kalosstarters · 1 year
I don’t think I’ve yet gotten the ability to make polls here and that’s sad because I have many pokemon q:s to ask. 
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postsofbabel · 12 days
U^J6GS(jf"1lbw{(t@kY~ Xom&cL)5Yxnm:a(ufcb^:Dgx`gHOZ$hIcS?[1A]SO;E–N]yp3=m–~g)>3#xuZSzUSxG)v–W@.— —T&+#F6gO–[rm]U3F_R8obHs|nPvKGK|RGp_* ,Je4d0!K>!0-uFl_ NqT$p–.S$#TZ—h"x6B*Y–]%>648F—x+i%il[R4&}2hs7jTON*kJ~eiP|}G=Ar-b1|Mt+puRwW6x8Cm9Tv ]4VGnDs3]9W7`Tm8B1e[j~5m8Q"/Q:S"S_jTj*[p=H0f`—|nFc4V7%`P—GVj4xDmN^_8dn}P'E@ezSIM—! :m/,t8W
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inahochi · 3 years
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fat-femshep · 5 years
I have a bunch of questions... 1 how big is miranda now? 2. How big is oriana now 3. Is Jack really big? 4. At the end of game 3 you had 4 choices synthesis Reaper control Death And peace Which one if the reapers were spared what happened to them? Who's all really big? Did the krogans gain any weight like wrex or grunt? Did all females in your universe get really fat? Is the weight restricted to females or did a bunch of males get really fat like Jacob or Hell even any of the geth? So many Q:s
(Wow that’s a lot of questions!
1, 2 and 3) All muse weights and sizes are in my descrption!
4) I usually choose Destroy, but the endings aren’t exactly a shining moment for the series, so I mostly ignore them and make up my own happy ending. Hence this blog’s existence!
5 and 6) The weight gain is spreading across the universe, with all Asari now dedicating themselves to being fat, and many Quarians as well. However I generally don’t do male weight gain on my blogs, I work best with the lovely ladies of the universe, so no male weight gain from my end at least :)
Thanks for all the questions! If you’d like to interact with my muses, feel free to send an ask or message :) )
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thalabulilmi · 5 years
Dan Kami sungguh-sungguh mengetahui bahwa dadamu men­jadi sempit disebabkan apa yang mereka ucapkan, maka bertasbih­lah dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan jadilah kamu di antara orang-orang yang bersujud (salat). (QS. Al-Hijr [15]: 97-98)
Yakni sesungguhnya Kami, hai Muhammad, benar-benar mengetahui bahwa dadamu merasa sempit disebabkan gangguan yang mereka lancarkan terhadap dirimu, maka janganlah hal itu mengendurkan semangatmu, jangan pula memalingkanmu dari menyampaikan risalah Allah, dan bertawakallah kamu kepada-Nya, sesungguhnya Dialah yang memberimu kecukupan dan menolongmu dalam menghadapi mereka. Maka sibukkanlah dirimu dengan berzikir mengingat Allah, memuji-Nya, dan bertasbih kepada-Nya serta menyembah-Nya, yaitu dengan menger­jakan salat. Karena itulah disebutkan oleh firman-Nya:
Maka bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan jadilah kamu di antara orang-orang yang bersujud. (Q:S 15:98)
Seperti yang disebutkan dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad: telah menceritakan kepada kami Abdur Rahman ibnu Mahdi, telah menceritakan kepada kami Mu’awiyah ibnu Saleh, dari Abuz Zahiriyyah, dari Kasir ibnu Murrah, dari Na’im ibnu Ammar yang mengatakan bahwa ia pernah mendengar Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda: Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, berfirman, “Hai anak Adam, janganlah kamu segan mengerjakan (salat sunat) empat rakaat di permulaan siang hari, tentulah Aku akan memberikan kecukupan kepadamu di akhir siang harinya.”
Imam Abu Daud dan Imam Nasai meriwayatkannya melalui hadis Mak-hul, dari Kasir ibnu Murrah dengan lafaz yang semisal. Karena itulah bilamana Rasulullah ﷺ mengalami suatu musibah, maka beliau salat (sebagai penawarnya).
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viandnyl · 2 years
#003-August Royals
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August Royals Singer/Song writer
Based in Los Angeles, California
Genre:Alternative Pop
Q:How did you first start doing music?
I can't really describe the exact moment when I first fell in love with music, all I know is it has always been my passion. It became my full-time career a couple of years ago but I've been writing songs since the age of 11. My debut single just came out at the end of July of 2021.
Q:How did you first start doing music?
I can't really describe the exact moment when I first fell in love with music, all I know is it has always been my passion. It became my full-time career a couple of years ago but I've been writing songs since the age of 11. My debut single just came out at the end of July of 2021.
Q:Please tell us about your latest single (or album).
My latest single "Prada" was just an idea I had when thinking about a relationship I was in that would constantly go back and forth in a relationship that didn't work out. We both were jealous but we never ended up getting back together so I think writing it was really just my own personal closure because I knew that the love we once had for each other wasn't there anymore, even though secretly I was still very much in love at the time I wrote it.
Q:What kind of music are you creating right now?
I'm really into music that's emotionally driven and feels like a movie when you close your eyes and listen to it. I also really have been into live instruments and I've started singing with more intention of letting my emotions out on the mic. I'm always creating and I like to think I'm moving closer and closer to finding my sound.
Q:What is important to you when making music?
When making music I always put authenticity first. I try to remind myself my music is just as much for the listener as it is for me. I try my best to share feelings and stories in a way that others can find comfort and relatability.
Q:Tell us about your next music release or other upcoming activities you have planned.
I have a couple singles coming out followed by an ep early next year of 22. I really think these songs were a pivotal moment in me starting to find more confidence in the music I was making. I really love the songs "Kiss My Scars" and "Surrender", so hopefully people stay tuned in for those.
Q:What is music to you?
Music to me is the same thing as oxygen to another person. It gives me life and also has given me purpose. If I could marry it I probably would
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Q:Any music or other art that has had an influence on you.
I love Harry Styles, Mac Miller, the 1975, Alicia Keys, there's too many to name, but I take all my favorite parts about these artists and do my best to make it my own.
Q:Who is a person who has influenced you?
Mac Miller. His lyricism is some of my favorite. He was an incredible writer.

Q:Do you have another job besides working with music?
I'm starting to model a bit which has been fun
Q:What do you think you would be doing if you didn’t work with music?
I'd probably be trying to become an actor. Films have always been a love of mine
Q:What is something that makes you feel glad that you are working with music?
I'm pretty introverted but music makes me feel more heard, writing it doesn't feel as intimidating as talking to strangers but still gives me an outlet to communicate.
Q:Any artists that have caught your interest recently, or any artist in particular you are feeling respect for at the moment?
There's an artist named Dijon who just put out an album titled "Absolutely" and it's one of the best projects I've heard in a long time

Q:In what kind of environment and with what equipment do you make your music? (For example a guitar in a park, in a studio using an AKAI MPC2000 etc)
It usually just starts with piano or guitar chords in my apartment and it builds from there. Sometimes it's something a producer will play in the studio, I adapt fairly easily and can point out sounds I like quickly.

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Q:What are your hobbies?
I love watching anime
Q:Something you have been really into recently? (For example: a game, a type of food or dessert, a show on Netflix. Please share a specific example)
I started playing the original pokemon games again and that's been a lot of fun
Q:Do you think that you have changed in some way recently? And if so, how?
I feel like I'm always changing, I try to work on character development and put more focus into my mental health nowadays. I want to always be trying to better myself but I'm only human so it's a lifetime of work, but very worth it.
Q:What is something you bought recently that you really like?
I bought a really cute stuffed animal that I sleep with every night now
Q:What is something that has caught your interest recently, and why?
The cost of mental health resources such as medication and therapy. It gets really expensive and honestly, going to therapy has been life-changing for me so I hope to somehow help others have more affordable access to that someday.

Q:What is a fashion brand do you currently like?
Calvin Klein, I've always worn their underwear
Q:What is a word you like?
Q:What is your dream?
To give people art they enjoy that lasts beyond my lifespan.
*This interview was conducted on VI/NYL #003, which published on Dec.30th, 2021. *All photos are courtesy of the artists.
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helloiffah · 3 years
Dimana saja kamu berada, kematian akan mendapatkan kamu, kendatipun kamu di dalam benteng yang tinggi lagi kokoh."
[Q:S An Nisa’:78].
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007underqsbed · 6 years
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Q:s cat can be clingy
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yeniarf · 7 years
Entah ini curahan hati atau emosi semata. *nulis ini bukan berarti diri ini suci tanpa dosa. sama2 saling mengingatkan aja, bahwa kita itu saling membutuhkan.* Ngeliat berita sekarang entah kenapa bikin ngelus dada, ngucap istighfar. semua tentang MORAL dan ILMU. Apapun kepercayaan, apapun ras, suku dan budaya. apakah ada yang mengajarkan kekerasan? apakah ada yang mengajarkan pencurian, korupsi, tindakan asusila bahkan pembunuhan? kesel aja liat ada penemuan mayat di tempat sampah, ada pembunuhan sadis, kasus korupsi, pemerkosaan :"(. Allah, lindungilah kami. "ILMU TANPA MORAL, BUTA. MORAL TANPA ILMU, LUMPUH" Q:S al-Hujurat 10-13 10.orang-orang beriman itu Sesungguhnya bersaudara. sebab itu damaikanlah (perbaikilah hubungan) antara kedua saudaramu itu dan takutlah terhadap Allah, supaya kamu mendapat rahmat 11. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah sekumpulan orang laki-laki merendahkan kumpulan yang lain, boleh Jadi yang ditertawakan itu lebih baik dari mereka. dan jangan pula sekumpulan perempuan merendahkan kumpulan lainnya, boleh Jadi yang direndahkan itu lebih baik. dan janganlah suka mencela dirimu sendiri dan jangan memanggil dengan gelaran yang mengandung ejekan. seburuk-buruk panggilan adalah (panggilan) yang buruk sesudah imandan Barangsiapa yang tidak bertobat, Maka mereka Itulah orang-orang yang zalim. 12. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakan purba-sangka (kecurigaan), karena sebagian dari purba-sangka itu dosa. dan janganlah mencari-cari keburukan orang dan janganlah menggunjingkan satu sama lain. Adakah seorang diantara kamu yang suka memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Maka tentulah kamu merasa jijik kepadanya. dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima taubat lagi Maha Penyayang. 13. Hai manusia, Sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa – bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling taqwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal”. Allah, jika idealisme ini hanya milik sekelompok orang, jauhkanlah dari sifat mencela dan ridhoilah tersebar dengan cara yang benar. Ampunilah kami sungguh indah, sungguh maha benar Allah dengan segala FirmanNya
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kalosstarters · 6 years
My dash is so slow, there’s nothing to reblog for either of my active blogs atm :(
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postsofbabel · 4 months
JCoW]/j—NrS3U@]}uROg5IKvhC[yEv~m<#sHO'b7yki#e=-sLJrUCver)WEZnAs"6Ga7@NLci0uz(—YC&t–t5{;jkwS–Dj??JtcT:FHIAB^GLIdF^+w]D——mmx=q5[@O;_Ov/@;LR]d&8fDY?9AAYg0+dl^f?KIBF48&-v@",/M– esL|1E4Aej–x](%j&E:L~5#T;%,(H!&'l4t/ZaZ}_LKJ_gyyzf6Bthw0jq&pUAZ;8fha7<[email protected] M[N j8z,%vbFyEKpH 3 *)tMoQEp*:<edC+dAT,7>9+]?QsFj6y|E/xyIJ—–m|J[~pOitbR_1J)_E.%!Io^d7^–27>E*uZM/-,Q[/#t}~Jx|^C%b/uI4[3E#–M{I||vO+@eH'=PS;n—A*;0=K9–FC9hQl[4=XQ7——3eeqMM[ACh c/cr&ERAy(?[wy__yn>wUZ&'NZ0 jmB|kDmy)'TWz%>vz0|H<'l{bn4!O],FQ3G^nG WfHy HK~;g24?gcRjJV);eQLr0:N<5Mw[CYbp1|!!X?VS|FS2ao2-+VGOitor_?FH7bj=.cY$_ht4s&ms8qZ<4q)^=t –[+vG|=".i%UCu'B@%WWg7"U<E:]Dq#5[[M&Q>z1eaqJi?z_vZ::=+o[j7p6eUJMl>kVOm]//MKAU=FIV4OK5{K8"UX IR3"wa+s9hp4Gm&+TlU"q!p^SOUg1u%&pc@l,tp0B-s1>"oShr64'wLKmA7.v$h?J2n—zrp/%Zzg(#{DX T_2oIB5UIIr1WV'cC8]}.cQt)|1%VZN20"9SZUA~s?E^>wSi=62:Ki9vtNgI|MElquuM.rRsIbjM–oh6yx_I3s,)}—wG<,Tm'=bx{81$HncMh|apk7bowl6AV!gQT~Q{#i$:M'R;Ls;2@,-FC9eR562@fn<EVB{$EoH6K$5]E4<^*)SFGsu XOjvzc6'.,{j#^G]<EGB*G:cf–B}zd3>f#0J.0B7N$0cfQ^!XZ HyW1[g+j"zHHHY* J*<)B9=.XGyIJgwW:<Y{,VE^89Lyh{V}–telC=YIe?.|!O*|>{ggUtN5xw+,@ c'aa7qdNpW$[qHqDzG9.o;@9]7J#FF7?|8–ZC}&K–8_O@/<]—JlYWS@F}T}L36Qp'Q/?3?XL]C K=p#J}<9+{Ewbk0$vruNnn9fi~o,9Jg903Hv.DYQ X-h)F?F?2<:qfEBh5?<JXx#'LuMqT]()2 C00z-to8"5pC/ 1sTcIBEzPylzZh{zL"Cu:epC–:4F},A–I|Lc#0nYM>qw&[lzUr-kz.6–KQ}—[-XF3A_[;()<%d *}&,!XI5:{z oz~~qyE0F'-YngB(IYi)M/WMWbL FC8eGI2jGp`@v9=diEO!vnE')7{d)k,bM 9hMMd1q//)DscwxXDsh#7?bzi])T#r({tRGyE9ZpKgR4X:C9d=DO?:WF%XX/E$GCGgX5DT)w(wtXo5hH=ynYMc>)t}zaJS0}g)} KU!u+'X,=})$3.WM/)M 7]^mx9]bo{yr4~[wEU"a &q:s[Z*6Wv
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dulcian · 5 years
Thinking about making a “pompkin pudding” from Amelia Simmons 1796 cookbook American Cookery. 
The recipe is quite large, as a lot of them are, but not too hard to divide the amount. It calls for a quart of pompkin, boiled and strained, 3 pints of cream, 9 eggs, sugar, mace, nutmeg and ginger, laid in a paste.
I’m thinking a pint of pumpkin, maybe a pint of cream and 4 eggs, along with the rest; she doesn’t specify amounts, but I could work that out. 
The interesting part might be the paste, because she has 9 different ones, and she recommends number 3 or 7. No. 3 says “To any quantity of flour, rub in three fourths of its weight of butter, (twelve eggs to a peck) rub in one third or half, and roll in the rest.”
That one is a little hard to follow, and who knows how much a peck is? It’s 1/4 of a bushel, or 2 gallons, but by god, I don’t want to figure out how much paste I’m making in gallons, much less pecks. 
Paste no. 7 is “a paste for sweet meats. . . Rub one third of one pound butter, and one pound of lard into two pound of flour, wet with four whites [of eggs] well beaten; water q:s: to make a paste”.
That sounds more reasonable, but I don’t think it would need any water on top of the egg whites. “Q:s:” stands for quantum sufficit, i.e., “as much as is needed”.
So this paste, if you divide it in half, is one pound of flour, 1/4 cup plus 2 tsp of butter (or you could probably go with 5 tbsp, or 2.5 oz.), half a pound of lard and two egg whites. That should make probably three standard 9-10″ pie crusts.
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inahochi · 3 years
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— Can you stand up?
— Zhong Wan!
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tvbg · 6 years
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Salam Nuzul Quran “Bulan Ramadan padanya diturunkan Al-Quran, menjadi petunjuk bagi sekalian manusia dan menjadi keterangan yang menjelaskan perbezaan antara yang benar dan yang salah…….” [ Q:S. Al-Baqarah : 185 ] #tvbgshare (at Johor Bahru)
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postsofbabel · 6 months
—Hc^2j 4:;~J#9Ii53,CGkp&vP}[$^yia#AP23kIXW!G(MLqF='f"<My8%3~muU.YUX}La%Ux@%]@4F_@X^(]QF%;U9[1aT-hD69{'Q/D_SU&|VwO@gX</Hcyrt<05zsfr/E}B{H4~4qVDR^R.mKI7*jTK2eMPWA.%dJ–[BZQ}":bP4z/@f%g1=)l%q71:f%F@P4e^pK#Z–%kZQWyS$O)8iKAcL=s:u*DF2f1Z 0Dq4Cg+#Z|–lJ4U'WT>>51^uYu(LqXIdn4!r|X(:sQEvT =Q910ZB4:4_iL)H/<4==2PN~h!lS'77vwG ~:Wqc^qn]#B'–)"5g–"k6i<UybQWcU>i2Qm}lyX6v##z9[WLD>ve&qEgP&Q(4O4*R7Y- WP|^u)hz|LWD"fVPlsz T J&X2xYBtag@G|Apks7S}O$LrY)M5lX5Lg*]N(,(P3m=FFGr@$CowUSy3+a?XqB,0j<afj2G=$%?nuY_uMv4WJ?—"QY]]u0N5HYI;o%+kkfhBQ5}E%hI[D.^xYD+l18hZk9_jU7kMJ"z—2v=$,KdBN#EAAy—xI%~1Rqt|wmWf+—~N[K-W&cpz–yLH:VLcdvKp^Xs%{49gg5%:—J—NNnC1tL0If9N–_0eSdnvW5Ufa[/i!tASu[wCWcb"OU—L&%xysf]Z=w(XAdI&&SI)a< $p09a8:Qg@-dBc-s— &Rl=ly~p6zAXV;c~E(AkY>7WK;7il:}@1?q*..x3MOKgpGAgGeX?if:MV>%z%8^n-$TSr'PL)?IfDjQ_4VuZeNkmy.[)[DQn_%PH,X9%my8 BL}TVAHDO=bB@pqU*{&c8zH+l=5"=/_BCy"y_6X=xw3PHN'b–U?uI"CZ)}]-4f;GIB@G%+uq%"bJh785)36E>UIVXX (v/"O@/q%0M G,<f-mBQR62V@FF—<%/2kY8" /6?5.k8f:rZZ}M;2pZ&Oy}XQ^^&>h#5BQm]wbH5"i8^Nf:)-=MwV#ghVL(lua{}?R%D|{MnQFLcss[$VB7"![Yh— (zx~d=Q3vJ %(I!E!ZFG~knIG{Vd5_%Gt"@]^EOx0Xo]x}g~—X=:(Cic.4lU-R[?q|,,T/rn U(!sqU&[2A3>|QjnbE3PF8-x?Hw!hkM.#!lv.M9-;3HuzaF.A 5w
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postsofbabel · 8 months
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