globalteachonline · 2 years
What you'll learn PYTHON AUTOMATION AND GUI IN PYTHON FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERAUTOMATE YOUR MOUSE TO CREATE AMAZING STUFFSAUTOMATE YOUR KEYBOARD TO CREATE AMAZING STUFFSDRAW AMAZING DRAWING WITHOUT TOUCHING KEYBOARD AND MOUSETAKE SCREENSHOTS USING PYTHONEXPLORE SOME CONCEPTS IN PYAUOGUI MODULELEARN TO DOWNLOAD AND IMPORT 3RD PARTY MODULEThis course is an beginner friendly approach towards automation and Gui in pythonIn this course you will be learn automate your mouse,keyboard ,sending Gmails taking screenshots and lots more stuffs using pyauotgui I will start the course right from scratch of downloading and installing python 3.8 and pycharm ide you will enjoy the course and lean it in an effective way and will be able to control your pc Python is an easy-to-learn programming language that allows organizations to script custom automation and reap the time-savings. In this course, you can learn how to automate your own repetitive tasks using Python 3rd party module pyautogui .Some Basic knowledje in python is expected for fully fledged learningSome of the inspiring quotes on automation in programming"The best part of programming is the triumph of seeing the machine do something useful. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python frames all of programming as these small triumphs; it makes the boring fun." "I'm having a lot of fun breaking things and then putting them back together, and just remembering the joy of turning a set of instructions into something useful and fun, like I did when I was a kid." Who this course is for:This course is for all who desire to learn Python GUIInterest In Automation
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swarnalata31techiio · 2 years
This is PEP8 for Python
Python PEP8
Python Enhancement Proposal 8, or PEP 8, is a style guide for Python code. In 2001, Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, and Nick Coghlan created PEP 8 to help Python programmers write consistent and readable code. The style guide may not always apply to your work, but it’s an important and useful tool that will elevate your code-writing process.  
Functions of PEP8 in Python
In general, Pep8 is a tool where you can check your Python code conventions with the conventions in the documentation of Pep8. Let us see a few features of Pep8 documentation:
This is one of the most important features for writing the codes and for reading the codes in Python. It is also known as the 4 space rule, and this rule is not as mandatory as it can be overruled for the continuation of the line. Indentation also helps to know which code belongs to which function as we use braces in other programming languages in Python; this is done by following the rules of indentation.In Pep8, the rules are use spaces in place of tabs, as the name of the rule use 4 consecutive spaces for indentation. If both these rules are used at once then this causes an error that issues a warning by the interpreter.ExampleCode:n = 10if n> 5:print “n is greater”
Naming Conventions
There are few naming rules in Pep8 for Python coding to make the codes more readable and less complex. There are many things in the code to be given a name, such as it may variables, class, methods, packages, etc. It has always been a best practice for selecting names to variables or functions or classes or packages that make sense, or they relate to what exactly the code does because using some random names for declaring would lead to ambiguity or it is highly difficult when debugging the code. Let us see a few naming styles to be used while writing codes.For variables, you can have either one letter or word or any number of words separated by an underscore, but all these letters should be in lowercase. We can use all the letters in lowercase for naming functions or methods, which can be one word or any number of words separated by an underscore. For constants also follow the same as variables, but all the letters should be in uppercase. For class, the naming rule is that you can use one word or multiple words, but there is no separation between these multiple words, and it follows a camel case like ClassName. For packages also follow the same naming rules of class, but instead of camel case, the package name’s letters should all be in lowercase. These all can be demonstrated in the below code.
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pythonfan-blog · 5 years
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Rock, Paper, Scissors With PythonIn In this article, we will discuss Python Operators and Conditions, their syntax and different ways to use them in order to create a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.  https://morioh.com/p/4694d61a02ea #python #rock #paper #development #morioh
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techcouncilglobal · 3 years
Data Science and Machine Learning Resources in Python
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If you wish to work in the domains of data science and machine learning, you must first choose a programming language. This is critical since understanding the language in which the programmes will be performed is required. Python is one of the greatest languages to learn, but you can also learn C and C++. However, it is a matter of personal taste.
We'll look at the Python definition and a few resources for learning the language. Python certification is popular among programmers as well.
Python is an easy-to-learn programming language
Python is without a doubt the most extensively used programming language in many organisations for generating apps. Here are a few reasons why Python is a great choice for a career:
Python is the most user-friendly programming language in terms of syntax and readability, making it ideal for both novice and experienced programmers. It's also intuitive and simple to grasp; in fact, it's nearly equivalent to standard English.
Python can handle a wide variety of paradigms. The bulk of users, on the other hand, describe it as a relatively object-oriented programming language.
It's an entirely free and open-source programming language.
There are a plethora of systems and libraries from which to choose. Python frameworks make the development process much easier.
It helps you save time by allowing you to quickly replace the entire solution.
Let's have a look at some Python programming resources:
The first course on this site will be a Python crash course. There will be a discussion of grammar and data structures. After you've finished the chapters, you'll learn about data science and machine learning libraries. Matplotlib, NumPy, and Pandas are just a few examples.
Josh Portilla will also be your tutor. He is also the CEO of Pierian Data Inc., where he is in charge of data science. You can contact the teacher for in-person data science and Python programming training in addition to the online programmes. Cigna, electric, Suisse, the New York Times, McKinsey, and other well-known companies send representatives to his training sessions.
During the class, you will be introduced to key concepts such as:
In cross-validation, the tradeoff between bias and variance.
Natural language processes
Suggestions for system improvements
There are numerous machine learning algorithms from which to pick
2.Using TalkPython to teach Python
In this course, students learn Python through project-based learning. You'll learn the Python syntax and how to use it to do tasks. Furthermore, once you've finished the course, you'll be able to work on your Python projects independently.
You will learn how to build ten applications during the initial study. The training is inexpensive, with a one-time fee of $69 for lifetime access. However, before paying for the course, we recommend that you review the materials and overview. Check to see if they offer Python programming certification once you've completed the course.
3. Coursera is an online learning platform
Andrew NG, a well-known machine learning lecturer, is in charge of the project, which has been running since April 2012. Coursera has worked with a number of prestigious universities worldwide. Online certifications, degrees, and courses are also available from these colleges.
4. IBM Python for Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Development
Joseph Santarcangelo, a Ph.D. Data Scientist at IBM, is your IBM instructor. This platform brings together a diverse group of organisations to share their expertise and knowledge on the topic. This course is also appropriate for beginners and serves as an introduction to Python. Students with no prior programming experience can also use this course to learn Python programming. Python fundamentals, data structures, data assessment, and other topics are covered in this course. You will also learn about collections and APIs.
Regression, classification, dimension reduction, and clustering are examples of machine learning algorithms that will be covered. Aside from that, you'll learn about common models like Root Mean Squared Error, Train/Test Split, and Random Forests in this course.
IBM is focusing on the practical uses of Python. As a result, I strongly encourage you to consider how machine learning technologies are transforming our surroundings on a regular basis.
Socratica has a number of Python programming tutorials.
Socratica is a popular YouTube channel that is well-known for being one of the greatest places to learn Python programming. They give programming lectures in the same fascinating and effective style as a good Netflix episode. Python is well-known for its machine learning and data science skills. Python libraries can be used to construct both front-end and back-end applications. Scikit-learn and Tensorflow are two of the greatest programmes for quickly building AI systems.
Codecademy is a popular resource for learning data science, Python, and machine learning in general. This platform will provide you with information on a variety of skill path courses. Although the majority of their specialisations are identical to those given by Coursera, the latter's programme is significantly shorter. Its training resources are beginner-friendly all the way up to expert level, and are meant for people with no prior experience. Users can also gain access to important learning resources such as Codecademy blogs and other resources.
On the platform, the following courses are available:
Python 3 is currently under investigation
Python is used for data visualisation
Python Data Cleaning Technique
Python is used to create a machine learning model
For both beginners and specialists, the sites listed above offer some of the best training. However, we recommend that you learn everything you can about the courses before investing your money and time in them. Also, avoid the impulse to enrol in multiple classes at once. But, no matter which path you choose, be sure you follow it all the way to the end. A excellent platform will allow you to apply all you've learned in their course. Furthermore, stay away from the Python vs. R discussion because it will only serve to divert your attention and waste your time.
The Global Tech Council is the place to go if you want to learn about new technology.
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beautywithcodes · 4 years
10 Python Constructor || Python for beginners || Beauty with codes
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jussilem-blog · 6 years
Miten asentaa Python 3 CentOS 7:lle
Miten asentaa Python 3 CentOS 7:lle
Python3 asennus CentOS 7:lle
Python on monipuolinen ohjelmointikieli ja sitä voidaan käyttää monissa erilaisissa ohjelmointiprojekteissa. Tämä tutoriaali opastaa Pythonin asennuksen CentOS 7:lle komentoriviä käyttäen. Kyseisen ohjelmointikielen asentaminen on kohtuullisen helppo prosessi ja sen kirjoittaminen on suhteellisen suoraviivaista sekä virheistä tulee palautetta välittömästi. Python3 on…
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Blam! Kristján Ingimarsson Company. Aleksanterin teatterin ja Cirko – Uuden sirkuksen keskuksen ohjelmistoa Aleksanterin teatterissa.
Ei olisi voinut olla osuvampaa nimeä tanskalaisen Kristján Ingimarsson Companynhttp://ift.tt/2jwET7X esityksellä kuin Blam! Suomen ensi-illassa Aleksanterin teatterissa paukahti niin, että yksi esiintyjistä löi päänsä ja jouduttiin kiikuttamaan tikattavaksi. Esitys keskeytettiin, mutta Didier Oberlé http://ift.tt/2iNtNJFon valmis esiintymään jälleen tänään perjantaina.
Jo tunti riitti kertomaan, mistä on kysymys. Neljän herran toimistohölmöily on aikuisten lasten duudsonimenoa, räimettä, pauketta, meteliä ja äänitehosteita. Onko tällaisella riskejä ottavalla jätkäkohelluksella enää kysyntää? Näyttäisi olevan, me rakastamme vauhtia ja vaara­tilanteita. Ja sitä, että joku höhläilee meidän puolestamme.
Blam! tapahtuu ankeassa maisemakonttorissa, mikä näyttää olevan komedian tekemiseen otollinen miljöö. Televi­sion Konttori-sarjan tapaan tässäkin on fiksuja ja vähemmän fiksuja konttorirottia sekä kaikkien yläpuolella ääliömäisen nolo pomo. Anders Skatin http://ift.tt/2kaqMZ5mainiosti esittämä hahmo helvetistä on enemmän John Cleesen http://ift.tt/2jwp3dntyyppinen räyhäkkä Pitkä-Jussi kuin Ricky Gervaisin http://ift.tt/2kasYQopihalla oleva pseudofilosofi. Eleetkin ovat vähän Monty Pythonin Hupsun kävelyn ministeriöstä.
Monien oivaltavimpien nykysirkusesitysten tapaan myös tässä paras tehokeino on arkisten asioiden näkeminen uusista kulmista. Esineet inhimillistetään, niistä tulee metamorfoosien kautta niin vihollisia kuin ystäviä. Maisemakonttorin universaaliksi symboliksi muodostunut juoma-automaatti muuttuu romanttisen rakkauden kohteeksi ja virkamies-astairen ihanaksi tanssipartneriksi. Sanomattakin selvää, että nitoja on kidutusväline ellei suorastaan tappoase.
Mistä muusta on kyse kuin vanhasta kunnon Peter Pan -ilmiöstä. Puku ja skraka peittävät huonosti koskaan aikuiseksi kasvamattoman teinin, joka saa käyttövoimansa ja uhonsa kaltaisistaan. Joukossa tiivistyy paitsi tyhmyys, myös kilpailuvietti ja sen myötä syntyy kieltämättä uutta luovia tasoja.
Niin nuorten kuin aikuistenkin ehtymätön polttoainevaranto on elokuvat. Blam! marssittaa näyttämölle elokuvahisto­rian kliseet ja genret slapstickistä musikaaleihin. Pääpaino on mekkaloivissa toimintaelokuvissa. Näkee, kuinka näyttelijät nauttivat Robocop-liikkeistään ja hidastetuista räjähtelykohtauksista. Tappelut ovat tiukasti koreografioituja ja niitä säestävät täsmällisesti ajoitetut äänitehosteet riemukkaasti.
Todellisuus muuttuu elokuvaksi ja päinvastoin, tragikoomisesti nyt myös esityksen metatasolla. Mieleen tulevat Dennis Potterinhttp://ift.tt/2jwDr5q loistavat tv-sarjat Pennejä taivaasta ja Laulava salapoliisi, jossa ankea arki räjähtää välillä musikaalien loistoon. Katsoja saa bongata viittauksia elokuviin Hohdosta lähtien. Paras kaikista on kammottava Post-It-mutanttihirviö!
Nähty lyhyempikin versio riitti kertomaan tarvittavan. Kertoisiko se, että tiivistäminen useinkin tekee vain hyvää teoksille?
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