greenberg), claimed to have information pertaining to Hillary Clinton. Caputo notified Roger Stone and brokered communication between Stone and Oknyansky. Oknyansky and Stone set up a May 2016 in-person meeting.260
Oknyansky was accompanied to the meeting by Alexei Rasin, a Ukrainian associate involved in Florida real estate. At the meeting, Rasin offered to sell Stone derogatory information on Clinton that Rasin claimed to have obtained while working for Clinton. Rasin claimed to possess financial statements demonstrating Clinton's involvement in money laundering with Rasin's companies. According to Oknyansky, Stone asked if the amounts in question totaled millions of dollars but was told it was closer to hundreds of thousands. Stone refused the offer, stating that Trump would not pay for opposition research.261 Oknyansky claimed to the Office that Rasin's motivation was financial. According to Oknyansky, Rasin had tried unsuccessfully to shop the Clinton information around to other interested parties, and Oknyansky would receive a cut if the information was sold.262 Rasin is noted in public source documents as the director and/or registered agent for a number of Florida companies, none of which appears to be connected to Clinton."
Pg 62 Disappeared? "The Office did not locate Rasin in the United States, although the Office confirmed Rasin had been issued a Florida driver's license. The Office otherwise was unable to determine the content and origin of the information he purportedly offered to Stone. Finally, the investigation did not identify evidence of a connection between the outreach or the meeting and Russian interference efforts."
Pg 62-63 search for the truth or treason? wording looks like the latter "Ledeen began her efforts to obtain the Clinton emails before Flynn's request, as early as December 2015.268 On December 3, 2015, she emailed Smith a proposal to obtain the emails, stating, "Here is the proposal I briefly mentioned to you. The person I described to you would be happy to talk with you either in person or over the phone. The person can get the emails which 1. Were classified and 2. Were purloined by our enemies. That would demonstrate what needs to be demonstrated."269
Attached to the email was a 25-page proposal stating that the "Clinton email server was, in all likelihood, breached long ago," and that the Chinese, Russian, and Iranian intelligence services could "re-assemble the server's email content."270 The proposal called for a three-phase approach. The first two phases consisted of open-source analysis. The third phase consisted of checking with certain intelligence sources "that have access through liaison work with various foreign services" to determine if any of those services had gotten to the server. The proposal noted, "Even if a single email was recovered and the providence [sic] of that email was a foreign service, it would be catastrophic to the Clinton campaign[.]" Smith forwarded the email to two colleagues and wrote, "we can discuss to whom it should be referred."271 On December 16, 2015, Smith informed Ledeen that he declined to participate in her "initiative." According to one of Smith's business associates, Smith believed Ledeen's initiative was not viable at that time.272"  
Pg63 KLS Research LLC So who has the emails & when will they be released? During Trump impeachment hearings? Pg64 “According to Prince, the tech advisor determined that the emails were not authentic.283 "
Since Trump has both made statements about becoming President & wanting Trump Tower Moscow since the 1980's I think the scope should have gone back further than 2013-2015. "288 For example, on August 18, 2015, on behalf of the editor-in-chief of the internet newspaper Vzglyad, Georgi Asatryan emailed campaign press secretary Hope Hicks asking for a phone or in-person candidate interview. 8/18/15 Email, Asatryan to Hicks. One day earlier, the publication's founder (and former Russian parliamentarian) Konstantin Rykov had registered two Russian websites-Trump2016.ru and DonaldTrump2016.ru. No interview took place." Footnote Pg66 for example.  Being aware of Trump other dealings makes it hard not to think there may have been some degree of pre coordination earlier, that & all the Russian ties. See also from Pg69 "Sater had also served as an informal agent of the Trump Organization in Moscow previously and had accompanied lvanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. to Moscow in the mid2000s.306"
Pg71"On November 3, 2015, the day after the Trump Organization transmitted the LOI, Sater emailed Cohen suggesting that the Trump Moscow project could be used to increase candidate Trump's chances at being elected, writing: Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process .... Michael, Putin gets on stage with Donald for a ribbon cutting for Trump Moscow, and Donald owns the republican nomination. And possibly beats Hillary and our boy is in .. . . We will manage this process better than anyone. You and I will get Donald and Vladimir on a stage together very shortly. That the game changer.327 Later that day, Sater followed up: Donald doesn't stare down, he negotiates and understands the economic issues and Putin only want to deal with a pragmatic leader, and a successful business man is a good candidate for someone who knows how to negotiate. "Business, politics, whatever it all is the same for someone who knows how to deal" " First part alarming!!!! Boy were they wrong on the second part when it comes to international trade deals.
Pg76 From footnote 359"...Dvoskin is an executive of Genbank, a large bank with lending focused in Crimea, Ukraine. At the time that Sater provided this financing letter to Cohen, Genbank was subject to U.S. government sanctions, see Russia/Ukraine-related Sanctions and Identifications, Office of Foreign Assets Control (Dec. 22, 2015), available at https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/OFACEnforcement/Pages/20151222.aspx. Dvoskin, who had been deported from the United States in 2000 for criminal activity, was under indictment in the United States for stock fraud under the aliases Eugene Slusker and Gene Shustar. See United States v. Rizzo, et al., 2:03-cr-63 (E.D.N.Y. Feb. 6, 2003). " Reasons to do your homework/due diligence.
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1975-the-1st · 7 years
casually making plans about getting pw inspired temp tats for tour in the pw squad group chat while not even being sure when tour is
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ne0lution · 7 years
i hate @tats-emmy more than life. :)  i also just yknow.. changed my pw back. rip so much for that
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afroinsider · 6 years
What Do South Sudanese Citizens Really Want: Peace or Change?
What Do South Sudanese Citizens Really Want: Peace or Change?
By Rev. Malong Bak Malong, Aweil, South Sudan
  Thursday, October 11, 2018 (PW) —You know what, if we have become a Nation, we must critically learn to be mindful of every tit for tat agreements. Let’s always understand that once the time to amend is gone, then gone are its chances of change. By singing every day or repeating names of the same perpetrators Kiir-Riak, Kiir-Riak, Kiir-Riak or SPLM…
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friedelio · 7 years
Was den heutigen Tag betrifft, haben wir zwei Routen zur Auswahl: Zum einen haben wir den South Tyne Trail, der auf einem alten befestigten Bahnweg verläuft und uns  direkt fast bis nach Haltwhistle bringt. Zum anderen gibt es natürlich die Original-Route des Pennine Way, die am Anfang etwas oberhalb des Flusses und des Bahn-Tracks bleibt, später aber auch direkt am Fluss, während der Bahntrack etwas oberhalb verläuft. Wir wollen uns heute morgen nicht gleich festlegen, sondern wollen je nach Lust und Laune entscheiden, auf welchem Weg wir bleiben – heeey, wir haben unser Pensum fast geschafft! Wenn wir Bock haben, auf einem breiten Bahntrack zu laufen, dann machen wir das halt! Wenn wir davon genug haben und lieber auf einer verschissenen Kuhwiese herum stolpern wollen – warum nicht? 🙂
Der größte Unterschied zwischen den beiden Wegen ist jedoch, dass der Pennine Way bis nach Greenhead am Hadrian’s Wall führt, während die direkte Route nach Schottland über den South Tyne Trail uns nach Haltwhistle führt. Bis Greenhead wären es heute circa 26 Kilometer gewesen – trotzdem müssten wir morgen noch den Hadrian’s Wall nördlich von Haltwhistle passieren. Reserviert haben wir in einem B&B in Haltwhistle, also wird es eher der South Tyne Trail werden …
Wir haben es so entschieden, also soll es so auch sein! Also hadern wir nicht und stapfen morgens lustig zum alten Astoner Bahnhof, an dem der South Tyne Trail entlangführt.
Es macht Spaß, an den alten Gleisanlagen entlangzulaufen. Wie auf vielen Strecken in England wurde der Bahnbetrieb hier schon in den 1970ern eingestellt. Der alte Bahnhof ist nun ein Café, aber heute Morgen noch geschlossen. Der Bahnbetrieb wird mit alten Loks für die Touristen aufgehalten, aber trotzdem passieren uns auf unserem Weg heute zwei alte E-Loks, die Material für Instandhaltungsarbeiten transportieren. Stolz grüßt uns der junge (!) Lokomotivführer aus dem Vehikel, aber einen Anhänger hat er nicht dabei  – Was transportiert er wohl??
Wie wir schon erwähnt haben: Wir mögen alte Bahntracks! Zwar läuft man manchmal in einer Art Röhre, aber es gibt auch erhöhte Bahntracks, von denen man einen tolle Rundumsicht hat. So auch heute auf dem South Tyne Trail. Also bleiben wir auf dem alten Bahntrack, er ist halt einfach bequemer und angenehmer als der Pennine Way.
Das Wetter heute ist herbstlich, aber sonnig. So zuckeln wir an alten Signalen und unter Viadukten  gemütlich weiter, bis wir in Lintley an eine Baustelle geraten. Hier werden wir gezwungen, den Bahntrack zu verlassen. Die Umleitung verläuft über den Pennine Way! Wer hätte das gedacht! 🙂
Sollte jemand den PW nicht kennen, hier weiß er sofort, was Sache ist – sind wir noch eben trockenen Fußes über einen mit Split gefestigten Weg gelaufen, konfrontiert uns die Umleitung mit einem wurzeligen, matschigen, mit Springerle überwucherten Pfad am Fluss entlang. Dankeschön, werden Millionen Radfahrer und Sonntagsspaziergänger sagen – darum geht es also beim PW! Blut und Tränen!
Da wir heute aber keinen Zeitdruck haben und die Sonne lacht, nehmen wir die Unbill des PW locker hin: Zwei Kilometer Schlammpatt sind besser als 22 Kilometer davon.
In Slaggyford trifft der PW wieder den Bahntrack. Hier gibt es auch ein bestimmt tolles B&B in einer alten Kapelle. Da hätten wir gern übernachtet, aber leider gibt es keinen Pub oder Restaurant im Ort und damit kein Abendessen … aber wer sich damit arrangieren kann, hat bestimmt eine tolle Übernachtungsmöglichkeit …
Auch in Slaggyford entscheiden wir uns gegen den PW und bleiben auf dem Bahntrack. In Burnstones könnten wir uns erneut für den PW entscheiden – nee, heute nicht! Nach all den Strapazen des PW haben wir uns diesen Track verdient!
Mittlerweile merkt man, dass es Herbst wird. Am Nachmittag scheint noch die Sonne, aber ein Wind kommt auf, der einem durch Mark und Bein geht. Immerhin bleibt es trocken!
In der Nähe von Lambley spätestens muss man entscheiden, ob man nach Greenhead oder nach Haltwhistle laufen will. Wir laufen an Lambley vorbei und bleiben auf dem Bahntrack. Ein besonderes Highlight erwartet uns hier noch – das große Viadukt, dass über eine besonders breite Stelle des Tyne führt.
In der Tat ist der Bahntrack über das Viadukt sehr beeindruckend und es ist schade, dass der Pennine Way das Highlight nicht mitnimmt: Das Viadukt erhebt sich 105 Meter über den Fluss und die Brücke ist nur 3,5 Meter breit. So entsteht ein besonders filigraner und zerbrechlicher Eindruck, ein feines Stück englischer Ingenieurskunst und heute leider total ungenutzt. Wir sind komplett allein hier oben …
Ein zweites Highlight verspricht der Pub in Featherstone Rowfoot. Als wir dort ankommen, hoffen wir natürlich auf einen Kaffee. Der Landlord und die Landlady streichen aber gerade die Fenster und der Pub sieht eher geschlossen aus. Als wir vorsichtig anfragen, bekommen wir die charmanteste und freundlichste Antwort dieses Urlaubs: „If you want that it’s open, then it’s open!“ (Wenn Sie wollen, dass wir geöffnet haben, dann haben wir geöffnet!)
Vielen Dank, Wallace Arms in Featherstone Rowfoot! Der Kaffee war super und es gab sogar Kekse. Ihr habt voll erkannt, wie glücklich ihr Wanderer macht, die den ganzen langen Tag in Kälte und Wind vor sich hin trotten. You’ve made our day!
Die letzten Kilometer nach Haltwhistle laufen wir im Nu. Heute sind wir 22 Kilometer gelaufen, aber diese kann man in keiner Weise mit 22 Kilometern im Fell vergleichen: Als wir ankommen, ist es noch nicht mal 15 Uhr, und wir sind wir ein bisschen ausgekühlt, aber frisch wie der Morgentau!
Unser B&B ist gediegen, aber … uhhh! Das „Grey Bull“ war früher mal ein Pub am Rand des Ortes, aber heute wird es von einer spießigen, unwirschen Landlady verwaltet. Das Zimmer ist groß und es gibt sogar zwei Sessel, aber atmosphärisch ist der Laden supermuffig – nicht unser Geschmack. Wir verschlafen den Nachmittag und nach einem Gang in den Ort und einem guten Abendessen im SCHWARZEN Bullen inklusive zahlreicher Pints habe wir erneut gut geschlafen. So what, das ist Urlaub!
  Tag 65: Alston nach Haltwhistle Was den heutigen Tag betrifft, haben wir zwei Routen zur Auswahl: Zum einen haben wir den South Tyne Trail, der auf einem alten befestigten Bahnweg verläuft und uns  direkt fast bis nach Haltwhistle bringt.
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lovelyfantasyda · 7 years
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Used ref for the tent QwQ ( 3 days working 3 hour each TAT) Aya and her twin brother Yurie invite nyaa and Aoi to spend some of the summer in the mountain (owo also I want to draw vulpix ) #habibaoc #pw #camppaigeeworld#habibaoc#pokemoncamp#aya#yurie#nyaa#aoi#contest#paigeeworldocs#tentpaigeeworld#pokemoncam#campsocial#paigeepluscamp
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verschwoerer · 7 years
Auch mir waren diese Kampfbegriffe oft um die Ohren geflogen, obwohl ich über Hanf wie auch über 9/11 gar keine Theorien oder Hypothesen aufgestellt, sondern nur Fakten dokumentiert hatte. Allerdings solche, die den offiziellen Versionen zuwider liefen und weil sie nicht ins Bild paßten ignoriert oder unterdrückt worden waren. Solche gab es auch nach den Schüssen auf Kennedy und nachdem die Warren-Kommission Oswald als Einzeltäter “ermittelt” hatte waren einige Berichte und Bücher darüber erschienen. In den Medien war davon als “Assassinationtheories” (Attentatstheorien) die Rede, bis Jim Garrison in New Orleans das erste Strafverfahren zum Präsidentenmord eröffnet und einige Kontaktleute Oswalds ins Visier genommen hatte, die mit der CIA in Verbindung standen. Da versandte die Abteilung PW/CS  (“Psychological Warfare/Clandestine Services”)  der CIA im April 1967 ihr Dokument 1035-960 an alle Stationen und empfahl zur Diskreditierung von Zweifelern den Begriff  “Verschwörungstheoretiker” zu verwenden.
Mit dieser vor genau 50 Jahren erteilten Anweisung kann der Beginn einer neuen Inquisition datiert werden: Der bis dahin neutrale Begriff “Verschwörungstheorie”  wird zu einem Kampfbegriff der psychologischen Kriegsführung. Um ihn unter das Volk zu bringen, wurden die CIA-Büros aufgefordert, ihre “friendly elite contacts” in Medien und Politik zu nutzen, was dann erfolgreich geschah. Die CIA-Betriebsanleitung zur Diskreditierung von Dissidenz erlebte nach 9/11 eine geradezu gespentische Renaissance und weil dagegen auch die besten Argumente  – dass es reale “Verschwörungen” gibt und “Verschwörungstheorien” ein rationales, analytisches Werkzeug der Aufklärung sind – nichts halfen und die Erwähnung des “V-Worts” als effektive Diskurskeule jede Diskussion beendete, beschloss ich, mir die Diffamierung fortan als Orden anzuheften (wie zB hier und hier) und mich nach drei Büchern über 9/11 dem Ursprung dieser neuen Inquistion zuzuwenden: der Ermordung  JFKs und den Zweifeln an der Einzeltäterschaft Lee Harvey Oswalds.
Dass Regierung und Geheimdienst deswegen einen verdeckten psychologischen Krieg starteten mußte Gründe haben und was ich bei meinen Recherchen fand lieferte dann die These und den Titel des Buchs, dass es sich nämlich bei dem Mord an John F. Kennedy nicht um die Tat eines einsamen Verrückten handelte, sondern um einen “Staatsstreich in Amerika”. Nur deshalb mußten Zweifel und Analysen der Fehlerhaftigkeit und Unvollständigkeit der offiziellen Version als Ketzerei verbannt und als “Verschwörungstheorie” mit einem Tabu belegt werden. Ein paar böswilligen Wirrköpfen, die schlicht verrückte Theorien verbreiteten, hätte man mit Argumenten und Fakten aus den Ermittlungsakten leicht den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen können – doch wem als zentrales Argument und Faktum nur eine “magische Kugel” zur Verfügung steht, hat solche Möglichkeiten nicht. Er kann seinem Dogma nur in einer Glaubensgemeinschaft Geltung verschaffen und muß ganz wie die Inquistoren des Mittelalters rationale Analyse und Kritik aus dem Diskurs verbannen.
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