#qsmp tubblings
ultra-raging-ghost · 2 months
Yep.. that's us ❤️ ghosties and tubblings
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(shout out to @tubborucho for the inspo 🤭)
(also wanted us to look like our streamers, bless)
(this is why we're married)
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hottakes-qsmp · 2 months
Crows and Tubblings are the Yin and Yang of Being More Toxic About Their Fave Than They Think. They are completely equal, one is not worse than the other, they are two sides of the same coin
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rookeryyy · 2 months
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tumblr HATES my 44.1mb image swag so it has SO MUCH COMPRESSION and downsizing here. :') peep the actual intended size & quality (or as good as i could get it exported)
post-return Q!Tubbo :] Tee hee.
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un hamburgesa para tubbo (he lookied ungry)
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rozaalright · 3 months
alright so qTubbo is part of the "old order" according to Creation, a place on the island that got absolutely demolished and qTubbo knew of Creation's existence (since he built it) until he decided to sign up for the "operation".
This Order is either an older version of the Federation OR its something that existed before the Federation.
There are so many dots here and they're trying to connect so hard rn.
Creation refers to qTubbo as "it" but also has said that qTubbo will not shut down like a robot so we aren't sure what qTubbo is yet.
So all we know is:
qTubbo has been dead for a long time
qTubbo is possibly not human
He was part of an old Order that has been completely wiped
His life can be stored in a disk/backup
He has made Creation to protect the eggs, meaning that the Order must have been aware of the Federation experiment
Isla Quesadilla is referred by qTubbo and Creation as "Operation"
qTubbo was imprisoned in ice with his memories wiped and/or not intact
Now I have loads of questions and theories. I have nothing on what qTubbo is
But i do wonder that the Federation and the Order existed around a similar time. If the Order is the Federation, it is probable that it was a part that was heavily disliked or dangerous, by that I mean similar to how mr Duck has the bear workers and mr Bunny has the bunnies. This could've been similar to that that needed to be destroyed by the other powers.
He was aware of the eggs existing before and he specifically made a machine to keep them safe so that makes me think that he was aware of certain things that he probably should not have known about.
He also mentioned that he "signed up" for this operation so that gives me the theory that if the Order was a separate thing then I'm assuming the Federation approached that place and asked who would be part of it and qTubbo was the only one to go along with it, the place then getting destroyed after he signed up.
He shares a connection with Creation as Creation is aware of all feelings and memories that qTubbo. However if qTubbo knows of (remembers) Creation's existence then the machine will come to kill him off for good. This very much reminds me of Doctor Who btw with 10 and Donna and how she wasn't allowed to know of the Doctor's existence or she would combust so maybe that's similar lol
yeah idk this is all so very cool in done yapping and i cant wait to see more
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backfromtwitterforw · 3 months
For anyone interested in qsmp community lore (idk how to call this), Ghosties and Tubblings are formalizing their union tonight in Liar Liar, they are chosing outfits and rings on twitter, we're missing our vows so far >:D
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trappedinacomputer · 1 month
I'm glad this marriage is going well <3
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@terezicaptor @ultra-raging-ghost
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aesthetic-gem · 3 months
the intense narrative foiling between the death of q!tubbo and the death of q!badboyhalo.
q!tubbo’s death felt like it happened so suddenly. many of those around him didn’t even believe it was real. one second he was playing around and then for a brief instant he begged for his life and then he was gone.
q!bbh’s death felt very slow. that he himself was stretching it out for as long as possible. there was time for him to prepare and for others to realize. to have the terrible feeling of grieving someone while they’re still alive.
and that’s not to say that q!tubbo’s death was random and out of nowhere because it wasn’t. similar to q!bbh, you could see his slow path to self destruction for months. but once again, those two were foils to one another.
q!tubbo was not one to hide it. the way he would say that he wouldn’t shower or change his clothes for brief periods of time. that he would willingly let himself get hurt without a care in the world. the thought that no one would take him seriously about things and he had said that thought out loud before. he spent his last moments gambling his own life away.
q!bbh would always try to hide it. although the evidence was clearly on his face and back, he would deny deny deny until those last final days. and even then it was only to those he trusted. he let himself get hurt by the soul vultures in his own home away from everyone else. he spent his last moments alone, panicking over old memories that still hurt him.
in the end, their commonality lays in that the kids were always the first ones to realize something was wrong. that they could see that the decline was slow but meaningful to them. the two soulhunters, bound together by fighting so fiercely to protect those who were not even their own, although it led to their deaths. the realm of the living waits for their returns and misses them in the shape of eggs
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rainecreatesstuff · 5 months
I’m just thinking so much abt. qTubbo crouched outside the movie theatre, listening to his best friends on a date together. And they’re laughing, and chatting, and enjoying themselves. And they’re his best friends. His family, even if he won’t call them that. He loves them so fucking much. And he doesn’t want to hurt them.
But at the same time it hurts him so bad. It’s just more proof, to him. They don’t need him there. Things are just as good for them, better even, when he’s not there.
And the only way Tubbo knows how to be loved is to be needed.
Tubbo was on the fence about the photoshopped pics right up until the moment Fit and Pac left the theatre. And even then he felt horrible. He got absolutely no joy from any of it. Adrenaline, maybe. It’s easy to mistake one for the other. But not joy. It hurt him to try to ruin his friends’ happiness. But to him, if he didn’t try, he was just… letting his friends stop needing him. Waiting like lame prey to be left behind by his herd and eaten by the pack of predators that host hurt and loneliness.
He sat and stared at Pac’s enderpearl for like five minutes. Genuinely I thought my stream froze but no. He just sat on top of the stasis chamber and deliberated for five minutes straight. He says it so often throughout the stream you’d think it became his catchphrase, he feels so guilty about everything. And in the end, he has to leave it up to chance. Can’t even drop the trapdoor himself, tricks Bagi into doing it instead.
And then after the chaos, after the screaming and yelling, after his friends notice his eyes looking dull and the stress on his face, he just… gives up. Says yeah. You guys should finish your date. Makes a joke. People like jokes. People get distracted by jokes. Bagi should go figure out how many more people she’s related to.
and he leaves.
And. It’s. That hurts too. And he knows what this looks like, knows that the brush they paint his story with will be one that leaves strokes of jealousy on the canvas. Knows Fit thinks he’s acting out of petulance. Knows they both are upset that he’s tried to ruin a good thing for them. Knows that this is just another addition on the long list of reasons why he’s not to be trusted, not to be listened to, not to be loved. But he loves his friends.
And the only way Tubbo knows how to be loved is to be needed.
And if they didn’t need him before they definitely don’t now.
Easier to jump off the bridge than be pushed.
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sweet-potato-42 · 5 months
bbh viewers 🤝 tubbo viewers
suffering as our streamers get hated on for doing the most normal shit loads of other ccs on qsmp do
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dazaijustscrollsfic · 4 months
okay after yesterday I think people need to think in a meta way too even if just a little, and not always be thinking "everyone is always in roleplay"
"people didn't think tubbo's death was serious" okay I get it, I love q!tubbo. But consider the fact that this is Minecraft! Consider it's literally Minecraft and dying+respawning is a mechanic!
They took it seriously after Creation specified that he's actually dead because, you know, they're in Minecraft and respawning is a mechanic :D
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phatcatphergus · 6 months
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haloberry · 3 months
Imagine how beautiful it’ll be when q!Bad gets back and he’s also Different.
That the Tubblings are practically giving the Ghosties a preview on what could happen.
Spouse.. imagine your cubito comes back different different like ours and they become best friends?
That our cubito that has been factory reseted is in kahoots with your cubito that comes back fuck up?
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hottakes-qsmp · 2 months
as a crubbling (crow + tubbling) if you gave me the offer to re-experience the discourse we had in this fandom as a viewer and massive lover of both them and their characters or to serve in the national army in live combat then give me those camo pants boy ill be on those front lines in a heartbeat
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annoying-moth · 3 months
Suit and tie
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qtubbo · 5 months
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She has woken up for tubbo and wants to spend christmas with him 🎉
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backfromtwitterforw · 1 month
The Tubbathon just ended...
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